Write one word into each gap


4 Write one word or phrase in each gap to complete the text. you ever been to London? Ko, I 21 Jenny read that detective story yet? Yes, she 22 Sorry. I can’t meet you today. I done my homework yet. 23 eat food in class! said the teacher. 24 up your room» said my mother. 25 Please Dad. me that story about your childhood again​


1. I want to buy those striped trousers.

2. Do you always wear baggy clothes?

3. I find this floral pattern way too old-fashioned!

4. Leather jackets have become really trendy recently.

5. My mum asks me to look more elegant, but I prefer casual style.

6. I feel really overdressed in velvet clothes.


1. Я хочу купить эти полосатые брюки.

2. Ты всегда носишь мешковатую одежду?

3. Я нахожу этот цветочный узор слишком старомодным!

4. В последнее время очень модными стали кожаные куртки.

5. Моя мама просит меня выглядеть более элегантно, но я предпочитаю повседневный стиль.

6. Я чувствую себя слишком нарядной в одежде из вельвета.

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B1 Preliminary (PET)

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Test 1 / 20

Home Changes

Dear Will,

I hope you are well. So, I have finally returned to Thailand after three years away in the UK. It is amazing to be back in Bangkok after so long. I have really missed the place. The traffic is still pretty bad, but they have improved the subway system. So, it’s easier to get around.

Last night, I went out to a nightclub with my friends. The music was better than it used to be. It was a great night out. My parents sold their house, so we are outside the city. It is quieter at night than before, and it is only a two-minute walk to the subway.

I am staying here for a month and then going to Japan for a year to work as an English Teacher. I hope you can make it to Bangkok one day.

All the best,

Test 2 / 20

Our Holiday in Spain

Our trip to Spain was wonderful! First, we flew to Valencia, one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. It’s a picturesque and elegant port city. We stayed at Hampton by Hilton there for three nights. We went sightseeing and just relaxed at the swimming pool.

From Valencia, we flew to Ibiza, arriving on Saturday morning. We went to Las Salinas, which is one of the most popular beaches in Ibiza. The next day, we had a go at water skiing or parasailing. One night, we took a bus tour to a traditional Ibizan village and stayed for dinner and a Flamenco show. We heard Spanish songs for voice and guitar, and we saw traditional dances – it was a very special evening.

From Sant Jordi, we drove to San Rafael. We stayed there for two nights. The very next day, we went back to Ibiza and flew back to Valencia. We plan to come back to Spain soon, but for now, we’re on our way to Portugal!

Помогите пожалуйста!!!(До 17:00 надо сделать((((( 
I  Write one word in each gap.
Holiday Blues
You’ve (1) …….. looking at that timetable for the last ten minutes. It can’t be that confusing! said Sheila angrily. I (2)………..wish you’d be quiet! I’ve (3) ………..a splitting headache thanks to you! replied Matt.
Mum! Dad! Please! said Alison. You’re both(4) ………..very silly. (5)…………….is no point at all in blaming each other. That’s not going to help us  find out what time the next train to Budapest is due to leave.
You  (6) ……………. Quite right, darling. I (7) …………….sorry, said Sheila.
Me too, mumbled Matt.  Now, let’s have another look at this timetable. Well, it (8) …………………. like  we (9) …….. definitely missed the last train today. That was the 18.20 we just missed, wasn’t  it?
I (10) …….. so, said Sheila. I mean, it did leave at 18.20. Whether it’s actually going to Budapest or not is another question.
Well, one thing is (11)………….. in doubt, said Matt.
What’s that? asked Sheila and Alison together.
This is the worst holiday we’ve (12) …….. been on, said Matt. Next year, we’re going to try something far less adventurous.
Agreed! said Sheila and Alison

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


1. been
2. would
3. got
4. so
5. there
6. are
7. am
8. looks
9. have
10. think
11. not
12. ever

Похожие вопросы

A. Write a relative pronoun in each gap. Do not use the word that.

 Davina, ………………… kids you met last weekend, works for Cooper’s in the high street.

 I’ll never understand the reason ………………… you decided to join the army.

 The village ………………… Alan grew up in is only a few miles from here.

 Have you spoken to that guy ………………… daughter might be able to help you with the contract?

 Back in the 1970s, ………………… I was a teenager, no one ………………… I knew had a computer.

 They’ve just announced that Beddington youth club, ………………… we all used to hang out after school, is going to be turned into a casino.

 Chicago’s a city ………………… I’ve always wanted to visit.

 Do you remember the time ………………… we got totally lost?

 The cows ………………… are in that field over there are Friesians.

10   Our cat Tibby, ………………… loves being stroked all the time, is 16 years old today!

11   Bob wants to become a pop star, ………………… seems like a totally unrealistic ambition to me.

12   The official to ………………… you need to address your enquiry is temporarily unavailable.

13   ………………… spoils the film for me is the ending, ………………… is just ridiculous.

14   Julian was the prefect ………………… we all liked the best.


1 whose   2 why   3 which   4 whose

5 when    who   6 where   7 which

8 when   9 which   10 who   11 which

12 whom   13 What    which    14 Who

B. Tick the relative pronouns in exercise A which can be replaced by that.


2 why   3 which   5 who   7 which

8 when   9 which   14 who

C. Circle the relative pronouns in exercise A which can be omitted.


2 why   3 which   5 who   7 which

8 when   14 who

D. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick. If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line.

1   We took the dog who we’d found it abandoned in the street straight to the vet. …………………….

2   Would any boys who’s surnames begin with M please raise your hands? …………………….

3   The day which I first met your mother was the best day of my life. …………………….

4   Alfredo thought for a second, and then began to write: ‘To Whom It May Concern …’. …………………….

5   The woman who I spoke to was extremely helpful. …………………….

6   The film which I really want to see it is the new one with Johnny Depp. …………………….

7   No, the hospital where you were born there was closed down quite a while ago. …………………….

8   Could you just give me one reason why you would say something like that? …………………….

9   The table where we sat at had a lovely view of the Acropolis. …………………….

10   That bothers me is why the police took so long to charge them. …………………….

11   The guy whose car you just hit it is a traffic warden! …………………….


1 (which/that) we’d found   2 whose

3 when/that/on which   4 ✓   5

6 (which) I really want to see

7 you were born   8 ✓   9 which

10 What   11 Whose car you just hit

E. Add commas to the sentences where necessary.

1   We were staying at the hotel that you recommended to us.

2   The film which was directed by Mel Gibson is actually in Hebrew.

3   The person who I look up to more than anyone else is my Uncle Geoffrey.

4   I bumped into Katherine the other day which was a strange coincidence.

5   Is that the book which you were telling me about the other day?

6   The best man at my wedding who used to live in Germany has just moved to China.

7   Have you got a suggestion which doesn’t involve spending a lot of money?

8   Warwick University where I spent three wonderful years is one of the top ten universities in the country.


2   The film, which was directed by Mel Gibson, is actually in Hebrew.

4   I bumped into Katherine the other day, which was a strange coincidence.

6   The best man at my wedding, who has just used to live in Germany, has just moved to China.

8   Warwick University, where I spent three wonderful years, is one of the top ten universities in the country.

F. Write one word in each gap.

 Do you really think the month ……………… which you’re born affects your character?

 They declared war on Austria, the reason ……………… which completely escapes me now.

 There are five slices of pizza left, two ……………… which we’d better save for Justin.

 Is the day ……………… which you arrive a Friday?

 Josephine came to the rescue, of course, ……………… which I’m eternally grateful.

 There were 20 people at the meeting, some ……………… whom I’d never met before.

 The law needs to be strengthened, ……………… which I mean the police need to be given new powers.

 ……………… whom did you speak?

 I looked at several possible presents, none ……………… which were appropriate.

10   She studied in Berlin from 1916 to 1923, ……………… which time many people still believed that women had no role in scientific research.

11   The region ……………… which most of the wine is produced is to the south.

12   Jackson directed over 30 westerns, many ……………… which are now available on DVD.


1 in   2 for   3 of   4 on   5 for   6 of

7 by   8 To/With   9 of   10 at   11 in   12 of

G. Rewrite as one sentence using a relative clause.

1   That tree is an oak. My grandfather planted it 60 years ago.


2   Tina and Charlie are having a party this Saturday. They’re identical twins.


3   On the Friday, we spent most of the day sitting in the port. On the Friday, the ferry was delayed.


4   Barbara used to work in the Personnel Department. You met her at Libby’s last Thursday.


5   Let’s go to da Vinci’s. They do a great pepper steak there.


6   This book was once owned by Sir Francis Drake. It was given to me by my great aunt.


7   Why did Danny decide to enter the marathon? Danny’s totally unfit.


8   Guy is now engaged to my sister. His sister is married to my brother.



 That tree, which my grandfather planted 60 years ago, is an oak.

 Tina and Charlie, who are identical twins, are having a party this Saturday.

 On the Friday, when the ferry was delayed, we spent most of the day sitting in the port.

 Barbara, who you met at Libby’s last Thursday, used to work in the Personnel Department.

 Let’s go to da Vinci’s, where they do a great pepper steak.

 This book, which was given to me by my great aunt, was once owned by Sir Francis Drake.

 Why did Danny, who’s totally unfit, decide to enter the marathon?

 Guy, whose sister is married to my brother, is now engaged to my sister.

H. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both are correct, circle both.

 After eating / having eaten three hamburgers, it’s no wonder you feel sick!

 Having been told / Telling exactly what to do, I was pretty confident I wouldn’t embarrass myself.

 Given / Giving the opportunity, would you like to spend a year abroad?

 Philip was the only person keeping / who was keeping the committee on track.

 Having seen / Seen an advert in the paper, we decided to write off for more information.

 The zoo-keeper injured / having injured in the incident is now in a stable condition.

 Not being / Not to be a US citizen, Eleni knew it would be difficult to get a visa.

 After made / having made a statement, I was allowed to leave.

 Shown / Having been shown how to use the software, Adrian quickly started designing his logo.

10   Listening / Having listened from the top of the stairs, Jill and I could hear raised voices.

11   To get / Getting onto the property ladder is the aim of most young couples.

12   I was told that I was to make / making sure that the press would be there.


1 eating/having eaten   2 having been told

3 Given   4 keeping/who was keeping

5 Having seen   6 injured   7 Not being

8 having made   9 Shown/Having been shown

10 Listening   11 To get/Getting   12 to make

I. Write the verb in brackets in the correct form. Write only one or two words in each gap.

1   I’d love to get some work experience in an office, …………………… (give) the chance.

2   After …………………… (get) so bad a school report, you can’t blame your parents for being angry.

3   The three men …………………… (arrest) have not been named.

4   We were only given a room with a balcony after …………………… (complain) to the manager.

5   …………………… (see) Arctic Monkeys play live before, Josh was desperate to get tickets to their next gig.

6   …………………… (swim) along the seabed, the divers were shocked to find a sunken car.

7   …………………… (apply) for the job, I forgot all about it until the letter came.

8   Is Bentley’s the only department store …………………… (start) its sale on Boxing Day?

9   …………………… (want) to create trouble, Dad didn’t raise any objections.

10   It’s Sophie’s role …………………… (wait) at the entrance on Tuesday evening to welcome the guests.

11   …………………… (shoot) in the arm, the man ran bleeding into the undergrowth.

12   …………………… (make) mistakes is only human!


1 given   2 getting/having got   3 arrested

4 complainingly/having complained

5 Having seen   6 Swimming

7 Having applied   8 starting

9 Not wanting   10 to wait

11 Shot   12 To make/Making

J. Choose the correct answer.

Out-of-body experiences

(1) ……………… most scientists dismiss tales of out-of-body experiences on the operating table as dreams and delusions, there are some cases which seem to defy rational explanation. Take Margaret Frobisher. In 2003, she was undergoing a routine operation under general anaesthetic at Sansdown Hospital in Kent. There were serious complications, (2) ………………, and her heart stopped beating.

Try (3) ……………… they might, the surgeon and anaesthetist were unable to resuscitate her. Finally, after eight minutes, they succeeded. (4) ……………… having been clinically dead, Margaret suffered no brain damage and no adverse side effects. The story doesn’t stop there, (5) ……………… . When the anaesthetist went to visit her in her hospital bed, Margaret Frobisher recounted an amazing story. She said she vividly remembered floating above the operating table. And (6) ……………… her never having been conscious in that room at any time, she described the room and the resuscitation attempt in great detail.

She said that (7) ……………… three of the walls were bright white, one was dark grey. This was true. She also said that, on the top of a cabinet in a corner of the operating theatre, there was an old book. (8) ……………… the anaesthetist didn’t – and couldn’t – believe her, she checked. There, just as Margaret Frobisher had described it, was the book. (9) ……………… as they tried, no one at the hospital could explain how Margaret could have known about the book. Even (10) ……………… one does not believe in a ‘soul’ or in life after death, it is difficult to explain what happened in that operating theatre when Margaret Frobisher’s heart stopped beating.

1   A Despite   B While   C However   D In spite

2   A whereas   B although   C however   D despite

3   A as   B for   C with   D so

4   A However   B Whereas   C Although   D Despite

5   A even if   B even though   C although   D though

6   A in spite of   B although   C however   D while

7   A nevertheless   B whereas   C in spite of   D however

8   A In spite   B However   C Even though   D Despite

9   A Most   B More   C Much   D Many

10   A so   B if   C though   D that


1 B   2 C   3 A   4 D   5 D

6 A   7 B   8 C   9 C   10 B

K. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

 Despite having looked for it everywhere, Donald never found his contact lens. he

      Even ……………………………….. for it everywhere, Donald never found his contact lens.

 The stadium won’t be ready for the Olympics whether they start building tomorrow or not. even

     The stadium won’t be ready for the Olympics ……………………………….. building tomorrow.

 The electricians are on strike but the BBC is still broadcasting. spite

     The BBC is still broadcasting ……………………………….. the electricians are on strike.

 Although no one gave us an invitation, we were still able to get into the club. given

     We were still able to get into the club in ……………………………….. an invitation.

 Dom couldn’t finish the crossword despite really trying hard. might

     Try ……………………………….., Dom couldn’t finish the crossword.

 Although Sarah shouted loudly, she wasn’t able to get the audience to pay attention. might

     However ……………………………….., Sarah wasn’t able to get the audience to pay attention.

 I couldn’t persuade Tim in spite of my begging him to come with us. as

     Much ……………………………….., I couldn’t persuade Tim to come with us.

 Despite our being late, we didn’t think for a second we wouldn’t make it on time. though

     Late ……………………………….., we didn’t think for a second we wouldn’t make it on time.


1   though he (had) looked

2   even if they start

3   in spite of the fact (that)

4   spite of (our) not being given/ spite of (our) not having been given

5   as he might

 loudly she might have shouted

 as I begged (him to)

8   though we were

L. Choose the correct answer.

1   More than 80 people came to the exhibition, many of ………………. children had pictures on the walls.

      A who   B whom

      C whose   D which

2   The man ………………. to safety was in his forties.

      A who was lifting   B lifting

      C lifted   D having been lifted

3 Who was the receptionist ………………. the phone at the time?

      A answering   B was answering

      C having answered   D to answer

4   ………………. a scholarship, I entered the frightening and unknown territory of private education.

      A To award   B To be awarded

      C Having awarded   D Having been awarded

5   ………………. half a chance, I’d be there in a flash!

      A Giving   B Given

      C Being given   D To be given

6   ………………. quickly we ran, we just couldn’t catch up with the van.

      A Although   B Even

      C Much   D However


1 C   2 C   3 A   4 D   5 B   6 D

M. Write one word in each gap.

Broken bones

Most of us will suffer from a ‘fracture’, (1) ……………… is the medical term for a broken bone, at some point in our lives. A patient (2) ……………… arm, let’s say, is suspected of being broken will first be given an X-ray. (3) ……………… determined the extent of the fracture, the orthopaedic surgeon will decide on the most effective treatment. For a fracture (4) ……………… manipulation is required, (5) ……………… may involve the patient being given a general anaesthetic while the bone is essentially re-broken. Patients (6) ……………… have more serious fractures may require ‘fracture fixation’, (7) ……………… which pins and rods are connected to the bone to strengthen it. (8) ………………, for simple fractures, a cast – often (9) ……………… out of plaster of Paris or fibreglass – is all that is required.

(10) ……………… a broken upper leg can take anything up to twelve weeks to heal, a broken toe can heal in just three weeks.

Their plaster cast (11) ……………… off, the patient will almost certainly require physiotherapy to exercise a limb (12) ……………… has been inactive for several weeks.

(13) ……………… advances in medical technology, (14) ……………… get a frail elderly person’s fracture to heal is still remarkably difficult. Even (15) ……………… the fracture has been treated in the right way, it is quite possible that the bone will never fully heal.


1 which   2 whose   3 Having   4 where   5 this

6 who/that   7 in   8 However   9 made

10 Although/Though/Whereas

11 taken   12 which/that   13 Despite   14 to

15 if/when

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