Write one word in each gap tony never used to want to join with the

A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

course • court • pitch • ring • rink • track

 We used to go skating at the ice ……………… every Saturday.

 Keith had never seen such a large golf ……………… until he went to Scotland.

 We all met at the basketball ……………… at half past three.

 It’s called a boxing ………………, but it’s actually square!

 For the 800 metres race, you have to run round the ……………… twice.

 The football match had to be called off because the ……………… was flooded.

7   Our team ……………… until half time, but in the second half the other team ……………… three goals, and so they ……………… us. But it was a great match!

bat • stick • rod • racket

 Adrian got a new fishing ……………… for his birthday.

 Can I borrow your tennis ………………?

10   Why are hockey ……………… such a strange shape?

11   I’d spend hours putting linseed oil on my cricket ……………… to keep the wood strong.


1 rink   2 course   3 court   4 ring   5 track   6 pitch

7 was winning/scored/beat   8 rod   9 racket

10 sticks   11 bat(s)

B. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1   The umpire / referee blew the whistle and the most important football match I’ve ever played began.

2   We used to play rugby in the winter term, football in the spring term, and we’d do athletics / sport and swimming in the summer term.

 Do you fancy a game / play of cards?

 I only do magic tricks for fun. I’ve never thought of becoming an amateur / a professional magician.

 The play was so boring, we walked out during half time / the interval.

 Coventry City equalled /drew 3-3 with Sunderland in the match last Saturday.

 Spectators / Viewers who watched last week’s programme will remember we were looking at the history of baseball.

8   We got through to the final / finale, but then lost to Cirencester.

9   Most people prefer films which have a happy end / ending.

10   Would all opponents / competitors please make their way to the starting line?


1 referee   2 athletics   3 game   4 professional

5 the interval   6 drew   7 Viewers   8 final

9 ending   10 competitors

C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

 I don’t know how you can stand getting up so early to go to the pool.   put

      I don’t know how you can …………………………………… up so early to go to the pool.

 I’ve finally started sorting out my postcard collection.   round

      I’ve finally …………………………………… sorting out my postcard collection.

 What did you do at the weekend?   get

      What did you …………………………………… at the weekend?

 I’m not so keen on skiing now I’ve discovered snowboarding.   gone

      I’ve …………………………………… since I discovered snowboarding.

 Why do you continue to have riding lessons if you can’t afford them?   on

      Why do you …………………………………… riding lessons if you can’t afford them?

 We can’t delay the match any longer.   put

      We can’t …………………………………… any longer.


1 put up with getting

2 got round to

3 get up to

4 gone off skiing

5 carry on having

6 put (off) the match (off)

D. Write one word in each gap.

 Tony never used to want to join ……………… with the other kids in the playground.

 Look ………………! There’s a car coming!

 Simone’s ……………… to wearing a helmet whenever she goes cycling.

 I was thinking of taking ……………… scuba diving until I found out how expensive the equipment is.

 They were knocked ……………… in the semi-final.

 Maybe we should bring the meeting ……………… to this Tuesday instead of having it in two weeks’ time.

7   Becca had to pull ……………… of the race when she sprained her ankle.

8   Melissa doesn’t ……………… in for adventure sports.


1 in   2 out   3 taken   4 up   5 out   6 forward   7 out   8 go

E. Choose the correct answer.

1   Why don’t you …………… a go? It’s not difficult!

        A make         B have

        C do              D set

2   Carl wasn’t very good at mountain climbing as he’s afraid of …………… .

        A highs         B highness

        C heights      D height

3   There’s little …………… of our getting into the final.

        A opportunity

        B chance

        C luck            D fortune

4   Rachel is mad …………… the Eurovision Song Contest.

        A from          B against

        C for              D about

5   Just …………… your best – that’s all anyone can ask of you.

        A do              B make

        C be               D have

6   It’s …………… time you learned to swim.

        A big             B tall

        C high           D far

7   Grandma …………… a lot of pleasure from gardening.

        A does          B has

        C makes       D gets

8   …………… your time – don’t rush.

        A Tell            B Find

        C Spend        D Take

9   Each player takes it …………… turn to roll the dice.

        A on              B in

        C at               D to

10   Time …………… so quickly when you’re doing something enjoyable.

        A takes         B spends

        C passes       D finds

11   Our new coach is popular …………… the whole team.

        A for             B to

        C by               D with

12   She’d …………… hours lying on her bed, reading.

        A spend        B take

        C make         D pass

13   He’d been planning to leave the team the …………… time, and hadn’t told anyone.

        A complete  B whole

        C total          D full

14   I’m not siding …………… her because she’s my sister, but because she’s right.

        A from          B for

        C to               D with


1 E   2 C   3 B   4 D   5 A   6 C   7 D

8 D   9 B   10 C   11 D   12 A   13 B   14 D

F. Match to make sentences.

1   I’m not very fond

2   She’s interested

3   You should concentrate

4   I used to find it difficult

5   Let’s listen

6   We stopped

7   The bad weather stopped us

A   in playing for the school team.

B   to find enough time to have any hobbies.

C   to try to find the golf balls we’d lost.

D   of playing in goal.

E   from finishing the game.

F   to what the coach thinks first.

G   on getting fit.


1 D   2 A   3 G   4 B   5 F   6 C   7 E

G. Water has damaged part of this text about sport at school. Read it and decide what you think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces.

Sport at school

I used to wear glasses when I was at school, and so I (1) ……………… sport very difficult. I wanted to be involved (2) ……………… school sports competitions, and I loved the idea of teams competing (3) ……………… each other, but being on the rugby team, for example, (4) ……………… having to take off my glasses, and that meant (5) ……………… I couldn’t see! And it’s difficult (6) ……………… catch a ball when you can’t see it! So, I wasn’t very good and the captains always (7) ……………… sure that I wasn’t on their team. This meant I (8) ……………… free to do other activities, like being on the debating team, and actually I preferred to (9) ……………… things I was good at doing (10) ……………… than have everyone laugh at me.


1 found   2 in   3 against/with   4 involved/meant

5 that   6 to   7 made   8 was   9 do   10 rather

H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1   I need to buy a new pair of ……………………. (TRAIN).

2   Ellie used to ……………………. (PRACTICE) for hours to learn to juggle properly.

3   That was the most ……………………. (INTEREST) book I’ve ever read. I can’t wait for the sequel!

4   Would you describe yourself as a ……………………. (COMPETE) person?

5   Many professional basketball players earn a ……………………. (FORTUNE) these days.

6   F.A. stands for Football ……………………. (ASSOCIATE).

7   The gold, silver and bronze ……………………. (MEDAL) took their places on the podium for the presentation ceremony.

8   In Britain, the money parents give their children is often called pocket money. In America, it’s often called an ……………………. (ALLOW).

9   I’m afraid the swimming pool is closed at the moment as they’re carrying out some essential ……………………. (MAINTAIN).


1 trainers   2 practise   3 interesting   4 competitive

5 fortune   6 Association   7 medallists   8 allowance

9 maintenance

I. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

A snooker player speaks

When I first started playing snooker, I had no real (1) ……………………. (KNOW) of the rules. I just thought it looked an (2) ……………………. (ENJOY) game. Also, I didn’t need to buy any expensive (3) ……………………. (EQUIP) because the snooker hall near my house had tables and cues. I spent (4) ……………………. (PRACTICAL) all the free time I had practising, and then decided to enter a (5) ……………………. (COMPETE). It was great fun! My (6) ……………………. (OPPOSE) was someone who’d been playing for years. Of course, he beat me, but the fact that I’d (7) ……………………. (LOSE) didn’t put me off at all. And, (8) ……………………. (FORTUNE), my game improved enough for me to become a professional snooker player three years ago.


1 knowledge   2 enjoyable   3 equipment

4 practically   5 competition   6 opponent

7 lost   8 fortunately

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  • meomeo400 — 09:51:25 16/07/2021

Giúp với cần gấp ạ
D. Write one word in each gap
1 Tony never used to want to join___________with the other kids in the playground
2 Look________! There’s a car coming!
3 Someone’s __________to wearing a helmet whenever she goes cycling
4 I was thinking of taking ___________scuba diving until I found out how expensive the equipment is.
5 They were knocked _________in the semi-fina.
6 Maybe should bring the meeting _________to this Tuesday instead of having ít in two week’s time
7 Becca had to pull__________of the race when she sprained her ankle
8 Melissa doesn’t _________ in for adventure sports.

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Hãy luôn nhớ cảm ơnvote 5*
nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!




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  • hatran83
  • 16/07/2021

1. in

2. out

3. used 

4. up

5. taken

6. forward

7. out

8. go

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?





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  • hieunguyen27
  • 18/07/2021

1. in                        2. out

3. used                   4. up

5. taken                  6. forward

7. out                     8. go



Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?




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One can infer from the mention of golfers wanting a caddy who could find golf balls that

A. Dexter hired caddies who could find his lost golf balls.

B. Dexter also could find lost golf balls when he wasn’t at work.

C. they frequently lost golf balls and needed a caddy to find them.

D. they also wanted a laundry that washed their socks correctly.

E. they wanted a laundry that could only wash socks and sweaters.


phrasal verbs, using the link.



(32 points)  

Match the pairs. (6 points)



to delay,
to postpone


round to

to accept unpleasant behaviour or an unpleasant situation;tolerate


up to

liking someone or something



smth you should not do
 especially something
that other 
people think is wrong



do something that you have 
intended to do for
long time


up with

to continue doing

Write one word in each gap.  Translate
sentences into Russian. (16 points)

1.      Tony
never used to want to join _____ with the other kids in the playground.


2.      Look
_____! There’s a car coming!


3.      Simone’s
____________ to wearing a helmet whenever she goes cycling.

I was thinking of taking ______ scuba diving until
found out how expensive the equipment is.

5.      They
were knocked _____ in the semi-final.

.  Maybe we should bring the meeting _____________ to this Tuesday instead of
having it in two week’s time.

7.      Becca
had to pull _____ of the race when she sprained her ankle (


8.      Melissa
doesn’t _________ in for adventure sports.


Translate the sentences using appropriate
phrasal verbs.(10 points)


продолжил начатое без их поддержки.  (
Past Simple)


разонравилась эта идея. (
Present Perfect)


не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.


Я не
смирюсь с этим.



собираюсь заняться рыбалкой.


приняли участие в марафоне.



решила принять участие в турнире. (
tournament) (Past


вышла из игры в полуфинале Кубка Европы.
(European Cup) 
(Past Simple Passive)


Спортсмен отказался от участия в соревновании прямо перед
(Past Simple)


Комитет попросил (request) о переносе даты игры.

(Past Simple)





the sentences using appropriate phrasal verbs. (10 points)


продолжил начатое без их поддержки.  (
Past Simple)

He carried on
without their support.


разонравилась эта идея. (
Present Perfect)

He has gone off
this idea.


не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.

Never put off
till tomorrow what you can do today.


Я не
смирюсь с этим.


I will not put
up with it.


собираюсь заняться рыбалкой.

I’m going to
take up fising.


приняли участие в марафоне.


Everybody joined
us in the marathon.


Команда решила принять участие в турнире. (tournament)
(Past Simple)

team decided to go in for a tournament.


Германия вышла из игры в полуфинале Кубка Европы. (European
Cup)  (Past Simple Passive)

Germany was
knocked out in the semi-final of European Cup.


Спортсмен отказался от участия в соревновании прямо перед
(Past Simple)

The sportsman
pulled out of the competition just before the start.


Комитет попросил (request) о переносе даты

(Past Simple)

The committee
requested to bring forward the date of the game.

1) Tony never used to want to join * with the other kids in the playground. a) to b) on c) in 2) Look * ! There’s a car coming! a) around b) out c) in 3) I was thinking of taking * scuba diving until I found out how expensive the equipment is. a) to b) up c) on 4) They were knocked * in the semi-final. a) around b) off c) out 5) Maybe we should bring the meeting * to this Tuesday instead of having it in two weeks’ time. a) forward b) in c) out 6) Becca had to pull * of the race when she sprained her ankle. a) out b) off c) up 7) Melissa doesn’t go * adventure sports. a) forward b) in for c) on 8) Just get * Exercise C and I’ll be back in a minute. a) on with b) to c) down 9) My teacher says that I should sail * the exam, but I’m not so sure. a) out b) with c) through 10) Dave didn’t understand what Miss Smith was getting * , so he asked her to explain it again. a) to b) at c) forward 11) We all tried to convince our teacher to change his mind about the school trip and he finally came * . a) around b) through c) in 12) If you make a mistake, just cross it * with a single line. a) off b) out c) on 13) Belinda missed a few months of school because of illness and found it difficult to keep * with her classmates. a) to b) on c) up 14) The other kids were making fun of me, but I didn’t catch * until I heard them laughing. a) on b) upon c) out 15) Marlon Brando will go * in history as one of the greatest actors of all time. a) for b) down c) on 16) Our class is going to put * a play at the end of term. a) on b) up with c) across 17) I didn’t really like Madonna’s new single when it came out, but it’s starting to grow * me now. a) in b) on c) to 18) Did you know that the sandwich is named * the Earl of Sandwich? a) after b) for c) behind 19) The band have really taken * since appearing on the Video Music Awards show last month. a) up b) on c) off 20) The Eurovision Song Contest is coming * again soon. Shall we organise a Eurovision party? a) through b) on c) round 21) I felt completely let * when he refused to give me his autograph. I’m never going to buy another one of his CDs! a) down b) in c) off 22) The doctor said that the old woman had passed * peacefully in her sleep. a) through b) by c) away 23) I always stand * my brother when he gets into trouble. a) up for b) back c) for 24) Tony seems to have really fallen * Vanessa. a) for b) in with c) to 25) Mark is such a bully and pick * the younger boys at school. a) for b) on c) at 26) I was taken * when Michaela said I’d hurt her feelings. a) down b) back c) aback 27) Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and settled * in Australia. a) down b) in c) on 28) I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and asked * you. a) to b) for c) after


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Câu hỏi

Cù Thị Bích Ngọc

1. Tony never used to want to join…………with the other kids in the playground.

2. Look…………..! There is a car coming!

3. Simone’s…………… to wearing a helmet whenever she goes cycling.

4. I was thinking of taking ……………..scuba diving until I found out how expensive the equipment is.

린 린

  • 린 린

6 tháng 6 2019 lúc 21:06


1. Simone’s __ to wearing a helmet whenever she goes cycling

2. I was thinking of taking___ scuba diving until i found out hơ expensive the equitment is

3. Maybe we should bring the meeting __ to this tuesday instead of having it in 2 weeks’time

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Nguyễn Khoa Nguyên

I.Rewrite each of these sentences keeping the meaning unchanged.

1. The Greens family moved to Ho Chi Minh City in 2002. The Greens……………

2. Its five years since she last saw him. We havent……………

3. The last time she visited our village was in 1992. She has……………

4. This is the first time I have eaten nachos in the USA. I have…………………

5. Minh bought his Canon digital camera in 2001.

Minh has….. …..

6. I last saw you when we were in senior h…

Đọc tiếp

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Hoàng Mạnh Quân


1. He cant afford to buy the car.
The car is so expensive that he can’t buy it.

2. Shirley didnt begin to read until she was eight.
It wasnt not until Shirley was eight that she began to read.

3. Mrs. Taylor regretted buying the second -hand washing-machine.
Mrs. Taylor wished she hadn’t bought the second -hand washing-machine.
4. Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice.
It can’t be denied that she has a beautiful voice.

5. Jane…

Đọc tiếp

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Nguyễn Hồng Nhung

1. How pail that girl í! (faint)
2. The man cant see where hes walking. There is a hole in front of him (fall)
3. There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming in through the hole .(sink)
The boat…………………………
4. Emma is driving . There is very little petrol left in the tank. The…

Đọc tiếp

1. How pail that girl í! (faint)
2. The man can’t see where he’s walking. There is a hole in front of him (fall)
3. There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming in through the hole .(sink)
The boat…………………………
4. Emma is driving . There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away.(run out)
5. I feel terrible .(be sick).
I think I …………………….

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Vũ Kiều Giang

Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means exactly the same as the given one. Using the given words in brackets. Do not change the word.

1: Im not you. But I think you should recycle these plastic carrier bags. (if) …………………………………………………………

2: Emma came first because she worker hard. ( result)…………………………………………………

3: Eating too much sugar can result in health problems. ( lead )……………………….

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Xuân Hùng Hoàng

I.Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into the blank !

1.My dad used to be really fit and he was in his college …………….. team . (ATHLETE)

2.My friend wants to become a …………………. foothball player . (PROFESSION)

3.Why are cats such ……………………… animals ? (PLAY)

4.Lots of people get ………………… just from watching someone perform . (PLEASE)

5.There are many form of …….

Đọc tiếp

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Nguyen Ngoc Anh

Ha’s grandmother told us about her life in the past. She đin’t go to school (1)………………she had to look after her sisters and brothers. She used to help (2)………….parents with the housework. She had to do(3)………….without the help of the modern equipment because there was no electricity at that(4)…………………..Life was quite hard for her

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hello hello

1. choose , the words or phrases that best fit each of the blank spaces

Hello , Jane !

In class I enjoy ( 1 ) ………. next to Jane . Shes my best friend and she wants to be an actress ( 2 ) …………. she grows up . She comes (3) ……… Canada , and she seems (4) ………… from the other girls . She is really confident , and I love being (5) ……….. her because she is so funny . She (6) ………. expensive clothes , though her parents cant really afford them . Shes the kin…

Đọc tiếp

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Trần ngọc linh

I. Read the passage carefully then do the tasks below

I have a little notebook. Its an address book with the letters of the alphabets, and I writr the new words two or three times a week. I write the english words first, then the translation and a short sentence as an example. I try to learn five new words a day.

1. How often do you write the new words in the little notebook?


2. How many new words do you try to learn a day ?


II. Complete the passage with the words in the…

Đọc tiếp

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         Revision test. Unit 4.

Complete using the correct words.

  1. The boxers perform on the boxing ______.
  2. There is a basketball ______ near our school.
  3. Golf is played on the golf _______.
  4. The runners are running 100 meters on the ______.
  5. The football  ______ is usually  covered with grass.
  6. Our team ________the match yesterday. Our players _______ three goals and the other team was ______.
  7. My father catches fish with a fishing_____.
  8. Can I borrow your tennis______?
  9. Hockey is played with hockey ______.
  10. I want to buy a new cricket______.

      B. Complete using the correct words

  1. The________blew the whistle and the football match began.
  2. The play was so boring that we went away during the_______.
  3. Most people prefer films which have a happy_______.
  4. Would you like a _____ of cards?
  5. We play rugby in winter, football in spring and we do _______ and swimming in summer.
  6. I do hairdo to my friends. I’ve never thought of becoming a __________ hairdresser.
  7. Coventry City ________3-3 with Sunderland in the match last Saturday.
  8. ________who watched yesterday’s TV programme enjoyed it very much.
  9. All the __________ were standing at the starting line.
  10. Our team was winning up to the _______ but then we lost to the other team.  

C. Rewrite the sentences using phrasal verbs.

  1. I don’t know how you can stand getting up so early.  put
  2. I’ve finally started doing my morning exercises. Round
  3. What did you do at the weekend?  Get
  4. I’m not so keen on skiing now I’ve discovered snowboarding. Gone

I’ve________since I discovered snowboarding.

  1. Why do you continue to have riding lessons if you can’t afford them? On
  2. We can’t delay the match any longer. Put

D .Write one word in each gap

  1. Tina didn’t want to join____ with the other kids in the playground.
  2. Look___! There’s a car coming!
  3. At last little Johnny has _______to washing his hands before meals!
  4. I am thinking of taking___skiing as a hobby.
  5. Nick was knocked_____ of the competition after breaking the rules.
  6. Our teacher decided to bring the parents’ meeting_____ to this Friday instead of having it in

week’s time.

  1. Rebecca had to pull____ of the race when she sprained her ankle.
  2. Melissa doesn’t ____ in for adventure sports.


  1. Why don’t you ____ a go? It’s not difficult!
  2. Charles is not good at climbing as he is afraid of ______.
  3. There’s little _____of my winning the competition.
  4. Michael is mad_____ hard rock.
  5. I ____my best at the exam and got a five.
  6. It’s____ time you studied hard.
  7. My granny______a lot of pleasure from gardening.
  8. ______your time – don’t rush.
  9. Each player takes it_______turn to throw the ball.
  10. Time_______so quickly when you are having fun.  

F. Word formation.

  1. My___________of English is not very good. Know
  2. Ellie used to_________for hours to learn to juggle properly. Practice
  3. He described himself as a____________ person.   Compete
  4. The gold, silver and bronze ________took their places on the podium. Medal
  5. The swimming pool is closed at the moment as they are carrying out some essential.  Maintain
  6. ____________, our school team lost the game. Fortune
  7. If you want to go in for mountain skiing you’ll have to buy special_______. Equip
  8. Playing badminton is a very__________way to keep fit. Enjoy

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Complete each sentence with a suitable word. Write one word in each gap. «What time does Angie usually go to __d?» – «At 9 pm.» How many lessons do you have at —0_? Kevin __u____ his teeth after each meal. Tony enjoys watching. t_programmes, such as football matches or swimming competitions. I don’t want to watch — I. — fiction; I prefer dramas or music shows. I think you should use al_-_graph instead of the bar graph.​


Светило науки — 77 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи




4. sports

5. science

6. a line graph


Светило науки — 1 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи


bed, school, brush, tv, science,

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