Write one word in each gap cfcs

Write one word in each gap.


Had (1)…………..  not been for the invention of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in the 1920s,
at least one environmental problem might have been avoided. In fact, (2)………… they to be invented today, they (3)……… no doubt be immediately banned. For fifty years, though, if you bought an air conditioner or a spray, there (4)………… a good chance that it contained CFCs — and those CFCs are still around in the atmosphere.

If you (5)…………… able to travel into the upper layers of the atmosphere, you (6)…………….  see the chlorine and fluorine from CFCs breaking down the ozone (a form of oxygen). Ozone could damage your lungs (7)………………. 
you were to breathe it, but high in the atmosphere it performs the
function of blocking ultraviolet rays from the sun, rays which can cause
skin cancer if you (8)………… exposed to them. We might (9)……….. have known about the process (10)……… it
not been for the work of two American scientists, Frank Rowland and
Mario Molina. A number of industries fought against their conclusions,
and might have won (11)………… the evidence not been so clear.

Rowland and Molina received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1995 for their work on the ozone layer, but (12) …………which we might today be facing an even greater problem.


1. it

2.  were

3. would

4. was

5. were

6. would/ could

7. if

8. are/get

9. not/ never

10. had

11. had

12. for

A. Match to make sentences.

1   If you stay with us for three days,

2   If you decide not to vote in the election,

3   If you didn’t eat your lunch so fast,

4   If there were a few more people working,

5   If you forget to take your passport,

6   If the hire car isn’t there when you arrive,

7   If the city continues to expand,

8   If the police didn’t fine people,

9   If you did decide to leave the company,

10   If MPs wish to resign,

A   we might get served a bit more quickly.

B   give us a call and we’ll come to pick you up.

C   very few people would obey the law.

D   you wouldn’t get hiccups, would you?

E   they have to go through a complicated procedure.

F   we’d be happy to give you a good reference.

G   I’m pretty sure they won’t let you check in.

H   more areas of natural beauty will be destroyed.

  we’ll have enough time to see a few sights.

 you can’t really complain about the government.


1 I   2 J   3 D   4 A   5 G

6 B   7 H   8 C   9 F   10 E

B. Rewrite using an appropriate conditional form, starting with the words given.

1   Sue didn’t get me a birthday present, which is why I didn’t get her one.

      If Sue ………………………………………… .

2   We didn’t pay them on time because they made a mistake with our order.

     If they ………………………………………… .

3   The climate is undergoing such radical changes that scientists are worried.

      If ………………………………………… .

4   Did California become an important area because they found gold there?

     Would …………………………………………?

5   It’s the sunset that attracts tourists to that place.

     If it ………………………………………… .

6   There was a traffic jam on the motorway so I was late for my interview.

      If there ………………………………………… .

7   I suggest you use a sunblock, and then you won’t go red.

     If I were ………………………………………… .

8   The accident happened as a result of the driver’s not paying attention to the road.

     If the driver ………………………………………… .


1   had got me a birthday present, I would have got her one

2   hadn’t made a mistake with our order, we would have paid them on time

3   the climate wasn’t/weren’t undergoing such radical changes, scientists wouldn’t be so worried

4   California have become an important area if they hadn’t found gold there

5   wasn’t/weren’t for the sunset, tourists wouldn’t be attracted/ go to that place

6   hadn’t been a traffic jam on the motorway, I wouldn’t have been late for my interview

7   you, I would use a sunblock and then you wouldn’t go red

8   had been paying attention to the road, the accident wouldn’t have happened

C. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in bold. Add any other words you need.

17th March

So, today marks one year since I became a Park Ranger. If I (1) ………………….. (do) that then, I never (2) ………………….. (have) so many fantastic experiences. If you (3) ………………….. (ask) me now, I would say that I knew nothing when I started, but I’ve learnt a huge amount. In a typical day, I’ll deal with complaints, check on the running of the park and lead guided tours, if any (4) ………………….. (book). If it’s low season, I (5) ………………….. (have) time to check on forest management and fire control measures.

It can get stressful at times, especially if visitors to the park (6) ………………….. (get) lost or injured. We had a case last week, which wouldn’t (7) ………………….. (happen) if the woman involved (8) ………………….. (be) a bit more careful. You see, if you (9) ………………….. (wander) around a large National Park like this without a map, you’re bound to get lost. This particular case might (10) ………………….. (be) so bad if it (11) ………………….. (start) raining. She was only wearing light clothes, so she was wet through and freezing when we found her. I dread to think what might (12) ………………….. (happen) if we hadn’t!


1 hadn’t done   2 would have had

3 asked

4 are booked/have been booked

5 have/will have

76 have get/have happened got

8 had been   9 wander

10 not have been

11 hadn’t started

12 have happened

D. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1   If we hadn’t taken a wrong turning back there, we wouldn’t be / have been in this mess now.

2   Should / Would you need any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.

3   Had they not / Hadn’t they warned people in time, a lot more lives could have been lost.

4   If you worked / had worked last weekend when the boss asked you, then you wouldn’t have to work this weekend.

5   Were all the members of staff to attend the conference, would the hotel have / have had enough rooms for everyone?

6   Had the government acted sooner, the general public wouldn’t be worrying / have worried so much about the current situation.

7   Tom Cruise wouldn’t be the star he is today had he not / should he not have made a good impression in his early films.

8   Weren’t we / Were we not to build more roads, the traffic system would collapse by 2020.

9   It would be hard enough to pass the exam tomorrow even if you went / had gone to all the lectures this year.

10   You can contact the hotel manager on extension 142 should / could you need to.

11   Shouldn’t you / Should you not receive confirmation of your flight by e-mail, please click the link below.

12   I would have asked the person for ID before I let him in, if I were / have been you.


1 be   2 Should   3 Had they not

4 had worked   5 have   6 be worrying

7 had he not   8 Were we not   9 had gone

10 should   11 Should you not   12 were

E. Complete using the words in the box.

case • condition • long • otherwise • provided • so • suppose • unless

1   Do you want a highly-paid career, and, if ………………….., are you prepared to retrain? Contact us.

2   I’m quite happy to lend you money, as ………………….. as you make sure I get it back.

3   The village fair should be a great success, ………………….. we don’t have the same problems with the weather as last year.

 It’d be great to see you on Saturday evening, ………………….. you’ve already got other plans.

 Could you go to the shop for me? I have to stay in in ………………….. the courier comes.

 Your idea sounds fine in theory, but just ………………….. something goes wrong. What then?

 Write your name at the top of your essay, ………………….. I won’t know which one’s yours.

 The judge allowed the accused to stay at home on ………………….. she reported to the police every morning.


1 so   2 long   3 provided   4 unless

5 case   6 suppose   7 otherwise   8 condition

F. Write one word in each gap.

1   I would never be able to afford a new house if ………………….. wasn’t for all the overtime I’ve been doing.

2   If it hadn’t ………………….. for the fact that his uncle was a partner in the business, Angus would never have got the job.

3   How do you think you’d feel if someone happened ………………….. damage your car like that?

4   ………………….. for the kindness of a complete stranger, I would never have found the hotel.

5   I don’t think I’d be surprised in the slightest ………………….. Paul were to suddenly announce that he was moving abroad.

6   Don’t forget to mention the new schedule to Veronica if you ………………….. happen to see her this evening.

 Football matches would be ideal family outings ………………….. it not for the danger of violence.

 If it hadn’t been ………………….. the children, I’m sure Trisha would have left Tom a long time ago.

 I would have lost the game ………………….. it not been for some quick thinking.

10   If you ………………….. find the book I was asking you about, give me a call.


1 it   2 been   3 to   4 But   5 if

6 should   7 were   8 for   9 had

10 should/do

G. Rewrite the sentences, starting with the words given.

1   The only reason we won the contract was Debbie’s fantastic presentation.

      We wouldn’t have ………………………………………… .

2   The eventual arrival of the ferry prevented a fight from breaking out amongst the passengers.

      If it hadn’t been for ………………………………………… .

3   None of the passengers was injured because of the driver’s quick reaction.

      But ………………………………………… .

4   We’ll have to cancel the meeting if Wendy doesn’t turn up soon.

     Unless ………………………………………… .

5   Mr Jones would be quite lonely if he didn’t have his daughter’s visits.

     Were it ………………………………………… .

6   Here’s my phone number, because you might need it.

     In case ………………………………………… .

7   Agree to be back by midnight and you can go.

     Providing ………………………………………… .

8   Officer Hughes prevented the robbers from escaping.

     Had it ………………………………………… .


1   won the contract if it hadn’t been for Debbie’s fantastic presentation/ won the contract had it not been for Debbie’s fantastic presentation

2   the eventual arrival of the ferry, a fight would have broken out amongst the passengers

3   for the driver’s quick reaction, (some of) the passengers would have been injured

4   Wendy turns up soon, we’ll have to cancel the meeting

5   not for his daughter’s visits, Mr Jones would be quite lonely

6   you need it, here’s my phone number

7   you are back by midnight, you can go/ you agree to be back by midnight, you can go

8   not been for Officer Hughes, the robbers would have escaped

H. Choose the correct answer.

1   If you saw another student cheating in an exam, ………………. somebody?

      A did you tell

      B do you tell

      C would you tell

      D have you told

2   Make sure you mix the ingredients well, ………………. you might get lumps in your cake.

      A unless   B otherwise

      C provided   D supposing

3   Were ………………. my dad, I would never have started playing tennis in the first place.

      A it for

      B it hadn’t been for

      C it to be for

      D it not for

4   If I ………………. hear from Nigel, I’ll tell him you were asking after him.

      A happened

      B should happen to

      C should to

      D will happen to

5   The book would have been perfect ………………. the ending.

      A had it not been for

      B it had not been for

      C it hadn’t been for

      D hadn’t it been for

6   If you hadn’t taken the money, you ………………. in prison now.

      A wouldn’t have been

      B hadn’t been

      C haven’t been

      D wouldn’t be

7   Do you think that if we ………………. earlier we might not have missed the coach?

      A have been leaving   B left

      C had left   D have left

8   Unless Ray ………………. here soon, I’m going to leave because I’m getting bored.

      A doesn’t get   B gets

      C won’t get   D will get

9   What if I ………………. you that there’s a good chance I can get tickets for the concert?

      A were to tell   B were telling

      C have told   D would to tell

10   If there ………………. happen to be any reason for late delivery, please inform our Accounts Department.

      A might   B could

      C would   D should


1 C   2 B   3 D   4 B   5 A

6 D   7 C   8 B   9 A   10 D

I. Write one word in each gap.


Had (1) ……………….. not been for the invention of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in the 1920s, at least one environmental problem might have been avoided. In fact, (2) ……………….. they to be invented today, they (3) ……………….. no doubt be immediately banned. For fifty years, though, if you bought an air conditioner or a spray, there (4) ……………….. a good chance that it contained CFCs – and those CFCs are still around in the atmosphere.

If you (5) ……………….. able to travel into the upper layers of the atmosphere, you (6) ……………….. see the chlorine and fluorine from CFCs breaking down the ozone (a form of oxygen). Ozone could damage your lungs (7) ……………….. you were to breathe it, but high in the atmosphere it performs the function of blocking ultraviolet rays from the sun, rays which can cause skin cancer if you (8) ……………….. exposed to them. We might (9) ……………….. have known about the process (10) ……………….. it not been for the work of two American scientists, Frank Rowland and Mario Molina. A number of industries fought against their conclusions, and might have won (11) ……………….. the evidence not been so clear. Rowland and Molina received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1995 for their work on the ozone layer, but (12) ……………….. which we might today be facing an even greater problem.


1 it   2 were   3 would   4 was

5 were   6 would/could   7 if

8 are/get   9 not/never   10 had

11 had   12 for

J. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

1   Without this new diet, Henry would never have lost so much weight. it

     Had ……………………… this new diet, Henry would never have lost so much weight.

2   Unless the plans change, we’ll see you on the 19th. no

     Provided ……………………… the plans, we’ll see you on the 19th.

3   If you applied now, there’s a good chance you would get the job. apply

     Were ………………………, there’s a good chance you would get the job.

4   I didn’t know about your problem so I didn’t offer to help. have

     If I’d known about your problem, ……………………… to help.

5   It could get cold at night, so take some warm clothes. in

     Take some warm clothes ……………………… cold at night.

6   I’d love to travel the world if I didn’t have to pay off my mortgage. having

     Were ……………………… to pay off my mortgage, I’d love to travel the world.

7   Ten years ago, people would have complained at seeing this film. seen

     Had ………………………, they would have complained.

8   Drivers are allowed to park here if they display a local resident permit. condition

     Drivers are allowed to park here ……………………… they display a local resident permit.


1   it not been for

2   (that) there are no changes to

3   you to apply now

4   I would have offered

5   in case it gets

6   if not for having/ I not having

7   people seen this film ten years ago

8   on condition that

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1. I want to buy those striped trousers.

2. Do you always wear baggy clothes?

3. I find this floral pattern way too old-fashioned!

4. Leather jackets have become really trendy recently.

5. My mum asks me to look more elegant, but I prefer casual style.

6. I feel really overdressed in velvet clothes.


1. Я хочу купить эти полосатые брюки.

2. Ты всегда носишь мешковатую одежду?

3. Я нахожу этот цветочный узор слишком старомодным!

4. В последнее время очень модными стали кожаные куртки.

5. Моя мама просит меня выглядеть более элегантно, но я предпочитаю повседневный стиль.

6. Я чувствую себя слишком нарядной в одежде из вельвета.

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Write one word in each gap. say/so/you/ if. they/do/do/what? are/they/dull/a/bit. ?​


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Education and Learning

Phrasal verbs

Catch on – understand – понимать, усваивать

Come (a)round (to) – be persuaded to change your mind (about) – менять мнение

Cross out – draw a line through something written – вычеркивать

Dawn on – if something dawns on you, you realize it for the first time – приходить в голову, осенить

Deal with – cope with, handle – иметь дело, улаживать

Drop out (of) – leave school, etc before you have finished a course – выбывать

Get at – try to express – иметь в виду, подразумевать

Get on with – continue doing – продолжать

Give in – stop making an effort to achieve something difficult – поддаваться, сдаваться

Keep up with – stay at the same level as – быть на одном уровне

Sail through – do something or deal with something very easily – успешно справиться

Set out – explain, describe or arrange something in a clear and detailed way – излагать

Think over – consider – обдумывать

  1. Write one word in each gap.
  1. Just get _____ with Exercise 1 and I’ll be back in a minute.
  2. My teacher says that I should sail ____ the exam, but I’m not sure.
  3. Dave didn’t understand what Miss Smith was getting ___, so he asked her to explain it again.
  4. We all tried to convince our teacher to change  his mind about the school trip and he finally came ____.
  5. If you make a mistake, just cross it ____ with a single line.
  6. Belinda missed a few months of school because of illness and found it difficult to keep ____ with her classmates.
  7. The other kids were making fun of me, but I didn’t  catch ____ until I heard them laughing.
  1. Complete each second sentence using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.


  1. The ideas in your essay need to be organized better.

You need to ________________________ in your essay better.


  1. Why don’t you consider the college’s offer for a few days and then call them?

Why don’t you __________________ for a few days and then call them?


  1. You’ll never pass the exam if you just stop trying like that.

You’ll never pass the exam if you just ____________________ like that.


  1. When he was at university, Nick just couldn’t handle all the work.

Nick just couldn’t ___________________________at university.


  1. I suddenly realized that I had left my homework at home.

It _____________________ that I had left my homework at home.


  1. Ed was very lonely an university and he left after only one month.

Ed __________________ after only one month because he was very lonely.

  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. It took her a while to _________ to the idea.
  2. I think it’s difficult to ____________ the best students in my group.
  3. He __________ the reasons for his decision in his report.
  4. I’ll _________ that problem tomorrow.
  5. Be quiet and __________ your work!

Keys – Ответы:

Ex. I.

  1. on
  2. through
  3. at
  4. around
  5. out
  6. up
  7. on  

Ex. II.

  1. set out the ideas
  2. think the college’s offer over
  3. give in
  4. deal with all the work
  5. suddenly dawned on me
  6. dropped out of university

Ex. III.

  1. Come around
  2. Keep up with
  3. Set out
  4. Deal with
  5. Get on with

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