Write one word in each gap i prefer pop music

 I should have taken my medicine this morning but I didn’t remember.   forgot

     I ……………………………………………… my medicine this morning.

 I’ll always remember the time when I went up Mont Blanc.   never

     I’ll ……………………………………………… Mont Blanc.

 I must hang up the washing later.   remember

     I ……………………………………………… up the washing later.

 Darren things that wearing a suit to work is appropriate.   likes

     Darren ……………………………………………… a suit to work.

 Jackie wishes she hadn’t said that to Allie.   regrets

     Jackie ……………………………………………… that to Allie.

 I’m sorry but your credit card has been cancelled by the bank.   regret

     I ……………………………………………… your credit card has been cancelled by the bank.

 Crashing the car wasn’t my intention, you know!   mean

     I ……………………………………………… the car, you know!

 If I take that job, I’ll have to do a lot more travelling.   mean

     Taking that job ……………………………………………… to do a lot more travelling.

 Jim’s mum made him tidy his room before he could go and play in the park.   made

     Jim ……………………………………………… his room before he could go and play in the park.

10   I don’t suppose you watched that film last night on BBC2, did you?   happen

       You ……………………………………………… that film last night on BBC2, did you?

11   People often think that learning Latin is a waste of time.   considered

       Learning Latin ……………………………………………… a waste of time.


Choose the
correct variant

I hope to go on
a trip around the world/earth one day.

You learn a lot
about the local territory/ area by speaking to local people.

It’s good to
have someone to lead/guide you when you are on holiday.

I get the train
to work every day and the fare/fee is quite expensive.

Capitan Cook
discovered Australia on a voyage/ travel to the Pacific.

Most tourist
attractions in London charge an admission fee/ticket.

The sunset over
Niagara Falls really is a magnificent look/sight.

Many materials
have been used for artificial/false teeth, including wood.

Be careful! You
might give yourself an electronic/electric shock!

 I’m afraid the
problem with your washing machine is the engine/ motor.

 Many employers
in chemicals industry/ factory object to the new law.

 My computing
exam is taking place/ occurring next week.

 Technology is
fundamental part of new/ modern life.

 We had our car
serviced and it seems there’s a problem with the engine/machine.

Write one word
in each gap

 The speed ….
in towns is 30 km/h and you shouldn’t go faster than that.

 Why don’t we
…… the scenic route along the coast?

  If you buy
your plane ticket ….. advance, it’s often cheaper than if you wait.

 I can’t
remember the name of the hotel we stayed at off the …. of my head.

 I’m sorry I’m
late! I …. my way and had to ask for directions.

 My mum’s away
in Germany on a business …. at the moment.

 The bank?
Well, turn left here, then go ….ahead for a kilometer and it’s on the left.

 If you look on
your left-hand….as we turn this corner, you’ll see Big Ben.

 I’ll look
round the shops in the morning and then ….sightseeing in the afternoon.

 My grandma
hasn’t driven since she ….an accident last year.

 I love
visiting foreign places, …..the sights and learning about other cultures.

 During the 70s
many British people started to go ….to Spain.

 While you’re
in London, you should take a tour ….Houses of Parliament.

 I prefer pop
music ….rock, to be honest.

 I would prefer
to go on a concert tomorrow ….than on Saturday.

 I ….playing
the piano on my own to performing.

 I’d rather
…..to that jazz club than a night club.

 I’d ….you
didn’t practice playing the trumpet while I’m trying to study.

 You’d ….get
tickets soon as they’re running out.

 We queued up
early in …..to get good seats.

 We waited for
hours so …..not  to miss the VIPs arriving.

 I called the
theatre …..find out what time the concert started.

 I actually
prefer ….. to listen to music through speakers; it sounds so much better
through headphones.

 Don’t you
think we …..better turn the  music down a bit

 Just get
….with Exercise 3 and I’ll be back in a minute.

 My teacher
says that I should sail ….the exam but I’m not sure.

 Dave didn’t
understand what Miss Smith was getting ….., so he asked her to explain it

 We all tried
to convince our teacher to change his mind about the school trip and he finally

 If you make a
mistake just cross it ….with a single line.

 Belinda missed
a few months of school because of illness and found it difficult to keep ….
with her classmates.

 The other kids
were making fun of me, but I didn’t catch ….until I heard them laughing.

Complete the
sentences by changing the form of the word where necessary.

 I passed the
exam but I still wait to get my…..(CERTIFY).

 Have you done
any ….(REVISE) for the test?

 Please pay
….(ATTEND), when I’m explaining what your homework is.

 I spent a long
time on the maths problem, but I still came up with the wrong ….(SOLVE)

 One of my
classmates was suspended for a week for bad ….(BEHAVE)/

 Well, miss
Turner, you’ll be pleased to hear that Kristen has made a big ….(IMPROVE) in

 I’m hoping to
study English ….(LITERATE) at university.

 The forecast
said there was a high ….(LIKELY) of the rain this weekend.

 We all know
that using our cars causes ….(POLLUTE) but we still do it.

the weather ….(ACCURATE) takes a great deal of training.

 Litter is
often a problem in …(RESIDENT) areas.

 According to
….(ENVIRONMENT),  we could be facing a crisis within fifty years.

 It was a
wonderfully ….(SUN) day, so we decided to go to the beach.

 The giant
panda is …..(DANGER) because its habitant is being destroyed.

  We didn’t
enjoy our walk because it was absolutely ….. (FREEZE)!

Fill in the
gaps with the expressions.

Black sheep, apple of her eye, flesh
and blood,  sixes, flies, colour, the weather, wears the trousers, feet, sick,
million, two, six, run, hundred and one

Take care of
your sister, she’s your own…

His mother… in
the family. She’s the boss!

My brother is
the …in the family. He’s always the one in trouble.

Her younger
daughter is the… She loves her so much!

I can think of
….reasons why you shouldn’t do that!

He’s in …..
minds about going to the party.

To me he’s the
best friend ever, definitely one in a….

Everyone was
at…. and sevens after the announcement that the school had been vandalized.

 They’re both
to blame! It’s ….of one and half a dozen of the other!

Lots of people
are sick with the flu in our college. They’re dropping like…

You look a
little off ….today. Are you tired?

Matt’s really
under…. He’s got a terrible cold.

Take it easy
for a few days and you’ll be back on your …. In no time.

You should take
some vitamins if you’re feeling a bit ….down

Why am always
solving your problems? I’m …and tired of that!


Presentation on theme: «-ing form or infinitive»— Presentation transcript:


-ing form or infinitive
Grammar -ing form or infinitive Данная презентация может быть использована, как для введения нового материала и его первичного закрепления, так и для обобщения изученного ранее материала. Со страницы «Contents» можно попасть в любой раздел презентации, а с помощью красной стрелки в правом нижнем углу слайда можно перейти к слайду № 2 («Contents»). Для удобства учителя все упражнения, используемые в данной презентации, можно найти в файле Упражнения.doc, который прилагается и может быть использован как раздаточный материал. Part II


Contents Prefer, would rather, had better Watch out! (1)
3. Ex. I, Ex. II Infinitives of purpose Watch out! (2) Watch out! (3) Ex. III, IV Ex. V


Prefer, would rather, had better
Form Use Example prefer +noun/-ing +to noun/-ing expressing general preference I prefer biology to history. I prefer reading English books to speaking English. would prefer + full infinitive +rather than (+ bare infinitive) expressing specific preference (on this occasion) I’d prefer to have the lesson on Monday rather than (to have it) on Tuesday, if that’s possible. would prefer + bare infinitive +than (+ bare infinitive) expressing general or specific preference I’d rather have the lesson on Monday than (have it) on Tuesday, if that’s possible. would rather + sb + past simple/past continuous expressing general or specific preference (about someone else) I’d rather you didn’t sit next to Brian. had better + bare infinitive giving advice You’d better ask your parents if you can come on the school trip.


Watch out! We don’t usually say I don’t prefer…. We use I prefer not to…. . Ex. I prefer not to have music on when I’m studying.


Ex.I Each of the words and phrases in bold. Rewrite them correctly.
1. I generally prefer coffee from tea. 2. Do you prefer watching a DVD at home to go to the cinema. 3. I had prefer to meet you a bit later, if that’s all night with you. 4. He’d prefer not have to get up so early tomorrow, but he will if he has to. 5. I’d rather you write your essay in a notebook, to be honest. 6. Would you prefer to get a pizza rather from go out tonight. 7. You would better see a doctor if you’re not feeling well. 8. I had rather be poor and happy than rich and lonely. 9. I’d prefer having an early night tonight, if that’s okay 10. She’d rather starts revising if she wants to do well in the exam next week. 11. Shona prefers to not wear make-up to work. to going would rather wrote than had would to have better not to


Ex.II Write one word in each gap.
I prefer pop music rock, to be honest. I would prefer to go to the concert tomorrow than on Saturday. I playing the piano on my own performing. I’d rather to that jazz club than a nightclub. I’d you didn’t practise playing the trumpet while I’m trying to study. You’d get tickets soon as they’re running out. I actually prefer to listen to music through speakers; it sounds so much better through headphones. to rather prefer go rather better not


Infinitives of purpose
When we want to talk about someone’s purpose (the reason they do something), we can use: the full infinitive I went to university to avoid getting a job! in order + full infinitive I went to university in order to avoid getting a job! so as + full infinitive I went to university so as to avoid getting a job!


William Watson sometimes seems to be afraid of working hard. He can’t help trying to avoid doing anything that involves using his brain, particulary on Friday afternoons. He seems to detest taking life seriously, and pretends he isn’t capable of achieving anything of worth. This is unfortunate as, with a little more effort, William could succeed in making great progress.

However, at present he frequently just wants to play the fool. He enjoys telling jokes. Presumably, he imagines this to be the best way to make friends, but in fact he often just ends up preventing the other students from learning . He has promised on several occasions to improve his behaviour in class, but then he just keeps on behaving in exactly the same way. Recently, I have had to beg him to sit down and be quiet in the classroom, but it’s difficult to know how to make him come to his senses. He just doesn’t seem interested in listening to my opinion. I’m tempted to give up even hoping that he might improve. Having said that though, Mr Watson is an extremely good maths teacher!


Уильям Уотсон иногда, как представляется, боятся работы тяжело. Он не может помочь пробоватьчтобы не делать ничего, что предполагает использование его мозг, particulary в пятницу во второй половине дня. Он, кажется, ненавидеть, принимая жизнь всерьез и делает вид, что он не может достичь чего-либо стоит. Это печально, как с немного больше усилий, Уильям может добиться успеха в принятии большой прогресс.Однако в настоящее время он часто просто хочет играть дурак. Он любит рассказывать шутки. Предположительно он думает, что это будет Лучший способ сделать друзей, но на самом деле он часто просто в конечном итоге препятствует обучению других студентов. Он обещал несколько раз улучшить его поведение в классе, но потом он как раз держит на себя таким же образом. В последнее время мне приходилось умолять его, чтобы сесть и быть тихо в классе, но это трудно знать, как заставить его прийти к его чувствам. Он просто не заинтересованы в прослушивании на мой взгляд. Я искушение отказаться даже надеясь, что он может улучшить. Сказав, что, хотя, г-н Уотсон является очень хорошие математики учитель!

I prefer pop music rock, to be honest.

I would prefer to go to the concert tomorrow than on Saturday.

I playing the piano on my own performing.

I’d rather to that jazz club than a nightclub.

I’d you didn’t practise playing the trumpet while I’m trying to study.

You’d get tickets soon as they’re running out.

We queued up early in order to get good seats.

We waited for hours so as not to miss the VIPs arriving.

I called the theatre to find out what time the concert started.

I actually prefer not to listen to music through speakers; it sounds so much better through headphones.

Don‟t you think we had better turn the music down a bit?


Я предпочитаю поп-музыку рок, если честно.

Я бы предпочел пойти на концерт завтра, чем в субботу.

Я играю на пианино самостоятельно.

Я скорее в этот джаз-клуб, чем в ночной клуб.

Я бы не практиковался в игре на трубе, пока я пытаюсь учиться.

Вы получите билеты, как только они закончатся.

Мы встали в очередь рано, чтобы получить хорошие места.

Мы ждали часами, чтобы не пропустить прибывающих VIP-персон.

Я позвонил в театр, чтобы узнать, во сколько начался концерт.

Я на самом деле предпочитаю не слушать музыку через динамики; это звучит намного лучше через наушники.

Не думаете ли вы, что нам лучше немного выключить музыку?

Вот это все что я сделал.


  1. Choose the correct variant

  1. I hope to go on a trip around the world/earth one day.

  2. You learn a lot about the local territory/ area by speaking
    to local people.

  3. It’s good to have someone to lead/guide you when you are on

  4. I get the train to work every day and the fare/fee is quite

  5. Capitan Cook discovered Australia on a voyage/ travel to the

  6. Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission

  7. The sunset over Niagara Falls really is a magnificent

  8. Many materials have been used for artificial/false teeth,
    including wood.

  9. Be careful! You might give yourself an electronic/electric

  10. I’m afraid the problem with your washing machine is the
    engine/ motor.

  11. Many employers in chemicals industry/ factory object to the
    new law.

  12. My computing exam is taking place/ occurring next week.

  13. Technology is fundamental part of new/ modern life.

  14. We had our car serviced and it seems there’s a problem with
    the engine/machine.

  1. Write one word in each gap

  1. The speed …. in towns is 30 km/h and you shouldn’t go faster
    than that.

  2. Why don’t we …… the scenic route along the coast?

  3. If you buy your plane ticket ….. advance, it’s often cheaper
    than if you wait.

  4. I can’t remember the name of the hotel we stayed at off the
    …. of my head.

  5. I’m sorry I’m late! I …. my way and had to ask for

  6. My mum’s away in Germany on a business …. at the moment.

  7. The bank? Well, turn left here, then go ….ahead for a
    kilometer and it’s on the left.

  8. If you look on your left-hand….as we turn this corner,
    you’ll see Big Ben.

  9. I’ll look round the shops in the morning and then
    ….sightseeing in the afternoon.

  10. My grandma hasn’t driven since she ….an accident last year.

  11. I love visiting foreign places, …..the sights and learning
    about other cultures.

  12. During the 70s many British people started to go ….to Spain.

  13. While you’re in London, you should take a tour ….Houses of

  14. I prefer pop music ….rock, to be honest.

  15. I would prefer to go on a concert tomorrow ….than on

  16. I ….playing the piano on my own to performing.

  17. I’d rather …..to that jazz club than a night club.

  18. I’d ….you didn’t practice playing the trumpet while I’m
    trying to study.

  19. You’d ….get tickets soon as they’re running out.

  20. We queued up early in …..to get good seats.

  21. We waited for hours so …..not to miss the VIPs arriving.

  22. I called the theatre …..find out what time the concert

  23. I actually prefer ….. to listen to music through speakers;
    it sounds so much better through headphones.

  24. Don’t you think we …..better turn the music down a bit

  25. Just get ….with Exercise 3 and I’ll be back in a minute.

  26. My teacher says that I should sail ….the exam but I’m not

  27. Dave didn’t understand what Miss Smith was getting ….., so
    he asked her to explain it again.

  28. We all tried to convince our teacher to change his mind
    about the school trip and he finally came…..

  29. If you make a mistake just cross it ….with a single line.

  30. Belinda missed a few months of school because of illness and
    found it difficult to keep …. with her classmates.

  31. The other kids were making fun of me, but I didn’t catch
    ….until I heard them laughing.

  1. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word
    where necessary.

  1. I passed the exam but I still wait to get my…..(CERTIFY).

  2. Have you done any ….(REVISE) for the test?

  3. Please pay ….(ATTEND), when I’m explaining what your
    homework is.

  4. I spent a long time on the maths problem, but I still came
    up with the wrong ….(SOLVE)

  5. One of my classmates was suspended for a week for bad

  6. Well, miss Turner, you’ll be pleased to hear that Kristen
    has made a big ….(IMPROVE) in geography.

  7. I’m hoping to study English ….(LITERATE) at university.

  8. The forecast said there was a high ….(LIKELY) of the rain
    this weekend.

  9. We all know that using our cars causes ….(POLLUTE) but we
    still do it.

  10. Forecasting the weather ….(ACCURATE) takes a great deal of

  11. Litter is often a problem in …(RESIDENT) areas.

  12. According to ….(ENVIRONMENT), we could be facing a crisis
    within fifty years.

  13. It was a wonderfully ….(SUN) day, so we decided to go to the

  14. The giant panda is …..(DANGER) because its habitant is being

  15. We didn’t enjoy our walk because it was absolutely …..

  1. Fill in the gaps with the expressions.

Black sheep, apple of her eye, flesh and blood, sixes, flies,
colour, the weather, wears the trousers, feet, sick, million, two,
six, run, hundred and one

  1. Take care of your sister, she’s your own…

  2. His mother… in the family. She’s the boss!

  3. My brother is the …in the family. He’s always the one in

  4. Her younger daughter is the… She loves her so much!

  5. I can think of ….reasons why you shouldn’t do that!

  6. He’s in ….. minds about going to the party.

  7. To me he’s the best friend ever, definitely one in a….

  8. Everyone was at…. and sevens after the announcement that the
    school had been vandalized.

  9. They’re both to blame! It’s ….of one and half a dozen of the

  10. Lots of people are sick with the flu in our college. They’re
    dropping like…

  11. You look a little off ….today. Are you tired?

  12. Matt’s really under…. He’s got a terrible cold.

  13. Take it easy for a few days and you’ll be back on your …. In
    no time.

  14. You should take some vitamins if you’re feeling a bit ….down

  15. Why am always solving your problems? I’m …and tired of that!


  1. World

  2. Area

  3. Guide

  4. Fare

  5. Voyage

  6. Fee

  7. Sight

  8. False

  9. Electric

  10. Motor

  11. Industry

  12. Taking place

  13. Modern

  14. Engine

  15. Limit

  16. Take

  17. In

  18. Top

  19. Lost

  20. Trip

  21. Straight

  22. Side

  23. Go

  24. Had

  25. Seeing

  26. On

  27. Around/of

  28. To

  29. Rather

  30. Prefer

  31. Go

  32. Rather

  33. Better

  34. Order

  35. As

  36. To

  37. </<font face=»Times New Roman, serif»>Not

  38. Had

  39. On

  40. Through

  41. At

  42. Around

  43. Out

  44. Up

  45. On

  46. Certificate

  47. Revision/revising

  48. Attention

  49. Solution

  50. Behaviour

  51. Improvement

  52. Literature

  53. Likelihood

  54. Pollution

  55. Accurately

  56. Residential

  57. Environmentalists

  58. Sunny

  59. Endangered

  60. Freezing

  61. Flesh and blood

  62. Wears the trousers

  63. Black sheep

  64. Apple of her eye

  65. Hundred and one

  66. Two

  67. Million

  68. Sixes

  69. Six

  70. Flies

  71. Colour

  72. The weather

  73. Feet

  74. Run

  75. Sick

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