You are awesome word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

вы великолепны

вы прекрасны

ты потрясающая

ты супер

ты потрясающий

вы удивительны

ты восхитителен

вы замечательный человек

вы потрясающие

ты прекрасен

Ты чудесный

Ты крут

ты прекрасна

ты замечательный

And finally, it is a great idea to spend time on your own because you are awesome and spending time with someone awesome is a wonderful, exhilarating, amazing thing to be able to do.

Это отличная идея — проводить время самостоятельно, потому что вы великолепны, а находиться с кем-то потрясающим — это замечательная, волнующая, удивительная вещь, которую можно сделать.

Congratulations, you are awesome.

Never forget: you are awesome.

Mike, without a doubt, you are awesome!

I love you Selena you are awesome the best celebrity in the whole world…

Я люблю тебя, Селена, ты потрясающая лучшая знаменитость во всем мире…

Yes YOU are awesome, believe it.

You are awesome because you just are.

You are awesome and that is FACT.

You are awesome at being you!

Whether you know it yet or not — YOU are awesome.

Думаете ли вы так прямо сейчас или нет — вы прекрасны.

Be yourself, because you are awesome.

Elyse, you are awesome for writing this.

Елена, вы молодец, что написали эту статью.

Honey, you are awesome at this.

In my book you are awesome.

Which, of course, means you are awesome.

The people around you love you and they think you are awesome.

Люди вокруг вас чувствуют, что вы сильны, и они вам нравятся.

People will think you are awesome.

Instead, you want to convince people that you are awesome.

Just remember that you are awesome, with or without a partner.

And this is yet another reason why you are awesome.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Предложения с «you are awesome»

How to ruin the world’s greatest moment, ’cause you are awesome at it.

Как испортить самый важный момент в жизни, потому что ты в этом удивительно хороша.

I do my own stunts, but you are awesome !

Я делаю трюки, но ты потрясающий!

Thank you for writing a free encyclopedia, you are awesome !

Спасибо Вам за то, что вы написали свободную энциклопедию, вы просто великолепны!

And if you live in Iowa, some people are awesome and some people are pathetic.

Будь вы житель Айовы — и там аналогичная ситуация.

A lot of people started writing emails to me and saying, What you’re doing is awesome .

Многие стали писать мне имейлы, они восхищались тем, что я делал.

You know, our neighbors are awesome : Canada, Mexico and two big bodies of water.

У нас потрясающие соседи: Канада, Мексика и океан с двух сторон.

I mean just take a look at some of the titles of self-help books: Awaken the Giant Within, Practicing the Power of Now, or here’s a great one we can all relate to, You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life.

Взгляните на названия книг по самосовершенствованию: Разбуди в себе исполина, Сила настоящего, есть ещё одна, которая может пригодиться любому: Вы крутой: как перестать сомневаться в своих силах и начать жить замечательно.

Did she get you to join her awesome book club?

Она попросила тебя присоединиться к её замечательному книжному клубу?

You got some kind of sneaky awesome plot behind them crazy eyes?

Попадаются какие — то потрясающе трусливые мыслишки позади твоих сумасшедших глаз.

And I know you think it’s awesome , but these are gonna be even awesomer .

А я знаю, что вы считаете ее удивительной, но они будут еще круче.

You need to pick a dress, find an awesome deejay, book a hall.

Тебе надо выбрать платье, найти крутого диджея, забронировать зал.

Not talking about the awesome trips you’re gonna take in front of someone you haven’t invited.

Не говорить о крутых путешествиях, в которые отправишься перед теми, кого вы не пригласили.

It would have been awesome if you saw No Exit.

Было бы здорово, если бы ты посмотрела это.

We’re done, you’re awesome , and I don’t even usually like Puerto Rican chicks.

С тобой закончено, а ты клевая, хотя обычно мне не нравятся пуэрториканские чики.

I mean, I just wanted to check because you passed up a really awesome transplant case with Dr. Hahn, and I.

Я просто хотела убедиться, потому что Вы пропускаете обалденную пересадку у доктора Ханн.

You throw in the support staff facilities, city hall will make an awesome temporary high school.

А если отказаться ещё и от кабинетов сотрудников, то из здания мэрии получится прелестная временная школа.

You mean… the ring that Awesome got for Ellie.

Ты имеешь в виду… то кольцо, которое Великолепный купил для Элли.

They’re just dying to tell you about some awesome encounter they had with a half pipe or a powder run.

Руки так и чешутся потрепаться, как классно они покатались в хафпайпе или преуспели в джиббинге.

I’m so sorry to bother you, but that hippopotamus head brooch is awesome .

Извините, что беспокою, но эта брошь с бегемотом просто потрясающая.

And she had this really awesome idea to sell the bag called the Feed Bag — which is really beautifully ironic because you can strap on the Feed Bag.

У неё была потрясающая идея: продавать сумки под названием Feed Ваg[Пищ — мешок] — название очень удачное, потому что сумку можно действительно надеть на спину, как мешок.

Then, put the now-more-attractive alternative nearby: A scratching post covered with catnip, or the awesome cat tree you built from scavenged driftwood.

Придумайте для кота специальные более удобные приспособления: поставьте когтеточку, и намажьте ее чем — то «приятным» — кошачьей мятой или валерианкой, соорудите деревце из прибитой к берегу коряги.

We start tossing a coin, and we get a head — and you start sitting on the edge of your seat because something great and wonderful, or awesome , might be about to happen.

Мы начинаем бросать монетку, и получаем решку — и вот вы уже сидите на краю сиденья потому что что — то замечательное и великолепное, потрясающее, может вот — вот случиться.

It was the most awesome moment of revelation that when you ask kids to use their own voice and ask them to speak for themselves, what they’re willing to share.

Это был момент самого потрясающего откровения: когда вы просите детей использовать их собственный голос и говорить от своего имени всё, что они сами хотели бы сказать.

Hey, bro, I don’t know what you’re eating, ’cause I don’t have any eyes, but it’s basically awesome , so keep sending it down Gullet Alley.

Эй, братан, я не знаю, что ты там такое ешь, потому что у меня нет глаз, но это просто изумительно, поэтому продолжай отправлять это вниз по Аллее Пищевода.

I’ll be honest with you, Rula, my Cindy used to be a bit of a downer, but now, 100 mg of Ativan and a Zoloft chaser, she’s doing awesome .

Скажу тебе честно, Рула, моя Синди одно время сидела на таблетках, но теперь, 100 мг Ативана с глоточком Золофта и она чувствует себя превосходно.

You mean to say you persuaded her to write a letter as well in the course of this awesome encounter?

Она что, написала вам письмо во время этого благоговейного свидания?

You will bow to my awesome power.

Вы склонитесь перед моей ужасающей силой.

Hammy, you were awesome , my man!

Хэмми, ты был страшен, чувак!

Bet you were an awesome teenager.

Ты наверно была ужасным подростком?

It’s really awesome to meet you guys.

Это действительно удивительно встретиться с вами ребята.

But, Dr. House, you’ve been so awesome .

Но, доктор Хаус, вы были таким замечательным.

Have I told you that you’re awesome ?

Я уже говорил, что ты изумительна?

I’m not really getting that simile, jo, But if it works for you, awesome .

Я не до конца понимаю это сходство, Джо, но если это помогает тебе — здорово.

But I think you were just trying to talk me out of making my own outdoor furniture, which I still think I’d be kind of awesome at.

Но, думаю, так ты пыталась отговорить меня заниматься уличной мебелью, что было бы, как я считаю, потрясающим.

‘Cause you know how awesome it is when it’s just drizzling outside,but it’s not really raining, so it smells like rain,but you don’t need an umbrella to go outside.

Это же замечательно когда моросит дождь, не сильный, ты его всего лишь чувствуешь, но не нужно открывать зонтик.

I’ll make you a super awesome steak medium-rare with the butter and the bleu cheese and the truffle oil drizzled over the French fries.

Приготовлю тебе супер крутой стейк средней прожарки с маслом, с сыром и картошкой фри под трюфельным маслом.

So why don’t you just stop trying to force all of your creaky old-time Broadway dreams on to my amazingly awesome dream.

Так почему бы вам не оставить ваши попытки впихнуть мне свои скрипучие старомодные бродвейские мечты взамен моей потрясающе обалденной мечты.

You’re an awesome key flipper.

Ты потрясающий основной флиппер.

I think that you have the potential to be an awesome wingman here.

Думаю, у Вас есть потенциал,.. …чтобы стать отличным ведомым.

You see that, to me, does not sound like face-meltingly-awesome, blues-based prog rock.

Слышал это, на мой вкус, это не похоже, на удивительно трогательный, основанный на блюзе прогрессивный рок.

You know those sweet YouTube vids of animals doing awesome stuff?

Знаешь эти милые видео с YouTube, когда животные делают потрясные вещи?

They won’t, because you’ll have all these awesome professors and counselors and new friends that’ll have your back.

Не станут, там у тебя будут замечательные преподаватели, воспитатели и новые друзья, которые тебя поддержат.

But it wasn’t as awesome as when you punched that hole in the wall!

Но гораздо круче как ты пробил в стене дыру!

I figured if Ed Sheeran is tweeting about how awesome your truck is, you should capitalize on that and drive it down to Coachella.

Я подумал, что если Эд Ширан о нем твитнул, значит он потрясающий, вы должны подзаработать на этом и поехать на Коачеллу.

I knew you were gonna burp, but the vomit thing was awesome !

Я знал, что ты рыгнёшь, но такая рвота была крутая штука!

Look, you’ve been an awesome coach, but I think my slugger only bats one way.

Ты отличный тренер, но думаю, что я играю в одни ворота.

With, like, quick cuts and awesome music and eagles flying through the air and picking up trout out of rivers and shit, ripping it apart and eating it, you know?

Представь, быстрые взмахи , удиветельная музыка и орлы, они парят в воздухе и выхватывают форель из реки, разрывают её на части и едят,понимаешь?

It’s just you’re an awesome guy, kind, stable, ambitious, intelligent, attractive, and funny.

Это потому что ты потрясающий парень, добрый, надежный, амбициозный, умный, привлекательный, и смешной.

Which is awesome if you’ve had one too many brewskis, am I right?

Что здорово, если ты выпьешь слишком много пивка, я прав?

You meet so many awesome people in the youth hostels.

Ты встречаешь так много потрясающих людей в молодежных гостиницах.

You actually had to spend an hour venturing to a wondrous place called a video store, and it was awesome !

Тогда приходилось часами рыскать по волшебном месту — видеопрокату, и это было круто!

To show you my awesome new job cleaning dishes?

Показать тебе мои новые навыки мытья посуды?

Well, the syllabus made it sound awesome , you know, like,

Вкратце это звучало потрясно. Знаете, как.

Oh, awesome , you’re a lifesaver.

О, супер, ты спас мне жизнь.

How about you use your awesome deductive powers and you help me fix it?

А как насчет того, чтобы ты использовал свою силу дедукции — и помог мне все уладить?

Good news is not only are you blessed with an awesome field hockey coach, but he also happens to moonlight as a physics tutor.

Хорошая новость в том, что небо подарило тебе не только потрясающего тренера по хоккею на траве, но он еще и подрабатывает репетитором по физике.

Yeah, you can criticize my scalpel technique, which is awesome .

Ты сможешь покритиковать мою технику, правда она великолепна.

Can you believe the prairie scouts gave me this awesome voice modulator just for selling peppermint bark?

Верите, скауты прерии дали мне чудесный преобразователь голоса за продажу шоколадок.

You read your Gordon Wood and you regurgitate it from a textbook… and you think you’re wicked awesome doing that!

Вы читаете вашего Гордона Вуда, бездумно его повторяете и думаете, что ужасно круто в этом разбираетесь!

I’m saying how amazing you are for wanting to… lessen some of your more… less awesome attributes.

Я просто хотел сказать, как сильно я тобой восхищаюсь твоим стремлением улучшить некоторые из твоих самых не лучших качеств

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  1. awesome – перевод:
  2. Awesome — перевод, произношение, транскрипция
  3. прилагательное ↓
  4. Мои примеры
  5. Словосочетания
  6. Примеры
  7. you are awesome
  8. См. также в других словарях:
  9. Как переводится Awesome?
  10. Предложения со словом Awesone
  11. Самые популярные словосочетания со словом Awesome

awesome – перевод:

потрясающий, классный, отличный, великолепный, замечательный, шикарный, крутой, прекрасный, восхитительный, изумительный; здорово, круто, классно, отлично

Hello, and welcome to the English We Speak, I’m William.

Привет, добро пожаловать в программу «Английский язык, на котором мы говорим». Я Уильям.

And your task, Yang Li, is to guess today’s word, OK?

Твоя задача, Янг Ли, отгадать сегодняшнее слово. Согласна?

Awesome. Li, try some of this cake…

Ну, и отлично (awesome)! Ли, попробуй это пирожное…

A cake? Oh, thanks! That’s very nice…

Пирожное? О, спасибо. Это очень мило с твоей стороны…

Do you like it? Awesome. They’re pretty awesome cakes, huh?!

Тебе нравится? Замечательно (awesome). Просто восхитительные (awesome) пирожные, да?!

Yes, and I think I know what this week’s word is. It’s…

Да, и, по-моему, я догадалась, какое слово мы изучим на этой неделе. Это слово…

Hang on Li, try some of this coffee as well – it’s really…

Подожди, Ли, вот попробуй еще кофе – он просто…

Exactly – it’s really awesome. You got it. So listen to this. Which three adjectives are used in this clip?

Именно так – он в самом деле великолепный (awesome). Ты все поняла. Вот послушай. Какие три прилагательные используются в этом клипе?

This party is awesome. The food is amazing. The wine is excellent.

Эта вечеринка потрясающая. Еда восхитительна. Вино отличное.

Awesome, amazing and excellent.

Потрясающая, восхитительная и отличное.

That’s right. Awesome means excellent or amazing.

Правильно. «Awesome» означает отличный, прекрасный, превосходный, великолепный, замечательный, поразительный, изумительный, восхитительный.

Awesome. This word has existed in English for a long time, hasn’t it?

Здорово (awesome). Это слово существует в английском языке уже давно, не так ли?

Yes, and it used to mean awe-inspiring. So awe means great respect or admiration, so something that’s awesome or awe-inspiring makes you feel great respect and admiration.

Да, и раньше оно означало «внушающий (благоговейный) страх, трепет». Так как «awe» означает большое уважение или восхищение, то что-то, о чем можно сказать «awesome» или «awe-inspiring», вызывает у вас огромное уважение и восхищение.

Full of respect and admiration. But now it just means cool?

Полный уважения и восхищения. Но сейчас оно стало сродни слову «круто»?

Exactly, and that’s thanks to the influence of American slang. So the word can now be used to describe almost anything.

Именно, и это благодаря влиянию американского сленга. Так что теперь это слово можно применять почти ко всему.

  • These shoes are awesome.
  • Это шикарные ботинки.
  • This is an awesome radio programme.
  • Это отличная радиопрограмма.
  • Wow! You are awesome at singing, mate!
  • Ух ты! Ты потрясающе поешь, дружище!

And there is one slightly different usage of this word. Listen to this.

Есть и еще одно, немного другое использование для этого слова. Послушай.

  • A: Are you free to come for hotpot tonight?
  • A: Приходи ко мне на рагу из баранины, если есть время.
  • B: Yes, I should be.
  • B: Да, приду.
  • A: Awesome. That makes four of us!
  • A: Вот и отлично. Так что нас будет четверо!

So what does awesome mean in that clip, Li?

Так что же значит слово «awesome» в этом клипе, Ли?

It’s like when we say ‘great’ at the beginning of a sentence.

Это схоже с тем, когда мы говорим «great» (отлично, замечательно, великолепно) в начале предложения.

Well, that’s it, yeah, exactly. Awesome can also be used at the beginning of a sentence to indicate agreement or approval.

Ну, да, правильно, именно так. «Awesome» также можно сказать в начале предложения для выражения согласия или одобрения.

Awesome! That’s clear now.

Классно (awesome)! Теперь все ясно.

Awesome. And that’s the end of this awesome programme.

Вот и прекрасно (awesome). И наша замечательная (awesome) программа подходит к концу.

William, do you have any cakes left?

Уильям, а пирожные у тебя еще остались?

Er, just one. Do you want to share it, Li?

Всего одно. Давай поделим его на двоих, Ли?

Awesome. Or perhaps I should say it with an American accent, because it became very fashionable amongst the valley girls in California in the 1980s, helped by its catch-use in that film, ‘Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure’, along with a whole host of other cool words like, ‘dude’ and ‘bogus’. Awesome! Yeah!

Awesome. Или, может быть, надо сказать это с американским акцентом, потому что это слово стало в 1980-е годы очень модно среди простоватых девушек в Калифорнии. Помог этому фильм «Великолепное приключение Билла и Теда», где это модное словечко прозвучало вместе с кучей других крутых слов типа «dude» (чувак, дружище, братан) и «bogus» (фальшивый, поддельный). Awesome! Даа!

Well, originally, of course, the word was quite literal – inspiring awe, profound wonder. People would talk about ‘an awesome sight’ or ‘the awesome power of the sun’, but the American usage weakened the meaning and it became simply something beyond what is usual, something exceptional, something very impressive, it’s great, it’s cool, and that’s the way in which the word has come to be used more than anything else these days.

Но, конечно, поначалу слово было вполне литературным и означало «внушающий страх, благоговение, вызывающий безграничное изумление». Люди могли говорить «an awesome sight – ужасающее зрелище» или «the awesome power of the sun – устрашающая сила солнца». Но в американском варианте английского языка это значение ослабло до просто «что-то за рамками обычного, исключительное, очень впечатляющее». Это что-то потрясающее воображение, «крутое», и именно в таком смысле это слово стало использоваться в наши дни больше, чем какое-либо другое.

Anything can be ‘awesome’ now – ‘that was an awesome car I just saw’, ‘that was an awesome cast on the show’, or people just say, you know, ‘it’s awesome!’ and it’s not quite clear what that means, except that the person is simply affirming delight in something that’s just happened.

В наши дни слово «awesome» применяется к чему угодно: «только что я видел потрясающую машину (awesome car)», «в этом шоу восхитительный состав актеров (awesome cast)». Или говорят просто: «It’s awesome!Это потрясающе!» – и не совсем понятно, что это значит. Ясно только, что человек выражает восхищение случившимся.

It’s a young person’s usage. I have heard some older people use it – it’s not a word I use myself, I have to say, and young people do, of course, make it even more intense – they put adverbs before it, ‘that’s totally awesome!’, ‘that’s truly awesome!’. I even heard somebody say recently ‘that’s wicked awesome!’

Так говорят молодые люди. Слышал я это слово и от людей более старшего возраста, но должен сказать, что сам это слово не использую. Молодежь это слово еще усиливает наречиями: «that’s totally awesome! – это совершенно потрясающе!», «that’s truly awesome! – это правда восхитительно!». Недавно я даже слышал от кого-то: «That’s wicked awesome! – Это чертовски здорово!»

Well, I think it’s still around but, for many, it’s dated now. I asked a couple of teenagers whether they’d use it and they said they ‘wouldn’t be seen dead using it these days; it’s history’, they said.

Пока это слово еще употребляют, но для многих оно уже старомодное. Я спросил у пары подростков, стали бы они его употреблять? Они ответили, что «нет, не хотим выглядеть как древности, ведь это слово ушло в историю».


Awesome — перевод, произношение, транскрипция

прилагательное ↓

Мои примеры



The movie was totally awesome.

Этот фильм был совершенно обалденный.

That was awesome!

Это было потрясающе!

It was an awesome responsibility.

Это была огромная ответственность.

Their last concert was really awesome.

Их последний концерт был просто потрясающим.

We had an awesome time at the concert.

Мы великолепно провели время на концерте.

We had an awesome task ahead of us.

Перед нами стояла потрясающая задача.

You did an awesome job on that project.

Вы отлично потрудились над реализацией этого проекта.

The blue whale is a huge, even awesome animal by any measure.

Синий кит — это по любым меркам огромное, даже колоссальное животное.

The ease with which he can hold a ballerina aloft with one hand is awesome.

Поражает та лёгкость, с которой у него получается удерживать балерину воздухе одной рукой.

The amplitude of Thomas Jefferson’s interests — government, architecture, agriculture, science, philosophy — is truly awesome.

Размах интересов Томаса Джефферсона — управление государством, архитектура, сельское хозяйство, наука, философия — поистине удивителен.


you are awesome

21 awesome possum

22 awesome problem

23 awesome sight

24 awesome weapon

25 awesome!

26 great and awesome

27 that’s awesome, that’s just so cool, that’s so great, wow!

28 weapons of awesome destructive power

29 awesome

30 awesome sight

31 weapons of awesome destructive power

32 awesome currency of power

33 awesome currency of power

34 awesome

35 awesome

36 weapons of awesome destructive power

37 awesome

38 awesome

39 Awesome Oscillator

40 благоговейный

См. также в других словарях:

Don’t Want to Know If You Are Lonely — EP from Candy Apple Grey by Hüsker Dü R … Wikipedia

You’re Welcome (Angel) — Infobox Television episode Title = You re Welcome Series = Angel Caption = Season = 5 Episode = 12 Airdate = 2004 02 04 Production = 5ADH12 Writer = David Fury Director = David Fury Guests = Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia) Christian Kane (Lindsey)… … Wikipedia

«Awesome» — performing an outdoor show in Seattle in October 2007. Front row: David Nixon (banjo), Evan Mosher (trumpet), John Osebold (guitar). Behind: Kirk Anderson (drums). Awesome (the quotation marks are part of the name) are a Seattle based septet with … Wikipedia

Awesome Fire Engines — is a movie released by Simitar on VHS in 1994. Most commonly than not the tape is sold as a box with Awesome Police Cars added as well. The movie s setting takes place in Newton, Massachusetts during a tour of the Newton Fire Department. Plot The … Wikipedia

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (U.S. game show) — Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Title card Format Game show Created by Barry Poznick John Steven … Wikipedia

Are You Afraid of the Dark? (novel) — Are You Afraid of the Dark? is a 2004 novel by bestselling thriller writer Sidney Sheldon. Infobox Book name = Are You Afraid of the Dark? title orig = translator = image caption = author = Sidney Sheldon illustrator = cover artist = country =… … Wikipedia

Awesome Festival — The Awesome Festival (officially the Awesome International Arts Festival for Bright Young Things) is an arts event in Perth, Western Australia held each November since 1995. [PDFlink| [… … Wikipedia

You Wish! (film) — Infobox Film name = You Wish! writer = Jackie French Koller Christopher Reed Cynthia Carle starring = A.J. Trauth Spencer Breslin Lalaine Tim Reid director = Paul Hoen producer = Robert Florio distributor = Disney Channel music = Richard Marvin… … Wikipedia

List of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! episodes — The following is a list of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! episodes. Episodes in seasons 1–3 were all released two days earlier than their air dates on Adult Swim Video. Contents 1 Series overview 2 Season 1: 2007 3 Season 2: 2007–2008 … Wikipedia

List of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! sketches and characters — The following is a list of recurring characters and featured sketches from Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! television series. Some of the recurring characters on the list have also made appearances on Tom Goes To The Mayor. Contents 1… … Wikipedia

Channel Awesome — Industry Online media Founded Naperville, Illinois, (2008 (2008)) Founder(s) … Wikipedia


Как переводится Awesome?

Аwesome — одно из самых часто упо­треб­ля­е­мых англий­ских слов. Ниже мы рас­смот­рим когда и в каких слу­ча­ях мож­но упо­треб­лять awesome, пере­вод и его мно­го­гран­ные лек­си­че­ские значения.

Предложения со словом Awesone

Awesome (амер. |ˈɔːsəm| , брит. |ˈɔːs(ə)m|) – кру­то, класс­но , потря­са­ю­ще, вну­ши­тель­но, обалденно.

  • Anyways, Tactical Village Day is awesome. – Так или ина­че, день учеб­но­го поли­го­на – это круто.
  • Wow, Mercedes, that’s awesome. – Вау, Мер­се­дес, это круто.
  • It’s just you’re an awesome guy, kind, stable, ambitious, intelligent, attractive, and funny. – Это пото­му что ты потря­са­ю­щий парень, доб­рый, надеж­ный, амби­ци­оз­ный, умный, при­вле­ка­тель­ный, и смешной.
  • Yeah, that was an awesome, an awesome review. – Да, это было потря­са­ю­щий, потря­са­ю­щий обзор.
  • Or I am that painting elephant of being awesome. – Или же я – тот уме­ю­щий рисо­вать слон в том, что­бы быть клевой.

Самые популярные словосочетания со словом Awesome

  • awesome responsibility — боль­шая ответственность
  • awesome task — гран­ди­оз­ная задача
  • awesome currency of power — мощ­ный рычаг
  • weapons of awesome destructive power — ору­жие чудо­вищ­ной раз­ру­ши­тель­ной силы
  • awesome sight — вну­ши­тель­ное зре­ли­ще; ужас­ное зрелище
  • awesome arsenal — устра­ша­ю­щее оружие
  • awesome weapon — устра­ша­ю­щее оружие
  • awesome problem — ужас­ная проблема
  • great and awesome — вели­кий и славный
  • awesome possum — вос­тор­жен­ная оцен­ка чего‑л

Всегда мечтала много путешествовать, знакомиться с новыми культурами и традициями, а также общаться с разными интересными людьми. И здесь без знания английского никак. Приняла решение поступить в университет на иностранные языки: английский и испанский. Открыла для себя целый мир и очень хочу поделиться с другими. Выучить английский это проще, чем вы думаете — я убедилась на своем опыте! Верю, что и вас получиться!



  • #1


I wonder if I can use «you’re awesome» in these two:

Many people in my chat room asked a native speaker questions and the native speaker was busy but he still helped us. Whereas, we noticed that he was a bit impatient when he was explaining things to us. (Of couse he’s not required to do that.) After we knew he was potentially annoyed, I say:

You’re awesome. (I wasn’t one of those who annoyed him by questions. I intend to cheer him up.)

This is the third time this week that my cousin broke my neighbor’s window.

You’re awesome. (I said to him, to be sarcastic.)

I need your help.

    • #2

    (1) «You’re awesome» suggests that the answers he gave were unusually discerning or brilliant.

    (2) No, that wouldn’t make sense.


    • #3

    (1) «You’re awesome» suggests that the answers he gave were unusually discerning or brilliant.

    I want to say «you’re awesome» to make him feel that we’re not pressing him for answers, so take your time, and also I want to say people in the chat room benefit a lot from your help, you’re awesome.

    Does it work?

    May I have another situation:

    A man save a drowning girl, I said to his face:

    You’re awesome.


    • #4

    … I want to say «you’re awesome» to make him feel that we’re not pressing him for answers, so take your time ….

    It wouldn’t convey that message to me, Silver.


    • #5

    Got it, how about the third new question? Is it natural in that context?

    Thanks a lot

    Hermione Golightly

    • #6

    ‘Awesome’ was one of the most disliked words submitted to the Oxford Dictionary for burning on a bonfire. It sounds like a gushing schoolgirl’s prattle to me.
    My advice is to avoid it.
    To the native speaker who helps you in the chat, just say Thank you so much, we all appreciate your help/giving your time to help us’
    If he’s getting annoyed he needs to know when to stop helping! Maybe you think he’s getting annoyed when he isn’t — some cultural thing. You might want to prepare questions for him in advance or manage his presence. Can you contact him outside chat?

    london calling

    • #7

    ‘Awesome’ was one of the most disliked words submitted to the Oxford Dictionary for burning on a bonfire. It sounds like a gushing schoolgirl’s prattle to me.

    Can I burn ‘cool’ as well, please? And ‘like’, as » I said, like, I was having trouble at work…»)?:)

    I agree with the comments the others have made above, although it is not a word I ever use, if not in it’s more usual (from my perspective) context. For example: the Colosseum in Rome is an awesome sight.

    Hermione Golightly


    • #9

    ‘Awesome’ was one of the most disliked words submitted to the Oxford Dictionary for burning on a bonfire. It sounds like a gushing schoolgirl’s prattle to me.
    My advice is to avoid it.
    To the native speaker who helps you in the chat, just say Thank you so much, we all appreciate your help/giving your time to help us’
    If he’s getting annoyed he needs to know when to stop helping! Maybe you think he’s getting annoyed when he isn’t — some cultural thing. You might want to prepare questions for him in advance or manage his presence. Can you contact him outside chat?

    I so agree, so tired of the word «awesome» and without me it would be just «aweso» LOL


    • #10

    Bear in mind, Silver, that the main meaning of awesome is «inspiring awe» — and awe is a strong feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.

    It has, among some AmE speakers, come to be used to to mean «very good», even in quite mundane situations, but that meaning hasn’t (yet!) crossed the Atlantic in a big way. I’m reminded of a show that Eddie Izzard (a British standup comic) did in the US, in which he talked about «awesome» being used even to talk about hot dogs! He then imagined an astronaut saying that the Earth, viewed from space, was «awesome» — and then being asked, «What, ‘awesome’ like a hot dog?» The astronaut (to recapture the real meaning of «awesome») then had to say «Like a hundred billion hot dogs!» (To watch the original version, just Google «awesome like a hot dog».:))

    I suppose, in the situation you described in post #1, you could call the man «awesome» if he filled you with a sense of overwhelming wonderment (or, since you say he seemed annoyed, if he filled you with fear).:rolleyes: Otherwise I wouldn’t use the word in that situation.



    • #11

    May I have another situation:

    A man save a drowning girl, I said to his face:

    You’re awesome.

    In the U.S. you could say this. It would mean «You are amazing!» I think it might be safer to simply say «You are amazing!»

    As a side note, many words shift meaning in both British English and American English but they’re not always in sync. «Awful» also used to mean «awe-inspiring» but I don’t think it’s used with that meaning in BE anymore. It definitely doesn’t have that sense in AE without specific context to point back to its older meaning.

    In my experience, Americans use «awesome» in much the same way that Brits use «brilliant». Neither one is being used with its original meaning. :)

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2015

    london calling

    • #12

    The Brits use ‘awesome’ in the same way as the Americans do, believe me. It has quite definitely caught on and is used in many contexts , mainly by the younger generation and older people trying to look ‘cool’ (another word I loathe….).


    • #13

    I didn’t reply a few days ago because I was waiting for one or two AE speakers.

    I asked a BE speaker privately and I also read almost all threads about «awesome», I found that AE speakers tend to use «awesome» to mean «amazing», like James’ pointed out. I know «funny»=»weird» in some contexts.

    And AE speakers tend to use «awe-inspiring» to replace «awesome», which means «causing awe».

    I also privately asked an AE speaker whether I can say «You’re awesome» to a brave young man, he said «Sure».

    So, I now know how I can use this word. Thanks a lot, James for your confirmation and LC and everyone who comes here and help.

    london calling

    • #14

    It’s used in BE to mean amazing too. It’s one of those terrible words which is used to expresss so many different things: instead of choosing a specific adjective, everything and everyone become ‘awesome’:eek:. A word for lazy speakers, in my opinion. I cringe every time I hear or read it. I’m not at all surprised that it came out as the most disliked word in the OED survey: it really should be burnt on a bonfire.:D


    • #15

    «Awesome» is one of those words that have been so overworked that they have come to mean little more than vague approval.;)

    «Do you like my new jeans?» Yeah, they’re like awesome!»


    • #16

    So, the key takeaway is like no one uses «awesome» nowadays? That is such a bummer. Too bad.

    london calling

    • #17

    Veli, that is exactly the kind of lazy speech which makes my toes curl.:) It contains two of the words I hate the most; awesome and like.

    • #18

    Can I burn ‘cool’ as well, please?

    By all means, but I don’t see the point. Haven’t you noticed that nobody uses cool any longer? Awesome is the new cool!


    • #19

    As a side note, many words shift meaning in both British English and American English but they’re not always in sync. «Awful» also used to mean «awe-inspiring» but I don’t think it’s used with that meaning in BE anymore. It definitely doesn’t have that sense in AE without specific context to point back to its older meaning.

    In my experience, Americans use «awesome» in much the same way that Brits use «brilliant». Neither one is being used with its original meaning. :)

    True on all counts, James.:)

    The Brits use ‘awesome’ in the same way as the Americans do, believe me. It has quite definitely caught on and is used in many contexts , mainly by the younger generation and older people trying to look ‘cool’ (another word I loathe….).

    OK, I obviously haven’t been listening hard enough when I’ve been back in the UK.

    Still, I guess «the Brits» means «some Brits», LC — which wouldn’t include you, nor Hermione, Veli or me – nor any of the people who voted to burn it in the Oxford Dictionaries survey.;)



    • #20

    It’s used in BE to mean amazing too.

    I’d like to understand, why the ‘awesome’ sounds so different to ‘amazing’ to BE native speakers?
    I’ve heard it about food and find ‘amazing hot-dog’ as exaggerated as an ‘awesome’ one.
    amaze: to affect with great wonder, to astonish
    Thank you.


    • #21

    Well, I can only speak for this native BE speaker, siares, but another dictionary definition of «amaze» is «surprise greatly».

    Now it would take a lot for a hot dog to surprise me greatly, but not nearly as much as it would for a hot dog to strike awe into me.


  • 1


    1) enorme, imponente; terrible, tremendo

    2) horrible, horroroso

    3) terrible

    — awfulness



    horrible, terrible, atroz

    enorme, tremendo


    I ‘ɔːfəl


    1) (colloq)

    a) <journey/weather/day> horrible, espantoso, atroz; < clothes> horroroso, espantoso; <joke/movie> malísimo, pésimo

    I know it sounds awful, but… — te parecerá una barbaridad, pero…

    2) ( terrible) (liter) <revenge/destruction> atroz




    AmE colloq

    ) (as intensifier)


    1) horrible, espantoso; horroroso, espantoso; terrible

    you are awful! — ¡qué malo eres!, ¡qué mala idea tienes!

    to feel awful — sentirse fatal; encontrarse or sentirse fatal

    I have an awful feeling something’s going to happen — tengo la terrible sospecha de que va a pasar algo

    how awful! — ¡qué horror!

    to look awful — tener muy mal aspecto

    you look awful, are you feeling all right? — tienes muy mala cara or tienes muy mal aspecto, ¿te encuentras bien?

    for one awful moment I thought I’d broken it — ¡fue horrible! por un momento pensé que se me había roto

    it smells awful — huele fatal

    what an awful thing to happen! — ¡qué cosa tan horrible or terrible!


    3) imponente, tremendo




    * * *

    I [‘ɔːfəl]


    1) (colloq)

    a) <journey/weather/day> horrible, espantoso, atroz; < clothes> horroroso, espantoso; <joke/movie> malísimo, pésimo

    I know it sounds awful, but… — te parecerá una barbaridad, pero…

    2) ( terrible) (liter) <revenge/destruction> atroz




    AmE colloq

    ) (as intensifier)

    English-spanish dictionary > awful

  • 2

    masculine noun

       a. ( = félicité) happiness ; ( = joie) joy

       b. ( = chance) luck

    ça porte bonheur de… it’s lucky to…

    * * *


    nom masculin

    faire le bonheur de — [personne, cadeau] to make [somebody] happy [personne, enfant]; [exposition, événement] to delight [spectateur, touriste]


    alors, tu as trouvé ton bonheur? — (colloq) did you find what you wanted?

    * * *



    1) happiness


    * * *

    [bɔnɶr] nom masculin

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > bonheur

  • 3


    atrocious ; [douleur] excruciating ; [mort, sort, vengeance] terrible

    * * *



    1) [blessure, sentiment, nouvelle] dreadful; [souffrance, douleur] atrocious; [peur] terrible; [supplice] horrific; [crime, mort] horrible; [acte, spectacle] horrifying

    2) (colloq) [nourriture, temps, accent] atrocious, appalling

    * * *



    atrocious, horrible

    * * *

    1 ( horrible) [blessure, sentiment, nouvelle] dreadful; [souffrance, douleur] atrocious; [peur] terrible; [supplice] horrific; [crime, vengeance, mort] horrible; [acte, spectacle] horrifying;

    [atrɔs] adjectif

    3. [en intensif]

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > atroce

  • 4


    ¡la profesora está imponente! the teacher is a stunner!

    f. & m.


    * * *

    1 impressive

    * * *


    * * *

    1) imposing

    2) stunning; impressive; stunning, impressive

    1) (Econ) depositor


    Social Security contributor

    * * *


    a) < belleza> impressive; <edificio/paisaje> imposing, impressive

    * * *

    = awesome, daunting, grandiose, awe-inspiring, awe-inspiring, forbidding, redoubtable, imposing, mighty [mightier -comp., mightiest -sup.], breathtaking, mind-blowing, towering, formidable, face-melting.

    Ex. In the sometimes frenetic push towards the somewhat awesome concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC), the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

    Ex. One of the most daunting aspect of music cataloguing arises from the fact that music and music recordings have international value.

    Ex. It was initially intended for use in the classified arrangement of a grandiose index to all recorded human knowledge, a ‘universal index’.

    Ex. Some of the books recently published in the field of automotive engineering can perhaps best be described as awe-inspiring.

    Ex. Some of the books recently published in the field of automotive engineering can perhaps best be described as awe-inspiring.

    Ex. All those shelves full of books are forbidding, daunting.

    Ex. The city has returned a majority for every Democratic presidential candidate since 1916, when Woodrow Wilson took 65% of the city’s vote against the redoubtable Charles Evans Hughes.

    Ex. Today’s imposing array of courses is seen as a worthy monument to the efforts of those who have given so much to education for librarianship.

    Ex. The October 2002 issue of CONVERGE magazine lists their picks for the ‘Shapers of the Future 2002’ — ‘today’s leaders and innovators who have dreamed and accomplished mighty things in technology and education’.

    Ex. This breathtaking building is 213 meters long and has over 300 windows.

    Ex. The implications of this are mind-blowing, since oil provides 40 per cent of all energy.

    Ex. We will stop along the way to visit towering forests, waterfalls and scenic lakes.

    Ex. ‘It’s up to you to see that things are done,’ she defended herself, somewhat nervous and abashed by his formidable stare.

    Ex. You can think of Homer as a badass literary ninja who wailed out a lyre solo so face-melting that it was remembered for the rest of history, and then dropped a smoke bomb and back-flipped out of sight forever.


    * ser Algo imponente = loom + large.

    * * *


    a) < belleza> impressive; <edificio/paisaje> imposing, impressive

    * * *

    = awesome, daunting, grandiose, awe-inspiring, awe-inspiring, forbidding, redoubtable, imposing, mighty [mightier -comp., mightiest -sup.], breathtaking, mind-blowing, towering, formidable, face-melting.

    Ex: In the sometimes frenetic push towards the somewhat awesome concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC), the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

    Ex: One of the most daunting aspect of music cataloguing arises from the fact that music and music recordings have international value.

    Ex: It was initially intended for use in the classified arrangement of a grandiose index to all recorded human knowledge, a ‘universal index’.

    Ex: Some of the books recently published in the field of automotive engineering can perhaps best be described as awe-inspiring.

    Ex: Some of the books recently published in the field of automotive engineering can perhaps best be described as awe-inspiring.

    Ex: All those shelves full of books are forbidding, daunting.

    Ex: The city has returned a majority for every Democratic presidential candidate since 1916, when Woodrow Wilson took 65% of the city’s vote against the redoubtable Charles Evans Hughes.

    Ex: Today’s imposing array of courses is seen as a worthy monument to the efforts of those who have given so much to education for librarianship.

    Ex: The October 2002 issue of CONVERGE magazine lists their picks for the ‘Shapers of the Future 2002’ — ‘today’s leaders and innovators who have dreamed and accomplished mighty things in technology and education’.

    Ex: This breathtaking building is 213 meters long and has over 300 windows.

    Ex: The implications of this are mind-blowing, since oil provides 40 per cent of all energy.

    Ex: We will stop along the way to visit towering forests, waterfalls and scenic lakes.

    Ex: ‘It’s up to you to see that things are done,’ she defended herself, somewhat nervous and abashed by his formidable stare.

    Ex: You can think of Homer as a badass literary ninja who wailed out a lyre solo so face-melting that it was remembered for the rest of history, and then dropped a smoke bomb and back-flipped out of sight forever.

    * ser Algo imponente = loom + large.

    * ser imponente = be awe-inspiring.

    * * *

    1 (grandioso) ‹belleza› impressive; ‹edificio/paisaje› imposing, impressive

    * * *

    imponente adjetivo ‹ belleza impressive;

    edificio/paisaje imposing, impressive

    imponente adjetivo

    1 (impresionante) imposing, impressive: estaba imponente, she looked terrific o great

    la imponente presencia de aquel hombre, the imposing presence of that man

    2 fam (guapo) terrific, tremendous, smashing

    imponente‘ also found in these entries:


    — formidable
    — imposing
    — awesome
    — impressive
    — loom
    — mighty

    * * *


    imposing, impressive;

    sensational, terrific


    ¡la profesora está imponente! the teacher is a stunner!



    * * *

    1 impressive, imposing


    * * *

    imposing, impressive

    Spanish-English dictionary > imponente

  • 5


    1 fabulous, astonishing, astounding, fantastic.

    2 imaginary, utopical, unrealistic, fantastic.

    * * *

    * * *


    1) fabulous, terrific

    * * *


    1) mythical, fabulous


    ; fabulous


    , imaginary

    * * *

    — sa


    ( maravilloso) (


    ) fabulous (


    ), fantastic (


    ); (




    ) mythical, fabulous (



    * * *

    = stunning, terrific, tremendous, fabulous, fabled, dynamite, light fantastic, sizzling, awesome, divine, great.

    Ex. The trends themselves are not hard to anticipate, although the stunning pace of development is often not fully appreciated.

    Ex. However, fiction — from a public library standpoint, but not from a research or academic standpoint — is a terrific example of undercataloging.

    Ex. There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.

    Ex. The whole question of the language used in folk stories and the qualities to look for is studied at length by Elizabeth Cook in ‘The Ordinary and the fabulous‘, a book of inexhaustible value to teachers and all those engaged in storytelling and reading aloud.

    Ex. This is one of America’s most fabled summer watering holes.

    Ex. Administrators usually do not know that a central serials file is dynamite.

    Ex. The article is entitled ‘Networking the light fantastic. CD-ROMs on LANs’.

    Ex. He had a sizzling, electric stage presence.

    Ex. In the sometimes frenetic push towards the somewhat awesome concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC), the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

    Ex. Her slinky dress was incredibly sexy, the colour was divine on her, plus the gold accessories were the perfect complement.

    Ex. Click on ‘add new experience’, provide as much details as you can, and let us know why you think they are so great.


    * pasárselo fabuloso = have + a good time, have + a great time, have + a whale of a time.

    * * *

    — sa


    ( maravilloso) (


    ) fabulous (


    ), fantastic (


    ); (




    ) mythical, fabulous (



    * * *

    = stunning, terrific, tremendous, fabulous, fabled, dynamite, light fantastic, sizzling, awesome, divine, great.

    Ex: The trends themselves are not hard to anticipate, although the stunning pace of development is often not fully appreciated.

    Ex: However, fiction — from a public library standpoint, but not from a research or academic standpoint — is a terrific example of undercataloging.

    Ex: There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.

    Ex: The whole question of the language used in folk stories and the qualities to look for is studied at length by Elizabeth Cook in ‘The Ordinary and the fabulous‘, a book of inexhaustible value to teachers and all those engaged in storytelling and reading aloud.

    Ex: This is one of America’s most fabled summer watering holes.

    Ex: Administrators usually do not know that a central serials file is dynamite.

    Ex: The article is entitled ‘Networking the light fantastic. CD-ROMs on LANs’.

    Ex: He had a sizzling, electric stage presence.

    Ex: In the sometimes frenetic push towards the somewhat awesome concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC), the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

    Ex: Her slinky dress was incredibly sexy, the colour was divine on her, plus the gold accessories were the perfect complement.

    Ex: Click on ‘add new experience’, provide as much details as you can, and let us know why you think they are so great.

    * pasárselo fabuloso = have + a good time, have + a great time, have + a whale of a time.

    * * *

    * * *



    I adjetivo

    1 (de la fantasía) fabulous, fictitious

    2 fam (estupendo) fabulous, wonderful: tuvimos unas vacaciones fabulosas, we had a fantastic holiday

    II adv fam lo pasamos fabuloso, we had a great time

    fabuloso‘ also found in these entries:


    — fabulosa
    — poco



    * * *

    fabulous, fantastic


    * * *


    fabulous, marvelous,



    * * *

    fabulous, fantastic

    mythical, fabled

    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > fabuloso

  • 6



    * * *

    1 sensational

    * * *

    * * *

    * * *

    = dynamite, show-stopping [showstopping], arresting, spectacular, awesome, stunning, great, swell.

    Ex. Administrators usually do not know that a central serials file is dynamite.

    Ex. But such tools can be the difference between a system slowdown and a show-stopping disaster.

    Ex. It is when speakers have no feeling for pause that their speech seems to burble on without any arresting quality; the club bore is a burbler: he has not learnt the eloquence of silence.

    Ex. There were some quite spectacular success stories reported of SLIS exporting their IT talents to the rest of the institution.

    Ex. In the sometimes frenetic push towards the somewhat awesome concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC), the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

    Ex. The trends themselves are not hard to anticipate, although the stunning pace of development is often not fully appreciated.

    Ex. Click on ‘add new experience’, provide as much details as you can, and let us know why you think they are so great.

    Ex. I was reading this book in anticipatian of the movie and it was swell, it was so good I read it two days straight.


    * algo sensacional = show-stopper [showstopper].

    * * *

    * * *

    = dynamite, show-stopping [showstopping], arresting, spectacular, awesome, stunning, great, swell.

    Ex: Administrators usually do not know that a central serials file is dynamite.

    Ex: But such tools can be the difference between a system slowdown and a show-stopping disaster.

    Ex: It is when speakers have no feeling for pause that their speech seems to burble on without any arresting quality; the club bore is a burbler: he has not learnt the eloquence of silence.

    Ex: There were some quite spectacular success stories reported of SLIS exporting their IT talents to the rest of the institution.

    Ex: In the sometimes frenetic push towards the somewhat awesome concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC), the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

    Ex: The trends themselves are not hard to anticipate, although the stunning pace of development is often not fully appreciated.

    Ex: Click on ‘add new experience’, provide as much details as you can, and let us know why you think they are so great.

    Ex: I was reading this book in anticipatian of the movie and it was swell, it was so good I read it two days straight.

    * algo sensacional = show-stopper [showstopper].

    * * *


    ¿qué tal la película? — sensacional how was the movie? — sensational o marvelous

    [ S ] ¡sensacionales rebajas! sensational o fantastic reductions!

    * * *

    sensacional adjetivo


    sensacional adjetivo sensational

    sensacional‘ also found in these entries:


    — stunning
    — great
    — hell

    * * *


    * * *

    * * *


    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > sensacional

  • 7


    1 amazing, astonishing (asombroso, extraordinario).

    2 impressive, awful, affecting, awe-inspiring.

    * * *

    * * *


    * * *


    1) impressive; striking

    2) moving, affecting

    3) shocking

    * * *

    * * *

    = dazzling, formidable, impressive, striking, awe-inspiring, awe-inspiring, imposing, breathtaking, bedazzling, astonishing, spectacular, awesome, towering.

    Ex. It was a grand day, one of those dazzling spectacular blue and gold days of early fall.

    Ex. ‘It’s up to you to see that things are done,’ she defended herself, somewhat nervous and abashed by his formidable stare.

    Ex. Given such an impressive array of advantages it may seem surprising that conventional subject indexes to the literature continue to be produced.

    Ex. A very striking example of this is the fact that in all our rules there is the provision that anonymous publications should be entered under the author when known.

    Ex. Some of the books recently published in the field of automotive engineering can perhaps best be described as awe-inspiring.

    Ex. Some of the books recently published in the field of automotive engineering can perhaps best be described as awe-inspiring.

    Ex. Today’s imposing array of courses is seen as a worthy monument to the efforts of those who have given so much to education for librarianship.

    Ex. This breathtaking building is 213 meters long and has over 300 windows.

    Ex. He is a skillful raconteur, his writing is wonderfully entertaining and his message is controversial, bedazzling, savvy, disquieting… yet optimistic.

    Ex. It asserts that the answer to the problems relating to the astonishing growth of great research libraries lies in large-scale interlibrary cooperation.

    Ex. There were some quite spectacular success stories reported of SLIS exporting their IT talents to the rest of the institution.

    Ex. In the sometimes frenetic push towards the somewhat awesome concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC), the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

    Ex. We will stop along the way to visit towering forests, waterfalls and scenic lakes.


    * * *

    * * *

    = dazzling, formidable, impressive, striking, awe-inspiring, awe-inspiring, imposing, breathtaking, bedazzling, astonishing, spectacular, awesome, towering.

    Ex: It was a grand day, one of those dazzling spectacular blue and gold days of early fall.

    Ex: ‘It’s up to you to see that things are done,’ she defended herself, somewhat nervous and abashed by his formidable stare.

    Ex: Given such an impressive array of advantages it may seem surprising that conventional subject indexes to the literature continue to be produced.

    Ex: A very striking example of this is the fact that in all our rules there is the provision that anonymous publications should be entered under the author when known.

    Ex: Some of the books recently published in the field of automotive engineering can perhaps best be described as awe-inspiring.

    Ex: Some of the books recently published in the field of automotive engineering can perhaps best be described as awe-inspiring.

    Ex: Today’s imposing array of courses is seen as a worthy monument to the efforts of those who have given so much to education for librarianship.

    Ex: This breathtaking building is 213 meters long and has over 300 windows.

    Ex: He is a skillful raconteur, his writing is wonderfully entertaining and his message is controversial, bedazzling, savvy, disquieting… yet optimistic.

    Ex: It asserts that the answer to the problems relating to the astonishing growth of great research libraries lies in large-scale interlibrary cooperation.

    Ex: There were some quite spectacular success stories reported of SLIS exporting their IT talents to the rest of the institution.

    Ex: In the sometimes frenetic push towards the somewhat awesome concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC), the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

    Ex: We will stop along the way to visit towering forests, waterfalls and scenic lakes.

    * de un modo impresionante = impressively.

    * paisaje impresionante = breathtaking scenery.

    * vista impresionante = breathtaking view.

    * * *

    ‹éxito› amazing, incredible; ‹accidente› horrific

    * * *


    impresionante adjetivo ‹éxito/cantidad/paisaje amazing, incredible;

    accidente horrific

    impresionante adjetivo

    1 (admirable) impressive, striking: contemplamos un paisaje impresionante, we contemplated the astonishing landscape

    (sobrecogedor) shocking: sufrió un impresionante accidente, she had a horrific accident

    2 (intensificador) fue una metedura de pata impresionante, it was a terrible blunder

    tengo unas ganas impresionantes de verte, I can hardly wait to see you

    impresionante‘ also found in these entries:


    — ciego
    — conquistar
    — espectáculo
    — formidable
    — imponente
    — cantidad


    — awesome
    — breathtaking
    — effective
    — imposing
    — impressive
    — impressively
    — mighty
    — spectacular
    — stunning
    — towering
    — awe
    — breath
    — cool

    * * *

    amazing, astonishing;




    * * *

    * * *

    impressive, incredible, amazing

    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > impresionante

  • 8


    1 tremendous, extraordinary, huge, colossal.

    2 great, royal.

    3 terrible, naughty.

    4 crushing, large.

    * * *

    1 (terrible) terrible, dreadful, frightful

    * * *


    * * *


    2) terrible, horrific

    es tremendo, ¿eh? — he’s something else, isn’t he? *

    * * *

    1) ( terrible) terrible, dreadful

    * * *

    = daunting, formidable, phenomenal, terrific, tremendous, hefty [heftier -comp., heftiest -sup.], of the highest order, awesome.

    Ex. One of the most daunting aspect of music cataloguing arises from the fact that music and music recordings have international value.

    Ex. ‘It’s up to you to see that things are done,’ she defended herself, somewhat nervous and abashed by his formidable stare.

    Ex. Over the last 10 years public archive material has come under increased pressure because of the growing numbers of users and the phenomenal expansion in the range of material.

    Ex. However, fiction — from a public library standpoint, but not from a research or academic standpoint — is a terrific example of undercataloging.

    Ex. There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.

    Ex. Research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.

    Ex. I’ve got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we’re talking about a geek of the highest order.

    Ex. In the sometimes frenetic push towards the somewhat awesome concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC), the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

    * * *

    1) ( terrible) terrible, dreadful

    * * *

    = daunting, formidable, phenomenal, terrific, tremendous, hefty [heftier -comp., heftiest -sup.], of the highest order, awesome.

    Ex: One of the most daunting aspect of music cataloguing arises from the fact that music and music recordings have international value.

    Ex: ‘It’s up to you to see that things are done,’ she defended herself, somewhat nervous and abashed by his formidable stare.

    Ex: Over the last 10 years public archive material has come under increased pressure because of the growing numbers of users and the phenomenal expansion in the range of material.

    Ex: However, fiction — from a public library standpoint, but not from a research or academic standpoint — is a terrific example of undercataloging.

    Ex: There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.

    Ex: Research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.

    Ex: I’ve got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we’re talking about a geek of the highest order.

    Ex: In the sometimes frenetic push towards the somewhat awesome concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC), the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

    * * *

    * * *


    ◊ —da adjetivo


    a) (muy grande, extraordinario) ‹diferencia/cambio tremendous, enormous;

    velocidad/éxito tremendous;

    chichón huge;

    me dio (una) tremenda patada he kicked me really hard

    2 (fam) ‹ persona terrible

    tremendo,-a adjetivo

    1 (muy grande, excesivo) tremendous

    2 (terrible) terrible

    3 (el colmo) limit: tu marido es tremendo, siempre se olvida de los cumpleaños, your husband is the limit, he always forgets birthdays

    tremendo‘ also found in these entries:


    — bufido
    — cabreo
    — golpe
    — patinazo
    — tremenda
    — disgusto


    — awful
    — baking
    — carry-on
    — exert
    — formidable
    — terrific
    — to-do
    — tremendous
    — unearthly
    — ungodly
    — uproar
    — fearsome
    — havoc
    — stupendous

    * * *

    tremendous, enormous;

    una caída/un éxito tremendo a tremendous huge fall/success;


    ¡ese niño es tremendo! that boy is a handful!;

    * * *


    * * *

    tremendous, enormous

    terrible, dreadful

    great, super

    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > tremendo

  • 9

    I Adj.

    3. (erregend) Musik, Rhythmen: hot; heiße Höschen hot pants

    5. PHYS. (radioaktiv) hot

    7. umg. (mit guten Aussichten) Favorit, Tipp: hot; ein heißer Anwärter auf den Posten / Titel a hot prospect for the post / title

    8. Sl. (toll) hot; heißer Typ hunk; echt heiß! brill!, Am. awesome!

    II Adv.

    * * *

    thermal; ardent; zealous; hot

    * * *

    1) hot; torrid

    brennend/siedend/glühend héíß — burning/boiling/scorching hot

    drückend héíß — oppressively hot

    jdm ist/wird héíß — sb is/is getting hot

    sie hat einen héíßen Kopf — she has a burning forehead; her head is spinning

    etw héíß machen — to heat sth up

    héíße Tränen weinen — to cry one’s heart out

    mit der héíßen Nadel genäht — thrown together


    2) heated, fierce; impassioned; passionate, burning; burning, fervent

    4) hot; hot; hotly-disputed

    das wird ein héíßer Winter — things are going to be pretty hot this winter




    eine héíß geführte Diskussion — a passionate discussion

    es ging héíß her — things got heated

    das Gebiet/die Stadt ist héíß umkämpft — the area/town is being hotly or fiercely fought over

    héíß umstritten — hotly debated; highly controversial

    jdn/etw héíß und innig lieben — to love sb/sth madly


    * * *

    1) hotly

    2) hot

    3) hot

    4) torrid

    5) torrid

    * * *


    1. (sehr warm) hot

    [jdm] etw heiß machen to heat [or warm] up sth sep [for sb]

    jdm ist/wird es heiß sb is/gets hot

    ist das heiß! it’s so hot!

    eine heiße Debatte a heated debate

    ein heißer Kampf a fierce fight

    heiß umkämpfter Markt hotly contested market

    eine heiße Liebe a burning love

    ein heißer Wunsch a fervent wish

    ein heißes Thema an explosive issue

    die Polizei ist auf einer heißen Fährte the police are on a hot trail

    10. (fam: brünstig) on [or AM in] heat

    heiß laufen Maschinenteil to overheat; Debatte, Gespräch to become heated; Telefonleitungen, Drähte to buzz

    2. (innig) ardently, fervently

    heiß ersehnt much longed for

    heiß geliebt dearly beloved

    mein heiß geliebter Mann my dearly beloved husband

    heiß umkämpft fiercely contested

    heiß umstritten hotly disputed; (Person) highly controversial

    heißes Atom hot [or recoil] atom

    heiße Chemie hot chemistry


    es wird nichts so heiß gegessen, wie es gekocht wird (prov) things are not as bad as they first seem

    es geht heiß her (fam) things are getting heated, sparks are beginning to fly

    jdn überläuft es heiß und kalt sb feels hot and cold all over

    * * *



    1) hot; hot, torrid

    brennend/glühend heiß — burning/scorching hot

    2) heated ; impassioned ; burning, fervent ; fierce

    3) ardent, passionate

    7) nicht präd. : hot; s. auch Ofen 5)



    es ging heiß her — things got heated; sparks flew ; things got wild

    ihr heiß geliebter Gatte/Sohn — heer dearly beloved husband/son

    * * *

    A. adj

    1. hot; Land, Wüste: torrid; Stirn etc, bei Fieber: hot;

    glühend heiß red-hot; Sand, Sonne etc: scorching;

    ihm wurde heiß und kalt (vor Angst) he went hot and cold (with fear);

    2. fig (heftig) vehement, fierce; (leidenschaftlich) fiery; Liebesaffäre: auch passionate; (inbrünstig) fervent;

    heißes Blut haben be hot-blooded;

    heißen Dank! umg thanks a lot;

    4. (gefährlich) Geld, Ware etc: hot;

    heißes Thema (highly) controversial issue, US auch hot-button topic; Eisen 3

    6. umg (sexuell erregt) Tier: on (US in) heat; Person: hot

    ein heißer Anwärter auf den Posten/Titel a hot prospect for the post/title

    8. sl (toll) hot;

    echt heiß! brill!, US awesome!

    B. adv


    den haben sie (als Kind) wohl zu heiß gebadet! umg they must have dropped him on his head when he was a baby;

    es wird nichts so heiß gegessen, wie es gekocht wird sprichw things are never as bad as they look

    2. fig (leidenschaftlich) fervently, ardently;

    heiß ersehnt longed-for; Brief etc: auch long-awaited;

    meine heiß geliebte Frau my dearly beloved wife;

    heiß umkämpft sein be fiercely fought over, be the object of fierce fighting; fig Wahlkreis, Sieg: be hotly ( oder fiercely) contested;

    * * *



    1) hot; hot, torrid

    brennend/glühend heiß — burning/scorching hot

    kochend heiß — boiling hot; piping hot

    2) heated ; impassioned ; burning, fervent ; fierce

    3) ardent, passionate

    4) hot ; sexy

    6) nicht präd. : hot

    7) nicht präd. : hot; s. auch Ofen 5)



    es ging heiß her — things got heated; sparks flew ; things got wild

    ihr heiß geliebter Gatte/Sohn — heer dearly beloved husband/son

    * * *


    ardent adj.

    fervent adj.

    hot adj. adv.

    ardently adv.

    fervently adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > heiß

  • 10



    * * *

    1 tabú fucking great

    * * *

    1) (arg) ( estupendo) <tipo/película/fiesta> great (colloq), amazing (colloq)


    a) (Col, RPl fam) ( valiente) gutsy (colloq)

    b) (RPl fam) ( tonto) dense, dumb

    * * *

    = the dog’s bollocks, the bee’s knees, the cat’s meow, the cat’s pyjamas, the cat’s whiskers, swell.

    Ex. For reasons that aren’t clear ‘ the dog’s bollocks,’ which have all the credentials to be thought of badly, are considered the top of the tree.

    Ex. By the 1930s, ‘cool as a cucumber’ was ‘ the bee’s knees,’ slang of the era for ‘excellent’.

    Ex. Both are considered to be the cat’s meow but in different fields of machining.

    Ex. He’s supposed to be the cat’s pyjamas in modern classical music today.

    Ex. And if its wines are no longer considered the cat’s whiskers, you should not let that prevent you from visiting Sydney.

    Ex. I was reading this book in anticipatian of the movie and it was swell, it was so good I read it two days straight.

    * * *

    1) (arg) ( estupendo) <tipo/película/fiesta> great (colloq), amazing (colloq)


    a) (Col, RPl fam) ( valiente) gutsy (colloq)

    b) (RPl fam) ( tonto) dense, dumb

    * * *

    = the dog’s bollocks, the bee’s knees, the cat’s meow, the cat’s pyjamas, the cat’s whiskers, swell.

    Ex: For reasons that aren’t clear ‘ the dog’s bollocks,’ which have all the credentials to be thought of badly, are considered the top of the tree.

    Ex: By the 1930s, ‘cool as a cucumber’ was ‘ the bee’s knees,’ slang of the era for ‘excellent’.

    Ex: Both are considered to be the cat’s meow but in different fields of machining.

    Ex: He’s supposed to be the cat’s pyjamas in modern classical music today.

    Ex: And if its wines are no longer considered the cat’s whiskers, you should not let that prevent you from visiting Sydney.

    Ex: I was reading this book in anticipatian of the movie and it was swell, it was so good I read it two days straight.

    * * *


    * * *

    cojonudo,-a adj vulgar brilliant, fantastic

    cojonudo‘ also found in these entries:





    * * *

    bloody goddamn brilliant;

    ¡cojonudo, ahora no funciona la lavadora! that’s just bloody goddamn brilliant! now the washing machine isn’t working!


    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > cojonudo

  • 11


    3 hallucinating, hallucinatory, hypnotic.

    4 hallucinotic.

    5 mindblowing, mind-blowing.

    * * *

    1 hallucinatory

    * * *

    1) (Med) hallucinatory



    attractive, beguiling; mysterious; great, fantastic



    * * *


    a) (Med) hallucinatory

    b) (Esp, Méx fam) ( increíble), amazing (colloq), mind-boggling (colloq)

    * * *

    = mind-blowing, face-melting.

    Ex. The implications of this are mind-blowing, since oil provides 40 per cent of all energy.

    Ex. You can think of Homer as a badass literary ninja who wailed out a lyre solo so face-melting that it was remembered for the rest of history, and then dropped a smoke bomb and back-flipped out of sight forever.

    * * *


    a) (Med) hallucinatory

    b) (Esp, Méx fam) ( increíble), amazing (colloq), mind-boggling (colloq)

    * * *

    = mind-blowing, face-melting.

    Ex: The implications of this are mind-blowing, since oil provides 40 per cent of all energy.

    Ex: You can think of Homer as a badass literary ninja who wailed out a lyre solo so face-melting that it was remembered for the rest of history, and then dropped a smoke bomb and back-flipped out of sight forever.

    * * *

    1 ( Med) hallucinatory

    * * *

    alucinante adjetivo

    alucinante adj argot brilliant, mindblowing

    alucinante‘ also found in these entries:


    — hallucinatory
    — mind-blowing

    * * *


    amazing, awesome;

    * * *

    adj fam


    * * *


    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > alucinante

  • 12


    too much, far too much, a bit much, much too much.


    too, much, too much, all too.


    too much.

    past part.

    past participle of spanish verb: demasiarse.

    * * *

    * * *


    Spanish-English dictionary > demasiado

  • 13

    en cuanto ve problemas, se pierde as soon as there’s a problem, he disappears

    ¡no te lo pierdas! don’t miss it!

    * * *

    * * *


    1) to get lost

    ¡piérdete! — * get lost! *


    ¿qué se les ha perdido en Alemania? — what business have they in Germany?

    3) to miss

    ¡no te lo pierdas! — don’t miss it!

    4) to disappear

    5) to be wasted, go to waste

    6) to lose one’s way; to be ruined, get spoiled


    perderse por algo/algn — to be mad about sth/sb

    * * *

    (v.) = go astray, get + lost, lose + Posesivo + way, go + missing, miss out on, slip through + the cracks, get out of + Posesivo + depth, wander off + route, disorient, disorientate, wander off + track, lose + Posesivo + bearings

    Ex. If you have a different answer check to see where you went astray.

    Ex. Like Theseus in the Labyrinth we need to be able to follow well trodden pathways through hypermedia materials and re-track our journey along an imaginary thread when we get lost.

    Ex. They had lost their way; most had completely lost sight of the founders’ vision, and the few who could still see it had lost their faith in its potential for fulfillment.

    Ex. This article describes the consequences of a burglary of a during which the desktop system, computer, image setter, and a FAX machine went missing.

    Ex. The author regrets the struggle which Greco-Roman studies have to survive in the USA arguing that US students miss out on understanding the origins of much of their culture and government.

    Ex. The author discusses the factors which have led to early adolescent services slipping through the cracks.

    Ex. It sounds like it could be quite easy for you to get out of your depth with this problem.

    Ex. If one with route knowledge wanders off the route, it would be very difficult for them to backtrack to the route of their own.

    Ex. The author illustrates a method of organising the hypertext files so as to prevent the user from becoming disoriented in the system.

    Ex. Being disorientated or lost is one of the fundamental difficulties which users experience when trying to navigate within hypertext systems.

    Ex. You may find that it is easy to find ourself wandering off track, following something that really interests you, and ultimately not answering the question.

    Ex. Around and around she went, becoming disoriented and losing her bearings, buffeted to and fro by the awesome power of Mother Nature.

    * * *

    (v.) = go astray, get + lost, lose + Posesivo + way, go + missing, miss out on, slip through + the cracks, get out of + Posesivo + depth, wander off + route, disorient, disorientate, wander off + track, lose + Posesivo + bearings

    Ex: If you have a different answer check to see where you went astray.

    Ex: Like Theseus in the Labyrinth we need to be able to follow well trodden pathways through hypermedia materials and re-track our journey along an imaginary thread when we get lost.

    Ex: They had lost their way; most had completely lost sight of the founders’ vision, and the few who could still see it had lost their faith in its potential for fulfillment.

    Ex: This article describes the consequences of a burglary of a during which the desktop system, computer, image setter, and a FAX machine went missing.

    Ex: The author regrets the struggle which Greco-Roman studies have to survive in the USA arguing that US students miss out on understanding the origins of much of their culture and government.

    Ex: The author discusses the factors which have led to early adolescent services slipping through the cracks.

    Ex: It sounds like it could be quite easy for you to get out of your depth with this problem.

    Ex: If one with route knowledge wanders off the route, it would be very difficult for them to backtrack to the route of their own.

    Ex: The author illustrates a method of organising the hypertext files so as to prevent the user from becoming disoriented in the system.

    Ex: Being disorientated or lost is one of the fundamental difficulties which users experience when trying to navigate within hypertext systems.

    Ex: You may find that it is easy to find ourself wandering off track, following something that really interests you, and ultimately not answering the question.

    Ex: Around and around she went, becoming disoriented and losing her bearings, buffeted to and fro by the awesome power of Mother Nature.

    * * *

    ■perderse verbo reflexivo

    1 (extraviarse) to get lost: es fácil perderse en el metro, it’s easy to get lost on the underground

    2 (desaparecer) to disappear

    perderse entre la multitud, to disappear into the crowd

    3 (pervertirse) to go to rack and ruin

    perderse‘ also found in these entries:


    — perder
    — vista


    — lose
    — lost
    — miss out
    — way
    — fail
    — lapse
    — miss
    — recede
    — stray

    * * *


    to get lost;

    to disappear;

    ¡piérdete! get lost!

    me he perdido, ¿podría repetir? I’m lost, would you mind repeating what you just said?;

    explícamelo otra vez, que me he perdido explain it to me again, you lost me

    ¡no te lo pierdas! don’t miss it!;

    to be wasted

    to be beyond salvation

    * * *

    * * *


    to get lost, to stray

    * * *

    to miss

    Spanish-English dictionary > perderse

  • 14

    I Adj.

    1. pej. (dick) fat; fett machen fatten; davon wird man nicht fett you ( oder we etc.) won’t get fat on that; fig. there’s not much money in that, that’s not going to make you ( oder us etc.) rich

    2. Speisen: greasy, fatty; Milch etc.: creamy

    3. AGR., Boden, Weide: rich; Gras, Klee: luxuriant; Fette Henne BOT. Fetthenne

    4. Haare, Salbe: greasy; (ölig) oily

    5. CHEM., TECH., Erz, Gemisch etc.: rich; Kohle: fat; Öl: fatty

    6. DRUCK. bold; fett gedruckt bold(face)…, in bold type ( oder print)

    7. umg. fig. Jahre: fat; Beute, Erträge, etc.: rich; Posten etc.: lucrative; fette Zeiten times of plenty; fetter Bissen juicy morsel; fetter Brocken lucrative deal

    8. Dial. (betrunken) sloshed; Sl. (auf Drogen) stoned

    9. Jugendspr. (toll) fab, Am. awesome

    II Adv.

    1. fett essen eat a lot of fatty food(s); fett kochen use a lot of fat (in one’s cooking)

    2. DRUCK. in bold type ( oder print)

    * * *

    * * *

    Fẹtt [fɛt]

    fat; grease

    tierische/pflanzliche Fette — animal/vegetable fats

    /weghaben — to get/have got what was coming to one , to get/have got one’s comeuppance


    * * *


    1) fat

    2) fat

    4) grease

    * * *

    <-[e]s, -e>



    Fett ansetzen Mensch to gain weight; Tier to put on fat

    pflanzliches/tierisches Fett vegetable/animal fat

    etw in schwimmendem Fett backen to deep-fry sth


    sein Fett abbekommen [o abkriegen] (fam) to get one’s come-uppance fam

    sein Fett [weg]haben (fam) to get what is coming to you fam

    * * *


    sein Fett [ab]bekommen od. [ab]kriegen — get one’s come-uppance

    sein Fett [weg]haben — have been put in one’s place or taught a lesson

    Fett schwimmt oben — fat people never drown!; the rich never suffer

    * * *

    A. adj

    1. pej (dick) fat;

    davon wird man nicht fett you ( oder we etc) won’t get fat on that; fig there’s not much money in that, that’s not going to make you ( oder us etc) rich

    2. Speisen: greasy, fatty; Milch etc: creamy

    3. AGR, Boden, Weide: rich; Gras, Klee: luxuriant;

    4. Haare, Salbe: greasy; (ölig) oily

    5. CHEM, TECH, Erz, Gemisch etc: rich; Kohle: fat; Öl: fatty

    6. TYPO bold;

    7. umg fig Jahre: fat; Beute, Erträge, etc: rich; Posten etc: lucrative;

    8. dial (betrunken) sloshed; sl (auf Drogen) stoned

    9. jugendspr (toll) fab, US awesome

    B. adv


    fett kochen use a lot of fat (in one’s cooking)

    2. TYPO in bold type ( oder print)

    * * *


    sein Fett [ab]bekommen od. [ab]kriegen — get one’s come-uppance

    sein Fett [weg]haben — have been put in one’s place or taught a lesson

    Fett schwimmt oben — fat people never drown!; the rich never suffer

    3) grease

    * * *

    e n.

    fat n.

    grease n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > fett

  • 15


    1 to rent (out) (dejar en alquiler) (house, office, device).

    2 to rent (tomar en alquiler) (house, office, device).

    3 to lease, to rent, to let, to let out.

    4 to hire.

    5 to hire out.

    6 to charter.

    7 to pay rent, to pay rent for a house or building.

    * * *

    ¿hay alqún sitio dónde alquilen esquís? is there anywhere that hires out skis?

    ¿por qué no alquilamos un coche? why don’t we hire a car?

    * * *


    to let, rent

    * * *

    1) to let, rent, rent out; to hire, hire out; (


    ) to rent, rent out

    «se alquila» — «to let», «for rent» (EEUU)

    2) to rent; to hire; (


    ) to rent

    «por alquilar» — «to let», «for rent» (EEUU)



    * * *

    verbo transitivo

    1) ( dar en alquiler) <casa/local> to rent (out), let; < televisor> to rent; <coche/bicicleta> to rent (out) (AmE), to hire out (BrE)

    2) ( tomar en alquiler) <casa/local/televisor> to rent; <coche/bicicleta/disfraz> to rent (AmE), to hire (BrE)

    * * *

    = hire, lease, rent, charter, rent out, let.

    Ex. Plantin of Antwerp sacked him in 1573, but hired him again a few days later = Plantin de Antwerp le despidió en 1573, pero le contrató de nuevo unos pocos días después.

    Ex. Many packages are available for purchase or lease, but there are also strictly in-house packages and packages developed by specific software houses under contract from one organisation.

    Ex. 65% of books rented are novels, 20% mysteries and suspense, and 15% non-fiction.

    Ex. The various forms of chartering of ship for the carriage of bulk cargoes are described.

    Ex. If a job or family situation takes you away from home, consider renting out your home to offset all or part of the costs of your monthly mortgage payment.

    Ex. The priority of this website is to help find the perfect property for you, whether it be to buy or let.


    * alquilar habitaciones = take in + lodgers.

    * alquilar tiempo = buy + time.

    * volver a alquilar = rehire [re-hire].

    * * *

    verbo transitivo

    1) ( dar en alquiler) <casa/local> to rent (out), let; < televisor> to rent; <coche/bicicleta> to rent (out) (AmE), to hire out (BrE)

    2) ( tomar en alquiler) <casa/local/televisor> to rent; <coche/bicicleta/disfraz> to rent (AmE), to hire (BrE)

    * * *

    = hire, lease, rent, charter, rent out, let.

    Ex: Plantin of Antwerp sacked him in 1573, but hired him again a few days later = Plantin de Antwerp le despidió en 1573, pero le contrató de nuevo unos pocos días después.

    Ex: Many packages are available for purchase or lease, but there are also strictly in-house packages and packages developed by specific software houses under contract from one organisation.

    Ex: 65% of books rented are novels, 20% mysteries and suspense, and 15% non-fiction.

    Ex: The various forms of chartering of ship for the carriage of bulk cargoes are described.

    Ex: If a job or family situation takes you away from home, consider renting out your home to offset all or part of the costs of your monthly mortgage payment.

    Ex: The priority of this website is to help find the perfect property for you, whether it be to buy or let.

    * alquilar habitaciones = take in + lodgers.

    * alquilar tiempo = buy + time.

    * volver a alquilar = rehire [re-hire].

    * * *


    A (dar en alquiler) ‹casa/local› to rent (out), let; ‹televisor› to rent; ‹coche/bicicleta› to rent (out) ( AmE), to hire out ( BrE)

    [ S ] se alquila piso apartment for rent ( AmE), flat to let ( BrE)

    [ S ] se alquilan esquís skis for rent ( AmE) o ( BrE) hire

    B (tomar en alquiler) ‹casa/local/televisor› to rent; ‹coche/bicicleta/disfraz› to rent ( AmE), to hire ( BrE)

    C (contratar) ‹orquesta/banda de música› to hire

    * * *


    alquilar ( conjugate alquilar) verbo transitivo

    1 ( dar en alquiler) ‹casa/local to rent (out), let (BrE);

    televisor to rent;

    coche/bicicleta to rent (out) (AmE), to hire out (BrE)

    2 ( tomar en alquiler) ‹casa/local/televisor to rent;

    coche/bicicleta/disfraz to rent (AmE), to hire (BrE)

    alquilar verbo transitivo to hire

    (un piso, una casa) to rent

    (letrero) se alquila, to let

    ¿To hire, to rent o to let?

    To hire y to hire out implican un periodo breve de alquiler y se suelen usar al hablar de coches o trajes. To rent y to rent out implican un periodo más largo y se emplean al tratarse de pisos, habitaciones o casas. To hire y to rent se refieren tanto a la persona que recibe algo en alquiler como al propietario: Voy a alquilar el coche (cliente y propietario). I’m going to hire/rent a car. Sin embargo, to hire out y to rent out se refieren únicamente al propietario: Alquilo coches. I hire/rent out cars.

    To let
    se aplica casi exclusivamente a inmuebles, y el propietario siempre es el sujeto del verbo: El sr. Brown alquila habitaciones. Mr Brown lets/rents out rooms.

    alquilar‘ also found in these entries:


    — arrendamiento
    — chalet
    — dudar


    — hire
    — hire out
    — let
    — rent
    — rent out
    — take
    — charter
    — house

    * * *


    to rent (out);

    to rent (out);
    to hire out;
    to hire out;

    se alquila for rent, to let;

    it was a scream

    to rent;

    to rent;
    to hire;
    to hire

    * * *

    * * *

    to rent, to lease

    * * *

    to rent

    to hire

    to rent out

    to hire out

    Spanish-English dictionary > alquilar

  • 16


    1 barbarian, barbarous, barbaric, beast-like.

    2 super.

    3 non-Greco-Roman.




    barbarian, philistine, chuff, savage.

    * * *

    2 (cruel) barbaric, savage, cruel

    nombre masculino,nombre femenino




    * * *


    Spanish-English dictionary > bárbaro

  • 17


    awesome, extremely good, amazing, cool.


    fine, cool, great, good for you.

    * * *

    1 marvellous (US marvelous), wonderful, super

    * * *


    stupendous, wonderful

    * * *


    marvellous, marvelous (EEUU), great *

    ¡estupendo! — that’s great! *, splendid!

    -no te preocupes, yo lo hago -¡estupendo! — «don’t worry, I’ll do it» — «great!»

    * * *


    a) ( excelente) marvelous*, fantastic (colloq), great (colloq)



    * * *

    = fantastic, wonderful, wayout, gee whiz [gee wizz], glorious, lovely [lovelier — comp., loveliest -sup.], smash, crackerjack, a helluva, a stormer of, great, swell.

    Ex. GODORT has done a fantastic job of dealing with and solving documents problems.

    Ex. A wonderful grin spread over the manager’s face.

    Ex. By asking readers to indicate whether the reference had been of interest or not, a degree of feedback can be obtained which can be used to modify their profiles, but there will never be any means of foretelling the ‘ wayout‘ article which may prove of interest.

    Ex. He should beware that the ‘ gee whiz‘ or ‘Isn’t science wonderful’ syndrome is not uncommon among the recently converted = Debería tener cuidado de que el síndrome « recórcholis» o «la ciencia es maravillosa» es frecuente entre los nuevos conversos.

    Ex. In other words, compare the glorious statements made about the purpose of libraries in 1849 with the opening of Manchester Public Library, with one ceremony for the working class and one for the ‘nobs’.

    Ex. The article ‘ Lovely idea, but unlovely pricing’ criticizes the pricing level of a new service aimed at research scientists in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and biotechnology companies.

    Ex. The cooperative venture ‘StoryLines America’ joins libraries and public radio in smash kick-off.

    Ex. What is needed is a crackerjack reference librarian who could help research this question.

    Ex. I have the ability to do this on my own, but it takes a helluva long time for me to warm up to people.

    Ex. After only two days rehearsal we did a stormer of a gig from my point of view which went down a treat to a packed house.

    Ex. Click on ‘add new experience’, provide as much details as you can, and let us know why you think they are so great.

    Ex. I was reading this book in anticipatian of the movie and it was swell, it was so good I read it two days straight.


    * de manera estupenda = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].

    * ser estupendo = sound + great, be fine and dandy.

    * * *


    a) ( excelente) marvelous*, fantastic (colloq), great (colloq)



    * * *

    = fantastic, wonderful, wayout, gee whiz [gee wizz], glorious, lovely [lovelier — comp., loveliest -sup.], smash, crackerjack, a helluva, a stormer of, great, swell.

    Ex: GODORT has done a fantastic job of dealing with and solving documents problems.

    Ex: A wonderful grin spread over the manager’s face.

    Ex: By asking readers to indicate whether the reference had been of interest or not, a degree of feedback can be obtained which can be used to modify their profiles, but there will never be any means of foretelling the ‘ wayout‘ article which may prove of interest.

    Ex: He should beware that the ‘ gee whiz‘ or ‘Isn’t science wonderful’ syndrome is not uncommon among the recently converted = Debería tener cuidado de que el síndrome « recórcholis» o «la ciencia es maravillosa» es frecuente entre los nuevos conversos.

    Ex: In other words, compare the glorious statements made about the purpose of libraries in 1849 with the opening of Manchester Public Library, with one ceremony for the working class and one for the ‘nobs’.

    Ex: The article ‘ Lovely idea, but unlovely pricing’ criticizes the pricing level of a new service aimed at research scientists in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and biotechnology companies.

    Ex: The cooperative venture ‘StoryLines America’ joins libraries and public radio in smash kick-off.

    Ex: What is needed is a crackerjack reference librarian who could help research this question.

    Ex: I have the ability to do this on my own, but it takes a helluva long time for me to warm up to people.

    Ex: After only two days rehearsal we did a stormer of a gig from my point of view which went down a treat to a packed house.

    Ex: Click on ‘add new experience’, provide as much details as you can, and let us know why you think they are so great.

    Ex: I was reading this book in anticipatian of the movie and it was swell, it was so good I read it two days straight.

    * de manera estupenda = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].

    * ser estupendo = sound + great, be fine and dandy.

    * * *

    ¿lo has terminado? ¡estupendo! have you finished already? great!

    * * *

    estupendo 1

    ◊ —da adjetivo

    estupendo 2 adverbio ‹ cantar› marvelously( conjugate marvelously);

    estupendo,-a adjetivo fantastic

    ¡estupendo!, great! o that’s wonderful!

    estupendo‘ also found in these entries:


    — bestial
    — corte
    — enrollada
    — enrollado
    — espléndida
    — espléndido
    — estupenda
    — extraordinaria
    — extraordinario
    — fabulosa
    — fabuloso
    — fenomenal
    — guapa
    — guapo
    — hostia
    — regar
    — vacilón
    — vacilona
    — genial
    — legal
    — magnífico
    — muerte
    — regio


    — gorgeous
    — grand
    — great
    — hell
    — magic
    — neat
    — sensational
    — smashing
    — stupendous
    — super-duper
    — tremendous
    — yippee
    — terrific

    * * *

    wonderful, marvellous;

    ¡estupendo! wonderful!, marvellous!;

    ¿vamos mañana a la playa? – ¡estupendo! shall we go to the beach tomorrow? – good idea!

    * * *

    * * *

    stupendous, marvelous

    * * *


    wonderful / great / fantastic

    Spanish-English dictionary > estupendo

  • 18


    1 grand, spectacular, formidable, great.

    2 great, wonderful, awesome, amazing.

    * * *

    1 grandiose, grand, magnificent

    * * *


    grand, magnificent;



    * * *

    a) <espectáculo/obra> impressive, magnificent

    * * *

    = grand [grander -comp., grandes -sup.], grandiose, of epic proportions, epic, portentous.

    Ex. As Carlyle saw it, ‘the grand use of any catalog is to tell you, in any intelligible way, that such and such books are in the library’.

    Ex. It was initially intended for use in the classified arrangement of a grandiose index to all recorded human knowledge, a ‘universal index’.

    Ex. Even though they are not as long as I think they should be, many of the stories are of epic proportions and many of them are very entertaining.

    Ex. Unmindful of the epic moves that made it what it is today, Elwood Bibeau fastened his seat belt as his plane approached the Wexler airport.

    Ex. This novel is once again a most peculiar combination of broad farce and portentous significance.

    * * *

    a) <espectáculo/obra> impressive, magnificent

    * * *

    = grand [grander -comp., grandes -sup.], grandiose, of epic proportions, epic, portentous.

    Ex: As Carlyle saw it, ‘the grand use of any catalog is to tell you, in any intelligible way, that such and such books are in the library’.

    Ex: It was initially intended for use in the classified arrangement of a grandiose index to all recorded human knowledge, a ‘universal index’.

    Ex: Even though they are not as long as I think they should be, many of the stories are of epic proportions and many of them are very entertaining.

    Ex: Unmindful of the epic moves that made it what it is today, Elwood Bibeau fastened his seat belt as his plane approached the Wexler airport.

    Ex: This novel is once again a most peculiar combination of broad farce and portentous significance.

    * * *

    1 ‹espectáculo/obra› impressive, magnificent

    * * *


    ◊ —sa adjetivo

    grandioso,-a adjetivo grandiose

    grandioso‘ also found in these entries:


    — majestad



    * * *

    grand, splendid

    * * *


    impressive, magnificent

    * * *

    grand, magnificent


    Spanish-English dictionary > grandioso

  • 19


    incredible, unbelievable, beyond belief.


    unbelievable, no shit, forsooth.

    * * *

    1 incredible, unbelievable

    * * *


    incredible, unbelievable

    * * *


    incredible, unbelievable

    es increíble que… — it is incredible o unbelievable that…

    * * *

    * * *

    = extraordinary, fantastic, incredible, terrific, unbelievable, fantastical, astonishing, beyond belief, out of this world, marvel.

    Ex. Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.

    Ex. GODORT has done a fantastic job of dealing with and solving documents problems.

    Ex. I could tell you many things about Cutter that you probably would find incredible.

    Ex. However, fiction — from a public library standpoint, but not from a research or academic standpoint — is a terrific example of undercataloging.

    Ex. The development of digital technology has hastened this process until the point where we are today: the capacity to produce unbelievable volumes of information.

    Ex. Adorno’s distinction between fantastical thought & the commodification of fantasy in the form of literature is addressed.

    Ex. It asserts that the answer to the problems relating to the astonishing growth of great research libraries lies in large-scale interlibrary cooperation.

    Ex. His conclusion is both beyond belief and in conflict with common sense.

    Ex. I get a kick when I’m on my racing bike, and when I have my skates on it’s out of this world.

    Ex. It is a marvel to think that this is the place a few years back thought to be irretrievably gone to rack and ruin.


    * aunque parezca increíble = incredibly, incredible though it may seem, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, although it may seem incredible.

    * parecer increíble = beggar + belief.

    * por muy increíble que parezca = incredible though it may seem, incredibly, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, although it may seem incredible.

    * ser increíble = beggar + belief.

    * * *

    * * *

    = extraordinary, fantastic, incredible, terrific, unbelievable, fantastical, astonishing, beyond belief, out of this world, marvel.

    Ex: Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.

    Ex: GODORT has done a fantastic job of dealing with and solving documents problems.

    Ex: I could tell you many things about Cutter that you probably would find incredible.

    Ex: However, fiction — from a public library standpoint, but not from a research or academic standpoint — is a terrific example of undercataloging.

    Ex: The development of digital technology has hastened this process until the point where we are today: the capacity to produce unbelievable volumes of information.

    Ex: Adorno’s distinction between fantastical thought & the commodification of fantasy in the form of literature is addressed.

    Ex: It asserts that the answer to the problems relating to the astonishing growth of great research libraries lies in large-scale interlibrary cooperation.

    Ex: His conclusion is both beyond belief and in conflict with common sense.

    Ex: I get a kick when I’m on my racing bike, and when I have my skates on it’s out of this world.

    Ex: It is a marvel to think that this is the place a few years back thought to be irretrievably gone to rack and ruin.

    * aunque parezca increíble = incredibly, incredible though it may seem, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, although it may seem incredible.

    * parecer increíble = beggar + belief.

    * por muy increíble que parezca = incredible though it may seem, incredibly, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, although it may seem incredible.

    * ser increíble = beggar + belief.

    * * *

    ‹historia› incredible, unbelievable

    * * *


    increíble adjetivo

    incredible, unbelievable

    increíble adjetivo incredible, unbelievable: tuvimos una suerte increíble, we had an amazing piece of luck

    familiar es un actor increíble, he’s an exceptional actor

    increíble‘ also found in these entries:


    — novelesco
    — pachorra
    — alucinante


    — astonishing
    — awesome
    — belief
    — beyond
    — extraordinary
    — incredible
    — unbelievable
    — astounding
    — odds
    — phenomenal
    — terrific
    — world

    * * *



    * * *

    * * *

    incredible, unbelievable

    * * *


    incredible / unbelievable

    Spanish-English dictionary > increíble

  • 20

    I Adj.

    1. pej. (dick) fat; fett machen fatten; davon wird man nicht fett you ( oder we etc.) won’t get fat on that; fig. there’s not much money in that, that’s not going to make you ( oder us etc.) rich

    2. Speisen: greasy, fatty; Milch etc.: creamy

    3. AGR., Boden, Weide: rich; Gras, Klee: luxuriant; Fette Henne BOT. Fetthenne

    4. Haare, Salbe: greasy; (ölig) oily

    5. CHEM., TECH., Erz, Gemisch etc.: rich; Kohle: fat; Öl: fatty

    6. DRUCK. bold; fett gedruckt bold(face)…, in bold type ( oder print)

    7. umg. fig. Jahre: fat; Beute, Erträge, etc.: rich; Posten etc.: lucrative; fette Zeiten times of plenty; fetter Bissen juicy morsel; fetter Brocken lucrative deal

    8. Dial. (betrunken) sloshed; Sl. (auf Drogen) stoned

    9. Jugendspr. (toll) fab, Am. awesome

    II Adv.

    1. fett essen eat a lot of fatty food(s); fett kochen use a lot of fat (in one’s cooking)

    2. DRUCK. in bold type ( oder print)

    * * *

    * * *

    Fẹtt [fɛt]

    fat; grease

    tierische/pflanzliche Fette — animal/vegetable fats

    /weghaben — to get/have got what was coming to one , to get/have got one’s comeuppance


    * * *


    1) fat

    2) fat

    4) grease

    * * *

    <-[e]s, -e>



    Fett ansetzen Mensch to gain weight; Tier to put on fat

    pflanzliches/tierisches Fett vegetable/animal fat

    etw in schwimmendem Fett backen to deep-fry sth


    sein Fett abbekommen [o abkriegen] (fam) to get one’s come-uppance fam

    sein Fett [weg]haben (fam) to get what is coming to you fam

    * * *


    sein Fett [ab]bekommen od. [ab]kriegen — get one’s come-uppance

    sein Fett [weg]haben — have been put in one’s place or taught a lesson

    Fett schwimmt oben — fat people never drown!; the rich never suffer

    * * *

    Fett n; (e)s, -e

    weg umg fig he got what was coming to him

    * * *


    sein Fett [ab]bekommen od. [ab]kriegen — get one’s come-uppance

    sein Fett [weg]haben — have been put in one’s place or taught a lesson

    Fett schwimmt oben — fat people never drown!; the rich never suffer

    3) grease

    * * *

    e n.

    fat n.

    grease n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Fett

  • you were awesome — перевод на русский

    They have clusters of galaxies and then there’s big bits of nothing and so it’s awesome, yeah?

    Существуют целые скопления галактик, а там и еще большущие области из ничего! И это круто, да?

    — Because it’s awesome.

    — Потому что это круто.

    It is awesome, McLovin.

    Это круто, МакТрахер.

    I know. It’s awesome. Now there’s no doubt who the best buds in the whole hospital are.

    Я знаю, это круто, теперь нет сомнений, у кого самые крутые задницы в клинике

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    — No, it is awesome.

    -Нет, это потрясающе.

    No, it’s awesome.

    Нет, это потрясающе!

    It was awesome.

    Это потрясающе.

    It’s awesome!

    Это потрясающе!

    I think it’s awesome that you’re gonna have a kid, man.

    А я думаю, что это потрясающе, что у тебя будет ребенок, старина.

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    You were awesome.

    Ты был великолепен!

    You were awesome last night.

    Ты был великолепен прошлой ночью.

    You were awesome.

    Ты был великолепен.

    Clark, you’re awesome!

    Кларк, ты великолепен!

    You’re awesome.

    Ты великолепен.

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    Yeah, it was awesome.

    — Вау. — Да, это замечательно.

    You said it was awesome.

    Ты сказала, это замечательно.

    But i do think it’s awesome.

    Но я думаю, что это замечательно.

    No, it’s awesome.

    Нет, всё замечательно.

    No, i’m awesome.

    Нет, все замечательно.

    Показать ещё примеры для «это замечательно»…

    It was awesome, dude.

    Это было классно, чувак.

    It was awesome.

    Это было классно.

    The thing is, Wendy, I really think you’re awesome, and I know I’m just a nerdy little weakling to you, but I want to be your friend because

    Дело в том, Венди, я считаю что ты классная, я знаю что по сравнению с тобой я слабак и ничтожество, но я хочу быть твоим другом, потому что у меня не так много друзей, как у тебя.

    You’re awesome, Bones.

    Ты классная, Кости.

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    Now, she’s awesome.

    Она удивительная.

    It’s awesome.

    Она удивительная.

    She is awesome.

    Она удивительная.

    It was awesome, man.

    Это было удивительно, дружище.

    We took her father’s jet and it was awesome!

    Мы взяли самолет ее отца, и это было удивительно!

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    It’s awesome.

    Это изумительно.

    and it’s awesome.

    И это изумительно.

    It’s awesome squared.

    Это изумительно в квадрате.

    And so I went there, too, and it is awesome.

    И когда я пришел туда, это было изумительно.

    It was awesome.

    Это было изумительно.

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    You’re really good with the bike It was awesome

    Ты, правда, хороша на мотоцикле. Это было здорово.

    It was awesome.

    Это было здорово!

    Pelé scored the first goal, it was awesome.

    Пеле открыл счет, это было здорово.

    I guess it’s -— it’s awesome.

    Думаю, это… Это здорово.

    It’s awesome.

    Ух, это здорово.

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    You were awesome, Token!

    Ты супер, Токен

    You’re awesome.

    Ты супер!

    Dude, you’re awesome!

    Чувак, ты супер.

    It’s this awesome celebration… where they burn this huge wooden man.

    Это супер праздник: в конце… они сожгут огромную деревянную стутую.

    Показать ещё примеры для «ты супер»…

    It was awesome.

    Это было клёво!

    It was awesome

    Это было клево!

    But you did, and it was awesome.

    Но у вы поддержали и это было клёво.

    It’s awesome, trust me.

    Это клёво, поверь мне.

    Отправить комментарий

    Смотрите также

    • это круто
    • это потрясающе
    • ты был великолепен
    • это замечательно
    • это было классно
    • она удивительная
    • это изумительно
    • это было здорово
    • ты супер
    • это было клёво

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