You accidentally a word

If Shakespeare spoke like you, he would have said: “Be, or not be. That is the question”

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you accidentally — перевод на русский

Seems like I accidentally stumbled on Dobbsie’s treasure.

Похоже, я случайно наткнулся на сокровища Добси.

Do you remember when I accidentally sat on that fat man’s lap?

Помнишь, как я случайно села на колени того толстяка?

Then, I remembered, when I was a kid, I accidentally saw my parents making love.

Затем, я вспомнила, когда я была ребенком, я случайно увидела как родители занимались сексом

I accidentally .

Я случайно.

What if I accidentally wander into some sort of homosexual store thinking it’s a shoe store, and the salesman goes:

Что, если я случайно забреду в гомосексуальный магазин думая, что это магазин обуви, а продавец начнет:

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I accidentally…

Я нечаянно…

I accidentally didn’t burn it yet.

Я нечаянно не успел ее сжечь.

Here’s the thing… at the crime scene. My file happened to fall open, and I accidentally read something, something you had written.

Вот в чем дело— на месте преступления, мое дело случайно открылось, и я нечаянно прочитал то, что вы написали.

I accidentally touched Stefan And got a really bad feeling.

Я нечаянно дотронулась до Стэфана …и у меня появилось очень плохое предчувствие.

Oh, this fell out of her pocket when I accidentally bumped into her.

О, это упало из ее кармана, когда я нечаянно столкнулся с ней.

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I accidentally turned on one of Waxflatter’s strange machines, and I had the dickens of a time trying to turn the thing off.

Я ненароком включил один из странных агрегатов Ваксфлаттера, и не будучи так уж сведущ в механике, провозился чёрт знает сколько, пытаясь его отключить.

No, I don’t like giving my name to any state organization, especially after I got kicked off the voter rolls, ’cause I accidentally signed up for the wrong political group.

Нет, я не даю госконторам своё настоящее имя, особенно после того, как меня вычеркнули из списков избирателей. Я ненароком вступил не в ту политическую партию.

I accidentally was looking at Derek Elwood’s file.

Я ненароком заглянул в дело Дерека Элвуда.

But sometimes I accidentally think my mum’s mental illness

Я уверен, что он принял правильное решение, но иногда я ненароком думаю, что психическое расстройство моей матери — это вина отца.

They wanted information, but they accidentally killed him.

Они хотели информацию, но ненароком убили его.

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And so I called her to see what was going on and I accidentally got her boyfriend, who is this you know….

Я позвонила ей, чтобы все выяснить и случайно попала на ее бойфренда, который понимаете…

Lois tried to give CPR to a kid at a wedding once, and when she knelt down, she accidentally high-heeled her own stink hole.

Однажды Лоис пыталась делать непрямой массаж сердца ребенку на свадьбе, и когда она склонилась над ним, то случайно попала каблуком себе в зад.

I went to kiss her on the forehead but it was so dark, I accidentally got her lips.

Я хотел поцеловать её в лоб но было так темно, что я случайно попал в губы.

When I threw the Philosopher’s Stone into the Speed Force, I accidentally ran into the future.

Когда я выбросил Филисовский камень в Спидфорс, я случайно попал в будущее.

It hit him accidentally on the head and killed him.

Он случайно попал ему в голову и убил его.

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Are you sure? He must have swallowed it accidentally and just figured he’d digest it eventually.

Он, наверное, проглотил её по ошибке и… должен был просто переварить.

Well, like I just told the guy at the front desk, they accidentally brought some guy’s luggage to my room.

Как я уже сказала парню на стойке регистрации, грузчик по ошибке принёс ко мне в номер чей-то багаж.

You know, yesterday, I asked her for two aspirin, and she accidentally gave me steroids.

Знаешь, вчера я попросила у неё две таблетки аспирина, а она по ошибке дала мне стероиды.

There was another woman here who was gonna help me find a letter that I accidentally mailed to a girl.

Здесь была женщина, она хотела мне помочь найти письмо, которое я по ошибке отправил девушке.

You meant to say the south seceded. You accidentally said the exact opposite.

Вы хотели сказать, что вышел Юг, а по ошибке сказали наоборот.

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How do you accidentally sit in on a class and pretend to be a student?

Как можно случайно сидеть на занятии и прикидываться студентом?

I mean, how do you accidentally thrust a penis into…

… Как можно случайно сунуть пенис в…

How do you accidentally lock someone in a chicken coop?

Как можно случайно закрыть кого-то в курятнике?

How do you accidentally shave your eyebrows?

Разве можно случайно сбрить брови?

How do you accidentally join a cult?

Как можно было случайно вступить в такой культ?

I think you accidentally let the safety off that gun of yours!

Ты мог случайно снять с предохранителя своё ружьё.

How do you accidentally do that?

Как ты мог случайно сделать это?

I’m not good in the arms, so I accidentally shot.

Я плохо разбираюсь в оружии, поэтому могу случайно вьlстрелить.

Especially if I accidentally call him a bastard.

Особенно если я могу его случайно назвать ублюдком.

How do you accidentally kiss a lesbian?

Как ты могла случайно поцеловать лесбиянку?

Sometimes I say things that are totally true without even realizing how true they are, like in 2008 when I accidentally said…

Иногда я говорю абсолютно верные вещи Даже не понимая, насколько они верны, Как в 2008, когда я внезапно сказала….

So when I accidentally diagnosed

Так что когда я внезапно диагностировала

Because sometimes I sit when I clean the TV remote and it accidentally turns on.

Потому что я иногда чищу пульт от телевизора сидя и он внезапно включается.

You guys, I bet Jamie was developing that technology for MeriCorp Energy, only he accidentally his nanobots to consume carbon instead of hydrocarbon.

Ребят, я думаю, что Джейми работал над этой технологий для МэриКорн Энерджи, только он внезапно запрограммировал наноботов пожирать углероды, а не углеводороды.

My guest tonight, it seems, always wanted to be a racing driver, but then he accidentally ended up being in films like

Мой гость сегодня,кажется всегда хотел быть гонщиком но внезапно он осел в таких фильмах как Star Trek, В поисках Немо

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level 1

This pops up every time I boot my computer. The internet says it’s an ASUS laptop driver. My PC is a desktop with no ASUS parts.

level 2

Look through autostart and disable it if you can find it.
While at it, you can disable additional software. There’s probably some you don’t need to start automatically.

level 2

ATK0100 is the component that makes the Fn key on notebooks work properly, such as volume-up and -down, brightness control, etc. You’ll probably want to reinstall it, you can download drivers on ASUS’s website. EDIT: I missed the part where you said you have a desktop with no ASUS parts. Remove it, if you can’t find it under «installed programs» you can probably find it in %Program Files%/ASUS.

Source: I have used ASUS laptops for the past 8 years.

level 1

«Jesse! We have to install!»

level 2

I am the one who INSTALLS

level 1

· 6 yr. ago


Are you serious OP, why haven’t you install yet?

level 1

It has all the parts of a complete sentence at least.

level 1

It’s not about what you install, it’s about when. You have to.

level 1

This is aggressive marketing.

Here’s a grammar refresher for you: adverbs are words that modify verbs. Many adverbs end in the suffix –ly, such as thankfully, gracefully and adamantly.

When you did something in an unintended or accidental manner, the adverb you use is accidentally — or is it accidently? If you’ve ever heard this word spoken aloud, you may wonder whether you should spell this term as accidentally or accidently.

Unlike good night vs. goodnight wherein a spelling variation is possible, this isn’t the case with accidentally vs. accidently. Many grammar experts say that there’s only one correct way to spell this word.

Before we get to the correct spelling, let’s first get the definition of “accidentally.” This term simply means “by chance” or “by mistake.”

Here are a few examples:

  • I accidentally accepted an invite for a group interview.
  • This lock prevents the entryway from opening accidentally.
  • She bumped into him accidentally on purpose. (Note: this means that she bumped into him intentionally, but tried to make the scene look like an accident)
  • I forgot to proofread my work. I accidentally wrote capitol instead of capital in my research paper.

According to Merriam-Webster, the first known use of the word “accidentally” was in the 14th century.

On the other hand, the first known use of “accidently” was in the 15th century. The adverb “accidently” has been in use since the 18th century. Although this word continues to show up regularly in published writing, it is far less common than the word “accidentally.” Some people cite this word as an error.

Which is Right: Accidentally or Accidently?

The correct word you should use is accidentally. Accidently is a common misspelling of accidentally.

A lot of people confuse these two words. The confusion most likely stems from the fact that some individuals incorrectly pronounce accidentally. This mispronunciation causes them to spell “accidently.”

If you’re unsure which word is used more often, take a look at the relative usage of both accidentally and accidently since the 1800s. When you look at the chart generated by Google Ngram Viewer, you will find that the word “accidentally” is much more common than “accidently.” It’s approximately 56 times more common. Given this, you’ll want to make sure that you have the right spelling because your audience or reader will likely notice the difference.

Why is the Word “Accidentally” the Correct Spelling?

You may be wondering why accidentally is the correct word and not accidently. After all, the solution is as simple as adding the suffix “-ly” to accident, right?

This is a common grammar misconception in the English language. You cannot turn a noun into an adverb by adding the suffix “-ly.” Adverbs cannot modify nouns. The word “accident” is a noun that refers to an unplanned event that sometimes has undesirable or inconvenient consequences.

You may argue, “But some nouns turn into a new word when you add the suffix -ly.” If you’re going to add the adverb-forming suffix to certain nouns, that word will turn into an adjective.

Here are a few examples to demonstrate this point:

  • Man (noun) + “-ly” (suffix) = Manly (adjective, denoting or having qualities traditionally associated with men)
  • Friend (noun) + “-ly” (suffix) = Friendly (adjective, pleasant and kind)
  • Home (noun) + “-ly” (suffix) = Homely (adjective, unattractive in appearance)

So how do you form the word “accidentally?” Rather than use the word “accident,” you use the word “accidental,” an adjective that means happening by chance or unexpectedly. You can create adverbs from adjectives.

Apart from accidentally, here are other examples:

  • Incidental (adjective) + “-ly” (suffix) = Incidentally (adverb, used when an individual has something more to say or wants to add a remark not connected with the current subject or conversation)
  • Thankful (adjective) + “-ly” (suffix) = Thankfully (adverb, used to express relief or pleasure at an outcome or situation that one is reporting)
  • Vigorous (adjective) + “-ly” (suffix) = Vigorously (adverb, in a way that involves energy, effort and physical strength)

The Dictionary Argument


Another argument that you could put forward on the accidentally vs. accidently debate is, “But the word accidently appears in a few dictionaries as a variant. Surely it’s OK for me to use it instead of accidentally, right?”

Not quite.

Dictionaries are descriptive documents. If a misspelled word becomes common, it will undoubtedly find its way into a dictionary somewhere. This doesn’t mean, though, that a word becomes OK to use when it becomes popular. What’s more, an entry in a dictionary does not necessarily make a word immediately acceptable to educated readers.

Rather than rely on a single dictionary, choose a respected usage guide, such as Garner’s Modern American Usage. Use reliable guides to determine how you should (or should not) spell words. These guides will also tell you which variant spellings are preferable, and why.

Remember that accidentally is the correct spelling — and accidently is the wrong one. You don’t put the “-ly” suffix on a noun. Instead, it’s added to an adjective. By taking note of the relationship between the adverb and adjective versions of the word “accident,” you can easily recall that accidentally is the proper adverb form

When you are describing the way an action was performed, you use adverbs. Adverbs are words that modify verbs. Most of them end in -ly, and the adverb accidentally is no exception.

If you have ever heard this word spoken aloud, you might wonder whether it should be spelled accidentally or accidently. It’s tempting to spell the word as accidently, since many people shorten its pronunciation. Unfortunately, there is only one correct way to spell this word.

Continue reading to find out which way that is.

What is the Difference Between Accidently and Accidentally?

In this post, I will compare accidently vs. accidentally. I will outline which of these spellings is correct and showcase the correct spelling in example sentences.

Plus, I will show you an easy way to remember which of these two spellings is correct in written English.

When to Use Accidentally

Definition of accidentally definition of accidently definitionWhat does accidentally mean? Accidentally is an adverb. It describes something that was not on purpose. Remember, adverbs modify verbs, so this will be used around other verbs in a sentence.

For example,

  • “Mom, I accidentally knocked over the china cabinet and broke all your dishes,” admitted Freddy.
  • Don accidentally rear-ended a minivan at a stoplight because he was texting while driving.
  • Oops, you “accidentally” dropped your phone in the pool. Too bad you now have to buy an upgrade. –The New York Times

The adjective version of this word is accidental, and they are both derived from the word accident, which means an unfortunate event that was unintended. The word accident can be traced to Medieval English, when it was probably borrowed from Medieval French.

Like many words in modern English, accident has origins in Latin, specifically the word cadere, which means to fall. According to Merriam-Webster, accident was first recorded in English during the 14th century.

When to Use Accidently

Define accidentally and define accidentlyWhat does accidently mean? Accidently is a common misspelling of accidentally.

The confusion probably arises from the fact that some people mispronounce accidentally as if it were spelled accidently.

This chart shows the relative usage of accidently and accidentally since 1800,

accidently versus accidentally

As you can see, accidentally is much more common than accidently, approximately 56 times more common. In other words, you will want to be sure to use the correct spelling because your audience will probably notice it.

Pronunciation of Accidently and Accidentally

As mentioned above, the confusion between these two words might arise from the fact that accidentally is mispronounced as the shorter accidently.

Accidentally is pronounced ak-si-dent-a-ly. It is not pronounced ak-si-dent-ly.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Now that we have outlined each spelling, we can go over a trick to remember accidentally vs. accidently.

  • Accidentally is the correct spelling.
  • Accidently is a misspelling.

Remember that the related adjective is accidental. By keeping in mind the relationship between the adjective and adverb versions of the word accident, you should be able to remember that accidentally is the correct adverb form.


Is it accidently or accidentally? While both spellings have similar sounds, they are pronounced differently and only one is correct.

  • Accidentally is an adverb that means unintentionally.

Accidently is a common misspelling.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Accidently and Accidentally?
  • 2 When to Use Accidentally
  • 3 When to Use Accidently
  • 4 Pronunciation of Accidently and Accidentally
  • 5 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 6 Summary

случайно, нечаянно, непредумышленно


- случайно; нечаянно, без умысла

Мои примеры


an accidental discovery of oil — случайное обнаружение нефти  
to kill accidentally — случайно лишить жизни  
accidentally oil contaminated — периодически загрязняемые нефтепродуктами  
accidentally entered spin — непреднамеренный штопор  
accidentally on purpose — внешне случайное действие, обусловленное скрытой тенденцией  
accidentally-on-purpose — труднообъяснимый своенравный поступок  
accidentally symmetric top — случайно симметричный волчок  
accidentally wounded — раненный в результате несчастного случая; получивший небоевое ранение  
kill accidentally — случайно лишить жизни  

Примеры с переводом

He accidentally broke a window.

Он случайно разбил окно.

I accidentally cut my thumb.

Я случайно порезал большой палец.

I accidentally spilled wine on the rug.

Я случайно пролил вино на ковер.

I accidentally stepped on her toe.

Я случайно наступил ей на ногу /на палец ноги/.

I accidentally stepped in a puddle.

Я случайно наступил в лужу.

I accidentally spilled coffee all over my new suit.

Я случайно пролил кофе на свой новый костюм.

The driver chocked up the wheels so that the car could not run accidentally down the hill.

Водитель поставил упор под колёса, чтобы машина случайно не скатилась с холма.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The timing of the announcement was purely accidental.

She claimed that the gun went off accidentally.

…accidentally pinked my shoulder with his fencing sword…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

accidental  — случайный, неожиданный, второстепенный, случайность, случайный элемент
accidentalism  — акцидентализм, использование световых эффектов

The English language is filled with nuances and subtleties, and one such issue that often arises is the distinction between two seemingly similar words: “accidentally” and “accidently.” While the two terms might appear to be interchangeable, the fact is that they are different. This blog post will explore the differences between “accidentally” and “accidently.”

Accidentally” is an adverb that describes an action that was not intentional or planned. For example

I accidentally spilled my coffee on my shirt this morning.

In this sentence, the speaker didn’t mean to spill their coffee, but it happened anyway.

On the other hand, “accidently” is not a word. It is a common misspelling of “accidentally.” While it’s possible that you may encounter “accidently” in informal writing, it’s best to avoid using it in formal writing, as it is not recognized as a standard word in the English language.

So, why do people often make this mistake?

One reason is that “accidently” is a relatively common misspelling of “accidentally.” Another reason is that “accidently” is sometimes used as a shorthand or colloquial expression for “accidentally.” However, in formal writing, it’s always best to use the correct spelling, “accidentally.”

Use of the word “Accidentally” in a Sentence

  • She accidentally left her keys in the car.
  • I accidentally deleted my essential work file.
  • He accidentally bumped into the table, causing the vase to fall.
  • The cat accidentally knocked over the lamp.
  • She accidentally stepped on his foot while dancing.
  • I accidentally sent the wrong email to my boss.
  • He accidentally hit the wrong button on the remote control.
  • The toddler accidentally spilled his drink all over the carpet.
  • She accidentally locked herself out of the house.
  • I accidentally made a mistake on my math test.
  • He accidentally hit his head on the door frame.
  • The bird accidentally flew into the window.
  • She accidentally broke the glass while washing dishes.
  • I accidentally put the wrong fuel in my car.
  • He accidentally left his phone at home.
  • The baby accidentally dropped her pacifier on the floor.
  • She accidentally left the stove on and caused a fire.
  • I accidentally hit the wrong number while dialing.
  • He accidentally tripped over the rug and fell.
  • The dog accidentally dug up the flowers in the garden.
  • She accidentally left the oven on and burned the cookies.
  • I accidentally sent a sensitive text message to the wrong person.
  • He accidentally threw the frisbee into the neighbor’s yard.
  • The child accidentally dropped their ice cream cone.
  • She accidentally backed into the car behind her while parking.
  • I accidentally left my keys in the office.
  • He accidentally put salt instead of sugar in his coffee.
  • The ball accidentally went through the window.
  • She accidentally poured too much oil into the frying pan.
  • I accidentally hit the snooze button instead of turning off my alarm.


In conclusion, if you want to describe an action that was not intentional or planned, use “accidentally.” If you write “accidently,” you risk being seen as careless or unprofessional. Remember, the English language is filled with subtleties, and choosing the right word can make a big difference in how others perceive you. So take the time to correct spelling and ensure that your writing is professional, precise, and polished.

Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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The following information has failed Wiktionary’s deletion process (permalink).

It should not be re-entered without careful consideration.

accidentally a word

«(humorous) To unintentionally omit a word.» It seems that what is being described here is a grammatical practice (humorously omitting an element of the syntax in order to emphasise an omission of another kind): you can, for example, find deliberate uses of «I accidentally a sentence» in Google. Whatever this is seems more suited to something along the lines of Appendix:English snowclones: it is grammatical, not lexical. I can’t imagine any user looking it up, either. Equinox ◑ 02:12, 3 April 2018 (UTC)Reply[reply]

  • Delete — it is just a play on words. SemperBlotto (talk) 05:31, 3 April 2018 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Delete — SOP, make a new sense at accidentally. PseudoSkull (talk) 06:12, 3 April 2018 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I was actually going to comment if accidentally a has lexical potential, though perhaps expanding accidentally would suffice. — (((Romanophile))) ♞ (contributions) 16:14, 3 April 2018 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Delete. No argument about this one. DonnanZ (talk) 09:05, 3 April 2018 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • RFD failed. —Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 12:18, 4 June 2018 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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