Write what frank has done this afternoon use these word combinations to have

Write what Frank has done this afternoon. Use these word combinations.
1) to have lunch
2) to speak to his parents
3) to teach his younger brother to swim
4) to spend some time in the swimming pool
5) to buy some cheese and butter
6) to think his project over and write it down
7) to meet his uncle and aunt at the railway station
8) to send an e−mail to his friend


ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 2. Номер №9


Перевод задания
Напиши, что Фрэнк сделал сегодня днем. Используй эти словосочетания.
1) пообедать
2) поговорить со своими родителями
3) учить своего младшего брата плавать
4) провести некоторое время в бассейне
5) купить сыр с маслом
6) продумать свой проект и записать его
7) встретиться с дядей и тетей на железнодорожной станции
8) отправить электронное письмо своему другу

1) Frank has had lunch this afternoon.
2) Frank has spoken to his parents this afternoon.
3) Frank has taught his younger brother to swim this afternoon.
4) Frank has spent some time in the swimming pool this afternoon.
5) Frank has bought some cheese and butter this afternoon.
6) Frank has thought his project over and write it down this afternoon.
7) Frank has met his uncle and aunt at the railway station this afternoon.
8) Frank has sent an e−mail to his friend this afternoon.

Перевод ответа
1) Cегодня днем Фрэнк обедал.
2) Cегодня днем Фрэнк поговорил со своими родителями.
3) Cегодня днем Фрэнк научил своего младшего брата плавать.
4) Cегодня днем Фрэнк провел некоторое время в бассейне.
5) Cегодня днем Фрэнк купил немного сыра и масла.
6) Cегодня днем Фрэнк продумал свой проект и записал его.
7) Cегодня днем Фрэнк встретил своих дядю и тетю на вокзале.
8) Cегодня днем Фрэнк отправил электронное письмо своему другу.

Страница 93

9. Write what Frank has done this afternoon. Use these word combinations. – Напиши, что Фрэнк сделал сегодня днем. Используй эти словосочетания.

Ответы выделены жирным шрифтом.

1) to have lunch – пообедать
This afternoon Frank has had lunch. – Сегодня днем Фрэнк пообедал.

2) to speak to his parents – поговорить со своими родителями
This afternoon Frank has spoken to his parents. – Сегодня днем Фрэнк поговорил со своими родителями.

3) to teach his younger brother to swim – учить своего младшего брата плавать
This afternoon Frank has taught his younger brother to swim. – Сегодня днем Фрэнк научил своего младшего брата плавать.

4) to spend some time in the swimming pool – провести некоторое время в бассейне
This afternoon Frank has spent some time in the swimming pool. – Сегодня днем Фрэнк провел некоторое время в бассейне.

5) to buy some cheese and butter – купить сыр с маслом
This afternoon Frank has bought some cheese and butter. – Сегодня днем Фрэнк купил сыр и масло.

6) to think his project over and write it down – продумать свой проект и записать его
This afternoon Frank has thought his project over and has written it down. – В этот день Фрэнк подумал о своем проекте и написал его.

7) to meet his uncle and aunt at the railway station – встретить своих дядю и тетю на железнодорожном вокзале
This afternoon Frank has met his uncle and aunt at the railway station. – Сегодня днем Фрэнк встретил своих дядю и тетю на железнодорожной станции.

8) to send an e−mail to his friend – отправить электронное письмо своему другу
This afternoon Frank has sent an e-mail to his friend. – Сегодня днем Фрэнк отправил электронное письмо своему другу.

10. Choose the right variants to complete the sentences. – Выберите правильные варианты, чтобы закончить предложения.


1) He may be interested in geography. – Он может интересоваться географией.

2) There were maybe 15 people there. – Возможно, там было 15 человек.

3) Maybe it will snow tonight. – Возможно, сегодня вечером будет снег.

4) Ann says she may be in Oxford next week. – Энн говорит, что она может быть в Оксфорде на следующей неделе.

5) Hundreds, maybe thousands of tourists will arrive here in summer. – Сотни, а возможно, тысячи туристов приедут сюда летом.

6) John may be fond of fishing, but I don’t know anything about it. – Джон может увлекаться рыбалкой, но я ничего об этом не знаю.

7) Maybe the weather will be warmer tomorrow, but maybe not. – Возможно завтра погода будет теплее, а может и нет.

8) The place may be popular with tourists. – Это место может быть популярно среди туристов.

Unit 3. Step 3.

1. Listen to the dialogue, (43), and complete the sentences. – Послушай диалог и закончи предложения.


Jane: Nastya, is that you? Jane is calling. – Настя, это ты? Джейн звонит.
Nastya: Yes, Jane. How are you there in America? – Да, Джейн. Как ты там в Америке?
Jane: I’m fine. We are having wonderful weather here in Washington. – Я в порядке. У нас замечательная погода здесь, в Вашингтоне.
Nastya: Are you in Washington, D.C. now? – Ты сейчас в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия?
Jane: I’m. I’m calling you from the Potomac Hotel, which is in the centre of the capital. – Да, тут. Я звоню тебе из гостиницы Потомак, которая находится в центре столицы.
Nastya: That’s wonderful! Do you like Washington? – Это прекрасно! Тебе нравится Вашингтон?
Jane: I don’t know. We came here yesterday night. I hope to see the city this afternoon. My father has come here to do some business and has taken me with him. – Я не знаю. Мы приехали сюда вчера вечером. Я надеюсь увидеть город сегодня днем.  Мой отец приехал сюда по каким-то делам и взял меня с собой.
Nastya: Are you going to see the White House and the Capitol? – Вы собираетесь посмотреть Белый дом и Капитолий?
Jane: We are. Father says he’ll take me to the city centre in the afternoon when he comes back from work. – Да, собираемся. Отец говорит, что отвезет меня в центр города после обеда, когда вернется с работы.
Nastya: I’m happy for you. I hope I’ll be able to see the White House someday, maybe next year. Are you going to take pictures? – Я рада за тебя. Я надеюсь, что смогу увидеть Белый дом когда−нибудь, может быть, в следующем году. Ты собираешься делать фотографии?
Jane: I’m. I’ll send you the best ones when they are ready. – Да, собираюсь Я пришлю тебе лучшие, когда они будут готовы.
Nastya: Thanks and bye. – Спасибо и пока.

Ответ: 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c, 5 b, 6 a, 7 b.

1) Washington, D.C. is the place that Jane’s visiting. – Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, — это место, которое посещает Джейн.

  • a) Jane’s native city – родным городом Джейн
  • b) the place where Jane goes to college – место, где Джейн учится в колледже
  • c) the place that Jane’s visiting – место, где Джейн гостит

2) In Washington, D.C. Jane is staying at a hotel. – В Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, Джейн остановилась в отеле.

  • a) at a hotel – в отеле
  • b) with friends – у друзей
  • c) in an old castle – в старом замке

3) Jane is going to see Washington, D.C. in the afternoon. – Джейн собирается посмотреть Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, днем.

  • a) in the morning – утром
  • b) in the afternoon – днем
  • c) in the evening – вечером

4) Jane’s going to see the White House and the Capitol. – Джейн увидит Белый дом и Капитолий.

  • a) the Cathedral – собор
  • b) the Potomac River – реку Потомак
  • c) the Capitol – Капитолий

5) Jane is going to do the capital of the USA with her father. – Джейн собирается смотреть столицу США со своим отцом.

  • a) her parents – ее родителями
  • b) her father – ее отцом
  • c) her friends – ее друзьями

6) Jane is going to send Nastya some photos. – Джейн собирается отправить Насте несколько фотографий.

  • a) photos – фотографий
  • b) e−mails – электронных писем
  • c) CDs – компакт−дисков

7) Nastya says she will probably come to Washington, D.C. next year. – Настя говорит, что, вероятно, она приедет в Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, в следующем году.

  • a) will come to Washington, D.C. next year – приедет в Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, в следующем году
  • b) will probably come to Washington, D.C. next year – возможно, приедет в Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, в следующем году
  • c) is not going to Washington, D.C. next year – не собирается в Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, в следующем году

Ответ: 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c, 5 b, 6 a, 7 b.


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Ответ на UNIT 3, Step 2, Номер 9 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)

ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) на UNIT 3, Step 2, Номер 9 по учебнику Английский язык. 7 класс. Учебник в двух частях / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. — Дрофа, 2014 (Российский учебник : Rainbow English)


Write what Frank has done this afternoon. Use these word combinations.
1) to have lunch
2) to speak to his parents
3) to teach his younger brother to swim
4) to spend some time in the swimming pool
5) to buy some cheese and butter
6) to think his project over and write it down
7) to meet his uncle and aunt at the railway station
8) to send an e−mail to his friend

Решение 1

Подробное решение


Белый фонпереписывать в тетрадь

Цветной фонтеория и пояснения

Фото подробного решения: UNIT 3, Step 2, Номер 9 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)

Решение 2

Фото решения 1: UNIT 3, Step 2, Номер 9 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow) 2014г.

Популярные решебники

Ваше сообщение отправлено
и скоро будет рассмотрено

  • Учебник. Часть 1
  • Unit 3
  • Step 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3a
  • 3b
  • 4a
  • 4b
  • 4c
  • 5
  • 6b
  • 6c
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Write what Frank has done this afternoon. Use these word combinations.
Напишите, что Фрэнк сделал сегодня днем. Используйте эти словосочетания.


This afternoon Frank has had lunch.
Сегодня днем Фрэнк пообедал.


This afternoon Frank has spoken to his parents.
Сегодня днем Фрэнк разговаривал со своими родителями.


This afternoon Frank has taught his younger brother to swim.
Сегодня днем Фрэнк учил своего младшего брата плавать.


This afternoon Frank has spent some time in the swimming pool.
Сегодня днем Фрэнк провел некоторое время в бассейне.


This afternoon Frank has bought some cheese and butter.
Сегодня днем Фрэнк купил немного сыра и масла.


This afternoon Frank has thought his project over and has written it down.
Сегодня днем Фрэнк обдумал свой проект и записал его.


This afternoon Frank has met his uncle and aunt at the railway station.
Сегодня днем Фрэнк встретился со своими дядей и тетей на вокзале.


This afternoon Frank has sent an e-mail to his friend.
Сегодня днем Фрэнк отправил своему другу электронное письмо.

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Учебник. Часть 1»

по предмету за 7 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


Write what Frank has done this afternoon. Use these word combinations.
Напишите, что Фрэнк сделал сегодня днем. Используйте эти словосочетания.


Срочно!Помогите пожалуйста с английским!
Write what Frank has done this afternoon.Use these word combinations.

1)to have lunch
2)to speak to his parents
3)to teach his younger brother to swim
4)to spend some time in the swimming pool
5)to buy some cheese and butter
6)to think his project over and write it down
7)to meet his uncle and aunt at the railway station
8)to send an e-mail to his friend

1 ответ:



Frank has had lunch this afternoon
<span>Frank has spkoken to his parents this afternoon</span>
Frank has taught his younger brother to swim this afternoon
<span>F. has  spent some time in the swimming pool this afternoon</span>
<span>F. has  bought some cheese and butter this afternoon</span>
<span>F. has thought his project over and write it down this afternoon</span>
<span>F. has met his uncle and aunt at the railway station this afternoon</span>
<span>F. has sent an e-mail to his friend this afternoon</span>

Читайте также

<span>    <em> Why do we need to read books?</em>
  Books are one of the most important sources of knowledge, inspiration and beauty in the world. They combine the bad and the good, the magic and the reality, creating some marvelous worlds, amazing characters and unbelievable stories.<span>
   Reading is a really usefull hobby, which gives you the oportunity to dream with your eyes open, to travel around the world and have some great adventures without leaving your cozy bed. It helps us improve our personality along with our vocabulary, imagination and behaviour. Having a book by your side anywhere you go, is like having a very good friend near you, anytime you get bored you can just open it and feel like you are speaking with your mates. It is also a great weapon, especially if the book you carry around has more than 600 pages and a hard cover. :)))) If you read you can be sure that you will be able to give a reply in any conflict, and beating your enemies with your intelligence is even more </span>meritorious. What is even more laudatory is buying and collecting books, because it is such an amazing feeling having all of those wonderful lives on your bookshelf, having so many breaths and fictional smiles. I honestly believe that a person who reads is mandatory a good, generous and open-hearted person, because, let’s be honest, who would have time for misdoings, sins, gossip, alcohol and drugs when you so many books on your ”To be read” pile.
   That being said, I proudly say that I am reader. And I do that not because I don’t have a life, but because I choose to have many.

                                                                                                 Literary property: hellenetk

Друзья клэра разговаривают о новостях. О каких событиях они говорят

1)people travel to see other countries and continents,<span>modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene.
2)</span><span>Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants.
3)City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and lie in the sun.
4)Holiday-makers take a camera with them to </span><span>take pictures of everything that interests them.
</span><span>5)People choose means of traveling according to their plans and destinations.</span>

Нельзя ответить на вопрос без начального текста

.Yes it is. We keep there our potatoes.

2.There are 4 rooms. There are 2 rooms upstairs and 2 rooms downstairs. No, we don’t.

3.My house made from bricks. No, there aren’t.

4.Yes, there are. No, there isn’t.

5.Yes it is. Yes I do. 

6.The ceilings are high. Yes it is.

7.Yes, it is. We keep them in the big room.

8.Yes, it is. 

9.Yes, there are. Yes, it is.

10.Yes, it is.

11.The rooms are cluttered.

12.Yes, we do.

13.Yes, we do.

14.My father is.

15.It looks like the palace on the ourside. Yes, it is.

16.No, it isn’t.

17.Yes, it is.

18.No, we aren’t.

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

     1 the children have never been to the circus
    2 we have already done our room
    3 they have just begun doing their homework
    4 i ‘ve never swum in the ocean
    5 nick hasn t ggiven back my dictionary
    6 my cousin has become an engineer
    7 mr has already written a new book

    1. Ответ

      Ответ дан

      Спасибо огромное а то завтра сдавать а я спать хочу снова огромное спасибо

    2. Ответ

      Ответ дан

  2. 1.The children never have been to the circus.
    2.We have done already our room.
    3.They have just begun doing their homework.
    4.I have never swum in the ocean.
    5.Nick hasn`t given back my dictionary.
    6.My cousin has become an engineer.
    7.Mr Watterson has written a new book.


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Настоящее длительное  время употребляется для:

  • выражения действия, которое происходит на момент речи (прямо сейчас): Ann is cooking in the kitchen. Энн готовит на кухне (прямо сейчас).
  • для выражения запланированного действия в будущем: She is playing tennis this afternoon. Она играет в теннис после обеда.
  • выражения действия в процессе развития: Nowadays more and more people are shopping on the Internet. Сегодня все больше людей делают покупки в интернете.
  • с такими наречиями, как always (всегда), для выражения раздражения по поводу постоянно повторяющегося действия: He is always loosing his keys! Он всегда теряет ключи!


Подружились со временем? Сейчас проверим!


  • 1 Exercise 1. Добавьте окончание -ing к следующим глаголам:
  • 2 Exercise 2. Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола to be (am, is, are).
  • 3 Exercise 3. Составьте предложения в the Present Continuous Tense.
  • 4 Exercise 4.  Сделайте предложения отрицательными.
  • 5 Exercise 5. Составьте предложения по образцу.
  • 6 Exercise 6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
  • 7 Exercise 7. Сделайте предложения  вопросительными.
  • 8 Exercise 8. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.
  • 9 Exercise 9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.
  • 10 Exercise 10. Составьте предложения, расставив слова в верном порядке.
  • 11 Exercise 11. Переведите на английский язык.

Exercise 1. Добавьте окончание -ing к следующим глаголам:

Work, swim, come, play, lie, tell, get, take, cut, drink, make, hit, sleep, try, look, walk, serve, eat, die, sit, cry, ski, travel, smile, begin, prepare, stop, listen, shave.

Answers:  working, swimming, coming, playing, lying, telling, getting, taking, cutting, drinking, making, hitting, sleeping, trying, looking, walking, serving, eating, dying, sitting, crying, skiing, travelling, smiling, beginning, preparing, stopping, listening, shaving.

Exercise 2. Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола to be (am, is, are).


  1.  Frank and Martin … watching a TV show now.
  2.  Kelly … washing her dress in the bathroom.
  3.  Our teacher … writing something on the blackboard.
  4. It … getting dark.
  5.  The birds … singing sweetly in the garden.
  6.  I … preparing for my report at the moment.
  7.  The children … decorating the hall for the party.
  8.  The wind … blowing now.
  9.  People … speaking quietly in the conference-hall.
  10.  You … waiting for the call.

Answers:  1. are; 2. is; 3. is; 4. is; 5. are; 6.am; 7. are; 8. is; 9. are; 10. are.

Exercise 3. Составьте предложения в the Present Continuous Tense.


  1.  I/play/tennis/with/my/friend/now.
  2.  We/walk/on/the/ beach/now.
  3.  They/have/a/great/time/at/the/camp/at/the/ moment.
  4.  Angela/paint/a/beautiful/picture/now.
  5. Tina/ and/Pam/stay/in/a/five-star/hotel.
  6.  It/rain/outdoors/at/the/ moment.
  7.  Bobby/prepare/for/the/test/in/his/room.
  8. The/ dog/bark/at/some/strangers.
  9. The/water/in/the/kettle/boil.
  10. Somebody/knock/at/the/door.
  11.  The/children/still/sleep.
  12. You/watch/the/sunset/now.
  13.  The/girls/choose/the/ costumes/for/the/party.
  14.  We/wait/for/the/bus/at/the/ bus-stop.
  15.  A/little/girl/cry.

Answers:  1. I’m playing tennis with my friend now. 2. We are walking on the beach now. 3. They are having a great time at the camp at the moment. 4. Angela is painting a beautiful picture now. 5.Tina and Pam are staying in a five-star hotel. 6. It is raining outdoors at the moment. 7. Bobby is preparing for the test in his room. 8. The dog is barking at some strangers. 9. The water in the kettle is boiling. 10. Somebody is knocking at the door. 11. The children are still sleeping. 12. You are watching the sunset now. 13. The girls are choosing the costumes for the party. 14. We are waiting for the bus at the bus-stop. 15. A little girl is crying.

Exercise 4.  Сделайте предложения отрицательными.


  1.  Molly is translating an article.
  2. Jack and Sam are gathering pears in the garden.
  3.  It is getting warm.
  4. We are climbing a mountain.
  5. You are playing basketball now.
  6.  The children are washing hands in the bathroom.
  7.  My grandfather is reading a newspaper now.
  8.  My family is having supper now.
  9.  Angela is ironing her dress now.
  10. I’m looking for my kitten now.

Answers:  1. Molly isn’t translating an article. 2.Jack and Sam aren’t gathering pears in the garden. 3.It isn’t getting warm. 4. We aren’t climbing a mountain. 5. You aren’t playing basketball now. 6. The children aren’t washing hands in the bathroom. 7. My grandfather isn’t reading a newspaper now. 8. My family isn’t having supper now. 9. Angela isn’t ironing her dress now. 10. I’m not looking for my kitten now.

Exercise 5. Составьте предложения по образцу.


Example: Tim isn’t reading now. (to sleep) +
Tim isn’t reading now. He is sleeping.
Colin and Den are playing now. (to work) — Colin and Den are playing now. They aren’t working.

  1.  Pupils aren’t writing a dictation now. (to translate the text) +
  2.  Margaret is washing the dishes, (to sweep the floor) —
  3.  The days are getting shorter, (to get longer) —
  4.  My Granny isn’t reading a magazine, (to watch TV) +
  5.  My friend and me are sunbathing, (to swim) —
  6.  The kitten isn’t sleeping, (to play) +
  7.  Greg and his boss aren’t having lunch, (to read a report) +
  8.  Cliff and Julia are preparing for the test, (to dance at the disco) —
  9. My father isn’t washing his car. (to dig in the garden) +
  10.  I’m not learning a poem now. (to write an essay) +
  11. You are skating now. (to play snowballs) —
  12.  I’m drinking tea now. (to drink coffee) —
  13.  My father and me aren’t listening to music now. (to listen to news) +

Answers:  1. Pupils aren’t writing a dictation now. They are translating the text. 2. Margaret is washing the dishes. She isn’t sweeping the floor. 3. The days are getting shorter. They aren’t getting longer. 4.My Granny isn’t reading a magazine. She is watching TV. 5. My friend and me are sunbathing. We aren’t swimming. 6. The kitten isn’t sleeping. It is playing. 7. Greg and his boss aren’t having lunch. They are reading a report. 8. Cliff and Julia are preparing for the test. They aren’t dancing at the disco. 9. My father isn’t washing his car. He is digging in the garden. 10. I’m not learning a poem now. I’m writing an essay. 11.You are skating now. You aren’t playing snowballs now. 12. I’m drinking tea now. I’m not drinking coffee now. 13. My father and me aren’t listening to music now. We aren’t listening to news now.

Exercise 6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.


  1. Alice and Ron … (to sit) in a cafe now.
  2. It … (not to snow) outdoors now.
  3.  We … (to wait) for our teacher in the classroom.
  4.  I … (to watch) the children playing in the yard.
  5.  The girls … (to argue) about what present to buy for Lewis.
  6.  Andrew … (not to have) a rest at the moment.
  7.  Look! All the people … (to come) into the hall.
  8.  Unfortunately our experiment… (not to go) according to the plan.
  9.  Pam … (to stand) too close to the road.
  10. The students … (not to have) a lecture now.
  11.  Her health … (to improve) day after day.
  12. The rainforests … (to disappear) from our planet nowadays.
  13.  The baby-sitter … (not to look) after the child because the child … (to sleep) now.
  14. Look! The guide … (to point) at some ancient building.
  15.  I… (not to discuss) this question now.

Answers:  1.are sitting; 2. isn’t snowing; 3. are waiting; 4.am watching; 5. are arguing; 6. isn’t having; 7. are coming; 8. isn’t going; 9. is standing;
10. aren’t having; 11. is improving; 12. are disappearing; 13. isn’t looking, is sleeping; 14. is pointing; 15. am not discussing.

Exercise 7. Сделайте предложения  вопросительными.


  1.  We are gathering apples in the garden.
  2.  Mary is listening to music now.
  3.  I’m sweeping the floor in the kitchen.
  4.  The cat is running after the mouse.
  5.  The boys are making a plane.
  6.  The wind is getting stronger.
  7.  You’re building a nice house.
  8.  I’m taking a bath now.
  9. A woman is feeding the chickens.
  10.  They are trying to catch a taxi.

Answers:  1. Are we gathering apples in the garden? 2. Is Mary listening to music now? 3. Are you sweeping the floor in the kitchen? 4. Is the cat running after the mouse? 5. Are the boys making a plane? 6. Is the wind getting stronger? 7. Are you building a nice house? 8. Are you taking a bath now? 9. Is a woman feeding the chickens? 10. Are they trying to catch a taxi?

Exercise 8. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.


  1. Is he peeling the potatoes? — Yes, … .
  2.  Are they walking in the park? — No, … .
  3.  Are you watching TV? — Yes, … .
  4.  Is Martin washing the car? — No, … .
  5.  Are Jane and Molly cleaning their rooms? — Yes, ….
  6.  Is the washing-machine working? — No, … .
  7.  Are you reading a magazine? — No, ….
  8. Is Victor writing a report? — Yes, … .
  9.  Is Ann typing a document? — No, … .
  10.  Is the sun shining? — Yes, … .

Answers:  1. Yes, he is. 2. No, they aren’t. 3. Yes, I am. 4. No, he isn’t. 5. Yes, they are. 6. No, it isn’t. 7. No, I’m not. 8. Yes, he is. 9. No, she isn’t. 10. Yes, it is.

Exercise 9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.


  1. … Anna … (to type) the documents? — No, …. She … (to speak) to her boss.
  2.  … it … (to get cold)? — Yes, … . And the wind … (to get) stronger.
  3.  … you … (to look) through the papers? — No, I…. I… (to write) a report for the conference now.
  4. … Bill and Mike … (to mend) the fence? — Yes,….
  5. … your parents and you … (to rest) in the country house? — No, … . We … (to spend) our weekend at the seaside.
  6.  … Edgar … (to play) a computer game? — Yes, ….
  7. … the phone … (to ring)? — No, …. Somebody … (to ring) the door bell.
  8. … your grandparents … (to rest)? — No, …. My grandparents … (to work) in the kitchen garden.
  9.  … the kitten … (to sleep)? — No, … . The kitten … (to hide) somewhere.
  10.  … you … (to slice) cheese? — No, I …. I … (to mix) the vegetable salad.

Answers: 1. Is Anna typing the documents? — No, she isn’t. She is speaking to her boss. 2.Is it getting cold? — Yes, it is. And the wind is getting stronger. 3. Are you looking through the papers? — No, Гm not. I’m writing a report for the conference now. 4. Are Bill and Mike mending the fence? — Yes, they are. 5. Are your parents and you resting in the country house? — No, we aren’t. We are spending our weekend at the seaside. 6.Is Edgar playing a computer game? — Yes, he is. 7. Is the phone ringing? — No, it isn’t. Somebody is ringing the door bell. 8. Are your grandparents resting? — No, they aren’t. My grandparents are working in the kitchen garden. 9. Is the kitten sleeping? — No, it isn’t. The kitten is hiding somewhere. 10. Are you slicing cheese? — No, I’m not. I’m mixing the vegetable salad.

Exercise 10. Составьте предложения, расставив слова в верном порядке.


  1.  gathering/forest/We/the/mushrooms/are/in.
  2.  horses/are/The/not/now/boys/riding/the.
  3.  breakfast/sister/now/your/having/Is?
  4.  whitewashing/garden/the/They/in/trees/are/the.
  5.  me/waiting/Are/for/you?
  6.  having/not/now/is/lunch/Roger.
  7.  to/teacher/speaking/Our/them/is/now.
  8. carpet/the/Vicky/Is/the/vacuuming/ living-room/in?
  9.  is/coffee/Helen/for/making/not/me.
  10.  friend/going/and/My/are/the/me/cinema/to.
  11.  The/new/concert/learning/children/a/for/song/are/the.
  12.  is/now/brother/for/His/looking/not/work.
  13.  you/hall/the/hanging/in/the/Are/garlands?
  14.  the/in/dusting/is/now/sister/furniture/bedroom/the/My.
  15.  party/Everybody/the/enjoying/is.

Answers: 1. We are gathering mushrooms in the forest. 2. The boys are not riding the horses now. 3. Is your sister having breakfast now? 4. They are whitewashing the trees in the garden. 5. Are you waiting for me? 6.Roger is not having lunch now. 7. Our teacher is speaking to them now. 8. Is Vicky vacuuming the carpet in the living-room? 9. Helen is not making coffee for me. 10. My friend and me are going to the cinema. 11. The children are learning a new song for the concert. 12. His brother is not looking for work now. 13. Are you hanging the garlands in the hall? 14.My sister is dusting the furniture in the bedroom now. 15. Everybody is enjoying the party.

Exercise 11. Переведите на английский язык.

аниме дом

  1. Они сейчас украшают комнату.
  2. Он ждет меня?
  3. Мы сейчас не готовим ужин. Мы убираем кухню.
  4.  Анна не плавает сейчас. Она играет в волейбол со своими друзьями.
  5. Вы слушаете меня? — Да, я слушаю вас внимательно.
  6.  Сейчас я отдыхаю в саду.
  7.  Мой брат ищет какую-то информацию для своего проекта.
  8. Они сейчас не красят крышу дома. Они ремонтируют ворота.
  9.  ДЖейн сейчас принимает душ? — Нет, она готовит завтрак.
  10.  Вы моете руки? — Да.
  11. Твои друзья готовятся к концерту? — Да, они сейчас обсуждают костюмы.
  12.  На улице идет дождь.

Answers: 1.They are decorating the room now. 2. Is he waiting for me? 3. We aren’t cooking supper now. We are cleaning the kitchen. 4. Anna isn’t swimming now. She is playing volleyball with her friends. 5. Are you listening to me? — Yes, I am listening to you attentively. 6. I’m having rest in the garden now. 7. My brother is looking for some information for his project. 8. They aren’t painting the roof of the house now. They are repairing the gates. 9.Is Jane having a shower now? — No, she isn’t. She is cooking breakfast. 10. Are you washing your hands? — Yes, I am. 11. Are your friends preparing for the concert? — Yes, they are discussing the costumes. 12. It is raining outdoors now.




  1. Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — X.: Ранок, 2012. — 304 с.

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