Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture

Listen to five different people talking about their jobs and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. Preparation Do this exercise before you listen. Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture. shop assistant teacher dentist cleaner tour guide doctor pilot nurse 1. Check your understanding: gap fill Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with a word from the box. pilot dentist shop assistant tour guide nurse 1. Speaker A works as a _______________. 2. Speaker B works as a _______________. 3. Speaker C works as a _______________. 4. Speaker D works as a _______________. 5. Speaker E works as a _______________. Listening skills practice: Work — exercises

1. Match the words/phrases to their definition.
1 computer games
2 spot
3 alarm system
4 surf the Net
5 beach volleyball

A. look for information on the computer
B. fun activities on the computer
C. machine that signals danger
D. a sport
E. a place
2. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• heavy • helpful • crowded • convenient • peace

1. They went for a run in the country because they wanted some … and quiet.
2. He spent the morning in Birmingham, but found the streets very …
3. In a big city, you will always find … public transport.
4. Her cousin hates driving in … traffic.
5. John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and … people.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1 .He (visit) his uncle every Saturday morning.
2. I (cook) lunch today, so please don’t be late.
3. We (go) to the park this evening. Do you want to come with us?
4. She (write) an article about crime in big cities.
5. He (feed) the cows every evening.
6. She (leave) late on Fridays.
7. He (travel) to school by tube every morning.
8. She (think) of painting her house.
9. He (study) in his bedroom at the moment, but he can meet us at the cinema later.
10. I really have to go. My train (leave) at 8:30.

4. Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either should or shouldn’t.

e.g. A: I’m really tired today.
B: (bed/early) You should go to bed early tonight.
1. A: I’m very worried about my best friend.
B: (worry/so much)
2. A: I feel very tired.
B: (stay up/late)
3. A: I’ve broken my sister’s new mobile phone.
B: (tell/tonight)
4. A: I’ve got a bad headache.
B: (take/painkiller)
5. A: It’s very cold today.
B: (wear/a jacket)
5. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Fires that happen in the home are a very serious problem today. In America, there are over 100,000 home fires every year and many start in the kitchen. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your house from fire.
First of all, you need to follow a few safety rules. You should never leave the kitchen while you are cooking. It’s also a bad idea to wear loose clothes when you cook. Always keep the cooking area clean and don’t let children come very close to the cooker.
It is also important to know what to do if a fire starts. If a pan catches fire, don’t throw water on it! Put a blanket over it and turn off the heat. If the fire doesn’t go out, call the fire brigade. If a fire starts inside the oven, keep the door shut and turn it off. If you burn yourself, run cold water over the burn.
Finally, install a smoke alarm and learn how to use it. Also, know the number of your fire brigade by heart. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

1. Nowadays, fires in the home aren’t very dangerous.
2. In America, there are more than 100,000 home fires a year.
3. A lot of home fires start in kitchens.
4. You should always leave the kitchen while cooking.
5. You shouldn’t wear loose clothes when cooking.
6. You should keep your cooking area clean.
7. Children should stay close to the cooker.
8. If a fire starts, pour water on it to put it out.
9. Call the fire brigade if a fire doesn’t go out right away.
10. You should have a smoke alarm and know how to use it.


Здравствуйте!Необходимо сопоставить слова с картинками,я запуталась( Заранее спасибо!

Здравствуйте!Необходимо сопоставить слова с картинками,я запуталась( Заранее спасибо!

1 ответ:



Write the correct phrase from the box under each picture.

1 a tube of toothpaste 2 a jar of jam 3 a tin of tomatoes 4 a bunch of flowers

5 a dozen eggs 6 a bottle of olive oil 7 a box of matches 8 a bar of chocolate

9 a loaf of bread 10 a packet of biscuits 11 a carton of orange juice 12 a pot of yogrt 13 a bag of doughnuts 14 a roll of toilet paper 15 a tub of pop corn

In British English we use the word can for drinks: can of beer /cola / lemonade. We use the word tin for food: a tin of tomatoes / beans / apricots. In American English the word can is used for fod and drinks.

* We don’t just use the word bar with chocolate. We also use it with soap.

* In formal situations, we talk about a  bouquet of towers, not a bunch.

As she came off the plane, the president was given a bouquet of flowers.

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<span>1) The story is written by March.
2) Her children are borne before Christmas.</span>

Не понял в чем суть подвоха, но на мой взгляд, без всяких премудростей
везде will и глагол из скобок без изменений.
P.S. Не обессудьте, если что не так

Moscow is the capital of our motherland.

It is the largest and most important city in Russia.

Moscow is city hero.

It’s history began in 1147.

Moscow is the center of industrial and cultural life. In Moscow, thousands of factories. There are produce goods such as watches, cars and many others.

There are also many libraries in Moscow. The main library of the city is the State library. It is one of the largest in the world and has millions of books and newspapers.

There are a lot of museums, theaters and art galleries in Moscow. Every day thousands of people visit the Alexander Pushkin Museum of fine arts, the Tretyakov gallery and the Bolshoi theatre.

Moscow is also a transport center. Trains and planes arrive daily in the capital from all over Russia and from other countries.

Our capital is the port of the five seas.

We are proud of Moscow.

1. Меня оповестили об их приезде в Москву.
2. Энергия определяется/характеризуется как способность выполнять/делать работу.
3. Во время строительства моста рабочие использовали новые материалы.
4. Изучение геометрии обозначает/подразумевает тренировку логического мышления/обучение логическому мышлению.


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