Yes no word class

10000+ результатов для ‘yes no questions’

Find the match: Present Continuous general questions and answers

Find the match: Present Continuous general questions and answers
Найди пару

от Lordfranklin

General questions
Present Continuous
yes/no questions

Our World 1 p.130-131 - Present Simple Questions & Answers

Our World 1 p.130-131 — Present Simple Questions & Answers
Привести в порядок

от Lordfranklin

General questions
Present Simple
yes/no questions
Our World 1

Find the match: Questions and Answers in Present Continuous (full)

Find the match: Questions and Answers in Present Continuous (full)
Найди пару

от Lordfranklin

General questions
Present Continuous
yes/no questions

Present Simple Yes/No Questions Quiz

Present Simple Yes/No Questions Quiz

от Lordfranklin

General questions
Present Simple
yes/no questions
Our World 1

Present Simple Yes/No Questions

Present Simple Yes/No Questions

от Lordfranklin

Present Simple
yes/no questions
Our World 1

Yes/No Questions

Yes/No Questions

от Annaeremina

Unit 1 to be Q&A's short answers QUIZ

Unit 1 to be Q&A’s short answers QUIZ

от Veenera22

After school
English Plus Starter
English Plus starter Unit 1
Short answers
Verb to be

Yes/No questions

Yes/No questions
Случайные карты

от 021090mt


Yes/No questions

Yes/No questions

от Julia022486


To be. Yes/No-questions

To be. Yes/No-questions

от Aleksandraboin

To be +/-/?

To be +/-/?
Привести в порядок

от Puchkovadn90

Present Simple
to be

Yes-no questions 2

Yes-no questions 2
Привести в порядок

от Bemvindo

Yes/No Questions

Yes/No Questions

от Nesanna

2-й класс
3 класс
Super Minds 1
Spotlight 2
Spotlight 3
Starlight 2

Yes-no questions

Yes-no questions
Привести в порядок

от Bemvindo

Conversation: Yes / No questions

Conversation: Yes / No questions
Случайное колесо

от Valitovada

Yes / No questions

Yes / No questions
Откройте поле

от Kiselevav0607

Yes/no questions

Yes/no questions
Привести в порядок

от Slobodianiuk

Yes no questions

Yes no questions
Привести в порядок

от Sinkingm

Yes/No questions

Yes/No questions

от Sam1012

5-й класс
Средняя школа

Yes-no questions

Yes-no questions
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от Annapeganova

3.3 Yes/No questions

3.3 Yes/No questions

от Marusya16sib

Yes/no questions

Yes/no questions
Откройте поле

от Spb1

Yes/No Questions

Yes/No Questions
Привести в порядок

от Alice51

Yes/no questions

Yes/no questions
Откройте поле

от Slobodianiuk

yes/no questions

yes/no questions

от Faaskina

Yes/no questions mycopy

Yes/no questions mycopy
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от Catherinebrooks

Questions tags (yes/no)

Questions tags (yes/no)
Случайные карты

от Thebarsiks

 Yes//No questions

Yes//No questions

от Yulianal

Yes & No questions

Yes & No questions
Откройте поле

от Sandravasileva2

5-й класс
6 класс
7-й класс
8 класс
9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс
12-й класс
Средняя школа
Среднее образование
Техническое / профессиональное образование
Высшее образование
Особое потребность в образовании

Present Continuous yes/no questions

Present Continuous yes/no questions

от Annazolotareva3

BE Yes/No (Short Questions)

BE Yes/No (Short Questions)

от Oxxxyp

Present Continuous yes/no-questions

Present Continuous yes/no-questions
Случайные карты

от Hzirkutsk


Привести в порядок

от Artmeltsinthera

Yes/no Questions - Do, Does

Yes/no Questions — Do, Does
Привести в порядок

от Catherinebrooks

English Plus starter Unit 1 yes/no questions

English Plus starter Unit 1 yes/no questions

от Ireneshoniya

English plus Starter

Present Simple Yes/No Questions Quiz

Present Simple Yes/No Questions Quiz

от Sichinava24

Classroom objects ( yes, no questions )

Classroom objects ( yes, no questions )

от Asnereto

Present Simple Yes/No Questions

Present Simple Yes/No Questions

от Jzhprana

Go Getter 1

1D PrSimple yes-no questions

1D PrSimple yes-no questions
Случайные карты

от Jk240597

Present simple: Yes/No questions Unjumble

Present simple: Yes/No questions Unjumble
Привести в порядок

от Dinap


Present Simple Yes/No questions

Present Simple Yes/No questions
Привести в порядок

от Kseniaromasheva

to be questions yes/no

to be questions yes/no
Привести в порядок

от Miluoki2007

Present Simple Yes/No questions

Present Simple Yes/No questions
Привести в порядок

от Yulyaabrr

Yes/No questions ( All tenses )

Yes/No questions ( All tenses )
Найди пару

от Alena2003g

Present simple: Yes/No questions Quiz

Present simple: Yes/No questions Quiz

от Dinap


1 Unit Yes/No Questions

1 Unit Yes/No Questions
Привести в порядок

от Kostyukovaev

English plus Starter

to be yes/no questions

to be yes/no questions
Случайное колесо

от Oxana10

Yes/No questions Present Simple

Yes/No questions Present Simple
Привести в порядок

от Verakim


Past Simple Questions (yes/no)

Past Simple Questions (yes/no)
Привести в порядок

от Tpolbbcgirl

4th grade, yes/no questions

4th grade, yes/no questions
Привести в порядок

от Polinabulatova2

Present simple: Yes/No questions Random cards

Present simple: Yes/No questions Random cards
Случайные карты

от Dinap


Yes/No and Wh questions

Yes/No and Wh questions
Привести в порядок

от Anilasova

Yes/no and special questions

Yes/no and special questions

от Nastena16

To be questions Yes/No

To be questions Yes/No

от Marinalearn24

Starters YES NO

Starters YES NO

от Altigrinova

Kids Box 2

Starters YES/NO

Starters YES/NO
Правда или ложь

от Lusinebuzz


Verb TO BE Yes/No questions Elementary

Verb TO BE Yes/No questions Elementary
Привести в порядок

от 4upikova


KB1 U9 can/can't (yes/no questions and short answers)

KB1 U9 can/can’t (yes/no questions and short answers)
Случайные карты

от Natakoreshkova

Kids Box 1

Wh questions: what, where, how

Wh questions: what, where, how
Пропущенное слово

от Briandajc

wh questions
yes/no questions

yes no

yes no
Случайное колесо

от Vikakukel

There appears to be some disagreement over what function yes and no perform in the following sentences:

  1. Yes, you are right.
  2. No, you are mistaken.

According to ODO (yes, no), they are being used as exclamations which are presumably the same as interjections. Webster (yes, no) and Macmillan (yes, no), on the other hand, reckon that they are adverbs. Wiktionary (yes, no) chucks another spanner by stating that yes is being used as an adverb while no is being used as an interjection.

Wiktionary also links to a Wikipedia article on «yes and no» which seemingly disagrees with both options.

The words yes and no are not easily classified into any of the eight conventional parts of speech. Although sometimes classified as interjections, they do not qualify as such, and they are not adverbs. They are sometimes classified as a part of speech in their own right, sentence words, word sentences, or pro-sentences, although that category contains more than yes and no and not all linguists include them in their lists of sentence words. Sentences consisting solely of one of these two words are classified as minor sentences.

So, which, if anything, is it and why is opinion so divided?

Changing Chairs

ESL Yes/No Questions Game — Grammar: Writing and Responding to Questions — Any Level — 20 minutes

Here is a fun ESL game for practicing a range of yes/no questions. Give each student some pieces of paper. On the board, write some incomplete yes/no questions you want the students to practice, e.g. Are you…? Have you ever…? Do you like…? Can you…? Tell the students to complete each question however they like, but they should try to write questions that require a ‘yes’ answer from other students. When everyone has finished, collect in the pieces of paper and mix them up. Next, put the students’ chairs in a circle, and have the students sit on the chairs. Explain that the students have to change chairs if they would answer ‘yes’ to a question. Read out a yes/no question from one of the pieces of paper that would require a ‘yes’ answer from some students. As the students stand up, grab a chair and remove it from the game. You could also just sit on a chair as the students stand up and then remove it after. The student left standing is out of the game. Repeat the procedure with another question and so on. The last student left in the game wins.

Changing Chairs Preview

Changing Chairs


ESL Yes/No Questions Game — Grammar and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions, Guessing — Pre-intermediate (A2-B1) — 20 minutes

Here is an amusing game to help students practice a variety of yes/no questions, short answers and tenses. Invite one student to the front of the class. The student secretly thinks of a verb and writes it down, e.g. sleep. The other students’ task is to guess the verb by taking it in turns to ask the student a yes/no question using the invented verb ‘glug’. Example: Have you ever glugged? Yes, I have. Do you glug every day? Yes, I do. Can you glug in class? No, you can’t. Are you glugging now? No, I’m not. Is it difficult to glug? No, it isn’t. When a student thinks they know the verb, they call out their answer. The first student to guess the correct verb wins and scores a point. The winning student then becomes the next student to choose a verb. The student with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

Glug Preview


The Ring

ESL Yes/No Questions Game — Vocabulary and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions, Guessing — Pre-intermediate (A2) — 20 minutes

Here is an ESL game for practicing yes/no questions and short answers as well as appearance and clothing. Choose a student and ask that student to step out of the classroom. While the student is out of the room, hand a ring to one of the students. All the students in the classroom should see who receives the ring. Call the student back into the room. The student then tries to guess who has the ring by asking yes/no questions. The student can ask up to ten yes/no questions and must ask a question to a different classmate each time. Example: A: Does a boy have the ring? B: Yes. A: Is the boy tall? C: Yes, he is. A: Does he have dark hair? D: No, he doesn’t. A: Is he wearing a blue T-shirt? E: No, he isn’t. The student is only allowed one guess to name the person who has the ring. If the student guesses correctly, they win the game. The student who has the ring becomes the next person to step out of the room. You can change the number of yes/no questions the student is allowed to ask, depending on the size of your class.

The Ring Preview

The Ring

Throw a Question

ESL Yes/No Question Game — Listening and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions — Young Learners — 15 minutes

In this useful listening game, students listen and answer a question and then create a similar question of their own. Have the students stand in a circle. Tell the students that they are going to practice questions and answers they have recently studied in class. Throw the ball to a student. When the student catches the ball, ask them a question, e.g. ‘Can you swim?’ The student who catches the ball answers the question appropriately, e.g. ‘Yes, I can.’ The student then throws the ball to another student and asks them a similar question and so on, e.g. ‘Can you ride a bicycle?’ If a student says a grammatically incorrect question or answer, they are out of the game. When this happens, restart the game with a new question. The last two students left in the game win.

Throw a Question Preview

Throw a Question

Twenty Questions

ESL Yes/No Questions Game — Grammar and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions, Guessing — Pre-intermediate (A2-B1) — 25 minutes

In this engaging yes/no questions game, students guess the name of a famous person or character by asking 20 yes/no questions. This game is useful for practicing a variety of yes/no questions and short answers. Choose one student to come and sit at the front of the class. Write the name of a famous person or character on a piece of paper and give it to the player. The other students then take it in turns to ask the player yes/no questions in order to find out their secret identity. A ‘yes’ answer from the player earns a student another chance to ask a question. When a student correctly guesses the player’s identity, they become the next mystery person. If the students are unable to guess the right answer after 20 questions, the answer is revealed, and a new student is chosen to come to the front of the class. For higher-level students, you can play a variation of the game called ‘Animal, Vegetable or Mineral’. Instead of choosing a famous person or character, the player’s identity is an animal, vegetable or mineral.

Twenty Questions Preview

Twenty Questions


ESL Yes/No Questions Game — Grammar and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions — Any Level — 15 minutes

This engaging ESL game is ideal for practicing yes/no questions and short answers. First, review the yes/no question and short answer structure you want the students to practice. Next, students put their heads down and close their eyes. Walk around the class and touch one student on the shoulder. That student has the virus. Now, ask the students to open their eyes. Students then go around asking each other yes/no questions using the structure you want them to practice, e.g. ‘Can you ride a bicycle?’ The students must answer positively to each question, e.g. ‘Yes, I can.’ The student with the virus must answer negatively, e.g. ‘No, I can’t.’ Any student, who asks the student with the virus a question, gets the virus and must also answer negatively. The aim of the game is to avoid catching the virus. After a few minutes, stop the game and see who survived. Any students who didn’t get the virus score a point. Then, repeat the game with a different yes/no question structure and so on. The student with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Virus Preview


Yes No Laugh

ESL Yes/No Questions Game — Grammar and Speaking: Writing, Asking and Answering Questions — Pre-intermediate (A2-B1) — 25 minutes

Here is an entertaining ESL yes/no questions game for students to play in class. Tell the students that they are going to ask yes/no questions to one another. Ask the students to write a variety of yes/no questions and set the number of questions they should write, according to the number of people in the class. Next, seat the students in a horseshoe shape and put a chair in the middle facing the horseshoe. Draw two columns on the board, one with a happy face heading and one with a sad face heading. Write the words, ‘Yes’, ‘No’ and ‘Laugh’ next to the two columns and then cross the words out. Explain that the students’ task is to ask their classmates questions that will make them use the words yes or no, or make you laugh. Each student sits in the chair in turn and tries to survive a question from each classmate without saying yes or no, or laughing. If a student manages to do this, write their name under the happy face. If not, put their name under the sad face.

Yes No Laugh Preview

Yes No Laugh

If you teach English to beginners, chances are you’ll encounter yes or no questions. They’re often in the first few pages of a beginning ESL/EFL textbook. Keep on reading for our top games and activities you’ll want to use to practice this grammar point.


ESL Yes or No Question Activities

Let’s get into the yes and no questions activities and games to consider trying out with your students.

Yes No Question Games for English Learners

If you’re looking for some of the best ideas for yes-no question games and activities, then look no further than this list! We’re going to give you the rundown of our best 21 ideas.

#1: ESL Surveys

Perhaps the ultimate ESL activity to get students to practice their yes or no questions is a survey. The way it works is that they have to use yes/no questions to find someone who can answer yes to each specific thing. Then, they write that name in in the slot and think of an interesting follow-up question. I love using this one for present perfect, was/were, and past tense irregular verbs. It’s also very easy to design surveys for modals for ability with can and can’t.

Try out this awesome ESL activity today and I’m sure you’ll love it! More information here: ESL Surveys.

#2: 20 Questions

Try out this no-prep ESL game.

When you think yes and no game, you probably think 20 questions! It’s a classic and English learners seem to love. There are a few simple ways you can adapt it for them, depending on the age and level of students that you can teach. Find out more about how I do it right here:

20 Questions for ESL.

#3: Find Someone Who Bingo

The way this Bingo game works is that students circulate around the class finding someone who can answer yes a question that corresponds with a square on their grid. Once they have a line of them in a row, they’re the winner! It’s a fun, interesting way for students to get practice with simple yes no questions.

Find out more about it right here: Find Someone Who Bingo for ESL.

#4: Mixed Up Sentences

A simple grammar activity for beginners is mixed up sentences. The way it works is that you write a bunch of sentences on the board that are mixed up in the order of words. Students have to work to unscramble them. You can do this as an activity, or turn it into a game.

Students can work alone, or in pairs. It really is up to you. It’s a super versatile activity that lends itself to basically any vocabulary set, topic or grammar point. However, some particular times I like to use it is with are quantifiers and helping verbs.

Find out more about it here: Mixed Up Sentences ESL Grammar Game.


Yes or No games for ESL

#5: Ball Toss

This is a novel kind of activity where students get to throw a beach ball around the class. Then, whoever catches it has to answer a yes/no question. Try it out with your students today! Learn more about it: Ball Toss ESL Speaking Activity.

#6: Do You Like to _____?

This is a fun, interactive ESL activity that gets students out of their seats and asking lots of yes/no questions. It makes an ideal warm-up activity, or for review at the end of a class. Find out more right here: Do You Like To ESL Activity.

#7: Whiteboard Games

There’s just something about writing on the whiteboard—students young and old seem to love it. There are a number of these games and activities that will work well with yes and no questions. You can see our top picks right here:

Top 10 ESL Whiteboard Activities

#8: Flashcard Sentences

I’m ALL about flashcards for teaching children. There are a ton of games and activities you can do with them, and they’re ideal for when you want to focus on forms. The way this one works is that you can show the student(s) a flashcard and ask a question.

Is it a cat? No, it isn’t. It’s a dog.

Seems simple, but it’s ideal for absolute beginners. As you can, it’s a nice subject verb agreement game that you might want to use in your classes.

Find out more right here: Flashcards for ESL.

#9: Error Correction Relay Race

If you want your students to seriously focus on forms of yes/no questions and answers, then error correction is one way to do it. However, it can bet a little bit boring, so try using this relay race to make the old new again.

Learn more about how to do it right here: ESL Error Correction Relay.

#10: Use Some Videos

I love to use some ESL videos to introduce a topic, or serve as a quick review at the end of a lesson. Or, I’ve even been known to base an entire lesson around one! Whatever the case, you can find one to suit just about any kind of vocabulary or grammar point on either English Central or YouTube.

Just search for something like, “ESL yes no questions” and you’ll have a myriad of choices. More details about how to make the best use of videos right here: How to Use Videos in the English Classroom.


Yes No Game for ESL

#11: Yes/No Questions Game

Try out this fun game with your students. Divide the class up into teams of 4-5. Then, have them think of some questions to ask you that have yes or no answers.

If you answer, “yes” to the question, that team gets two points, but a “no” answer only gets them one point. Plus, teams can’t repeat questions they’ve already heard.

The team with the most points at the end of the allotted time is the winner.

#12: Vocabulary Auction

#13: Avoiding Yes and No Answers!

Try out this fun, but challenging game for your more advanced level students. One person is the question asker while the other person answers. The goal of the person asking the question is to get the other person to say yes or no, while the person answering wants to avoid this.

Set the timer for one minute and let your students try it out. Then, they can switch roles. I find that it’s best do an example with the students asking me questions in order for them to understand how this game works.

#14: Musical Chairs, Yes/No Question Style

Get each student to make three yes/no questions. Tell them that they should make ones that they think some, but not all the class will answer yes to.

Then, students move their chairs so that they’re all sitting in a circle. Read out a question and if someone can answer yes, they have to stand up and find a new chair to sit it. However, quickly turn around one chair so that someone will be without. They’re out of the game. Continue until only one person is left standing.

#15: Who Has It?

Try out this fun yes no questions game with your students. Choose one student to go outside the class and then give a small object (coin for example) to one student in the classroom. The person comes back in and has to ask yes/no questions to find out who has the object. For example:

  • Is the person with the coin a boy?
  • Does the person with the ring have glasses?
  • Etc.

#16: Picture Prompt

#17: Eliciting Techniques for ESL Yes No Questions

Unless your students are absolute beginners, it’s likely they’ve learned about yes/no questions and answers before. In this case, starting off the class by using some eliciting techniques can be a great way to introduce this concept again.

Start off my making a statement. For example, “I like pasta.” Then, elicit from your students some possible questions that could lead to that statement. This lends itself naturally to yes/no questions. Keep on going with a few more examples.

#18: Sentence Building Activities

Spending some time in class working on sentence structure and making better sentences is never wasted time! Sentences are the foundation of the English language but it’s often an area that students have a difficult time with. Help students solidify their knowledge of yes and no questions.

This is particularly true with question forms. After all, it’s often the case that students have spent much of their lives answering questions from the teacher but they may not have a lot of opportunity to ask them themselves. Here are some of the top ideas to work on this: Sentence Building ESL Activities.

#19: Is that Sentence Correct?

This is a simple error correction activity that lends itself well to yes no questions. Write some sentences on the board or PowerPoint using the target grammar or vocabulary.

Some sentences have errors while others do not. The students have to decide which ones are incorrect and then fix the errors in them. It’s a nice review activity at the end of a class or for a simple homework assignment. Check it out: Is that Sentence Correct Error Correction ESL Activity.

#20: Hot Potato

#21: Man or Woman on the Street

This is an engaging and interactive ESL speaking and listening activity that’s heavy on the questions. Students have to interview each other to find out opinions about current events or controversial topics. Where the yes/no questions can come in is during the follow-up questions after the main one.

Try it out for yourself! It’s a versatile activity that’s ideal for big or small classes and a variety of levels: ESL Interview Activity.

#23: Finding Something in Common

Try out this fun icebreaker activity to get students practicing their yes/no questions. It’s ideal for high-beginner to advanced students and any class size. Best of all, it requires absolutely nothing in the way of preparation and no materials except for a pen and paper. Check it out here: Finding Something in Common ESL Activity.

#24: Icebreaker Yes or No Questions

A fun icebreaker is simply having student ask other some yes or no questions. Here are some of the top options for yes or no icebreaker questions:

  • Have you ever been to another country?
  • Do you like to cook?
  • Do you like shopping?
  • Have you ever won an award for something?
  • Do you have any pets?
  • Are you afraid of anything?
  • Have you ever been very lost?
  • Do you like to DIY things?
  • Have you ever stolen something?
  • Did you get along well with your siblings when you were growing up?
  • Have you ever lost a lot of money?
  • Do you like to spend time outside?
  • Did you used to drink a lot in your younger days?
  • Have you ever told a really big lie?

#25: SOS ESL Question Game

Try out this fun activity that works very well as a yes no question game:

ESL Yes No Questions Worksheets

If you’re looking for some worksheets to use to practice yes or no questions, then you’ll need to check out some of our favourite resources:

ISL Collective

All Things Grammar

Teach This

Yes or No Online Practice 

If you want to get your students working on this grammar point outside of class, you can suggest some online practice for them. Here are some of our favourite resources:

Learn English Online

My English Pages

The Yes No Game Questions

yes no game questions

The yes no game questions

If you’re playing a yes no game, here are some of the best questions to ask someone.

  • Do you like pina coladas?
  • Do you ever pick your nose when you think nobody is watching?
  • Have you ever worn the same underwear two days in a row?
  • Do you ever talk to pets?
  • Have you ever done something you really regret?
  • Do you think you’d be a good superhero?
  • Have you ever licked something so that nobody else would eat it?
  • Do you still believe in Santa?
  • Do you snore?
  • Have you ever stayed up all night?
  • Do you have a secret crush on someone?
  • Do you have an embarrassing nickname?

There are some common questions that people have about teaching yes and no questions with activities and games. Here are the answers to some of the most popular ones.

What are Yes or No Questions?

Yes and no questions are those questions which can expect a yes or no answers. The main thing is that they don’t use the following words: who/what/when/why/where/how. People use yes and no questions to verify information or ask for confirmation about something.

What are Yes Questions?

In linguistics, yes/no questions are known as polar questions. That is, these questions where that are only two expected and possible answers. However, only one of the pair of alternatives is acceptable. It’s also known as a dichotomous question.

What are Some Yes No Question Games for ESL?

If you want your students to practice some yes or no questions, some of the best activities are as follows:

  • Surveys
  • 20 questions
  • Find someone who bingo
  • Flashcard sentences
  • Whiteboard games
  • Videos

Are Yes and No Questions Easy to Teach?

Most teachers find yes/no questions and answers relatively each to each when compared to more open-ended ones with the 5W + H words. This is because there are only two possible answers—yes or no, instead of a range of possible answers with open ended questions.


Yes or No Question Games

Did you like these Yes and No Games and Activities?

Yes? Thought so! Then then book you’re going to love is this one over on Amazon: 101 ESL Activities for Kids. The key to better English classes with children is a wide variety of interesting games and activities and this book will help you get there. You’ll have enough material to make it through an entire semester in style!

The best part is that the book is well-organized into various sections so that you should be able to find what you’re looking for in just a minute or two. If that’s not some ESL teaching awesome, then I’m not sure what is.

You can get it in both digital and print formats. Keep the physical copy on the bookshelf in your office to use as a handy reference guide when planning your lessons. Or, take the digital version with you to your favourite coffee shop for lesson planning on the go. It really is that easy to have better classes today!

Sounds like exactly what you need? Get the book for yourself over on Amazon:


ESL Yes or No Activities and Games: Join the Conversation

What are your thoughts about these yes or no question games and activities for ESL students? Did you try one of them out in your classes? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think. We’d love to hear from you.

Also be sure to give this article a share on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. It’ll help other busy English teachers, like yourself find this useful resource.

Or, you might want to check this out: WH Question Games.

Last update on 2022-07-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Yes-no questions and short answers

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Interactive worksheet Household Chores - Yes-No Questions

Household Chores — Yes-No Questions

Grade/level: Level 2
by TeacherLesley

Interactive worksheet Yes, it is - No, it isn't

Yes, it is — No, it isn’t

Grade/level: young learners
by anipi

Interactive worksheet Present Simple - Making Yes or No questions

Present Simple — Making Yes or No questions

Grade/level: beginners
by teacherpriscilacarla

Interactive worksheet Present Simple questions

Present Simple questions

Grade/level: elemenary
by nina1020

Interactive worksheet How to Make Yes or No Questions

How to Make Yes or No Questions

Grade/level: Elementary
by AndrewTEA

Interactive worksheet Present progressive

Present progressive

Grade/level: 4th
by RobertOmar

Interactive worksheet Yes-No Questions in the Simple Future

Yes-No Questions in the Simple Future

Grade/level: 10+
by Swainy67

Interactive worksheet Is it a pencil?

Is it a pencil?

Grade/level: Grade 1
by Mattew04

Interactive worksheet Can, have, be- questiona

Can, have, be- questiona

Grade/level: grade 4-5
by DorWar

Interactive worksheet Yes-NO QUESTIONS: IS IT..?-3


Grade/level: GRADE 2
by ccenturion

Interactive worksheet Yes-No Questions in the Simple Present

Yes-No Questions in the Simple Present

Grade/level: Beginner/Low Intermediate
by Swainy67

Interactive worksheet Yes I do.

Yes I do.

Grade/level: Beginner
by Bilgeceingilizce

Interactive worksheet Is he-she wearing..?

Is he-she wearing..?

Grade/level: 1-3
by teddycaprio

Interactive worksheet Simple Present

Simple Present

Grade/level: basic level
by cinthiagarcia

Interactive worksheet Top World Bands

Top World Bands

by Daniela__mar

Interactive worksheet Yes-NO QUESTIONS: IS IT..?-2


Grade/level: GRADE 2
by ccenturion

Interactive worksheet What's this ? It is a -an....  Is it red? ... Yes , it is. No, it isn't.

What’s this ? It is a -an…. Is it red? … Yes , it is. No, it isn’t.

Grade/level: grade1
by aniraokaysa

Interactive worksheet Choose the correct option- Animals

Choose the correct option- Animals

Grade/level: Grade 1
by VictoriaMalacari

Interactive worksheet Wild animals- Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

Wild animals- Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Grade/level: Cuarto grado

Interactive worksheet Answering yes or no to questions

Answering yes or no to questions

Grade/level: Kindergarten
by raychieray

Interactive worksheet Yes, she is. No she isn't

Yes, she is. No she isn’t

Grade/level: 1
by marzieakbarifar

Interactive worksheet Robin Hood reading

Robin Hood reading

by Nevenmar

Interactive worksheet School Objects

School Objects

Grade/level: Grade 1
by cataperkins

Interactive worksheet Practica 2 preguntas cerradas en presente simple

Practica 2 preguntas cerradas en presente simple

Grade/level: Inglés con amor
by Inglesconamor

Interactive worksheet Yes-no questions with do

Yes-no questions with do

Grade/level: BASIC
by TeacherDamarys

Interactive worksheet Yes- no questions

Yes- no questions

Grade/level: Cuarto Grado

Interactive worksheet Past simple yes no questions

Past simple yes no questions

Grade/level: 7
by syosfan

Interactive worksheet We are Heroes unit 1

We are Heroes unit 1

Grade/level: Kids
by CandelaAlvarez

Interactive worksheet Verb to be questioning

Verb to be questioning

Grade/level: 5th and 6th grades
by soltana

Interactive worksheet At the Playground - 5

At the Playground — 5

Grade/level: Grade 2
by remzisahar

Interactive worksheet Yes-No questions

Yes-No questions

Grade/level: Grase 1
by Jolitasliaz

Interactive worksheet Yes, I can-No I can't Super Simple Songs

Yes, I can-No I can’t Super Simple Songs

Grade/level: 5-7
by MiriamCSinf

Interactive worksheet Verb to be interrogative form

Verb to be interrogative form

Grade/level: GRADE 3
by CARINA1121

Interactive worksheet Yes no questions

Yes no questions

Grade/level: grade 2
by jimenamartinez

Interactive worksheet Yes-no question

Yes-no question

Grade/level: UKG
by munajoshi_22

Interactive worksheet Is it a(toys ) ?

Is it a(toys ) ?

Grade/level: FIRST GRADE
by Lisettek

Interactive worksheet Do you want a kite?

Do you want a kite?

Grade/level: Grade 2
by deita53

Interactive worksheet Questions (past simple - present continuous - present simple) easier

Questions (past simple — present continuous — present simple) easier

Grade/level: grade 3
by zoya309

Interactive worksheet ye no questions

ye no questions

Grade/level: Grade 3
by ADK

Interactive worksheet Kipper and the Giant.

Kipper and the Giant.

Grade/level: Grade 2
by martinaas

Interactive worksheet Academy Stars 2 (p 86-87)

Academy Stars 2 (p 86-87)

Grade/level: Grade 2
by MyroslavaLiashchuk

Interactive worksheet Yes- no question

Yes- no question

Grade/level: 4
by MrsTram

4.2.1  We use yes / no questions when we want to confirm or deny something:

  • ‘Do you like peanut butter?’ ‘Yes.’
  • ‘Did you take your brother’s pencil?’ ‘No.’

Yes / no questions are one of two main kinds of questions in English, along with wh- questions (see Lesson 4.1). They are ‘closed questions’ – where the answer is limited to a few standard responses – while wh- questions are ‘open questions’ with open and unlimited answers.

4.2.2  When somebody asks a yes / no question, they generally want to receive a clear yes or no answer – confirmation or denial. This is in contrast to wh- questions where the questioner wants to find out information:

  • ‘Did you borrow my car last night?’ ‘Yes.’
  • ‘Where did you go?’ ‘I drove to the beach.’

4.2.3  There are four possible answers to yes / no questions:

  • yes
  • maybe / perhaps / possibly
  • no
  • I don’t know

4.2.4  In writing, punctuation is important to show that a sentence is a question. For example, this is not a question:

  • do you know how to make a cake

We need to add a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and a question mark at the end:

  • Do you know how to make a cake?

4.2.5  The word order in yes / no questions is usually:

For example:

This means that it is necessary to know the auxiliary verb(s) in each tense. It is well worth learning this important information by heart:

For example:

4.2.6  If the tense is present simple or past simple, and the main verb in the sentence is BE, we use BE to make the yes / no questions because there is no auxiliary verb. Compare:

4.2.7  Whether we use an auxiliary verb (including modal auxiliary verbs like can, must, might, and will) or BE, we need to use inversion to make yes / no questions. Inversion occurs when we reverse (invert) the word order of subject and verb:

A very common error is when a student forgets to use inversion, but instead relies on a rising intonation at the end of the sentence to signal that they are asking a question:

You are a dentist?  (no inversion)    Correction: Are you a dentist?

You have eaten pasta?  (no inversion)    Correction: Have you eaten pasta?

4.2.8  If somebody asks us a yes / no question, we can answer with a short answer, either repeating the auxiliary verb or not. It is not necessary to reply with a full answer, and a short answer sounds much more natural:

‘Do you like playing football?’

‘Yes.’    (no auxiliary verb)

‘Yes, I do.’    (with auxiliary verb)

‘Yes, I like playing football.’    (not required – too much information)

It sounds better if we use the auxiliary verb. The questioner will usually begin a yes / no question with an auxiliary verb, so we simply need to use the same auxiliary verb at the end of our short answer. We mirror the questioner’s auxiliary verb. (Note: as usual BE has to be different!)

4.2.9  The auxiliary verb and subject (if it’s a pronoun) in yes / no questions are function words, and therefore not usually stressed. In spoken English, this can lead to some contractions and short forms, where these function words are squashed together to make them weaker, so that the main verb (content word) sounds stronger. (See Lesson 3.3 Intonation.) For example, the questions above may be shortened as follows:

Do you drive…?    ‘Do you’ is squeezed together to make one syllable:  j

j Draiv…?

Are you driving?    ‘Are you’ is contracted to make two short syllables:  uh y

uh y Drai ving…?

More examples with Clear Alphabet (see Lesson 1.6):

Note how in past simple ‘did you’ sounds the same as ‘do you’ in present simple:  j. We rely on the time phrase (‘last night’) to inform us that the time is finished time.

4.2.10  Yes / no questions have rising intonation. (See also Lesson 3.3 Intonation.) For example:

It is the rising intonation that alerts the listener to the fact that you are asking a question. Try asking somebody a yes / no question without rising intonation, and see what response you get! It may be that you do not get any response at all. This contrasts with wh- questions, which generally have falling intonation.

Instead of saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ there are a number of sounds that we can make which signal either answer. (See also Lesson 3.3 Intonation.) This saves us the trouble of opening our mouths to form words! For example:

4.2.11  Yes / no questions are not information questions. They are usually asked to get a quick answer – a confirmation or denial. We cannot learn a great deal about the person’s problem, story, or opinion by asking only yes / no questions:

A: ‘Did you go to hospital last week?’

B: ‘Yes.’

A: ?? … (there is an information vacuum)

We usually need to follow up yes / no questions with wh- questions:

A: ‘Did you go to hospital last week?’

B: ‘Yes.’

A: ‘Why?’

B: ‘Because I was visiting my sister.’

However, there is a fun game called ‘The Yes / No Game’ where you have to guess somebody’s word by asking only yes / no questions. This rather frustrating game demonstrates quite well why we need to ask follow-up wh- questions in real life! (See Exercises, below.)


Ex. 4.2.1 Writing  Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question:

  1. this right the is bus __________________________________________
  2. you like crisps do plain __________________________________________
  3. glasses are your these __________________________________________
  4. going tomorrow are to you the night concert ______________________________________
  5. the he guitar playing is __________________________________________
  6. going are my all we car in __________________________________________
  7. last watch did film you night that __________________________________________
  8. results your about you ask did __________________________________________
  9. on parcel arrive time your did __________________________________________
  10. grass the you have cutting finished __________________________________________
  11. week phoned have your you this auntie __________________________________________
  12. finished has work yet Joanne __________________________________________
  13. football tomorrow play you will __________________________________________
  14. theatre will tickets the any have __________________________________________
  15. dishwasher finish will soon the __________________________________________

Ex. 4.2.2 Writing  Write 10 yes / no questions to ask your friend / classmate / family member. Write down their answers:

  1. __________________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________________
  3. __________________________________________________________________________
  4. __________________________________________________________________________
  5. __________________________________________________________________________
  6. __________________________________________________________________________
  7. __________________________________________________________________________
  8. __________________________________________________________________________
  9. __________________________________________________________________________
  10. __________________________________________________________________________

Ex. 4.2.3 Writing  Write the auxiliary verb(s) for each tense:

Ex. 4.2.4 Reading  i) Match the questions and answers:

  1. Do these films have subtitles?             g) Yes, it has.
  2. Does it often rain here?             l) Yes, we did.
  3. Did you win the competition?             q) No, she can’t.
  4. Have they got back from the dentist’s?             a) Yes, you are.
  5. Has he ever been abroad?             k) Yes, I do.
  6. Are we going swimming now?             p) No, she didn’t.
  7. Is the main course ready?             f) Yes, there will.
  8. Am I the first person to get here?             m) Yes, there is.
  9. Will there be any veggie food at the barbecue?             h) Yes, they do.
  10. Can Rachael stay for dinner?             t) No, it isn’t.
  11. Could you chew gum in class?             r) No, I wouldn’t.
  12. Would you like living in Provence?             b) Yes, they have.
  13. Do you need a holiday?             n) No, they haven’t.
  14. Did Amy take the final exam?             i) No, he won’t.
  15. Have Neil and Elena moved house?             d) No, it doesn’t.
  16. Has it been raining?             o) Yes, I can.
  17. Are you going to the meeting at nine?             s) No, we couldn’t.
  18. Is there a car park near here?             c) No, I’m not.
  19. Will Ian join the team next year?             j) Yes, he has.
  20. Can you count to a hundred?             e) No, we are not.

ii) Write a different question that matches each answer.

Ex. 4.2.5 Writing  Write a quiz with yes / no questions about your favourite topic, e.g. a book, film, place, celebrity, etc. to ask your friend / classmate / family member. Write down their answers:

  1. __________________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________________
  3. __________________________________________________________________________
  4. __________________________________________________________________________
  5. __________________________________________________________________________
  6. __________________________________________________________________________
  7. __________________________________________________________________________
  8. __________________________________________________________________________
  9. __________________________________________________________________________
  10. __________________________________________________________________________

Ex. 4.2.6 Writing  Write a short positive and negative answer to each question, e.g.

Ex. 4.2.7 Reading  a) Complete each sentence with an auxiliary verb. b) Write a short answer to each question, either positive or negative. c) Write the tense:

Ex. 4.2.8 Speaking & Listening  Describing things:

Students work in pairs, small groups, or the whole group. One student thinks of a word and writes it down, keeping it secret. The other students ask yes / no questions to try to guess what it is. The original student can only reply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, until the others guess their word and they show their paper. To make it more difficult, you could limit the number of questions, e.g. ten or twenty. Variation, the student who thinks of the word could be role-playing as somebody else, e.g. the President, a pop star, a famous scientist, etc. The others have to guess the word and the persona of the student.

Ex. 4.2.9 Speaking & Listening  Improvisation game:

Students work in pairs. One interviews the other. Whatever the first student says, the other must reply ‘Yes’. Variation: the other must reply ‘No.’ This can be very funny, with the student who is interviewing asking increasingly strange questions, while the other has to reply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. For example:

Student A:        Are you a teacher?

Student B:        Yes.

Student A:        Do you like in a forest?

Student B:        Yes.

Student A:        Have you ever seen a lion?

Student B:        Yes.

Student A:        Did you give it a plate of sandwiches?

Student B:        Yes.

…and so on.

Look up yes in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Look up no in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Yes and no, or word pairs with similar words, are expressions of the affirmative and the negative, respectively, in several languages, including English. Some languages make a distinction between answers to affirmative versus negative questions and may have three-form or four-form systems. English originally used a four-form system up to and including Early Middle English and Modern English has reduced to a two-form system consisting of ‘yes’ and ‘no’. It exists in many facets of communication, such as: eye blink communication, head movements, Morse Code, and sign language. Some languages, such as Latin, do not have yes-no word systems.

Answering yes/no question with single words meaning ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is by no means universal. Probably about half the world’s languages typically employ an echo response: repeating the verb in the question in an affirmative or a negative form. Some of these also have optional words for ‘yes’ and ‘no’, like Hungarian, Russian, and Portuguese. Others simply don’t have designated yes/no words, like Welsh, Irish, Latin, Thai, and Chinese.[1] Echo responses avoid the issue of what an unadorned yes means in response to a negative question. Yes and no can be used as a response to a variety of situations – but are better suited when asked simple questions. While a yes response to the question, «You don’t like strawberries?» is ambiguous in English, the Welsh response ydw (I am) has no ambiguity.

The words yes and no are not easily classified into any of the eight conventional parts of speech. Sometimes they are classified as interjections, although they do not qualify as such,[fact or opinion?] and they are not adverbs. They are sometimes classified as a part of speech in their own right, sentence words, or pro-sentences, although that category contains more than yes and no, and not all linguists include them in their lists of sentence words. Sentences consisting solely of one of these two words are classified as minor sentences.

Classification of English grammar[edit]

Although sometimes classified as interjections, these words do not express emotion or act as calls for attention; they are not adverbs because they do not qualify any verb, adjective, or adverb. They are sometimes classified as a part of speech in their own right: sentence words or word sentences.[2][3][4]

This is the position of Otto Jespersen, who states that «‘Yes’ and ‘No’ … are to all intents and purposes sentences just as much as the most delicately balanced sentences ever uttered by Demosthenes or penned by Samuel Johnson.»[5]

Georg von der Gabelentz, Henry Sweet, and Philipp Wegener have all written on the subject of sentence words. Both Sweet and Wegener include yes and no in this category, with Sweet treating them separately from both imperatives and interjections, although Gabelentz does not.[6]

Watts[7] classifies yes and no as grammatical particles, in particular response particles. He also notes their relationship to the interjections oh and ah, which is that the interjections can precede yes and no but not follow them. Oh as an interjection expresses surprise, but in the combined forms oh yes and oh no merely acts as an intensifier; but ah in the combined forms ah yes and ah no retains its stand-alone meaning, of focusing upon the previous speaker’s or writer’s last statement. The forms *yes oh, *yes ah, *no oh, and *no ah are grammatically ill-formed. Aijmer[8] similarly categorizes the yes and no as response signals or reaction signals.

Ameka classifies these two words in different ways according to the context. When used as back-channel items, he classifies them as interjections; but when they are used as the responses to a yes–no question, he classifies them as formulaic words. The distinction between an interjection and a formula is, in Ameka’s view, that the former does not have an addressee (although it may be directed at a person), whereas the latter does. The yes or no in response to the question is addressed at the interrogator, whereas yes or no used as a back-channel item is a feedback usage, an utterance that is said to oneself. However, Sorjonen criticizes this analysis as lacking empirical work on the other usages of these words, in addition to interjections and feedback uses.[9]

Bloomfield and Hockett classify the words, when used to answer yes-no questions, as special completive interjections. They classify sentences comprising solely one of these two words as minor sentences.[3]

Sweet classifies the words in several ways. They are sentence-modifying adverbs, adverbs that act as modifiers to an entire sentence. They are also sentence words, when standing alone. They may, as question responses, also be absolute forms that correspond to what would otherwise be the not in a negated echo response. For example, a «No.» in response to the question «Is he here?» is equivalent to the echo response «He is not here.» Sweet observes that there is no correspondence with a simple yes in the latter situation, although the sentence-word «Certainly.» provides an absolute form of an emphatic echo response «He is certainly here.» Many other adverbs can also be used as sentence words in this way.[10]

Unlike yes, no can also be an adverb of degree, applying to adjectives solely in the comparative (e.g., no greater, no sooner, but not no soon or no soonest), and an adjective when applied to nouns (e.g., «He is no fool.» and Dyer’s «No clouds, no vapours intervene.»).[10][11]

Grammarians of other languages have created further, similar, special classifications for these types of words. Tesnière classifies the French oui and non as phrasillons logiques (along with voici). Fonagy observes that such a classification may be partly justified for the former two, but suggests that pragmatic holophrases is more appropriate.[12]

The Early English four-form system[edit]

While Modern English has a two-form system of yes and no for affirmatives and negatives, earlier forms of English had a four-form system, comprising the words yea, nay, yes, and no. Yes contradicts a negatively formulated question, No affirms it; Yea affirms a positively formulated question, Nay contradicts it.

  • Will they not go? — Yes, they will.
  • Will they not go? — No, they will not.
  • Will they go? — Yea, they will.
  • Will they go? — Nay, they will not.

This is illustrated by the following passage from Much Ado about Nothing:[13]

Claudio: Can the world buie such a iewell? [buy such a jewel]
Benedick: Yea, and a case to put it into, but speake you this with a sad brow?

Benedick’s answer of yea is a correct application of the rule, but as observed by W. A. Wright «Shakespeare does not always observe this rule, and even in the earliest times the usage appears not to have been consistent.» Furness gives as an example the following, where Hermia’s answer should, in following the rule, have been yes:[13][14]

Demetrius: Do not you thinke, The Duke was heere, and bid vs follow him?
Hermia: Yea, and my Father.

This subtle grammatical feature of Early Modern English is recorded by Sir Thomas More in his critique of William Tyndale’s translation of the New Testament into Early Modern English, which was then quoted as an authority by later scholars:[13]

I would not here note by the way that Tyndale here translateth no for nay, for it is but a trifle and mistaking of the Englishe worde : saving that ye shoulde see that he whych in two so plain Englishe wordes, and so common as in naye and no can not tell when he should take the one and when the tother, is not for translating into Englishe a man very mete. For the use of these two wordes in aunswering a question is this. No aunswereth the question framed by the affirmative. As for ensample if a manne should aske Tindall himselfe: ys an heretike meete to translate Holy Scripture into Englishe ? Lo to thys question if he will aunswere trew Englishe, he must aunswere nay and not no. But and if the question be asked hym thus lo: is not an heretike mete to translate Holy Scripture into Englishe ? To this question if he will aunswere trewe Englishe, he must aunswere no and not nay. And a lyke difference is there betwene these two adverbs ye and yes. For if the question bee framed unto Tindall by the affirmative in thys fashion. If an heretique falsely translate the New Testament into Englishe, to make his false heresyes seem the word of Godde, be his bokes worthy to be burned ? To this questyon asked in thys wyse, yf he will aunswere true Englishe, he must aunswere ye and not yes. But now if the question be asked him thus lo; by the negative. If an heretike falsely translate the Newe Testament into Englishe to make his false heresyee seme the word of God, be not hys bokes well worthy to be burned ? To thys question in thys fashion framed if he will aunswere trewe Englishe he may not aunswere ye but he must answere yes, and say yes marry be they, bothe the translation and the translatour, and al that wyll hold wyth them.

— Thomas More, The Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer, pp. 430[15][16]

In fact, More’s exemplification of the rule actually contradicts his statement of what the rule is. This went unnoticed by scholars such as Horne Tooke, Robert Gordon Latham, and Trench, and was first pointed out by George Perkins Marsh in his Century Dictionary, where he corrects More’s incorrect statement of the first rule, «No aunswereth the question framed by the affirmative.», to read nay. That even More got the rule wrong, even while himself dressing down Tyndale for getting it wrong, is seen by Furness as evidence that the four word system was «too subtle a distinction for practice».

Marsh found no evidence of a four-form system in Mœso-Gothic, although he reported finding «traces» in Old English. He observed that in the Anglo-Saxon Gospels,

  • positively phrased questions are answered positively with gea (John 21:15,16, King James Version: «Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee» etc.)
  • and negatively with ne (Luke 12:51, KJ: «Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division»; 13:4,5, KJ: «Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.»), nese (John 21:5 «Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.»; Matthew 13:28,29, KJ: «The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.»), and nic meaning «not I» (John 18:17, KJ: «Then saith the damsel that kept the door unto Peter, Art not thou also one of this man’s disciples? He saith, I am not.»);
  • while negatively phrased questions are answered positively with gyse (Matthew 17:25, KJ: «they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? He saith, Yes.»)
  • and negatively for example with , meaning «no one» (John 8:10,11, «he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord.»).[14]

Marsh calls this four-form system of Early Modern English a «needless subtlety». Tooke called it a «ridiculous distinction», with Marsh concluding that Tooke believed Thomas More to have simply made this rule up and observing that Tooke is not alone in his disbelief of More. Marsh, however, points out (having himself analyzed the works of John Wycliffe, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, John Skelton, and Robert of Gloucester, and Piers Plowman and Le Morte d’Arthur) that the distinction both existed and was generally and fairly uniformly observed in Early Modern English from the time of Chaucer to the time of Tyndale. But after the time of Tyndale, the four-form system was rapidly replaced by the modern two-form system.[14]

Three-form systems[edit]

Several languages have a three-form system, with two affirmative words and one negative. In a three-form system, the affirmative response to a positively phrased question is the unmarked affirmative, the affirmative response to a negatively phrased question is the marked affirmative, and the negative response to both forms of question is the (single) negative. For example, in Norwegian the affirmative answer to «Snakker du norsk?» («Do you speak Norwegian?») is «Ja», and the affirmative answer to «Snakker du ikke norsk?» («Do you not speak Norwegian?») is «Jo», while the negative answer to both questions is «Nei».[14][17][18][19][20]

Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese, Hungarian, German, Dutch, French and Malayalam all have three-form systems. Swedish and Danish have ja, jo, and nej. Norwegian has ja, jo/jau, and nei. Icelandic has , , and nei. Faroese has ja, , and nei. Hungarian has igen, de, and nem. German has ja, doch, and nein. Dutch has ja, jawel, and nee. French has oui, si, and non. Malayalam has അതേ, ഉവ്വ് and ഇല്ല. Though, technically Malayalam is a multi-form system of Yes and No as can be seen from below, the former are the formal words for Yes and No.

Swedish, and to some extent Danish and Norwegian, also have additional forms javisst and jovisst, analogous to ja and jo, to indicate a strong affirmative response. Swedish (and Danish and Norwegian slang) also have the forms joho and nehej, which both indicate stronger response than jo or nej. Jo can also be used as an emphatic contradiction of a negative statement.[18][21] And Malayalam has the additional forms അതേല്ലോ, ഉവ്വല്ലോ and ഇല്ലല്ലോ which act like question words, question tags or to strengthen the affirmative or negative response, indicating stronger meaning than അതേ, ഉവ്വ് and ഇല്ല. The words അല്ലേ, ആണല്ലോ, അല്ലല്ലോ, വേണല്ലോ, വേണ്ടല്ലോ, ഉണ്ടല്ലോ and ഇല്ലേ work in the same ways. These words also sound more polite as they don’t sound like curt when saying «No!» or «Yes!». ഉണ്ട means «it is there» and the word behaves as an affirmative response like അതേ. The usage of ഏയ് to simply mean «No» or «No way!», is informal and may be casual or sarcastic, while അല്ല is the more formal way of saying «false», «incorrect» or that «it is not» and is a negative response for questions. The word അല്ലല്ല has a stronger meaning than അല്ല. ശരി is used to mean «OK» or «correct», with the opposite ശരിയല്ല meaning «not OK» or «not correct». It is used to answer affirmatively to questions to confirm any action by the asker, but to answer negatively one says വേണ്ടാ. വേണം and വേണ്ട both mean to «want» and to «not want».

Other languages with four-form systems[edit]

Like Early Modern English, the Romanian language has a four-form system. The affirmative and negative responses to positively phrased questions are da and nu, respectively. But in responses to negatively phrased questions they are prefixed with ba (i.e. ba da and ba nu). nu is also used as a negation adverb, infixed between subject and verb. Thus, for example, the affirmative response to the negatively phrased question «N-ai plătit?» («Didn’t you pay?») is «Ba da.» («Yes.»—i.e. «I did pay.»), and the negative response to a positively phrased question beginning «Se poate să …?» («Is it possible to …?») is «Nu, nu se poate.» («No, it is not possible.»—note the use of nu for both no and negation of the verb.)[22][23][24]

Related words in other languages and translation problems[edit]

Bloomfield and Hockett observe that not all languages have special completive interjections.


Finnish does not generally answer yes-no questions with either adverbs or interjections but answers them with a repetition of the verb in the question,[25] negating it if the answer is the negative. (This is an echo response.) The answer to «Tuletteko kaupungista?» («Are you coming from town?») is the verb form itself, «Tulemme.» («We are coming.») However, in spoken Finnish, a simple «Yes» answer is somewhat more common, «Joo.»

Negative questions are answered similarly. Negative answers are just the negated verb form. The answer to «Tunnetteko herra Lehdon?» («Do you know Mr Lehto?») is «En tunne.» («I don’t know.») or simply «En.» («I don’t.»).[3][26][27][28] However, Finnish also has particle words for «yes»: «Kyllä» (formal) and «joo» (colloquial). A yes-no question can be answered «yes» with either «kyllä» or «joo«, which are not conjugated according to the person and plurality of the verb. «Ei«, however, is always conjugated and means «no».


Estonian has a structure similar to Finnish, with both repetitions and interjections. Jah means «yes». Unlike Finnish, the negation particle is always ei, regardless of person and plurality. Ei ole («am/are/is not») can be replaced by pole (a contraction of the ancient expression ep ole, meaning the same).

The word küll, cognate to Finnish kyllä, can be used to reply positively to a negative question: «Kas sa ei räägi soome keelt?» «Räägin küll!» («You don’t speak Finnish?» «Yes, I do!») It can also be used to approve a positive statement: «Sa tulidki kaasa!» «Tulin küll.» («You (unexpectedly) came along!» «Yes I did.»)


Up until the 16th century Latvian did not have a word for «yes» and the common way of responding affirmatively to a question was by repeating the question’s verb, just as in Finnish. The modern day was borrowed from Middle High German ja and first appeared in 16th-century religious texts, especially catechisms, in answers to questions about faith. At that time such works were usually translated from German by non-Latvians that had learned Latvian as a foreign language. By the 17th century, was being used by some Latvian speakers that lived near the cities, and more frequently when speaking to non-Latvians, but they would revert to agreeing by repeating the question verb when talking among themselves. By the 18th century the use of was still of low frequency, and in Northern Vidzeme the word was almost non-existent until the 18th and early 19th century. Only in the mid-19th century did really become usual everywhere.[29]


It is often assumed that Welsh has no words at all for yes and no. It has ie and nage, and do and naddo. However, these are used only in specialized circumstances and are some of the many ways in Welsh of saying yes or no. Ie and nage are used to respond to sentences of simple identification, while do and naddo are used to respond to questions specifically in the past tense. As in Finnish, the main way to state yes or no, in answer to yes-no questions, is to echo the verb of the question. The answers to «Ydy Ffred yn dod?» («Is Ffred coming?») are either «Ydy» («He is (coming).») or «Nac ydy» («He is not (coming)»). In general, the negative answer is the positive answer combined with nag. For more information on yes and no answers to yes-no questions in Welsh, see Jones, listed in further reading.[28][30][31]

Goidelic languages[edit]

The Goidelic languages (Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx) do not have words for yes or no at all. Instead, an echo response of the main verb used to ask the question is used. Sometimes, one of the words meaning «to be» (Irish or is, see Irish syntax § The forms meaning «to be»; Scottish Gaelic tha or is see Scottish Gaelic grammar § verbs; Manx ta or is) is used. For example, the Irish question «An bhfuil sé ag teacht?» («Is he coming?») may be answered «« («Is») or «Níl« («Is not»). More frequently, another verb will be used. For example, to respond to «Ar chuala sé?» («Did he hear?»), «Chuala» («Heard») or «Níor chuala» («Did not hear») are used. Irish people frequently give echo answers in English as well, e.g. «Did you hear?» Answer «I heard/I did».


Latin has no single words for yes and no. Their functions as word sentence responses to yes-no questions are taken up by sentence adverbs, single adverbs that are sentence modifiers and also used as word sentences. There are several such adverbs classed as truth-value adverbs—including certe, fortasse, nimirum, plane, vero, etiam, sane, videlicet, and minime (negative). They express the speaker’s/writer’s feelings about the truth value of a proposition. They, in conjunction with the negator non, are used as responses to yes-no questions.[3][32][33][34][35] For example:

«Quid enim diceres? Damnatum? Certe non.» («For what could you say? That I had been condemned? Assuredly not.»)

Latin also employs echo responses.[34][36]

Galician and Portuguese[edit]

These languages have words for yes and no, namely si and non in Galician and sim and não in Portuguese. However, answering a question with them is less idiomatic than answering with the verb in the proper conjugation.


In Spanish, the words ‘yes’ and no ‘no’ are unambiguously classified as adverbs: serving as answers to questions and also modifying verbs. The affirmative can replace the verb after a negation (Yo no tengo coche, pero él = I don’t own a car, but he does) or intensify it (I don’t believe he owns a car. / He does own one! = No creo que él tenga coche. / ¡ lo tiene!). The word no is the standard adverb placed next to a verb to negate it (Yo no tengo coche = I don’t own a car). Double negation is normal and valid in Spanish, and it is interpreted as reinforcing the negation (No tengo ningún coche = I own no car).


Speakers of Chinese use echo responses.[37] In all Sinitic/Chinese languages, yes-no questions are often posed in A-not-A form, and the replies to such questions are echo answers that echo either A or not A.[38][39] In Standard Mandarin Chinese, the closest equivalents to yes and no are to state «» (shì; lit.‘»is»‘) and «不是» (búshì; lit.‘»not is»‘).[40][41] The phrase 不要 (búyào; ‘(I) do not want’) may also be used for the interjection «no», and (ǹg) may be used for «yes». Similarly, in Cantonese, the preceding are 係 hai6 (lit: «is») and 唔係 (lit: «not is») m4 hai6, respectively. One can also answer 冇錯 mou5 co3 (lit.‘»not wrong»‘) for the affirmative, although there is no corresponding negative to this.


Japanese lacks words for yes and no. The words «はい» (hai) and «いいえ» (iie) are mistaken by English speakers for equivalents to yes and no, but they actually signify agreement or disagreement with the proposition put by the question: «That’s right.» or «That’s not right.»[37][42] For example: if asked, Are you not going? (行かないのですか?, ikanai no desu ka?), answering with the affirmative «はい» would mean «Right, I am not going»; whereas in English, answering «yes» would be to contradict the negative question. Echo responses are not uncommon in Japanese.


These differences between languages make translation difficult. No two languages are isomorphic at the most elementary level of words for yes and no. Translation from two-form to three-form systems are equivalent to what English-speaking school children learning French or German encounter. The mapping becomes complex when converting two-form to three-form systems. There are many idioms, such as reduplication (in French, German, and Italian) of affirmatives for emphasis (the German ja ja ja).

The mappings are one-to-many in both directions. The German ja has no fewer than 13 English equivalents that vary according to context and usage (yes, yeah, and no when used as an answer; well, all right, so, and now, when used for segmentation; oh, ah, uh, and eh when used an interjection; and do you, will you, and their various inflections when used as a marker for tag questions) for example. Moreover, both ja and doch are frequently used as additional particles for conveying nuanced meaning where, in English, no such particle exists. Straightforward, non-idiomatic, translations from German to English and then back to German can often result in the loss of all of the modal particles such as ja and doch from a text.[43][44][45][46]

Translation from languages that have word systems to those that do not, such as Latin, is similarly problematic. As Calvert says, «Saying yes or no takes a little thought in Latin».[35]

Colloquial forms[edit]


Linguist James R. Hurford notes that in many English dialects «there are colloquial equivalents of Yes and No made with nasal sounds interrupted by a voiceless, breathy h-like interval (for Yes) or by a glottal stop (for No)» and that these interjections are transcribed into writing as uh-huh or mm-hmm.[47] These forms are particularly useful for speakers who are at a given time unable to articulate the actual words yes and no.[47] The use of short vocalizations like uh-huh, mm-hmm, and yeah are examples of non-verbal communication, and in particular the practice of backchanneling.[48][49]

Art historian Robert Farris Thompson has posited that mm-hmm may be a loanword from a West African language that entered the English vernacular from the speech of enslaved Africans; linguist Lev Michael, however, says that this proposed origin is implausible, and linguist Roslyn Burns states that the origin of the term is difficult to confirm.[50]

Aye and variants[edit]

The word aye () as a synonym for yes in response to a question dates to the 1570s. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, it is of unknown origin. It may derive from the word I (in the context of «I assent»); as an alteration of the Middle English yai («yes»); or the adverb aye (meaning always «always, ever»), which comes from the Old Norse ei.[51] Using aye to mean yes is archaic, having disappeared from most of the English-speaking world, but is notably still used by people from Scotland, Ulster, and the north of England.[52]

In December 1993, a witness in a Scottish court who had answered «aye» to confirm he was the person summoned was told by a sheriff judge that he must answer either yes or no. When his name was read again and he was asked to confirm it, he answered «aye» again, and was imprisoned for 90 minutes for contempt of court. On his release he said, «I genuinely thought I was answering him.»[53]

Aye is also a common word in parliamentary procedure, where the phrase the ayes have it means that a motion has passed.[54] In the House of Commons of the British Parliament, MPs vote orally by saying «aye» or «no» to indicate they approve or disapprove of the measure or piece of legislation. (In the House of Lords, by contrast, members say «content» or «not content» when voting).[55]

The term has also historically been used in nautical usage, often phrased as «aye, aye, sir» duplicating the word «aye».[56] Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage (1926) explained that the nautical phrase was at that time usually written ay, ay, sir.[54]

The informal, affirmative phrase why-aye (also rendered whey-aye or way-eye) is used in the dialect of northeast England,[57][58] most notably by Geordies.[58]


Other variants of «yes» include acha in informal Indian English and historically righto or righty-ho in upper-class British English, although these fell out of use during the early 20th century.[52]

See also[edit]

  • Affirmation and negation
  • Thumb signal
  • Translation
  • Untranslatability


  1. ^ Holmberg, Anders (2016). The syntax of yes and no. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 64–72. ISBN 9780198701859.
  2. ^ E. A. Sonnenschein (2008). «Sentence words». A New English Grammar Based on the Recommendations of the Joint Committee on Grammatical Terminology. READ BOOKS. p. 54. ISBN 978-1-4086-8929-5.
  3. ^ a b c d Leonard Bloomfield & Charles F. Hockett (1984). Language. University of Chicago Press. pp. 176–177. ISBN 978-0-226-06067-5.
  4. ^ Alfred S. West (February 2008). «Yes and No. What are we to call the words Yes and No?». The Elements Of English Grammar. p. 173. ISBN 978-1-4086-8050-6.
  5. ^ Xabier Arrazola; Kepa Korta & Francis Jeffry (1995). Discourse, Interaction, and Communication. Springer. p. 11. ISBN 978-0-7923-4952-5.
  6. ^ Giorgio Graffi (2001). 200 Years of Syntax. John Benjamins B.V. p. 121. ISBN 1-58811-052-4.
  7. ^ Richard J. Watts (1986). «Generated or degenerate?». In Dieter Kastovsky; A. J. Szwedek; Barbara Płoczińska; Jacek Fisiak (eds.). Linguistics Across Historical and Geographical Boundaries. Walter de Gruyter. p. 166. ISBN 978-3-11-010426-4.
  8. ^ Karin Aijmer (2002). «Interjections in a Contrastive Perspective». In Edda Weigand (ed.). Emotion in Dialogic Interaction. John Benjamins Publishing Company. p. 102. ISBN 978-1-58811-497-6.
  9. ^ Marja-Leena Sorjonen (2001). Responding in Conversation. John Benjamins Publishing Company. p. 19. ISBN 978-90-272-5085-8.
  10. ^ a b Henry Sweet (1900). «Adverbs». A New English Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 126–127. ISBN 1-4021-5375-9.
  11. ^ Henry Kiddle & Goold Brown (1867). The First Lines of English Grammar. New York: William Wood and Co. p. 102.
  12. ^ Ivan Fonagy (2001). Languages Within Language. John Benjamins B.V. p. 66. ISBN 0-927232-82-0.
  13. ^ a b c d William Shakespeare (1900). Horace Howard Furness (ed.). Much Ado about Nothing. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. p. 25. (editorial footnotes)
  14. ^ a b c d George Perkins Marsh (1867). «Affirmative and Negative Particles». Lectures on the English Language. New York: Charles Scribner & Co. pp. 578–583.
  15. ^ Robert Gordon Latham (1850). The English language. London: Taylor, Walton, and Maberly. p. 497.
  16. ^ William Tyndale (1850). Henry Walter (ed.). An Answer to Sir Thomas More’s Dialogue. Cambridge: The University Press.
  17. ^ Åse-Berit Strandskogen & Rolf Strandskogen (1986). Norwegian. Oris Forlag. p. 146. ISBN 0-415-10979-5.
  18. ^ a b Philip Holmes & Ian Hinchliffe (1997). «Interjections». Swedish. Routledge. p. 121. ISBN 978-0-415-16160-2.
  19. ^ Nigel Armstrong (2005). Translation, Linguistics, Culture. Multilingual Matters. p. 95. ISBN 978-1-85359-805-0.
  20. ^ Greg Nees (2000). Germany. Intercultural Press. p. 74. ISBN 978-1-877864-75-9.
  21. ^ Philip Holmes & Ian Hinchliffe (2003). «Ja, nej, jo, etc.». Swedish. Routledge. pp. 428–429. ISBN 978-0-415-27883-6.
  22. ^ Ramona Gönczöl-Davies (2007). Romanian. Routledge. p. 135. ISBN 978-0-415-33825-7.
  23. ^ Graham Mallinson (1986). «answers to yes-no questions». Rumanian. Croom Helm Ltd. p. 21. ISBN 0-7099-3537-4.
  24. ^ Birgit Gerlach (2002). «The status of Romance clitics between words and affixes». Clitics Between Syntax and Lexicon. John Benjamins BV. p. 60. ISBN 90-272-2772-1.
  25. ^ «Yes/No systems». Aveneca. Archived from the original on 15 December 2019. Retrieved 16 June 2018.
  26. ^ Carl Philipp Reiff (1862). «The Adverb and the Gerund». English-Russian Grammar. Paris: Maisonneuve and Co. p. 134.
  27. ^ Wendy G. Lehnert & Brian K. Stucky (1988). «Understanding answers to questions». In Michel Meyer (ed.). Questions and Questioning. New York: de Gruyter. pp. 224, 232. ISBN 3-11-010680-9.
  28. ^ a b Cliff Goddard (2003). «Yes or no? The complex semantics of a simple question» (PDF). In Peter Collins; Mengistu Amberber (eds.). Proceedings of the 2002 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society. p. 7.
  29. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992). Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca [The Etymological dictionary of Latvian] (in Latvian). Rīga: Avots. ISBN 9984-700-12-7.
  30. ^ Gareth King (1996). «Yes/no answers». Basic Welsh. Routledge. p. 111. ISBN 978-0-415-12096-8.
  31. ^ Mark H Nodine (2003-06-14). «How to say «Yes» and «No»«. A Welsh Course. Cardiff School of Computer Science, Cardiff University.
  32. ^ Dirk G. J. Panhuis (2006). Latin Grammar. University of Michigan Press. p. 184. ISBN 978-0-472-11542-6.
  33. ^ a b Harm Pinkster (2004). «Attitudinal and illocutionary satellites in Latin» (PDF). In Aertsen; Henk-Hannay; Mike-Lyall; Rod (eds.). Words in their places. A Festschrift for J. Lachlan MackenzieIII. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. pp. 191–195.
  34. ^ a b George J. Adler (1858). A Practical Grammar of the Latin Language; with Perpetual Exercises in Speaking and Writing. Boston: Sanborn, Carter, Bazin, & Co. p. 8.
  35. ^ a b J. B. Calvert (1999-06-24). «Comparison of adjectives and adverbs, and saying yes or no». Latin For Mountain Men. Elizabeth R. Tuttle.
  36. ^ Walter B. Gunnison (2008). Latin for the First Year. READ BOOKS. p. 300. ISBN 978-1-4437-1459-4.
  37. ^ a b Rika Yoshii; Alfred Bork; Alastair Milne; Fusa Katada; Felicia Zhang (2004). «Reaching Students of Many Languages and Cultures». In Sanjaya Mishra (ed.). Interactive Multimedia in Education and Training. Idea Group Inc (IGI). p. 85. ISBN 978-1-59140-394-4.
  38. ^ Stephen Matthews & Virginia Yip (1994). Cantonese. Routledge. p. 311. ISBN 978-0-415-08945-6.
  39. ^ Timothy Shopen (1987). «Dialectal variations». Languages and Their Status. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 978-0-8122-1249-5.
  40. ^ Mandarin Chinese. Rough Guides. 1999. ISBN 978-1-85828-607-5.
  41. ^ Bingzheng Tong; Ping-cheng T’ung & David E. Pollard (1982). Colloquial Chinese. Routledge. p. 25. ISBN 0-415-01860-9.
  42. ^ John Hinds (1988). «Words for ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘maybe’«. Japanese. Routledge. p. 45. ISBN 978-0-415-01033-7.
  43. ^ Robert Jeffcoate (1992). Starting English Teaching. Routledge. p. 213. ISBN 0-415-05356-0.
  44. ^ Carol Erting; Robert C. Johnson & Dorothy L. Smith (1989). The Deaf Way. Gallaudet University Press. p. 456. ISBN 978-1-56368-026-7.
  45. ^ Kerstin Fischer (2000). From Cognitive Semantics to Lexical Pragmatics. Berlin: Walter de Gryuter. pp. 206–207. ISBN 3-11-016876-6.
  46. ^ Sándor G. J. Hervey; Ian Higgins & Michael Loughridge (1995). «The Function of Modal Particles». Thinking German Translation. Routledge. pp. 152–154. ISBN 978-0-415-11638-1.
  47. ^ a b James R. Hurford (1994). «Interjections». Grammar: A Student’s Guide. Cambridge University Press. pp. 111–112. ISBN 978-0-521-45627-2.
  48. ^ «Back-channel».
  49. ^ Arnold, Kyle (2012). «Humming Along». Contemporary Psychoanalysis. 48: 100–117. doi:10.1080/00107530.2012.10746491. S2CID 147330927.
  50. ^ Kumari Devarajan (August 17, 2018). «Ready For A Linguistic Controversy? Say ‘Mhmm’«. NPR.
  51. ^ aye (interj.), Online Etymology Dictionary (accessed January 30, 2019).
  52. ^ a b «Yes (adverb)» in Oxford Thesaurus of English (3d ed.: Oxford University Press, 2009 (ed. Maurice Waite), p. 986.
  53. ^ «Sheriff judges aye-aye a contemptible no-no». Herald Scotland. 11 December 1993. Retrieved 21 October 2013.
  54. ^ a b Fowler, H. W. (2010) [1926]. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage: The Classic First Edition. Oxford University Press. pp. 39–40. ISBN 9780199585892.
  55. ^ «Rules and traditions of Parliament». Parliament of the United Kingdom.
  56. ^ Oxford English Dictionary. «Aye Aye». Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved 18 November 2014.
  57. ^ Perspectives on Northern Englishes (eds. Sylvie Hancil & Joan C. Beal: Walter de Gruyter: 2017), table 4.2: «North-east features represented in the LL Corpus.»
  58. ^ a b Emilia Di Martino, Celebrity Accents and Public Identity Construction: Analyzing Geordie Stylizations (Routledge, 2019).

Further reading[edit]

  • Bob Morris Jones (1999). The Welsh Answering System. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-016450-3.—Jones’ analysis of how to answer questions with «yes» or «no» in the Welsh language, broken down into a typology of echo and non-echo responsives, polarity and truth-value responses, and numbers of forms
  • George L. Huttar (1994). «Words for ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘maybe’«. Ndyuka: A Descriptive Grammar. Routledge. p. 42. ISBN 978-0-415-05992-3.
  • Holmberg, Anders (2016). The syntax of yes and no. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198701859.
  • Kulick, Don (April 2003). «No». Language & Communication. Elsevier. 23 (2): 139–151. doi:10.1016/S0271-5309(02)00043-5. Pdf. Archived 2015-02-27 at the Wayback Machine

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