Write the word for the people living in these countries

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: mihsofvit


Автор ответа: DIGMA207




England — English

Scotland — Scottish

Wales — Welsh

Ireland — Welsh

Britain — British


вот таблица всех названий, она тебе пригодится.

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ударения Ка-вин-тра,шин-пу-ка,сту-ки-пен ,

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выполни деление с остатком

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Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
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  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Write the missing travel word:
tourism is the industry which helps people to go on holiday. ...

Write the missing travel word:
tourism is the industry which helps people to go on holiday.

Write the missing travel word:
An embassy is the group of people who represent their country in a foreign country. ...

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An embassy is the group of people who represent their country in a foreign country.

Write the missing travel word:
To meet means to come together with new people on holiday. ...

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To meet means to come together with new people on holiday.

Write the missing travel word:
accommodation is a place to live, work or stay. ...

Write the missing travel word:
accommodation is a place to live, work or stay.

Write the missing travel word:
customs is the place where bags are checked for illegal items. ...

Write the missing travel word:
customs is the place where bags are checked for illegal items.

Write the missing travel word:
To stay means to live in a place for a temporary period. ...

Write the missing travel word:
To stay means to live in a place for a temporary period.

Write the missing travel word:
А citizen is a person who is a member of a particular country and who has rights because of being
born there or becau ...

Write the missing travel word:
А citizen is a person who is a member of a particular country and who has rights because of being
born there or because of being given rights, or a person who lives in a particular town or city.

Write the missing travel word:
А theft is the act of taking something that belongs to someone else and keeping it; stealing. ...

Write the missing travel word:
А theft is the act of taking something that belongs to someone else and keeping it; stealing.

Write the missing travel word:
You have this to protect against a disease. inoculation ...

Write the missing travel word:
You have this to protect against a disease. inoculation

Write the missing travel word:
destination is the place you travel to. ...

Write the missing travel word:
destination is the place you travel to.

Write the missing travel word:
inconvenience is a state or an example of problems or trouble, often causing a delay or loss of comfort. ...

Write the missing travel word:
inconvenience is a state or an example of problems or trouble, often causing a delay or loss of comfort.

Write the missing travel word:
You pay this to protect yourself on holiday. insurance ...

Write the missing travel word:
You pay this to protect yourself on holiday. insurance

Write the missing travel word:
А trip is a kind of journey. ...

Write the missing travel word:
А trip is a kind of journey.

Write the missing travel word:
To travel means to go on a journey. ...

Write the missing travel word:
To travel means to go on a journey.

Write the missing travel word:
documents are papers with official information for travel (e.g. passport, tickets, visa). ...

Write the missing travel word:
documents are papers with official information for travel (e.g. passport, tickets, visa).

Write the missing travel word:
А Merchant is a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts, especially by trading with
other count ...

Write the missing travel word:
А Merchant is a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts, especially by trading with
other countries.

Write the missing travel word:
А sight is a special place to see (e.g. famous monument, building, palace). ...

Write the missing travel word:
А sight is a special place to see (e.g. famous monument, building, palace).

Write the missing travel word:
А disaster is (an event that results in) great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty. ...

Write the missing travel word:
А disaster is (an event that results in) great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty.

Write the missing travel word:
А resort is a place where many people go for rest, sport, or another stated purpose. ...

Write the missing travel word:
А resort is a place where many people go for rest, sport, or another stated purpose.

Write the missing travel word:
rural means in or from the countryside. ...

Write the missing travel word:
rural means in or from the countryside.


c Write words for the definitions.
1 сr (adj) full of people or things
2 s(adj) opposite of dangerous
3 n (adj) opposite of quiet (for a place)
4 s (adj, noun) opposite of north
5 m(noun) a building where you can see old things
6 p (noun) the place where a king or queen lives
7 m (noun) a religious building for Muslims
8 b (noun) you have 206 of these in your body
9 br (noun) the organ we use to think
10 sk (noun) it covers the outside of your body

23   I promised my mum that I would work hard this year.   made

        I ……………………………………… that I would work hard this year.

24   My parents allowed me to go out even though it was very late.   let

        My parents ……………………………………… even though it was very late.

25   Margaret and I have had an argument, so we’re not talking to each other.   out

        Margaret and I ………………………………………, so we’re not talking to each other.

26   Nobody approved of the new law when it was introduced.   approval

        The new law didn’t ……………………………………… when it was introduced.

27   I didn’t want to have an argument, so I changed the subject.   mood

        I wasn’t ……………………………………… an argument, so I changed the subject.

28   Tina was depressed because she couldn’t make friends at summer camp.   inability

        Tina was depressed because ……………………………………… friends at summer camp.

29   ‘Could you open the door for me, please?’ said Simon.   me

        Simon ……………………………………… the door for him.

30   Make sure you look after your little brother while I’m out.   care

        Make sure you ……………………………………… your little brother while I’m out.

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