Write the word on the board

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    María Sabina

  • Start date

    Jun 28, 2010


María Sabina


Colombian Spanish

  • Jun 28, 2010

  • #1

Hello everybody, I have a question, I don’t know which one is ok. «Write in the board» or «write on the board».
Thank you very much!

  • WestSideGal


    Senior Member

    English, US

    • Jun 28, 2010

    • #2

    Write on the board.


    Soy Yo

    Senior Member


    EEUU — inglés

    • Jun 28, 2010

    • #3

    Write in your notebook.
    Write on the board. (Como dice WestSide)


    María Sabina


    Colombian Spanish

    • Jun 28, 2010

    • #4

    super!!… thanks you two!!

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    • Spanish-English / Español-Inglés

    • Spanish-English Grammar / Gramática Español-Inglés

    on the board — перевод на русский

    Not a living soul on board!»

    Ни единой живой души на борту.»

    I’d love to be on board.

    Мне хотелось бы быть на борту.

    Would it interest you to know while you’ve been on board…

    Как тебе понравится мысль, что пока вы были на борту,..

    Are there many like him on board?

    Много таких, как он, на борту?

    — Oh, so we have a star on board?

    — У нас звезда на борту?

    Показать ещё примеры для «на борту»…

    She told us on the board Spinks drew.

    Она нам на доске спинкса нарисовала.

    Garin himselfwrote the name on the board. Psychologically, it’s clear.

    Фамилию на доске написал сам Гарин, это психологически ясно.

    He wears Japanese kimonos and sleeps on rugs. Your mother wears a hair net and sleeps on a board.

    Твоя мама носит чепчик и спит на доске.

    On the board on my left, you see squad one, blue sector… squad two, red sector… squad three, green sector.

    На доске слева от меня первый отряд — синий сектор, второй отряд — красный сектор, третий отряд — зеленый сектор.

    On the board on my left, you see squad one…

    На доске слева от меня первый отдел.

    Показать ещё примеры для «на доске»…

    Well, looks like you sleep on board tonight.

    Придется вам сегодня спать на корабле.

    Where could he find a brick wall on board a ship?

    Где он нашёл на корабле кирпичную стену?

    There appear to be more life energy units on board than can be accounted for by the presence of the Enterprise crew plus the Klingons.

    Кажется, на корабле больше живых существ, чем сумма членов экипажа «Энтерпрайза» и клингонов.

    They’re on board.

    Они на корабле.

    The Doctor has just come on board.

    Доктор только что появился на корабле.

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    Now we won’t have to offer the old fart a seat on the board of directors.

    Нам не придется искать старому пердуну место в совете директоров.

    Unless your father’s on the board of directors of another company,… ..you and I are gonna have a very tough time doing business together.

    Пока твой отец в совете директоров нам нужно тяжело работать вместе.

    The Rosses have started up a foundation and I have to sit on the board of directors.

    Ее родители основали фонд a я должен сидеть в совете директоров.


    Мелани и я состоим в совете.

    Tanya’s grandfather is on the board at Stanford.

    Дедушка Тани состоит в совете Стэнфорда.

    Показать ещё примеры для «в совете»…

    He plays his cards very close to the chest and the scuttlebutt is he’s a strong candidate for a seat on the board of First American Financial.

    Он держит свои карты закрытыми… и ходят сплетни что он серьезный кандидат на место… в правлении Первой Американской Финансовой.

    I’m on the board do not belong!

    Я ведь в правлении не состою!

    I’m on the board.

    Я — в правлении.

    She’s on the board of the theatre.

    Она состоит в правлении театра.

    Quite right. However, a well-chosen gift might draw the eye of Mr. Murchie as he considers a replacement for his now-vacated seat on the board.

    Однако хорошо выбранный подарок мог бы дать мистеру Мёрчи пищу для размышлений при выборе кандидата на своё ныне вакантное место в правлении.

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    I’m on board here.


    Julia’s on board.

    Джулия согласна.

    I’m on board.

    Я согласна.

    I mean, one minute, you’re leading the great sub escape, and now you’re on board with blowing up the damn island?

    Сначала ты возглавляешь исход на подлодке, а теперь ты согласна с идей взорвать этот чертов остров?

    And you were totally on board, yeah.

    И ты была полностью согласна, да.

    Показать ещё примеры для «согласна»…

    Good to have you on board.

    Рад быть с тобой в команде.


    Я наполню весь зал экзотическими цветами, приглашу питтсбургский симфонический оркестр – в общем, я в команде.

    — Happy to be on board.

    — Рад быть в коМанде.

    You get him on board.

    Он у тебя в команде.

    Crohne is on board.

    Кроне в команде.

    Показать ещё примеры для «в команде»…

    So, I guess that means you’re on board?

    Итак, по-моему, это значит, что ты в деле?

    You all know our collaborators are on board.

    Вы все знаете, что наши коллеги в деле.

    Now that you’re on board, we can issue the op-order today.

    Теперь, раз вы в деле, можно отдавать распоряжения.

    So we’re on board.

    Итак, мы в деле.

    I can get on board with that.

    Тогда и я в деле.

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    Shall we go on board?

    Мы заходим в самолет?

    As soon as we’re on board, you go reseal the hatch.

    Мы перейдём в самолёт, ты закроешь за нами люк.

    You had my father’s pilot killed and snuck your own on board.

    Ты убила пилота моего отца и посадила в самолет своего.

    Now get on board.

    Садись в самолёт.

    Let me see. Oh, yes. She is on board.

    Да, она в самолёте.

    Показать ещё примеры для «в самолёт»…

    — Well, I saw your name on the board downstairs, and it said you were associate producer of the news.

    — Я увидел ваше имя внизу на табло. Там сказано, что вы помощник продюсера новостных программ.

    And true to form, six points on the board in a hurry.

    И будет верно отметить 6 очков на табло, заработанных в лёгкую.

    First half is almost over, and Taylor would really love to get something on the board and go into the locker room on a positive note.

    Первая половина почти окончена, и Тейлор был бы очень рад поместить хоть что-нибудь на табло и уйти в раздевалку на позитивной ноте.

    And the Panthers have come out firing by putting 14 unanswered points on the board.

    И «Пантеры» выходят из-под обстрела, помещая на табло 14 очков против нуля.

    — The clock on the board is working.

    — Таймер на табло работает.

    Показать ещё примеры для «на табло»…

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    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


    Consider yourself back on the board.

    Считай, что твоё имя снова на доске.

    Write them on the board so all can see.

    Записывайте каждую идею на доске, чтобы все могли ее видеть.

    Weidmann was the only one on the board of the ECB who was opposed to this too.

    Вайдман был единственным в совете ЕЦБ, который тоже возражал против этого.

    Mike Capps will retain his seat on the board of Epic Games and will provide advice to colleagues.

    Майк Кэппс сохранит свое место в совете директоров Epic Games и будет предоставлять коллегам консультационные услуги.

    The whole scandal, including insults and remarks, began on the board of the airplane between two passengers.

    Весь скандал, включая оскорбления и замечания, началась еще на борту самолета между двумя пассажирами.

    Having people on the board of different ages, races, and professions brings new ideas.

    Имея людей на борту разных возрастов, гонки, и профессий приносит новые идеи.

    She writes everything on the board in Spanish.

    Ведь все, что она пишет на доске, на испанском.

    Teacher writes 25 on the board.

    Endgame refers to the final part of a chess game, when very few pieces remain on the board.

    Endgame — заключающий этап игры в шахматы, когда на доске остаётся несколько пешек.

    Use multiple colors while writing on the board.

    Используйте цветные маркеры, когда пишете на доске.

    When my teachers wrote on the board, I saw nothing at all.

    Когда он попросил прочитать буквы на доске, я ничего не смог разглядеть.

    The game is lost if there is not enough space on the board to place a new element.

    Игра теряется, если на доске недостаточно места для размещения нового элемента.

    When you talk to the people on the board, they have a very realistic or at least understandable perspective.

    Когда вы разговариваете с людьми на доске, у них очень реалистичный или, по крайней мере, понятный взгляд.

    If the client cannot quickly read what is written on the board, then he will go further.

    Если клиент не сможет быстро прочитать, что написано на доске, то пойдет дальше.

    As you can see on the board given the name of each student — very impressive.

    Как видите, на доске указано имя каждого студента — очень впечатляюще.

    About a week of daily lessons you can learn to keep on the board and slide on small waves.

    Примерно за неделю ежедневных занятий можно научиться держаться на доске и скользить по небольшим волнам.

    Sixth, you need to teach them how to balance on the board.

    В-шестых, вам нужно научить их балансировать на доске.

    So, the tricks on the board proved themselves from the most serious side.

    Так что, трюки на доске зарекомендовали себя с самой серьезной стороны.

    Get there 15 minutes early and write some key material on the board before anyone gets there.

    Вам на 15 минут раньше и писать некоторые ключевые материал на доске, прежде чем кто-нибудь доберется туда.

    Upon their completion, the students pretty well can control the kite and slide on the board on the waves.

    По их окончании курсанты вполне прилично могут управлять кайтом и скользить на доске по волнам.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат on the board

    Результатов: 3752. Точных совпадений: 3752. Затраченное время: 848 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200



    on board — а) на корабле, на пароходе; на борту; б) амер. в вагоне (железнодорожном, трамвайном); на самолёте
    go on board — сесть на самолёт; сесть на пароход; сесть на корабль
    on board at — в составе…
    add-on board — дополнительная печатная плата; дополнительная плата; плата расширения
    get on board — производить посадку
    come on board — приходить на корабль; садиться на корабль; приходить на судно
    jump on board — стать участником; присоединиться; примкнуть
    take on board — взять и использовать; принять во внимание; принимать на борт
    free on board — франко-борт судна, фоб
    duty on board — корабельная служба

    on board ship — на борту корабля
    fuel on board — количество топлива на борту; запас топлива на борту
    on board wages — на своих харчах
    bring on board — доставить на судно
    barge on board — судно для перевозки барж; баржевоз
    souls on board — количество пассажиров на борту
    clean on board — чистый бортовой коносамент; чистый бортовой
    meals on board — питание на борту
    board on board — борт о борт; рядом; лагом
    place on board — размещать на борту
    laced-on boards — сторонки, скреплённые шнуровкой
    on board a ship — на борту судна
    laying-on board — накладная доска
    to take on board — брать на борт (корабля, самолета)
    on board steamer — на борту судна
    be on board ship — быть на борту судна
    getting on board — производящий посадку
    persons on board — количество пассажиров на борту; персонал на борту
    reserve on board — секретные инструкции, находящиеся на корабле и вступающие в действие по сигналу
    handling on board — обработка (грузов) на борту (судна)

    ещё 20 примеров свернуть

    Автоматический перевод

    на борту, на борту судна, на доске, на его борту, на плате, на палубе, на яхте, бортовой

    Перевод по словам

    on  — на, по, о, в, об, согласно, левая сторона
    board  — совет, борт, доска, правление, питание, садиться, столоваться, лавировать


    All hands on board perished.

    Все члены экипажа погибли.

    All 115 persons on board were killed.

    Все сто пятнадцать человек на борту погибли.

    There are 12 children on board the ship.

    На борту корабля находится двенадцать детей.

    Your freight is the only shipment on board.

    На борту только ваш груз.

    He took on board some 3,000 gallons of wine.

    Он взял на борт около трех тысяч галлонов вина.

    Don’t cast off the boat till everyone is on board.

    Не отчаливайте, пока все не поднимутся на борт.

    The cameraman then came on board and we left the quay.

    Затем оператор поднялся на борт, и мы покинули причал.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

    • 1
      (the) board supports

      правление поддерживает (выдвигает, регулирует, рассматривает сообщения, принимает решения, разрешает)

      English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) board supports

    • 2
      the board decided against the reorganization

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the board decided against the reorganization

    • 3
      the lord is lord, but never go by the board

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the lord is lord, but never go by the board

    • 4
      the several members of the Board

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the several members of the Board

    • 5
      the board

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the board

    • 6
      the board is a poor shew

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the board is a poor shew

    • 7
      the board is a poor show

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the board is a poor show

    • 8
      the board of governors

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the board of governors

    • 9
      the board of governors of a hospital

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the board of governors of a hospital

    • 10
      the board tilted up

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the board tilted up

    • 11
      The Board of Patent Interferences

      ам. Отдел приоритетных споров

      Patent terms dictionary > The Board of Patent Interferences

    • 12
      The Board of Patent Interferences


      ам. Отдел приоритетных споров

      New terms dictionary > The Board of Patent Interferences

    • 13
      the board of governors

      Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > the board of governors

    • 14
      the board of governors

      Англо-русский словарь по проекту Сахалин II > the board of governors

    • 15
      (the) Board is sitting

      Правление/Совет заседает/идёт заседание Правления/Совета

      English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) Board is sitting

    • 16
      (the) board of governors

      правление/совет управляющих

      English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) board of governors

    • 17
      (the) Board of trade

      English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) Board of trade

    • 18



      всеобщий, всеохватывающий


      ; = across the board

      всеобъемлюще, повсеместно; всесторонне, во всех аспектах

      Job displacement is occurring right across-the-board. — Увольнения сейчас происходят повсеместно.

      Postal Service is raising rates across-the-board, generating revenue for an agency reeling from the aftermath of the terrorist attacks and the scare over anthrax-contaminated mail — Почтовая служба поднимает цены на все услуги, чтобы повысить доходы ведомства, пошатнувшегося в результате атак террористов и страха людей перед почтой, зараженной спорами сибирской язвы.

      Англо-русский современный словарь > across-the-board

    • 19

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > across-the-board

    • 20
      across the board

      По всей шкале. The board (доска) в данном случае — стол. Эта фраза означает влияние на что-либо или включение в определённую общую схему всех без исключения.

      There will be salary increases across the board from junior grades to top management. — Ожидается повышение зарплаты на всех уровнях — от младших чиновников до руководства.

      Under the agreement there will be a 20% reduction across the board of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons. — По соглашению должно состояться 20-процентное сокращение всех видов тактического и стратегического ядерного вооружения.

      English-Russian dictionary of expressions > across the board


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • The Board of Directors (album) — Infobox Album Name = The Board of Directors Type = studio Artist = The Mills Brothers, Count Basie and Orchestra Released = 1968 Recorded = November 1967 Genre = Swing Big band music Length = Label = Dot Records Producer = Teddy Reig and Tom Mack …   Wikipedia

    • By the board — Board Board (b[=o]rd), n. [OE. bord, AS. bord board, shipboard; akin to bred plank, Icel. bor[eth] board, side of a ship, Goth. f[=o]tu baurd footstool, D. bord board, G. brett, bort. See def. 8. [root]92.] 1. A piece of timber sawed thin, and of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • across the board — {adv. phr.} 1. So that equal amounts of money are bet on the same horse to win a race, to place second, or third. * /I bet $6 on the white horse across the board./ Often used with hyphens as an adjective. * /I made an across the board bet on the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • across the board — {adv. phr.} 1. So that equal amounts of money are bet on the same horse to win a race, to place second, or third. * /I bet $6 on the white horse across the board./ Often used with hyphens as an adjective. * /I made an across the board bet on the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • play the board — verb To have as ones best hand the communal cards on the board. A player in such a situation can only achieve a split pot as all the other players can also play the board …   Wiktionary

    • by the board — See: GO BY THE BOARD also PASS BY THE BOARD …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • by the board — See: GO BY THE BOARD also PASS BY THE BOARD …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • across-the-board — adj. 1. broad in scope or content {limited, exclusive} Syn: all embracing, all inclusive, blanket(prenominal), broad, complete, global, panoptic, wide [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • across-the-board — adjective Date: 1945 1. placed to win if a competitor wins, places, or shows < an across the board racing bet > 2. embracing or affecting all classes or categories ; blanket < an across the board price increase > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

    • across the board — phrasal so as to include or affect all classes or categories < cut spending across the board >; also in all areas or respects < considered an average player across the board > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

    • across-the-board — /euh kraws dheuh bawrd , bohrd , euh kros /, adj. 1. applying to all employees, members, groups, or categories; general: The across the board pay increase means a raise for all employees. 2. (of a bet) covering all possibilities of winning on a… …   Universalium

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    A complete search of the internet has found these results:

    Write on the board is the most popular phrase on the web.

    More popular!

    Write on the board

    3,190,000 results on the web

    Some examples from the web:

    • Only I get to write on the board.
    • — You didn’t write it on the board.
    • I’m pretty sure he makes up these rando lessons a split second before he writes ’em on the board.
    • You didn’t write «unique» on the board three months ago.
    • Why don’t you write your name on the board.
    • Say you want to make ice cream illegal, which is crazy because ice cream is delicious, but what I would do is write up on the board,
    • Write question #1 on the board and if you have the time, do it up to #4
    • If you have a problem with my soap use, you can go write it up on the grievance board.
    • I write the specials on the specials board.
    • Let’s get her a white board to write on.
    • We live together in the same house, and then he writes letters to the board of directors.
    • Just tell me that I’ll be able to write my boards.
    • I can’t impart the word of the Lord without a board to write it on.
    • Would you write to the Navy Board for me?
    • In reply to Written Question E-0885/08, Commissioner Wallström writes that the editorial board of ‘Europabericht’ did not act arbitrarily when Vlaams Belang was the only party which was not invited to comment on the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty.
    • So, I’m going to write out a couple things on the board. I want you to turn your pages to chapter seven.
    • I write stories thriller So the boards and you and me of hypocrisy.
    • Noah Shapiro declined to write on your behalf.
    • I have the feeling that I can to write on these enormous partitions… of 3000 or 4000 meter high, as a professor writes on a blackboard with a chalk.
    • Please write on it «My Friend».

    Write on board

    315,000 results on the web

    Some examples from the web:

    • Only I get to write on the board.
    • — You didn’t write it on the board.
    • I’m pretty sure he makes up these rando lessons a split second before he writes ’em on the board.
    • Why don’t you write your name on the board.
    • Say you want to make ice cream illegal, which is crazy because ice cream is delicious, but what I would do is write up on the board,
    • Let’s get her a white board to write on.
    • Just tell me that I’ll be able to write my boards.
    • I can’t impart the word of the Lord without a board to write it on.
    • We live together in the same house, and then he writes letters to the board of directors.
    • Would you write to the Navy Board for me?
    • In reply to Written Question E-0885/08, Commissioner Wallström writes that the editorial board of ‘Europabericht’ did not act arbitrarily when Vlaams Belang was the only party which was not invited to comment on the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty.
    • A conductor can hand-write a ticket once you’re already on board.
    • Noah Shapiro declined to write on your behalf.
    • Complaints regarding on-board living and working conditions should be investigated.
    • Planetary data programmed into on-board computer.
    • A Firefly with possible stolen goods on board.
    • You shouldn’t even carry cigarettes on board.
    • Request on-board computer failure on second landing.
    • We can’t raise anyone on board.
    • Instructions for recharging should be carried on board.

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    When you are safely aboard a vessel, like a cruise ship, are you onboard or on board?

    What about when you agree with someone’s inspiring plan to save the world? Are you onboard or on board?

    Actually, the answer to both of those questions is the same. On board and onboard have distinct usage cases, and both of those examples just happened to be situations where on board is correct.

    Confused yet? Don’t worry—I’ll explain it all below.

    What is the Difference Between On Board and Onboard?

    In this post, I will compare on board vs. onboard. I will use each term in at least one example sentence, so you can see them in context.

    Plus, I will show you a helpful memory tool that will make choosing on board or onboard a little easier.

    When to Use On Board

    On board versus onboard What does on board mean? On board can be a prepositional phrase, or it can function as an adverb in sentences. On board means present, in agreement, or in its most literal sense, safely in a ship.

    Here are two example sentences,

    • While on board the aircraft, please refrain from smoking cigarettes.
    • Kevin often gets seasick while on board seafaring vessels.

    On board has a synonym, aboard, which can be a more fluid choice in some instances. It means the same thing, but is shorter and simpler.

    When to Use Onboard

    What does onboard mean? Onboard can be an adjective or a verb.

    As an adjective, onboard means attached or integral, especially when referring to a vehicle’s equipment. An onboard computer, for instance, is a computer that is built into the design of a vessel.

    For example,

    • Ashlynn bought a new car, and she was careful to choose one with onboard GPS to help her navigate.
    • The onboard navigational system helped pilots choose the fastest route without wasting fuel.

    On boarding or onboardingAs an adjective, onboard always comes before the noun it modifies—in the sentences above, these are GPS and system. After a verb, choose the phrase on board instead.

    Onboard can also be a verb, where it is HR-speak for hiring and training new employees. It is usually conjugated as the present participle onboarding in phrases like the onboarding process.

    For example,

    • The company-wide transition to an online application tool will significantly streamline the onboarding process.
    • The new onboarding process replaces meaningful, one-on-one mentoring by experienced coworkers with an extensive library of outdated, poorly produced training videos.

    Onboarding or On boarding? If you are part of a team that gets new employees acquainted with their roles in the company, the term you are looking for is onboarding. In this sense, onboard can be a noun or a verb.

    Is onboard hyphenated? Occasionally, you might see the one-word onboard spelled as a hyphenated compound: on-board. In fact, some spellchecks flag onboard as an error in favor of on-board.

    Depending on your company’s style guide, you may or may not be required to use the on-board over onboard. The general trend, however, appears to be favoring the closed compound.

    Trick to Remember the Difference

    On boarding vs onboardingNow, let’s go over a trick to remember onboard vs. on board.

    • Use onboard as an adjective before the noun it modifies.
    • The phrase on board is an adverb or a prepositional phrase, and it usually goes after a verb.

    Since onboard is a single two-syllable word, like before, I predict you will experience only minimal difficulty remembering to use onboard before nouns.


    Is it onboard or on board? These usages contain all the same letters, but they should be kept separate.

    • Onboard is an adjective that means attached, and a verb that means to acclimate new hires to a new company.
    • On board is an adverb or prepositional phrase that means safely aboard a vessel or in agreement.


    • 1 What is the Difference Between On Board and Onboard?
    • 2 When to Use On Board
    • 3 When to Use Onboard
    • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
    • 5 Summary

    on board

    1. on a ship, aircraft, or public vehicle:

    • The life of a boy on board a ship isn’t one to be envied, he is at every one’s beck and call.

    2. said of smb. working with an organization or a group of people:

    • We are in the process of interviewing applicants and hope to have a new teacher on board soon.

    3. (sl.) said of drink consumed by a person:

    • With a brandy like this on board, I’d face the devil himself.

    on the board

    1. on the notice-board to which public notices are affixed:

    • The matriculation takes place in the Senate Hall at times indicated on the board.

    2. on the patterned surface on which some games are played:

    • He slowly built an assault, using every piece on the board.

    3. belonging to the committee controlling a business:

    • He is on the board of thirty companies, and can fairly claim to be the biggest hotelier in Europe.


    a) The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase on the drawing board—under preparation:

    • A plan is now on the drawing board to build new schools in remote areas.

    b) The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase on the boards—on the stage:

    • Many of England’s most talented actors appear on the boards at the Swan Theater.

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