Yeah is not a word

You’ve probably seen or heard the use of “yeah” or “yep” in English and wondered whether they are real words or mere colloquialisms.

More importantly, when is it okay to use these words instead of “yes”? Well, we have all the answers you seek!

“Yeah” and “yep” are informal variants of the word “yes”. They can, therefore, be used instead of “yes” in informal speech or writing. For example, if a friend asks you whether they’ll see you later, it is appropriate to respond with “yep” or “yeah”.

yeah yep yes

Although they mean the same thing as “yes”, “yeah” and “yep” should be left for informal communication as opposed to formal.

So, if you’re making plans with friends or engaging in casual conversation with a stranger, either variant will do:

  • Person 1: Do you wanna meet at O’Reiley’s later?
  • Person 2: Yeah, I could use a drink after the day we’ve had.
  • Person 1: Did you find the book you were looking for?
  • Person 2: Yep. Thanks.

If, on the other hand, you are in an important meeting or having a serious conversation with someone in a position of authority, it’s best to stick with “yes”.

  • Person 1: I see that you have admitted to being present during the incident in question. Would you be willing to put that in writing?
  • Person 2: Yes, of course.

Are “Yeah” and “Yep” Real Words?

Both “yeah” and “yep” are recognized by most English dictionaries. Both the Cambridge and Merriam Webster dictionaries recognize these words as meaning “yes”.

These variants of “yes” are generally seen as interchangeable. However, there are some situations where one is more suitable than the other.

For example, it has been suggested that only “yeah” can be used before a negation:

  • Yeah, I honestly have no idea what you’re on about.

It is also suggested that “yeah” is more suitable when you are affirming only part of a situation, but want to follow with a negation:

  • Person 1: Nanny Jo always said you were her favorite.
  • Person 2: Yeah, but that’s not really true, is it? She probably said that about all the children she looked after.

Regardless, “yeah” and “yep” are definitely real words in English.

Is It Rude to Say “Yeah”?

Because “yeah” is an informal variant of “yes”, you may be considered a bit rude if you use it in formal circumstances. However, it is not inherently rude to use “yeah” in normal, informal conversations.

Whether the use of “yeah” is rude greatly depends on the tone with which you say it and the surrounding context.

There are some circumstances where “yeah” is expressly used to be sarcastic:

  • Person 1: I swear, I’ve never seen that woman before.
  • Person 2: Yeah, right. Your Instagram messages tell a different story.

“Yeah” can also be used to express impatience:

  • Person 1: Hey hon! Do you have some time for me to tell you about an amazing business opportunity?
  • Person 2: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard every MLM script there is, honey, there’s no need to keep going.

Regardless, in some cases, “yeah” can be a perfectly friendly, enthusiastic response:

  • Person 1: Wanna see the new Jordan Peele movie later?
  • Person 2: Yeah, I’ve been dying to check it out!

Is It Rude to Say “Yep”?

“Yep” simply means “yes”. It is not necessarily rude to say “yep”, particularly in informal conversations. However, it may come across as unprofessional in formal settings.

Whether the use of “yep” is rude depends on the tone you use when saying it and the surrounding circumstances.

There are situations where the use of “yep” may come across as quite dismissive:

  • Person 1: I haven’t seen you in ages! Heard you went into hiding after that disastrous game.
  • Person 2: Yep…


“Yeah” and “yep” are recognized as informal variants of the word “yes”.

It is, therefore, suitable to use either variant in informal conversations or informal writing, i.e., during conversations with friends or colleagues.

In formal or professional circumstances, “yes” is more suitable, i.e., when talking to a superior or authority figure.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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There’s nothing rude about «yeah». It’s the normal affirmative word in English and all native speakers use it, even those who complain about it. In «yeah right», using «yeah» is mandatory.

Is it unprofessional to say yeah?

Informal Yes. yeah American English, colloquial, by 1863, from drawling pronunciation of yes. You can check this similar question as well: When is it appropriate to use «Yeah» and «Yep» as variants of the word «Yes»?

Is it proper to say yeah?

The correct spelling of the word depends on which way you want to use it. In an informal setting, where it is being used to agree, affirm, or in the place of the word yes, yeah is the more modern, preferred, and commonly used version.

What does Yeah mean in texting?

yeah Add to list Share. Yeah is a casual form of yes. When you’re hanging out with someone you really look up to and they ask you if you want to go to a party, play it cool by saying “Yeah, sure,” instead of “Yes! I’d love to!” You would almost never write “yeah” unless you were trying to mimic the sound of talking.

What does Yeah mean from a girl?

Yeah means okay, whatever you say, I don’t agree though. If you just wrote her a big paragraph of how your day was and she replied yeah, you know what that means now. (ALSO READ Signs of a jealous and possessive girlfriend: 10 red flags you simply cannot ignore!)

30 related questions found

What does yea mean from a guy?

yes (used in affirmation or assent). indeed: Yea, and he did come. not only this but even: a good, yea, a noble man. noun. an affirmation; an affirmative reply or vote.

Is it okay to say yeah Instead of yes?

There’s nothing rude about «yeah». It’s the normal affirmative word in English and all native speakers use it, even those who complain about it. In «yeah right», using «yeah» is mandatory. You can’t replace it with «yes» in this instance.

Does yeah mean happy?

Yeah is casual form of yes. Yay, a homophone of yea, is an exclamation that signals joy or happiness. You can remember that neither yea or democracy have the letter H, and both are related to voting. This trick should help you remember whether to use yeah or yea in your writing, depending on the context.

Why do we say Yeah instead of yes?

using yes instead of yeah is a way to express this politeness and demonstrate to your coworkers that you’re here to be as helpful as possible. Yes is more formal than yeah. I would say yeah to my friends, but yes to my teachers and bosses.

What can I say instead of yeah?

Synonyms & Antonyms of yeah

  • all right,
  • alright,
  • aye.
  • (also ay),
  • exactly,
  • OK.
  • (or okay),
  • okeydoke.

Is Yep rude?

It sounds very mundane and can certainly seem rude in some contexts. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have patience for questions. You can use Yup when you’re impatient, but Yup by itself doesn’t necessarily mean impatience.

What can I say instead of I like?

7 Ways to Say You Like Something in English

  • I enjoy it. This verb means to “take delight or pleasure in” something. …
  • I love it. …
  • I am passionate about it. …
  • I am fond of it. …
  • I am a fan of it. …
  • I am interested in it. …
  • I am into it.

What does Yep mean from a girl?

YEP means «Yes

What is difference between yeah and yeah?

“Yea” is a very old-fashioned formal way of saying “yes,” used mainly in voting. It’s the opposite of—and rhymes with—“nay.” When you want to write the common casual version of “yes,” the correct spelling is “yeah” (sounds like “yeh” ).

What is Yay slang for?

Yay is defined as an expression of approval, great happiness or excitement. … (colloquial) An expression of happiness. Yay!

What does Yesh mean?

Filters. Eye dialect spelling of yes. interjection.

Which is better yep or Yup?

As nouns the difference between yup and yep

is that yup is (informal) a yes; an affirmative answer while yep is (informal) yes.

Is yep or Yup correct?

The American Heritage Dictionary says that «yup» is an alteration of «yep.» So one alteration of «yes» has its own alteration.

What does Yeah mean in slang?

informal. : yes «Are you ready?» «

Is Yep rude in text?

You are correct that «yeah» and «yep» are informal variants of «yes.» In conversation among friends, any form is appropriate, but «yep» has a slightly dismissive tone.

Is Yep a slang word?

adverb, noun Informal. yes.

How do you respond to a yes?

Yes! Of course there is!

Polite Ways to Say Yes in English

  1. Yeah, sure. Here you go.
  2. No problem! I’m always happy to help.
  3. Yep! I will be right there. …
  4. Yeah, I’d be happy to!
  5. Cool. …
  6. You got it.
  7. Okay.

What is a another way to say I love you?

I’ve fallen for you. I adore you. You turn me on. I’m head over heels for you.

How do you say I don’t like you in different ways?

So today we will learn a couple of ways to say “I don’t like it” more maturely.

  1. I dislike it. The most similar way of saying “I don’t like it”. …
  2. I’m not into it. …
  3. I’m not fond of it. …
  4. I’m not crazy about it. …
  5. I don’t appreciate that. …
  6. It doesn’t tickle my fancy. …
  7. I’m disinterested in that. …
  8. That’s not for me.

How do you say I like the idea?

10 This is a common informal way of saying you like an idea or suggestion.

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:

  1. That’s a great idea.
  2. That’s an idea.
  3. Good idea!
  4. What a great idea!
  5. I think that’s a fantastic idea.
  6. I like that idea.
  7. I like the idea of that.
  8. That’s not a bad idea.

Main Takeaways:

  • Yea, yeah, and yay are all real words that mean different things.
  • Yeah is a more casual form of yes.
  • Yea means yes too, but it’s reserved primarily for formal votes.
  • Yay is an expression of joy or excitement.
  • Though yah can be used in place of yes, it’s not as popular as yeah.
  • Use ya if you’re trying to convey yes with a Southern accent or other similar dialects.

There are so many ways to express affirmation verbally. For instance, you can say yes if you agree with an idea or someone you’re in conversation with. But what about yea or yeah? Do they mean the same as yes? When is the right time to use them? In this post, we will discuss the difference between yea, yeah, and yay.

What Does it Mean to Say Yeah?

Yeah is a popular substitute for yes, and it means the same thing. The biggest difference is that yeah is considered very relaxed, while yes is suitable for more formal situations.

A blond boy saying yea, another boy saying yeah with h, and a cute girl saying yay.

Yea, yeah, and yay are all real words that mean different things. Both yeah and yea both mean yes, while yay is an exclamation of joy or excitement.

If you’re talking to a family member or close friend who asks you a question, yeah would be an appropriate response. But if you’re interviewing for a job or talking with your professor, yes, maybe a better choice. Both can be used in writing, though the same rules apply. So, use yeah in dialogue or more casual settings like a text, and reserve yes for academic work, journalistic content, etc.

What Is the Full Meaning of Yay?

Unlike yeah and yes, yay is an interjection. Meaning, it’s a word used to convey emotion. People use this term to express joy, enthusiasm, or triumph. On the other hand, writers often use yay to emphasize elation, pleasure, and approval in writing.

Is Yea a Real Word?

Yes, yea is a real word. You can use it as an adverb or noun. As an adverb, yea means yes. However, as a noun, it can be used as an affirmative statement or to refer to a person who’s casting a vote. Check the following examples.

Yea as an adverb:

Yea as a noun:

Two men from the late Middle Ages. One is casting a yea vote and the other a nay vote.

Yea is an old way of saying yes. It’s derived from the Middle English terms ye and ya. Yea also means an affirmative vote, as opposed to NAY which means a negative vote.

It would be unusual to use yea in conversation unless perhaps you’re in a period movie or pretending to be an old-timey judge.

Finally, there’s yeah.

What Does Yeah Mean?

This simple word is the most common informal alternative for yes. You may hear it said quickly or drawn out to suggest hidden doubt or sarcasm.

What is a Slang Term for Yes?

In addition to yeah, there are several other words and phrases considered to be slang alternatives to yes:

  • Cool
  • For real
  • Sure
  • Good call
  • Good to go
  • Hells yes
  • Okay
  • You got it
  • Yep
  • Yup

In the example above, all of those alternatives meant the same thing as the first response.

Three panels. First panel has an illustration of the head of a man from the late Middle Ages. Text reads yea, antiquated affirmation. Second panel has a thumbs up sign. Text reads yeah, informal way to say yes. Third and last panel shows a Christmas tree. Text reads yay, interjection showing excitement.

Yea without h means antiquated affirmation. Yeah with an h is an informal way of saying yes. Yay is an interjection showing excitement.

Is it Ya or Yah?

This is another tricky one. Both ya and yah seem like they’d sound and mean the same thing, but not so fast. In most cases, yah is indeed another way to say yes, so the same rules apply here as with yeah.

It looks a little weird, though, right? Yah is less frequently used than other slang forms of yes, so you may want to stick with yeah or even yup.

Ya is slang, but it might not mean yes. In some situations, ya can be used to show agreement.

But more often, ya is used in place of you, especially in dialects in the American South known for their drawls. Though it’s spelled y-a, here it sounds more like y-u-h.

When it comes to yea, yeah, or yay, meaning matters. So, decide what you’re trying to communicate, and pick the best word for that exact situation. It’s okay to be casual, but only if your audience will appreciate that informality. Does this make sense? Just give us a yay or nay!

Quick Quiz on Proper Usage of Yea, Yeah, and Yay

Yeah Question #1


The answer is TRUE. “Yeah” is a popular substitute for “yes,” and it means the same thing.

Yeah Question #2

A. During an interview

B. For academic work

C. When talking to friends


The answer is C. “Yeah” is reserved for more casual settings.

Yay or Yea Question #3


The answer is FALSE. “Yay” is an exclamation of joy or excitement. Meanwhile, “yea” is commonly used during a formal vote, like in congress, to signify “yes”.

Yes Question #4

A. For real

B. Sure

C. You got it

D. Yay


The answer is D. “Yay” is an exclamation of joy or excitement.

Yea, Yeah, and Yay

Almost got it! Review the article and try again!

Read More: My Apology or My Apologies: Saying Sorry the Right Way

Yay, Yeah, Yea - What's the Difference? - All Freelance WritingThis is driving me crazy. I just got an email with the subject, “Yeah a Birthday Baby is Born”. I’m not sure the sender (who is not known for her grammatical prowess) meant to sound as sarcastic as the teenagers we teach, but to someone who knows the difference between “yeah”, “yea” and “yay”, she did.

And just what is the difference? If you don’t know, you’re certainly not alone. Even Spell Check doesn’t know the difference. It’s a trivial thing, and most people don’t care. But I do.

Let’s review:

Yeah, it’s, like, teenager talk. “Yeah” is pronounced yah-uh. This is not a celebration word. This isn’t something you’d say when a friend has a new grandbaby born on her birthday (as the email I received told me). It’s slang. It means “yes” or “whatever.” Sometimes we even use it with «so» to make it even more casual (or obnoxious), “Yeah, so, I was bored.” Big freakin’ deal.


Hey, everyone, let’s vote. Do you vote yea or nay? “Yea” sounds like may, hay or even yay (which we’ll get to in a minute), but it means an old-fashioned “yes.” It is the oldest of the collection and was the root of all versions of yes words today. “Yeah”, which means yes, definitely derived from “yea”, which also means a more formal yes, but then so did an exclamation of excitement that is almost never used correctly.


Yay! We’re finally using “yay” correctly! Ironically as I type this, Microsoft Word is trying to correct me. It doesn’t think that “yay” is a word. Apparently I should use “yap” instead, but I won’t. I think we all know Word isn’t right all the time. If you’re excited, “yay” is the word to correctly use according to what we consider “proper” English. “Yea” gives you a vote and “yeah” is just agreeing – only “Yay!” can really convey true enthusiasm.

My challenge to you: Pay attention to just how often these words are mixed up, flipped around and blatantly misused. At the same time, you might try to avoid misusing them yourself.

Yay! Yeah and yea are finally sorted out!

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