Write one word in each gap tonya said tv was broken and asked

1   ‘We’ll be travelling round Europe next month,’ said Jerry.   following

      Jerry said that ……………………………………………… be travelling round Europe.

2   ‘I had Evan and Christie over for dinner last night,’ said Liz.   before

      Liz said that ……………………………………………… had Evan and Christie over for dinner.

3   ‘Daz came here two days ago and then suddenly left,’ said Barry.   gone

      Barry said that Daz had ……………………………………………… and then suddenly left.

4   ‘We’re going on our yearly diet tomorrow,’ said Jessie and Sandy together.   starting

      Jessie and Sandy said together that ……………………………………………… yearly diet the next day.

5   ‘I can pick you two boys up from school this afternoon,’ said their father to George and Kevin.   that

      George and Kevin’s father told his sons ……………………………………………… up from school that afternoon.

 ‘I’ll buy these as they’re so cheap!’ said Toby.   going

      Toby said he ……………………………………………… as they were so cheap.

 ‘You must study harder, Dave,’ said Dave’s mum.   him

      Dave’s mum ……………………………………………… study harder.

 ‘I think you may be coming down with flu,’ Greg said to me.   thought

      Greg said that ……………………………………………… be coming down with flu.

 ‘I don’t know why they haven’t contacted me recently,’ said Tine.   been

      Tine said she didn’t know why ……………………………………………… recently.

10   ‘Everything was different yesterday,’ said Ben.   been

        Ben said everything ……………………………………………… before.

3. Complete using the correct form (-ing form, bare infinitive or full infinitive) of the verbs in the box. Use each verb only once.

achieve • be • behave • come • do • hope •improve • learn • listen make • play • sit down • take • tell • try • use • work

Report: William Watson

William Watson sometimes seems to be afraid of (1) … hard. He can‟t help

(2) … to avoid (3) … anything that involves (4) … his brain, particularly on Friday afternoons. He seems to detest (5) … life seriously, and pretends he isn‟t capable of (6) … anything of worth. This is unfortunate as, with a little more effort, William could succeed in (7) … great progress. However, at present he frequently just wants (8) … the fool. He enjoys (9) … jokes. Presumably, he imagines this (10) … the best way to make friends, but in fact he often just ends up preventing the other students from (11) … . He has promised on several occasions (12) … his behaviour in class, but then he just keeps on (13) … in exactly the same way. Recently, I have had to beg him (14) … and be quiet in the classroom, but it‟s difficult to know how to make him (15) … to his senses. He just doesn‟t seem interested in (16) … to my opinion. I‟m tempted to give up even (17) … that he might improve. Having said that though, Mr Watson is an extremely good maths teacher!

Julie Cross – 5A

4. For each pair of sentences, put a tick () if both sentences mean the same thing. Put a cross () if they have different meanings.

1)a. I can‟t bear being tickled!

b.I can‟t bear to be tickled!

2)a. My boss went on saying that he was very proud of all of us!

b.My boss went on to say that he was very proud of all of us!

3)a. Have you stopped having lunch yet?

b.Have you stopped to have lunch yet?

4)a. They continued climbing the mountain.

b.They continued to climb the mountain.

5)a. We all saw the reporter interviewing the witness.

b.We all saw the reporter interview the witness.

6)a. I love playing practical jokes on my younger brother.

b.I love to play practical jokes on my younger brother.

7)a. Why don‟t you try holding your breath for a minute or two?

b.Why don‟t you try to hold your breath for a minute or two?


5. *Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1) I should have taken my medicine this morning but I didn‟t remember. forgot

I ……………………………………………… my medicine this morning. 2) I‟ll always remember the time when I went up Mont Blanc. never I‟ll …………………………………………………………… Mont Blanc.

3) I must hang up the washing later. remember

I ………………………………………………………up the washing later.

4) Darren thinks that wearing a suit to work is appropriate. likes

Darren ………………………………………………………a suit to work. 5) Jackie wishes she hadn‟t said that to Allie. regrets

Jackie ………………………………………………………..that to Allie. 6) I‟m sorry but your credit card has been cancelled by the bank. regret I …………………………your credit card has been cancelled by the bank. 7) Crashing the car wasn‟t my intention, you know! mean

I ……………………………………………………… the car, you know! 8) If I take that job, I‟ll have to do a lot more travelling. mean Taking that job ……………………………… to do a lot more travelling.

9)Jim‟s mum made him tidy his room before he could go and play in the park. made

Jim ………………….. his room before he could go and play in the park.

10)I don‟t suppose you watched that film last night on BBC2, did you?


You ……………………………… that film last night on BBC2, did you?

11)People often think that learning Latin is a waste of time. considered

Learning Latin …………………………………………… a waste of time.

6. Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

1)I generally prefer coffee from tea.__

2)Do you prefer watching a DVD at home to go to the cinema? __

3)I had prefer to meet you a bit later, if that’s all right with you. __

4)He‟d prefer not have to get up so early tomorrow, but he will if he

has to.__

5)I‟d rather you write your essay in a notebook, to be honest. __

6)Would you prefer to get a pizza rather from go out tonight? __

7)You would better see a doctor if you‟re not feeling well. __

8) I had rather be poor and happy than rich and lonely. __

9)I‟d prefer having an early night tonight, if that‟s okay with you. __


10)She‟d rather start revising if she wants to do well in the exam next


11)Shona prefers to not wear make-up to work. __

7. Write one word in each gap.

1)I prefer pop music … rock, to be honest.

2)I would prefer to go to the concert tomorrow … than on Saturday.

3)I … playing the piano on my own to performing.

4)I‟d rather … to that jazz club than a nightclub.

5)I‟d … you didn‟t practise playing the trumpet while I‟m trying

to study.

6)You‟d … get tickets soon as they‟re running out.

7)We queued up early in … to get good seats.

8) We waited for hours so … not to miss the VIPs arriving.

9)I called the theatre … find out what time the concert started.

10)I actually prefer … to listen to music through speakers; it sounds so much better through headphones.

11)Don‟t you think we … better turn the music down a bit?

8. Choose the correct answer.


People appear (1) … in different ways. Some people expect (2) … mistakes in their studies and are capable of (3) … from their mistakes. They don‟t mind (4) … by their teacher and indeed often ask (5) … corrected. Others, however, dislike (6) … mistakes. They try to avoid (7) … anything which they might do badly. They would rather (8) … something in small steps and be sure they have got it right (9) … attempt to do a task based on a subject they don‟t feel they have finished (10) … yet. Both ways of learning seem (11) … equally valid, but a combination of the two may be the best solution. In (12) … to learn effectively, students have to remember (13) … risks sometimes. But they also have to feel comfortable and secure with what they‟re doing so (14) … not to become demotivated. All students should at least think about (15) … the way that they approach learning.


A learning





A that

B to learn


to make

B to be

C learn


to be making

C as

D having learnt



D being


A making





A desire


B to make


to do

B demand

C make


having done

C need

D having made



D order


A benefiting



to perfect


A to take

B to benefit



B taking

C benefit



C to have taken

D to have benefited


be perfected

D having taken


A correcting





A that

B being corrected



B much

C to correct



C as

D to be corrected



D many


A being





A to question

B be


to explore

B questioning

C to have been



C question

D to be


being explored

D to be

9.**Translate into English.

1.Мы не можем себе позволить вкладывать деньги в провальные проекты.

2.Большинство жителей города не хотели, чтобы по соседству с их домами располагались очистные сооружения. 3. Я бы хотела покупать подарки для всех своих родных и знакомых в одном магазине, а не бегать по всему городу. 4. Власти города пообещали, что проблема с переработкой отходов будет решена в ближайшем будущем. 5. Я слышала, как мистер Хиггинс сказал ей не покупать такое дорогое кольцо. 6. Он не слышал, как она уговаривала друзей не делать этого. 7. Их заставили написать полный отчет о восстановлении лесонасаждений после последнего пожара, вызванного простой человеческой небрежностью. 8. Большинство людей не выносят, когда их поучают. 9. Ты не забыл вынести мусор? 10. Я бы предпочла вложить деньги в благотворительность, а не тратить их на клубы и вечеринки.

11.Было бы всем лучше, если бы вы меньше бегали по магазинам, а проводили бы больше времени, изучая культуру и традиции страны, в которой находитесь. 12. Я изучаю этот вопрос с такой тщательностью, чтобы позднее у меня не было никаких проблем с представлением своей темы.


Косвенная речь обозначает передачу содержания утверждений, вопросов, просьб и других типов высказываний без их точного цитирования, как это делается в случае с прямой речью.

При преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную действует правило согласования времен.


Случаи употребления


Если глагол главного пред-

He says: «I have your T-shirt».

ложения, вводящий косвен-

Он говорит: «У меня есть твоя фут-

ную речь, употреблен в


настоящем или будущем вре-

He says that he has my T-shirt.

мени, то в косвенной речи

Он говорит, что у него есть моя фут-

глагол остается без изменения


Если глагол главного пред-

Present Simple → Past Simple

ложения, вводящий косвен-

Present Continuous → Past Continuous

ную речь, употреблен в одном

Present Perfect → Past Perfect

из прошедших времен, то ви-

Present Perfect Continuous → Past Perfect


довременная форма время

Past Simple → Past Perfect/ Past Simple

глагола в косвенной речи из-

Past Continious → Past Perfect Continious

меняется следующим обра-

Past Perfect → Past Perfect


Future Simple → Future Simple in the Past

Future Continuous → Future Continuous in the


Future Perfect → Future Perfect in the Past

При использовании в прямой

this → that

речи нижеприведенных слов,

these →those

в косвенной речи происходят

here →- there

следующие изменения:

now → then

ago →before

today→that day

tomorrow →the next day

yesterday →the day before

the day after tomorrow →two days later

the day before tomorrow →two days before

last morning →the previous morning

В ряде случаев правило согласования времен не соблюдается:

В придаточных дополнитель-

Не said that 22 December is the shortest

ных предложениях, которые

day of the уеаг.

выражают общеизвестный

Он сказал, что 22 декабря самый ко-

факт или истину

роткий день года.

В придаточных дополнитель-

It was demanded that the work be im-

ных предложениях, сказуемое


которых выражено глаголом

Требовали улучшения работы.

в сослагательном наклоне-



Модальные глаголы must,

I told her that she should consult а doctor.

should и ought употребляют-

Я сказал, что ей следует обратиться к

ся в придаточном предложе-


нии независимо от того, в ка-

ком времени стоит глагол-

The teacher told us that we must learn this

сказуемое главного предло-



Учитель сказал, что мы должны вы-

учить это правило.


Для преобразования приказов, указаний, просьб из прямой речи в косвенную употребляются глаголы order, tell, ask:

order / tell / ask + существительное или местоимение в объектном падеже + (not) to-Infinitiv

He said to me, «Close the window». – He ordered / told / asked me to close the window.

Он cказал мне: «Закрой окно». – Он приказал / сказал / попросил закрыть окно.


Случай употребления


Общие вопросы вводятся сою-

He asked, «Do (1) you know her?»

зами if, whether, имеющими

– He asked me if/whether I knew her.

значение частицы ли. В прида-

Он спросил: «Ты ее знаешь?».

точных предложениях соблю-

– Он спросил, знаю ли я ее.

дается порядок слов утверди-

тельного предложения

Специальные вопросы вводят-

He asked me, «Who has brought the let-

ся теми же вопросительными


словами, с которых начинается

– He asked me who had brought the let-

вопрос. Соблюдается порядок

ter. Он спросил меня: «Кто принес

слов утвердительного предло-



– Он спросил меня, кто принес письмо.




Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

+ to-Infinitive



I‟ll drive


He agreed to drive me





«I‟ve won £1,000,000».

He claimed to have won


«Give me your valet».



«Would you like me to

He demanded to be given



my wallet.


«I‟ll meet you at the ca-

He offered to help.


He promised to meet me at

«No, I won‟t do the shop-

the café.


He refused to do the shop-

«Be quiet or I‟ll send you


to your room».

She threatened to send me

to my room if I wasn‟t quiet.

+ sb + to-Infinitive


«You should eat less junk

He advised me to eat less



junk food.


«Could you open the

He asked me to open the





«Please, please don‟t hurt

He begged them not to



hurt him.


«Give me all your mon-

He commanded them to



give him all their money.





He encouraged me to study




«You mustn‟t park here».

He forbade me to park

«Will you come to my



He invited me to (go to) his

«Stop talking!»


«Don‟t forget to feed the

He ordered me to stop talk-






He reminded me to feed


the dog.

He warned me not to touch

the wires.


+ -ing form

accuse sb of

«You stole my gold

He accused him of stealing


/ having stolen his gold

*admit (to)


«Yes, I lied to you».

He admitted (to) ly-

apologise for

ing/having lied to me.

*boast about / of

«I‟m sorry I broke your

He apologized for breaking


my mug.

*complain (to sb)

«I‟m the best tennis play-

He boasted about / of being


er in the world».

the best tennis player in the

«I live very far away from



the city center».

She complained (to me) of

«No, I didn‟t use your

living very far away from

*insist on


the city center.


He denied using / having

«You must rest more».

used my keys.

«Let‟s go to the cinema».

He insisted on me / my

resting more.

He suggested going to the


+ that-clause


«I liked his latest film be-

She explained

that she

cause it was exciting».

liked his latest film because

inform sb

«The manager will be

it was exciting.

back at noon».

He informed us that the

exclaim / remark

«What a glorious day!»

manager would be back at


He exclaimed /


that it was a glorious day.


Глаголы, отмеченные звездочкой (*), могут также употребляться в сложноподчиненных предложениях с that:

He claimed that he had won £1,000,000.

He demanded that I should give him my wallet.

He promised that he would meet me at the train station.

She threatened that she would send me to my room if I wasn‟t quiet.

He admitted that he lied/had lied to me.

He boasted that he was the best tennis player in the world.

She complained that she lived very far away from the city centre. He denied that he used my CD player.

He insisted that I must/had to visit the exhibition. He suggested that we go to the cinema.


1. Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1)Stewart said he … (not / want) any dessert as he was full.

2)Derek said that he and Belinda … (see) Adam recently.

3)When I called, Susie said she … (give) the dog a bath so she asked me to phone back in half an hour.

4)Marcus said he … (try) to find a flat for ages before he finally found one he liked.

5)Debbie says she … (decide) to quit her job, but I don‟t believe her.

6)Our English teacher said that Shakespeare … (be) probably the greatest writer in the English language ever.

7)Richard said he and Patricia … (be going to) invite her parents for the weekend, but I don‟t know if they went or not.

8) Charlotte said last night that she really … (love) me, even if she doesn‟t always show it.

9)Ollie said to Linda that he … (ask) me to be his best man on Monday, but in fact he asked Grant.

10)Pete told Francis he … (bring up) by his grandparents, but in fact he hadn‟t at all.

2. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1)On Monday, my boss said I can take Wednesday off, but he changed his mind today for some reason. __

2)The receptionist said if I wanted to have breakfast, I will have to pay

extra. __

3)A lot of people at school have said that Andrew may get the lead in the school play. __

4)Colin said he’d been planning to ask Rich to move in with him for


5)Lucy says she would let us know as soon as she gets the tickets. __

6)Jordan said that she has to get up at five thirty every morning. __

7)Before he got his results, Philip said that he may have to retake some exams, but now he knows he doesn‟t have to. __

8) Did Mrs. Morgan say why she’d called? __

9)Paul said he should be here tomorrow night at about nine. __

10)Dan said he must drive to Liverpool that night, but apparently he didn‟t go in the end. __

3. Write one word in each gap.

1) Tonya said … TV was broken and asked if she could come around to watch the football with us.


2)Your father said that … old newspapers in the garage might be collector‟s items.

3)Dana told the kids she had no option but to punish … .

4)Wendy said to thank you for the tomatoes and that … were the tastiest ones she‟d ever eaten.

5)Before he left, Carsen told his hosts that … had been a lovely evening.

6)As soon as he saw the jeans, Bob told us that he had to have… .

7)The Pattersons said that … eldest daughter has just got a job working at the White House.

8) Grandpa said that … picture over there was painted by his greatgrandfather.

4 *Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1)«We‟ll be travelling round Europe next month», said Jerry. following Jerry said that _________________________ be travelling round Europe.

2)«I had Evan and Christie over for dinner last night», said Liz. before Liz said that __________________ had Evan and Christie over for dinner.

3)«Daz came here two days ago and then suddenly left», said Barry.


Barry said that Daz had _____________________ and then suddenly left.

4)«We‟re going on our yearly diet tomorrow», said Jessie and Sandy together. starting

Jessie and Sandy said together that ___________ yearly diet the next day.

5)«I can pick you two boys up from school this afternoon», said their fa-

ther to George and Kevin.


George and Kevin‟s father told his sons ______________ up from school

that afternoon.

6) «I‟ll buy these as they‟re so cheap!» said Toby.


Toby said he ___________________________________ as they were so


7) «You must study harder, Dave», said Dave‟s mum.


Dave‟s mum ______________________________________ study harder.

8) «I think you may be coming down with flu», Greg said me. thought Greg said that __________________________ be coming down with flu. «I don‟t know why they haven‟t contacted me recently», said Tine. been

9)Tine said she didn‟t know why _____________________________


10) «Everything was different yesterday», said Ben. been

Ben said everything _____________________________________ before.


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Подборка по базе: Домашнее задание для подготовки презентаций с докладами по курсу, ЭФ Зачетное задание.docx, Анализ и диагностика. Задание 1..doc, Домашнее задание по всем формам.docx, Практическое задание 2 инфо.docx, Практическое задание 1 инфо.docx, 6кл истор оеч тема 2.docx, философия — задание.docx, Предварительное следствие задание 1.docx, Практическая работа Тема 1.pdf

Part B. Subject area: “People and Society”

Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct answer.

1) Everyone said they had enjoyed themselves at the wedding.

A — enjoyed

2) Mary seems to go out with a different group of friends almost every night.

A — group

3) People can become very bad-tempered when they are stuck in traffic for a long time.

В — bad-tempered

4) More and more people are living into old age and it’s a serious social problem.

D — old

5) Stephanie seems to be very popular with her classmates.

D — popular

6) Most ordinary people have no idea what it’s like to be famous.

В — ordinary

7) When my parents got divorced, my best friend was very sympathetic and

listened to all my problems.

С — sympathetic

8) Rita’s very sensitive and easily gets upset when people criticise her.

В — sensitive

9) Police were called in when the crowd of people began to get violent.

A — crowd

10) My dad says he once met Robbie Williams when he was still unknown.

A – unknown
Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct word.

1) These days, many parents find it difficult tosupport a large family.

2) Forgetting to thank us for dinner is typical of George.

3) My grandma doesn’t have any close family her own age left.

4) In ancient times, people had a very different view of the world.

5) Who was to blame for the argument?

6) Don’t you know it’spolite to close your mouth when you are eating?

7) Nathan’s parents were verypleased when they saw him in the school play.

8) I have a very goodrelationship with my mother.

Exercise 3. Phrasal verbs. Complete using the correct form of the words in italics. You need to use one word twice.

Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to 1) look down on everyonearound them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others 2) make up and forgiveeasily. As we 3) grow up, our personality develops and we find that we 4) get on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, butis also influenced by those who 5) bring us up. If we 6) look up to our parents orother family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to 7) put us down all the time and we 8) fall out with them a lot, then perhapswe will develop quite different personalities.

Exercise 4. Phrasal verbs. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. And any other words you need.

1) The doctor said that the old woman had died passed away peacefully in her sleep.

2) I always support back upmy brother when he gets into trouble.

3) Tony seems to have really fallen in love with fallen forVanessa.

4) Mark is such a bully and treats badly picks on the younger boys at school.

5) I was surprised was taken aback when Michaela said I’d hurt her feelings.

6) Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and got married and started to live quietly settled down in Australia.

7) I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and she asked for news about asked after you.
Exercise 5. Phrases and collocations. Write one word in each gap.

1) Could you do me a favour and ask Oliver to see me in my office?

2) I don’t have many ambitions, but I’d like to graduate and then start a family.

3) As we walked down the street, Helen took pity on the beggar and gave him some money.

4) Nadia’s hair looked awful, but I didn’t have the courage to tell her.

5) My dad can’t stand losing an argument and always has to have the last word.

6) The new law seemed to meet with everyone’s approval.

7) Can you take care of your little sister for a minute while I go to the shop?

8) When you first fall in love, the whole world seems a beautiful place.

9) I don’t really make friends very easily because I’m quite shy.

10) I didn’t recognise Ed when I saw him because he was in disguise.

11) You’re in a very good mood. Why are you so happy?

12) If you keep breaking your promises, people won’t trust you any more.

13) I had a really strange dream last night about my best friend.
Exercise 6. Word patterns. Choose the correct answer.

  1. The government is trying to convince people of the need for higher taxes.

2) I believe that judges should be independent from the government.
3) Local residents object to having the new power station in their area.
4) Do you think they should ban people from smoking in public places?
5) The MP asked if the prime minister was aware of the growing social problem.

6) Most people seem to agree with the newspapers’ criticism of the government.

7) I don’t think people should rely on the state, even if they are unemployed. 

8) The mayor was attacked for wasting public money.


Exercise 7. Word patterns. Find the extra word in each line.

1) Hell, said Jean-Paul Sartre, is other people, and whether you agree with
2) or not, we are all have to learn to live together. We may not always
3) approve of that other people’s behaviour, but we do have to live with it.
4) It is impossible to force other people in to behave exactly how we think
5) they should behave. Of course, the law bans from all kinds of behaviour
6) and if you can convince to enough people, you might be able to get the
7) government to pass a new law. Mostly, though, you have to let off people
8) live their own lives, in the same way you expect them to allow you for to
9) live your life.You don’t have to pretend it that you like how some other
10) people live, but letting them to be themselves is often the only choice .

Exercise 8. Word formation. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

I had a really stupid 1) argumentwith my best friend the other day. It all ARGUE

started because we were talking about 2) marriage and having a family. MARRY

I said that 3) politenessis important when you are married and she said POLITE

that she thought that was rubbish and that4) kindness is much more KIND

important. Well, we were 5) ableto agree and, in the end, she ABLE

left without saying goodbye. I do hope it doesn’t spoil our 6) friendship FRIEND

Exercise 9. Word formation. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1) My best friend has a great personality and everyone likes her.
2) I have a good relationship with my mum and I can talk to her about anything.
3) They’ve just published a book of George Bush’s correspondences and it looks really interesting.
4) Jenny seemed willing to talk about her argument with Nancy, but I eventually got the facts.
5) As I waited for Kelly to arrive at the cinema, I bit my nails nervelessly
6) Ignore what Sharon says about you. It’s just jealousness.
7) In the past, children were expected to be very obeyed
8) Brenda blames her unhappiness on being single, but I’m not so sure.
9) Tom knew that being chosen as class president was a real achievement.
10) Kevin’s so sensitive that you have to be very careful what you say to him.
Задание 2


Exercise 1. Fill in “say” or “tell” in the correct form.

1) Jack told me that he was enjoying his new job.

2) Tom said it was a nice restaurant but I didn’t like it much.

3) The doctor said that I would have to rest for at least a week.

4) Ann told Tom that she was going away.

5) Our teacher said he was pleased with our work.

6) Yesterday my friend said he hadn’t told anyone my secret.

7) Stop telling lies!

8) Could you please tell me your name?

9)The little girl said her prayers and went to bed.

10)I really can’t tell Jane from Kate. They are twins.

11)“I haven’t got enough money,” he said to John.

12)He said he would meet us later.
Exercise 2. Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Charlie. Report what Charlie told you.

1. Charlie said that he was thinking of going to Canada.

2. Charlie said that his father was in hospital.

3. Charlie said that Nora and Jim were getting married next month.

4. Charlie said that he hadn’t seen Bill for a while.

5. Charlie said that Margaret had had a baby.

6. Charlie said that he didn’t know what Fred was doing.

7. Charlie said that he would tell Jim he saw (had seen) me.

8. Charlie said that I could come and stay with him if I was ever in London.

9. Charlie said that he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine.
Exercise 3.Report these questions beginning I asked..

1. I asked what Peter’s address was.
2. I asked when the new manager was coming.
3. I asked how she knew my name. 
4. I asked why all the windows were open.
5. I asked how many books she wanted.

6. I asked where they kept the money.

7. I asked what time the meeting was.

8. I asked when the last train left.

9. I asked how the photocopier worked.

10. I asked how often Ann went shopping.
Exercise 4.Report the following commands.

  1. The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables.
  2. He told to me,that i need to read the instr. before i switch on the machine.
  3. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter not to let the children eat any sweets. 

4. She told us to shut he door but dont lock it.
5. I told him to he dont come before 6 o clock.

6. Mrs Lane told her babysitter not to take the dog into the children`s bedroom.

7. He asked “Could you close all the windows? It’s too cold in the room.
Exercise 5. Turn the following dialogue into Reported Speech.

Sally asked Diane If she had applied for the job.

Diane told her it had been fine but she was wondering if she wanted the job because she would have to move to Manchester.

Sally asked what she would do then.

Diane told Sally that if they offered her the job, she couldn’t accept it.
Exercise 6. First state if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) then turn from Direct into Reported speech.

1)The teacher said that Paris is the capital of France.

2.The little boy told her that he hadn’t broken the window.
3.She told him to eat his dinner.
4.Jane asked Helen if she had seen that film.
5.Fiona said that she had had an argument with Mark the day before.
6.The manager explained that the new guests would arrive the next day.
7.George said that Greece is was hotter than England.
8.Simon asked the stranger where the post office was.
9.Michael said that he might go sailing the next week.
10. The mother told her children not to eat with their fingers.

Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1) If she , hadn’tbroken,the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for a new one.

2) If it hadn’t been cold, they wouldn’t have lit the fire.
3) If she studied more, she would be a better student.
4) They wouldn’t have seen the Queen if they hadn’t visited London on that day.
5) If you should win that competition, you will be rich.
6) If I lived in France, I would speak French well.
7) If they had locked the doors, the burglars wouldn’t have got in.
8) We will have a party if Alan passes his driving test.
9) I will give John your message if I should see him today.
10) They wouldn’t had any money if their cousin hadn’t lent them some.
11) Those plants don’t grow if you don’t water them.
12) I would buy that bag if it had been cheaper.
13) If she had opened  the letter, she would have been surprised.
Exercise 8. Choose the correct answer in sentences 1-5.

1) If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the train.

2) What can I do if she refuses to listen to me?

3) His French won’t improve unless he studies more.

4) If I had more time, I would take up tennis.

5) If I were in your position, I’d buy a new suit.

Choose the correct verb form А, В, С or D to fill the spaces in 6-10.

6) I ____ happy to advise you if you’d asked me.

В would have been  

7) If she ____ her driving test, she would have bought a car.

D had passed

8) I wouldn’t have lent him the money if he ____ desperate.

С hadn’t been

9) If you’d run faster, you ____ the bus.

С could’ve caught

10) If I hadn’t worked hard when I was young I ____ where I am now.

D wouldn’t be
Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Add a comma where necessary.

1.If the dog , keeps barking, the neighbours will complain.

2. The boss will be angry if you arrive late for work again.

3. If you eat too much, you’ll be sick!

4. If the weather is bad on Saturday, we will stay at home.

5. You should see a doctor if you don’t feel well.

6. If you study hard, you will pass your exam.
Exercise10. Use the correct tense form:

If you 1) see this film, we2) will discuss it later. If she 3) has a problem, I 4) will help her. If we 5) travel by car, we 6) will save a lot of money. If he not 7) give her flowers once a week she 8) will be offended. If they 9) blame him, it 10) will serve him right. When the children 11) come home for Christmas, the parents 12) will be happy. When the summer season 13) comes, there 14) will be a lot of tourists here. When you 15) go to shopping, use your credit card. You 16) will feel better, after you 17) takes the tablet. We 18) will buy their car after father 19) gets his salary. I not 20) try on this dress before I 21) know how much it 22) will be. I 23) wake you up as soon as I 24) get up. They 25) will make an announcement about the plane as soon as it 26) lands. As soon as Tom 27) fix the engine we 28) will continue our journey. As soon as he 29) writes to me I 30) let you know. We 31) will lie in the sun and 32) swim in the warm sea unless the weather 33) changes for the worse. She not 34) will not marry him unless he 35) gives up his bad habits. You not 36) will not lose weight unless you 37) eat less. We 38) will have a good time while our holiday 39) lasts. I 40) keep you here, until you 41) tell the truth.

Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Julie, I am writing to thank you for my birthday present. I was so happy to receive it — I had so many lovely presents, I don’t know what doing with them all! On my birthday I want for a meal with some friends and afterwards we went dancing at that new club on Poplar Street. If you haven’t been, it’s certainly worth going there. Now that l’m old enough drive, I’m busy taking driving lessons. Dad said he would let me use his car as long as I promise to be careful. Well, I must go now. I hope hearing from you soon. Love, Madeline.

Exercise 12 put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the –ing form.

1) I hate travelling by train, (travel)

2) He left without saying goodbye, (say)

3) She managed to lose a lot of weight, (lose)

4) Swimming helps you keep fit, (swim)

5) They made him to tell them the truth, (tell)

6) Matt goes to jog every morning, (jog)

7) We are sorry informing you that you have failed the exam, (inform)

8) I’d love to go to the cinema tonight, (go)

9) I look forward to seeing you again soon, (see)

10) It’s no use trying to make him change his mind, (try)

11) Sue went to the library to borrow some books, (borrow)

12) I don’t know how to dothis exercise, (do)

Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or-ing form.

My mother is an amazing woman. She is 87 years old and she still enjoys 1) going out(go out) for a walk every day. She doesn’tmind 2) doing all her housework and she’s glad 3) to help her elderly neighbours when they can’t 4) go to the shops. She’s too old 5) to,dig the garden any moreshe stopped 6) doing that last year but she’s still healthy enough 7) to, mow the grass! In the summer she still goes 8) swimming when it’s warm and she lets her grandchildren 9) bury her in the sand. She often says, «It’s no good 10) being alive if you don’t enjoy yourself.» I’d love 11) to be like my mother when I’m her age.


4 Write one word or phrase in each gap to complete the text. you ever been to London? Ko, I 21 Jenny read that detective story yet? Yes, she 22 Sorry. I can’t meet you today. I done my homework yet. 23 eat food in class! said the teacher. 24 up your room» said my mother. 25 Please Dad. me that story about your childhood again​

1. Choose the correct answers (a-c) to complete the sentences.

1   It looks as though that shop has closed …….. – it’s been empty for weeks now.

     a   for now     b   for one thing      for good

2   The instructions should be clear, but if you’re …….., just ask someone.

     a   in doubt    b   in vain                 c   in effect

3   It was a horrible journey, but we got there ……..

     a   in all           b   in the end           c   in that case

4   If the staff here think you’re …….., they’ll ask to see some identification.

     a   under arrest     b   under the impression     c   under age

5   There’s too much …….. to risk failing this exam.

     a   at stake       b   at fault     c   at the moment

6   Do you have more …….. with your father or your mother?

     a   in any case        b   in common       c   in that case


1 c   2 a   3 b   4 c   5 a   6 b

2. Write the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the sentences.

1   We were (the / impression / party / the / under / that) had been cancelled.


2   Dan and Mia (a / have / for / been / while / dating).


3   I’m afraid (a / moment / I’m / busy / the / bit / at). Can I call you back?


4   I was going to buy the brown boots, (on / decided / second / but / thoughts / I) to get the black ones.


5   ‘What do you like about living in Barcelona?’ ‘Well, (one / a / got / for / thing / it’s) great nightlife.’


6   I’ll lend you this book (give / on / you / that / it / condition) back next week.



 under the impression that the party

2   have been dating for a while

3   I’m a bit busy at the moment

4   but on second thoughts I decided

5   for one thing it’s got a

 on condition that you give it

3. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

 The ticket office sold me a return rather than a single …………… mistake.

 Do you think Petra didn’t invite us to her party …………… purpose?

 I heard Finn got …………… trouble for not doing his homework.

 Tina’s not very keen on rock music – …………… fact, she can’t stand it!

 I’d like to see you later, but …………… course, if you’re busy, that’s fine.

 No one was really …………… fault. It was just an accident.


1 by   2 on   3 in   4 in   5 of   6 at

4. Correct the mistakes in the phrases in bold. Tick the correct sentences.

 It was a long day and at the time I got home I was exhausted. …………………………….

 The show doesn’t start until eight, so we should still get there in time. …………………………….

 Joe and Lisa were always arguing and at the end they split up. …………………………….

 It’s only by the end of the book that you learn the killer’s identity. …………………………….

 I didn’t realise it by the time, but the girl we met last night was Terry’s sister. …………………………….

 We should have moved house by the end of the month. …………………………….


1 by the time   2 ✓   3 in the end   4 at the end

5 at the time   6

5. Choose the correct words to complete the text.

How do you stop being friends with someone you no longer feel close to? If you’ve been friends for 1 a while / one thing, you may simply not have anything in 2 effect / common any more. It doesn’t mean anyone’s at 3 fault / last. If you’ve tried in 4 vain / control to make things work, maybe it’s best to end the friendship. Naturally, you don’t want to hurt the other person, and if you’re in any 5 time / doubt, don’t say or do anything you might regret. Perhaps your friend doesn’t realise how to feel – they may be under 6 control / the impression that everything’s fine. You could talk to them and suggest not seeing each other for a few weeks, and in 7 time / fact you’ll know whether you want your friendship to continue or not.


1 a while   2 common   3 fault   4 vain   5 doubt

6 the impression   7 time

6. Complete the sentences with an appropriate noun and your own ideas.

1   Although I haven’t done it for a ……………………… , I used to like ………………………

2   At the ………………………, my favourite song is ………………………

3   The last time I was late for something was ……………………… . I couldn’t get there on ……………………… because ………………………

4   In the future, I’d love to ……………………… . With any ………………………, I’ll be able to.

5   There are several reasons why I like my best friend. For one ………………………, he/she ………………………


1 while   2 moment   3 time   4 luck   5 thing

Extra exercises

1. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

 You’re here ………….. last. I’ve been waiting for ages!

 My cousin’s staying with us ………….. now, until he finds his own place.

 The future of that company is ………….. doubt because it’s losing money.

 Let’s meet at 8.00. ………….. second thoughts, we’d better make it 7.15 so that we have time to get the tickets.

5   I was ………….. the impression that it was going to rain today.

6   Sorry I’m late. I got on the wrong bus ………….. mistake.

7   ………….. course she’ll be upset if you don’t go to her party. You’re her best friend!


1 at   2 for   3 in   4 On   5 under   6 by   7 Of

2. Complete the text about crime. Write one word in each gap.

Despite the fact the gun possession is legal in Iceland, 1v__________ crimes, like murder, are almost unheard of. Around a quarter of the country’s population owns a gun, but these are hardly ever used to 2c__________ crimes. Pickpocketing and other 3p__________ crimes are also rare. According to experts, the country has a tradition of crime 4p__________ which stops any potential issues as soon as they are detected. In the 1970s, the government dealt with a minor crime 5w__________ , involving drugs, by creating a separate drugs police force and drugs court. Today, there are relatively few hard drugs in Iceland compared to other countries. Politicians are currently attempting to 6c__________ organised crime, which is on the increase, by passing new laws that will aid police in the fight.


1 violent   2 commit   3 petty   4 prevention   5 wave

6 combat

3. Complete the dialogue with diplomatic phrases.

A   Rose, can I have a 1……………………… with you?

B   Sure. What’s up?

A   I didn’t want to 2……………………… it up, but you still own me some money.

B   Yes, I know. I’m really sorry about that.

A   I thought 3……………………… we could talk about when you were planning on paying me back.

B   I’m afraid I can’t give it to you right now, Lily.

A   Why’s that?

B   It’s 4……………………… that my mum lost her job last month, so she’s stopped giving me pocket money.

 Oh, no! You should have 5……………………… something earlier.

 You 6……………………… feel that you can’t trust me any more!

 No, it’s not that. I just couldn’t understand why you hadn’t paid me back. Now I know! 


1 word   2 bring   3 perhaps   4 just   5 said   6 must

Вопрос по английскому языку:

Помогите пожалуйста!!!(До 17:00 надо сделать(((((

I Write one word in each gap.

Holiday Blues

You’ve (1) …….. looking at that timetable for the last ten minutes. It can’t be that confusing! said Sheila angrily. I (2)………..wish you’d be quiet! I’ve (3) ………..a splitting headache thanks to you! replied Matt.

Mum! Dad! Please! said Alison. You’re both(4) ………..very silly. (5)…………….is no point at all in blaming each other. That’s not going to help us find out what time the next train to Budapest is due to leave.

You (6) ……………. Quite right, darling. I (7) …………….sorry, said Sheila.

Me too, mumbled Matt. Now, let’s have another look at this timetable. Well, it (8) …………………. like we (9) …….. definitely missed the last train today. That was the 18.20 we just missed, wasn’t it?

I (10) …….. so, said Sheila. I mean, it did leave at 18.20. Whether it’s actually going to Budapest or not is another question.

Well, one thing is (11)………….. in doubt, said Matt.

What’s that? asked Sheila and Alison together.

This is the worst holiday we’ve (12) …….. been on, said Matt. Next year, we’re going to try something far less adventurous.

Agreed! said Sheila and Alison

  • 0

2. Write one word only in each gap. Some words can be used more than one time.

Try; not; to; start; let; him; me

JUDITH Hello, you’re home early. How did the meeting go?
ALEX Awful! It all started to go wrong when the car broke down. I didn’t want
(0) …………….get my suit dirty so I gave up (1)……………….to fix it after a few
JUDITH So then what did you do?
ALEX You know I hate (2)……………….getting to a meeting on time … so I took a taxi.
JUDITH Alex! That must have been really expensive!
ALEX I didn’t intend (3)……………….go all the way by taxi — just to the station as I knew there was a train at about nine o’clock. But there was an accident on the way, and I missed the train anyway.
JUDITH So you went all the way by taxi?
ALEX Yes, the driver didn’t want (4)……………….take me because he had another
appointment, but I persuaded (5)……………….to. Of course he made (6)………………
pay the whole fare, and extra because he’d missed his appointment.
JUDITH Oh, Alex.
ALEX Then at the office they said I couldn’t give my presentation because I was late
-I didn’t (7)……………….them see I was annoyed, but I was! They were angry, too
— they had hoped to (8)……………….the meeting on time so that they could finish
by lunchtime, and they had waited for me for over an hour. It was a completely
wasted day.
JUDITH And a really expensive one!

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

0 to
1 trying
2 not
3 to
4 to
5 him
6 me
7 want
8 start

  • Комментариев (0)

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