Write what they say using the word given

1   ‘I need to earn more money.’ (a, get, job, new, you)

      ‘……………………………………… . ‘

2   ‘Brenda is angry about what I said.’ (are, say, sorry, you, you)

      ‘……………………………………… . ‘

3   ‘Tom doesn’t understand his homework.’ (about, ask, it, he, his, teacher)

      ‘……………………………………… . ‘

4   ‘I’d like to learn to play the piano.’ (having, lessons, start, you)

      ‘……………………………………… . ‘

5   ‘Tina is often tired at work.’ (at, late, night, she, TV, watch)

      ‘……………………………………… . ‘

6   ‘I don’t seem to have much energy at the moment.’ (exercise, get, some, you)

      ‘……………………………………… . ‘

1) Tony wants to borrow his friend’s pencil. could  2) Alex wants to allow her friend to use her dictionary. can 3) Julie wants permission from her teacher to leave the classroom. may 4) Lou wants to wear his brother’s new trainers. can 5) Terry wants to ask her boss for permission to take the day off work. could 6) Diane wants to use her dad’s car this weekend. can 7) A teacher wants to give her students five extra minutes to finish the test. may


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1.People made these statements. Report them, using said.

a. “Mary works in a bank”, Jane said.

She said (that) Mary worked in a bank

b. “I’m staying with some friends”, Jim said.

Jim said (that) he was staying with some friends

c. “I’ve never been to Russia”, Mike said.

Mike said (that) he had never been to Russia

d. “Tom can’t use a computer”, Ella said.

Ellen said (that) Tom couldn´t use a computer

e. “Everybody must try to do their best”, Jill said.

Jill said (that) everybody had to try to their best

f. “Jane may move to a new flat”, Rachel said

Rachel said (that )Jane might move to a new flat

g. “I’ll stay at home on Sunday”, Bill said.

Bill said (that) he would stay at home on Sunday

2. Change the following statements into the reported speech.

a. “I have something to show you”, I said to her.

I said to her / I told her that I had something to show her.

c. “I’ve been in London for a month but I haven’t had time to visit the Tower”, said Rupert.

Rupert said that he had been in London for a month but he hadn´t had time to visit theTtower

d. “I’ll come with you as soon as I’m ready”, she replied.

She replied that she would come with me as soon as she was ready

e. “We have a lift but very often it doesn’t work”, they said.

They said that they had a lift but very often didn´t work

f. “I must go to the dentist tomorrow”, he said.

He said that he had to go to the dentist the following day

g. “I found an old Roman coin in the garden yesterday and I am going to take it to the museum this afternoon”, he said.

He said that he had found an old Roman coin in the garden the day before/the previous day and that he was going to take it to the museum that afternoon

3. Write these sentences in indirect speech.

a. “I’m very tired”, she said.

She said that she was very tired

b. “I’ll see them soon”, he said.

He said that he would see them soon

c. “I’m going to the cinema”, she said.

She said that she was going to the cinema

d. “I see the children quite often”, he said .

He said that he saw the children quite often

e. “I’m having a bath”, she said.

She said that she was having a bath

f. “I’ve already met their parents”, she said.

She said that she had already met their parents

g. “I stayed in a hotel for a few weeks”, she said.

She said that she had stayed in a hotel for three weeks.

h. “I must go home to make dinner”, he said.

He said that he had to go home to make dinner.

  1. “I haven’t been waiting long”, she said.

She said that she hadn´t been waiting long

j. “I’m listening to the radio”, he said.

She said that she was listening to the radio

l. “I like swimming, dancing and playing tennis”, he said.

He said that he liked swimming

m. “I can drive”, she said.

He said he could drive

n. “I walked home after the party”, he said

He said that he had walked home after the party

o. “I’m going to be sick”, she said. She said that she was going to be sick

p. “I must go out to post a letter”, he said

He said that he had to go out to post a letter

q. “I spoke to Jane last week”, she said.

She said that she had spoken to Jane the previous week /the week before

r. “I’m trying to listen to the music”, he said.

He said that he was trying to listen to the music

s. “I’ll phone the office from the airport”, she said.

She said that she would phone the office from the airport.

t. “I can’t speak any foreign languages”, he said.

He said that he couldn´t speak any foreign languages

4. Write these sentences in indirect speech, changing words where necessary.

a. “I’ll see you tomorrow”, she said.

She said that she would see me the following day/the day after/the next day

b. “I saw her today”, he said.

He said that he had seen her that day

c. “I don’t like this film”, she said.

She said that he didn´t like that film

d. She said, “We went swimming today.”

She said that they had gone swimming that day.

e. “I met her about three months ago”, he said. He said that he had met her about three months before

f. “I’ll see Mary on Sunday”, she said.

She said she had seen Mary on Sunday

g. “Pete and Sue are getting married tomorrow”, she said.

She said that Pete and Sue were getting married the following day/the day after/ the next day

h. “Stephen’s bringing some records to the party tomorrow”, she said.

She said that Stephen was bringing some records to the party the following day/the day after/ the next day.

  1. “I really like this furniture”, she said.

  2. She said She really liked that furniture

j. “My parents are arriving tomorrow”, she said.

She said that her parents were arriving the following day/the day after/ the next day.

k. “We visited her this morning” they said.

They said that they had visited her that morning

l. “We’ll see her next summer” they said.

They said that they would see her the following summer

m. “They were here three months ago”, he said. He said that they had been there three months before

n. “I’m meeting them at four o’clock today”, he said.

He said he was meeting them at four o´clock that day

o. “I can see you tomorrow”, she said.

She said that she could see me the following day/the day after/ the next day.


1. Report the police-officer’s questions to the shop owner.

a. What’s your name?

He asked him/her what his/her name was

b. Did you see the robbers?

He asked him/her if/whether he/she had seen the robbers

d. How do you think they got in?

He asked him how he thought they had got in

e. What did they take?

He asked him what they had taken

2. Write these sentences as reported questions using the words given.

a. “What’s your name?”, he asked. (wanted to know)

He wanted to know what my name was.

b. “Do you like Marlon Brandon?”, she asked.

She asked me if/whether I liked Marlon Brando

c. “How old are you?”, she said. (asked)

She asked me how old I was

d. “When does the train leave?”, I asked.

I asked them /him /her when the train left

e. “Are you enjoying yourself?”, he asked.

He asked me if /whether I was enjoying myself

f. “How are you?”, he said. (asked)

He asked me how I was.

g. “Does your father work here?”, she asked.

She asked me if/whether my father worked there

h. “Do you live near your father?”, he asked.

He asked me if I lived near my father

  1. “Who did you see at the meeting?”, my mother asked.

My mother asked me who I had seen at the meeting

j. “Why did you take my wallet?”, he asked.

He asked me why I had taken his wallet

. “How did you get to school?”, she asked.

She asked me /us how I had got to school

l. “Are you a foreigner?”, she asked.

She asked me if I was a foreigner

n. “Have you met Danny before?”, he asked

He asked me if I had met Danny before

o. “Are you hungry?”, he asked.

He asked me if I was hungry

p. “Why wasn’t Judy at the party?”, she asked.

She asked me why Judy hadn´t been at the party

q. “Why didn’t you telephone?”, my father asked.

My father asked me why I hadn´t telephoned.

r. “Did you borrow my dictionary?”, he asked.

He asked me if I had borrowed his dictionary

s. “Why are you so late?”, the teacher asked.

The teacher asked me why I was so late

t. “Have you finished your exams?”, she asked.

She asked me if I had finished my exams

u. “Did you invite Judy and Mitch?”, he asked.

He asked me if I had invited Judy and Mitch

v. “Does your brother live in London?”, she asked.

She asked me if my brother lived in London.

w. “Why didn’t the police report the crime?”, the judge asked.

The judge asked me why I hadn´t reported the crime.

x. “Do you know who broke the window?”, he asked.

a. “Make some coffee, Bob”, Carol said.(ask)

Carol asked (pediulle)Bob to make some coffee

b. “You must do the homework soon, Jane”, she said.(tell)

She told Jane to do the homework soon

c. “Remember to buy a map, Ann” he said.(remind)

He reminded Ann to buy a map

d. “You should see a doctor, Mrs Clark”, he said.(advise)

He advised Mrs Clark to see a doctor

e. “Keep all the windows closed, Bill” they said.(warn)

They warned Bill to keep all the windows closed

f. “Go home, Paul”, Francis said.(tell)

Francis told Paul to go home

g. “Please stay for supper, Bob”, he asked

He asked Bob to stay for supper

2. Report the following sentences.

a. “Don’t try to be funny.”

She told me not to try to be funny

b. “Wait here till I come.”

He told me to wait there till I came.

c. “Go to bed and don’t get up till you’re called.”

He told me /ordered me to go to bed and not to get till I was called

d. “Be a good girl and sit quietly for five minutes.”

He asked me to be a good girl and to sit quietly for five minutes.

e. “Watch the milk and don’t let it boil over.”

She told me to watch the milk and not to let it boil over.

f. “Don’t take your coat off.”

He told /ordered/warned me not to take off my coat

g. “Don’t forget to thank Mrs Jones when you’re saying good bye to her.”

He reminded me to thank Mrs Jones when I was saying good bye to her.

h. “Stop that dog.”

She warned me to stop that dog

3. Write the sentences in reported speech using the words given.

a. “Sit down, Mary.” (he told)

he told Mary to sit down

b. “Would you pass my suitcase?” (he asked)

He asked me to pass his suitcase

c. “Don’t go near the sea, children.” (the children’s mother warned)

The children´s mother warned her children not to go near the sea

d. “Don’t be late, Tim.” (Tim’s father told)

Tim´s father told Tim not to be late

e. “Be quiet, children.” (the librarian told)

The librarian told the children to be quiet


4. Use the correct form of SAY and TELL in these sentences.

a. She told me she didn’t agree.

b. He said “Have we met before?”

c. I told them I wasn’t happy with their work.

d. She smiled and said to me, “I’m very pleased to meet you.”

e. She told me a story about her parents.

f. He said, “Are you feeling OK?”

g. I didn’t hear. What did he say?

h. Could you tell me the time, please?

i. They told me they were going to a meeting.

j. I told the police my address.

k. I said I wanted to buy a magazine.


5. Rewrite the sentences with the gerund or the infinitive and the in reported speech.

a. “I’ll bring my CDs to the party.”

He promised to bring his CDs to the party.

b. “Let’s go to the cinema tonight, shall we?

She suggested going to the cinema

She suggested that we go to the cinema

c. “Yes, I stole the wallet.”

He admitted having stolen the wallet

d. “Be careful! The water is boiling.”

She warned us to be careful because the water was boiling

e. “You must apologise to your teacher.”

My father insisted (on) me apologising to my teacher

f. “All right! I’ll share the expenses with you.”

My friend agreed to share the expenses with me

g. “Let´s go out for a coffee” She said

She suggested going out for a coffe

She suggested that we go out for a coffee

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