Write one word in each gap ages eras

  • 0

Помогите пожалуйста
Write one word in each gap
Ages, eras and wars will always be defined (1)….they are over, or at least well after they
(2)….started. (3)….the year 1914, for example, no one said:’Tomorrow I’m
going (4)….go and fight in the First World War/Why not? Because it wasn’t generally
called the First World War until the Second World War had started. Similarly, no one ever said:
‘Next year (5)….be the start of the Industrial Revolution/The era now known as the
Industrial Revolution only started being called that once it was well under way.
(6) …the time we are old, we will all (7) …experienced enormous
technological advances. We might even (8)….walking round with computer chips
implanted in our bodies,or perhaps computer chip technology will have (9)….replaced
by even more advanced technology.There’s talk (10)….the moment that human skin
itself might make an excellent electronic circuit board. We can all make predictions, but nobody
knows for sure. And nobody knows what the era we will live in (11)….the near future
will be called by future historians. If we already live in the Computer Age or the Information Age,
as some people suggest the present-day era (12)….be referred to by future historians,
then who knows what era we’re just (13)….the beginning of right now?

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

Ages, eras and wars will always be
defined (1) after they are
over, or at least well after they (2) have
started. (3) In the year
1914, for example, no one said: ‘Tomorrow I’m going (4) to go and fight in the First World War.» Why not?
Because it wasn’t generally called the First World War until the Second World
War had started. Similarly, no one ever said: ‘Next year (5) will be the start of the Industrial Revolution» The
era now known as the Industrial Revolution only started being called that once
it was well under way. (6) By
the time we are old, we will all (7) have
experienced enormous technological advances. We might even (8) be walking round with computer
chips implanted in our bodies, or perhaps computer chip technology will have (9) been replaced by even more
advanced technology. There’s talk (10) at
the moment that human skin itself might make an excellent electronic circuit
board. We can all make predictions, but nobody knows for sure. And nobody knows
what the era we will live in (11) in
the near future will be called by future historians. If we already live in the
Computer Age or the Information Age, as some people suggest the present-day era
(12) will be referred to by future historians, then who knows what era
we’re just (13) at the
beginning of right now?

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1) after

2) have
8)  be 
10) at
11) in 
13) at

  • Комментариев (0)

Помогите пожалуйста

Write one word in each gap

Ages, eras and wars will always be defined (1).

They are over, or at least well after they



(3). the year 1914, for example, no one said : ‘Tomorrow I’m

going (4).

Go and fight in the First World War / Why not?

Because it wasn’t generally

called the First World War until the Second World War had started.

Similarly, no one ever said :

‘Next year (5).

Be the start of the Industrial Revolution / The era now known as the

Industrial Revolution only started being called that once it was well under way.

(6) .

The time we are old, we will all (7) .

Experienced enormous

technological advances.

We might even (8).

Walking round with computer chips

implanted in our bodies, or perhaps computer chip technology will have (9).


by even more advanced technology.

There’s talk (10).

The moment that human skin

itself might make an excellent electronic circuit board.

We can all make predictions, but nobody

knows for sure.

And nobody knows what the era we will live in (11).

The near future

will be called by future historians.

If we already live in the Computer Age or the Information Age,

as some people suggest the present — day era (12).

Be referred to by future historians,

then who knows what era we’re just (13).

The beginning of right now?

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Ages, eras and wars will always be
defined (1) after they are
over, or at least well after they (2) have
started. (3) In the year
1914, for example, no one said: ‘Tomorrow I’m going (4) to go and fight in the First World War.» Why not?
Because it wasn’t generally called the First World War until the Second World
War had started. Similarly, no one ever said: ‘Next year (5) will be the start of the Industrial Revolution» The
era now known as the Industrial Revolution only started being called that once
it was well under way. (6) By
the time we are old, we will all (7) have
experienced enormous technological advances. We might even (8) be walking round with computer
chips implanted in our bodies, or perhaps computer chip technology will have (9) been replaced by even more
advanced technology. There’s talk (10) at
the moment that human skin itself might make an excellent electronic circuit
board. We can all make predictions, but nobody knows for sure. And nobody knows
what the era we will live in (11) in
the near future will be called by future historians. If we already live in the
Computer Age or the Information Age, as some people suggest the present-day era
(12) will be referred to by future historians, then who knows what era
we’re just (13) at the
beginning of right now?

A. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (✓). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line, including all possibilities.

 The universe is going to continue to expand for billions of years.   ……………………..

 Look out! You will hit the car in front!   ……………………..

3   I’m going to do the washing-up tonight, if you like.   ……………………..

 Do you think that, in the future, people will live to be hundreds of years old?   ……………………..

 Will I carry some of those bags for you, or can you manage?   ……………………..

 I know! I’m going to have a barbecue on my birthday!   ……………………..

 Are you going to just hold this door open for me for a minute? Thanks a lot!   ……………………..

 We’ve decided we will try that new restaurant after the play tomorrow night.   ……………………..

 We’re going to fly to Jamaica in the summer.   ……………………..

10   Shall we invite Tony and Tim round tonight?   ……………………..

11   Are we going to invite Tony and Tim round tonight?   ……………………..

12   Will you go to Jason’s party next Saturday?   ……………………..


1 ✓   2 You’re going to   3 I’ll   4

5 Shall/Can   6

7 Will/Would/Could/Can you

8 ✓/we’re going to try/we’re trying/ to try

9 ✓   10 ✓   11

12 Are you going to/Are you going to go to

B. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.

 We aren’t / We’re not going to miss the train, are we?

 I think I’m going to do / I’m doing really badly in the English test tomorrow.

 Josh is going to sing / is singing a song in the school talent contest next week.

 I’m going to buy / buying a big yacht if I can when I’m older.

 Sports Day is going to be / being held on the last day of term.

 Does / Will the concert on Thursday last more than two hours?

 Are they going to broadcast / Will they broadcast the music awards live tomorrow night?

 Do they broadcast / Are they broadcasting the music awards live tomorrow night?

 According to the timetable, the train for Oxford leaves / is leaving at 10.15.

10   Does the restaurant open / Is the restaurant opening next Sunday?


1   We aren’t/We’re not

 I’m going to do

3   is going to sing/is singing

 going to buy

 going to be/being


7   Are they going to broadcast/Will they broadcast

8   Are they broadcasting


10   Does the restaurant open/Is the restaurant opening

C. Write a word or short phrase in each gap.

At the end of this month, I’ll (1) ……………………… working on my physics project for about six weeks, but I’ve still got a lot to do before I hand it in. I’ll (2) ……………………… spending the whole day in the physics lab next Saturday doing experiments, and in fact, I (3) ……………………… playing football the weekend after either because I’ve got to go back to the lab then, too. I guess I’ll (4) ……………………… doing lots of similar projects when I’m at university, so it’s good practice. Thinking about it, when I leave university in about four years, I will (5) ……………………… studying physics for over thirteen years, so I should be quite good at it by then!


1 have been   2 be   3 will not/won’t be

4 be   5 studying

D. Complete using the future perfect simple or future perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets.

 I …………………………. (cook) dinner by the time you get home.

 In a few minutes, I …………………………. (wait) here for Craig for over two hours. Where can he be?

 We’ll be halfway through the sponsored swim in one hour so we …………………………. (swim) for forty-eight hours non-stop by then.

 They …………………………. (not / finish) painting the house by the time we get back from holiday.

 If she’s still on the phone at eight o’clock, …………………………. (Jan / talk) to Melissa for over two hours.

 At six o’clock this evening, we …………………………. (not / climb) for five hours but for seven hours!

 This time next month, you …………………………. (probably / pass) your driving test!

 …………………………. (you / do) all your homework by bedtime?

 Tomorrow …………………………. (Elaine / work) on the project for ten days.

10   We …………………………. (probably / not / leave) by the time you get home.


 I will/I’ll have cooked

 I will/I’ll have been waiting

 I will/I’ll have been swimming

 won’t have finished

5   Jan will have been talking

6   won’t have been climbing

 ‘ll/will probably have passed

 Will you have done

 Elaine will have been working

10   probably won’t have left

E. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1   We’ll get home and then we’ll have something to eat.   got

     We’ll have something to eat …………………………………………… home.

2   I’ll finish marking the exams and then I’ll tell you your results.   soon

     I’ll tell you your results …………………………………………… marking the exams.

3   You’ll be travelling across the Sahara next week so remember to wear lots of sunscreen!   while

     Remember to wear lots of sunscreen …………………………………………… across the Sahara next week!

4   They’ll show Titan at the cinema and then they’ll release the DVD.   before

      They won’t release the DVD …………………………………………… at the cinema.

5   My science exam starts at ten tomorrow morning.   taking

     At ten past ten tomorrow …………………………………………… my science exam.

6   Let’s watch the space documentary before we have supper.   watched

     Let’s have supper …………………………………………… the space documentary.

7   I’ll send out all the invitations before lunchtime.   have

     By lunchtime, …………………………………………… all the invitations.

8   Do some revision and then I’ll give you a test.   until

     I won’t give you a test …………………………………………… some revision.

9   When you visit us, we’ll have moved into our new house.   by

     We’ll have moved into our new house …………………………………………… you visit us.

10   We’ll get some more information and then we’ll make a decision.   once

        Let’s make a decision …………………………………………… got some more information.


1   when/once/after we’ve got home

2   as soon as I finish

3   while you travel/you’re travelling

4   before they show/have shown Titan

5   I will/I’ll be taking

6   after we have/we’ve watched

7   I will/I’ll have sent out

8   until you do/have done

9   by the time

10   once we’ve/we have

F. Read the information and write a question for each answer given.

Watkins Tours

Isles of Scilly Day Trip – 22nd July

5.30 am

coach departs from Plymouth Bretonside Bus Station

8.15 am

arrive Penzance

9.15 am

ferry (Scillonian III) departs

12.00 noon

arrive St Mary’s

12-1.30 pm

walk round the town

1.30-2.30 pm

picnic lunch (on Garrison overlooking harbour)

2.30-4 pm

swimming or boat trip round island

4.30 pm

ferry (Scillonian III) departs

7.15 pm

arrive Penzance

7.30 pm

coach departs

10.15 pm

arrive Plymouth Bretonside Bus Station


What time does the coach leave Plymouth?

It leaves at 5.30 am.


     He’ll be driving the coach to Penzance.


     It’ll arrive at 8.15 am.


     It’s going to set sail at 9.15 am.


     It will have been sailing for two hours.


     They will just have arrived in St Mary’s.


     They’ll be walking round the town.


     They’ll be having a picnic lunch.


     They’ll be leaving the beach at 4 pm.


     They’ll have just finished a boat trip around the island.

10   ……………………………………………….

       It’s leaving at 4.30 pm.

11   ……………………………………………….

       They get back at 10.15 pm.


1   What will the coach driver be doing between 5.30 and 8 am?/at 6.30 am/7.30 am? Etc.

2   When/What time will the coach arrive in Penzance?

 When/What time will Scillonian III/ the ferry going to set sail?

 How long will Scillonian III/the ferry have been sailing for at 11.25 am?

 What will the ferry passengers/tourists/day trippers have done at/just after 12 o’clock?

 What will they be doing between 12 o’clock and 1.30 am?/at 12.30/1pm? Etc.

 What will they be doing between 1.30 and 2.30 pm?/at 2pm? Etc.

 When/What time will the tourists who went swimming be leaving the beach?

9   What will the others have just finished?

10   When/What time is Scillonian III/ the ferry leaving?

11   When/What time do they get back to Plymouth?

G. Write on, in or at in each gap.

 I’ll be 100 years old ……………… the year 2095!

 Sasha’s not going to have a party ……………… her birthday this year.

 See you ……………… August!

 See you ……………… Tuesday!

 See you ……………… eight o’clock!

 See you ……………… the morning!

 See you ……………… a couple of hours!

 It’s difficult to sleep ……………… night ……………… the summer because of the heat.

 My grandfather left home ……………… the age of fourteen!

10   We got there just ……………… time for the movie.

11   He’s never late, and he’s never early; he always arrives right ……………… time.

12   My birthday’s ……………… April 1st.


1 in   2 on   3 in   4 on   5 at   6 in

7 in   8 at/in   9 at   10 in   11 on   12 on

H. Each of the words in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

1   My Australian cousins are coming in Greece next month!   ………………

2   Turn left on the post office, then go straight on.   ………………

3   There weren’t any chairs, so we had to sit at the floor.   ………………

4   The TV’s on the corner of the room.   ………………

5   There’s a photo of the author at the back cover of the book.   ………………

6   We should arrive at Paris at six in the morning.   ………………

7   Could you go out from the room for a moment, please?   ………………

8   Walk in the station, but turn left a couple of blocks before you get there.   ………………

9   I’ll meet you in the corner of your street.   ………………

10   There should be a broom on the back of the cupboard, somewhere.   ………………

11   They should arrive in the airport in about an hour.   ………………

12   The CD should be next from the CD player.   ………………


1 to   2 at   3 on   4 in   5 on   6 in

7 of   8 towards   9 at/on   10 at   11 at   12 to

I. Write one word in each gap.

Defining the Age

Ages, eras and wars will always be defined (1) ………………… they are over, or at least well after they (2) ………………… started. (3) ………………… the year 1914, for example, no one said: ‘Tomorrow I’m going (4) ………………… go and fight in the First World War.’ Why not? Because it wasn’t generally called the First World War until the Second World War had started. Similarly, no one ever said: ‘Next year (5) ………………… be the start of the Industrial Revolution.’ The era now known as the Industrial Revolution only started being called that once it was well under way.

(6) ………………… the time we are old, we will all (7) ………………… experienced enormous technological advances. We might even (8) ………………… walking round with computer chips implanted in our bodies, or perhaps computer chip technology will have (9) ………………… replaced by even more advanced technology. There’s talk (10) ………………… the moment that human skin itself might make an excellent electronic circuit board. We can all make predictions, but nobody knows for sure. And nobody knows what the era we will live in (11) ………………… the near future will be called by future historians. If we already live in the Computer Age or the Information Age as some people suggest, the present-day era (12) ………………… be referred to by future historians, then who knows what era we’re just (13) ………………… the beginning of right now?


1 after/when/once   2 have   3 In

4 to   5 will   6 By   7 have   8 be

9 been   10 at   11 in

12 will/may/might/could   13 at

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6)During the Christmas holiday, I was eating too much and watching too much TV!

7)Julian was learning all about computer games by the time he was six.

8) My grandfather was owning a hotel by the beach until he sold it last


7. Choose the correct word or phrase.

1)When she was a girl, my mum would / used to live in a village.

2)I really can’t be / get used to having a new baby brother.

3)People would / are used to die of diseases in the past that we can cure


4) There would / used to be a cinema on this corner, but they knocked it


5)It was strange at first, but I‟m used to play / playing the bagpipes now.

6)Didn’t you use to / be used to have blonde hair?

7)Christopher was being / getting used to the idea of joining the army.

8) People never would / used to be so worried about crime in this area.

8. *Complete each second sentence using the word given, so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1) People walked more fifty years ago than they do now.


Fifty years ago, ………………….……………than they do now.

2) My parents wouldn‟t let me stay out late when I was young.


My parents …………………. let me stay out late when I was young. 3) Did you know that Carol played basketball for her country? to

Did you know that Carol ………………….… basketball for her country? 4) Sending messages around the world instantly is no longer unusual. got We ………………….………… messages around the world instantly.

5) When he was a teacher, my dad often used to get home quite late. would

When he was a teacher, my dad ………………….……………quite late.

6)Do you think you could learn to live without your mobile phone? used Do you think you could ………………….… without your mobile phone?

7)In the past, people wouldn‟t go as far away on holiday as they do today. use

In the past, people ………… as far away on holiday as they do today.

8) This town has a lot more cinemas than it had in the past.


This town ………………….………………… so many cinemas.


9. *Find the extra word in each line and write it out.



Childhood would used to be quite different from what it is today. Young


people didn‟t use not to have so much leisure time. Today‟s children may


complain about their schoolwork, but our great-grandparents would to


go out to work at a very young age. They had often been left school by


the time they were fourteen and were found a job. This meant that they


have had little free time for hobbies or leisure activities, especially


when they had been working hard all day. Of course, they got themselves


used to working long hours eventually, but it would meant that they


had to grow up very quickly. Today, we are got used to having some


free time to do things we enjoy, a luxury people in the past rarely were had.

10.Write one word in each gap.


Jane lay awake. She had 1) … preparing for the next day 2) … a long time and now she couldn‟t sleep. Her team 3) … playing the local champions at water polo in the final and Jane was the captain. She 4) … feeling the pressure. She turned over and remembered how she 5) … learned to swim. Her father had taught her. They 6) … go to the local pool every day after school and her father 7) … to show her what to do. She hadn‟t liked the water at first, but she soon 8) … used to it. She learned quickly and joined the water polo team. She had 9) … their youngest member! She quickly got used to scoring goals and 10) … under pressure, but tomorrow was different. It was the biggest match of her life. She closed her eyes again and tried to get to sleep. “I 11) … used to have problems sleeping,” she thought to herself. But then again, «I didn‟t 12) … to be the captain of the team.” She watched the clock change slowly and knew that it was going to be a long night.

11.**Translate into English.

1.В детстве я часто старался подражать моему папе. 2. Когда я путешествовал по Европе, я встречался с людьми из разных стран. 3. Однажды, будучи в Аргентине, я познакомился с австралийцем, египтянином, итальянцем и индонезийцем. 4. У нас была отличная компания – мы много разговаривали, обменивались информацией о культуре и традициях наших стран. 4. Еще до того, как мы разъехались по домам, я получил четыре приглашения – в Египет, в Австралию, в Индонезию и Италию. 5. Когда я


приехал домой, в Россию, я начал собирать материал о достопримечательностях Италии, так как я решил, что в первую очередь я поеду в Италию. 6. Марк Твен однажды сказал, что он может счастливо жить в течение двух месяцев после того, как ему сделают стоящий комплимент. 7. До начала работы в компании я считал, что человек должен всегда оставаться собой и не обращать внимания на такие вещи как такт, вежливость, приличное поведение. 8. После 11-часового перелета я чувствовал себя совершенно разбитым, и мне нужно было время, чтобы адаптироваться к новому часовому поясу.









I will /

Will I play?

I will not /

I’ll play.

I won’t play.

You will /

Will you play?

You will not /

You’ll play.

You won’t play.

He (she, it) will /

Will he (she, it) play?

He (she, it) will not /

He’ll (she’ll, it’ll)

He (she, it) won’t play.


We will /

Will we play?

We will not /

We’ll play.

We won’t play.

You will /

Will you play?

You will not /

You’ll play.

You won’t play.

They will /

Will they play?

They will not /

They’ll play.

They won’t play.

Случаи употребления


Обозначение какого-либо факта в

The Mayor will open a new stadium


tomorrow. Мэр откроет завтра но-

вый стадион.

Обозначение какого-либо решения

I’ll go to the theatre with you. Я пой-

или намерения в будущем, приня-

ду в театр с тобой.

того в момент речи

Прогнозы на будущее, основанные

I think he’ll help me.

на предположении (с глаголами

Я думаю, что он мне поможет.

hope, think, expect, believe; с вы-

ражениями I am sure, I’m afraid и


т. д.; с наречиями probably, per-

haps и т. д.)

Предложение помощи, просьба

I’ll help the shopping. Я пойду за по-



Для предложения помощи часто

Shall I help you with your physics

используются вопросительные


формы. В таких случаях с место-

Помочь тебе сделать домашнюю

имениями I, we, употребляется

работу по физике?

глагол shall.

В разговорной речи выражение to be going to может употребляться в перечисленных выше случаях вместо will без искажения смысла.









I will /

Will I be playing?

I will not /

I’ll be playing.

I won’t be playing.

You will /

Will you be playing?

You will not /

You’ll be playing.

You won’t be playing.

He (she, it) will /

Will he (she, it) be

He (she, it) will not /

He’ll (she’ll, it’ll) be


He (she, it) won’t be



We will /

Will we be playing?

We will not /

We’ll be playing.

We won’t be playing.

You will /

Will you be playing?

You will not /

You’ll be playing.

You won’t be playing.

They will /

Will they be playing?

They will not /

They’ll be playing.

They won’t be playing.

Случаи употребления


Действие, которое будет происхо-

At this time next week I’ll be flying to

дить в определенный момент в бу-

London. На следующей неделе в это


время я буду лететь в Лондон.

Повторяющиеся, привычные дей-

In the future we’ll be flying around

ствия, которые будут происходить

using jet-hacks. В будущем мы бу-

в определенный момент в будущем

дем летать на реактивных само-











I will /

Will I have played?

I will not /

I’ll have played.

I won’t have played.

You will /

Will you have played?

You will not /

You’ll have played.

You won’t have played.

He (she, it) will /

Will he (she, it) have

He (she, it) will not /

He’ll (she’ll, it’ll)


He (she, it) won’t have

have played.


We will /

Will we have played?

We will not /

We’ll have played.

We won’t have played.

You will /

Will you have played?

You will not /

You’ll have played.

You won’t have played.

They will /

Will they have played?

They will not /

They’ll have played.

They won’t have played.

Случаи употребления


Действия, которые

закончатся к

He will have finished his work when I

определенному моменту в будущем

come / by 3 o’clock tomorrow / by the

или до начала другого действия в

time you come back.


Он закончит свою работу ко вре-

мени, когда я приду / завтра к

трем часам / к тому времени, как

ты вернешься.









I will /

Will I have been

I will not /

I’ll have been playing.


I won’t have been playing.

You will /

Will you have been

You will not /

You’ll have been play-


You won’t have been play-



He (she, it) will /

Will he (she, it)

He (she, it) will not /

He’ll (she’ll, it’ll) have

have been playing?

He (she, it) won’t have

been playing.

been playing.


We will /

Will we have been

We will not /

We’ll have been playing.


We won’t have been play-


You will /

Will you have been

You will not /

You’ll have been play-


You won’t have been play-



They will /

Will they have been

They will not /

They’ll have been play-


They won’t have been



Случаи употребления


Действие, которое начинается в бу-

By the New Year he will have been

дущем, длится до наступления дру-

working as a doctor for 20 years. На

гого действия или момента, опре-

новый год будет 20 лет, как он ра-

деленного обстоятельством (чаще

ботает врачом.

всего предложение сопровождается

Before he leaves for Moskow he will

предлогами for, on, before, by)

have been working at the conference

for 2 days. Прежде, чем он уедет в

Москву, он будет работать на

конференции в течение двух дней.

On the 1st of May she will have been

writing her new novel for seven years.

1 мая будет 7 лет, как она пишет

свой новый роман.





to be going to +

a) запланированное

a) She is going to tell


действие в ближайшем

him the truth.

будущем (которое мо-

Она собирается рас-

жет и не совершиться);

сказать ему правду.

b) предположения, ос-

b) It sounds like a

нованные на очевид-

plane’s going to take off

ных фактах.

in a few minutes.

По звуку слышно, что

самолет взлетит че-

рез несколько минут.

Настоящее продол-

Запланированное дей-

I am leaving for Sochi

женное время (Present

ствие на ближайщее




будущее, которое нель-

Я завтра уезжаю в

зя отменить (часто с


глаголами движения to

come, to leave, to start,

to arrive, to fly).

Простое настоящее

Запланированнное дей-

The lecture begins at 8

время (Present Simple)

ствие в соответствии с

a. m.

расписанием, графи-

Лекция начнется в 8

ком, программой.


to be to + инфинитив

Действие, которое

We are to meet after

должно быть выполне-

lunch. Мы встретимся

но в ближайшее время

после обеда.

по договоренности.


В придаточных предложениях

If I get this job, I’ll be very happy.

условия и времени после союзов

Если я получу эту работу, я буду

if, unless, on condition that, when,

очень счастлив(а).

till, until, as soon as, before, after

будущее время не употребляется.

When I see her, I’ll ask about it.

Будущность выражается глаголами

Когда я увижу ее, то спрошу ее об

в настоящем времени.


1. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick. If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly, including all possibilities.

1)The universe is going to continue to expand for billions of years. _

2)Look out! You will hit the car in front! _

3)I’m going to do the washing-up tonight, if you like. _

4)Do you think that, in the future, people will live to be hundreds of years old? _

5)Will I carry some of those bags for you, or can you manage? _

6)Know! I’m going to have a barbecue on my birthday! _

7)Are you going to just hold this door open for me for a minute? Thanks a lot! _

8) We‟ve decided we will try that new restaurant after the play tomorrow

night. _

9)We’re going to fly to Jamaica in the summer. _

10)Shall we invite Tony and Tim round tonight? _

11)Are we going to invite Tony and Tim round tonight? _

12)Will you go to Jason‟s party next Saturday? _


2. Choose the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.

1)We aren’t/We’re not going to miss the train, are we?

2)I think I’m going to do/I’m doing really badly in the English test to-


3)Josh is going to sing/is singing a song in the school talent contest next


4)I’m going to buy/buying a big yacht if I can when I‟m older.

5)Sports Day is going to be/being held on the last day of term.

6)Does/Will the concert on Thursday last more than two hours?

7)Are they going to broadcast/Will they broadcast the music awards live tomorrow night?

8) Do they broadcast/Are they broadcasting the music awards live tomorrow night?

9)According to the timetable, the train for Oxford leaves/is leaving at


10)Does the restaurant open/Is the restaurant opening next Sunday?

3. Write a word or short phrase in each gap.

At the end of this month, I‟ll 1) … working on my physics project for about six weeks, but I‟ve still got a lot to do before I hand it in. I‟ll 2) … spending the whole day in the physics lab next Saturday doing experiments, and in fact, I 3)

… playing football the weekend after either because I‟ve got to go back to the lab then, too. I guess I‟ll 4) … doing lots of similar projects when I‟m at university, so it‟s good practice. Thinking about it, when I leave university in about four years, I will 5) … studying physics for over thirteen years, so I should be quite good at it by then!

4. Complete using the future perfect simple or future perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1)I ………. (cook) dinner by the time you get home.

2)In a few minutes, I ……… (wait) here for Craig for over two hours. Where can he be?

3)We‟ll be halfway through the sponsored swim in one hour so we…….

(swim) for forty-eight hours non-stop by then.

4)They……. (not / finish) painting the house by the time we get back from holiday.

5)If she‟s still on the phone at eight o‟clock, …… (Jan / talk) to Melissa for over two hours.

6)At six o‟clock this evening, we …… (not / climb) for five hours but for seven hours!


7)This time next month, you …….. (probably / pass) your driving test!

8) …… (you / do) all your homework by bedtime?

9)Tomorrow …… (Elaine / work) on the project for ten days.

10)We …… (probably / not / leave) by the time you get home.

5. *Complete each second sentence using the word given, so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1)We‟ll get home and then we‟ll have something to eat. got We‟ll have something to eat ……. home.

2)I‟ll finish marking the exams and then I‟ll tell you your results. soon I‟ll tell you yours results …….. marking the exams.

3)You‟ll be travelling across the Sahara next week so remember to wear

lots of sunscreen! while

Remember to wear lots of sunscreen …… across the Sahara next week!

4)They‟ll show Titan at the cinema and then they‟ll release the DVD.


They won‟t release the DVD …… at the cinema.

5)My science exam starts at ten tomorrow morning. taking

At ten past ten tomorrow ……… my science exam.

6)Let‟s watch the space documentary before we have supper. watched

Let‟s have supper ……. the space documentary.

7)I‟ll send out all the invitations before lunchtime. have

By lunchtime, …… all the invitations.

8) Do some revision and then I‟ll give you a test. until I won‟t give you a test …… some revision.

9)When you visit us, we‟ll have moved into our new house. by We‟ll have moved into our new house ……. you visit us.

10)We‟ll get some more information and then we‟ll make a decision.


Let‟s make a decision ……. got some more information.

6. *Read the information and write a question for each answer given.


Isles of Scilly Day Trio – 22 July

5.30 a.m

coach departs from Plymouth Bretonside Bus Station

8.15 a.m

arrive Penzance

9.15 a.m

ferry (Scillonian III) departs

12.00 noon

arrive St Mary‟s

12 – 1.30 p.m

picnic lunch (on Garrison overlooking harbor)

2.30 – 4 p.m

swimming or boat trip round island


4.30 p.m

ferry (Scillonian III) departs

7.15 p.m

arrive Penzance

7.30 p.m

coach departs

10.15 p.m

arrive Plymoth Dretonside Bus Station

Example. What time does the coach leave Plymouth?

It leaves at 5.30 am.

1)_________________________ He‟ll be driving the coach to Penzance.

2)_______________________________________ It‟ll arrive at 8.15 am.

3)________________________________ It‟s going to set sail at 9.15 am.

4)__________________________ It will have been sailing for two hours.

5)________________________ They will just have arrived in St Mary‟s.

6)____________________________ They‟ll be walking round the town.

7)______________________________ They‟ll be having a picnic lunch.

8) ___________________________ They‟ll be leaving the beach at 4 pm.

9)______________ They‟ll have just finished a boat trip round the island.

10)___________________________________ It‟s leaving at 4.30 pm.

11)________________________________ They get back at 10.15 pm.

7.*Write one word in each gap.


Ages, eras and wars will always be defined 1) … they are over, or at least well after they 2) … started. 3) … the year 1914, for example, no one said: “Tomorrow I‟m going 4) … go and fight in the First World War.” Why not? Because it wasn‟t generally called the First World War until the Second World War had started. Similarly, no one ever said: “Next year 5) … be the start of the Industrial Revolution.” The era now known as the Industrial Revolution only started being called that once it was well under way. 6) … the time we are old, we will all 7) … experienced enormous technological advances. We might even 8) … walking round with computer chips implanted in our bodies, or perhaps computer chip technology will have 9) … replaced by even more advanced technology. There‟s a talk 10) … the moment that human skin itself might make an excellent electronic circuit board. We can all make predictions, but nobody knows for sure. And nobody knows what the era we will live in 11) … the near future will be called by future historians. If we already live in the Computer Age or the Information Age as some people suggest, the present-day era 12) … be referred to by future historians, then who knows what era we‟re just 13) … the beginning of right now?


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