Write prepositions in at on to complete the word combinations in the evening

  • Лексико-грамматический практикум
  • Unit 3
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Write prepositions in, at, on to complete the word combinations.
Напишите предлоги in, at, on, чтобы завершить словосочетания.


in the evening


on Monday morning
в понедельник утром


at night


at five o’clock
в пять часов


on St Valentine’s Day
в День Святого Валентина


in March
в марте


in 2014
в 2014 году


in the afternoon
во второй половине дня


on holiday
в отпуске


at 12.30 a.m.
в 12.30 утра


at Easter
на Пасху


on 16 September
16 сентября


on Saturday night
в субботу вечером


on a hot day
в жаркий день


at half past three
в половине четвертого


on New Year’s Eve
в канун Нового года


at the end of the week
в конце недели


in 1988
в 1988 году


at a quarter to six
без четверти шесть


at the weekend
в выходные дни

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Лексико-грамматический практикум»

по предмету Английский язык за 6 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


Write prepositions in, at, on to complete the word combinations.
Напишите предлоги in, at, on, чтобы завершить словосочетания.

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    1. in the evening

    2. on Monday morning

    3. at night

    4. at five o’clock

    5. on St Valentine’s Day  

    6. in March

    7. in 2014

    8. in the afternoon

    9.  on holiday

    10. at 12.30 a.m

    11. at Easter

    12. on 16 September

    13. on Saturday night

    14. on a hot day

    15. at half past three

    16. on New Year’s Eve

    17. at the end of the week

    18. in 1988

    19. at a quarter to six

    20. at the weekend​ (в американском английском часто on the weekend)


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Write prepositions in, at, on to complete the word combinations.
______ Monday morning
______ night
______ five oclock
______ St Valentines Day
______ March
______ 2014
______ the arternoon
______ holiday
______ 12.30 a.m.
______ Easter
______ 16 September
______ Saturday night
______ a hot day
______ half past three
______ New Years Eve
______ the end of the week
______ 1988
______ a quarter to six
______ the weekend

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Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

Write prepositions in, at, on to complete the word combinations.

______ Monday morning ______ night ______ five oclock ______ St Valentines Day ______ March ______ 2014 ______ the arternoon ______ holiday ______ 12.

30 a.

M. ______ Easter ______ 16 September ______ Saturday night ______ a hot day ______ half past three ______ New Years Eve ______ the end of the week ______ 1988 ______ a quarter to six ______ the weekend.

Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Write prepositions in, at, on to complete the word combinations?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
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комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
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создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

6 класс Проверочная работа ( Rainbow English Unit 3)

  1. Choose the right words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. There (is/are) ___is____ some money on the shelf.

2. Give (this/these) ________ money to your mother.

3. (That/Those)________ coins (is/are)_________very old.

4. There (is/are) ________ (much/many) ________ money in the bag.

5. The coins in the museum (was/were)________very unusual.

6. (That/Those) _______ money on the shelf (was/were)_______mine.

  1. Write the missing letters to complete the words.

1. p r e p a r e 6. sp _ c _ _1 11. qu___t

2. 1 _ m _ 7. sh_ _t 12. bel_ _ v_

3. d _ со _ ate 8. g _ os _ 13. str_ _ e

4. t r _ _t 9 .1 _ nt _ _ n 14. w_ _ch

5. r_1_g ous 10. af_ _ _d 15. c_lebr_ _ _

  1. Write prepositions in, at, on to complete the word combinations.

1. in the evening 11. __Easter

2. __Monday morning 12. __16 September

3. __ night 13.__ Saturday night

4. __five o’ clock 14.__ a hot day

5. __St Valentine’ s Day 15.__ half past three

6. __March 16.__ New Year’ s Eve

7. __ 2014 17.__ the end of the week

8. __the afternoon 18.__ 1988

9. __holiday 19.__ a quarter to six

10. __12.30 a.m. 20.__ the weekend

  1. Find and write the odd words out.

1. festival, parade, holiday, carnival, treat treat

2. pumpkin, lantern, Santa, ghost, witch ____

3. prepare, believe, hung, appear, celebrate ____

4. fireplace, festival, stocking, flowers, gift ____

5. card, gift, tower, greeting, celebrate ____

6. money, sack, coins, notes, bank ____

7. special, midnight, quiet, real, religious ____

8. sweets, nuts, turkey, balls, lights ____

6 класс Проверочная работа ( Rainbow English Unit 3)

  1. Choose the right words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. There (is/are) ___is___is some money on the shelf.

2. Give (this/these) ________ money to your mother.

3. (That/Those)________ coins (is/are)_________very old.

4. There (is/are) ________ (much/many) ________ money in the bag.

5. The coins in the museum (was/were)________very unusual.

6. (That/Those) ________ money on the shelf (was/were)______mine.

  1. Write the missing letters to complete the words.

1. p r e p a r e 6. sp _ c _ _1 11. qu___t

2. 1 _ m _ 7. sh_ _t 12. bel_ _ v_

3. d _ со _ ate 8. g _ os _ 13. str_ _ e

4. t r _ _t 9 .1 _ nt _ _ n 14. w_ _ch

5. r_1_g ous 10. af_ _ _d 15. c_lebr_ _ _

  1. Write prepositions in, at, on to complete the word combinations.

1. in the evening 11. __Easter

2. __Monday morning 12. __16 September

3. __ night 13.__ Saturday night

4. __five o’ clock 14.__ a hot day

5. __St Valentine’ s Day 15.__ half past three

6. __March 16.__ New Year’ s Eve

7. __ 2014 17.__ the end of the week

8. __the afternoon 18.__ 1988

9. __holiday 19.__ a quarter to six

10. __12.30 a.m. 20.__ the weekend

  1. Find and write the odd words out.

1. festival, parade, holiday, carnival, treat treat

2. pumpkin, lantern, Santa, ghost, witch ____

3. prepare, believe, hung, appear, celebrate ____

4. fireplace, festival, stocking, flowers, gift ____

5. card, gift, tower, greeting, celebrate ____

6. money, sack, coins, notes, bank ____

7. special, midnight, quiet, real, religious ____

8. sweets, nuts, turkey, balls, lights ____

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