Write one word in each gap you have

Listen and complete the statements.

Write one word in each gap.

1) The country Philippe has just visited is _ .
2) The language Philippe does not want to learn is _ .


Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 7 класс Биболетова. UNIT 2. PROGRESSCHECK. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Слушайте и дополните заявления.
Напишите по одному слову в каждый пробел.
1) Страна, которую только что посетил Филипп, − _.
2) Язык, который Филипп не хочет учить − _


− I haven’t seen youaround recently. Where have you been?

− I went to Canada with my mum for a couple of weeks.

− Did you? Was it a nice journey?

− Oh, yes! My mum comes from Canada actually and we have lots of relatives there.

− Right.

− It was the first time. I’ve never seen most of them. We usually go to either to Greece or Italy on holiday and I’ve never had a chance to meet them. And a funny thing was that some of them speak English and the others speak French. I had some difficulty in communication.

− But you learn French at school, don’t you?

− I don’t unfortunately. I learn German. And I hate the sound of this language and its complicated grammar. I think I’ll try to talk with the head teacher about wether it’s possible to take a French course instead of German.

Перевод AUDIO
− Я не видела тебя в последнее время. Где ты был?
− Я ездил в Канаду с мамой на пару недель.
− Правда? Это было хорошее путешествие?
− О, да! Моя мама родом из Канады, и у нас там много родственников.
− Понятно.
− Первый раз. Большинство из них я никогда не видел. Обычно мы ездим в Грецию или Италию на отдых, и у меня никогда не было возможности встретиться с ними. И что самое забавное, некоторые из них говорят по−английски, а другие по−французски. У меня были трудности в общении.
− Но ведь французский в школе учишь?
− К сожалению, нет. Я учу немецкий. И я ненавижу звук этого языка и его сложную грамматику. Думаю, я попытаюсь поговорить с директором школы о том, можно ли взять курс французского вместо немецкого.

1) The country Philippe has just visited is Canada.
2) The language Philippe does not want to learn is German.

Перевод ответа
1) Страна, которую только что посетил Филипп, − это Канада.
2) Язык, который Филипп не хочет учить − немецкий.

19   My computer doesn’t work, so I can’t e-mail you. wrong

        There’s ………………………….. my computer, so I can’t e-mail you.

20   When we started our journey towards the mountains, the sun was shining. off

        When we ………………………….. towards the mountains, the sun was shining.

21   Did you mention the plans for this weekend to Matt? talk

        Did you ………………………….. the plans for this weekend?

22   I think we should build a new theatre in town. favour

        I’m ………………………….. building a new theatre in town.

23   You lost Jill’s camera and I think you should say sorry. apologise

        I think you should ………………………….. losing her camera.

24   Have you ever participated in a swimming race? part

        Have you ever ………………………….. in a swimming race.?

25   Remove any mistakes you make using a rubber. rub

        If you make any mistakes, ………………………….. with a rubber.

26   Please play your electric guitar more quietly! down

        Please ………………………….. your electric guitar!

27   How long has Alice been Tony’s girlfriend? out

        How long has Alice been ………………………….. Tony?

28   When was the last time you heard from Nigel? contact

        When was the last time you were ………………………….. Nigel?


You’ve been looking at that timetable for the last ten minutes. It can’t be that confusing said Sheila angrily.
I do wish you’d be quiet! I’ve had a splitting headache thanks to you! replied Matt.
Mum! Dad! Please! said Alison. You’re both being  very silly. There is no point at all in blaming each other. That’s not going to help us find out what time the next train to Budapest is due to leave.
You are  quite right, Darling. I am sorry, said Sheila. Me too mumbled Matt. Now let’s have another look at this timetable. Well it looks like we have definitely missed the last train today. That was the 18.20 we just missed, wasn’t it ?
I think so said Sheila. I mean  it did leave at 18.20. Whether it’s actually going to Budapest or not is another question.
Well one thing is not in doubt said Matt. What’s that ? asked Sheila and Alison together. This is the worst holiday we’ve ever  been on said Matt. Next year we’re going to Agreed said Sheila and Alison

=> Giải thích:

Have / Has + V III= Hiện tại hoàn thành

Have/Has+ been + V = Hiện tại hoàn thành liên tục
Am / Is / Are + V-ing = Hiện tại tiếp diễn
S + Vs/es + … = Hiện tại đơn 

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?




4 vote

Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences.

Write one word in each gap.

happened / to / me / you / will / guess / never / what.
a / little / upset / you / look.
my / goodness / Oh! Помогите умоляю

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Помогите пожалуйста ! Заранее спасибо !

Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences. The first letter is

given to help you.

1 What time does your alarm clock r_________ ?

2 Does Lizzie c_________ what to wearin the morning?

3 Do you wear a school u_________ at yourschool?

4 Does Lizzie’s dad d_________ herto school?

5 Do you write your b_________ every day?

6 How long do you s_________ online every day?

7 Do you sometimes c_________ with yourfriends online?

8 How many times a day do you c_________ your email?

9 How many text messages does he s_________ every day?

10 Do you d_________ homework afterschool every day?

Вот сам текст !

Here’s a typical day in my life on a school day.

My alarm clock rings at 7.30am. I get out of

bed, and go to the bathroom. I have a quick

shower and then I get dressed. We wear a

school uniform at my school, so I don’t have

to choose what to wear! I go downstairs and

have breakfast – usually juice, cereal and

toast – with my mum and dad.

After breakfast, I brush my teeth, quickly

check my email and then put my books in my

bag. I usually ride my bike to school, but if the

weather’s bad, my mum drives me. I get to

school at 8.45.

The first lesson starts at nine o’clock.

Lessons last for 40 minutes. We have a

twenty-minute break from 11 to 11.20. During

the break, my friends and I usually play in the

playground, and we sometimes buy snacks

from the vending machine.

At 12.40, we have lunch in the school

canteen. Some kids bring their own

sandwiches, but I buy a hot meal.

We have three more lessons in the afternoon,

and then at half past three we either do sport

or activities. On Mondays, Wednesdays and

Fridays we play football, and on Tuesdays

and Thursdays we have clubs. I’m in the

photography club. It’s great fun!

I go home at half past four. I do my homework

first, then I write my blog and check my email.

I spend about an hour or two online most

days. Sometimes I send text messages to my

friends too.

I have supper with my mum and dad at about

half past six. After supper, I chat with my

friends online, or play with my neighbours

outside, or watch TV, or read a book.

On Thursdays, I go to a dance class

from 7.30 to 9.30.

I go to bed at about 9.45 most nights,

but I read in bed – or send text messages –

before I go to sleep.

в разделе Английский язык

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Complete the text. Write one word in each gap. Then listen and check. — Дополните текст. Напишите одно слово в каждом промежутке. Затем слушайте и проверьте.

When he was only 15, Norman Fletcher committed a 1) robbery. He got away with ?8.25 and six packets of chewing gum. Unfortunately for him, he had robbed his local shop, so the police arrested him and he had to pay a 2) fine of ?82.50. Later on, he became a 3) shoplifter, but he was caught after he had taken a tin of beans from a supermarket. He went to court, and during the 4) trial his 5) lawyer argued that Norman needed to go on a 6) rehabilitation programme. She also said that her client was prepared to do some 7) community service. However, the 8) judge sent him to prison for eight weeks. Brilliantly, Norman broke out of prison the day before his 9) sentence ended. He stole a car to get away, but he was stopped for 10) speeding he was going at over ninety miles per hour — and was sent back to prison. When he was released, Norman decided to become a 11) mugger. He tried to steal a handbag from an old woman, but she hit him so hard with her umbrella that he started screaming for help and he was arrested for noise 12) nuisance!
Когда ему было только 15, Норман Флетчер совершил грабеж. Он вынес 8,25 фунтов стерлингов и шесть упаковок жевательной резинки. К несчастью для него, он ограбил свой местный магазин, так что полиция арестовала его, и он должен был заплатить штраф в размере 82,50 фунтов стерлингов. Позже он стал магазинным вором, но он был пойман после того, как он взял банку бобов из супермаркета. Он пошел в суд, и в течение судебного разбирательства его адвокат утверждал, что Норман должен был пойти на программу реабилитации. Она также сказала, что ее клиент был готов выполнять общественные работы. Тем не менее, судья отправил его в тюрьму на восемь недель. Блестяще, Норман вырвались из тюрьмы за день до того, как его приговор закончился. Он украл автомобиль, чтобы уйти, но он был остановлен за превышение скорости — он ехал более чем девяносто миль в час — и был отправлен обратно в тюрьму. Когда он был освобожден, Норман решил стать грабителем. Он пытался украсть сумку у старой женщины, но она ударила его так сильно ее зонтиком, что он начал кричать о помощи, и он был арестован за шум!

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