Write word using numbers

It’s known that when digital digits are looked at upside down they resemble an English letter. Here is a guide on how to write words using numbers on your calculator.


  • 1 Steps
    • 1.1 Calculator Help
    • 1.2 Writing Words with a Calculator
    • 1.3 Examples
    • 1.4 Hexadecimal Method
  • 2 Video
  • 3 Things You’ll Need
  • 4 Related Articles


Calculator Help

Doc:Calculator Letter List,Calculator Word List,Calculator Name List

Writing Words with a Calculator

  1. Know which numbers represent what letter upside down. Here is a list:
    • 0=O/D
    • 1=I
    • 2=Z
    • 3=E
    • 4=h
    • 5=S
    • 6=P
    • 7=L
    • 8=B
    • 9=G
  2. Using the available letters, write a word on a piece of paper.
  3. Write the corresponding numbers for your word underneath each letter.
  4. Type the numbers you have from right to left. (I.E. Enter the number corresponding to the last letter of your word first.)
  5. Turn your calculator upside down. Ta-da!


  1. Below are some examples.
    • 7735 for sale
    • 77165 for spill
    • 77345993 for EGGSHELL
    • .40404 FOR HOHOHO
    • 312217 for LiZZiE
    • 30175 for SLIDE
    • 817 for LIB
    • 5907 for LOGS
    • 0.7734 for HELLO
    • 14 for HI
    • 5376606 or 5379909 for GOGGLES
    • 376006 or 379009 for GOOGLE
    • 53177187714 for HILLBILLIES
    • 1134206 for GOsHELL
    • 5317 for LIES
    • 3080 for OBOE
    • 53045 for SHOES
    • 710.77345 for SHELLOIL
    • 5537 for LESS
    • 839 for BEG
    • 31041134 for HELLHOLE
    • 707 for LOL
    • 3070804 for HOBOJOE
    • .0804 for HOBO
    • 345 for SHE
    • 0.02 for ZOO
    • 7714 for hill
    • 7734 for hell
    • 30176 for GLIDE
    • 0.9 for go
    • 738051 for Isobel
    • 31773 for ellie
    • 0375 for sled
    • 0.637 for Lego
    • 738 for leg
    • 31138 for belle
    • 8357353 for eselseb (Norwegian)
    • 2208 for boss
    • 3207 for lose
    • 32009 for goose
    • 32339 for geese
    • 0140 for Ohio
    • 733 for eel
    • 5733 for eels
    • 0.08 for boo
    • 202 for SOS
    • 808 for Bob
    • 338 for bee
    • 2338 70 918 for big ol bees
    • 50774 for sorry
    • 5491375808 for bobsleighs
    • 337 for LEE
    • 8008 for boobs
    • 5318008 for boobies

Hexadecimal Method

  1. If your calculator can do hexadecimal numbers, switch to that mode. FHRITP
  2. Write words right side up using the letters A-F, I (1), O (0) and S (5)!


Template:Video:Write Words With a Calculator

Things You’ll Need

  • A calculator

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Students have been writing words on their calculators in math class for decades. This means that there is already a long list of words that can be written on a calculator, along with the numbers required to do so. Older calculators are better at this trick, so ask your parents if they still have their school calculators somewhere and see how many words you can write with them!


Method 1 of 2: use hexadecimal mode

Write Words With a Calculator Step 1

Write Words With a Calculator Step 1

Step 1. Switch to hexadecimal mode on your calculator

Not all calculators have this mode, but if yours does, you’ll have more letters to write words with. You can tell whether your calculator has a hexadecimal mode by seeing the letters A-F on the keyboard.

Calculators that have a hexadecimal mode include Casios and Texas Instruments

Write Words With a Calculator Step 2

Write Words With a Calculator Step 2

Step 2. Use a combination of letters and numbers to write words

In hexadecimal mode you have the letters A, B, C, D, E and F. You can also use the numbers 1 for I, 0 for O and 5 for S.

  • For example, you can write the word «lake» as 5EE.
  • Some other words you can write are BASS, DIE, BOSS, MONKEY, and FAIRY.

Write Words With a Calculator Step 3

Write Words With a Calculator Step 3

Step 3. Get even more combination options by turning the calculator over

If you flip the calculator in hexadecimal mode, you can turn the b into a q and the d into a p. In addition to the q and p, you can make the letters O, D, I, Z, E, h, A, S, g / q, L, B and G out of numbers. The possibilities are endless!

  • b = q
  • d = p
  • 0 = O / D
  • 1 = I.
  • 2 = Z
  • 3 = E
  • 4 = h / A
  • 5 = S.
  • 6 = g / q
  • 7 = L
  • 8 = B
  • 9 = G / b
  • You can also use the number 2 instead of the English words «to» or «too».

Method 2 of 2: turn the calculator over

Write Words With a Calculator Step 4

Write Words With a Calculator Step 4

Step 1. Use specific numbers to represent different letters

Each number looks like one of the letters when you turn it over. You can use these letters to write a variety of words. Here is a list of the letters you can use for this:

  • 0 = O / D
  • 1 = I.
  • 2 = Z
  • 3 = E
  • 4 = h / A
  • 5 = S.
  • 6 = g / q
  • 7 = L / t
  • 8 = B
  • 9 = G / b

Write Words With a Calculator Step 5

Write Words With a Calculator Step 5

Step 2. Write a word on a piece of paper

To see if you can spell a word on the calculator, compare it to the list of numbers to see if each letter corresponds to a number. If a letter you want to use isn’t on the list, you won’t be able to write the word.

  • «ESEL» is a typical word that is often written on a calculator. You will find that all of the letters are on this list.
  • A few other words that can be written on a calculator are LOVE, ICE, LIES, HELLO, and LEGO. Check out the list of letters to see what you can write with them.

Write Words With a Calculator Step 6

Write Words With a Calculator Step 6

Step 3. Write down the numbers that correspond to each of the letters

Write the number under the letter that corresponds to the letter in this list. You will use these numbers to write the word. Each letter should have a number underneath.

To write «ESEL» the corresponding numbers are 3537

Write Words With a Calculator Step 7

Write Words With a Calculator Step 7

Step 4. Type the numbers you wrote down backwards into the calculator

Start with the last letter of the word. If you turn the calculator, the order of the letters is reversed — so they are in the correct order to make up the word!

  • For example, to write «ESEL», turn the numbers over and write 7353.
  • If the word ends with an «o», start with the 0 and a decimal point so that the 0 is still there when you press «Enter» or «=».

Write Words With a Calculator Step 5

Write Words With a Calculator Step 5

Step 5. Press Enter and turn your calculator over

Some calculators have an «Enter» key and others have an «=» key. Press one of these keys on your calculator. Turn it over so the top of the calculator is facing you. Then the word appears!

Write Words With a Calculator Step 6

Write Words With a Calculator Step 6

Step 6. Try writing a few examples

To avoid having to guess whether or not you can write a word, find a list of words that have already been discovered. Here are a few examples:

  • 376006 results in GOOGLE
  • 707 results in LOL
  • 1414 results in HIHI
  • 31907002 gives ZOOLOGY
  • 500761 results in IGLOOS
  • 31335 results in SEELE
  • 31717 results in LILY
  • 3507 results in LOSE
  • 13 results in EI
  • 7135 results in SEIL
  • 55134 results in HOT
  • 31907018 results in BIOLOGY
  • 5317 results in LIES
  • 0.02 equals ZOO
  • 5350 results in LOSE
  • 0.750 equals OSLO
  • 0.937 equals LEGO
  • 7734 results in LIGHT
  • 73818 results in BIBLE


  • Use an old calculator to make the results easier to read.
  • The Casio fx 83Gt plus has a y and m. To get the letters o, g and r, press Shift ans.

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Numbers In Words

This translator converts numbers into words (or numbers to letters, if that makes more sense). Write «1» in the box on the left, and «one» will appear on the right. It converts very large numbers into their word form — see if you can find the biggest! (Hint: You’ll need more than 1000 digits!!) I’m pretty sure this translator is the best numbers to words converter on the whole internet in terms of being able to convert craaazzy large numbers into words form. I didn’t really have any particular use case in mind when I made this generator, but hopefully you have some need for numbers in words format, and can use this to help solve your problem :)

Many people will likely know the number «googol» (after which the famous tech company «Google» is named) — it’s the digit «1» with one hundred zeros after it — a number which is dozens of orders of magnitude greater than the number of atoms in the visible universe. It’s ridiculously big. But who would have know that the named numbers go hundreds or orders of magnitude higher than this?! If you can find the highest named number by typing digits in the box, post it in the comments!

It’s worth noting that there are often a few different possible names which can be used for the same number. For example, a googol can also be called ten duotrigintillion, ten thousand sexdecillion, or ten sexdecilliard. Since these numbers are very rarely used, there is not standard or governing body and so it’s a bit of a wild west. In trying to create a useful numbers ot words translator I figured I’d just try to translate each number into the most commonly used name, and one that is consistent with the rest of the number names.

To slightly complicate the issue further, there are multiple possible spellings of the same name. So for example, we can spell the aforementioned number as duotrigintillion or dotrigintillion. Number names, and number spelling are fairly consistent for the first few dozen orders of magnitude after the number one, but after that, they begin to diverge.

If you’re interested in these nomenclature issues, and the history behind them, have a look at this wiki article and also this one.

It’s interesting that standard «dictionary» words for very large numbers didn’t appear in English until around the 1400s. The words bymillion and trimillion appeared for the first time in a 1475 manuscript of Jehan Adam.
large written numbers
Some languages have a very small emphasis on numbers. For example, the Pirahã people are thought to have no numbers in their language at all. They appear to only have words for «more» and «few». They also have no grammatical distiction between singular and plural — for example, the word for «people» is the same as the word for «person».

All thanks to Flambino for providing the script that runs this translator! I also had to use big.js by @MikeMcl, since the numbers are far too big for javascript to handle with it’s built-in types. It turns out that (when you want to get the names of big numbers), writing working code to translate numbers into words isn’t the easiest of tasks! Huge thanks to these two guys for making my life a tonne easier.

If you’ve got any suggestions, or if there’s any errors in the word-form of the numbers, please let me know! Thanks :)

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Students have been spelling words on calculators in math class for decades. Luckily, that means there are long lists of words you can spell on a calculator and the numbers you need to make them. Older calculators work better for this trick, so ask your parents if they still have their school calculators lying around somewhere. See how many words you can spell!

Calculator Help

  1. Image titled Write Words With a Calculator Step 1


    Switch your calculator to hexadecimal mode. Not all calculators have a hexadecimal mode, but if yours does, you will have more letters to spell words with. You will be able to tell if your calculator has a hexadecimal mode if you see the letters A-F on the keyboard.[1]

    • Calculators that have hexadecimal mode include Casios and Texas Instruments.
  2. Image titled Write Words With a Calculator Step 2


    Use a combination of letters and numbers to spell words. In hexadecimal mode, you will have the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F. You can also use the numbers 1 for I, 0 for O, and 5 for S.[2]

    • For example, you can spell the word «see» using 5EE.
    • Some other words you can spell include BASS, DIE, BOSS, DOE, and SEA.


  3. Image titled Write Words With a Calculator Step 3


    Create even more combinations by turning your calculator upside down. When you turn your calculator upside down in hexadecimal mode, you can turn b into q and d into p. Along with q and p, you can make the letters O, D, I, Z, E, h, A, S, g/q, L, B, and G from numbers. The possibilities are endless!

    • b=q
    • d=p
    • 0=O/D
    • 1=I
    • 2=Z
    • 3=E
    • 4=h/A
    • 5=S
    • 6=g/q
    • 7=L
    • 8=B
    • 9=G/b
    • You can also use the number 2 instead of the word «to» or «too.»
  4. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Write Words With a Calculator Step 4


    Use specific numbers to represent different letters. Each number looks like a different letter when you turn it upside down. You can use those letters to write lots of words. Here is a list of letters you can use:[3]

    • 0=O/D
    • 1=I
    • 2=Z
    • 3=E
    • 4=h/A
    • 5=S
    • 6=g/q
    • 7=L/t
    • 8=B
    • 9=G/b
  2. Image titled Write Words With a Calculator Step 5


    Write a word on a piece of paper. To see if you will be able to spell the word, check your list to see if all of the letters match up with a number. If a letter you want to use isn’t on the list, you won’t be able to spell the word.[4]

    • «HELLO» is a classic word to spell on a calculator. Notice that all of the letters are on the list.
    • Some other words that you can spell on a calculator are IGLOOS, GIGGLE, SHOES, and EGG. Look at the list of letters and see what words you can spell with them.
  3. Image titled Write Words With a Calculator Step 6


    Write down the number that matches up with each letter. Write the number that matches it on the list underneath each letter. These are the numbers you will use to spell your word. Each letter should have one number.[5]

    • To spell «HELLO,» the matching numbers are 43770.
  4. Image titled Write Words With a Calculator Step 7


    Type the numbers you wrote down backward into your calculator. Start with the last letter of the word. When you turn your calculator upside down, the order of the letters will be backward—that is, in the right order to spell your word![6]

    • For example, to spell «HELLO,» you will reverse the numbers so that they read 0.7734.
    • If the word ends with an «o,» start with 0 then add a decimal (.) so that when you press «enter» or «=» the 0 will still be there.
  5. Image titled Write Words With a Calculator Step 5


    Press enter and turn your calculator upside down. Some calculators have an «enter» button and some calculators only have an = button. Press whichever one your calculator has. Flip your calculator around so that the top of your calculator is closest to you. Your word will appear![7]

  6. Image titled Write Words With a Calculator Step 6


    Try spelling some examples. To take the guess work out of whether or not you can spell a certain word, look for a list of words that have already been figured out. Here are a few examples[8]

    • 376006 spells GOOGLE
    • 707 spells LOL
    • 0.08 spells BOO
    • 53177187714 spells HILLBILLIES
    • 500761 spells IGLOOS
    • 38 spells BE, 338 spells BEE
    • 55378 spells BLESS
    • 0.208 spells BOZO
    • 663 spells EGG
    • 336 spells GEE
    • 376616 spells GIGGLE
    • 378806 spells GOBBLE
    • 637 spells LEG
    • 607 spells LOG
    • 53507 spells LOSES
    • 3080 spells OBOE
    • 53045 spells SHOES
    • 8075 spells SLOB
    • 8008 spells BOOB
  7. Advertisement

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    How do I spell «hello» on a calculator?

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    0.7734 spells «hello».

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    How do you spell ocean?

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    You can’t. There is not a «C,» «A,» or «N» that can be made using numbers.

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    How do I spell Laura on a calculator?

    Community Answer

    You can’t spell Laura on a calculator. There are no a, u, or r letters to write on the calculator.

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  • Use an old calculator to get more easily readable results.

  • In the Casio fx 83Gt plus, there are y and m. To get the letters o g and r, press shifts ans.

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Article SummaryX

If you want to write words with a calculator, start by memorizing what numbers look like which letters when the calculator is held upside down. For example, 3’s look like E’s and 7’s look like L’s. Once you know what word you want to type, enter the numbers backward and then hold the calculator upside down to see the word. For example, type 379009 in your calculator to spell out GOOGLE. Or, try typing 5317 to spell out LIES. To learn how to type out more words, like «SORRY» and «LOL,» scroll down!

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Converter: Integer & Decimal Numbers to Words in (US) American English

Entered numbers are written out (converted, spelled out) in words in (US) American English in: (1) lowercase (2) UPPERCASE (3) Title Case (4) Sentence case (5) Start Case (6) camelCase (7) Hyphen-Case (8) Snake_Case.

The last 13 numbers written out in words (converted to, spelled out in words, with letters), in (US) American English

Write out (convert) the number 5,134,000,000 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 882.128 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 1,069.92 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 5,424,952 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 11.235 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 1,410,154 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 521,098 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 140 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 400,814,153 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 638,050 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 133,374,477 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 25,696 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the number 757.5 in words, in (US) American English (spelled out with letters) Apr 15 03:30 UTC (GMT)
All the numbers that were written out in words (spelled out in words, with letters), in (US) American English

How to write out numbers in words in (US) American English

1. How to convert natural numbers (positive integers) to (US) American English words, how to write them out (spell them out)?

1.1. To know how to write a number in words we must know the place value of each digit.

  • For example, the number 12,345 has a 1 in the ten thousands place, a 2 in the thousands place, a 3 in the hundreds place, a 4 in the tens place and a 5 in the ones place.
  • 12,345 in words =
  • = one ten thousands (10,000) + two thousands (2,000) + three hundreds (300) + four tens (40) + five ones
  • = ten thousands (10,000) + two thousands (2,000) + three hundreds (300) + four tens (40) + five ones
  • = ten thousand + two thousand + three hundred + forty + five
  • = (ten + two) thousand + three hundred + forty-five
  • = twelve thousand + three hundred + forty-five
  • = just remove the plus sign, +, and get the number written out in words
  • = twelve thousand three hundred forty-five.

1.2. Notes:

  • 1: Note the hyphen (or the minus sign) in «thirty-four» above. Technically, it’s correct to hyphenate all compound numbers from twenty-one (21) through ninety-nine (99).
  • 2: In American English, when writing out natural numbers of three or more digits, the word «and» is not used after «hundred» or «thousand». So it is «one hundred twenty-three» and not «one hundred and twenty-three», though you may hear a lot of people using the last, informally.
    In British English, the word «and» is used after «hundred» or «thousand» in numbers of three or more digits.
  • 3. Do not use commas when writing out numbers above 999: so it is «one thousand two hundred thirty-four» and not «one thousand, two hundred thirty-four».
  • 4. For clarity, use commas when writing figures of four or more digits: 1,234, 43,290,120, etc. In other countries a point is used to group digits by 3 and a comma to separate the decimals, ex: 1.234,55, 43.290.120,84. In some other countries a space is used to group digits by 3, ex: 1 234, 43 290 120.

2. When to write out numbers in words?

  • Spell out all numbers beginning a sentence, «Forty years ago,…» Not «40 years ago,…».
  • The Chicago Manual of Style calls for the numbers zero through one hundred to be written out — this would include forms like «one hundred million».
  • Using words to write short numbers makes your writing look clean and classy. In handwriting, words are easy to read and hard to mistake for each other. Writing longer numbers as words isn’t as useful, but it’s good practice while you’re learning.
  • Otherwise, clarity should matter, for example when two numbers are used in a row allways spell one out: «They needed five 2-foot copper pipes to finish the job. There were 15 six-foot tall men on the basketball team roster.».
  • Be consistent within a sentence, phrase… Do not write «… one million people…» and «… 1,000,000 cars…»; stick to one or another, not both.

Full article: how to write out integer and decimal numbers in words in (US) American English (spell out numbers), using letters instead of numerals

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