Write the correct word below each definition

Игорь Молчановученик (Английский язык)







Write the correct word below each definition. 1)When most people can’t read . 2)The opposidte of war. 3)What you get when chemicals go into rivers. 4)People live in this when they are very poor. 5)When people treat others badly because of the colour of their skin. 6)A problem affecting children when they don’t have enough eat. 7)When countries fight each other.



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2Choose the correct word for each definition.

1This happens when you cant see something that was there before, appear / disappear

2This is the time when you are seven years old. childhood / adventure

3This is the opposite of‘normal’, terrible / strange

4This describes how you feel when something is not right, disappeared / worried

5If you see something far way, you see it in the hide / distance.

6This describes something that’s bad. worried / terrible

7This is when you look at something for the first time, hide / notice

8This means something happened because of bad luck, unfortunately / thoughtfully

3Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the text.childhood • disappeared • distance • notice strange • terrible • unfortunately • worriedI remember a story I read in my (1)__It was an adventure

story about pirates. In the story, the pirates helped people. I thought that was

(2)—1 always thought that pirates were very bad and they did

(3)-things to people. The story was about a group of people

who were (4)-because of a bad man who lived on their island.

That man made them work all the time and (5)_, he didn’t

give them any money. One day, the pirates came to the island.

The man didn’t (6)-them when they arrived and the pirates

took him away in their ship. The people of the island were very happy.

They all climbed to the top of the hill to see the pirates’ ship in the

(7)-as it left. When the ship (8)__ they had

a big party.

4Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence to replace the incorrect one.

1I can see something very dark and scary in the childhood.

2Leslie was unfortunately about the man returning to her front door.

3Did you disappeared that the window was open when we got home?

4She’s got many wonderful memories from her distance.5A woman was standing in front of me, but then she notice.

6Did you hear that worried noise coming from the kitchen?7She wanted to leave the room but strange the door was closed.

Сила слова!

2 Выберите правильное слово для каждого определения.

1 Это происходит, когда вы не можете увидеть что-то, что там было раньше, появляются / исчезают

2 Это время, когда вы семь лет. Детство / приключения

3 Это противоположно of’normal «, ужасно / странно

4 Здесь описывается, как вы чувствуете, когда что-то не так, исчез / беспокоит

5 Если вы видите что-то далеко путь, вы видите его в спрятать / расстояние.

6 Это описывает то, что это плохо. беспокоятся / ужасно

7 Это когда вы смотрите на что-то в первый раз, скрыть / уведомление

8 Это означает, что-то случилось из-за невезения, к сожалению / задумчиво

3 Написать слово из коробки в каждом промежутке завершить текст.Детство • исчез • Расстояние • уведомление странное • страшный • • беспокоятся, к сожалению,Я помню историю, которую я прочитал в моем (1) __ Это было приключение

История о пиратах. В истории, пираты помогли людям. Я думал, что

(2) — 1 всегда думал, что пираты были очень плохо, и они сделали

(3) -things людям. История была о группе людей,

которые были (4) -из-за плохой человек, который жил на их острове.

Этот человек сделал их все время работать и (5) _, он не

давать им деньги. Однажды, пираты пришли на остров.

Человек не (6) -them, когда они прибыли, и пираты

взял его в свой корабль. Народ острова были очень счастливы.

Все они поднялись на вершину холма, чтобы увидеть корабль пиратов в

(7) -В он оставил. Когда корабль (8) __ они имели

большая партия.

4 Каждый из слов жирным шрифтом в неправильном предложении. Написать слово жирным шрифтом с другой предложении заменить неправильный один.

1 я вижу что-то очень темное и страшное в детстве.

2 Лесли, к сожалению, о человеке, возвращаясь к своей двери.

3 Ты исчез, что окно было открыто, когда мы вернулись домой?

4 Она получила много замечательных воспоминаний от ее расстояния.5 Женщина стояла передо мной, но потом она заметила.

6 Ты слышал, что беспокоит шум из кухни?7 Она хотела выйти из комнаты, но странно дверь была закрыта.


1 year(s) ago

Choose the correct word for each definition and complete the sentences below вставить слово — an activity that you do regularly, especially in order to earn money or a place where you do this. вставить слово-any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill. вставить слово-general professional progress that you make during your working life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money. вставить слово — a job or profession. вставить слово — regular paid work that you do for an employer. И вот какие слова нужно вставить Gareer, Job, Work, Occupation, Profession. Даю 20 Поинтов пж пж пж ​

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Revision test


«Английский язык» Ю.А. Комарова)

8 класс


1.      Find
and circle the opposite word.

a)      get

get off  get up  get on   get out of

b)      borrow

lend  save  earn  waste

c)      hard-working

quiet   mean  shy   lazy

d)      win

sell   swap  lose  spend

e)      shy

confident  stressed  generous guiet

f)       take

pick on   put on   take on    get on

2.      Write
the words below each definition.

a)      your
mother and your father


b)      when
you’re relaxed and friendly


c)      your
aunts, uncles and grandparents


d)      when
you spend money on things you don’t need


e)      when
you think about other people


f)       something
footballers score


g)      do
well in an exam


h)      when
you only think about yourself


i)       something
athletes win


j)       get
money for doing a job



3.      Complete
with the verbs in brackets. Use the present continuous or present simple form.

Sara — Hi Joe. I (a)… (do) a survey. Can I ask you
some questions? What time (b)….you… (getusually) to school in the morning?

Joe – I (c) …(arrivealways) at half past eight. But
my sister Ruth (d) …(notget) here until five to nine!

Sara – Really? (e) …..your sister ….(take) the bus to

Joe – Yes, she (f)…. . But I (g) … . I always (h) …
(walk) to school.

Sara –What (i) ….you and your sister usually ….(eat)
for lunch?

Joe – We (j)…(have) sandwiches.

Sara – So, (k)….you… (have) sandwiches today?

Joe – No, we (l)…. . In fact, I (m) ….(wait) for Ruth
now. She (n)… (buy) salad for our lunch!

4.      Correct
the sentences.

a)      Kathy
listens never to American music.

b)      Why
you are writing an email to Tom?

c)      They
don’t do TV often interviews.

d)      Where
does live Karen?

e)      I
hardly help ever my brother.

f)       Jason
is winning not the race now

5.      Correct
the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous form.

a)      David
don’t saw the film last night.

b)      Where
you went last weekend?

c)      Joe
and Katy wasn’t at the party.

d)      It
weren’t rains when we left home.

e)      The
children finded some money in the garden.

f)       What
were they do when you got there?

g)      Do
they had a lot of food for lunch?

h)      Where
were she sleeping?

6.      Write
comparative or superlative sentences. Use the present or past simple form.

a)      Nowadays
Peter good at mathshis sister.

b)      At
last night’s concert, Deep Pinkexciting band.

c)      At
the moment, Sallybad studentin the class.

d)      Today,

e)      Last
night, History Nowinteresting programmeon TV.

f)       In
last week’s race, JoeslowDavid.

7.      Circle
the correct alternatives.

Andy – How (a) manymuchany people went to the
meeting at school?

Sophie – Well, there (b) arewaswere about
forty people there. In fact, Room 6 wasn’t (c) big enoughenough bigbiggest,
so we moved to Room 12. It’s (d) biggermore bigbiger than Room 6.

Andy – Did (e) somemuchany teachers go to the

Sophie – Yes, they did. Mr Smith told us about the
football team. They are (f) more goodbettergooder than last year. In
fact, they are the (g) mostmuchmore successful team in the school’s
championship. However, he said that the basketball team lost too (h) a lot
matches last year. The other teams in the championship were
(i) luckyermore luckyluckier than our team, but our team lost (j)
matches because they played badly.


8.      Read
the text and answer the questions.

Amitabh Bachchan is India’s biggest film star. He is
the star of more than 150 movies, and he lives in Mumbai with his wife, Jaya
Bhaduri, his son, Abhishek, his daughter, Shweta, and his daughter-in-law,
Aishwarya Rai. His daughter is a TV presenter but the rest of his family are
all actors.

When we met and interviewed Amitabh, he was working on
three different films at the same time. India makes the largest number of films
per year in the world – a lot more than Hollywood – so actors work very hard.
Amitabh starts work at nine o’clock in the morning and finishes quite late in
the evening. It’s often seven o’clock before he goes home. And he hardly ever
gets a day off.

Amitabh became a film star in the 1960s when he left
his home town, Allahabad, and came to Mumbai, the centre of the Indian film
industry. In his early films, he was an action hero and a romantic leading man.
Indian films are very different from American or European films. In many films,
there are action scenes, comedy scenes and dance sequences, and there are often
five or six songs.

Family is very important to Amitabh. In India,
families usually live together, and that’s why his son, daughter and
daughter-in-law all live at home with Amitabh and his wife. Amitabh told us
that, after a day in the studio, they don’t often go out like film stars do.
They spend their evenings together as a family, talking and watching TV or a
film. They hardly ever go out for dinner. AndAmitabh never goes out on the
streets in Mumbai. He can’t, because he’s too famous!

a)      What
does Amitabh’s daughter-in-law do?

b)      What
was Amitabh doing when they interviewed him?

c)      What
time does Amitabh finish work?

d)      Which
city is Amitabh from?

e)      What
do Amitabh and his family usually do in the evening?


9.      Complete
the sentences about KT Tunstall with words from the box.

really     very        like        quite

KT Tunstall is a Scottish singer and songwriter. She
is famous for songs (a)….Other Side of the World and Suddenly I See. She
was born in 1975 and grew up in St Andrews in Scotland.

KT (her real name is Katie) is (b)…short- she’s only 1
metre 57. She’s (c)…good at playing the guitar – she’s great! But she is not
(d)…good at the drums.

KT has played at some important concerts, (e)…as Live
Earth and the Nobel Peace Prize

10.  Write
about your favourite singer, actor or sports star (10 sentences). Complete the
table with information to help you. Then use the description in exercise 12 as
a model.

Who is your
favourite singer, actor or sports star?

Why is heshe

What does heshe
look like?

What did heshe
do last year?

What is heshe
doing now?


1 Write the correct word(s) next to each definition.
1 To use paper or glass again.
2 You can take empty bottles to this place.
3 Helping plants and animals to survive.
4 A lot of products have this. It’s usually a box with some
5 To put something that you don’t want in the rubbish bin.
6 Friendly to the natural world.
7 To stop the waste of something.
8 To make, water or land dirty.
9 To make something less attractive, useful or valuable.
10 The air, water and land where we live.
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2. are singing


4.is drinking

5.are walking

6.is laughing

7. is playing




It was windy last Wednesday
The sun was shine bright

1. С<span>ейчас девушками </span><span><span><span>пишется </span>с</span>очинение.</span>
2. <span><span><span>Вчера весь вечер</span> моя мама делала торт</span>.
3. Картины сейчас описываются учениками.
4. </span><span>В тот момент</span><span><span> носильщиком переносились т</span>яжелые мешки.
5. Сейчас все районы нашего города соединяются автобусными маршрутами.
6. </span><span><span>Всё утро вчера эти с</span>лова повторялись девушкой.
7. Эти вопросы задаются родственниками прямо сейчас.
8. Сейчас врач </span><span><span>отвечает на вопросы</span>.
9. </span><span><span><span>Вчера у</span>жин </span>готовился моей сестрой с 5 до 6 часов вечера.
10. С</span><span>ейчас в саду подстригается трава.</span>


<span>I spend my </span>holiday abroad.

<span>I miss </span>friends.

I go  shopping  at weekends.

I take care of my friends.

We describe  pictures  at english lesson. 

<span>Description of a person’s appearance</span><span>I acquainted with my friend Katya at school. We immediately became friends because we have a lot of common interests. It is nice and pleasant to talk to her. Kate is very cute and funny. She is of medium height, slightly taller than me. From early childhood, Kate studying dance, so she is very slim and well built. She has a light step and flexible moves. My friend has a round face and a slightly upturned nose. Kate has a good sense of humor, so she is often smiling. At that time small dimples appear on her rosy cheeks. She has big green eyes. In her eyes almost always you can feel enthusiasm and kindness. Kate has recently changed her hair style. Previously, she had a long blond braid. Now she has short hair, which is really suits her. I like to spend time with my friend. We never get bored together.</span><span>Перевод: </span><span>С моей подругой Катей мы познакомились в школе. Мы сразу подружились, так как у нас много общих интересов. Она  хороший и приятный в общении человек. Катя  — очень симпатичная и весёлая.  Она среднего роста, чуть повыше меня. С раннего детства  Катя занимается танцами, поэтому она очень стройная и хорошо сложена. У неё очень лёгкая походка и гибкие движения. У моей подруги округлое лицо и слегка курносый нос.  Катя обладает хорошим чувством юмора, поэтому часто улыбается. При этом на её розовых щеках появляются маленькие ямочки. У неё большие зелёные глаза. В её взгляде почти всегда ощущается задор и доброта. Недавно Катя сменила прическу. Раньше у неё была длинная русая коса. Теперь у неё короткая стрижка, которая ей очень идет. Мне нравится проводить время с моей подругой. Нам никогда не бывает вместе скучно.</span>

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