Write the word in the correct form to fill the gaps

Test 2
Variant 1

Name:__________________________ Class: _________ Date: _______________

Fill in the correct word: teaspoons, opposite, grated, overcooked, portions, nursery, grilled, preheat, piece, pinch

1.This restaurant serves very small _______________ . 2.I’m hungry after I leave it!
3.I’d like two _______________ of sugar in my tea, please!
4.My mum is making pizza. We need some _______________ cheese.
5._______________ chicken is my favourite dish!
6.I didn’t like vegetables at all. They were _______________ .
7.The test is very easy. It was a _______________ of cake.
8.You should add another _______________ of pepper to the sauce.
9.Bill likes sharing his food with other little children at the _______________ school.
10.Where’s the chemist’s? — _______________ the supermarket.
11._______________ the oven to 190 °C and bake cherry cake for 50 minutes.

Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.
1.She has a very strong _____________ of coffee. She drinks tea. (like)
2.Her name is very difficult and most people ___________ it when they write it down. (spell)
3.I’ve had a ____________ with my History teacher. (understanding)
4.Mary is polite and never shows _____________ to others. (respect)
5.What are the _____________ of living in a big city?(advantages)

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
The police 1.____________________ (go) after a robber for over an hour.
2.We __________never______________(buy) things at the flea market.
3.The waiters ________already____________ (serve) steamed fish.
4.Vegetables ____________________ (boil) for 30 minutes.
5.We____________________ (try) to find tickets for the concert for three weeks.
6.My sister _________________(write) her new book for the last two months.
7.She _______________________ (not/read) this book yet.
8.You look tired! __________you ________________ (work) all day?
9.I _______________________ (not / eat) Chinese food yet.
10.How long _______ you ________________(study) English?
11.How many souvenirs you ________ your sister ______________(buy) in Spain?
12.I _______________________ (not / see) Tina for ages.
13.I ____________________(know) Mrs Brown for twenty years now.
14.Can we go soon? We ____________________ (walk) around this department store for about last two hours!
15.______ you ______________(do) your homework yet?

Complete the phrasal verbs with the right pre»Times New Roman, serif»>down with, off, without, up, with, after, through
1.Mary went _______ the flu yesterday and she stayed at home.
2.Boys have gone _______ the kitten and caught it.
3.Don’t use this cheese! It’s gone _______ .
4.Dad is so sad. He is going _______ a difficult time.
5.The price of oil has gone _______ recently.
6.This dress goes _______ your new trousers.
7.What animals can do _______ water for a long time?

Task 2 (5 points).
Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps.
Example: 0 __beautifully__ BEAUTY

We all have some preferences when we choose our friends. For
some people intelligence is not 1.___________ IMPORTANCE
They appreciate things like patience or responsibility. Others are attracted by the 2._______________ of a person or the self-confidence he or she has. APPEAR
Whatever the criteria may be, one thing is for sure. A good relationship will make a 3.__________________ in your life. DIFFERENT
It’ll make you feel better. It’s nice to share your 4.____________
or disappointment with your friend. EXCITE
5.___________________ is one of the best things in the world. FRIEND
ЕСЛИ НУЖНО,ТО ВОТ ПЕРЕВОД:R EAD текста , а затем написать правильную форму слова в БУКВАХ , чтобы завершить пробела.

Пример : 0 __ красиво __ КРАСОТА

У всех нас есть какие-то предпочтения при выборе друзей. За

у некоторых людей интеллект не 1 .___________


Они ценят такие вещи, как терпение и ответственность. Других привлекают 2 ._______________ человека или его уверенность в себе.


Какими бы ни были критерии, одно можно сказать наверняка. Хорошие отношения сделают 3 __________________ в вашей жизни.


От этого тебе станет легче. Приятно поделиться своими 4 .____________

или разочарование в друге.


5 .___________________ — одна из лучших вещей в мире.




1. Write the correct word with ‘self’  

He doesn’t look himself today. Is he OK?  

Alex, did you choose my present yourself?  

She did it all by herself.  

They built their house themselves.  

Shall we wait for you or buy everything ourselves?  

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb: check out, check in, checks off, check on, checked out of  

After you check in, someone will help you carry your bags to your room.  

Let’s go and check out that new restaurant in the city center.  

Laura usually checks off the items on her shopping list as she goes around the supermarket.  

Peter was asked to return his room key when he checked out of the hotel.  

Can you check on the dinner and make sure it’s not burning?  

3. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.  

This skirt is made from silk.  

A lot of dogs are abandoned in the streets by their owners.  

All the concert tickets were already sold out.  

This book will be returned to the library next week.  

When was the Eiffel Tower built?  

The building was finished last month.  

Photography is not allowed in the museum.  

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is covered in marble.  

4. Fill in: natural, animal, charity, staff, take care, couple of hours, foster, senior, burst, abandoned.  

My best friend works a couple of hours twice a week at the animal shelter. He is not a staff member. He helps to take care of animals and feed them. Some of the animals need more care than usual, so a foster home is found for them. It is hard not to burst into tears when you see abandoned animals. He sometimes goes to a charity event or visits a senior citizen for a few hours. Volunteering is his natural choice.  

5. Fill in the correct preposition  

We were told about showing kindness to animals and looking after them properly.  

I liked the idea of getting involved into something worthwhile.  

Most of the animals are removed from their homes.  

Could you volunteer to visit a senior citizen for a couple of hours about twice a week?  

We always donate old clothes to the local charity shop.  




Let’s cross the road at the zebra crossing. It’s safer.

The staff members at the animal clinic are very helpful.

I’d like to open a bank
account, please.

When she found her dog safe after the accident, she burst into tears.

I want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was a natural choice for me.


My computer will be checked for viruses tomorrow.

A lot of houses are destroyed by huge tornado last year.

This chair is made of plastic, don’t stand on it.

The work is very important and it must be done on time!

Our house is painted with expensive green paints.


Whoever wants to take part in the competition, should fill in this form.

Wherever Helen goes, she always takes her laptop with her.

Jason will not change his mind, whatever you say to him.

You can do the task however   you want: in writing or orally.

Whenever I hear this song, I remember my holidays in Spain.


Girls, if you want some food, help yourselves.

Did Olga clean all the house herself?

Mile likes to make himself heard.

I think, we can overcome the problem ourselves.

I’ve myself installed anti-virus software on my computer.


What time do we have to check out of
the hotel?

I am going to write a list of things to take with me and checked out the items I’ve already packed.

Tim and Rob checks off a nice café down the street yesterday.

Sam will check in for the flight after he finishes his coffee.

Laura always check on her children before she goes to bed herself.


7 Проверьте глаголы по списку слов. Используйте их в правильной форме, чтобы заполнить пробелы.

Бояться – покрывать — остаться — тонуть — занести снегом – треснуть – рухнуть — терять

1 Тысячи людей остались бездомными.

2 Сотни овец утонули в наводнении, и многие другие животные потеряли места своего обитания.

3 Многие дороги треснули и пятиэтажный жилой дом рухнул, как карточный домик. Люди в здании бояться умереть.

4 Многие люди были занесены снегом и дороги были покрыты льдом.

О каких стихийных бедствиях из Упр.6 говорят нам эти предложения?

1 left (оставленный)

2 drowned, lost (утонувший, потерянные)

3 cracked, collapsed, feared (треснутый, рухнувший, боялись)

4 snowed, covered (заснеженный, покрытый)

Названия стихийных бедствий:

1 tsunami/earthquake/flood (цунами/землетрясение/наводнение)

2 flood (наводнение)

3 earthquake (землетрясение)

4 avalanche (лавина)

1 . Fill in the words: staff, natural, burst, zebra, bank

1Let’s cross the road at the ……….. crossing. It’s safer.

2The………..members at the animal clinic are very helpful.

3I’d like to open a ……….. account, please.

4When she found her dog safe after the accident, she ………into tears.

5I want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was a …….. choice for me.
2 Put the verbs in brackets into correct passive form:

1My computer …………… (check) for viruses tomorrow.

2A lot of houses ……….. (destroy) by huge tornado last year.

3This chair …………. (make) of plastic, don’t stand on it.

4The work is very important and it ……….. (must do) on time!

5Our house ……….. (paint) with expensive green paints.
3 Write the correct word with ‘self’

1Girls, if you want some food, help ……………. .

2Did Olga clean all the house …………. ?

3Mile likes to make ……….. heard.

4I think, we can overcome the problem ………… .

5I’ve ………….. installed anti-virus software on my computer.
4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb: checked out, will check in, check off, checks on, check out of

1What time do we have to ………… the hotel?

2I am going to write a list of things to take with me and ………. the items I’ve already packed.

3Tim and Rob ………. a nice café down the street yesterday.

4Sam …………for the flight after he finishes his coffee.

5Laura always ………… her children before she goes to bed herself. Помогите пожалуйста сделать задания. Зарания спасибо

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