Write one word in each space to complete the sentences


Complete the sentences. Write one word in each space.

1. Unfortunately we cannot pay an annual bonus this year.

2. I need to upload my CV before I apply for the job.

3. We have fifteen candidates on the seat for interviews.

4. My company gives six months of maternity leave if you have a baby.

5. We get subsidized childcare, which is very useful.

6. You need to fill in an application form.

7. Most big companies have a pension saving for their employees.

8. There is a vacancy for the position of Director of Marketing.

9. Flexible hours are good for me, because I have to take the children to school before I start work.

10. He saw a job advertisement in the newspaper.


Untuk nomor 1, dapat juga diisi dengan Budget.

Untuk soal nomor 3, dapat juga: We have fifteen candidates on the standing out for interviews.

Menurut saya, soal di atas terdapat pilihan kata yang digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat tersebut. Bila ada, cocokkan dengan pilihan kata yang ada.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai arti dari budget pada brainly.co.id/tugas/6385516


Английский язык,

вопрос задал risola31,

4 года назад


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Ответил KAYA04



1 What

2 can

3 don’t

4 ? talk

5 in

6 at

7 who


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Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences. The first letter is given to help you.
1. A p________ school is one you go to up to the age of 11.
2. A s________ school is one you go to from 11 to 16.
3. When you are n_______ you are a little frightened and unsure what to do.
4. When you are l_________ you feel like you don’t have any friends.
5. When you m_______ friends with someone, you meet them and become close.
6. When you are in t_______ with someone, you communicate with them.
7. A g__________ of friends is a number of people who like each other and spend time together.
8. Your i_________ are your hobbies and other things you like doing.

Помогите пожалуйста срочно надо. Поймите срочно нужен.​

1 ответ:






1. A primary school is one you go to up to the age of 11.

2. A secondary school is one you go to from 11 to 16.

3. When you are nervous you are a little frightened and unsure what to do.

4. When you are lonely you feel like you don’t have any friends.

5. When you make friends with someone, you meet them and become close.

6. When you are in team with someone, you communicate with them.

7. A group of friends is a number of people who like each other and spend time together.

8. Your interests are your hobbies and other things you like doing.

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About the dangers of smoking says a lot. But still a significant number of people did not believe smoking is harmful to health. This bad habit have joined men, women , young people, teenagers and even children . There was the fashion for smoking: cigarettes , they say , give the girls special elegance and masculinity boys . Mandatory membership in the body — and movie stars began cigarette .Smoking — not a harmless activity , which can be thrown without effort. This is a real addiction , and the more dangerous because many people do not take it seriously . Nicotine — one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin. In the smoking process it becomes necessary. There is no such body , which would not amazed tobacco kidneys and bladder , sexual glands and blood vessels , brain, and liver.Living in smoke-filled rooms and more children are more likely to suffer respiratory diseases. It turns out that not smoking » smoking .» There was even a special term — «passive» smoking .Adolescent smoking , primarily affects the nervous and cardio — vascular system . Smoking negatively affects school performance . Increases the number of underachieving in those classes where more smokers . Smoking students slows their physical and mental development. Health, undermined by smoking , you can not achieve occupation like to succeed , for example, young men to become pilots , astronauts , athletes, girls — dancers , singers . Smoking and schoolboy incompatible. School years — are years of growth , both physical and mental . The body needs a lot of strength to cope with all the stress. As you know, skills , habits learned at school age , most durable . This applies not only to the useful and harmful habits. Sooner kids, teens , boys, girls will learn about smoking and start smoking , the more quickly get used to it, and further to stop smoking will be very difficult . So what pushes teenagers to cigarettes ? Adolescence — this is the age when you want to experiment , when there is a need for self-affirmation , striving to identify itself with environmental group , create your image and feel more grown up , and finally , as a protest against the attitudes of parents or society. And for this, some guys use the services of tobacco products. Taking a cigarette, lit it , they think this «rise » among his peers. But this need not surprise people and to assert yourself ! After all, there are so many opportunities where you can express themselves : sports , music, electronics, computers , study at the end!<span>Nicotine is a poison !

1. present simple
2. present simple
3. present cont
4.  present simple
5. present simple

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Alisher Tagirovich Morgenshtern (born February 17, 1998, Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia) is a Russian video blogger, rap and rock performer. He received his first fame thanks to his copyright parody show on YouTube «# EasyRep».


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