Write questions for these answers using the word in brackets

Write the questions for these answers. Begin with the words given in brackets.
Example: Rachel enjoys dancing in her free time. (What?) − What does Rachel enjoy doing in her free time?
1. Sue has been to Liverpool. (Where?)
2. Last month we went to Brighton. (When?)
3. Richard is going to travel by train. (How?)
4. Next month my older brother will take part in the marathon. (Who?)
5. Look! The boys are break dancing over there. Let’s go and see. (What?)
6. They couldn’t visit the exhibition yesterday because they were busy. (Why?)


Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 6 класс Биболетова. UNIT 3. HOMEWORK. Номер №18


Перевод задания
Напишите вопросы к этим ответам. Начните со слов, указанных в скобках.
Пример: Рэйчел любит танцевать в свободное время. (Что?) − Чем Рэйчел нравится заниматься в свободное время?
1. Сью была в Ливерпуле. (Где?)
2. В прошлом месяце мы ездили в Брайтон. (Когда?)
3. Ричард собирается путешествовать поездом. (Как?)
4. В следующем месяце в марафоне примет участие мой старший брат. (Кто?)
5. Смотри! Мальчики там танцуют брейк−данс. Пойдем посмотрим. (Что?)
6. Вчера они не смогли посетить выставку, потому что были заняты. (Почему?)

1. Where has Sue been to?
2. When did you go to Brighton?
3. How is Richard going to travel?
4. Who will take part in the marathon next month?
5. What are the boys doing over there?
6. Why couldn’t they visit the exhibition yesterday?

Перевод ответа
1. Где была Сью?
2. Когда вы уехали в Брайтон?
3. Как Ричард собирается путешествовать?
4. Кто примет участие в марафоне в следующем месяце?
5. Что мальчики там делают?
6. Почему вчера не смогли побывать на выставке?

Make questions for these answers, using the words in brackets.

1. We usually have toast for breakfast.

(what) _________________________________ 2 I finish school at 3.

30 p.

M. (when) _________________________________ 3 My dad calls me every Friday.

(how often) _________________________________ 4 She goes to college by car.

(how) _________________________________ 5 I usually go shopping with Kathy.

(who) _________________________________ 6 We live near the town centre.


Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Make questions for these answers, using the words in brackets?, который относится к
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программе для учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
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комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
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otters / swim to)
Emi They’re swimming to the river bank.
Ron 2___? (why / do / that)
Emi Because there are eagles in the sky.
Ron 3__? (what / that otter / do)
Emi She’s protecting her baby.
Ron 4_? (who / watch / the otters)
Emi They’re scientists.
Ron 5_? (why / watch / the otters)
Emi Because they’re counting them.
Ron 6__? (where / that scientist / go)
Emi I don’t know. Be quiet!​

Ответ №1



Ronald and Mary were driving along a quiet country road in Southern England. They were on the way to Westberry. It was nearly midnight. “Ron! Look over there! There is something in the sky. What is it?” “I do no know what it is. It is probably a plane.” “I do not think so, it is too big and too bright.” “Oh, no!” “What’s the matter?” “The engine stopped.” “Why did it stop?” “I do not know. I must find a garage. Is there one near here?” “Yes, there is one in the next village. I am not sure if it is open. It is very late.”  

Suddenly there was a loud noise and a big bright silver object flew low over their car. It stopped in mid-air, loomed round, then flew straight up into the sky and disappeared.  

“Oh, Ron! What was that?” “Don’t ask me. I have got no idea what it was” “I frightened. Let’s go.” “We can’t. The engine does not work”. “Try it again.” “That is strange! It is OK now. I wonder why it did not work”. “Do you think it was a UFO?” “I do not know I really do not know. We shall phone the police”. “Ron! Do you think they’ll believe us?”

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Ask questions for these answers. Use the words in brackets.

1. How tall is your brother?

He’s about one metre 75.

2. Is … ? (Elena’s hair)

No, her hair’s dark.

3. Is … ? (Mike’s hair)

Yes, it is quite long.

4. Are … ? (your parents)

Not rally, they’re middle-aged.

5. Is … ? (his sister)

Yes, all the boys want to go out with her.

6. Why … ? (Sara-thin)

She has been very ill.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Ask questions for these answers. Use the words in brackets. 1. How tall is your brother? He’s about one metre 75. 2. Is … ? (Elena’s …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » Ask questions for these answers. Use the words in brackets. 1. How tall is your brother? He’s about one metre 75. 2. Is … ? (Elena’s hair) No, her hair’s dark. 3. Is … ? (Mike’s hair) Yes, it is quite long. 4. Are …

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