Write one word in each gap to complete the text the room

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Complete the text. Write one word in each gap. Then listen and check. — Дополните текст. Напишите одно слово в каждом промежутке. Затем слушайте и проверьте.

When he was only 15, Norman Fletcher committed a 1) robbery. He got away with ?8.25 and six packets of chewing gum. Unfortunately for him, he had robbed his local shop, so the police arrested him and he had to pay a 2) fine of ?82.50. Later on, he became a 3) shoplifter, but he was caught after he had taken a tin of beans from a supermarket. He went to court, and during the 4) trial his 5) lawyer argued that Norman needed to go on a 6) rehabilitation programme. She also said that her client was prepared to do some 7) community service. However, the 8) judge sent him to prison for eight weeks. Brilliantly, Norman broke out of prison the day before his 9) sentence ended. He stole a car to get away, but he was stopped for 10) speeding he was going at over ninety miles per hour — and was sent back to prison. When he was released, Norman decided to become a 11) mugger. He tried to steal a handbag from an old woman, but she hit him so hard with her umbrella that he started screaming for help and he was arrested for noise 12) nuisance!
Когда ему было только 15, Норман Флетчер совершил грабеж. Он вынес 8,25 фунтов стерлингов и шесть упаковок жевательной резинки. К несчастью для него, он ограбил свой местный магазин, так что полиция арестовала его, и он должен был заплатить штраф в размере 82,50 фунтов стерлингов. Позже он стал магазинным вором, но он был пойман после того, как он взял банку бобов из супермаркета. Он пошел в суд, и в течение судебного разбирательства его адвокат утверждал, что Норман должен был пойти на программу реабилитации. Она также сказала, что ее клиент был готов выполнять общественные работы. Тем не менее, судья отправил его в тюрьму на восемь недель. Блестяще, Норман вырвались из тюрьмы за день до того, как его приговор закончился. Он украл автомобиль, чтобы уйти, но он был остановлен за превышение скорости — он ехал более чем девяносто миль в час — и был отправлен обратно в тюрьму. Когда он был освобожден, Норман решил стать грабителем. Он пытался украсть сумку у старой женщины, но она ударила его так сильно ее зонтиком, что он начал кричать о помощи, и он был арестован за шум!

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Вопрос по английскому языку:

Помогите пожалуйста!!!(До 17:00 надо сделать(((((

I Write one word in each gap.

Holiday Blues

You’ve (1) …….. looking at that timetable for the last ten minutes. It can’t be that confusing! said Sheila angrily. I (2)………..wish you’d be quiet! I’ve (3) ………..a splitting headache thanks to you! replied Matt.

Mum! Dad! Please! said Alison. You’re both(4) ………..very silly. (5)…………….is no point at all in blaming each other. That’s not going to help us find out what time the next train to Budapest is due to leave.

You (6) ……………. Quite right, darling. I (7) …………….sorry, said Sheila.

Me too, mumbled Matt. Now, let’s have another look at this timetable. Well, it (8) …………………. like we (9) …….. definitely missed the last train today. That was the 18.20 we just missed, wasn’t it?

I (10) …….. so, said Sheila. I mean, it did leave at 18.20. Whether it’s actually going to Budapest or not is another question.

Well, one thing is (11)………….. in doubt, said Matt.

What’s that? asked Sheila and Alison together.

This is the worst holiday we’ve (12) …….. been on, said Matt. Next year, we’re going to try something far less adventurous.

Agreed! said Sheila and Alison

5 Andy
G 2.50 Complete the text with one word in
each gap. Listen and check.
won a gold
I’m very keen lon sport. 12
a lot of exercise.
Two weeks ago I ran in a ten-kilometre race and
week I played tennis on
a beautiful tennis
at Wimbledon, I lost, but
a great game. Yesterday I played
England in the football World Cup. We won the
4-2 and I scored all four 10 Yes, I’m
snarts video games!

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Write a word from the box in each gap to complete text[am, are, aren’t, be, going, have, will, won’t]. My friend Billy and I are … to Edinburgh together this summer. Of course, we … be going alone. Billy’s mum and dad are coming too but Billy and I … going to plan each day’s activities, so it will be experience for sure. We … also see some of the other castles in the area. I … going to buy a book on Edinburgh today to learn more about it. Billy and I … going to take care of the hotel plans. Помогите

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Главная » Английский язык » Write a word from the box in each gap to complete text[am, are, aren’t, be, going, have, will, won’t]. My friend Billy and I are … to Edinburgh together this summer. Of course, we … be going alone.

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