Writing sentences with word banks

banks — перевод на русский

The mobile banking for money exchange will go directly to—

Мобильный банк для обмена валюты перенаправит…

Returned home briefly before making a stop at the Radford Bank in Adams Morgan.

Заехал ненадолго домой перед тем, как пойти в Рэдфорд Банк в Адамс Морган.

Take it to Radford Bank.

Иди с ним в Редфорд банк.

You’re the fella that almost broke the bank at Monte Carlo.

Ты тот тип, который почти сорвал банк в Монте-Карло.

You’ll be backing up that truck of yours at the bank every day.

Будешь отправлять свой грузовик в банк каждый день.

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I wish I were in a position to ignore the whole matter, but you know, madame, the stock market, a bank crash…

Я бы желал находиться в положении, когда мог бы игнорировать такие вещи, но Вы знаете, мадам, биржа, банковский крах…

I don’t resent your not paying me for the past two months… but the thought that I should split my bank account with you… that you should take half of my life’s savings… that is really too much for me, sir.

Я не сержусь из-за того, что вы не платите мне уже второй месяц… просто сама мысль о том, что мне придется разделить с вами мой банковский счет… передать вам половину всех моих сбережений… поймите, мсье, я не готов пойти на это.

Any good bank clerk can cover up alittle shortage. Isn’t that right, Charlie

Любой хороший банковский работник может это уладить, да, Чарли?

— but it is the bank’s business.

— но это банковский бизнес.

As your bank manager, I’d prefer you to leave the account open.

— Они ведь твои. Как твой банковский менеджер, я бы не хотел, чтобы ты закрывала счет.

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(HUMMING OFF-KEY) on the banks of the Wabash

На берегу Вабаша

Remember that night on the Left Bank… you had on that little blue dress I bought for you?

Помните тот вечер на левом берегу… Вы были в голубом платье, которое я вам купил?

If the assassination could trammel up the consequence, and catch with his surcease success, that but this blow might be the be-all and the end-all here, but here, upon this bank and shoal of time, we’ld jump the life to come.

Могло, учтя все следствия, поймать Один успех, когда бы мой удар Однажды навсегда решал бы всё — Хоть только здесь, на берегу времён,— О будущей бы жизни я не думал.

We’re on the Left Bank now.

Мы на Левом берегу.

Many years ago, a flood destroyed the village… which was then rebuilt on the opposite bank.

Много лет назад она вышла из берегов и затопила деревню. Но она была отстроена заново, уже на противоположном берегу.

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— Mrs. Banks, I would like a word with you.

Миссис Бэнкс, надо поговорить.

— Mrs. Banks…

Миссис Бэнкс…

If I may have a word, Mrs. Banks.

Могу я вставить слово, миссис Бэнкс?

— Mrs. Banks!

Миссис Бэнкс!

— Mrs. Banks.

Миссис Бэнкс.

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Of course, if Fuzzy-Wuzzy really wants to give me something he could put a few more pennies in my bank account.

Уж если мусик-пусик хочет мне что-то дать Он мог бы добавить немного денег на мой счет.

When you deposit tuppence in a bank account

Свою монетку отдав нам, ты откроешь счёт.

Zhukov’s cut had to be paid into your bank.

Деньги Жукова переводились на твой счет!

Payments were made to the contracting organization or a Hong Kong bank account.

Оплата производилась через посредников… или шла на счет в Гонконге.

Draw $500 out of my bank and get it over to Burrows’s wife.

Сними $500 с моего счета и отправь жене Берроуза.

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That’s what I went into the bank for, to get rich and to buy you things someday. Anything your heart desired.

Как-то я даже хотел ограбить банк, чтоб делать Вам подарки, и все, что душа пожелает.

All we needed was a little bank robbery.

Всё что нужно, это слегка ограбить банк.

Not if I can rob a bank.

Нет, если мне удастся ограбить банк.

I got a bank to rob. How do I look?

Мне нужно ограбить банк.

Bathe with naked girls and rob a bank.

Принять ванну с голыми девушками и ограбить банк.

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The bank deals. If it wins, you lose half your bet, meaning 500 francs…

Если выиграет банкир, то вы потеряете половину 500 франков но если выиграете вы, вы со всей силы затягиваетесь и выдыхаете дым в направлении вашей банкноты.

— I’m no bank.

Я не банкир.

I don’t trust it in a bank teller or a salesman.

Не доверяю, будь он банкир или продавец.

Sam is in banking.

Сэм — банкир.

I work in a bank.

Я — банкир.

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He’s the one who spread out some tong differences to include a bank stick-up.

Тот самый, который улучшил достижения китайской диаспоры, включив в них ограбление банка.

Was I dreaming or did I just see a bank held up?

Это был сон, или я увидел ограбление банка?

It’s like robbing a bank.

Конечно. Это как ограбление банка.

Thanks, Kent. There was more dumb luck today… when Police Chief Wiggum foiled a bank holdup… without even trying.

Опять новости про тупое везение шеф полиции Виггам сорвал ограбление банка, даже не пошевелив пальцем.

Tragedy in the neighborhood today. A bank robbery spilled out into the street.

Сегодня произошло ограбление банка, которое имело продолжение на улице.

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Break the money bank, but not the counter

Разбей копилку, но не ломай прилавок.

Can you open my bank too?

А сможешь открыть копилку?

You brought a piggy bank.

— Ты принесла копилку.

I smashed open my little boy’s piggy bank, and for what?

Я разбил копилку моего сыны, но зачем?

— We even emptied our banks.

— Мы разобьем копилку.

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Then when we wanted to take a bank, we’d go into the other state.

А грабить банки ездили бы в другой штат.

— Don’t tell me how to rob a bank!

— Не учи меня грабить банки.

Banks are easier.

Грабить банки полегче.

It ain’t him to rob a bank!

Он не из тех, кто грабит банки!»

Who else would rob a bank but a crazy?

Кто еще грабит банки, кроме сумасшедших?

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Предложения со словом «banks»

In Africa, the continent has leapfrogged phone lines to go to mobile phones, bypassed traditional banks to go straight to mobile payments.

Африка — континент, который сразу перешёл к мобильной связи в обход телефонных линий, а также к мобильным платежам в обход традиционных банков .

It was late 1970s, I was 34 years old, and I had calculated that American banks had lent much more money to emerging countries than those countries were going to be able to pay back and that we would have the greatest debt crisis since the Great Depression.

Был конец 1970 — х, мне было 34 года, и я посчитал, что американские банки ссудили развивающимся странам намного больше денег, чем те могли вернуть, значит, нас ожидал серьёзнейший долговой кризис со времён Великой депрессии.

And if you gave it to one of our local food banks or food pantries, we could actually feed 20 people with that money.

А если бы вы отдали их в один из местных пищевых банков или благотворительную столовую, мы могли бы накормить 20 человек.

What happened is the Kosi River jumped its banks , and for reference, the scale bar here is 40 miles.

Случилось так, что Коси вышла из берегов, для сравнения, масштаб здесь 1:65 км.

So this river got clogged and it jumped its banks .

То есть произошёл затор, и река вышла из берегов.

So there’s no schools, there’s no hospitals, there’s no police, there’s no banks , there’s no athletic clubs, there’s no utilities.

Нет ни школ, ни больниц, ни полиции, ни банков , ни фитнес — клубов, и коммунальных услуг тоже нет.

But banks quickly discovered that it also was cheaper to open new branches, and the number of bank branches increased by about 40 percent in the same time period.

Но банки быстро поняли, что открывать новые филиалы стало дешевле, и число новых банковских отделений выросло на 40% за тот же период времени.

As our societies grew more complex and our trade routes grew more distant, we built up more formal institutions, institutions like banks for currency, governments, corporations.

С усложнением нашего общества и расширением торговых границ мы построили более формализованные институты, например, валютные банки , правительства и корпорации.

And I believe we are now entering a further and radical evolution of how we interact and trade, because for the first time, we can lower uncertainty not just with political and economic institutions, like our banks , our corporations, our governments, but we can do it with technology alone.

И я уверена, что мы стоим на пороге радикальной эволюции того, как мы взаимодействуем и торгуем, потому что мы впервые в состоянии снизить уровень неопределённости не только через политические или экономические институты, такие как банки , корпорации и правительство, а при помощи лишь одной технологии.

So rather than all of our uncertainties slowing us down and requiring institutions like banks , our governments, our corporations, we can actually harness all of that collective uncertainty and use it to collaborate and exchange more and faster and more open.

Вместо того чтобы смириться с неопределённостями, замедляющими нашу работу и требующими институтов, таких как банки , правительства или корпорации, мы можем их обуздать и использовать для более быстрого и открытого сотрудничества и обмена.

And yet at the same time, trust in institutions — banks , governments and even churches — is collapsing.

И в то же время доверие к институтам — банкам , правительствам и даже церквям — рушится.

He should be down around the outer banks by now.

Он должен снизиться вокруг внешних банков к настоящему времени.

We asked economic reporter dan banks for his assessment.

Мы задали вопрос нашему экономическому обозревателю Дэну Бэнксу

Radio dishes mapped cold banks of molecules and magnetized plasma.

Радиоволны изображали расположение смерзшихся в комки молекул и намагниченной плазмы.

Along the canal banks , squatters’ shacks leant dangerously.

По обоим берегам канала над водой угрожающе нависли бедняцкие лачуги.

Merchant banks And yachts at Cannes

Коммерческие банки и яхты в Каннах

With their bloody laws and factories and courts and banks .

С их проклятыми законами и фабриками, судами и банками .

Then we’d have solid bedrock on both banks .

Тогда бы у нас была солидная опора на обоих берегах.

I think one of the greatest influences on me was growing up on the banks of the Hudson, which is such a beautiful place in the different light and different times of year.

Мне кажется, одним из сильнейших влияний на меня было то, что я росла на берегах Гудзона, который является таким красивым местом в разном освещении и разные времена года.

New York is a city of banks .

Нью — Йорк — город банков .

Kyiv is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper, the longest and most beautiful river of Ukraine.

Киев расположен на живописных берегах Днепра , самой большой и красивой реки Украины .

Some of them are named Bank Holidays due to the fact that on those days the banks and post offices are closed.

Некоторые из них называются банковскими праздниками в связи с тем , что в эти дни банки и почты закрыты .

Banks of monitors and comm links filled the little room.

Маленькую комнату заполняли ряды мониторов и комм — пультов.

Several witnesses confirmed that you publicly threatened Dr. Banks .

Несколько свидетелей подтвердили, что вы публично угрожали доктору Бэнкс.

Said Banks died of an air bubble in the brain.

Сказали, что Бэнкс умер от пузырька воздуха в мозгу.

Banks wanted to be here for a delivery of something.

Бэнкс хотел быть здесь при доставке чего — то.

These people did not even trust banks in their homeland.

Эти люди привыкли не доверять банкам на своей родине.

We also celebrate Day of the Defender of Motherland on the 23d of February, Easter, Day of Knowledge and lots of professional holidays which are not public holidays and banks , offices and schools do not close.

Мы также отмечаем День защитника отечества 23 февраля, Пасху, День знаний и множество профессиональных праздников, которые не являются государственными праздниками и банки , офисы и школы не закрываются.

Banks and offices are not closed, but it is a happy little festival for young people.

Банки и офисы не закрыты, но это счастливый фестиваль молодых людей.

The financial market is represented by the National bank of Belarus, 29 commercial banks and 10 foreign ones.

Финансовый рынок представлен Национальным банком Белоруссии, 29 коммерческими банками и 10 иностранными.

Banks and offices do not close, but it is a happy little festival in honour of St Valentine, patron of sweethearts and lovers.

Банки и офисы не закрываются, но это счастливый маленький праздник в честь святого Валентина, — покровителя влюбленных.

Many schools, offices and banks close for this day, some stay open.

Многие школы, офисы и банки закрываются в этот день, некоторые остаются открытыми.

Schools, banks and offices close for the day.

Школы, банки и офисы закрываются в этот день.

The capital of the United Kingdom, London, stands on the banks of the Thames.

Столица Великобритании, Лондон, стоит на берегу Темзы.

Public holidays in Britain are called bank holidays, because the banks as well as most of the offices and shops are closed.

Выходные дни в Англии называют банковскими днями, потому что банки , как и большинство офисов и магазинов закрыты.

It’s situated in Manhattan and houses lots of banks and other commercial organizations.

Она расположена в Манхэттене и вмещает многие банки и другие коммерческие организации.

We also celebrate Easter and lots of professional holidays which are not public holidays and banks , offices and schools do not close.

Мы также празднуем Пасху и много профессиональных праздников, которые не являются выходными днями и банки , офисы и школы не закрываются.

The cold water cools the moist warm air above it and that produces banks of fog.

Холодная вода охлаждает теплый влажный воздух над собой так появляются гряды тумана.

And then he withdrew all his accounts from the banks .

А потом он снял всё со счетов в банках .

The other main industry of the town seemed to be a fine pottery made from the banks of white clay that front the river.

Другой главной индустрией города является производство прекрасной глиняной посуды из белой глины, залегающей вдоль реки.

The moonlight reflecting off the river’s broad surface filtered in bright bursts through the trees lining the banks .

Сквозь деревья, росшие вдоль берега, пробивались яркие отсветы лунного света, отраженного водной поверхностью.

A sluggish stream wandered between banks of dark red reeds.

Мутная река протекала между берегами, густо заросшими темно — красным камышом.

The village dock and the small ferry that operated between the north and south banks of the river ran precisely on the hour.

Пристань и маленький паром, ходивший между южным и северным берегами, работали строго по часам.

Did you create a plan to finance Soviet Russia and destroy American banks and financial institutions?

Вы разработали план финансирования Советской России и хотите разорить американские банки и финансовые институты?

Children were taking hammers and smashing their piggy banks and running out to the shops with handfuls of money.

Дети разбивали свои копилки и с полными карманами мелочи бежали в магазины.

One critical item of information that has never been incorporated into the memory banks of any Earth ship.

Эту исключительную информацию никогда не включали в банки памяти ни одного из земных кораблей.

A wave of steaming water swept across the field as the Vedra overflowed its banks .

Стремительная волна пронеслась через поле, когда Ведра вышла из берегов.

The banks will announce a security action necessitating their computers to go offline all weekend.

Банки объявят об акции безопасности, по которой их компьютеры будут отключены все выходные.

The medical supplies section informs us that the banks will be unable handle new material until further notice.

Секция медицинского обеспечения сообщает, что до нового уведомления банки не смогут справляться с дальнейшим материалом.

We take the guarantee to the banks as collateral for emergency loans.

Мы обратимся за гарантиями к банкам для обеспечения экстренных займов.

Banks earned profits through service charges, but their clients lost everything.

Банки заработали прибыль за счет платы за услуги, а их клиенты потеряли все.

My dad merged the small savings banks to establish the Islands Saving Bank.

Мой отец объединил несколько мелких банков и получился Исландский Сберегательный Банк.

The raw-file printouts from the data banks de scribed in detail the facts and speculations that resulted in the negative evaluation of each individual.

Распечатки приводили факты и гипотезы, на основе которых каждому объекту была дана негативная оценка.

We are equipped with ten phaser banks 250 photon torpedoes, and a high-capacity shield grid.

Корабль оборудован десятью фазерными массивами, 250 фотонными торпедами и системой щитов высокой емкости.

We’re trying to see if there’s a way we can intercept Ginn’s signal and download it into the ship’s memory banks .

Мы пытаемся понять, есть ли способ перехватить сигнал Гин и сохранить его в память корабля.

Your knowledge will simply be downloaded into our memory banks .

Твои знания станут весьма просто доступны для загрузки их в наши банки памяти.

The banks issue coins to four times the amount of the gold they hold.

Банки выпускают монеты в количествах, четырехкратно превышающих запас того золота, которое у них содержится.

I’m going to deposit the money in one of the banks here and put an officer in charge of the disbursement.

Я помещу деньги в один из банков и поручу кому — нибудь из служащих отвечать за выплату.

It’s not uncommon during foreclosure sales when banks are trying to save a few bucks.

Не ничего необычного в продаже залогового имущества, когда банки пытаются сохранить несколько баксов.

And we were back on the banks of the Thames, during my father’s abortive attempt to rescue the two-year-old Landen.

И мы снова оказались на берегах Темзы в момент папиной неудачной попытки спасти двухлетнего Лондэна.

Synonym: barrier, row, series, shore, slope, storage, string, treasury. Similar words: banker, bank on, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, investment banker, ban, band. Meaning: [bæŋk]  n. 1. a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities 2. sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water) 3. a supply or stock held in reserve for future use (especially in emergencies) 4. a building in which the business of banking transacted 5. an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers 6. a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home 7. a long ridge or pile 8. the funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games 9. a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force 10. a flight maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its longitudinal axis (especially in turning). v. 1. tip laterally 2. enclose with a bank 3. do business with a bank or keep an account at a bank 4. act as the banker in a game or in gambling 5. be in the banking business 6. put into a bank account 7. cover with ashes so to control the rate of burning 8. have confidence or faith in. 

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1. The police observed a man enter the bank.

2. The gang tried to intimidate the bank manager.

3. He pointed to something on the opposite bank.

4. The criminals conspired to rob a bank.

5. The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.

6. The bank will supply and buy back foreign currency.

7. The company’s bank statements illustrate its success.

8. She was employed in a bank.

9. I don’t have a bank account.

10. The bank robbers wore masks throughout the raid.

10. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and create good sentences.

11. My bank account is in the red.

12. The river flowed over the bank.

13. The jewels were kept in a bank vault.

14. He absconded from the bank with all the money.

15. The bank has its headquarters in Pairs.

16. The shares were underwritten by the Bank of England.

17. There’s a bank down the road.

18. Tall, luxuriant plants grew along the river bank.

19. The bank is reassessing its criteria for lending money.

20. The bank was robbed by a gang of bandits.

21. The bank refused to accept any mortgage on land.

22. They observed him entering the bank.

23. The two conspired to rob a bank.

24. She deposited the money in the bank.

25. Robbers held up a bank at gunpoint.

26. Interest accrues on a bank accout.

27. The bank rescued the company from bankruptcy.

28. He is engaged at a bank.

29. I asked the bank for a loan.

30. The policemen pursued the bank robbers.

More similar words: banker, bank on, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, investment banker, ban, band, bane, banns, Cuban, urban, banal, lank, sank, rank, tank, banish, banquet, bandage, bantam, disband, abandon, husband, banner, flank, frank, lanky, thank, blank. 

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  • There is a word bank on page two, which can be given to the students or kept from them.
  • This is a song to practice COMMANDS and includes options with and without a word bank as well as the answer key and a link to the video.
  • Support your beginner readers and writers with this dialogue word bank.
  • Modified Version with a word bank is included as well.
  • Identify the adjectives in the word bank and us.
  • Word Bank: Covalent solvent deposition dissolve cohesion surface cooler universal tension polar viscosity condensation negatively.
  • You will receive one puzzle, word clues, word bank, and an answer key.
  • Includes a word bank.
  • The responsibilities of the Mall There is no word bank, this is a slightly more challenging.
  • Akismet to present day printable constitution day worksheets have to find a word bank are in the form to the picture or the people.
  • Use the word bank to complete each sentence.
  • Use the word bank to assist with finding answers!
  • Then, call on a volunteer to read the instructions and the words in the word bank.
  • Whether you looking for a Fall word scramble with a word bank or without a word bank, I have the perfect printable for you!
  • Sentences with the word bank teller Use our Synonym Finder.
  • Provide an illustrated word bank of character traits or a bilingual glossary.
  • Students are then asked to complete the outline by inserting phrases from a word bank.
  • Show word bank Use lowercase Keep puzzle as small as possible Normal size puzzle Large puzzle Only use letters from Spelling Words.
  • Students use the word bank for the subjects.
  • They do not have to use the words from the word bank, but this helps many of my reluctant writers get going.
  • The Use word bank tab gives you the option to choose a topic and have a word cloud created from an existing word bank.
  • Use the word bank if you need help, and check your work in the answer key.
  • Direct students to the word bank and vocabulary to follow along and view images.
  • When writing, she can check her word bank to find just the right word.
  • Each of the key terms used have been provided in a word bank to make the activity accessible for younger students.
  • Paste worksheet labels as a word bank write.
  • For this economics worksheet, students answer six questions about supply and demand by using the provided word bank.
  • This lesson comes with a VENN Diagram that students will fill in comparing and contrasting animal and plant cells using a word bank.
  • Words in the word bank include: thank, bank, rank, yank, drank, crank, tank, prank, blank and sank.
  • Stuck, they can take a look at the word bank equations are included here the air sudoku.
  • Soldier Life Using the word bank, fill in the missing words.
  • Error opening the word bank are not a free account to the constitution day is quickly approaching.
  • In these worksheets, students use a word bank to match the words to ones with missing letters and write the correctly spelled words.
  • Read each of the sentences about the immune system and fill in the blank with the correct word from the word bank.
  • For academic writing, temporarily supply a word bank of transitions, an essay structure graphic, or sentence frames.
  • Using the helpful questions and word bank, identify the different bones in the human skeleton!
  • Students fill in the empty boxes from a word bank.
  • The word scramble is included with a word bank on the page, as well as on a separate page.
  • Word bank for EE Concept Review Build the word hinge.
  • Use the graph and the words in the word bank to complete the statement.
  • Use the following words in the word bank to complete the passage.
  • Each day is, constitution day activities first grade sight word bank are free account to the nineteenth amendment, students of government work in the help.
  • Using a word bank, information about Latin roots, and a definition, learners fill in the missing letters in each word.
  • Information carefully to read and spell the my word Search puzzle maker ruin the word bank to figure out words.
  • Delete some key content words and havestudents write in the missing worsee belowsee belowwithout a word bank.
  • Each concept map includes a word bank with the exact amount of words for the number of boxes.
  • Sight word bank on christmas cookies and may you could be filled with loved ones who bring so positivity is nothing better than the holidays.
  • Provide a word bank for the writing activity.
  • Sciences Office of Career Services includes answers to FAQs about preparing resumes and cover letters, a useful word bank for describing various career experiences, nine examples of resumes tailored t
  • The correct words are featured in the word bank to help students struggling with this concept.
  • Using forces motion worksheet students fill in the blank to complete example sentences of force using a word bank provided.
  • Using the word bank below, choose the letter of the correct multiple meaning word that fits in the sentence.
  • Waves And Electromagnetic Spectrum General Chemistry Quiz Docsity Use the word bank to answer the following questions.
  • This interactive activity, together with a crossword puzzle with a word bank, a matching activity, and a word search activity can be combined to cover the same group of concepts.
  • These cards may have the same vocabulary terms and symbols as those on the word wall or word bank.
  • Each lesson focuses on a single vocabulary concept or on a theme that ties together the list of words in the word bank.
  • Argumentative essay word bank.
  • Here are all of the words from the word bank: Alkaline Earth Me.
  • Please see the preview for the Constitution word bank sets.
  • The required word bank adds another layer of challenge.
  • This would have shown if Craig had truly added the words to his word bank on a long term bases.
  • Skeletal System Worksheet Use the word bank to fill in the missing statements.
  • Google drive templates memo template word bank statement guidelines sample restaurant survey apa format resume layout free business memos smartsheet example bdo.
  • Words in the word bank include: America, colonies, fireworks, freedom, fun, Hancock, king, liberty, party, patriotic, states, summer, taxes, thirteen, united and white.
  • Words in the word bank include: Billy, chill, grill, still, drill, skill, thrill, fill, spill and will.
  • Free to come with suffixes ness worksheets let the word bank to provide your ela or use and the students.
  • These suggestions are updated in real time and sure to generate some traffic, since they are based on actual user searches and not a word bank.
  • Students use the synonyms word bank to solve each crossword clue.
  • Play the Complete the Sentence game The object of the game is to drag the word tiles from the word bank at the bottom and drop them into the correct empty boxes within the sentences on the game board.
  • The with or without word bank puzzle can be used depending upon the learner, or the student can complete the puzzle with the word bank first and then come back and do.
  • Put the word bank words in the proper place in the Venn diagram with the headings: food, plants.
  • Choose from three types of activities in this packet: Fill in the Blank without a word bank, Fill in the Blank with a word bank included, and Jigsaw lines of each prayer.
  • Circle the adverbs in the word bank.
  • Kids should use the words from the word bank to fill in the missing portions of the Bible story.
  • In your Journal word bank, compose a sentence for each of your vocabulary words.
  • The bottom section requires students to fill in the blanks of a passage about scurvy, using a word bank.
  • For mild intellectual disabilities, as well as providing the word bank, I would also provide the beginning letter of each word at the start of the word gap.
  • Write example words on each page of the flip book to create a word bank for each part of speech.
  • It has a word bank, why do you need a key?
  • Other options include adding clues and a word bank.
  • Fill in the blanks with the correct Attendance Tracking and Notification reports from the word bank.
  • Tell your students that they will be labeling the tree with the words found in the word bank at the top of the page.
  • Children will be coloring nouns they identify from a list, selecting nouns from a word bank and applying them into a short sentence, and writing a sentence with their own nouns!
  • Finally, the students are asked to write the correct process for each stage using a word bank.
  • Chinese Idioms he has missed out earlier for him to add on to his word bank.
  • Search challenge of our day activities first grade, vocabulary word bank are the urge to benefit of current slide layers in and the good news.
  • It works as an add on translating words on any website and adding them to your word bank, where you can review them using SRS.
  • Use the word bank to write sentences and draw pictures.
  • An apology letter template is also included if an apology is necessary along with a word bank to guide students that may need support with writing.
  • Ask the children to find as many Greek words as they can and to produce a word bank or IT database with their findings.
  • Your child will review vocabulary words that relate to this colorful Mexican holiday, and she can use the word bank or the answer key if she gets stumped.
  • Use a linking verb from the word bank to complete each sentence.
  • This is also a great activity to leave for your class A word bank for the crossword puzzle is also included on a separate page.
  • Students have been provided with a word bank to help with spelling and encourage ideas for writing.
  • Nairobi, Kenya: The word bank.

Similar words: Working Out Solutions, Worth Separating From, Workload Diminishes, Work Extra Harder, World Grieving, Worksheet For, Work With A Product, Working Flat Out, Workshop Will Be Given, Works Exactly, Worldometer, Words That Sound Alike With Different, Work Perfectly Fine, Work Best For Us, Worth A Million Bucks, Worth Is, Worthy Reasons, Words With 3, Worth A Toast, Work Function

  1. Писать предложения с глаголами из Всемирного банка. Использование различных временных форм и правильное время выражений.

    Чтобы вывихнуть лодыжку,

    пот smb.’s на вес,

    успокоился чего-л.,


    чтобы облегчить боль,

    дополнить лодыжки ватой,

    использовать аптечку,

    использовать бинт.



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Главная » Английский язык » Write sentences with the verbs from the word bank. Use different tense forms and the correct time expressions. To sprain an ankle, to pot smb.’s weight on, to ease off smth.

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