Wrong word and right words

Right Word

Wrong Word

Words and structures confused and misused by learners of English

L. G. Alexander


Addison Wesley Longman Limited

Edinburgh Gate, Harlow

Essex CM20 2JE, England

and Associated Companies throughout the world.

© Longman Group UK Limited 1994

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers.

First published 1994 Fifth impression 1997 Illustrated by Chris Ryley

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Alexander, L. G.

Right Word Wrong Word: Words and Structures Confused and Misused by Learners of English. — (Longman English Grammar Series)

I. Title II. Ryley, Chris III. Series


ISBN 0-582-21860-8

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Alexander, L.G.

Right word wrong word: words and structures confused and misused by learners of English/L.G. Alexander.


Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-582- 21860-8

1. English language-Usage. 2. English language-Errors of usage. I. Title.






We have been unable to trace the copyright holder of the text for Exercise 52

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody and would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so.

Set in Times New Roman, TrueType Produced through

Longman Malaysia, ETS ISBN 0 582 21860 8


I would express my sincere thanks to the following people who supplied extremely useful data while this work was being developed:

Julia Alexander

Mohamed Eid, Cairo, Egypt

Professor Jacek Fisiak, O.B.E., Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland

Cristina Germanis, Verona, Italy

Jurgen Kienzler, Ludwigsburg, Germany

Roy Kingsbury

Professor Hanna Komorowska, University of Warsaw, Poland

Gottfried Kumpf, Vaihingen, Germany

Chris Lynch, Tokyo, Japan

Penelope Parfitt

Professor T. Takenaka, Kagawa University, Japan

Longman English Grammar Series

by L. G. Alexander

Longman English Grammar: a reference grammar for English as a foreign language Step by Step 1-3: graded grammar exercises (beginners’ to pre-intermediate level) Longman English Grammar Practice: reference and practice (intermediate level)

Longman Advanced Grammar: reference and practice (advanced level) The Essential English Grammar: a handy reference grammar (all levels)




Reference Section


Test Yourself


Up to Intermediate Level

1 Social exchanges


2 Cars and driving


3 Adjectives: opposites


4 Adjectives and noun modifiers


5 Asking, requesting, commanding


6 Telephoning


7 Appearance, etc., of people and things



Descriptions, etc.


9 Containers



Countable and uncountable nouns



Time and frequency









‘Be’,’get’,’go’,’make’, etc.



Work and jobs



Buildings and parts of buildings



Verbs/verb phrases with and without prepositions



Occupations, etc.



Words easily confused, misspelt, etc.



Prepositional phrases



Only one negative






Addressing people



Names of places



Doing things for people



Movement to and from



The human body












Comparatives and superlatives



Four topics:


1 The weather

2 The news

3 Luck and misfortune

4 Keeping clean

33 Questions and exclamations


34 Quantities and amounts



Travelling by train


36 Outside



‘Do’, ‘make’ and ‘have’




Dressing and clothes



Food and drink



Countable and uncountable nouns





Upper Intermediate to Advanced Level


Greetings, conventional social utterances and exchanges 234


Comparing and contrasting



Socializing, entertainment, etc.



What goes with what?



Phrasal verbs



Adjective + preposition



Verb +’to’or verb +’-ing’?



Approval and disapproval



Red tape



Character and reputation



Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody



Regular and irregular verbs which are easily confused



Animals, birds and plants






Counting and measuring



Verbs with and without prepositions



Household equipment, power, etc.



Expressing feelings of approval



Writing, literature, language



Items of clothing, etc.



Nouns ending in’s’












Two topics


a)War and peace

b)Geography, natural phenomena


Adjectives and -ly adverbs






Reflexive pronouns after verbs



Food and drink



Two topics


1 Entertainment, leisure

2 Games, sports, outdoor activities


What comes after the verb?



Newspapers, broadcasting, publishing



‘Do’, ‘make’, ‘have’ and ‘take’






Buildings, parts of buildings, surroundings



Countable and uncountable nouns



Fear, worry, embarrassment, etc.



Crime and punishment



Clothes, materials, etc.



Are you a hypochondriac?




Housework, gardening, maintenance



Degree and intensifying






Inversion after negative adverbs



Adjective + preposition



Words easily confused, misspelt, etc.



Experiences, perception, thought



What sort of person are you?



Politics and government


91 Stative and dynamic uses of certain verbs






Prepositional phrases



Cars, driving, maintenance, traffic



Referring to facts, the truth



A campaign against litter


Answer Key


Technical Terms






About Right Word Wrong Word

Little green men

In 1877 the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli (1835-1910) observed some markings on the planet Mars which he referred to as canali. This was mistranslated into English as canals, suggesting man-made structures and the existence of intelligent life on Mars, instead of channels, which occur naturally. The idea of canals appealed to the imaginations of scientists and novelists alike. The astronomer Percival Lowell used it as the basis for his ‘scientific observations’, recorded in such works as Mars and its Canals (1908). The novelist H.G. Wells was inspired to write his powerful story about the invasion of the earth by Martians, The War of the Worlds (1898). In 1938, a simulated newscast of this novel was broadcast, describing the Martian invasion of New Jersey, which reduced millions of listeners to a state of near panic. The idea of Martians was not exploded till 1965 when the US spacecraft Mariner 4 sent back close-up pictures of Mars, which proved conclusively that there were no canals and no little green men!

The story shows how powerfully mother tongue interference can affect our understanding of a foreign language, with unpredictable consequences. It also shows how we have to suppress our own language if we want to acquire a foreign language.

What is Right Word Wrong Word?

Right Word Wrong Word is a Reference and Practice Book based on common errors in English. It covers items like the following:

Words often confused, where the student’s native language interferes with English (false friends): for example, benzine/petrol.

Word-confusions that exist within English itself: for example, rob/steal/burgle.

Structures in the student’s language that interfere with English structures: for example, it has compared with there is/it is.

Confusions of structures within English itself: for example, must/had to.

Particular words and structures which are a well-known source of error: for example, get and enjoy.

Right Word Wrong Word is therefore a comprehensive usage book that provides answers to students’ questions that are not easily available from any other source.

Who is the book for?

The book is suitable for students of English as a foreign or second language at intermediate level and above, whether they are preparing for examinations or not. It is also suitable for teachers. It extends the knowledge of non-native teachers by clarifying the meanings and uses of related items; it sensitizes native-speaking teachers by making them aware of mistakes that students really make. For both kinds of teachers, it is a handy reference for dealing with awkward questions on the spot.

The basis of the selection

I have been collecting ‘right word wrong word’ items since the early 1960s and my collection has grown into a large database. This database was checked against the Longman Learners’ Corpus (drawn from 70 countries) and then filtered through a


representative spread of languages, including Arabic, European (Germanic, Romance, Greek, Slavonic) and Asiatic (Japanese). The words in this collection are the survivors of the original database that followed this investigation and number more than 5,000 items.

A description of the material

The material consists of the following sections:

A reference section (pages 1-201)

Test Yourself (pages 203-283)

Answer Key (pages 284-288)

Technical Terms (pages 289-290)

Index (pages 291-308)

How to use Right Word Wrong Word


If you are in doubt about the use of a word, look in the index to find it, then go to the reference section. You may have to do this more than once to locate the meaning you are looking for. When you find the word you want, check whether the mistake listed is one you are likely to make yourself and which you must train yourself to suppress.

The reference section

The ‘wrong word’ is generally listed first, followed by the ‘right word’. For example: block*pad

I’ve brought this nice new pad to take notes during the meeting. (Not *block*) (pad/writing pad = sheets of paper held together, used for writing or drawing)

How did the ancient Egyptians cut and move such huge stone blocks ?

(= stone, wood, etc., cut with straight sides)

Some words appear in different places. For example, mark has its own entry, but is also listed under grade/mark/degree, note down/mark and speck/spot/mark. The reference section focuses sharply on particular problems of contrast or use. It is not a dictionary and so does not deal with every possible meaning of a particular word.

Technical terms

The terms used in the reference section are briefly explained on pages 289-290.

Test Yourself

Exercises 1-41 are suitable for students of all levels, but especially for intermediate; exercises 42-96 are upper intermediate and advanced. The exercises deal with topics (e.g. health), functions (e.g. doing things for people) or grammar (e.g. phrasal verbs).

You may work through the exercises in the order they occur, or pick and choose, according to level.

1.Attempt an exercise, then check your answers in the answer key.

2.Look up any item or items you aren’t sure of in the index, which will refer you to the reference section.

Practise using the items you have learned in your own speech and writing.


a* an

Kirsty’s got an MA. in history. (Not *a MA. in history*)

She’s got a Master’s degree. (Not *an Master’s degree*)

(a + consonant sound; an + vowel sound)

a/an * one

I need a screwdriver to do this job properly. (Not *one screwdriver*)

It was one coffee I ordered, not two. (Not *a coffee*)

(a/an = ‘any one’, ‘it doesn’t matter which’; one, two, etc., when we are counting)

a/an some

Please bring me a glass/an envelope.

I want some glasses/some envelopes.

I want some water. (Not *a water*)

I’d like a coffee please.

(some = an unspecified number or amount is the plural of a/an where the reference is to quantity; we normally use a/an only with countable nouns. We also use a/an for all drinks seen as a complete measure: a coffee, a beer, but use some for fluids of which there is more in the tap, bottle, etc.: some water, some wine)

a/an (-)

Lucy wants to be a doctor. (Not *wants to be doctor*)

Kevin wants to be an electrician. (Not *wants to be electrician*) (a/an + singular countable noun)

ability to

I wasn’t happy at school until I found I had the ability to make people laugh.

(Not *ability of/on making*) (from able to)

able • possible

It will be possible to see you on Friday. (Not *It will be able*)

I’ll be able to see you on Friday. (Not*I`ll be possible*)

(It + possible; human subject + able)


Few people can afford to go on a cruise (a)round the world. (Not *about*) ((a)round for circular movement)

They’ve built a motorway (a)round London.

(= surrounding, encircling)

The fax was received at around/about 8 pm.

(= approximately; but approximately in place of around and about is very formal)

The journey took about/around an hour.

(Not *an hour about* *an hour around*)

(preposition + object)

about • on • over

Have you read this article on the Antarctic?

There’s an article about tourism in today’s paper. (preferable to on)

(on for serious and specific information; about for general interest)

Let’s agree to differ. Let’s not have an argument over/about it. (Not *on*) (over after argument, concern, dispute)


John has gone/is abroad on business.

(Not *has gone to abroad/is at abroad*) (abroad is an adverb, not a noun; be/live/go abroad are fixed phrases, otherwise we have to say come/return from abroad, where abroad is used as a noun)

absent oneself * absent

Where’s Jane today? — She’s absent. I think she’s ill. (Not *She has absented herself*)

The soldier absented himself without leave for three weeks and was arrested.

(be absent from = ‘not present’; absent oneself implies deliberate rule-breaking)

absent • away

I’m going on holiday and I’ll be away for a fortnight. (preferable to absent)

How many students were absent from your class today? (Not *away*)

(away = elsewhere; absent = not present)

abstracted • absent-minded • distracted

Professor Boffin is generally very absentminded. (Not *abstracted* *distracted*) (= not paying attention to present reality)

Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. I was abstracted for a moment.

(= thinking about something else)

Sorry, I didn ‘t hear what you said. I was distracted by the telephone.

(i.e. something claimed my attention)

abuse • insult • swear at • curse

The sergeant major abused the soldiers unmercifully.

(= shouted at them and called them names)

Mrs Tomkins insulted the bride’s family by refusing to attend her son’s wedding.

(= behaved in a way that caused offence)


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  • Right Word Wrong Word

    Words and structures confused and misused by learners of

    L. G. Alexander


  • Addison Wesley Longman Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow Essex CM20
    2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world.

    © Longman Group UK Limited 1994 All rights reserved; no part of
    this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
    or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
    permission of the Publishers.

    First published 1994 Fifth impression 1997 Illustrated by Chris

    British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Alexander, L.

    Right Word Wrong Word: Words and Structures Confused and Misused
    by Learners of English. — (Longman English Grammar Series) I. Title
    II. Ryley, Chris III. Series 428.24 ISBN 0-582-21860-8

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Alexander,

    Right word wrong word: words and structures confused and misused
    by learners of English/L.G. Alexander.

    p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN
    0-582-21860-8 1. English language-Usage. 2. English language-Errors
    of usage. I. Title.

    PE1460.A48 1993 428.2’4-dc20 93-11963


    We have been unable to trace the copyright holder of the text
    for Exercise 52 Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody and would
    appreciate any information that would enable us to do so.

    Set in Times New Roman, TrueType Produced through

    Longman Malaysia, ETS ISBN 0 582 21860 8

  • Acknowledgements

    I would express my sincere thanks to the following people who
    supplied extremely useful data while this work was being

    Julia Alexander Mohamed Eid, Cairo, Egypt Professor Jacek
    Fisiak, O.B.E., Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland Cristina
    Germanis, Verona, Italy Jurgen Kienzler, Ludwigsburg, Germany Roy
    Kingsbury Professor Hanna Komorowska, University of Warsaw, Poland
    Gottfried Kumpf, Vaihingen, Germany Chris Lynch, Tokyo, Japan
    Penelope Parfitt Professor T. Takenaka, Kagawa University,

    Longman English Grammar Series by L. G. Alexander

    Longman English Grammar: a reference grammar for English as a
    foreign language Step by Step 1-3: graded grammar exercises
    (beginners’ to pre-intermediate level) Longman English Grammar
    Practice: reference and practice (intermediate level) Longman
    Advanced Grammar: reference and practice (advanced level) The
    Essential English Grammar: a handy reference grammar (all

  • Contents Introduction viii

    Reference Section 1-201

    Test Yourself 203

    Up to Intermediate Level 1 Social exchanges 204 2 Cars and
    driving 205 3 Adjectives: opposites 206 4 Adjectives and noun
    modifiers 206 5 Asking, requesting, commanding 207 6 Telephoning
    207 7 Appearance, etc., of people and things 208 8 Descriptions,
    etc. 208 9 Containers 209

    10 Countable and uncountable nouns 210 11 Time and frequency 211
    12 Health 212 13 Holidays 212 14 ‘Be’,’get’,’go’,’make’, etc. 213
    15 Work and jobs 214 16 Buildings and parts of buildings 214 17
    Verbs/verb phrases with and without prepositions 215 18
    Occupations, etc. 216 19 Words easily confused, misspelt, etc. 217
    20 Prepositional phrases 218 21 Only one negative 218 22 -ed/-ing
    218 23 Addressing people 219 24 Names of places 219 25 Doing things
    for people 220 26 Movement to and from 220 27 The human body 221 28
    Furniture 221 29 Money 222 30 Adverbs 223 31 Comparatives and
    superlatives 223 32 Four topics: 224

    1 The weather 2 The news 3 Luck and misfortune 4 Keeping

    33 Questions and exclamations 225 34 Quantities and amounts 226
    35 Travelling by train 227 36 Outside 228 37 ‘Do’, ‘make’ and
    ‘have’ 229


  • 38 Dressing and clothes 230 39 Food and drink 231 40 Countable
    and uncountable nouns 232 41 Education 233

    Upper Intermediate to Advanced Level 42 Greetings, conventional
    social utterances and exchanges 234 43 Comparing and contrasting
    235 44 Socializing, entertainment, etc. 236 45 What goes with what?
    236 46 Phrasal verbs 237 47 Adjective + preposition 237 48 Verb
    +’to’or verb +’-ing’? 238 49 Approval and disapproval 239 50 Red
    tape 240 51 Character and reputation 241 52 Everybody, Somebody,
    Anybody, Nobody 242 53 Regular and irregular verbs which are easily
    confused 242 54 Animals, birds and plants 243 55 Shopping 244 56
    Counting and measuring 245 57 Verbs with and without prepositions
    246 58 Household equipment, power, etc. 247 59 Expressing feelings
    of approval 248 60 Writing, literature, language 249 61 Items of
    clothing, etc. 250 62 Nouns ending in’s’ 251 63 Food 252 64 Health
    253 65 Behaviour 254 66 Two topics 255

    a) War and peace b) Geography, natural phenomena

    67 Adjectives and -ly adverbs 256 68 Communicating 257 69
    Reflexive pronouns after verbs 258 70 Food and drink 259 71 Two
    topics 260

    1 Entertainment, leisure 2 Games, sports, outdoor activities

    72 What comes after the verb? 261 73 Newspapers, broadcasting,
    publishing 262 74 ‘Do’, ‘make’, ‘have’ and ‘take’ 263 75 Education
    264 76 Buildings, parts of buildings, surroundings 265 77 Countable
    and uncountable nouns 266 78 Fear, worry, embarrassment, etc. 267
    79 Crime and punishment 268 80 Clothes, materials, etc. 269 81 Are
    you a hypochondriac? 270


  • 82 Housework, gardening, maintenance 271 83 Degree and
    intensifying 272 84 -ic/-ical 272 85 Inversion after negative
    adverbs 273 86 Adjective + preposition 273 87 Words easily
    confused, misspelt, etc. 274 88 Experiences, perception, thought
    275 89 What sort of person are you? 276 90 Politics and government
    277 91 Stative and dynamic uses of certain verbs 278 92 Travelling
    279 93 Prepositional phrases 280 94 Cars, driving, maintenance,
    traffic 281 95 Referring to facts, the truth 282 96 A campaign
    against litter 283

    Answer Key 284

    Technical Terms 289

    Index 291


  • Introduction About Right Word Wrong Word Little green men In
    1877 the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli (1835-1910)
    observed some markings on the planet Mars which he referred to as
    canali. This was mistranslated into English as canals, suggesting
    man-made structures and the existence of intelligent life on Mars,
    instead of channels, which occur naturally. The idea of canals
    appealed to the imaginations of scientists and novelists alike. The
    astronomer Percival Lowell used it as the basis for his ‘scientific
    observations’, recorded in such works as Mars and its Canals
    (1908). The novelist H.G. Wells was inspired to write his powerful
    story about the invasion of the earth by Martians, The War of the
    Worlds (1898). In 1938, a simulated newscast of this novel was
    broadcast, describing the Martian invasion of New Jersey, which
    reduced millions of listeners to a state of near panic. The idea of
    Martians was not exploded till 1965 when the US spacecraft Mariner
    4 sent back close-up pictures of Mars, which proved conclusively
    that there were no canals and no little green men! The story shows
    how powerfully mother tongue interference can affect our
    understanding of a foreign language, with unpredictable
    consequences. It also shows how we have to suppress our own
    language if we want to acquire a foreign language.

    What is Right Word Wrong Word? Right Word Wrong Word is a
    Reference and Practice Book based on common errors in English. It
    covers items like the following: • Words often confused, where the
    student’s native language interferes with

    English (false friends): for example, benzine/petrol. •
    Word-confusions that exist within English itself: for example,
    rob/steal/burgle. • Structures in the student’s language that
    interfere with English structures: for

    example, it has compared with there is/it is. • Confusions of
    structures within English itself: for example, must/had to. •
    Particular words and structures which are a well-known source of
    error: for

    example, get and enjoy. Right Word Wrong Word is therefore a
    comprehensive usage book that provides answers to students’
    questions that are not easily available from any other source.

    Who is the book for? The book is suitable for students of
    English as a foreign or second language at intermediate level and
    above, whether they are preparing for examinations or not. It is
    also suitable for teachers. It extends the knowledge of non-native
    teachers by clarifying the meanings and uses of related items; it
    sensitizes native-speaking teachers by making them aware of
    mistakes that students really make. For both kinds of teachers, it
    is a handy reference for dealing with awkward questions on the

    The basis of the selection I have been collecting ‘right word
    wrong word’ items since the early 1960s and my collection has grown
    into a large database. This database was checked against the
    Longman Learners’ Corpus (drawn from 70 countries) and then
    filtered through a


  • representative spread of languages, including Arabic, European
    (Germanic, Romance, Greek, Slavonic) and Asiatic (Japanese). The
    words in this collection are the survivors of the original database
    that followed this investigation and number more than 5,000

    A description of the material The material consists of the
    following sections: • A reference section (pages 1-201) • Test
    Yourself (pages 203-283) • Answer Key (pages 284-288) • Technical
    Terms (pages 289-290) • Index (pages 291-308)

    How to use Right Word Wrong Word Index If you are in doubt about
    the use of a word, look in the index to find it, then go to the
    reference section. You may have to do this more than once to locate
    the meaning you are looking for. When you find the word you want,
    check whether the mistake listed is one you are likely to make
    yourself and which you must train yourself to suppress. The
    reference section The ‘wrong word’ is generally listed first,
    followed by the ‘right word’. For example:

    block * pad — I’ve brought this nice new pad to take notes

    during the meeting. (Not *block*) (pad/writing pad = sheets of
    paper held together, used for writing or drawing)

    — How did the ancient Egyptians cut and move such huge stone
    blocks ? (= stone, wood, etc., cut with straight sides)

    Some words appear in different places. For example, mark has its
    own entry, but is also listed under grade/mark/degree, note
    down/mark and speck/spot/mark. The reference section focuses
    sharply on particular problems of contrast or use. It is not a
    dictionary and so does not deal with every possible meaning of a
    particular word.

    Technical terms The terms used in the reference section are
    briefly explained on pages 289-290.

    Test Yourself Exercises 1-41 are suitable for students of all
    levels, but especially for intermediate; exercises 42-96 are upper
    intermediate and advanced. The exercises deal with topics (e.g.
    health), functions (e.g. doing things for people) or grammar (e.g.
    phrasal verbs). You may work through the exercises in the order
    they occur, or pick and choose, according to level. 1. Attempt an
    exercise, then check your answers in the answer key. 2. Look up any
    item or items you aren’t sure of in the index, which will refer you

    the reference section. Practise using the items you have learned
    in your own speech and writing.


  • a* an — Kirsty’s got an MA. in history.

    (Not *a MA. in history*) — She’s got a Master’s degree.

    (Not *an Master’s degree*) (a + consonant sound; an + vowel

    a/an * one — I need a screwdriver to do this job properly.

    (Not *one screwdriver*) — It was one coffee I ordered, not

    (Not *a coffee*) (a/an = ‘any one’, ‘it doesn’t matter which’;
    one, two, etc., when we are counting)

    a/an • some — Please bring me a glass/an envelope. — I want some
    glasses/some envelopes. — I want some water. (Not *a water*) — I’d
    like a coffee please.

    (some = an unspecified number or amount is the plural of a/an
    where the reference is to quantity; we normally use a/an only with
    countable nouns. We also use a/an for all drinks seen as a complete
    measure: a coffee, a beer, but use some for fluids of which there
    is more in the tap, bottle, etc.: some water, some wine)

    a/an • (-) — Lucy wants to be a doctor.

    (Not *wants to be doctor*) — Kevin wants to be an

    (Not *wants to be electrician*) (a/an + singular countable

    ability to — I wasn’t happy at school until I found I had

    the ability to make people laugh. (Not *ability of/on making*)
    (from able to)

    able • possible — It will be possible to see you on Friday.

    (Not *It will be able*) — I’ll be able to see you on Friday.

    (Not*I`ll be possible*) (It + possible; human subject +

    about•around — Few people can afford to go on a cruise

    (a)round the world. (Not *about*) ((a)round for circular

    — They’ve built a motorway (a)round London. (= surrounding,

    — The fax was received at around/about 8 pm. (= approximately;
    but approximately in place of around and about is very formal)

    — The journey took about/around an hour. (Not *an hour about*
    *an hour around*) (preposition + object)

    about • on • over — Have you read this article on the Antarctic?
    — There’s an article about tourism in today’s

    paper. (preferable to on) (on for serious and specific
    information; about for general interest)

    — Let’s agree to differ. Let’s not have an argument over/about
    it. (Not *on*) (over after argument, concern, dispute)

    abroad — John has gone/is abroad on business.

    (Not *has gone to abroad/is at abroad*) (abroad is an adverb,
    not a noun; be/live/go abroad are fixed phrases, otherwise we have
    to say come/return from abroad, where abroad is used as a noun)

    absent oneself * absent — Where’s Jane today? — She’s absent. I

    she’s ill. (Not *She has absented herself*) — The soldier
    absented himself without leave

    for three weeks and was arrested. (be absent from = ‘not
    present’; absent oneself implies deliberate rule-breaking)

    absent • away — I’m going on holiday and I’ll be away for a

    fortnight. (preferable to absent) — How many students were
    absent from your

    class today? (Not *away*) (away = elsewhere; absent = not

    abstracted • absent-minded • distracted — Professor Boffin is
    generally very absent-

    minded. (Not *abstracted* *distracted*) (= not paying attention
    to present reality)

    — Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. I was abstracted for a
    moment. (= thinking about something else)

    — Sorry, I didn ‘t hear what you said. I was distracted by the
    telephone. (i.e. something claimed my attention)

    abuse • insult • swear at • curse — The sergeant major abused
    the soldiers

    unmercifully. (= shouted at them and called them names)

    — Mrs Tomkins insulted the bride’s family by refusing to attend
    her son’s wedding. (= behaved in a way that caused offence)


  • — Traffic wardens rightly ignore motorists who swear at them. (=
    use foul language)

    — Before he died, the religious leader cursed all enemies of the
    faith. (= asked God to do them harm)

    — Don’t curse/swear under your breath. accede to • comply with —
    You’ll get into trouble if you don’t comply

    with the planning laws. (Not * accede to*) (= obey, go along

    — I acceded to his request for a reference. (Not *complied
    with*) (= agreed to, consented to; formal)

    accept • agree to/with — They invited me to their wedding and

    agreed to go. (Not *accepted to go*) (agree to do something)

    — She offered me some clothes her children had grown out of and
    I accepted them, (accept + object = take what is offered)

    — I don’t accept your opinion/agree with your opinion that we
    can’t control inflation. (agree with an opinion)

    accept • allow • admit — They won’t admit anyone to the

    allow anyone into the theatre after the performance has started.
    (Not *accept*) (= give someone the right to go in)

    — If the performance has started, they just won’t allow you
    in/admit you. (Not * admit you in* *allow you* * accept you*) (=
    let you go in)

    — I applied to join the club, but they won’t accept me. (Not
    *admit* *allow*) (= let me join)

    accessories • spare parts • reserve • spare tyre — My car hasn’t
    been repaired yet because the

    garage is still waiting for spare parts. (Not *accessories*
    *reserves*) (= essential replacement parts to keep a machine in
    running order)

    — My new car has a whole lot of accessories, including a roof
    rack. (Not *reserves*) (= additional, but not essential parts)

    — Where is the spare tyre kept in this vehicle? (Not *reserve*
    *reserve tyre*)

    — Does this motorbike have a reserve fuel tank? (Not * spare*)
    (i.e. which could be used if needed)


    accident * incident * episode — Someone rammed the back of my
    car. It was

    an unfortunate accident. (Not *episode*) (= an unplanned
    happening, often bad)

    — There was an unpleasant incident on the train this morning
    when a drunk attacked one of the passengers. (Not * episode*) (= a
    single happening, good or bad)

    — That was an episode/incident in my life which I’m not proud
    of. (episode — one part of a continuing story)

    accidentally • unfortunately — I knocked on your door, but

    you were out. (Not *accidentally*) (= unluckily)

    — I’ve accidentally dialled the wrong number. (= by chance, by

    accommodation — While touring Britain, we found (some)

    excellent accommodation in old inns. (note the spelling, not
    *accomodation* *acommodation*; uncountable: not *an accommodation*;
    the plural form accommodations is AmE only)

    accomplish • perform — Soldiers must perform their duties

    asking questions. (Not *accomplish*) (= do a task, a

    — Churchill accomplished a great deal while he was Prime
    Minister. (Not *performed*) (= succeeded in doing)

    accomplishment • achievement • completion — The re-unification
    of Germany was a great

    achievement. (preferable to accomplishment) (= something
    successfully done)

    — She has many accomplishments, including a command of three
    foreign languages. (= acquired skills)

    — Did the completion of the Eurotunnel go according to plan ?
    (Not *achievement* * accomplishment*) (= finishing)

    accord • behalf • account • part — We ‘re acting on behalf of
    our client/on our

    client’s behalf. (Not *accord* *part*) — Don’t go to all that
    trouble on my behalf/on

    my account. (Not *on my accord*) (= for me)

    — That was a mistake on my part. (= by me)

    — I didn’t ask her to do the washing-up. She did it of her own
    accord. (Not *of/on her

  • own behalf* *on her own accord*) (= without being asked)

    according to • by • in my opinion — It’s 4.30 according to/by
    the station clock.

    (= as shown by; both possible when referring to clocks and

    — According to many scientists, the level of the oceans is
    rising. (Not *By*) (= as stated by other people)

    — In my opinion, scientists take a pessimistic view. (Not *
    According to my opinion/To me* *To/After/By my opinion*)

    account: on any/no account — You mustn’t disturb him on any

    On no account must you disturb him. (Not *with no account/in any

    account • deposit — They won’t accept an order for goods

    without a deposit. (= part payment in advance)

    — I’ve opened an account with Westland Bank. (Not *a

    — I’ve just transferred money to my (current) account from my
    deposit account. (a bank account = where money is paid in or out; a
    deposit at a bank or anywhere else is a sum of money held by
    someone who is not the owner)

    accusation — I want to know who made this accusation

    against me. (Not *did this accusation*) (some other nouns that
    combine with make: an agreement, an announcement, an apology, an
    application, an appointment, an attempt, a change, a choice, a
    claim, comments, a criticism, a difference, an effort, an escape,
    an exception, an experiment, a fortune, a gesture, a habit of
    something, a law, love, a mistake, a name for oneself, an offer,
    peace, plans, progress, a proposal, room for someone, a start, a
    success of something, a suggestion, war, a will, a wish)

    accused: the accused — The accused have nothing to say for

    themselves. — The accused has nothing to say for

    himself/herself. (the accused is used in formal legal contexts
    to refer to one person or more than one, but we have to say
    he’s/she’s accused, not *he’s/she’s an accused* * they’re

    ache • hurt • pain — My head hurts. (Not *pains*)

    (intransitive use: you feel pain, possibly from injury)

    — I hurt my foot. (Not *ached* *pained* *hurted*; irregular
    verb: hurt — hurt — hurt) (transitive use = injured)

    — My head aches. (Not *pains*) (intransitive; you feel dull,
    constant pain)

    — It pains me to recall my schooldays. (= makes me feel sad)

    acoustics — The acoustics in ancient Greek theatres are

    amazing. (Not *acoustics is* *acoustic is*) (plural form +
    plural verb for specific references)

    — Acoustics is a branch of physics. (Not *The acoustic is*)
    (plural form + singular verb to refer to the academic subject)

    acquire • gain/increase in value — Property has gained/increased
    in value

    considerably over the last ten years. (Not *acquired (in)

    — As our company is expanding, we’ve had to acquire more office
    space. (Not *gain*) (= obtain, e.g. by buying or renting)

    across • over • through — They’re laying a pipeline across

    (Not *over* *through*) (across = from one side to the other of a
    surface area)

    — We skated over the frozen lake. (over = on or above a surface,
    not necessarily from one side to the other)

    — Water flows through this pipe. — It was difficult to cut
    through the forest.

    (through = movement within a solid or enclosing medium)

    act * action * deed — The situation requires immediate

    (Not *act* *deed*) (= doing something, often as a response)

    — I shall always remember her many acts of kindness to me. (Not
    *actions* *deeds*) (act of+ noun phrase, not *action*; act =
    specific thing done; action = a move to do something; act/action
    are interchangeable after adjectives: It was a kind

    — Visiting Mrs Hollis in hospital was a good deed that had to be
    done. (Not * act/action*) (deed is only used in a context where an
    action is being judged: a good/evil deed)


  • act • take effect — Has the medicine taken effect yet?

    (Not *acted*) (= had a specific effect)

    — This drug acts/takes effect quickly in the system. (= has a
    general effect on) (Compare: This drug acts on/affects the central
    nervous system.)

    action • campaign — The government is launching a campaign

    against smoking. (Not *an action*) (= a planned series of

    — The government’s action to control interest rates has been
    very prompt. (= a move to do something)

    actual • news — Have you seen the news report on malaria?

    (Not *actual report*) (= the one reported in the news)

    — I’ve read the actual report on malaria. (= that report, the
    real thing)

    actual • real • topical • up-to-date — Public transport is a
    highly topical issue at

    present because of the row over the new bypass. (Not *actual*)
    (i.e it’s in the news)

    — The real/actual problem is the civil war. (= true, the one we
    are concerned with)

    — I can’t comment before I have read the actual report. (Not
    *real report*) (= the report itself)

    — Magazines in doctors’ waiting rooms are never up-to-date. (Not
    *actual* *topical*)

    actualities • the news • current events — You should take a
    daily paper if you want to

    keep track of the news/of current events. (Not * actualities*)
    (= facts that are reported)

    — Before you pass judgement, you should consider the actualities
    of the case. (= the true conditions, circumstances)

    actually • at present/for the present • at the moment — Frank’s
    been travelling for a month now. At

    present/For the present/At the moment, I have no idea of his
    whereabouts. (Not *Actually* *To the present*) (= now, for the time

    — Do you realize that Martin has actually been off work for a
    month now? (= as a matter of fact, really)


    adapt (to) • adopt • adjust (to) — We have adopted the same sort
    of assembly

    methods they use in Japan. (Not * adapted*) (= taken and

    — We have adapted the assembly system they use in Japan to suit
    our circumstances here. (Not * adopted*) (= changed it to suit our

    — I have found it difficult to adapt to/adjust to living in the
    country after living in a large city. (Not * adjust myself to*;
    preferable to adapt myself to) (= become used to)

    — The picture is out of focus. Could you adjust it slightly
    please? (Not *adapt*) (= change it in order to correct it)

    addition • bill • account — Would you bring me the bill please

    (Not *addition* *account*) (= the account for immediate

    — I’ve just received a bill/an account from my solicitors. (Not
    *an addition*) (= a formal application for payment)

    — Old-style grocers were good at addition. (= adding numbers

    adieu • goodbye — It’s time to say goodbye. (Not *adieu*) — We
    bade them adieu/goodbye and left.

    (bid adieu is old-fashioned, literary) admire — I admire
    Mozart’s music more than anyone

    else’s. (Not *I’m admiring*) (stative use: my admiration is

    — Where’s Fred? — He’s admiring your garden. (Not *He admires*)
    (dynamic use = at this moment he’s looking at your garden with

    admire • wonder • admiration — I wonder why she’s left. (Not

    (= I’m puzzled) — I admire the Pompidou building in Paris.

    (Not *wonder* *wonder at*) (= I look at it with

    — Rowland Emmet’s creations fill me with wonder/admiration. (Not
    *admire*) (wonder, noun = astonishment; admiration = strong

    admit (to) — Sally admits to using your computer.

    (admit to = confess) — Sally admits using/that she used your

    computer. (Not *admits to use*) (admit + object = agree
    something is true)

  • — The man admitted his guilt to the police. (Not *’admitted the
    police his guilt* *admitted to the police his guilt*)

    admittance • admission — What’s the admission ? — £3 a head.

    (Not *admittance*) (= the cost of entry)

    — You need to be accompanied by a member to gain
    admission/admittance to the club. {admission = being allowed in;
    admittance — being allowed in by the authorities; note No Admission
    = ‘you won’t be allowed in’ and No Admittance = ‘the authorities
    won’t allow you in’; compare entry/entrance, which don’t refer to
    the idea of permission)

    adore • worship — At which church do you worship ?

    (Not *adore*) — 1 adore staying in Rome. (Not *worship*)

    {= I really love it) — As far as Sylvia is concerned, her son

    perfect. She adores/worships him. {adore and worship with
    reference to people are usually interchangeable)

    advance•progress — Now that we’ve mastered this step, we can

    progress to the next one. (preferable to advance)

    — We began our new course book in May and advanced/progressed

    — Advance two squares. (Not *Progress*) (both advance and
    progress mean’go forward’, but advance is usually physical/
    concrete, while progress means go forward in the sense of

    advantage: take advantage of — Take advantage of our offer of a

    reduction in package tours. — If you’re having to work every
    weekend, your

    boss is taking advantage of you. {take advantage of something =
    make the most of; take advantage of someone = make unfair use of;
    it can also mean ‘exploit sexually’ as in: Doctors are forbidden to
    take advantage of their patients.)

    adventure • by chance • incidentally — We met by
    chance/incidentally at an office

    party. (Not *by adventure*) (= without expecting to: by

    — I’ve just opened the back door, which, incidentally, was
    unlocked all night. (Not *by chance*) (= by the way)

    — When we rowed out to sea in our dinghy, we didn’t expect to
    have such an adventure. (= an unusual, dangerous experience)

    adventure • experience — People who have been tortured can’t

    the terrible experience. (Not *adventure*) (= what happened to

    — Jim had many adventures in the jungle but lived to tell the
    tale. (Not * experiences*) (= unusual, exciting experiences)

    advertisement • warning — I haven’t paid my gas bill and have

    a final warning. (Not * advertisement*) (i.e. bringing attention
    to a possible penalty)

    — How much does it cost to place a large advertisement in the
    paper? (= an announcement that makes it known that something is for
    sale, etc.)

    advice • advise • opinion — She gave me (some) good advice about

    (uncountable noun spelt -ice, pronounced /ais/; not *an advice*
    *(some) advices* * advice for*)

    — She advised me about applying for jobs. (verb spelt -we,
    pronounced /aiz/; not *adviced me*)

    — Mr Foley advised me to apply to your company. (preferable to
    advised me I should; and note: He advised (me) against applying. =
    He advised me not to apply.)

    — I took your advice and applied for promotion. (Not *took your

    — I don’t know whether my essay is good or bad and I’d like to
    have your opinion. (advice = what you think I should do; opinion =
    what you think about something)

    affair • case * liaison — Even Inspector Wiley couldn’t solve

    case. (Not *affair*) (= an event or events that the police are
    looking into)

    — What I do in my spare time is entirely my own affair. (= a
    matter that concerns me, my business)

    — Their (love) affair became known after his death. (Not *case*;
    liaison here would mean ‘improper relationship’) (= a sexual
    relationship, outside marriage)

    — There’s always been a close liaison between our two
    organizations. (Not * affair*) (= a link, relationship)


  • affairs • business — Business hasn’t been doing very well

    (Not *Affairs haven’t*) (= work to do with buying and

    — You can keep your nose out of my affairs. (= matters connected
    with my private or professional life)

    affect • (have an) effect (on) • come into/take effect — This
    hay fever is having a serious effect on

    my work. (Not *affect*) {effect is the noun relating to the verb
    affect: have an effect on something)

    — This hay fever is seriously affecting my work. (Not
    *effecting*) (affect is the verb relating to the noun effect)

    — The new law comes into effect/takes effect next Monday. (Not
    *has an effect/affect*) (= will be in operation)

    — Mr Court effected numerous changes while running this company.
    (Not *affected*) (= brought about, put into effect)

    affection • affectation • infection — Ann is much nicer now that
    she’s lost her

    silly affectations. (Not *affections*) (= unnatural behaviour to
    impress others)

    — Don’t come near me. I’m suffering from a nasty throat
    infection. (Not * affection*) (= disease caused by germs or

    — His affection for his family is obvious. (= love, deep
    fondness for)

    affirm • maintain — Despite the statistics, you still maintain

    inflation is falling. (Not *affirm*) (= claim, whether it’s true
    or not)

    — The witness affirmed it was the same man. (i.e. said he/she
    believed it)

    afford: can/can’t afford • have the means — We can/can’t afford
    an exotic holiday this

    year. (Not *We afford/don’t afford*) (can/can’t afford is
    preferable to have/don’t have the means for/the means to buy)

    afloat * floating — The raft was afloat/floating on the river. —
    The pilot quickly spotted the floating raft.

    (Not *afloat*) (we cannot use afloat in front of a noun, only
    after a noun + be, seem to be, etc.)

    afraid (of) • frightened (of/by) — The children were afraid

    of/frightened by the wicked witch. — We did all we could to
    comfort the

    frightened children. (Not *afraid*)


    (we cannot use afraid in front of a noun, only after a noun +
    be, seem to be, etc.)

    after • afterwards • after that • behind — Come and see me after

    (Not *afterwards work*) (after as a preposition + object;
    afterwards is an adverb and cannot govern a noun)

    — We’II discuss the programme after you arrive. (Not *afterwards
    you arrive* *after you will arrive* *after that you arrive* *after
    to arrive*) (after as a conjunction + present tense)

    — We made the house tidy and our guests arrived soon
    afterwards/after. (both possible, but afterwards is generally
    preferable; after is used as an adverb only after soon and not

    — We had dinner first. After that/Afterwards, we went to a show.
    (Not * After, we went to a show* *After from that*)

    — Stand behind me in the queue. (Not *after* *behind of*)
    (behind for position)

    — You’re after me in the queue. (after for next in turn,

    after • in — /’// see you in a week. (Not *after a week*)

    (= within, before the end of) — I’ll see you in a week’s

    (Not *after a week’s time*) — It’s hard to get back to work
    after a week on

    holiday! (= at the end of)

    after • later — / arrived at the party first, and my husband

    arrived later. (Not * arrived after* to refer to time, though we
    could say arrived after me to refer to sequence) (= at a later

    — / can quote the first line of ‘To be or not to be’, but I
    don’t know what comes after. (Not Hater*) (after as an adverb, for

    afternoon: this afternoon — They’re arriving this afternoon.

    (Not * today afternoon*; compare tomorrow afternoon, yesterday
    afternoon; similarly morning, evening)

    again • back — Sue invited us to dinner last month; it’s

    we invited her back. (Not *again*) (i.e. returned her
    hospitality; compare phone someone back = return their call)

  • — We enjoyed having our neighbours to dinner and we must invite
    them again. (= on another occasion; compare phone someone

    age • epoch • era • period • century — The whole period was
    marked by important

    changes in the earth’s surface. {period is the best word to
    refer to geotime)

    — Satellite TV brought in an epoch of worldwide communication.
    (an epoch is a period of time beginning with an important

    — We live in an age/era where fast food is the norm. (Not

    — There’s no way of knowing exactly when the Iron Age really
    began. (Not * Epoch*) (The Iron Age is a fixed phrase; compare in
    the age of Shakespeare, etc. = at that time)

    — The Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century. (Not

    age • get old — Have you noticed how Mrs Briggs is getting

    old/is ageing? (Not *is aiding*; note the spelling of ageing,
    though aging is often seen, especially in AmE)

    age • old — How old is he ? (Not *age* *big*) — What age is he?
    (Not *old* *has he*)

    (How old… ? is generally preferable) — How old are you? — I’m
    ten (years old).

    (Not *I’m ten years. * *I have ten years.*) — How old is your
    car? — It’s ten years old.

    (Not *It has ten years.* *It’s ten.*) (we can’t omit years old
    when referring to the age of a thing)

    aged • elderly — Who will look after us when we’re elderly?

    (Not *aged*) (= in or near old age)

    — / was approached by an elderly man who asked me for
    directions. (Not *an elderly*) (we cannot use elderly on its own to
    mean ‘an elderly person’; an elderly man is preferable to an aged
    man, which is literary, and is more complimentary than an old

    — Monica devotes a lot of her spare time to helping the aged/the
    elderly. (Not *the ageds* *the elderlies*) (the + adjective for the
    group as a whole)

    — Constance looks after her aged parents. (= very old; aged can
    be used in front of a few nouns: e.g. my aged parents, an aged
    aunt, an aged friend of mine, etc.)

    agenda • diary — I’ve made a note of your birthday in my

    diary. (Not *agenda*) (= a book with spaces for days of the

    — What’s the first item on the agenda? (= schedule of business
    at a meeting)

    — We had to work through three agendas! (Not *agenda*)

    agent • representative — Who’s our company’s

    in Tokyo? (agent: usually someone self-employed who works on a
    commission; representative: usually an employee of a company)

    ages • years — Children are so carefree in their younger

    years, before they start school. (Not *ages*) (= at that time,
    during those years)

    — A child’s basic personality is formed between the ages of one
    and five. (referring to how old children are)

    aggravated • annoyed — / got really annoyed/aggravated by the

    behaviour of Karen’s children. (many native speakers don’t
    accept the widespread use of aggravate to mean annoy)

    — The bad situation was further aggravated by the reinforcement
    of troops at the border. (Not *annoyed*) (= made worse)

    agitate • shake • move — / could feel the earth move/shake as

    earthquake began. (Not *agitate*) (move suggests a single large
    movement; shake = rapid movements from side to side)

    — We got really agitated when our daughter didn’t return from
    school at the usual time. (Not *shaken* *moved*) (= very anxious,

    — After the break-in, we felt really shaken. (i.e. we were in a
    state of shock)

    — Shake the bottle well before you take any of that medicine.
    (Not *Agitate* *Move*)

    agony • anxiety — He’s in a state of anxiety waiting for the

    result of his blood test. (Not *agony*) (= fear of what may

    — I’ve twisted my ankle and I’m in agony. (= extreme pain; in
    agony is a fixed phrase)

    agree — / agree with you.

    (Not * agree to you* *agree you*) 7

  • (agree with someone: agree is not an adjective: not */ am agree
    with you.*)

    — I agree to the proposal. (Not * agree with*) (agree to

    — Surely we can agree on this. (on = about)

    — We live in difficult times. -I agree. (Not *I’m agreeing.*)
    (stative use in ‘declarations’)

    agreeable • in agreement (with) — I’m entirely in agreement with

    proposal. (Not *agreeable with*) — / enjoy the company of the

    They’re very agreeable. (= nice; the opposite is

    — I’ve discussed the idea with her and she agrees/she’s in
    agreement/agreeable. (in agreement is preferable to agreeable)

    ahead (of) • in front (of) — In most cars, the engine’s in

    (Not *ahead*) — Right up to the end of the race. College Boy was
    just ahead of/in front of Red Fur. — College Boy was ahead/in

    (in front (of)/behind/at the back for absolute position; compare
    ahead (of)/behind for position relative to others)

    aid • help — Please help me. (Not *aid*)

    (aid as a verb is unusual; help is preferable) — Do you know
    anything about first aid? (Not * first aids* *first help* *first
    helps*) (first aid is a fixed phrase) —They heard our cries and
    came to our

    aid/help. (nouns) air • expression — The colonel had an odd
    expression on his

    face as he listened to the news. (Not *air*) (= facial
    appearance at a specific moment)

    — Colonel Fawcett has the air of someone who has travelled
    widely. (Not * expression*)

    (= general appearance) * air • tune • melody — The main theme of
    the symphony is based on

    a well-known air/tune/melody. (an air often suggests ‘an old

    — Hum ‘Yesterday’ to me. I can’t remember the tune. (Not *air*
    *melody*) (melody has a narrower meaning than tune, suggesting ‘a
    sweet tune’)


    air • wind • breeze — There’s a lot of wind today.

    (Not *air* *breeze*) (= moving currents of air)

    — I love to walk in a nice sea breeze. (= a pleasant, gentle

    — Is it warm enough to sit out/to sit in the open/to sit in the
    open air? (Not *in the fresh* *in the full air*)

    — Open the window. I need some fresh air. (air is what we

    — / want to send this letter by air. (Not *with air* *via/per
    air* * by plane*)

    air-conditioning/air-conditioner • air-conditioned — Turn off
    the air-conditioning/the air-

    conditioner. I’m freezing! (Not * Close the air-condition.*)

    — The whole building is air-conditioned/has air-conditioning.
    (Not * air-condition*)

    alarm • alert • alarmed — In case of fire, alert the hotel

    (Not *alarm*) (= warn them of the danger)

    — Don’t alarm us with awful tales about the dangers of air
    travel. (= make us feel anxious)

    — This door activates an alarm. (Not *This door is alarmed.

    — We got alarmed when we found the door wide open. (Not *We

    alight • burning — The bonfire was alight/burning and could

    be seen for miles around. — / can smell burning rubber. (Not

    (we cannot use alight in front of a noun, only after a noun +
    be, seem to be, etc.)

    alike • similar • same — We’ve received two similar offers.

    (Not *alike offers* *same offers*) — The two offers are

    (= nearly the same; we cannot use alike in front of a noun)

    — The houses in this street are all the same/are all

    — Yours is the same as mine/similar to mine. (Not *the same
    with* *similar with*) (the same = exactly alike; similar = they
    resemble each other)

    alive • living • live — Everything that is alive/living (that

    needs air and water. (Not *live*)

  • — Are your grandparents still alive/living? (Not *Do your
    grandparents live?* *Are they alives/livings?*) (= not dead)

    — All living creatures need air and water. (Not *alive* *

    — Careful! It’s a live lobster./That lobster is alive. (Not

    — After midnight, there’s a cabaret show and dancing to live
    music. (Not *alive* *living*) (living and alive both mean ‘not
    dead’, but we cannot use alive in front of a noun; live, pronounced
    /laiv/, can also mean ‘happening now/active’)

    — Careful! That wire is live! (Not *alive* Hiving*) (adjective =
    electrically charged)

    all • everyone • everything • every — Everyone wanted Marilyn’s

    (Not *All* *Every people* * Every person* *All (the) people*)
    (we rarely use all to mean ‘all the people’, preferring

    — All/Everything 1 have belongs to you. (it’s possible, but
    unusual, to use all to mean ‘all the things’; everything is the
    normal word; all things to mean everything occurs only in poetic

    — We all agree/All of us agree. (Not *All we* *All us*)

    — The company entertained us all/all of us. (Not *all us*)

    — Everyone/Every person over the age of eighteen must fill in
    this form.

    — Everything/Every thing in this flat is up for sale. (every
    (single) person and every (single) thing are emphatic)

    all ready • already — / tried to get her on the phone, but she

    already left. (Not *all ready* *allready*) (i.e before that

    — We ‘re all ready. (Not * already*) (= all of us are ready)

    all right — I feel all right. (preferable to alright)

    (alright is a common alternative spelling, sometimes considered
    to be less correct)

    all that • what • all — / didn’t catch what you said.

    (Not *all what* *all which* *that which*) — I didn’t catch all
    that you said.

    (Not *all what* *all which* *which*) (= everything, the thing(s)

    — All we want/What we want/All that we want is to prevent waste.
    (Not *All what/All which/That which we want*)

    all these things • all this — Who’s going to pay for all this ?
    — Who’s going to pay for all these things ?

    (preferable to all these) (all these + noun)

    all ways • always — They always win.

    (Not *all ways* *allways*) (position: before a main verb or
    after be, have, can, etc.: She’s always late.)

    — We’ve looked at the problem all ways. (= from all sides)

    allowance • permission • pocket money — The farmer gave us
    permission to camp in

    his field. (Not *allowance*) (i.e. he allowed us to)

    — We receive an allowance from the state for each of the
    children. (= a regular payment of money)

    — How much pocket money do your children get? (generally refers
    to spending money given regularly by parents to their children)

    almost • nearly — / think there’s almost/nearly enough food

    here to feed a dozen people. — Almost all cars/Nearly all cars
    use unleaded

    petrol these days. — There’s not nearly enough food here to

    twenty people. (Not *not almost*) (nearly and almost are only
    interchangeable in the affirmative)

    already • still • yet — We must hurry. It’s already 5

    (already = sooner than expected) — There’s no hurry. It’s still

    (still is often used in the affirmative) — There’s no hurry. It
    isn’t 5 o’clock yet.

    (yet is often used in the negative) — Has he arrived yet? (Not *
    still*) — No, not

    yet. (Not *not still*) (yet in questions = up to this point in

    — Is he still angry? (Not *yet*) (still in questions, pointing
    to continuity)

    — He hasn’t arrived yet. (Not * still* in this position) (= up
    to this point in time)

    — He still hasn’t arrived. (Not *yet* in this position) (still
    in negatives, pointing to continuity)


  • also • thus/so — We went by bus and thus/so saved the price

    of a taxi. (Not *also*) (= consequently; thus is more

    — The bus is cheaper, but also slower. (= in addition)

    alternate • alternative • possibilities — We must choose from
    several possibilities.

    (preferable to alternatives) (i.e. a choice between more than

    — We must choose between alternatives. (noun = choice between

    — That’s what we should do — unless you have an alternative
    suggestion. (Not *alternate*) (adjective: i.e. a different

    — / visit my parents on alternate weekends. (adjective: i.e.
    every second weekend)

    altogether • all together — Let’s sing it again. All together

    (Not * Altogether*) (= everyone together)

    — As far as I’m concerned, Frank’s proposal is altogether
    nonsensical. (adverb of degree = entirely)

    am I not * aren’t I — Aren’t I invited? (Not *Amn’t I*)

    (the usual negative question form) — Am I not invited?

    (a formal negative question: full form) am/is/are • have/has
    been — / have been in Rio since May. (Not */ am*) — / am in Rio at
    the moment. — I am in Rio for two weeks.

    (this could mean ‘I am in the middle of spending two weeks in
    Rio’, or ‘I will be visiting Rio soon and will stay two

    amazed • amazing — I’m amazed at you. (Not * amazed with*) — I
    was amazed by what they told me.

    (Not *amazing* *amazed with/from*) (-ed endings describe

    — / heard an amazing story. (Not *amazed*) (-ing endings
    describe things, events, etc.)

    — Hemingway is an amazing writer. (a number of -ing endings can
    also be used to describe people, suggesting the effect they have on
    others) (some other pairs of -ed/-ing adjectives are:
    alarmed/alarming, amused/amusing, annoyed/annoying,
    appalled/appalling, astonished/astonishing, bored/boring,
    confused/confusing, depressed/depressing, distressed/distressing,

    embarrassing, enchanted/enchanting, excited/exciting,
    exhausted/exhausting, frightened/frightening, horrified/horrifying,
    interested/interesting, moved/moving, pleased/pleasing,
    relaxed/relaxing, satisfied/satisfying, shocked/shocking,
    surprised/surprising, terrified/terrifying, tired/tiring; and note:
    delighted/delightful, impressed/impressive, and

    American — I’m learning/doing English/American

    English. (Not *making American English* *american english*) (=
    the language: proper noun, capital letter)

    — He’s/She’s American. (preferable to an American) (we generally
    prefer to use an adjectival complement; the noun form is an

    — They’re American. (adjectival form)

    — They’re Americans. (noun form)

    — / was just speaking to an American/two Americans. (their sex
    is not stated, though a pronoun will often show whether they are
    male or female)

    — (The) American people/(The) Americans are wonderfully
    hospitable. (= the group as a whole) (similarly to refer to people:
    African, Chilean, Costa Rican, Cuban, Korean, Latin American,
    Libyan, Mexican, Paraguayan, Ugandan, Venezuelan, Zimbabwean)

    among/amongst • between — There are quite a few talented

    among/amongst the people I know. (among many; among is always
    preferable to amongst)

    — It’s hard to choose between these two pictures. I like them
    both. (between two)

    amount • number — A large number of our students are

    American. (Not *amount*) — A large amount of our time is taken
    up with

    administration. (amount + uncountable noun; careless speakers
    often say e.g. *a large amount of students*)

    amuse • occupy — Looking after the children occupies a great

    deal of our time. (Not * amuses*) (= uses up)


  • — My children can amuse/occupy themselves for hours without
    getting bored. (= spend their time pleasantly)

    ancient * old — You have to remember Mrs Briggs is very old/a
    very old lady now. (Not *ancient*) — Property developers often have
    little regard for old/ancient buildings.

    {old in terms of time; ancient = old in terms of history as in
    the ancient Greeks)

    — Mr Briggs is an old friend of mine. (Not *an ancient friend*)
    (= one I’ve known for a long time)

    and • and so — John can speak French and so can I. (Not *and me
    too*) — John speaks French and so do I. (Not *and me too*) — John
    brought a present for my sister and (for) me (too). and * to — Go
    and buy yourself a paper. (Not *to*) — Come and see the goldfish.
    (Not *to*) But: Try and/to see my point of view. (imperatives with
    go, come, wait, etc., are followed by and where we might expect to;
    go buy is also possible, especially in AmE) anger • get angry

    — Don’t get angry every time someone asks you a question. (Not *
    anger (yourself)*) — Even the smallest things anger him/make hint
    angry. (Not *make him to anger*)

    bend’ ‘ corner

    angle • corner • bend — /’// meet you on the corner under the

    just as we’ve arranged. (Not *angle*) — An isosceles triangle
    contains three angles,

    each of 600. — Be careful when you drive along this road.

    There are lots of sharp bends. (Not *corners*)

    angry with • angry at/about — People in our town are very angry

    the new parking charges. (Not *angry with*) (angry at/about

    — It’s no good getting angry with the waiter because the food is
    badly cooked. (angry with — sometimes at — someone)

    anniversary • birthday — How clever of you to remember my

    birthday! (Not *anniversary*) (= the date of birth of a

    — How on earth did you know it is our wedding anniversary ? (=
    the date of an event, such as a wedding)

    announcement • advertisement • small ad * commercial

    — / saw the announcement of his death in the paper. (Not
    *advertisement*) (i.e. it was made known in the press)

    — Here’s an advertisement/a small ad for a two-room flat that
    might interest you. (classified advertisements or small ads are
    placed in newspapers by people buying and selling things; note the
    spelling with an ‘e’: not *advertisment*)

    — I turn the sound off during TV commercials. (more usual than
    advertisements) (= advertisements on TV)

    annoy • bother * disturb — There are quite a few unexplained
    matters in

    this case that bother me. (Not *annoy*) (= make me

    — Don’t disturb your father now. He’s busy. (Not *annoy*) (=
    interrupt while he’s working, etc.)

    — If you want to annoy Mr Flint, just ring his front doorbell.
    (= make him angry)

    annoyed (with/at/about) — / think she’s annoyed with/at me. —
    Passengers are annoyed at/about the recent

    increase in rail fares. (in broad terms, annoyed with someone
    about/over something)

    — The lecturer got annoyed when he was asked the same question
    again and again. (Not *The lecturer annoyed*)

    another — Do you need another chair?

    (= an additional one, one more) — Give me another cup. This
    one’s cracked.

    (Not *an other* *one more*) (= a different one)

    answer (to) — When can you give me an answer?

    (Not *make me an answer*)


  • — Will you please answer my question. (Not *answer to my
    question*, though we can use answer as a noun and say: That’s the
    answer to your question.)

    — The police have picked up a boy who answers (to) Rupert’s
    description. (= fits; corresponds with)

    antenna • aerial — / think the TV aerial needs adjusting.
    {antenna: AmE only; plural: antennas) — How does an ant use its
    antennae ?

    (- feelers; the plural is antennae when antenna is used as a
    biological term)

    antiquity • antique — It must cost you a fortune insuring all

    valuable antiques. (Not * antiquities*) (= furniture and objects
    made in the past; often rare and valuable)

    — Much of the work of the great writers of antiquity has not
    survived. (= ancient times, especially the Greek and Roman
    classical periods)

    — There’s an excellent display of antiquities in the local
    museum. (= items surviving from the distant past)

    anxious about — Jackie’s very anxious about her exam

    results. (Not *for*) any

    — This isn’t just any cake. (i.e. it’s special)

    — He’ll need any help he can get. (= a/I the)

    — Give me a plate please. Any plate will do. (i.e. it doesn’t
    matter which; any has special uses in addition to its normal use as
    a quantifier)

    any one • anyone — There wasn’t anyone at the party whom I

    knew. (Not *any one*) (= not any person)

    — / don’t think any one of these plants will be suitable in a
    small garden. (Not *anyone*) (= one of)

    apart • separate — The two houses are quite separate; each

    house has its own separate entrance. (Not *apart*; note the
    spelling, not *seperate*) (adjective = different, distinct)

    — Jill and Ben separated years ago. (Not *aparted*)

    (= parted)

    — They’ve lived apart for years. (Not * lived separate*, but we
    can say lived separately) (apart = at a distance from each

    apart from • except for • except (+ object) — Everyone has
    helped in some way apart

    from you/except for you/except you. (Not *apart you* *apart for
    you*) (all three prepositions are possible)

    — Apart from you/Except for you, everyone has helped in some
    way. (Not *Except you*) (we cannot begin a sentence with except +
    object; we need except for/apart from)

    apartment/flat — We live in a small apartment/flat.

    (flat is more usual in BrE, apartment in AmE; note the spelling:
    not *appartment* *apartement*’, in AmE a flat is often used to mean
    ‘a flat tyre’ or a puncture)

    apology • defence — The accused had nothing to say in his

    defence. (Not *apology*) (i.e. to protect himself; AmE

    — Lynn isn’t prepared to speak to you unless she receives an
    apology for what you said. (i.e. unless you say you are sorry)

    appear — She appears to be aware of what’s going on.

    (Not * She’s appearing*) (stative use)

    — She’s appearing in ‘Showboat’. (dynamic use = she is or will
    be taking part in it as a performer)

    appear • arise — Problems should be solved as they arise.

    (Not *appear*) (= occur)

    — You should be able to spot a mistake when it appears. (= can
    be seen)

    appear • present • show • present myself — You’II have to
    show/present your passport at

    the frontier. (Not *appear*) (present = show is very formal)

    — Our new washing machine hasn’t presented any problems. (Not *
    shown* *appeared*) (= given)

    — / can’t appear in pyjamas. I must get something on.
    (preferable to present myself) (= be seen)

    — Take great care how you present yourself at tomorrow’s
    interview. (Not *appear*) (= look and behave)


  • appear • seem — You appear to/seem to think that nothing

    matters so long as you get what you want. — It appears/seems odd
    that he hasn’t written.

    (Not *appears oddly*) (= it is odd, strange)

    — This seems wrong. (Not *is seeming*) (stative use only)

    — He appeared from nowhere. (Not *seemed*) (= arrived within

    applause * a round of applause — When she finished speaking the

    responded with a round of applause. (Not *an applause* *a round
    of applauses* *applauses*)

    — There was loud applause at the end of the performance. (Not
    *were … applauses*) {applause is uncountable)

    appoint • hire — Farms always hire additional workers at

    harvest time. (Not *appoint*) (= employ, usually for a short

    — They’ve just appointed a new manager at my bank. (Not *hired*)
    (= chosen for a position or job)

    appreciate — We appreciate your help.

    (Not *We are appreciating*) (stative use: appreciate + object =
    a person recognizes the value of)

    — Houses are appreciating in value. (dynamic use, intransitive =
    a thing increases/is increasing in value)

    — We appreciate having such good friends at this difficult time.
    (Not *to have*)

    — I would appreciate it if you could help me. (Not *appreciate
    if you could help*) (= be grateful)

    — Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. (Not */ appreciate.
    *) (appreciate + object after a personal subject)

    — We appreciate John’s/his offering us a temporary loan. (Not

    — Her kindness was appreciated by everybody. (Not *very
    appreciated*) (appreciated is part of the passive, not an

    approach • come here • go near — ‘Come here!’ she said. (Not
    *Approach!*) — If a stranger calls to you from a car, don’t

    go near him/keep away from him. (the use of don’t makes approach
    too formal in this context)

    — As we came out of the cinema, a beggar approached us asking
    for money. (Not *approached to/from us*) (= came up to) (no
    preposition after approach)

    approve (of) — Most people don’t approve of smoking these days.
    (Not *approve smoking*) — Smoking is still allowed in restaurants,
    but a lot of people don’t approve (of it).

    (we always need of after approve = ‘like’ if an object follows;
    compare approve = ‘give formal consent to’, which is transitive:
    The Board has to approve the appointment.)

    archives • filing system • files — You must have my details
    somewhere in your

    filing system/files. (Not *archives*) (= a system used for
    storing information)

    — A lot of the material in this documentary film was found in
    the British Museum archives. (Not *archive*, but we can say It’s
    archive material.) (= a filing system for documents, etc., of
    historical importance)

    argument/row • quarrel • discussion • dispute

    — Some married couples seem to spend a lot of time
    quarrelling/having arguments/having rows. (Not *disputing*
    *discussing*) (= disgreeing, often with strong feeling; have a row
    is informal)

    — We’re having a big discussion about/ argument about the date
    of the next election. (Not *making/doing a discussion about/an
    argument about*) (a discussion = a talk, exchange of information or
    opinions; an argument contains the idea of disagreement)

    — We’re having a dispute with our neighbours over our property
    boundaries. (= a serious disagreement, often legal)

    arise • rise • raise — The whole audience rose to cheer the

    soloist. (Not *arose* *raised*) (rise — rose — risen:
    intransitive = stand up)

    — If you’d like to ask a question, raise your hand. (Not *rise*
    *arise*) (raise — raised — raised: transitive = lift up)

    — A serious problem has arisen which will take time to solve.
    (Not *risen* *raised*) (arise — arose — arisen = come into


  • arm • hand — This glove won’t fit my hand. (Not *arm*)

    The best basketball players have long arms. (Not *hands*)

    aroma • flavour • taste • scent • perfume — What flavour do you
    want, strawberry or

    vanilla? (Not *aroma* *perfume* *taste*) (i.e. that has this

    — Few things can beat the aroma of freshly- ground coffee. (Not
    *perfume*) (= a strong appetizing smell)

    — The room was filled with the scent of roses. (Not *flavour*
    *aroma*) (= a delicate smell, e.g. of flowers)

    — Dorothy wears too much perfume/scent. (Not *aroma*) (=
    manufactured, sweet-smelling liquid; perfume is now the commoner
    noun) / love the sharp sour taste of lemon. (= experience of

    arrange • settle • sort out — We’ve settled/sorted out our
    differences and

    there won’t be any more arguments. (Not *arranged*) (i.e. we’ve
    come to an agreement)

    — We’ve arranged a meeting to settle/sort out our differences.
    (= set up)

    arrange • tidy — It’s time you tidied your room.

    (Not *arranged*) (= put everything in it in order)

    — I’ve arranged these books in alphabetical order. (Not

    arrangement(s) — I’ve come to/made an arrangement to leave

    early on Fridays. (Not *done an arrangement*) (= agreed)

    — I’ve made arrangements for my holiday next month. (Not *done*)
    (= sorted out how something will be done)

    art • skill • technique • craft — / don’t think I’ll ever master
    the art/skill of

    public speaking. (Not *technique*) (= a skill is the knowledge
    and ability to do something; art is the same, but ‘higher’)

    — Some drivers never master the technique/skill of reversing
    into a parking space. (art would be a bit overstated here) (=
    specific method)


    — Everyone should be taught a craft. (= the knowledge and skill
    involved in making something by hand)

    artistic • art — A lot of art treasures were lost in the

    of 1966 in Florence. (Not *artistic*) (art treasures is a
    compound noun)

    — / hope my daughter can find work which suits her artistic
    inclinations. (= concerned with art, literature, etc.)

    as • than • else — You can wear clothes like that because you’re
    taller than I am. (Not *as* *else*) (comparative + than) — As
    parents, we’re responsible for our children’s actions. (Not

    (= in the capacity of) — We made the injured man comfortable,

    there was little else we could do for him. (= more,

    as • when — Nina started playing the piano when she

    was a child. (Not *as*) (when + clause of time)

    — As Nina is a child, you can’t expect her to practise for more
    than half an hour. (as + clause of reason)

    as if to • as if/as though — Henry always looks as if/as though

    angry. (Not *as if to be* *as though to be*) — Eleanor shrugged
    her shoulders as if to say

    she couldn’t care less. (= in such a manner)

    as soon as — We’ll discuss the matter as soon as he

    arrives. (Not *as soon as he will arrive*) (as soon as as a
    conjunction + present tense form when referring to the future;
    also: after, before, directly, immediately, the moment, when)

    ashamed (of/about) — I feel really ashamed. (Not */ ashamed* *I
    ashamed myself* *I have shame*) — I feel really ashamed of myself.
    It was my mistake and I’m ashamed about it.

    (Not */ ashamed for/from myself. * *I ashamed for/from it.*)
    (the verb phrase is be ashamed of oneself/ someone, be ashamed
    about something)

    ask — ‘When does the train arrive ?’ he asked.

    (direct question with ask)

  • — / asked my teacher when I would get my exam results. (Not
    *when would I get*) (indirect question with ask)

    — Mr Foley asked me to call him today. (neutral) He asked that I
    call him later. (formal) (Not *asked me that I should*)

    — Guests are asked to vacate their rooms by 12.00 on the day of
    departure. (formal) (Not *It is asked the guests to vacate*)

    — I asked a question. (also: ask a favour, the price, the

    ask for • ask about — Mrs Wilmot asked me about the

    (Not * asked me for*) (= enquired after)

    — The school is asking for contributions towards a new swimming
    pool. (= hopes to receive, is requesting)

    asleep * sleeping — The children are asleep/sleeping. — The cat
    curled up beside the sleeping

    children. (Not *asleep*) (we cannot use asleep in front of a
    noun, only after a noun + be, seem to be, etc.)

    ass • ace — What are your cards 1 — An ace and two

    queens, a jack and a ten. (Not *ass*) — Do you know Aesop’s
    story ‘The Miller, his

    Son, and the Ass’? (ass is an old-fashioned word for donkey)

    ass • pig — Morley has appalling manners and always

    behaves like a pig, especially when he’s been invited to a
    party. (Not *an ass*) (pig is an extremely derogatory and offensive
    description of a person)

    — Alan can be a silly ass at times, but he’s quite likeable.
    (Not *pig*) (ass, donkey and bone head are all familiar for ‘silly
    fool’, sometimes friendly)

    assist in • be present at/attend — / was present at/attended
    their wedding.

    (Not *assisted at* *attended at*) — I’d like to thank everyone
    who assisted in the

    making of this film. (= helped; formal)

    association * club • organization — / used to be a member of the
    School Film

    Club. (Not *Association* *Organization*) (a club consists of a
    number of people who enjoy a particular activity)

    — If you buy such an old car, you’d better join the Automobile

    (Not *Organization*) (an association looks after the interests
    of the people who are its members)

    — As one of the biggest US companies, General Motors is a huge
    organization. (= a business structure)

    assorted • matching — We chose a flower-patterned wallpaper

    matching curtains. (Not *assorted*) (i.e. curtains which match,
    that is, have the same or a similar colour and pattern)

    — During the film, the woman beside me opened a big box of
    assorted sweets. (i.e. different sweets packed together)

    assume — / assume/I’m assuming our new assistant

    can write French as well as speak it. (stative and dynamic use =

    — While the boss is away, I’ll be assuming responsibility for
    her workload. (dynamic use = having, taking on)

    assurance • insurance — I’ve taken out an insurance policy.

    (Not *assurance*) — I’m insured with a big life insurance/

    assurance company. (assurance is the old term to refer to
    protection against misfortune)

    — He gave me his assurance that the bill would be paid on time.
    (Not *insurance*) (= promise)

    assure (oneself) • insure (against) — Most offices are having to
    insure themselves

    against computer theft. (Not *assure*) (= pay money to an
    insurance company to cover theft)

    — Mr Biggs agreed to resign after he had assured himself that
    he’d be compensated. (assure oneself = make certain)

    assure (oneself) • make sure • check • verify — I’ve checked the
    tyres and the pressures are

    OK. (Not *assured*) (= examined)

    — / went back to assure myself/check/make sure/verify that I
    really had locked the door. (= make certain)

    — So far there’s been no evidence to verify the theory that
    there might be life on Mars. (= confirm, show it to be true)

    asylum • old people’s home — When she could no longer look after

    Aunt Alice went to live in an old people’s 15

  • home. (Not *asylum*) (= accommodation and care for old

    — You can’t turn away refugees who seek political asylum. (=
    protection, shelter)

    — The term ‘psychiatric hospital’ has now replaced the
    old-fashioned word asylum. (= a hospital for mentally-ill

    at • against • into • to — In the bad old days, the border
    guards had orders to shoot at people trying to cross the border
    illegally. (Not *against*) — The bull ran straight at me. (Not
    *against*) (i.e. deliberately in that direction)

    (at can sometimes have the sense of ‘against’, but cannot be
    replaced by it; at combines with other verbs to suggest
    ‘aggression’: e.g. aim at, shout at, shoot at, stare at, throw

    — We ran to our car to escape the rain. (to = direction towards;
    compare shout to, throw to; no aggression is implied)

    — Who’s for the idea or against it? (Not *at*) (= opposed to) —
    He drove into a tree. (Not *against*) (i.e. he accidentally crashed
    into it; into combines with other verbs to suggest collision: bump
    into, crash into, run into) at • in • on (place and time) Place —
    We waited at the door. (Not *in* *on*) (at a point) — There was an
    unpleasant atmosphere in the dentist’s waiting room. (Not *at*

    (in an area or volume) — Don’t leave your dirty laundry on the

    (Not *in* *at*) (on a surface)

    — I’ll meet you at/in the airport. (at refers to a meeting
    point; in suggests inside the building)

    — He’s at school/his aunt’s house/a wedding. (at refers to
    location, for events, addresses, or to mean ‘attending’) — They’re
    in Paris/the Mediterranean/the kitchen/hospital. (Not *at*) (in for
    towns, large areas, rooms and particular nouns like bed, hospital)
    Time — I’ll see you at 10. (Not *in* *on*)

    (at 10, at lunch, at noon, at Easter, etc.) — /’// see you on
    Monday. (Not *in* *at*) (on Monday, on May 1st, on that day, etc.)
    — I’ll see you in March. (Not *on* *at*) (in March, in 2020, in the
    morning, etc.)

    at* to — Jim’s gone to London Airport. (Not *at*)

    (to: direction towards) — Jim’s at London Airport. (Not

    (at: destination or position after movement) at last • in the
    end • finally — It was impossible to guess who had done the

    murder. In the end it turned out to be the cook. (Not *At last*;
    preferable to Finally) (= ‘when the story ended’)

    — We searched everywhere for accommodation and at
    last/finally/in the end a farmer offered us his barn for the night.
    (at last = after a long time; finally = after effort; in the end =
    ‘when the story ended’)

    — During the meeting we always have sales reports, production
    reports, work in progress, and finally any other business. (Not *in
    the end* *at last*) (i.e. as the last thing in a series.)

    — / wonder whether Mallory finally got to the summit of
    Everest/Mallory got to the summit of Everest in the end. (Not *at

    at once • immediately ■ coming — ‘Waiter!’ — ‘Coming, sir. I
    won’t be a

    moment.’ (Not *At once* *Immediately*) — When a restaurant is so
    crowded, you can’t

    expect to be served at once/immediately. (= without any

    ate * eat — / ate too much last night. (Not *eat*) — I eat too
    much; I’m too fat. (Not *ate*)

    (eat — ate — eaten) athletics — The athletics (events) are
    nearly over.

    (Not *The athletics is* *The athletic is*) (plural form + plural
    verb for specific references)

    — Athletics is an important part of physical training. (Not *The
    athletic is*) (plural form + singular verb to refer to athletics as
    a subject to be studied)

    attached to * connected with — There’s nothing coincidental
    about these

    events. They’re all connected with each other. (Not *attached
    to*) (= related to)

    — The lamp is attached to the ceiling by means of a hook. (Not
    *connected with*) (= fixed in position, fastened physically)

    attack — It’s criminal to attack civilian populations

    during a war.


  • (Not *attack against civilian populations*, though attack used
    as a noun can be followed by on or against: It’s time we launched a
    serious attack against/on this policy.)

    attend • visit • wait for • go/come to — You must visit the
    Louvre, (Not *attend*)

    (= go to, spend time at) — I’ll wait for you in the bar. I’ll be
    there at 6.

    (Not *attend you* *attend for you*) (i.e. stay in that place
    till you arrive)

    — I’d like to attend a service at St Paul’s. (Not *attend to/at
    a service*) (= go to, be present at an event)

    — I’d love to come/go to your party. (Not *attend* *attend to*)
    (attend is too formal here)

    attention (to) • care (for) • caution — Pippa held the
    photographs by the edges,

    with great care. (Not *attention*) (i.e. very carefully)

    — Could I have your attention for a moment? (Not *care*) (=

    — Notice the attention to/care for detail in this painting.

    — Caution! Roadworks! (Not *Attention!*) (= warning, danger)

    attract • attractive — Flowers attract bees. (Not *are

    (stative use = draw) — The latest model of this sports car

    attracting a lot of attention. (dynamic use = inviting

    — It’s a very attractive car. (Not * attracting*) (adjective =

    audience — The audience was/were applauding wildly.

    (collective noun + singular or plural verb; audience can also be
    used as a countable noun with a normal plural: audiences are; also:
    class, club, committee, company, congregation, council, crew,
    crowd, family, gang, government, group, jury, mob, staff, team,

    audience • auditorium — The auditorium was packed for the

    performance. (Not *audience*) (= that part of the theatre in
    which the audience sits to watch a performance)

    — The audience packed the auditorium for the first performance.
    (= the people watching the show)

    austere • strict • severe — My old headmaster was very
    strict/severe in applying the school rules. (Not *austere*) (=
    stern in his behaviour) — My old headmaster was very austere. (i.e.
    had a stern appearance, manner) — There were severe/strict
    penalties for misbehaviour. (Not *austere*) author/authoress —
    Catherine Cookson is the author of ‘The

    Black Velvet Gown’, (rather than authoress) (author applies to
    both sexes; similarly manager is preferable to manageress,

    autumn • autumnal — It was a typical autumn day: clear, with

    slight frost. (Not *autumnal*) (an autumn day = a day in

    — It’s theoretically spring, but it’s rather autumnal today. (=
    like autumn) (also: summer/summery, winter/wintry; and note

    avenue • alley — The shop is located in an alley that runs

    Oxford Street. (Not *avenue*) (= a very narrow street)

    — Brasilia is a modern city with wide tree- lined avenues. (Not
    *alleys*) — There was a victory march down the Grand Avenue. (Not

    (= a wide street in a town or city, often with trees along the

    awake — As soon as Samantha’s awake she has to

    start thinking about work. (we cannot use awake in front of a
    noun, only after a noun + be, seem to be, etc.)

    B baby — Ivy had a baby yesterday. (Not *made/did*) back •
    backside • behind (nouns) — Some people need a kick in/up the
    backside/a kick in/up the behind before they’ll do any work. (Not
    *in the back*) (backside/behind are very informal words for the
    part of the body which you sit on) — John has a continual pain in
    the back. (the back of the body is the opposite of the front of the
    body) — Let me show you the back of the house. (Not *backside*)


  • back • backwards * backward — / drove my children to school and
    then drove

    back (home). (= returned)

    — / engaged reverse gear and drove backwards. (= in that
    direction; opposite: forwards)

    — He left without so much as a backward glance. (Not *back*
    *backwards*) (backward as an adjective, not backwards)

    back • behind * at the back (of) — We have a nice garden behind
    the house/at

    the back of the house. (Not *back the house* *backfrom the
    house*) (behind/at the back of. prepositions + noun object)

    — There’s a paved area in front and a garden behind/at the back.
    (Not *back*)

    — I wish you’d put things back in their places. (Not *behind*
    *at the back*)

    (put things back = return them; behind and (at the) back are

    backache — / have/I’ve got a backache/I’ve got

    backache. (Not */ have my back.*) bad -/ know she’s annoying,
    but 1 don’t think she’s

    bad/a bad person. (Not *a bad*) -I know they’re infuriating, but
    they’re not

    really bad/bad people. (Not *bads*) (never bad on its own to
    mean ‘a bad person’)

    -We can’t ever be sure that the bad will be punished. (Not *the

    (the + adjective for the group as a whole) — / enjoy the work.
    The bad thing is the pay.

    (Not *The bad is*) (also the awful/the extraordinary/the

    interesting/the strange thing is …) bad: go bad — Those apples
    will go bad if you don’t keep

    them in a cool place. (Not *bad* *badden*) bad • badly — I play
    tennis badly. (Not *play bad*) (badly is an adverb modifying the
    verb play) — Business is slow and things look bad. (Not *things
    look badly*)

    (bad is an adjective describing things; compare
    taste/seem/smell/sound bad)

    bad at — Lots of people claim to be bad at maths.

    (Not *bad to* *bad in*) (also awful at, clever at, good at,
    quick at, slow at)

    badly • very • very much — None of us was hurt in the crash, but

    were all badly shaken/upset. (badly is preferable to very/very
    much here) (= to a serious degree)

    — You badly need a haircut. (Not *very*: badly is preferable to
    very much here; badly often combines with want/need)

    baggage/luggage • a case/suitcase • valise • coffer

    — I’m travelling light. I’ve got a small case/suitcase with me
    and that’s all. (Not *a baggage* *a luggage* *coffer*)

    — I’ve brought a lot of baggage/luggage and can’t manage on my
    own. I need a porter. (Not *a lot of baggages/a lot of luggages*)
    (baggage and luggage are uncountable)

    — You don’t need more than a small valise if you’re going away
    for the weekend. (= a small suitcase: old-fashioned,

    — You’d have to be mad these days to keep your money at home in
    an old coffer. (= a strong box: old-fashioned)

    bake • cook • roast — /’// cook supper tonight. (Not *bake*)

    (cook is the general verb for ‘prepare food by heating’)

    — / bake all our own bread. (Not *cook*) (= bake any made-up
    dish in the oven, especially one made with flour)

    — It says in the recipe that you cook/bake it in a hot oven for
    twenty minutes. (referring to a dish of some kind, not necessarily
    bread or cakes)

    — I’ve just had a look in the oven and the beef is
    roasting/cooking nicely. (Not *baking*) (roast = oven-cook any
    large piece of meat: roast chicken, sometimes with vegetables in
    the same dish: roast potatoes)

    balance • scales — / don’t know what this chicken weighs. Put

    on the scales. (Not *balance*) (= a weighing machine; always
    plural in BrE, but singular — scale — in AmE)

    — We still use a fine balance in our laboratory to weigh small
    amounts of substances. (= a precise weighing instrument)

    band • gang — / don’t approve of that gang of friends he

    goes around with. (Not *band*) (= an informal group, especially
    of young people, who do things together)


  • — My son plays in a band. (Not *gang*) (= a music group)

    band• tape — I’ve still got a lot of music on tape.

    (Not *on bands*) (= magnetic tape for recording sound)

    — The security man put a nylon band round my case to show that
    it had been examined. (= a strip of metal, plastic, elastic,

    bank • bench • form — Let’s sit on this bench and watch the

    go by. (Not *bank* *form*) (= a long wooden seat, with or
    without a back, especially out of doors)

    — When I was at school, we sat on hard wooden forms/benches.
    (Not *banks*) (forms = long schoolroom seats without a back, now

    — A river bank is a fine place for a picnic, especially on a
    sunny day. (= the side of a river)

    bankrupt: go bankrupt — They went bankrupt. (Not *

    (= were forced by debt to close a business) — We’re bankrupt!
    (Not * bankrupted*) — The sudden fall in demand for our

    bankrupted us/made us bankrupt. barely — They have barely enough
    to live on.

    (Not *don’t have barely enough*) (only one negative in any one
    clause; also hardly, scarcely)

    barracks • shack • hut • shed — Severino’s family lived in a
    shack outside

    Rio. (Not *a barracks/a shed*) (= a rough dwelling of local

    — If you want the foreman, you’ll find him in his hut. (Not
    *barracks/shack/shed*) (= a temporary building, often made of wood,
    e.g. on a building site)

    — We need a shed to store our garden tools. (Not
    *barracks/hut/shack*) (= a simple permanent building, often made of
    wood, and used as a storeroom)

    — The soldiers have been confined to barracks the whole weekend.
    (Not *barrack*) (= military buildings for housing soldiers; with a
    singular verb when regarded as a single unit: the barracks is; with
    a plural verb when used as a collective: the barracks are; also
    crossroads, headquarters)

    barred • closed • shut — We’re going to have to turn off soon.

    road ahead is closed. (Not *shut* *barred*, but we can say
    barred to traffic) (we use closed on its own for roads; we can only
    use barred if we add more information)

    — The shop is all shut up. Look, the windows are barred. (=
    closed with bars)

    — / was sure she was watching me from behind her closed window.
    (Not *shut*) (we don’t use shut before a noun)

    — Most shops are closed/shut on Sundays. (interchangeable)

    barrier • fence — There’s a high fence right round the

    (Not *barrier*) {a fence is rather like a wall, but made of
    wood, or wire on wooden or concrete posts)

    — The police have put up a barrier to keep people away. (Not
    *fence*) (= a line of metal, wood or rope, which people may not

    barrier • frontier — You have to have your passport checked

    the frontier. (Not *barrier*) (= the division between two

    — They won’t let us through the barrier until they’ve checked
    our luggage. (= a wooden or metal ‘arm’ used to control the
    movement of people and vehicles)

    base • basis — What’s your basis for making such a

    decision? (Not *base*) (= basic principle, foundation:
    pronounced /’beisis/; plural bases, pronounced /’beisi:z/)

    — The base of the Memorial is engraved with the names of those
    who died. (Not *basis*) (= the lowest part that supports what is
    built on it; plural bases, pronounced /’beisəz/)

    basin • swimming pool — /’// check the temperature, before I
    dive into that (swimming) pool. (Not *basin*) — Please fill this
    basin with water.

    (= a deep bowl-shaped object for holding liquids, etc.)

    bath • bathe • swim — / think I’ll have/take a bath. (noun) (Not
    *do/make a bath* *bath myself*) — I’m going to give the baby a
    bath. (noun) (Not *do/make the baby a bath*)

    (we can also say bath the baby, not *bathe the baby*)


  • — / don’t think many people bath more than once a day. (verb) (=
    have a bath in a bathtub/in a bath)

    — / can’t bear to bathe if the sea temperature is under 15°C.
    (Not *bath*) (bathe = have a swim, now becoming old-fashioned; AmE
    also = have a bath in a tub; also note to sunbathe, or have a

    — What’s she doing? — She’s bathing. (= having a bath /’ba:θiŋ/
    or a swim /’beiflirj/: both spelt the same)

    — I’m going down to the beach for a swim/a bathe. (Not

    — Let me bathe those scratches for you before you put on any
    ointment. (Not *bath*) (= wash gently, especially a wound)

    bazaar • bargain — We’ve made/struck a bargain and we’re

    going to keep to it. (Not *done a bargain* *made/done a

    — How long will you go on bargaining for a better price ? (Not
    *bazaaring*) (= negotiating a price)

    — We’re having a bazaar next Saturday to raise money for the
    hospital. (= an event where things are sold to raise money for a
    good cause) (bazaar can be used only as a noun)

    bazaar • market/market place — We do the shopping at the

    place every Friday. (Not *bazaar*) (= a place where people buy
    and sell goods)

    — We’re having a bazaar next Saturday to raise money for the
    hospital. (= an event where things are sold to raise money for a
    good cause)

    — / love visiting bazaars when I’m travelling in the Arab World.
    (= street markets, especially in Eastern countries)

    BC * AD — Pompey died in 48 BC. (or B.C.) — Tiberius died in AD
    37. (or A.D.)

    (BC = Before Christ; AD = Anno Domini, ‘in the year of Our
    Lord’. AD is not usually necessary, except in the early centuries
    to avoid confusion: Rome was sacked in AD 410, the 11th to the 21st
    centuries will always be taken to mean AD. Note the position of
    BC/AD in dates.)

    beam • ray — A ray of sunshine streamed into the room.

    (Not *beam*, but we can say a sunbeam) (= a thin bar of light,
    especially sunlight)


    — / was blinded by the beam of the car’s headlights. (Not *ray*)
    (= a strong stream of light, often from an artificial source)

    bear • bare — The table was bare. (Not *bear*) (= with nothing
    on it; pronounced /beər/) — Imagine meeting a bear in the

    (= a large animal; pronounced the same way) bear: can’t bear — /
    wish she wouldn’t eat so fast. I can’t bear

    to watch her. (i.e. now) — / wish she wouldn’t eat so fast. I
    can’t bear

    watching her. (i.e. now or in general) (-ing or to after

    bear • carry — We had to carry the baby. (Not *bear*)

    (= lift and move) — / don’t think your car suspension will

    such a heavy load. (= support the weight of; bear in the sense
    of ‘carry’ is old-fashioned)

    bear • suffer (from) • put up with — Isobel suffered terrible
    pain after her

    operation. (Not *bore*) (= experienced pain)

    — This place is so untidy. I don’t know how you can bear
    living/how you put up with living in it. (Not *suffer*) (= endure
    without protest)

    — If you eat so fast, no wonder you suffer from stomach-ache.
    (Not * suffer of/by*)

    beat • hit • bang • strike — Jimmy was rude to his mother and

    hit/struck him. (Not *beat/banged*) (i.e. once; strike is more
    formal than hit)

    — You can’t teach children by beating them. (Not
    *hitting/banging/striking*) (= hitting repeatedly)

    -If we play music, the people downstairs bang (on) the ceiling.
    (Not *hit/strike*) (= strike sharply; hit the ceiling = lose one’s
    temper, is an idiom)

    — / banged/hit/struck my head against the low doorway and hurt
    myself. (Not *beat*)

    beat • win • conquer — Tottenham won the Cup Final. (Not

    (you win something: e.g. a match) — What was the result of the
    Cup Final?

    Tottenham won. (Not *beat*) (win can be used intransitively)

    — Who won the war? (Not *beat/conquered*) (= defeated/beat the

  • — Tottenham beat Liverpool in the Cup Final. (Not *won
    Liverpool*) (you beat someone in a match; beat someone at e.g.

    — Alexander the Great conquered half the world before he was 33.
    (Not *won/beat*) (= took land by force of arms)

    beautiful • handsome • good-looking • pretty • attractive —
    Boris is a handsom

The right word wrong word longman is a reference and practice book of words and structures often confused or misused by learners. It is aimed at intermediate students and above in the upper secondary to adult age range.

Right Word Wrong Word is a Reference and Practice Book based on common errors in English. It covers items like the following:

  • Words often confused, where the student’s native language interferes with English (false friends): for example, benzine/petrol.
  • Word-confusions that exist within English itself: for example, rob/steal/burgle.
  • Structures in the student% language that interfere with English structures: for example, it has compared with there is/it is.
  • Confusions of structures within English itself: for example, must/had to.
  • Particular words and structures which are a well-known source of error: for example, get and enjoy.

Right Word Wrong Word is therefore a comprehensive usage book that provides answers to students’ questions that are not easily available from any other source.

Who is the book for?

The book is suitable for students of English as a foreign or second language at intermediate level and above, whether they are preparing for examinations or not. It is also suitable for teachers.

It extends the knowledge of non-native teachers by clarifying the meanings and uses of related items; it sensitizes native-speaking teachers by making them aware of mistakes that students really make. For both kinds of teachers, it is a handy reference for dealing with awkward questions on the spot.

How to use Right Word Wrong Word?


If you are in doubt about the use of a word, look in the index to find it, then go to the reference section. You may have to do this more than once to locate the meaning you are looking for. When you find the word you want, check whether the mistake listed is one you are likely to make yourself and which you must train yourself to suppress.

The reference section

The ‘wrong word’ is generally listed first, followed by the ‘right word’. For example:

block * pad

  • I’ve brought this nice new pad to take notes during the meeting. (Not *block*) (pad/writing pad = sheets of paper held together, used for writing or drawing).
  • – How did the ancient Egyptians cut and move such huge stone blocks ? (= stone, wood, etc., cut with straight sides).

Some words appear in different places. For example, mark has its own entry, but is also listed under grade/mark/degree, note down/mark and speck/spot/mark. The reference section focuses sharply on particular problems of contrast or use. It is not a dictionary and so does not deal with every possible meaning of a particular word.

Technical terms

The terms used in the reference section are briefly explained on pages 289-290.

Test Yourself

Exercises 1-41 are suitable for students of all levels, but especially for intermediate; exercises 42-96 are upper intermediate and advanced. The exercises deal with topics (e.g. health), functions (e.g. doing things for people), or grammar (e.g. phrasal verbs). You may work through the exercises in the order they occur, or pick and choose, according to level.

  1. Attempt an exercise, then check your answers in the answer key.
  2. Look up any item or items you aren’t sure of in the index, which will refer you to the reference section.

Practise using the items you have learned in your own speech and writing.

Right Word Wrong Word

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  • Common Lexical Errors in English

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  • added by out 08/09/2009 16:01
  • info modified 10/19/2010 00:54

Alexander L.G. Right Word Wrong Word with Answer Key

Words and structures confused and misused by learners of English. — Harlow: Longman, 1994. — ix, 308 p. — ISBN: 0-582-21860-8.

Longman publication. The book explains words and structures confused and misused by learners of English. The book contains Reference Section and Test Yourself part with Answer Key.

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Right Word Wrong Word: Words and Structures Confused and Misused by Learners of English (Longman English Grammar)

Right Word Wrong Word: Words and Structures Confused and Misused by Learners of English (Longman English Grammar)

Right Word Wrong Word: Words and Structures Confused and Misused by Learners of English (Longman English Grammar)

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