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Всем привет! Сегодня я опишу довольно тривиальную, но нигде не освещенную тему экспорта из страницы данных в Excel. На мое удивление сам процесс не описан нигде в полной мере. Итак, приступим.
Все написано до нас
Подумал я и начал искать, нашел очень быстро SheetJS , но, боже мой, как там запущено все! Если с форматированием еще можно справиться, то стили — это головная боль.
Все написано до нас. Подход 2
В старом-старом SharePoint 2007 есть такая возможность экспортировать эксель файл, на удивление это работает до сих пор и хорошо поддается описанию.
Что нужно:
- Современный браузер (проверьте в старых)
- Отформатированная таблица
- Colspan, rowspan, border — знание табличной верстки
var tableToExcel = (function() {
var uri = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,'
, template = '<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"><head><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets><x:ExcelWorksheet><x:Name>{worksheet}</x:Name><x:WorksheetOptions><x:DisplayGridlines/></x:WorksheetOptions></x:ExcelWorksheet></x:ExcelWorksheets></x:ExcelWorkbook></xml><![endif]--><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/plain; charset=UTF-8"/></head><body><table>{table}</table></body></html>'
, base64 = function(s) { return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s))) }
, format = function(s, c) {
return s.replace(/{(w+)}/g, function(m, p) { return c[p]; })
, downloadURI = function(uri, name) {
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.download = name;
link.href = uri;
return function(table, name, fileName) {
if (!table.nodeType) table = document.getElementById(table)
var ctx = {worksheet: name || 'Worksheet', table: table.innerHTML}
var resuri = uri + base64(format(template, ctx))
downloadURI(resuri, fileName);
// params: element id, sheet name, file name
tableToExcel('resultTable','Смета', 'Ремрайон_смета.xls');
Оформите саму сетку в таблице с помощью атрибутов colspan, rowspan, добавьте стили и после этого вызывайте генерацию файла.
В заключение
Могу ответить в комментах на ваши вопросы.
A simple node.js module for exporting data set to Excel xlsx file.
Setup configs object before passing it into the execute method. If generating multiple sheets, configs object can be an array of worksheet configuration. Or passing in a worksheet configuration to generate single worksheet xlsx file. Within a worksheet configuration uses name attribute to specify worksheet name. cols is an array for column definition. Column definition should have caption and type properties while width property is not required. The unit for width property is character. beforeCellWrite callback is optional. beforeCellWrite is invoked with row, cell data and option object (eOpt detail later) parameters. The return value from beforeCellWrite is what get written into the cell. Supported valid types are string, date, bool and number. rows is the data to be exported. It is an Array of Array (row). Each row should be the same length as cols. Styling is optional. However, if you want to style your spreadsheet, a valid excel styles xml file is needed. An easy way to get a styles xml file is to unzip an existing xlsx file which has the desired styles and copy out the styles.xml file. Use stylesXmlFile property of configuartion object to specify the relative path and file name of the xml file. Google for «spreadsheetml style» to learn more detail on styling spreadsheet. eOpt in beforeCellWrite callback contains rowNum for current row number. eOpt.styleIndex should be a valid zero based index from cellXfs tag of the selected styles xml file. eOpt.cellType is default to the type value specified in column definition. However, in some scenario you might want to change it for different format.
var express = require('express');
var nodeExcel = require('excel-export');
var app = express();
app.get('/Excel', function(req, res){
var conf ={};
conf.stylesXmlFile = "styles.xml";
conf.name = "mysheet";
conf.cols = [{
beforeCellWrite:function(row, cellData){
return cellData.toUpperCase();
var originDate = new Date(Date.UTC(1899,11,30));
return function(row, cellData, eOpt){
if (eOpt.rowNum%2){
eOpt.styleIndex = 1;
eOpt.styleIndex = 2;
if (cellData === null){
eOpt.cellType = 'string';
return 'N/A';
} else
return (cellData - originDate) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
conf.rows = [
['pi', new Date(Date.UTC(2013, 4, 1)), true, 3.14],
["e", new Date(2012, 4, 1), false, 2.7182],
["M&M<>'", new Date(Date.UTC(2013, 6, 9)), false, 1.61803],
["null date", null, true, 1.414]
var result = nodeExcel.execute(conf);
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats');
res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "Report.xlsx");
res.end(result, 'binary');
console.log('Listening on port 3000');
Answer by Jeremias Jaramillo
I’m trying to export XML data from a web page to a spreadsheet using javascript. So far I’ve just tried the very simple: ,How would I go about formatting the XML content to remove or replace the invalid characters to display properly to excel? The XML sheet is built from fields in a database, should I format it as it’s built or format it with javascript? I’m trying to find the simplest solution possible as I’m fairly new to web programming. Also, I’m using classic ASP/VBscript.,Managed to solve it by getting the HTML table output from the XML data then putting that into Excel using ActiveX.,Alternatively if you are using Response.Write to send the XML content you could use:-
I’m trying to export XML data from a web page to a spreadsheet using javascript. So far I’ve just tried the very simple:
Sub Export
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
var XML = document.getElementById("xmldata");
End Sub
Answer by Royal Durham
I am given to understand that there are ways to generate Excel files from Classic ASP, by means of basically making an HTML table and calling it a spreadsheet. The output, however, doesn’t seem to be quite what I’m looking for — when opened in Excel, it looks like an HTML page with a table instead of a normal spreadsheet. So I’m not sure I want to go with that, though I’m open to being sold on the possibility.,What you might consider is something called SpreadsheetML, which is an xml schema that Excel will understand for defining a spreadsheet. This is different than the xml format used for the newer Office documents. Take a look here for an example:,Also, the accepted answer in that same question will cover some of your other options. It’s targeted for ASP.Net rather than classic ASP, but a lot of the material still applies.,Due to reasons, I’m working with a website that runs ASP Classic using JavaScript, which appears to have been very uncommon even back when ASP Classic was cutting-edge. I understand there are also means of generating Excel files in JavaScript, but they seem to be for more typical environments like a browser or Node.js; I think #include only works with other ASP files.
If you were using VBScript ASP then you would simply need to add the following lines, before your opening <table>
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=yourspreadsheetname.xls"
Answer by Cory Valdez
Another possiblitly is to export the HTML tables as a CSV or TSV file, but you would need to setup the formatting in your code. This isn’t too difficult to accomplish.,As for .NET, I’ve always liked CarlosAG’s Excel XML Writer Library. It has a nice generator so you can setup your Excel file, save it as an XML spreadsheet and it generates the code to do all the formatting and everything. I know it’s not classic ASP, but I thought that I would throw it out there.,You can always just export the HTML table to an XLS document. Excel does a pretty good job understanding HTML tables.,When you open the file the data all appears in separate columns, but the spreadsheet is all white, no borders between the cells.
EDIT: Thus far, I have tried some of the suggestions, but it seems to fail. Ideally, I want the user to be able to click a link that will begin the download of a .xls file. This code:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% option explicit
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AppendHeader "content-disposition", " filename=excelTest.xls"
<th>Test Col 1</th>
<th>Test Col 2</th>
<th>Test Col 3</th>
<th colspan="2">Test Col 4</th>
<th>Test Col 6</th>
<th>Test Col 7</th>
Answer by Dayana Buck
Execute the following ASP code that converts XML spreadsheet file to Excel.,EasyXLS Excel library can be used to convert Excel files in Classic ASP. The library is a COM+ component that works without MS Excel installed.,Check if EasyXLS component is present in Component Services.,To download the trial version of EasyXLS Excel Library, press the below button:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
' Tutorial 41
' This tutorial shows how to convert XML spreadsheet to Excel in ASP classic. The
' XML Spreadsheet generated by Tutorial 32 is imported, some data is modified
' and after that is exported as Excel file.
response.write("Tutorial 41<br>")
' Create an instance of the class used to import/export Excel files
Set workbook = Server.CreateObject("EasyXLS.ExcelDocument")
' Import XML Spreadsheet file
response.write("Reading file: C:SamplesTutorial32.xml<br>")
if (workbook.easy_LoadXMLSpreadsheetFile_2("C:SamplesTutorial32.xml")) then
' Get the table of data from the second sheet and add some data in cells (optional step)
Set xlsTable = workbook.easy_getSheetAt(1).easy_getExcelTable()
xlsTable.easy_getCell_2("A1").setValue("Data added by Tutorial41")
for column=0 to 4
xlsTable.easy_getCell(1, column).setValue("Data " & (column + 1))
' Export Excel file
response.write("Writing file: C:SamplesTutorial41 - convert XML spreadsheet to Excel.xlsx<br>")
workbook.easy_WriteXLSXFile("C:SamplesTutorial41 - convert XML spreadsheet to Excel.xlsx")
' Confirm conversion of XML Spreadsheet to Excel
if workbook.easy_getError() = "" then
response.write("File successfully created.")
response.write("Error encountered: " + workbook.easy_getError())
end if
response.write("Error reading file C:SamplesTutorial32.xml")
end if
' Dispose memory
This assumes basic familiarity with DataTables, its buttons extension, and the related ability to export table data to various file formats, including Excel.
I already wrote some overview notes here, but this is a large subject, and needs a bit more space.
Here, I will focus on reference material which is useful when you want to customize Excel exports.
More specifically I will only consider Office Open XML (.xlsx
) files. Older .xls
files (up to Excel 2003) use a different format and are not considered here.
Excel File Structure
The official Microsoft reference documentation for Excel file structures is here:
Excel (.xlsx) Extensions to the Office Open XML SpreadsheetML File Format
The underlying standards on which the above extensions are based can be found here:
ECMA-376 — Office Open XML file formats
In a nutshell, an Excel file is a zip file containing a series of sub-folders and XML documents.
Using Open Office nomenclature, the zip file is a “package” which contains “parts” (the XML files) and optionally other files such as graphics files.
We will look at a very simplified version of that structure, as used by DataTables:
DataTables builds a default Excel file from a series of XML strings hard-coded into the following JavaScript resource:
Search for var excelStrings
to see these for yourself. Here you will see, for example, the 68 predefined built-in cell styles which you can refer to when exporting DataTables data.
Content Types
The [Content_Types].xml
file contains a list of the different parts in the package, together with each part’s type — for example:
The _rels.rels
file contains a set of relationship IDs. These are then used to define the relationships between different parts in the package.
As well as the top-level .rels
file, there can be others — such as the workbook.xml.rels
file shown above, which can contain relationships to the other parts of the overall content, such as sheet1.xml
, sharedStrings.xml
, styles.xml
, and so on.
An example is:
The workbook.xml
file contains a list of worksheets:
Here we can see the rId1
relationship ID being used.
The styles.xml
file contains information relating to fonts, borders, fills, alignment, and so on. These can then be re-used in different locations.
An example:
The sheet1.xml
file contains worksheet data:
Rows and Cells
In a row such as the following:
The meanings for each part are as follows:
Item | Description |
<row> |
a row |
r="13" |
row 13 |
<c> |
cell tag |
r="A13" |
cell reference A13 |
s="12" |
the cell’s formatting is at <xf> index 12 in the <cellXfs> formatting list |
t="s" |
the t type attribute for the cell, where s means “shared strings”, where the text is stored. |
<v="25"/> |
the string’s index is 25 — it’s the 26th string in the shared strings list. |
List of t
Type | Description |
b |
boolean |
d |
date |
e |
error |
inlineStr |
an inline string (i.e., not stored in the shared strings part, but directly in the cell) |
n |
number, stored directly in the cell |
s |
shared string (so stored in the shared strings part and not in the cell) |
str |
a formula (a string representing the formula) |
The following example shows a cell (B2) containing the number 400, stored in the cell itself:
The above is just a small sample of the possible configuration options supported by Excel.
Excel Options
The following page lists the main options which can be attached to an Excep export button.
Items of note are:
customize: function( xlsx ) { ... }
— provides low-level access to the Excel file, where customizations can be made — typically by direct manipulation of the XML structures described in earlier sections of this post.exportOptions
— see theexportData
section below for details.filename
— for the Excel file.header
— whether or not to include the table’s header and footer.messageTop
— additional line of data to be included in the spreadsheet.sheetName
— Excel sheet name.title
— added to the Excel sheet. See theexportInfo
section below for details.
Here, options such as filename
can also be functions:
Exported Data
The following page covers various ways to control what specific data is exported from the DataTable to Excel.
If the export options are provided as part of the DataTable button configuration, then you use the exportOptions: { ... }
option referred to in the previous section.
If you use this as a standalone processor, then you use the exportData( { ... } )
function as follows:
Items of note are:
— a row selector.columns
— a column selector.orthogonal
— what orthogonal data to include.stripHtml
— strips HTML by default.stripNewlines
— stripts newlines by default.format
— various cell formatting functions — see below.
For the format
option, you can provide various functions as follows:
Items of note:
header (innerHTML, colIdx, node)
— format the header data.footer (innerHTML, colIdx, node)
— format the footer data.body (innerHTML, rowIdx, colIdx, node)
— format the body data.customizeData (data)
— a final chance to customize the overall data. Mutate thedata
object which contains aheader
array, afooter
array and abody
2D array. No return value is used.
Export Info
The following page covers options which may be common to multiple buttons for one table:
As such, the options available here overlap with some of those presented in the “Excel Options” section above — for example:
— for the Excel file.messageTop
— additional line of data to be included in the spreadsheet.title
— added to the Excel sheet. By default, this will use the web page’s<title>
This is generally used outside of a button or with a custom button.
Low-Level Changes
Consider the following button option:
This accesses the underlying XML data for the Excel worksheet. It then uses jQuery to select the text content of cell A1. Finally it updates that content.
Some other examples:
Change row 1’s formatting:
NOTE: As of jQuery 3.4, the :first
pseudo-class is deprecated. Remove it from your selectors and filter the results later using .first()
Change row 3’s formatting:
Change column B’s formatting:
WARNING — if your spreadsheet has sufficient columns, you may find this also selects column BA, BB, and so on.
Change any row where the row number contains a 3 (3, 13, 23, 30, 31…):
Get the last column in the sheet:
Here is an example which preserves very long numbers as text (and not, for example, as numbers in scientific notation):
Here is an example which adds a new cell formatter:
The following example shows the creation of additional sheets in the Excel file created from Datatables:
Custom Buttons
You can create completely customized buttons:
Consider this:
$.fn.DataTable.ext.buttons.excelHtml5.action.call(that, e, dt, node, config);
It uses the JavaScript call()
method to call a function.
As used here, it allows us to provide a customized “please wait” pop-up modal (Swal
is SweetAlert2):