Write the word form for each number

15 answers

  1. three and one hundred thousandths


    three and one tenth

  2. Math

  3. 3.100

  4. 5.267

  5. 3.100

  6. Write the word form of each number and tell the value of the underlined digit.3.100

  7. Answer please

  8. Write the word form of each number and tell the value of the underline digit.
    The underline digit is 1.
    The answer is Three and one-hundred thousands.
    The answer of the underline digit is it is in the ones place.

  9. 5.267 in word form is five and two hundred sixy-seven thousands.
    The answer for the value on were the 6 is it is in the tens place.

  10. Hello everyone!

  11. 2.778 writen in word form is Two and seven hundred seventy-eight thousands.
    The 8 is in the thousands place in place value.

  12. Who knows Billie Eilish!
    Shes the best in the world if you dont know her let me explain she is a famous American singer and has a brother andn also her songs are very amazimg like yyyyyyyaaaaaahhhhhh! woooh Billie Elish.

  13. Billie Elish is Amazing!

  14. Everybody loves Billie Elish right!

  15. 2 3/100

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Word form is one way in which the concept of numbers can be written. Other forms include standard and expanded form. Word form involves expressing numbers using words rather than numerals. Below are a few examples of numbers written in word form.

  • The word form for 14 is fourteen.
  • The word form for is one half.
  • The word form for 5.6 is five and six tenths. Note that the decimal point is read as «and.»
  • The word form for 2,010 is two thousand ten.
  • The word form for 1,000,000 is one million.

How to write numbers in word form

We can write all types of numbers, such as integers, fractions, and decimal numbers, in word form.


Recall that integers are the set of all positive and negative whole numbers including 0. For the smaller numbers, like 1-20 we just need to remember what the numbers are called.

1 — one 11 — eleven
2 — two 12 — twelve
3 — three 13 — thirteen
4 — four 14 — fourteen
5 — five 15 — fifteen
6 — six 16 — sixteen
7 — seven 17 — seventeen
8 — eight 18 — eighteen
9 — nine 19 — nineteen
10 — ten 20 — twenty

Note that any negative number is written in word form in the same way except that the word «negative» is written in front. Once we know how to write each of the above numbers in word form, the next step is to remember what every 10 numbers is referred to:

10 — ten
20 — twenty
30 — thirty
40 — forty
50 — fifty
60 — sixty
70 — seventy
80 — eighty
90 — ninety

Numbers that include both tens and ones are hyphenated. For example, 21 is written as twenty-one, 39 is written as thirty-nine, and so on.

Writing larger numbers in word form requires an understanding of place value and periods. Below is a figure showing the place values and periods through the billions.

The numbers described above fall within the ones period and involve ones, tens, and hundreds. The next period is the thousands, which also includes ones (thousand), tens (ten thousand), and hundreds (hundred thousands). This pattern continues for all the larger numbers (the smaller ones as well, if there are decimal places). To write a given number in word form, identify the largest place value, write each number as we would in the ones place based on hundreds, tens, and ones, then write which period the digits fit into, whether it be millions, thousands, etc., but excluding the ones. Repeat this process from left to right.


Use the place value chart to write the following number in word form.

There are 4 periods in the above number: billions, millions, thousands, and ones. We can separate each period with commas, as we would with numerals. Write out the word form of the three digits in each period, then add the respective period name after each, except for the ones period. Attempt this before reading the solution below.

The word form of the above number is:

Two hundred forty-nine billion, five hundred fifty-one million, six hundred seventy-two thousand, four hundred eighty-six.

Decimal numbers

Decimal numbers are written in word form in a similar way as integers. One key difference is the addition of the decimal point, which is written as «and.» The numbers after the decimal point are written in the same way as any integer, except that the last digit in the number is hyphenated, and the place value of the digit is written after the hyphen. For example, the decimal number 123.123 is written in word form as «One hundred twenty-three and one hundred twenty-three-thousandths.»

The table below shows the name of each place based on the place value of the number 1:

Decimal Place value
0.1 tenths
0.01 hundredths
0.001 thousandths
0.0001 ten-thousandths
0.00001 hundred-thousandths
0.000001 millionths
0.0000001 ten-millionth
0.00000001 hundred-millionth
0.000000001 billionth

Thus, to write any decimal number:

  • Write the word form of the number to the left of the decimal point first, then the word form of the number to the right.
  • Hyphenate the last word in the word form of the number to the right of the decimal point.
  • Write the place value of the last digit after the hyphen.


The rules for writing fractions in word form are not as consistent as those for writing a decimal number, so instead of set rules, below are a few examples of the word forms of various fractions, as well as some general rules that apply to many fractions.

Generally, aside from exceptions, such as the word form of ½ being «one half» not «one second,» the rules below can be used to write the word form of most fractions.

  1. Write the word form of the integer in the numerator.
  2. Write the denominator in its ordinal number form.

Ielts listening practice test 33Let’s start:- #0106 Latest Listening Practice Test for IELTS Ielts listening practice test 33


Questions 1-3

Complete the form below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Name:                                Brad Simmons

Telephone number:     (1)…………

Email address:               brado70elemnet.com

Membership type:        (2)…………

Payment amount:         £36.50


Date and time:               Saturday (3)………… November at 2.30 p.m.

Questions 4-7

Complete the diagram below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Questions 8-10

Complete the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

(8)  Name two times that Brad will visit the gym …………

(9)  What convinced Brad to choose Smith’s gym ? …………

(10)  What does Brad want to achieve at the gym ? …………


Questions 11-16

Choose the correct letter A , B or C.

(11)  The self-access centre

 A    is always available.

 B    is generally quiet.

 C    gets busy during exams.

(12)  The Internet PCs

 A    should be used for no more than half an hour.

 B    must not be used to access Facebook.

 C    are generally used to study English.

(13)  Usernames and passwords

 A    are created by the teachers.

 B    are issued during induction.

 C    are created by students.

(14)  The help desk

 A    is staffed by technicians.

 B    offers language support.

 C    is only open when two members of staff are available.

(15)  Photocopying of reference books

 A    is not allowed.

 B    is done by teachers.

 C    has a small cost.

(16)  The high-spec PCs

 A    can be used to browse the Internet.

 B    are available for word processing.

 C    may need a CD-ROM.

Questions 17-20

Complete the sentences below.


(17)  Students can purchase a set of ……….. from the help desk.

(18)  The graded readers can be borrowed for a maximum of …………. .

(19)  The centre opens at 8.30 and closes at ………… Monday to Friday.

(20)  On occasion the room is ………… by a teacher and might not be available.


Questions 21-23

Complete the table below.


Overview of Benchmark Consulting!

Founded by James Cox First office in Melbourne Established new (21)…………
Fred Montgomery Opened the Perth office Increased revenue to (22)…………
Sold to TFB Group Ltd for $10 million Created new (23)………… in Sydney Contract with Australian government

Questions 24-26

In which city A-C are the company’s functions in 24-26 located ?


 B    Perth

 C    Melbourne

(24)  Marketing             ……….

(25)  Staff training        ……….

(26)  Administration    ……….

Questions 27-30

Complete the summary below.

Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Benchmark Consulting – company vision for the future!

Over the next five years, Benchmark Consulting will create two (27)………… companies in order to increase business with European and Asian organizations. In all departments, more (28)………… will be recruited over the next year, and to ensure Benchmark Consulting is a good choice for potential employees, salaries for staff will be raised by (29)………… Staff who will have to move to a different city following the restructure will be receive a (30)………… package to assist with expenses.


Questions 31-33

Choose the correct letter A , B or C.

(31)  According to the text, shared space

 A    is very popular in the Netherlands.

 B    reduces the number of cars in an area.

 C    improves the dynamic between drivers and pedestrians.

(32)  Shared space design results in

 A    fewer road signs.

 B    stronger boundaries between pedestrians and motorists.

 C    increased local employment.

(33)  Supporters of shared space argue that it

 A    leads to new business opening,

 B    makes people happier to shop in the area.

 C    encourages wildlife.

Questions 34-37

Match the groups A-D with their concerns about shared space 34-37.

 A    Motorists

 B    Blind people

 C    Cyclists 

 D    Supporters of shared space

(34)  Insufficient experience amongst planners    ……….

(35)  A lack of important signage                                 ……….

(36)  Intimidation by motorists                                    ……….

(37)  The loss of familiar street furniture                 ……….

Questions 38-39

Choose TWO letters A-D.

People will be able to answer the questions 

    on the Internet.

 B    at the local library.

 C    at the proposed site.

 D    at home.

(40)  Questions must be designed so that they

 A    do not reflect the views of the campaign group.

 B    do not require an understanding of shared

 C    are easy to answer.

ANSWERS (Ielts listening practice test 33)

  1. 0498355521
  2. Silver
  3. 11 / 11th
  4. Club lane
  5. School groups
  6. Free swimming
  7. Toddlers pool
  8. Evenings , Sunday
  9. The television advert
  10. Reach optimum fitness
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. B
  16. C
  17. Headphones
  18. 14 days / 2 weeks
  19. 5.30
  20. Booked / reserved
  21. Consultancy system
  22. $5 million / 5000000
  23. Headquarters
  24. C
  25. B
  26. A
  27. Subsidiary
  28. Employees
  29. 10%
  30. Relocation
  31. C
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. A
  36. C
  37. B
  38. A* (* IN ANY ORDER)
  39. C*
  40. A

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Er. Nachhattar Singh ( CEO, blogger, youtuber, Motivational speaker)


The ensemble of worksheets featured here contains numerals with digits in the thousands’, ten thousands’, and hundred thousands’ places. Guide your 3rd grade and 4th grade children in writing the appropriate number names or numbers with this assembly of pdf exercises incorporating 4-digit, 5-digit and 6-digit numbers. Obtain a free access to some of these worksheets!

Numbers to Words

Write the numbers in word form

Test your child’s ability to spell and write the number names for this series of worksheets that have been classified into 4-digit, 5-digit and 6-digit numbers. Download these worksheets for a great learning experience!

Level: 4-digit | 5-digit | 6-digit (5 worksheets each)

  • Download the set

    (15 Worksheets)

Numbers to Words Mixed

Words to Numbers

Represent number names in standard form

Read each number name and write the correct numeral that represents the number word. The printable worksheets have been split into 4-digit, 5-digit, and 6-digit number names to ensure smooth downloads.

Level: 4-digit | 5-digit | 6-digit (5 worksheets each)

  • Download the set

    (15 Worksheets)

Words to Numbers Mixed

Combined Review

Combined Review: Word form and standard form

This group of combined review worksheets have been segregated into 4-digit, 5-digit and 6-digit numbers. It forms a perfect tool in gauging a child’s aptitude to represent number names for numerals in thousands and vice versa.

Level: 4-digit | 5-digit | 6-digit (5 worksheets each)

  • Download the set

    (15 Worksheets)

Combined Review Mixed

Presentation on theme: «Warm Up 4. How many stars? A. B. 3. 892 — 65 4. 368 + 89 1.Write the WORD form and tell the value of the RED digit in each number. 5,683 475 2.Write the.»— Presentation transcript:


Warm Up 4. How many stars? A. B. 3. 892 — 65 4. 368 + 89 1.Write the WORD form and tell the value of the RED digit in each number. 5,683 475 2.Write the expanded form. 892


Ten Minute Math Today’s Number: 425 Create an expression equal to 425. You must use one combination that adds up to 100 in each expression. Example: (15 + 85=100) + 300 + 25 = 425 Which numbers in your expression add up to 100? How do you know your expression equals 425?


This page has a picture of a case of juice cans, but the delivery person has left a baseball cap on top. How can we figure out how many cans of juice are in this case, including the ones that we can not see? Turn to your shoulder partner and discuss what strategies you could use.


Arrays Arrays are objects in a rectangular arrangement of equal rows. For example, a six-pack of juice. Imagine a six-pack. How many rows do you see? How many cans are in each row? Does anyone see it differently?


Create this chart in your math notebooks. Think about what other objects come in arrays. You may want to think of items at the grocery store. Turn to shoulder partner to share ideas. Create class chart.


Dimension Does anyone know what the dimensions of this case of water are? Rows: Columns: How can we make these two numbers equal 30?

One way to help understand place value is by writing numbers in standard form, word form, and expanded form. For example, 9 in 129 has a different value than the 9 in 192. Knowing how to represent numbers in these three different ways will help build place value concepts. 

What are these three forms of writing numbers? 

Standard form is the usual way of writing numbers. One example is 756. This is how we see numbers everyday in the grocery, on our phones, computers, etc. 

Expanded form is breaking down the numbers in such a way that you see the value of each number. So, the expanded form of 756 is 700 + 50 + 6. 

Word form is when you write a number the way that you read it. When you see the number 756, you write it as “seven hundred fifty-six”. 

How do you write numbers in standard form to word form?

When writing numbers from standard form to word form, having a place value chart will be very helpful. A place value chart shows how each digit in a number is related. It helps you read and separate the values into groups of three especially with big numbers. 

Place value chart from ones to hundred millions

Just look at this number 612,321,589. This number is read as “six hundred twelve million, three hundred twenty-one thousand, five hundred eighty-nine”. Notice that for each group of three, there is a comma or sometimes a space. These commas or spaces are not just for ease of reading. Commas also indicate the period or the group of digits in your number.

How do you write numbers in standard form to expanded form?

When writing numbers in expanded form, you will also find a place value chart helpful. Place value chart not just shows how the numbers are grouped, but also shows that each digit in a number increases by a power of ten from right to left. This will help decompose a number so that your students will know that having a 9 in the tens place has a different value than having a 9 in the hundreds place. 

Here’s a place value chart showing the value of a number.

Place value chart

When the number 721,345,698 is placed in a place value chart, you will see the following: 

  • 7 is in the hundred millions place and has a value of 700,000,000
  • 2 is in the ten millions place and has a value of 20,000,000
  • 1 is in the millions place and has a value of 1,000,000
  • 3 is in the hundred thousands place and has a value of 300,000
  • 4 is the ten thousands place and has a value of 40,000
  • 5 is in the thousands place and has a value of 5,000
  • 6 is in the hundreds place and has a value of 600
  • 9 is in the tens place and has a value of 90
  • 8 is in the ones place and has a value of 8

When you put them all together, you will have a number written in expanded form. So 721,345,698 written in expanded form is 700,000,000 + 20,000,000 + 1,000,000 + 300,000 + 40,000 + 5,000 + 600 + 90 + 8.

To start practicing converting numbers into their different forms, you can try our Match the Numbers worksheet. This activity asks the students to match the standard, expanded, and word forms of each number. This is a cut-and-paste activity but is easily convertible to just a pen-and-paper activity. An answer key is included on the second page.

Standard Form, Word Form, Expanded Form Activity

Need a more comprehensive worksheet on reading and writing numbers? Check out these activities on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Using base-ten blocks is another good tool to help decompose a number in expanded form. You can start with our Place Value with Base-ten Blocks activity.

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