Equivalent word for friend

Расскажем о разнице между английскими словами со значением «друг», «приятель» и «знакомый».

Разница между a friend, a mate, a pal и другими синонимами

Как на английском обратиться к другу или знакомому: a friend, an acquaintance, a companion, a mate, a buddy, a chap, a fellow или a pal? Сегодня разберем тонкости значений каждого из этих слов и приведем примеры их употребления в речи.

1. A friend

Основное значение слова a friend — «друг».

He’s a family friend. — Он друг семьи.

Другое значение этого существительного — «человек, которому можно доверять».

You can trust us, you’re among friends now. — Нам можно доверять, ты среди друзей.

Также словом a friend называют мецената — человека, который финансово поддерживает благотворительные фонды, социальные организации, деятелей искусства.

The friends of the Royal Academy raised money for the exhibition. — Меценаты Королевской академии собрали деньги для выставки.

В неформальном английском a friend может выступать не только существительным, но и глаголом. To friend означает «добавить в друзья в социальной сети».

I friended her and sent her a message. — Я добавил ее в друзья и отправил ей сообщение.

Приведем несколько распространенных словосочетаний и фраз со словом a friend.

Словосочетание/Фраза Перевод
a childhood friend друг детства
a close friend близкий друг
a lifelong friend друг на всю жизнь
a trusted friend верный друг
a circle of friends круг друзей
to be in the friend zone быть во френдзоне
to become friends становиться друзьями
to have friends in high places иметь высокопоставленных друзей
to make friends with подружиться
to remain friends оставаться друзьями
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Друзья познаются в беде.
What are friends for? На что еще нужны друзья?
With friends like you, who needs enemies? С такими друзьями враги не нужны.

2. A mate

Существительное a mate в значении «друг», «товарищ» используется только в неформальной беседе.

She’s my best mate. — Она моя лучшая подруга.
I’m meeting my mates at seven. — Я встречаюсь со своими товарищами в семь.

В формальной речи a mate употребляется в значении «помощник квалифицированного рабочего».

He was a carpenter’s mate. — Он был помощником плотника.

Изучите подборку словосочетаний со словом a mate.

Словосочетание Перевод
a chief mate старший помощник
a classmate одноклассник
a mate for life спутник жизни
a room mate сосед по комнате
a soul mate родственная душа
a sparring mate спарринг-партнер (в спорте)
an age mate ровесник

3. A pal

Слово a pal — еще один вариант неформального обращения к другу.

It’s my old pal John! — Это мой старый друг Джон!

A pal также используют в обращении к мужчине, который вас раздражает.

Hey, pal, put my things back or I’ll call the police. — Эй, приятель, положи мои вещи обратно, или я позвоню в полицию.

Слово a pal может быть частью фразового глагола: to pal up — заводить друзей, to pal around — проводить время вместе.

Who does Tom pal around with? — С кем Том обычно проводит время?
Nancy palled up with Tom while travelling round South America. — Нэнси подружилась с Томом во время путешествия по Южной Америке.

4. A buddy

Слово a buddy — это еще один неформальный способ обратиться к другу, с которым вы связаны общим делом.

At the university he was my study buddy. — В университете он был моим партнером по учебе.

Также словом a buddy, как и a pal, обращаются к мужчине, который вызывает у вас раздражение. И в то же время a buddy используют взрослые, доброжелательно общаясь с мальчиком.

Buddy, you are very rude! — Приятель, ты очень груб.
Is everything all right, buddy? — Все в порядке, приятель?

Приведем распространенные словосочетания со словом a buddy.

Словосочетание Перевод
a bosom buddy сердечный друг
a buddy-buddy навязчивый приятель
a study buddy партнер по учебе
a workout buddy партнер по спорту
an old buddy старый друг

5. A chap

Слово a chap означает «мужчина», в русском языке его эквиваленты — старина, приятель, парень.

We have a lot in common, old chap. — У нас много общего, старина.

Приведем популярные словосочетания со словом a chap.

Словосочетание Перевод
a clever chap умник
a funny little chap чудак
an old chap дружище, старина

6. An acquaintance

В английском языке словом an acquaintance называют знакомого.

She is more of an acquaintance than a friend. — Она больше знакомая, чем подруга.

В таблице приведем несколько словосочетаний со словом an acquaintance.

Словосочетание Перевод
a casual acquaintance случайный знакомый
a passing acquaintance мимолетное знакомство
an intimate acquaintance близкий знакомый
an old acquaintance старый знакомый
to make smb’s acquaintance познакомиться с кем-либо

7. A companion

Существительное a companion употребляют в отношении человека, с которым вы часто проводите время. Словом a companion можно назвать партнера, приятеля и собеседника.

She is not just my wife, she is my friend, my companion. — Она не только моя жена, она мой друг, мой партнер.

Интересно, что когда-то словом a companion называли молодую женщину, которой в путешествии платили за заботу о пожилом или больном человеке, а теперь a companion относят к любому попутчику.

She went travelling with a female companion. — Она отправилась в путешествие с компаньонкой.
He said I was his best travel companion. — Он сказал, что я его лучший попутчик.

Запомните некоторые словосочетания со словом a companion.

Словосочетание Перевод
a close companion близкий товарищ
a constant companion постоянный спутник
a female companion спутница, компаньонка
a personal companion личный спутник
a travelling companion попутчик

8. A fellow

Слово a fellow означает «приятель», но чаще используется в обращении к коллегам.

His fellow workers refused to support him. — Коллеги отказались его поддерживать.

Еще a fellow — это член педагогического коллектива в колледже или университете.

He is a fellow of the University of Oxford. — Он член Оксфордского университета.

Также словом a fellow называют членов профессиональных объединений.

He is a fellow of the American Film Institute. — Он член Американской киноакадемии.

В таблице привели примеры словосочетаний со словом a fellow.

Словосочетание Перевод
a clever fellow умник
a decent fellow порядочный парень
a poor fellow бедняга
a research fellow научный сотрудник

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Подведем итог: словом a friend называют друга, существительные a mate и a pal переводятся также, но используются в неформальной беседе; a buddy и a chap относят к приятелям; знакомых и собеседников называют an acquaintance и a companion; a fellow употребляют в отношении коллег и членов профессиональных объединений; а словами a pal и a buddy можно обратиться к мужчине, вызывающему раздражение.

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  • letter writer, correspondent

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    • adj.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • beloved.
    • n.

      • compatriot.

      • friendly,
      • advocate,
      • multinational.

      • strike up a friendship with,
      • buddy up to.

      • love,
      • bud.

      • knowledge.

      acquaintance (noun)

      • acquaintance.

      admirer (noun)

      • admirer.

      adviser/advisor (noun)

      • righthand persons,
      • righthand people,
      • second guesser,
      • secondguesser,
      • buttinskis,
      • secondguessers,
      • clubhouse lawyers,
      • second-guessers,
      • second guessers.

      ally (noun)

      • co workers.

      assistant (noun)

      • fellow worker,
      • Co-operator,
      • cooperators,
      • temporary worker,
      • helper,
      • cooperator,
      • fellow workers,
      • temp,
      • Temps,
      • helpmate,
      • right-hand person,
      • lieutenant.

      associate (noun)

      • one the folk,
      • one folks,
      • pards,
      • one the folks,
      • one of folk,
      • one of folks,
      • one of the folk,
      • one folk.

      beauty (noun)

      • sight.

      benefactor (noun)

      • supporter,
      • accomplice.

      booster (noun)

      • booster.

      boyfriend (noun)

      • steady,
      • fiance,
      • steadies,
      • young man,
      • young men,
      • flame.

      champion (noun)

      • champion.

      cohort (noun)

      • myrmidon,
      • confrere,
      • consociates,
      • confreres,
      • myrmidons,
      • consociate.

      comrade (noun)

      • bosom buddies,
      • co mate,
      • comates,
      • co-mates,
      • co mates.

      confidant, companion (noun)

      • cousin,
      • spare,
      • buddy,
      • companion,
      • intimate,
      • Familiar,
      • chum.

      connection (noun)

      • gobetween,
      • Intermediaries.

      crony (noun)

      • good buddies.

      darling (noun)

      • sweetie,
      • fair-haired boy,
      • heart’s desire,
      • sugar,
      • lover,
      • light of my life,
      • one and only,
      • honeybunch,
      • hearts desire,
      • dear one,
      • dearie.

      escort (noun)

      • convoyers.

      friend (noun)

      • confidant,
      • company,
      • fellow,
      • quaker,
      • amigo,
      • sister,
      • brother,
      • protagonist,
      • teammate.

      helper (noun)

      • right-hand man-woman,
      • para-professional,
      • right-hand manwoman,
      • para-professionals,
      • righthand manwoman,
      • right-hand manwomen,
      • right-hand man-women,
      • right hand man woman,
      • para professional,
      • right hand manwomen,
      • para professionals,
      • righthand manwomen,
      • right hand man women,
      • right hand manwoman.

      henchman (noun)

      • hatchet man-women,
      • hanger on,
      • hatchet man women,
      • hatchet man woman,
      • hatchet manwomen,
      • hangeron,
      • yes person,
      • hatchet manwoman,
      • hatchet man-woman,
      • yesperson.

      mate (noun)

      • counter part,
      • counter-part,
      • co ordinate,
      • co worker,
      • counter parts,
      • counter-parts,
      • co ordinates.

      neighbor (noun)

      • nearby resident,
      • homebody,
      • next-door neighbor,
      • homebodies.

      old man (noun)

      • old boy,
      • Old Boys,
      • old fellow,
      • old chap,
      • my friend.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • Coworker,
      • clubbers,
      • co-worker,
      • escort,
      • workmate,
      • comate,
      • referee,
      • support,
      • bird dog,
      • classmates,
      • sustainers,
      • Co-ordinates,
      • pal,
      • benefactress,
      • paraprofessionals,
      • stalwarts,
      • comrade,
      • protector,
      • sustainer,
      • true love,
      • Consoler,
      • playmate,
      • Encourager,
      • paraprofessional,
      • patron,
      • Pacifiers,
      • roomie,
      • pacifier,
      • soul mate,
      • tipsters,
      • well-wisher,
      • maintainer,
      • assistant,
      • philanthropist,
      • kindred spirit,
      • advisor,
      • bedfellows,
      • judges,
      • cheerleader,
      • consort,
      • roomies,
      • financer,
      • gallants,
      • entourage,
      • boyfriend,
      • flatmates,
      • reliever,
      • bedfellow,
      • apologist,
      • joiners,
      • consolers,
      • bedmates,
      • bunky,
      • reciprocals,
      • teachers,
      • Donors,
      • preservers,
      • clubhouse lawyer,
      • roommate,
      • Clubber,
      • associate,
      • wellwishers,
      • co-workers,
      • Wellwisher,
      • one of the folks,
      • Co-mate,
      • endorser,
      • second-guesser,
      • darling,
      • kissing cousin,
      • kindred soul,
      • concomitants,
      • bunkmates,
      • righthand person,
      • mate,
      • compeer,
      • buttinski,
      • date,
      • co-ordinate,
      • Bedmate,
      • good buddy,
      • bunkmate,
      • Espouser,
      • bosom buddy,
      • hanger-on,
      • encouragers,
      • convoyer,
      • colleague,
      • warden,
      • classmate,
      • cavaliers,
      • coworkers,
      • Leaguer,
      • schoolmate,
      • cohort,
      • flatmate,
      • workmates,
      • endorsers,
      • sympathizer,
      • quarterbacks,
      • quarterback,
      • partner,
      • succorer,
      • fairy godparent,
      • maintainers,
      • participant,
      • comforter,
      • joiner,
      • partners,
      • righthand man,
      • crony,
      • tower of strength,
      • tipster,
      • preserver,
      • Pard,
      • connection,
      • experts,
      • familiars,
      • ally,
      • one’s promised,
      • espousers,
      • kissing cousins,
      • apologists,
      • retinue,
      • proponent.

      patron (noun)

      • de-fenders,
      • de-fender,
      • fairy godparents,
      • well wisher,
      • de fender,
      • well wishers,
      • de fenders,
      • financers,
      • well-wishers.

      person (noun)

      • friend.

      proponent (noun)

      • vindicator,
      • upholder,
      • Expounder,
      • expounders,
      • exponent,
      • seconders,
      • seconder,
      • vindicators,
      • upholders.

      roommate (noun)

      • bunkies.

      soul mate (noun)

      • one promised,
      • kindred spirits,
      • one promiseds,
      • ones promised,
      • true loves,
      • ones promiseds,
      • kindred souls,
      • one’s promiseds,
      • soul-mate.

      support/supporter (noun)

      • pre server,
      • pre servers,
      • tower strength,
      • pre-servers,
      • pre-server.

      sweetie (noun)

      • light of one’s life.

      sympathizer (noun)

      • solacer,
      • Condoler.
    • Other synonyms:

      • progressive,
      • homey,
      • mouthpiece,
      • following,
      • ideologue,
      • follower,
      • adherent,
      • moderate,
      • henchman,
      • crusader,
      • audience,
      • royalist,
      • positivist,
      • international relations,
      • supranational,
      • homegirl,
      • sidekick,
      • world order,
      • abolitionist,
      • pen pal,
      • the global village,
      • correspondent,
      • empiricist,
      • fair-weather friend,
      • school friend,
      • prophet,
      • Housemate,
      • pressure group,
      • the international community,
      • comrade in arms,
      • boon companion,
      • homeboy,
      • transnational,
      • offsider,
      • stakeholder,
      • soulmate,
      • blood brother,
      • intergovernmental,
      • shuttle diplomacy,
      • custodian,
      • renegade,
      • alter ego,
      • firm friends,
      • partisan,
      • extremist,
      • acolyte,
      • multination,
      • rapprochement,
      • girlfriend,
      • pen-friend,
      • kith and kin,
      • pillar,
      • existentialist,
      • convert.

      • crowd,
      • backer,
      • benefactor,
      • base,
      • interlocutor,
      • unfriendly,
      • old man,
      • friendship,
      • confidante,
      • tribute.

      • contributor,
      • contact.

      • twin,
      • reference.

      • angel.

      • thaw.

      • exchange.


      • neighbor.


      • messmate.


      • adviser.

    How to use «Friend» in context?

    «friend» is an important word to know in any language. It has many different meanings, but in essence, it means a person who we can rely on. Whether that person is a family member, a close friend, or a coworker, having friends helps us feel comfortable in ourselves.

    Friendship is a precious commodity, and it’s important to nurture it. Spending time with our friends, telling them about our day, and listening to their stories is essential for our wellbeing. Our friendships are mirror images of ourselves, and when we get to know each other well, we can overcome any challenge life throws our way.

    Paraphrases for Friend:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Adjective
      • Proper noun, singular
      • Verb, past participle
      • Verb, base form
    • Forward Entailment

      • Noun, singular or mass
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Adjective
        boyfriend, friendly.
      • Proper noun, singular
        boyfriend, friendly, friendship.
      • Noun, plural
      • Noun, singular or mass
        acquaintance, boyfriend, brother, classmate, companion, comrade, confidant, friendly, friendship, roommate, sidekick, ex-boyfriend.
      • Interjection
    • Independent

      • Noun, plural
        Alumni, members, users, sufferers, counterparts, listeners, visitors.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        brother-in-law, guy, houseguest, lad.
      • Verb, past tense
        said, thought, Bought, Got.
      • Verb, gerund or present participle
        bringing, causing, concerning, giving, leading, looking, making, meaning, regarding, resulting, talking, telling, turning, Involving, Creating, Providing, representing.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
    • Other Related

      • Noun, plural
      • Noun, singular or mass
        co-worker, girl, lover.

    Hypernym for Friend:

    • n.

      • person
        crony, mate, comrade, schoolfriend, best friend, light, flatmate, amigo, roomie, fellow, sidekick, confidant, roommate, girlfriend, brother, roomy, pal, Familiar, intimate, buddy, chum, companion, associate, alter ego.

    Hyponym for Friend:

    • n.

      • person
        person, individual, soul, somebody, someone, mortal.

    The camaraderie between Russian men is widely praised, so it’s no wonder Russians have an array of words for ‘friend’, each of them carrying a slightly different meaning.

    1. Брат (brat, ‘brother’)

    Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Alexey Kudenko/Sputnik; Legion Media)

    Brother is, of course, much more than friend, so this is how Russian guys call each other if they’re really close and have been through some ordeals together. A diminutive братишка (‘brat-ishka’) is a more friendly variant and ‘bratan’ carries an air of respect and dignity. Also, Russians from the Caucasian region, who practice Islam, consider all fellow Muslim believers “brothers” and even slightly abuse this word, especially with strangers.

    However, it’s not uncommon to be called ‘brat’ by a complete stranger on the street in Russia – but in most cases, the person may simply want something from you, like a cigarette or some spare change.

    2. Друг (droog, ‘friend’)

    The obvious word for a friend has also many derivatives in Russian – дружбан (‘droozhban’), дружище (‘droozhishche’), друган (‘droogan’). All of them just emphasize the meaning of ‘friend’. After брат, друг stands above all other words in terms of seriousness of friendship.

    Again, if a stranger wants something from you on the street, they might address you as ‘droog’, trying to imply they mean no harm.

    3. Кореш (‘koresh’)

    This word came from criminal circles in the early 20th century. In Yiddish, ‘korev’ means ‘relative’. Since the Russian criminal world had many Jewish people speaking Yiddish, their words migrated into Russian. Currently, the word ‘koresh’ just means “a close friend” and doesn’t really carry any criminal meaning.

    4. Земляк (zemlyak, ‘homie’)

    A clean analogue of ‘homeboy’, земляк (“the one from the same land”) is used to mean that somebody is from the same place as you are, where земля means ‘land’ in Russian. In a vast country, people who go to work and live in Moscow or St. Petersburg from other cities and towns of Russia often end up making friends with people who come from the same regions, often referring to them as ‘zemlyak’, or with a touching diminutive – ‘zemelya’.

    5. Старик (starik, ‘old man’)

    Used in reference to boys only, ‘starik’ means someone you’ve known for a long time. It is also used ironically, when an older person addresses the younger one, who obviously can’t be an “old man”. However, referring to a girl or a woman as ‘starukha’ (‘old hag’) is an insult, even between girls.

    6. Кент (kent, ‘buddy’)

    Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Dmitry Feoktistov/TASS; Legion Media)

    Just like ‘koresh’, ‘kent’ probably came from Yiddish, where it means “the one who knows [you]”. This word is also borrowed from the language of criminals and is still used there. Normally, if a Russian guy calls someone ‘kent’, he implies that the friendship is really close and that he and his ‘kent’ overcame some tough times together.

    7. Кирюха (kiryukha, ‘a drinking bud’)

    Derived from the slang term кирять (kiryat, ‘to drink’), this word means a drink lover and also a buddy who you’re drinking with.

    8. Приятель (priyatel, ‘pal’)

    You wouldn’t want to call your friend a ‘priyatel’, because it really means a person you have just an easy relationship with, but it can’t be called friendship – yet. ‘Priyatels’ can become friends, but they don’t always do.

    9. Товарищ (tovarisch, ‘comrade’)

    Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Isaak Dynin/TASS; Sergey Mamontov/Sputnik)

    Derived from the word ‘tovar’ (‘product’), ‘tovarisch’ was initially used in Russia to mean a business partner. But, in the Soviet times, it became a widespread address form for the people in the USSR – and not only men; a woman could also be called a ‘tovarisch’. Currently, this word is used less often and it can be compared to ‘priyatel’ in terms of usage. We also have a separate article for this word.

    10. Знакомый (znakomyi, ‘acquaintance’)

    This word is the “least friendly” of them all and it’s used to mean a person you know of, but aren’t friends or pals with; you just happen to have their acquaintance and don’t necessarily have good relations with the person.

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    as in buddy

    a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another

    really close friends who like to do everything together and are always sharing secrets


    as in supporter

    a person who actively supports or favors a cause

    hopes that the new governor will be a friend to environmental causes

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    “Friend.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/friend. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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