You and me english is a word game

Сценарий праздника на английском
языке для 1-го класса

(учебник И.Н. Верещагиной для 1-го
класса и Excellent Starter)

Праздник “Принятие в английское королевство”
проходит в конце 1 четверти, когда учащиеся
знакомы с буквами английского алфавита. Проводят
учащиеся 10–11-х классов для первоклассников, а
также 6–7-е классы ставят маленькие сценки на
английском языке.

На сцене надпись “Welcome to the Kingdom of the
English Language” и картинка английского замка. Двое
ведущих 11-х классов, один говорит по-английски,
другой переводит на русский язык, чтобы было
понятно первоклассникам и их родителям.

Ведущий 1: Dear boys and girls! Dear teachers and guests!
We are glad to see you here today. Now we begin our party “Welcome to the Kingdom of the
English language”.

Ведущий 2: Дорогие мальчики и
девочки! Уважаемые гости и учителя! Мы рады
видеть вас здесь сегодня. Сейчас мы начинаем наш
праздник “Добро пожаловать в Королевство
английского языка”.

Играет музыка, и на сцену выходит
Королева в красивом платье и с короной на голове.

Королева: Good morning! I’m the Queen of the Kingdom
of the English Language. I’m glad to see you. Our Kingdom is very rich and beautiful.
English is spoken in many countries of the world.

Ведущий 1: Доброе утро! Я Королева в
Королевстве английского языка. Я рада видеть Вас.
Наше Королевство очень богатое и красивое. На
английском языке говорят во многих странах мира.

Королева садится на стул-трон слева.
Звучит песня “English is a Word Game”. На сцену выходят
представители разных стран: Англия, Шотландия,
Америка, Канада, Индия, Австралия, одетые в
национальные костюмы.
Звучит английская музыка.

Англичанин: (одет как
полицейский, на голове полицейская каска
) I’m
from England, the main part of Great Britain. Great Britain is one of the most beautiful
and richest countries of the world. I’m a policeman from London, capital of England and
Great Britain. I work in Scotland Yard.

Ведущий 2: Я из Англии, главной
части Великобритании. Великобритания – одна из
самых красивых и богатых стран мира. Я
полицейский из Лондона, столицы Англии и
Великобритании. Я работаю в Скотланд Ярде.

Звучит шотландская волынка.

Шотландец: (одет в килт и гольфы)
I’m from Scotland, another part of Great Britain. Scotland is famous for its wonderful
mountains and lakes. They say that the Loch Ness monster lives in one of the lakes. The
national Scottish costume is a kilt. The Scottish like to sing and dance very much.

Ведущий 1: Я из Шотландии, другой
части Великобритании. Шотландия знаменита
своими замечательными горами и озёрами. Говорят,
что в одном из озёр живёт огромное чудовище.
Национальный костюм шотландца – килт. Шотландцы
очень любят петь и танцевать.

Звучит музыка кантри.

Американец: (в ковбойской шляпе и
) Hi! I’m from America. America is one of the greatest and richest
countries in the world. Americans speak English. I’m an American farmer. I’m wearing
blue jeans. Jeans first appeared in America. The American cowboys liked to wear jeans
which are now popular all over the world.

Ведущий 2: Привет! Я из Америки.
Америка – одна из самых больших и богатых стран
мира. Американцы говорят по-английски. Я фермер
из Америки. На мне джинсы. Джинсы впервые
появились в Америке. Американские ковбои любили
носить джинсы, которые теперь популярны во всём

Звучит спортивная музыка.

Канадец: (одет в футболку с
канадским кленовым листом, в руках хоккейная
) I’m from Canada. Some people in Canada speak English and some people
speak French. My country is large and beautiful. Canada is rich in forests, that’s why a
maple leaf is on our national flag. Canadians are fond of playing hockey. Our hockey team
is one of the best in the world.

Ведущий 1: Я из Канады. Часть людей в
Канаде говорят по-английски, часть –
по-французски. Моя страна огромная и красивая.
Канада богата лесами, поэтому на нашем
национальном флаге – кленовый лист. Канадцы
очень любят играть в хоккей. Наша хоккейная
команда – одна из сильнейших в мире.

Звучит индийская музыка.

Индианка: (одета в сари, в руках
держит банку с индийским чаем
) Hello! I’m from India.
English is spoken in India, too. My country is rich in precious stones and many other
beautiful things. We have a lot of big elephants. Indian tea is drunk all over the world.

Ведущий 2: Здравствуйте! Я из Индии.
По-английски говорят и в Индии. Моя страна богата
драгоценными камнями и другими прекрасными
вещами. У нас много огромных слонов. Индийский
чай любят пить во всем мире.

Звучит веселая музыка.

Маленькая девочка: (одета в
костюм кенгуру
) Hi! I’m from Australia. People in Australia speak
English. Do you know me? I’m a kangaroo. I only live in Australia. I like to jump.

Ведущий 1: Привет! Я из Австралии.
Люди в Австралии говорят по-английски. Вы знаете
меня? Я кенгуру. Я живу только в Австралии. Я люблю

Представители стран уходят со сцены
под песню “English is a Word Game”.

Королева: Do you want to visit these countries and speak
English as well as they do? If you learn English you can read English books and fairy
tales. Now you will watch a fairy tale about the “Three Little Kittens and the Wolf”.

Ведущий 2: Вы хотите посетить эти
страны и говорить по-английски так же хорошо, как
и они? Если вы учите английский язык, вы будете
читать английские книги и сказки. Сейчас вы
увидите сказку “Три котёнка и волк”.

В сценке участвуют учащиеся 7-го
класса: кошка, три котёнка и волк.

Cat: My dear children, I am going to the market to buy some milk
and bread for dinner. You must be good and sit still, or the Wolf will hear you and come.

The Cat puts on her hat, takes the basket and goes away.
The Wolf comes up to the door and listens to the song.

Wolf: Mother Cat is not at home. I shall go into the house and
take all her kittens. What a good supper I shall have!

He knocks on the door.

Kittens: Who is there by the door?

Wolf: It’s me, your mother. Open the door, my little kittens.
I have brought you milk for dinner.

White kitten: Show me your paw through the window.

The wolf shows his paw.

White kitten: That is not our Mother’s paw. Her paw is white
as snow. We shall not open the door to you. Go away.

The wolf knocks again.

Kittens: Who is there by the door?

Wolf: It’s me, your mother. Open the door, my little kittens.
I have brought you milk for dinner.

Black kitten: Show us your paw through the window.

The wolf shows his paw wrapped in a white handkerchief.

Grey kitten: Your paw looks very white, but your voice is not
sweet. You are not our Mother.

Wolf: I know what I do. I shall eat sugar and my voice will
become as sweet as sugar.

He eats sugar and knocks at the door again.

Kittens: Who is there by the door?

Wolf: (in a sweet voice) It’s me, your Mother. Open the
door, my little kittens. I have brought you milk for dinner.

Kittens: That is our dear Mother! Let’s open the door.

Wolf: Ha, ha, ha! It’s not your mother. It’s me, Big Bad
Wolf. I shall eat you up, dear kittens!

Three little kittens start screaming and running about the room,
then hide behind the curtains.
The Mother Cat’s voice is heard.

Cat: My little kittens, I’m coming! Open the door!

The Wolf runs away. The Cat enters the room.

Cat: My little kittens where are you? I can’t see you.

Black kitten: Mummy, dear, the Wolf was here.

Grey kitten: The Wolf wanted to eat us up.

White kitten: But he could not find us.

Cat: Oh, my naughty kittens. Don’t let anyone in when your
mother is out. Let’s have dinner. I have brought you fresh milk.

Кошка с котятами поют песню “The more we
are together”.
На сцену выходят фрейлины.

Королева: I have come with my Maids of Honour: the Maid
of Letters, the Maid of Numbers, the Maid of Colours and the Maid of Music.

Ведущий 1: Я пришла со своими
фрейлинами. Это фрейлина букв, фрейлина цифр,
фрейлина цвета и фрейлина музыки.

Королева: Oh, this is the Maid of Mistakes. I’m afraid
she will try to spoil our party.

Ведущий 1: Ой, это фрейлина ошибок.
Боюсь, что она попытается испортить наш праздник.

Фрейлина ошибок: Hi! I’m sure these children
can’t be accepted into the Kingdom of the English language. They always make lots of
mistakes. How I love them when they make mistakes!

Ведущий 2: Привет! Я уверена, что
этих детей нельзя принимать в королевство
английского языка. Они всегда делают очень много
ошибок. Как я люблю, когда они делают ошибки!

Королева: We don’t agree with you. These children
enjoy learning English and they will prove it with the help of our Maids of Honour.

Ведущий 1: Мы с тобой не согласны.
Этим ребятам нравится учить английский язык, и
обычно они делают очень мало ошибок. Сейчас они
это докажут с помощью наших фрейлин.

Фрейлина букв: I’m the Maid of Letters. I know
that you have already learned the English alphabet. Can you sing the ABCs?

Ведущий 2: Я фрейлина букв. Я знаю,
что вы уже выучили английский алфавит. Можете
спеть его?

Дети поют песню “The ABC Song”. Затем
фрейлина букв показывает карточки с буквами, и
дети называют эти буквы. Фрейлина ошибок путает
детей, называет неправильные буквы.

Фрейлина букв: Don’t listen to her, children. She
wants you to make mistakes. You know the ABCs very well.

Ведущий 1: Не слушайте её, дети. Она
хочет, чтобы вы сделали ошибки. Вы знаете алфавит
очень хорошо.

Фрейлина цифр: I’m the Maid of Numbers. Can you
count? Sing the song “One little Yellow Kite”, please.

Ведущий 2: Я фрейлина цифр. Вы
умеете считать? Спойте, пожалуйста, песню.

Дети поют песню “One Little Yellow Kite” и
рассказывают стихотворение “One Banana, Two Bananas”.
Затем фрейлина цифр показывает карточки с
цифрами, и дети называют эти цифры. Фрейлина
ошибок путает детей, выкрикивает неправильные

Фрейлина цвета: I’m the Maid of Colours. I know
that you can sing a song about colours.

Ведущий 1: Я фрейлина цвета. Я знаю,
что вы можете спеть песню о цветах.

Дети поют песню “Colours”.
Затем фрейлина цвета показывает разноцветные
воздушные шарики, и дети называют их цвет.
Фрейлина ошибок путает детей, выкрикивает
неправильные цвета.
Фрейлина музыки исполняет песню “I Have a Dream”.

Фрейлина музыки: You have already guessed that I
am the Maid of Music. I enjoyed your singing. Can you sing a song for me?

Ведущий 2: Вы уже догадались, что я
фрейлина музыки. Мне очень понравилось, как вы
поёте. Вы можете спеть для меня песню?

Дети поют песню “What Is Your Name?”

Королева: I think, children, you can be accepted into
the Kingdom of the English Language!

Ведущий 1: Я думаю, ребята, вас уже
можно принять в Королевство английского языка.

Фрейлина ошибок: No, no! Don’t accept them!

Ведущий 2: Нет, нет! Не принимайте

Фрейлина музыки: We are tired of you! Why don’t
you like these nice children? You go away yourself!

Ведущий 1: Ты нам надоела! Чем тебе
не нравятся такие хорошие дети? Сама уходи

Все фрейлины: Go away!

Ведущий 1: Уходи!

Фрейлина ошибок: Forgive me, please!

Ведущий 2: Простите меня,

Королева: Let’s forgive her! But don’t spoil our
party again.

Ведущий 2: Давайте простим её!
Больше не мешай нам.

Королева: Listen to my order! I, the Queen of the
Kingdom of the English Language, accept the pupils of the 1 “A” and 1 “B” forms
into my Kingdom.

Ведущий 1: Слушайте мой указ! Я,
королева Королевства английского языка,
принимаю учеников 1“А” и 1“Б” классов в моё

Фрейлина музыки: Are you happy? Let’s sing the
song “If You are Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands”.

Ведущий 2: Вы счастливы? Давайте
споём песню “Если ты счастлив”.

Дети исполняют песню вместе с

Королева: Now you will be given the emblems of our

Ведущий 1: Теперь вам вручат
эмблемы нашего Королевства.

Все фрейлины вешают всем
первоклассникам на шею эмблемы-медали.

Ведущий 1: Dear boys and girls, we congratulate you and
wish you to study well. Our party is over. Goodbye!

Ведущий 2: Дорогие мальчики и
девочки, мы поздравляем вас и желаем вам хорошо
учиться. Наш праздник окончен. До свидания!

By Tatyana Makhrina,
School No. 1285, Moscow

A list of fun English word games for kids to help improve children’s spelling, reading, and vocabulary. This list of word games for kids includes word games that encourage conversation and early literacy that you can play on the spot or prepare yourself with just some paper and pencil.

Why are Word Games Good For Kids?

Word games and vocabulary games for kids are great because they get kids talking and using language while having fun. When you make a learning activity fun, kids don’t realise they are learning.

For reluctant learners, playing these word games can help and motivate them to want to play and learn more.

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10 Fun Word Games for Kids

Many of these word games for kids can be prepared easily at home with materials you already have. However if you don’t have time to prepare your own, you can also purchase a range of fun word games for kids HERE.

1. Hang Man

Hangman word game for kids

Probably one of the most popular word games for kids is the popular Hang Man. Player 1 thinks of a word and Player 2 has to guess it before they get “hung.”

Player 1 writes spaces for letters are written on the page so they know how many letters there are in the word. Player 2 proceeds to choose a letter they think may be in the word.

If it is correct Player 1 writes the letter down where it goes. If it is incorrect Player 1 draws part of the “hangman”. If the drawing is complete by the time Player 2 guesses, then Player 1 wins.

2. I spy

A really easy and fun word game for kids is I spy. You don’t need anything for this game except your imagination.

Player 1 thinks of a word and tells the others the first letter. “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with __” The other players need to guess the word. Whoever wins gets to be the spy!

This is a really great car game for kids too and helps to build vocabulary.

3. Bingo

Such an easy word game to prepare for kids. There are some really good versions on Amazon HERE. You can purchase the game, or use it as an example to make your own.

Draw a square grid on a page and choose a theme. Write out some words using the theme. Eg, beach: swimming, sand castles, water, sea shells, dolphin, sunbeds, picnic etc.

Make an extra copy of the words ensuring there are a few extra than the amount on the page. Cut them up into squares and put in a bowl scrunched up.

Take turns in pulling out a word and reading it out loud, then finding it on your page. The first person to find all of the words calls out Bingo and is the winner.

This fun word game for kids helps with reading and talking aloud.

4. Word Family Game

This game requires children to rhyme. Select one word and everyone needs to write as many words as they can that rhyme with that word. Eg. If the word is “Cat”, answers could be: hat, bat, rat, sat etc.

This is a great word game to help build kids vocabulary and help their language skills.

5. Word Search

Wordsearch word games for kids

Another fun but challenging word game for kids is a word search. Draw a grid of 10 x 10 squares and place as many words as you can within the grid. Words can go up, down, or diagonal, and letters can overlap to be used more than once.

Create a list on the side or bottom of the page of the words you have entered. Then once you cannot fit anymore words in, fill the blank boxes with random letters.

Kids will need to find the words as quick as possible. This can be a fun word game to do individually or as a team. For kids who like to compete, you can make identical grids and see who finishes first.

This word game encourages persistence and helps to improve their literacy skills.

6. Unscramble the words

A simple word game for children that will get them really thinking! Write a list of words down on paper but scramble the letter order while writing. Kids will need to look at the letters and try to work out what the word is and guess it.

This can be quite a competitive word game, but it helps to really get their mind ticking.

7. Scategories

While this is also an official board game, (which you can find online here) you can also make it yourself quite easily. Each player has a piece of paper and pencil.

Select 10-15 categories. These can be anything you like but remember they should be popular enough that you can guess something with most letters. Eg. Country, Movie, Body Part, Actor or Actress etc.

Once you have your categories it is time to choose a letter. Without a dice, the easiest way is to write the letters randomly on a piece of paper.

Then one person closes their eyes and points to a letter. When the letter has been chosen, players have 2 minutes to fill in the gaps with something in each category starting with that letter.

Winner is the one with the most filled in at the end, or the first to finish.

This is a really fun and competitive word game for kids that helps to improve their vocabulary, spelling, and conversation skills.

8. Words within a word

This word game requires kids to create their own words. Choose one really long word with at least 8-10 letters. The longer the better.

The aim of this word game is for kids to try to make a list of small words out of the letters of the long word. So for example the word COMPUTER includes: put, cot, term, core, mop, top, pet. Etc.

This is a really fun word game to help children’s spelling skills.

9. I am going on a picnic

A fun word game to help with your child’s memory and to get them talking.

One person starts and says “I am going on a picnic and I will bring some… fruit”

The next person says what the first person said, and adds something of their own. “I am going on a picnic and I will bring some fruit, and some sandwiches.

The next person says what the first, and second person said, and adds something of their own. “I am going on a picnic and I will bring some fruit, some sandwiches and some ice-cream.

You continue on and on and it gets more difficult to remember everything. We usually can get to at least seven or eight, and surprisingly my pre-schooler can often remember more than me!

This conversational game helps with memory, and also learning new vocabulary.

10. Story prompts

This word game involves making up a story by taking turns in saying sentences. One person starts the story, and says the first sentence. The second person continues the story with another sentence, and so on.

The stories can become very interesting as each person has different ideas. Bilingual flashcards are great for this or you can find a great version online HERE.

This conversation activity helps kid’s imagination, as well as building their vocabulary.

Other Fun Learning Resources for Kids?

If you love these English word games, check out these posts!

English Classroom Games – To play in class or at home
Knock Knock Jokes – To get the kids laughing
Best Board Games for Kids – Educational and fun
Top Book Sets for Kids – For all ages

Which English word games do you play with your kids?

These fun English word games for kids can be played with children of all ages and also with adults just by adapting certain aspects of the game to suit the age of the player.

This list of word games for kids will keep kids entertained for hours on end without feeling like they are actually learning.

English word games for kids
English word games for kids

Who said learning English is a boring task? Whether the learning session is boring or not, it completely depends on the teacher. If you are a parent, you should consider teaching your children with games. In the case of teaching English, word games are a fun way to learn.

Learning doesn’t mean that someone has to go through hefty books and continue it for hours. Even games can educate someone. Well, in most cases the learner doesn’t even notice that he or she is learning new things, they think they are having a fun activity. This is even truer for young children.

The word games are not new concepts. These game shave been with us for a long time. Actually, kids are always fond of them. You don’t believe me? Then maybe you haven’t seen kids eagerly waiting for the newspaper to arrive just to solve the crosswords puzzle.

But these games are not just a source of fun. In short, they are educative and intriguing. You could call them the gym for your brain!

What are Word Games?

Word games or the word puzzles are a popular form of a board game. It challenges a player to demonstrate the skill of a particular language, especially the English language.

There are a lot of popular forms of word games. For example, in the game hangman, the player has to demonstrate their spelling skills. Basically, Crosswords try to challenge the vocabulary skill of a player.

Word Games | SpellQuiz

Word games even turn into popular TV game show. Did you know that Spelling Bee is the first ever telecasted game show? It is now one of the most challenging national competition in the USA. 

Now you can take part in online Spelling Bee too! Check out the SBO section on Spellquiz today!

Similarly, Wheel of Fortune is another great example of a televised word-based game show. It is now the longest-running syndicated game show in the USA.

Different Types of Word Games

There are different types of word games available for the kids as well as the adults. I have made a list of the category of the word games. Take a look –

Letter Arrangement games

In this type of word game, a player has to form a meaningful word from the given words. These games serve two purposes – vocabulary testing and lateral thinking capability.

Word Games | SpellQuiz

Examples:  Upwords, Bananagrams, Scrabble, Countdown, and Paperback.

Paper and Pencil Games

As the name suggests, this type of games requires a piece of paper and a pencil or a pen. The aim is simple; you will have to write a word depending on different parameters. Different games have a different set of rules and parameters. For example, a player has to fill out blocks or grids with corresponding words based on the clue. This is the most popular word game in history.

Examples: Crosswords, Scattergories, Word Finder or Word Search, Hangman.

Semantic Games

The semantic games are a little more complex. These games focus on the semantic or meaning of words. The knowledge of a player about a particular language is extensively tested.

Examples: Blankety Blank, Codenames, Mad Libs, etc.

How Popular are Word Games?

In the earlier days, the word games have been just a source of fun for the kids. But since 2000, word games have become a useful tool for “brain training.” People are seeing different forms of brain games online and brain games for adults. Among the brain games, word games are exceptionally popular.

Games like crosswords, scrabble, and hangman have never lost their appeal to the younger audience. With the rise of smartphones, we are seeing a lot of apps devoted to developing this field.

Word games can help a child to exercise their cognitive functions. Millions of fans are getting help from such word games.

You could call it the «golden age» of board games. The increasing competition has let the designers create more fascinating and logical word games that can satisfy the hunger of the common people. These modern games tend to have more difficult sets of rules and often stands apart from the traditional ones.

For example, the popular word games like Decrypto, Codenames, Anomia, etc. have been out there after 2010.  

Word Games | SpellQuiz

The smartphones also allow the players to play the games together virtually. The friendly rivalry makes fuels the competition and the interest to play the games. These games are extremely educating. For example, the mobile game “Words with Friends” by Zynga accepts 173,000 words. Can you imagine, how could it help your child to increase their vocabulary?

Why Should You Encourage Your Child to Play Word Games?

I have seen the parents telling their kids to «stop playing and start reading» quite too often. You cannot blame the kids; they are supposed to love playing games! The smart move would be to encourage them to play the games that are constructive and not violent.

In this case, the word games come in handy. You could try playing WordFinder with your kids. You could find a lot of word search for kids online. Most of these games are free-to-play. Moreover, you can find thousands of free word search games for kids.

You could try visiting the word games section of SpellQuiz. It has a great collection of educational games for the kids as well as for the adults. So, people of all ages can enjoy these games. You could even share the results with your friends on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+.

Okay, back to the main point – why should you let your child play the word games? Here are some of the critical reasons for you to do so –

Cognitive Exercise

Physical exercise is essential for the human body. But the exercise of the brain is equally important. The primary benefit of playing word games is cognitive exercise. The more you play these word games puzzles, the more polished your brain becomes.

Richer Vocabulary

Most of the word games require strong skill in vocabulary. The more words you know, the better your score will be. Moreover, while playing games, you will more likely gather new words. So, playing these games will passively help you to build up a stronger vocabulary base.

Test Your Spelling Skills

Whether you are playing Crosswords, Scrabble, or Hangman, you will have to have a strong sense of spelling. It is a great way to learn spelling words. There are different spelling quizzes that could attract many players. Playing difficult spelling games and challenging friends is a new trend in social media. So, it could be a great pastime for you and your kids. Needless to say, you or your kids’ spelling skills will get a strong boost.

Word Games | SpellQuiz

Fighting off the Boredom

Kids are easily bored with constant studies. They would even try to skip the study sessions when they are feeling too bored with the studies. So, the word games could help them fight off the boredom and learn at the same time.

SpellQuiz: The Ultimate Place to Play the Word Games

Parents are constantly searching for “word games free” or “free online word games.” They need some exciting word games for their kids to amuse them and help them learn in a different way. Luckily, SpellQuiz is a great place for word games online that can help the children to learn and have fun, at the same time.

With SpellQuiz, you could learn geography in a fun way. The website doesn’t only offer brain games and word searches; it also offers a fascinating geography quiz.

Who doesn’t love challenges? If you are one of those people who are just hungry for some great brain teasers, you could try out the Difficult Spelling Quiz and the Hard Spelling Test. The tricky games will not only fascinate you but also teach you a lot of new things.

Are you worried about improving your kids’ grammar skills? Then, you could try the «Conditional Test.» The word origin test will, on the other hand, test your knowledge of the English language with some interesting and tricky questions.

Concluding Ideas

Games are always a fun activity, for both the kids and the adults. Rather than pressuring your kids for studies, you should let them have some with the word games. The word games will do the trick and teach your kids in an intriguing way that is both effective and fun.

Also, try this vocabulary test to understand your current skill level! Try these spelling tests to master English spelling! Also, don’t forget to check the complete list of spelling words.  

games to learn english

One of the best ways for you to learn English is to play English games, which will make studying fun and exciting.

You won’t even notice all the learning you’re doing in the meantime!

In this post, we’ll get you started with 26 excellent games for learning English, so you can practice your language skills.

We have a variety of options that you can play online, in person and with your friends. 


  • Online Word Games to Practice English 
    • 1. Wordshake
    • 2. Knoword
    • 3. 4 Pics 1 Word
    • 4. Visual Thesaurus Spelling Bee
    • 5. Word Whomp
    • 6. Freerice
    • 7. Human Brain Cloud
    • 8. Scrabble Online
    • 9. Word Games by Learn English Today
    • 10. 7 Words
    • 11. ESL Crossword Puzzles
    • 12. Influent
    • 13. FluentU
  • Online Grammar and Trivia Games to Practice English
    • 14. Lovatts Free Online Trivia
    • 15. Adaptive Spelling Quiz by SpellQuiz
    • 16. The Grammar of Doom
    • 17. 20 Questions
    • 18. Proof It!
    • 19. Bubbles
    • 20. Magnetic Poetry
  • Board Games to Learn English
    • 21. Boggle
    • 22. Bananagrams
    • 23. Rewordable
  • ESL Interactive Games for Group Learning
    • 24. 20 Questions (Classic Version)
    • 25. Fishbowl
    • 26. Telephone
  • Why Learn English from Games?

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Online Word Games to Practice English 

Online English games can be hit or miss (either great or terrible). But no worries, we’ve found the best word games to practice your English vocabulary with. 

1. Wordshake

games to learn englishLevel: All levels

Key question: Is there a word scramble game to improve my English vocabulary?

If you like action-packed ESL games that have you working against the clock, Wordshake is right for you.

This game gives you 16 random letters of the alphabet and three minutes. During that time, you have to come up with (think of) as many English words as you can using the letters you have, and every time you make a new word, you get points.

Since there aren’t any complicated rules with Wordshake, it’s a good vocabulary-building game for beginners and advanced students alike.

2. Knoword

games to learn englishLevel: Intermediate/Advanced

Key question: Is there a game to practice English with vocabulary definitions?

Knoword has to be one of the most entertaining, enjoyable and fun games the whole internet has to offer. 

The rules are very simple: You have one minute to read as many definitions as you can and write the correct answer.

Every time you give a correct answer, you get one or two extra seconds, and every four correct answers give you a hint. You can skip as many words as you want, so make sure you press Esc or click on Skip whenever you don’t know a word.

3. 4 Pics 1 Word

games to learn englishLevel: All levels

Key question: What’s the best game app to practice English vocabulary on my phone?

The rules of the game are super simple: you get four pictures that have something in common, and you have to guess what it is.

Sometimes the answer is very obvious, but other times you’ll have to think hard and use hints to get some help. Whether you’re a beginner learner of English or a fluent speaker, 4 Pics 1 Word will surely activate your brain and make you think in English.

Plus you can always create your own flashcards for the words you don’t know. Who said fun and learning can’t go together?

4. Visual Thesaurus Spelling Bee

games to learn englishLevel: Advanced

Key question: Is there a spelling game for advanced English learners?

Listen to a word and try to spell it correctly. No surprises here.

However, some of the words you’ll hear are so hard to spell that you’ll start to feel the bee is laughing at you and your misspellings.

The game comes with statistics, a free look at the visual thesaurus for the words you spell correctly and all the definitions of the words divided by part of speech.

Even though the Visual Thesaurus isn’t free, the game is, and it’s full of great features to help you learn English.

5. Word Whomp

games to learn english

Level: All levels

Key question: What’s a cute game that allows me to practice my spelling skills?

Another word scramble game similar to Wordshake but cuter, Word Whomp lets you practice your English writing and spelling skills.

In this game, you’re given six letters and you need to determine how many words can be spelled with those letters.  You have two and a half minutes to come up with every word. But if you guess too many incorrect words, the game will end.

You’ll practice quickly thinking of English vocabulary words—a skill that’ll be very useful in real-life English conversations.

6. Freerice

games to learn englishLevel: Intermediate/Advanced

Key question: Is there a game to practice English and help those in need at the same time?

Freerice is another quiz-style game that helps you improve your vocabulary skills.

Instead of answering word problems, you’re given a vocabulary word and then have to find its closest synonym out of four different words. The game starts out easy but, with 60 levels in total, it gets much harder as you go along.

What really makes Freerice different from other games is that the company will donate 10 grains of rice to hungry families for every question that you answer right.

So the more you play, the more you’re helping those in need.

7. Human Brain Cloud

games to learn englishLevel: All levels

Key question: Is there a word association game to practice English for free?

Described as “a massively multiplayer word association game,” the Human Brain Cloud is as simple as it is complex.

You’re given random words, and your goal is to type in words, expressions or even sentences you associate with the words you get. There are no right or wrong answers and the program simply takes your answers and adds them to the association bank.

If you click on a word, you’ll see a “cloud” with your word in the middle connected to other words people associate it with. This is when the fun starts, because you can use this feature to learn vocabulary. 

8. Scrabble Online

games to learn englishLevel: Intermediate/Advanced

Key question: Is there a board game to improve my English vocabulary that I can also play online?

Originally designed as a board game, you can now play Scrabble online with a friend, against another virtual player or against the computer. 

You choose seven letters in the form of tiles and use them to make words. Every square has a letter and number written on it that represents the points that you get for using that letter.

All tiles touching one another have to make a real English word, and you have to build words using the letters from other words that have already been laid down.

9. Word Games by Learn English Today

games to learn englishLevel: All levels

Key question: How can I improve my English vocabulary with word games?

You came here looking for a word game. How about 135?

Learn English Today offers 135 free word games to help you improve your English vocabulary while having fun.

Divided into four levels (easy, medium, more difficult and challenging) and five categories (crossword puzzles, jumbled sentences, quizzes, missing words and matching exercises), each one of these games will help you get better at English no matter your level.

It’d be impossible to mention all the topics included in the games, but I can tell you my three favorite one ones to play: Phrasal Verbs, Sightseeing, Preposition Quiz 1.

10. 7 Words

games to learn english

Level: Advanced

Key question: What’s the most challenging word game for English students?

If I told you this simple name hides one of the most difficult but also entertaining and addictive games I’ve ever played in my life, I wouldn’t be lying.

You get seven definitions and 18 tiles with letters, and your goal is to click on the tiles to create words that match the definitions.

Each definition is followed by a number of gray squares that correspond (match) to the number of tiles you need to use to form that word. Other than that and three hints, that’s all you have to complete the 777 puzzles included in the game.

When you guess one word, its definition gets crossed out and the corresponding tiles disappear.

11. ESL Crossword Puzzles

games to learn englishLevel: All levels

Key question: Where can I find the best ESL crossword puzzles?

Crossword puzzles a good way to test your reading comprehension and vocabulary skills.

However, the crossword puzzles that you find in the Sunday newspaper are often too hard for English learners to complete. 

Fortunately, with ESL Crossword Puzzles you can challenge yourself with word problems that were created especially for English language learners.

The website is comprehensive and has a variety of crossword puzzles, difficulties and themes to choose from, making it great for students of all skill levels. Just choose your level from the menu at the top of the homepage linked above.

12. Influent

games to learn englishLevel: Beginner

Key question: Is there a game for learning vocabulary of everyday objects?

In this game, you explore a modern apartment where everything is clickable. You use a device to scan objects and it tells you the name of that object in English.

The game features native audio pronunciations and tests your memory using time-based quizzes. It also has a mini-game inside it where you fly an airplane and shoot down various things.

It helps you learn the names of objects used in daily life. Beginners can quickly pick up the essential words they’ll use in most contexts in a fun and effortless way.

13. FluentU

Level: All levels

Key question: Can I have fun learning English without playing a game?

So let’s be clear. FluentU isn’t a game. It does, however, use fun and engaging videos to teach English—including some about gaming. 

The program has a large library of videos, each with a set of interactive captions. This means that you can look up unfamiliar words instantly, with just a click.

You also have the option of using it like a dictionary by typing a word into the FluentU search bar and seeing what it means, how it’s used in printed or video context examples, and a memorable photo definition as well.

The videos are sorted by difficulty level, topic and format. If you’re in the mood for breaking out in song, the music video category might work well, but if you want something more popcorn-friendly, there’s the trailers or movie clips section, as well. 

You also can try fun review quizzes to test your knowledge of the content. These include speaking, matching, multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank exercises.

games to learn english

The program is available online, or on iOS / Android.

Online Grammar and Trivia Games to Practice English

Besides word games, there are also several other types of games to practice your English with. A lot of these are trivia games, grammar games and others!

14. Lovatts Free Online Trivia

games to learn englishLevel: Intermediate/Advanced

Key question: Is there a trivia game for advanced English students?

If you’re an expert in world facts, you’re going to love Lovatts Trivia, because let me tell you, some of the questions are only for trivia pros (professionals)!

This game is perfect to practice your English reading skills under pressure. You’re playing against the clock, and the more time you take to answer a question, the fewer points you get.

If you ever need some help, you can always ask the system to help you out. Click on the word “Hint” in the upper-right side of the gray line, and one of the incorrect answers will be discarded.

15. Adaptive Spelling Quiz by SpellQuiz

games to learn englishLevel: Beginner/Intermediate

Key question: How can I practice English dictation in a fun way?

Imagine being able to do dictations online, but the site is absolutely cute and well-designed. The audio is crystal clear (very clear, easy to understand).

Each sentence gets checked and corrected immediately. You can click on any word to know more about it. The program takes your mistakes into account and gives you more and more difficult sentences as you advance and get better.

There’s also the possibility to check your word and mistake statistics. Register and have access to all this and many other tests, quizzes and much more for free.

16. The Grammar of Doom

games to learn english

Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Key question: Is there any retro game to practice English for free?

The Grammar of Doom is an adventure-style grammar game where you explore secrets hidden within an old, magical temple.

To get an idea of the game, imagine if Indiana Jones taught your English class. There are a total of 10 rooms in the temple, and each room has its own series of puzzles that you have to solve using English.

In order to move to the next room and eventually beat the game, you have to use your grammar and vocabulary skills to create English sentences and solve these puzzles.

17. 20 Questions

games to learn englishLevel: All levels

Key question: Is it possible to learn English through only questions?

This is a digital spin on the classic 20 Questions game. First, think of an animal, vegetable, mineral, concept or unknown word.

Once you have chosen your word, the system will start asking questions that you’ll have to answer with words such as “yes,” “no,” “unknown,” “sometimes,” “maybe” and more.

Each question together with your answer will appear on your screen while you play. By the end of question number 20, the system will tell you what it believes you’re thinking about.

If it’s not able to guess your word, you win!

18. Proof It!

games to learn englishLevel: Intermediate/Advanced

Key question: What’s the best game to practice English proofreading?

Do you think you have what it takes to be a proofreader? You’re given 10 sentences with one mistake each. Your mission is to find and correct all 10 mistakes.

I recommend this game for advanced students of English who are taking the final steps toward fluency or are getting ready for an exam.

The mistakes you can find in these sentences range from grammar (for example, do instead of does) and spelling errors (break instead of brake) to punctuation (a comma may be missing) and capitalization mistakes (alice instead of Alice).

19. Bubbles

games to learn englishLevel: Beginner

Key question: Is there a game to improve sentence construction skills?

This is a simple online puzzle game where you need to make a sentence that describes a picture correctly within a time limit. 

You’re shown a bunch of word-bubbles and you have to link them to create a sentence. As you keep making the right sentences in each level, the number of word-bubbles keeps on decreasing.

The game offers different speed options and also lets you decide the vocabulary category. For instance, you can play the game with personal objects, food, animals, sports, jobs, nature, colors, letters or body parts.

20. Magnetic Poetry

games to learn englishLevel: All levels

Key question: Is there a game to practice English writing without having to write?

Originally an actual magnet set, Magnetic Poetry offers five complete kits for free online. Use the words you’re given to create poems, stories, jokes or anything that comes to your mind.

Challenge your friends to a race to see who’s the first to use 50 or 100 tiles and create a coherent (logical) story. Or try to journal your day by only using the set of words you get. Or write a geeky poem for your online crush.

You can actually create anything and everything with Magnetic Poetry, and since the free kits are in English, you’ll also practice your vocabulary and writing skills.

Board Games to Learn English

Board games give you the chance to play with other English learners. This can make learning more motivating and also lets you practice your English conversation skills. Here are the best board games for ESL learners!

21. Boggle

Boggle Classic Game

Level: All levels

Key question: Is there a word scramble game to play in person?

Boggle is a fun game to play alone or with a group of friends. The goal is to create words by connecting letters on the Boggle board.

First, shake the board and display the mixed up letters. Set the timer and then start writing down all of the English words you can create from the letters on the board.

In the traditional game, words can only be formed by connecting letters that are next to one another. But, to practice even further, you could bend the rules and use any letters on the board to make your English words.

22. Bananagrams

Bananagrams: Multi-Award-Winning Word Game

Level: All levels

Key question: Is there a group in person game similar to a crossword puzzle?

Similar to a crossword puzzle, Bananagrams is another game that lets you practice spelling English words. 

This game is played with multiple people. Each player takes a certain number of letter tiles. Start using these letters to build connecting words. Once you use all of your letters, shout “peel!” Every player must now take another tile from the pile.

To learn a specific type of vocabulary, you could also consider setting a theme, such as food or animals, and only building words that fit in that theme.

23. Rewordable

Rewordable Card Game: The Uniquely Fragmented Word Game

Level: All levels

Key question: Is there a card game to improve spelling?

Rewordable is a card game that helps you learn to recognize and spell English words.

There are 120 cards in the deck that each contain a letter or letter combination. You use the cards in your hand to spell words. During the game, you can steal or build off of other players’ words.

This game might seem challenging, but after playing a few rounds you’ll start to understand how to play. This can be a fast-paced way to improve your fluency and expand your English vocabulary.

ESL Interactive Games for Group Learning

In-person group games, like party games in English, are another opportunity to play with other people. It gives you yet another chance to improve your English conversation skills!

24. 20 Questions (Classic Version)

Level: All levels

Key question: Is there a group game to practice asking questions in English?

This is a classic game for any skill level and the original in-person version of the digital game 20 Questions. 

To play this game, one player thinks of a word. Then, the other players take turns asking “yes” or “no” questions to determine what word they’re thinking about.

To make this simpler, you can limit the words to specific categories, such as colors or countries. This is a fun party game that helps you practice English vocabulary as well as forming questions in English.

25. Fishbowl

Level: All levels

Key question: Is there an entertaining group game that combines several games in one?

This game lets you practice your writing, reading and spoken English skills. You need a large group to play this game. To start, everyone writes down three simple English words. Next, throw each word in a bowl.

The game consists of three rounds. During the first round, players take turns pulling a word out of the bowl and describing the word to their teammates who must guess the word. After one minute, the round ends. 

For the next round, use charades (silent gestures) to get your teammates to guess the words. For the final round, you can use just one word to help your teammates guess the word.

26. Telephone

Level: Beginner

Key question: Is there a fun group game to practice vocabulary listening comprehension? 

To play telephone, gather a group of eager language learners. Everyone sits quietly in a line. The first person thinks of an English word or phrase and whispers it to the person sitting next to them.

Then, that person whispers the word to the next person. This continues until the word reaches the last person. The last person repeats the word and everyone determines how much it changed from the front of the line.

This game lets you practice listening and speaking in English. It’s another fun game to play at a language-learning party.

Why Learn English from Games?

Having fun while learning English is a tried and true method that actually works. Here’s why:

  • Games aren’t just for kids. Research shows that adults are actually more likely to remember information that they learned through an entertaining process.
  • Games teach you a range of language skills. As you’ve seen through our list, you can use games to practice writing, speaking and listening to English.
  • Games let you learn outside of a traditional classroom setting. Learning isn’t restricted to the classroom. If you can’t sign up for a formal English class, try using games to improve your fluency at home.
  • Group games encourage conversations and boost confidence. If you can, try playing games in a group. This will give you the chance to practice your English conversation skills in a fun and low-stress environment.
  • You can play English games anywhere. Language-learning games can be played online, at home, at coffee shops or at a party. The opportunities for English learning are endless.

Even if you’re already taking an English class, games are a fun, effective supplement to your lessons.

Next time you want to sit down and play a game, try turning it into an English-speaking activity. That way, you’ll be practicing English without it even feeling like work.

Stay curious, my friends, and as always, happy learning (and playing)!

Here you will find some of the best word games online. With vocabulary page tests
and quizzes to test your grammar, vocabulary and general knowledge.

Some of the games will open up in a new browser window, when you have finished
the game just close the window.

Battleships (open in a new window)

Slang — Find the right definition for the word or phrase.

Homophones —
Find the right meaning.


Can crosswords help you to improve your English?

If you enjoy them, yes. Crosswords are fun, and can help you in various ways:

  • building your vocabulary
  • remembering words
  • learning the different meanings

Go to our crosswords page and have a go.

Ding Things

Fiendish Games

A, an or nothing — In the style of millionaire — get one wrong and you have to start again!

Colours — So you think you know your colours — Well let’s test that shall we?

Computers and the Internet — See how well you know the terminology used today for computers and the Internet — for one or two players.

Money Order — Put the British slang terms in order of value to reveal the picture.

English Word Games Forum

It’s all very well playing games on your own, but it’s more fun with other people.

Word Association — Beginner + — This one is a bit addictive. Look at the previous word and enter the first word that comes into your head.

Word Snake — Beginner + — Make a new word by using the last letter in the previous word.

— Intermediate + — Make a new word by using the letters in the previous word, you’re allowed to swap the letters around and/or change one letter. No repetitions allowed.

The Question Game — Intermediate + — Answer a question, with a question. Great training for politicians. No answers allowed!

Take 3 words — Advanced — Make a sentence from the 3 words given.

These games are all on the Learn English Online forum.


Computer Parts
Human Body
In the Post
Literary Terms
Negative Feelings

Seasonal Hangman Games

Bonfire Night

Valentine’s Day

Click on the letters in the grid to build up the words (all the above games are taken from
the vocabulary pages). Watch out though; there
is a penalty for clicking on the wrong letter!

Mix — very difficult

Daily Hangman — you can play this one for as long as you like.


A homophone is a word that sounds like another word but has a different
meaning. Here you can test your understanding by working out which sentences
are correct. A new homophone is added every week.

Listening Games

Find the letters and the final word.

Riddle Me Ree 1

Riddle Me Ree 2

Riddle Me Ree 3

Riddle Me Ree 4

Riddle Me Ree 5

Riddle Me Ree 6

Riddle Me Ree 7

Riddle Me Ree 8

Riddle Me Ree 9

Riddle Me Ree 10

Riddle Me Ree 11

Riddle Me Ree 12

Matching Games

Match the words to fit the theme.

Bond Films

Memory Games

Is it a test or is it a game? We don’t know, but these word and picture games are some of our favourites. Play Here

Spot the Odd One Out

OOO — Game 1

— Game 2

OOO — Game 3

OOO — Game 4

Scrambled Words

See if you can write down the word/phrase using the scrambled letters:-

(!Note — These games are being updated, and will only work in older browsers — see below for other games)
Eating Out
Food and Eating
Human Body
Jobs and Work
Life and Death
Money and Currencies
Negative Feelings
Rooms and Buildings
Word of the month

More Scrambled Letter Games (These games open in a new window)

Clothes and Accessories
Jobs and Work
Rooms in a House

Search for It!

Search for the hidden words. Words can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal and to make it more interesting written forwards or backwards.

Search for It — Buildings
for It — Clothes
Search for It — Computers
Search for It — Cooking
Search for It — Eating
for It — Education
Search for It — Entertainment
for It — Families
for It — Films and Movies
for It — Food
for It — Football
Search for It — The Human Body
Search for It — Health — Viruses
Search for It — Jobs and Work
for It — Money
for It — Newspapers
for It — Around the house
for It — Shopping
for It — Technology

Seasonal Word Search Games

Search for It — New Year
Search for It — Valentine
Search for It — Easter

Search for It — Halloween
Search for It — Bonfire Night
Search for It — Christmas

Search for It — Spring
Search for It — Summer
Search for It — Autumn
Search for It — Winter

!Learning Tip as
you find a word in Search for It, visualise it and say it out loud, if you do not know
what the word means check the vocabulary
list, if you can’t pronounce the word double click on it and you can listen to it.

Word Up

Word Up is our fast-paced, online word game.

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