Write one word for each space graham zoo

Английский язык,

вопрос задал suhoverhovaolga689,

2 месяца назад


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Английский язык,
11 дней назад

помогите написать сочинение по теме my summer holidays…

Английский язык,
11 дней назад

Народ , какие ну там оброщения вроде к слову funny ну пример обращения по русски большой больше самый большой. Помогите пплиз. Жду ответа.

Физкультура и спорт,
2 месяца назад

Як зменшення рухового режиму  впливають на самопочутті підлітка?

2 месяца назад

щоб зменшити розчинність газу, потрібно
а) збільшити температуру
б) збільшити тиск
в) зменшити тиск
г) зменшити температуру…

5 лет назад

Помогите сделать номера: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! Плиз!

5 лет назад

5.6-3(2-0.4x)=0.4(4x+1) Срочно…

Relatives In teams, make sentences using relative pronouns / adverbs. • watch / shows the time • calendar / shows the date • teacher / teaches students • painter / paints pictures • park / go for walks • bus stop / wait for the bus • CD player / plays music • cinema / watch films Team A S1: A watch is something which shows the time etc. . Speaking Activity (Identifying things) In pairs, take turns to say the name of a place, a thing or a person. Your partner has to explain what this place / thing is or who the person is. A: theatre B: A theatre is a place where we can watch a play, etc. • Make sentences about yourself using relative pronouns / adverbs. • (place) / meet my friends • (teacher / name) … / kind • (place) / spend most of time • (house / best friend) / live / near … • (sport) / enjoy a lot • (sister / brother) / like … / become … • (band) / like best • (person) / love most My school is the place where I meet my friends. . ……………………………. . 148

Reported Speech Well, if he £5aid £50, he’£5 £5een you play, ha£5n’t he? o • Direct speech is the exact words • Reported speech is the exact o someone said. We use quotation meaning of what someone said but not the exact words. We do not use marks in Direct speech. quotation marks in Reported speech. He said, «I’ll wait for you .» He said that he would wait for me. Say — Tell • We use say in Direct speech. We also use say in Reported speech when say is not followed by the person the words were spoken to. We use tell in Reported speech when tell is followed by the person the words were spoken to. Direct speech: She said to me, «I am very tired. » Reported speech: She told me that she was very tired. Reported speech: She said that she was very tired. Expressions with say say good morning, etc., say something, say one’s prayers, say so Expressions with tell tell the truth, tell a lie, tell a secret, tell a story, tell the time, tell the difference, tell sb one’s name, tell sb the way, tell one from another J Fill in: say or tell in the correct form. The police officer .•… .t;3gid, ….. that 4 Jim … .. ………. me about the party the man was lying. last night. 2 Philip ……………. it would probably 5 Our teacher ……………. he was rain tomorrow. pleased with our work. 3 Susan ……………. , «Let’s go out for 6 Jane and Kate are twins. I really can’t dinner tonight. » ……….. . …. one from the other. 149 ~

Reported Speech QI Listen and repeat. Then act out. What are you doing? I’m looking for But ‘Trouble’ is the name of my dogJ We can report: A. statements B. questions C. commands, requests, suggestions Reported Statements • To report statements we use a reporting verb (say, tell, advise, explain, promise, etc.) followed by a that-clause. In spoken English that may be omitted. • Pronouns and possessive adjectives change according to the meaning. Direct speech: He said , «I can’t fix it myself. » » Reported speech: He said he couldn’t fix it himself. Note that: • Certain words change as follows: can changes to could Direct speech this / these here come will changes to would Reported speech that / those there go may changes to might «This is my book,» he said. He said that was his book. must changes to had to I! • When the reporting verb is in the past, the verb tenses change as follows: II — I I~. Direct speech Reported speech Present Simple Past Simple — «I want to go to bed early,» she said. She said she wanted to go to bed early. Present Continuous Past Continuous «She’s speaking to Joe,» he said. He said she was speaking to Joe. Present Perfect Past Perfect «I’ve bought you some flowers,» she said. She said she had bought me some flowers. Past Simple Past Perfect «He lost all the money,» she said. She said he had lost all the money. Future Conditional «I’ll see you later,» he said. He said he would see me later. ~ 150

Reported Speech • Time expressions change as follows: Direct speech Reported speech tonight, today, this week / month / year that night, that day, that week / month / year now then, at that time, at once, immediately now that since yesterday, last night / week / month / the day before, the previous night / week / year month / year tomorrow, next week / month / year the day after, the next / following day, the next / following week / month / year two days / months / years, etc., ago two days / months / years, etc., before «He arrived last week,» she said. She said (that) he had arrived the previous week. • There are no changes in verb tenses when the reporting verb is in the Present, Future or Present Perfect tense or when the sentence expresses something which is always true. Direct speech She’ll say, «I can do it. » «The Earth is round ,» said the teacher. Reported speech She’ll say (that) she can do it. The teacher said (that) the Earth is round. • The Past Continuous does not usually change. Direct speech «I was travelling to Brighton while she was flying to the USA,» he said. Reported speech He said he was travelling to Brighton while she was flying to the USA. • Certain modal verbs do not change in Reported speech. These are: would, could, might, should, ought to. Direct speech «He might visit us,» Mum said. Reported speech Mum said (that) he might visit us. ~ 151 ~

Reported Speech Report what the guests said at a wedding last Satur.d—=:— — — — — — Miss Moore p,Ci(q .c~f)0.tJ. .t.h~Y. ~qLJlcj . tJ1~k:;. Po jQYC:;./Y.vPJ-lp.[e;.•..•••..•••••••••.•.••• 2 Mr Smith ………………………………………………………………. . 3 Mrs Jones ………………………………………………………….. , .. . 4 Mr Roberts ……….. «»»»»»».».»»»»»».»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ……. «» …… , ………………………. , . , 5 Mr Clarke ……………….. «…………. «… «I ……… » » …. » ….. • » … » …….. » …… » » » … » …….. » » ……. » … 6 Miss Mayall ………………………… «……. «……. «… «…… «………………… «……….. «………………………. «. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech. «New Year’s Eve is always on December 31st,» she said. S.b~. ~tl id .(.t.h~t.). N~w. X’e,qr:s. £'(~. is. .q!W0Y.5. .Qt:1. D.C(r;~frlb.eK .31~t.. ……. ……. . 2 «The children are riding their bikes, » Jennifer said to me. 3 «The Earth revolves around the Sun ,» the teacher said to the students. 4 «Jack and Karen have bought a house in the countryside,» Nick said to us. 5 «Burglars broke into the museum last night,» the news reporter said. 6 «Dad was mowing the lawn while I was cleaning the car,» Ryan said. 7 «We will have a housewarming party next week,» said Mike and Helen. 8 «Julia and Jose might move to Australia next year,» Rory said to us. ~ 152 ~

Reported Speech Reported Questions In Reported questions we use affirmative word order and the question mark is omitted. To report a wh-question, we use ask followed by the question word (who, what, etc.). When there is no question word in direct questions, if or whether is used in Reported questions. Pronouns, possessive adjectives, tenses, time expressions, etc. change as in statements. Direct speech He asked, «What time is it?» He asked me, «Do you know her?» He asked me if / whether I knew her. Reported speech He asked what time it was. Turn the following into reported questions as in the example: «What are you doing?» she asked her son. 5 «Where were you? » Barbara asked him. .She. ~~ke.d . b~r. ~P.tJ . wMt. b(:….. . 6 «Can you pick me up after school?» she asked her mother. .w~s. .dQjOf3 ………………….. . 2 «Do you like my new clothes?» she asked her friend. 3 «Where are my keys? » he asked his wife. 7 «Have you seen Kim?» David asked Sarah. 4 «Who is your favourite singer?» Mike asked 8 «When will you return?» Tom asked her. me. Report the police officer’s questions to the shop owner. 1 What’s your name? How do you think they got in? 2 5 What did they take? Has this ever happened before? ~- 1 .T.ht:.pCJ}t({tJ.Qffic.e.r. tlf?l<t:.d 4 • •-• • • • • I I • • • • • • • • • I I • • • • • • 5 ……………………. . hiro.v.vhEJt.bjf? t;1i3.rne. .W~s.· 2 …..•… I •••••••••••••••• 3 ……………… I ••••••• 6 ……………… 11.1, ••• ~ 153 ~

~ Reported Speech Reported Commands / Requests / Suggestions To report commands, requests, suggestions, etc. we use a reporting verb (order, ask, tell, beg, suggest,* etc.) followed by to infinitive or not to infinitive. (*suggest is followed by the -ing form. e.g. He said, «Shall we go by bus?» He suggested going by bus.) Direct He said to me, «Get out of the house! » He said to me, «Don’t touch it! » speech ~e said to me, «Do me afavour, please.» She said to him, «Please, please don’t hurt me. IReported He ordered me to get out of the house. He told me not to touch it. speech She asked me to do her a favour. She begged him not to hurt her. Use the verbs in the list in the past simple to complete the sentences. tell suggest beg order 1 «Close the door, please,» Ann said to Jack. 4 «Get out of the car! » he said to them. He ………………. them to get out Ann ..• .ae.ked. … Jack to close the door. of the car. 2 «Let’s go shopping,» she said to me. 5 «Don’t touch anything, » she said to him. She …………….•• going shopping. She . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. … him not to touch anything. 3 «Please, please don’t go,» he said to Mary. He ……………… Mary not to go. Report what Mrs Lane told her daughter, Sue, to do. 5 Give the twins a bath before they go to bed! 6 Don’t allow the dog into I the twins’ bedroom! 7 Close all the windows! 8 Put the toys away in the UUVVUCA 1 Mrp.1.~t1.e. :t.Qld .eJJ.~ .f1Qt. tp. p.p~t1. the( .do.p.r. :t.Q .cWy’QtJ~, . ………..•..•…….. 2 …………………………………………………………………….. I. 3 4 ……………………………………………………………………… . 5 …………………………………………………………………….. . 6 …………………………………………………………………….. . 7 …………………………………………………………………….. . 8 ~ 154 ~

~Reported Speech Turn the following sentences into direct speech. He said that he had ordered a pizza for dinner. .»j :v.~ .Qr.ckr~d J3J .pih4~. fQr.dir.It1.e.r..’: hti,f1~jd~ … …………………………… . 2 She said that they had to call their lawyer. 3 The plumber told them that he would go the following day to fix the tap. 4 She told her friend that was the best holiday she had ever had. 5 She asked him why he had said that to her. 6 She told them not to speak to their father like that. 7 He asked the secretary to show him where the manager’s office was. 8 She told her son to take his books with him. Reporting Verbs » IDirect speech Reported speech Reporting verb — to infinitive «Shall I carry the bags? » He offered to carry the bags. offer «I promise I’ll be back early. » He promised to be back early. promise refuse «No, I won’t buy you a computer. » She refused to buy me a computer. +sb+to infinitive «You should see a doctor.» He advised me to see a doctor. «Could you feed the dog?» She asked me to feed the dog. advise «Please, please help me! » She begged me to help her. ask «Go to your room .» She ordered me to go to my room . beg «Don’t play with matches. » She warned me not to play with matches. order warn +-ing form «Let’s visit Sally. » «She suggested visiting Sally. » suggest +that «I’m going to stay with my sister. » She explained that she was going to stay explain with her sister. ~ 155 ~

CD Reported Speech Choose a reporting verb and turn the following into reported speech. sch.tiS8d asked suggested ordered explained promised offered refused 1 «I think you should exercise more,» the doctor said to me. Th~ .cj9c;.~Qr .q~v:if3.~cj . OW .t-9.~{<¥r.~if3.~ .rt1.Q(~.• .•…….••……•..•••••……•…. 2 «I will not answer your questions,» the actor said to him. 3 «I really will phone this evening,» he said. 4 «Let’s go to the cinema,» he said to her. 5 «Could you do something for me?» he said to her. 6 «Go to your room immediately and do your homework,» she said to her son. 7 «You will be paid twice a month,» her boss said. 8 «Would you like me to drive you into town? » she said to me. .. Match the sentences in column A to the correct reporting verb in column B. Then rewrite the sentences in reported speech as in the example: ~ «No, I won ‘t do it,» she said . a warn b beg [ i l l «Let’s go for a walk,» he said. c refuse [ i l l «Please, please don’t hurt me!» she said to the robber. d promise [ i l l «Don’t go near the campfire because it’s dangerous,» e suggest she said to Ben. ITI] «I’ll buy you a bicycle for your birthday,» his father said. f3.b~. r~f~.fi{(d. tP. dQ .i.t………………………………………………….. . 2 …………………………………………………………………….. . 3 4 . . . . . . . I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •••••••••••• 5 ~ 156 ~

CDReported Speech First state if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) then turn them into reported speech. 1 «Penguins can swim ,» he said. T H~. ~j3I.id. .(.t.h$t.).p.~t’)tJJJ.it7.s. .c’.?t7. p.wlm.. ………………………… . 2 «The Earth is flat,» the old man said. 3 «The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world,» she said . 4 «A train goes faster than a plane,» he said. 5 «Dolphins are less intelligent than sharks,» he said. 6 «Man does not live forever,» she said. Write what the family said at the dinner table. anyone want The chicken 10 I don’t want What are we having 8 I’m very hungry because I only Is there any more salad, Mum? for dessert, Bob? had a sandwich for lunch today. Mother ;;wk~d .if..?(1y.QfJ~. w..? f:1.t.C}CiI. ~p.me. .mq(‘C} .f7Qt;:rt;Q.~q.. …………………. . 2 Father . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Beth ………………………………………………………. I ••••••• I •••• 4 Grandfather …………………………………………. I ••••••••••••••••••••• 5 Grandmother ……………………… ., ………………………………….. . 6 Tim ………………………………………………………………….. . 7 Jean …………………………………………………………………. . 8 Mark ………………………………………………………………… . 9 Helen ………………………………………………………………… . 10 Bob …………………………………………………………………. . ~ 157 ~

CD Reported Speech Students, in turn, whisper an untrue statement to the person sitting next to them. When a student can’t report a statement or think of a new one he/she loses his/her turn. 81: (whispers) I’m going on holiday next week. 82: He said he was going on hoJiday the following week. (whispers) I have never eaten cheese, etc. » Speaking Activity (Reporting people’s words) Work in groups. Imagine you are watching TV. Your partners are a reporter and a famous singer. Listen to their interview, then report it to the class. Use reported speech. Talk about: • how old / start singing • how many songs / • how often / go there • when / make first album new album has • what / like doing in • who / favourite singer • which / favourite city free time A: How old were you when you started singing? B: I started singing at the age of twelve, etc. The reporter asked the famous singer how old she had been when she had started singing. 8he said she had started singing at the age of twelve, etc. Imagine you are the reporter in the Speaking Activity. Write a short article for the magazine you work for using the information from the Speaking Activity. This week’s interview is with Mirella Rossi, the famous singer. I first asked her how old she ~ 158 ~

Progress Check B (Units 15-16) Underline the correct item. 1 That’s the house where / which I grew up. 8 The house which / where was broken into 2 That’s the woman who’s / whose son won is my uncle’s. the Gold Medal. 9 The hotel where / that we stayed was near 3 This is the car which / who belongs to my the beach. father. 10 I’ll never forget the day whom / when I got 4 He is the actor who / whom won the married. Academy Award. 11 A butcher is someone whose / who sells 5 The girl which / whom you met at the party meat. is my sister. 12 The earrings which / who she gave me 6 The reason which / why I didn’t call you were very expensive. was because I came home late. 13 That’s the reason why / which she left early. 7 Tina will always remember the day when / 14 Jenny is the girl who / which won the where she graduated. competition. Fill in the appropriate relative, say whether the relative clauses are defining (D) or non-defining (ND), then add commas where necessary. Sally, …. whQ~e. … mother works at a bank, is my best friend. .. .. NQ…. 2 The book ••.••••••••.•. you lent me last week has disappeared. 3 Brian •.•••……… lives next door to me is going to Japan next week. 4 The shop …••.••••••.•. I bought this dress is in King Street. 5 The woman ….••••••…. house caught fire is in hospital. 6 The waiter …••••••••••• took our order was very polite. 7 The Louvre ………….. is a famous museum is in Paris. 8 Carlo’s Restaurant ………….. we have dinner.on Sundays serves excellent food. 9 Mr Spencer ……•..••.•. you met last night owns an antique shop. 10 The day •…..•..•.••• my son was born was the happiest day of my life. 11 The bank …•………. is near my house was robbed yesterday. 12 Jeremy •.•••.•••••… lives next door comes from Scotland. 159

Progress Check B Fill in say or tell in the correct form. The teacher .•••.•••••.. t.o.ld. ………… us that we all passed the test. 2 John ………..•….••…..•••••. goodnight and left the room. 3 Grandma ……………………….. us a story every night. 4 Greg ……………………….. , «The match starts at 7:00 pm. » 5 You should always ……………………….. your parents the truth. 6 Can you ••••…•…•..••..•..••…… me how to get to the post office, please? Write what the people said. .Could you pass me This chicken Shall we go to the the ketchup Sally, cinema afterwards? I don’t want please? been to this restaurant. Joe • p.fl~~d. .e~j0i jf.flb~ c.o.vld .pgs.~. bjtll .t.fJ~. ~~t.c.fJvp…………………….. . 2 James ………………………………………………………………. . 3 Chen ……………………………………………………………….. . 4 Peter ……………………………………………………………….. . 5 Ted . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • II •• 1 •• 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 Sally ………………………………………………………………… . 7 Ricardo ……………………………………………………………… . 8 Paul ………………………………………………………………… . 160

Progress Check B Complete the sentences using the words given in bold. Don’t touch that wire, » he said to me. WARNED He • .14Ii3i.t:t1f;d. rot;, nat.to.tP.l.Kr. th~t. ~jrf;, •. .••••..••……..•••• 2 «Where is my book?» she said to him. ASKED She …………•………•…………•…••……………….. . 3 «You should stop eating junk food ,» my friend said to me. ADVISED My friend •…….•………..••••…….•……..•……..•…… . 4 «Put your hands up,» the police officer said to them. ORDERED The police officer ..•……..•…….•…••……•……………… . 5 «Shall I help you with your homework?» my brother said to me. OFFERED My brother …•.•….•….•……•…•……..•.•…………….. . Q Listen and tick (-‘) the correct box. o Who is Kim ‘s cousin? 3 What will they get Sam for his birthday? What is Dan doing this afternoon? 4 Where’s Jill’s watch? 2 How is Tim going to the train station? 5 What time will the friends meet? 161

Prepositions — Linking words QI Listen and repeat. Then act out. in / inside on near under above between below among round / around next to / by / beside opposite behind in front of against tfPrepositions of Movement off out of onto into through up down over along across from … to past towards in + cities / towns / streets / the suburbs / an armchair / danger / the middle of / the queue at + house number (at 23 Oxford Street) / home / school/university / work / the bus stop on + the left / right / the floor / the outskirts / a chair / foot / holiday by + bus / taxi / car / helicopter / plane / train / coach / ship / boat / air / sea BUT on a / the bus / plane / train / coach / ship / boat — in a taxi / car / helicopter ~ 162 ~

Prepositions — Linking words Look at the picture and fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition from the list. • behind • next to (x2) • on (x4) • under 1~’41I \ ,- 1 ~. #» ,. 1′(‘ » ‘ . .. I \’~ • — . . . / —~- This is Judy’s bedroom. She spends most of her time here. Her room is nice and large. There is a green carpet 1) •••••• PlJ . . . . .. the floor. Her bed is very comfortable with a soft pillow 2) •..•••…..•••• it. There is a window 3) ••…..•…..•. the bed. 4) …•..••……. the bed there is a lamp. Judy’s desk is very modern. There is a chair 5) ••.•••••..•.••. it and some books 6) …………… it. 7) …………… the walls there are some pictures and a painting. There is also a small table 8) •..••.•…..••. the painting. Underline the correct item. Tommy is the tallest between / among the 8 Please leave your exam papers on / in the students in his class. table. 2 We got down / off the train at Banbury Station. 3 Please walk at / down the stairs carefully. 9 Jennifer slipped as she walked over / onto 4 Look, Aya is hiding behind / under the tree. the platform. 5 Jim is leaning on / against the wall. 6 The train is going through / round the tunnel. 10 Is this the bus that goes from London to / 7 When the bell rang, the children came off / at Oxford? out of their classroom. 11 As I was walking over / past the bank, I ·sawJili. Find the mistake and correct it. 1 I live iA 15 High Street. … t’l.t … 5 Kate is going to be late tonight. She’s still in work. 2 I go to school by foot every day. ……… 6 They live at the outskirts of 3 Yesterday, Paul went to work on Madrid. car . I •••••••• 7 I met Alicia on university. 4 Kim’s office is at the fifth floor. ……… ~ 163 ~

Prepositions — Linking words Fill in: in front of (x2), between, behind, past, towards, in (x2) or against. There are lots of people 1) …. .in. … the bank today. 2) ………• the cashier’s desk there’s a long queue. Two cashiers are sitting 3) ………… the desk. The manager is standing 4) •…•.•….. the cashiers holding some papers. A guard is leaning 5) ..••..•.•. the cashier’s desk. An old woman is walking 6) ……•.•.••• the guard 7) .•.•••••• the cashier. A man wearing a hat is standing 8) …••..•…. the queue 9) ………… a couple. Fill in: round, out of (x2), on, above, into . • Lisa and her friend , Dan, are having a great time at the Jelly Bee Circus. There is a lot to see. Beautiful horses are running 1) • •.. rp.lJIJd. …. the circus ring. An acrobat is carefully balancing 2) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. … a rope 3) ••. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. …. a juggler. He is throwing balls 4) •.•.•..••..••.•..•••. the air. Dan is laughing at the funny clown who’s chasing a monkey 5) ••.•..•.•••••••..•••. the ring and Lisa is pointing at the circus magician who is pulling a long line of handkerchiefs 6) ..•. . . . ….•….•.• his pocket. The circus is lots of fun! 164 ~

Prepositions — Linking words Prepositions of Time AT IN ON at 8:15 am in the morning / afternoon / night on Sunday at night / midnight / noon in July (months) on Monday evening at the weekend in summer (seasons) on March 28th at the moment in 1991 (years) on a winter’s day in the twentieth century in a week Note: on time = at the right time at 8:30 am = exactly at that time by 8:30 am = not later than that time, before in time = early enough, not late Fill in: at, in or on . 1 . . . il1 … the evening 6 •…. Tuesday morning 11 …….. 1999 7 ….. night 12 …….. noon 2 …….. Monday 8 •…. 6:30 pm 13 ..•.•… the twenty-first century 3 …….. midnight 9 ….. November 14 •••••… Sunday morning 4 …….. April 13th 10 ..•.. the summer 15 …….. a spring day 5 …….. 5:30 pm Fill in: at, on or in. 4 A: What days do you work? B: I work Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 1 A: What time is the seminar? 5:00 pm but I don’t work …….. weekends. B: It’s .. At… 11 :00 am … il1 .. . the 5 A: Is your birthday …•…. March? morning. B: Yes, it’s •••••..• March 15th. 2 A: When do you finish your exams? 6 A: When did you last see Amanda? B: •.•….. two weeks. B: I saw her …….. Friday. 3 A: When is your doctor’s appointment? B: It’s …•••.. Tuesday morning …….. 10 o’clock. Fill in the gaps with: at, on or in, then answer the questions. What time do you get up .. Jr… the 5 What do you do ……. a cold winter’s day? morning? 6 Where were you ……. 6 o’clock l g~t. l)p. a.t .7..Q’c.lo.c.k………….. . yesterday? 2 What time do you go to bed ….•.. night? 7 How old were you ……. 2003? 3 What do you do . . • • •. . . weekends? 8 What are you doing ……. the moment? 4 What sports do you play ……. summer? ~ 165

Prepositions — Linking words Write one word for each space. Have Fun all Year Round 1) •. •qt. .. Graham Zoo! Animals: The zoo 2) …..• over 5,000 animals, most are 3) .••.•• . cages but some, visitors are able 4) •••••••• touch. Must see: Visit 5) ••..•••• Monkey playground. See the monkeys climbing, swinging and feeding high above the ground. Zoo Opens: 6) ••.••••• 9:00 am daily. Prices: Adults £9, children and students £6 How to find us: We are located 7) •• •• • • • • Grecian Park, near Riverdale Train Station. To get here 8) •••.•••• car take the M3 Motorway. For more information: call us on (020)- 774-6478. Choose the correct answer. Andy lives …….. 75 Rose Street. 6 Jose hung the painting …….. the A in B on © at fireplace. 2 Joan works in the building …….. the A up B under Cover bank. A below B opposite C under 7 He promised to be back …….. 4 o’clock. A in B by C on 3 Eric is travelling from London …..•.. 8 They’re building a new bridge ..•….. the Cambridge tomorrow. river. A to B into C through A along B across C onto 4 Don’t worry, she’ll be …….. time. 9 I arrived just …….. time for my flight to A at B in C on Paris. A at B in C on 5 Nathan had to go to the library ……. . foot. 10 Ben is having a party …….• Saturday A by B on C at evening . A on B at C in ~ 166 ~

Prepositions — Linking words A leader chooses an object in the classroom. In teams, students ask questions to find out where the object is. Leader: (picture on the wall) Team A S1: Is it on the teacher’s desk? Leader: No, it isn’t, etc. Speaking Activity (Talking about location) Look at the picture for three minutes. Then close your books and in pairs try to remember what there is and where it is in the room. A: There is a table in the living room in front of the sofa. S: The sofa is between two armchairs, etc. You’ve moved with your parents to a new house. Write a letter to your English pen friend describing your house both inside and outside. Dear …………………………………. «. , I’ve just moved with my parents to our new house. It’s very nice and I love it here. My house is …………………………………………………………………………………………. . Inside ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . My favourite room is ….••.••..•..••.•.•..••••..••••••…•.•••…••..••.•… : .. I expect you to come and visit me. Love, ………………………………………… ~ 167 ~

Prepositions — Linking words Linking words show the logical relationship between sentences or parts of a sentence. Positive Addition Purpose Relatives and, both … and, also to, so that who, whom, whose, which, She’s both clever and beautiful. Sandra wrote down Helen’s what, that home address so that she That’s the ring which once Contrast could visit her the following belonged to my great but week . grandmother. Mary is talented but not very creative. Time Listing Points / Events when, as soon as, while, Cause / Reason before, until, since, etc. • to begin: first, first of all because, so Diana called the police as First, I put on my She took an umbrella because soon as she realised that pyjamas. it was raining outside. someone had broken into her flat. • to continue: secondly, Condition then, next if, unless, or Place Then, I brushed my He won’t go to bed unless where teeth. you tell him a story. She couldn’t remember where she had put her keys. • to conclude: finally Finally, I went to bed. Join the two sentences using the word(s) in brackets. I’d like to go to the party. I’m too busy. (but) 6 Rick closed his eyes. He fell asleep. (as 1’d like: .t;Q [email protected] tJJ. .t.h~. p0.r.t;y.b.t.Jt.. . . soon as) • 1’m.tJJ.Q .b.t.JP’)(.. ……………….. . 2 She jumped on a chair. She saw the mouse. (when) 7 Dan went to the hospital. He hurt his arm. (because) 3 She is studying hard. She will pass her 8 I can’t help her. I know someone who can. exams. (so that) (but) 4 It was cold. Tom put on a jumper. (so) 9 First, Jim washed his hands. Then he had 5 He’s handsome. He’s famous. (both) lunch. (before) ~ 168

Prepositions — Linking words Read the sentences and underline the correct linking word / phrase as in the example: 1 Maria put on the kettle because / which 4 I haven’t played handball since / when I she wanted a cup of tea. left school. 2 She won’t speak to Bill as soon as / 5 Which / Who is the tallest person in your unless he apologises. family? 3 First, I prepared the meal. Then / Finally, I 6 Bob brushes his teeth so / before he goes laid the table. to bed. Underline the correct linking word / phrase. Kelly is 9 years old. She has brown hair 1) and / but blue eyes. She is a very happy child 2) who / which likes to make new friends. All her teachers like her 3) because / so that she is very intelligent. Kelly isn’t only a great student. She’s 4) also / and an amazing dancer. She can dance 5) both / also modern and jazz 6) but / so she especially likes hip hop. Choose the correct answer. Exercise is Great! There are many good reasons 1) .. B. .. we should exercise. 2) .••••• , it is great for our health. Playing sports, running, swimming and dancing help us build strong bones 3) •••••. muscles. Exercise 4) •••••• helps our heart get stronger. 5) .•.•.• , exercise makes us feel good about ourselves. We feel happier 6) ••.•.. we have more energy. We are able to run faster 7) …… become better at playing sports with our friends. 8) ..•..• , exercise makes us look great, too. It helps us stay fit and keeps our body at a healthy weight, 9) •••••. is important for a long and healthy life. B why ,., B First of all «‘1A what C which C Finally 2 A Then 3 A both B and C or 4 A also B then C and 5 A When B Since C Next 6 A while B as soon as C when 7 Aor B and C both 8 A Finally B First C Then 9 A which B what C . that ~ ~ ~ 169 ~

Articles Q Listen and repeat. Then act out. do you know where the Pyramids are? miss, they must be lost. There was a teacher here yesterday asking me the same question. a + consonant sound (/b/, Idl, Ig/, If/, 11/, Ip/, etc.) a pen an + vowel sound (/re/, lei, III, 10/, /al, etc.) an apple • A I An is used with singular countable nouns when we talk about things in general. An aeroplane is faster than a train. A greengrocer sells vegetables. (Which aeroplane? Aeroplanes in general.) (Which greengrocer? Greengrocers in general.) • We often use a I an after the verbs ‘to be’ and ‘have I have got’. He is a photographer. He has got a camera. • We do not use a I an with uncountable or plural nouns. We can use some instead. Would you like some tea? Yes, please! And I’d like some biscuits. (NOT Would you like a-tea?) • A I An is not used before an adjective if it is not followed by a noun. However, if the adjective is followed by a noun, we use a if the adjective begins with a consonant noun and an if the adjective begins with a vowel sound. It’s a ring. It’s expensive. It’s an expensive ring. • The is used before singular and plural nouns, both countable and uncountable, when we talk about something specific or when the noun is mentioned for a second time. The boy who has just left is my cousin. (Which boy? Not any boy. A specific boy, the boy who has just left.) There is a cat on the sofa. The cat is sleeping. (‘The cat’ is mentioned for a second time.) • We use the with the words cinema, theatre, radio, country(side) , seaside, beach, world, weekend, etc. We go to the beach every Sunday. • We use either a I an or the before a Singular countable noun to represent a class of people, animals or things. A I The dolphin is more intelligent than a I the shark. (We mean dolphins and sharks in general.) ALSO: Dolphins are more intelligent than sharks. ~ 170 ~

Articles Fill in with a, an or some. 1 .••• M …. apple 2 ……•…. bananas 3 ….••….. bird 4 …•……. cheese 5 ……….. diary 6 ……..•.• owl 7 ……….. egg 8 ..••••••.•. lemons 9 …•..•••.• camel Fill in: a, an, the or some. A: Can I help you? 5 A: What do you want to be when you grow B: Yes. I’m looking for … ti … book up? about whales. B: …….. astronaut! 2 A: When do you usually go to ….•… 6 A: Where are …….. boys, Bob? cinema? B: They are playing in …..••• garden. B: At ……•. weekend. 7 A: Did you buy anything at ……•. shops, 3 A: Do you have any plans for tonight, Mandy? B: Yes, I’m going out with …….. friends. Betty? 4 A: Did you have fun at …….. zoo? B: Yes, Mum. I bought …….. silk scarf. B: Yes! We saw …….. penguins and 8 A: What’s this? B: It’s …….. old radio. …….. elephant. ~ 171 ~

CD Articles The is also used before: The is omitted before: • nouns which are unique. • proper nouns. Paula comes from Canada. Haven’t you been to the Acropolis yet? • names of sports, activities, colours, • names of cinemas (the Odeon), substances and meals. hotels (the Hilton), theatres (the Rex), He plays tennis well. She likes blue. museums (the Prado), newspapers Soda isn’t expensive. Lunch is ready. (the Times), ships (the Queen Mary). • names of countries (Italy), cities • names of rivers (the Thames), seas (the (London), streets (Bond Street), parks Black Sea), groups of islands / stat~s (Hyde Park), mountains (Everest), (the Bahamas, the USA), mountain islands (Cyprus), lakes (Lake ranges (the Alps), deserts (the Gobi Michigan), continents (Europe). Desert), oceans (the Pacific) and names with .., of (The Tower of London). • the possessive case or possessive adjectives. This isn’t your coat, it’s Kate’s. • musical instruments. Can you play the guitar? • the words ‘home’ and ‘Father / Mother’ when we talk about our own • names of people / families / home / parents. nationality words. Father isn’t at home. the Smiths, the English, the Italians, etc. • titles with proper names. • titles without proper names. Queen Elizabeth, President Kennedy the Queen, the President • bed, school, church, hospital, prison, • the superlative degree of adjectives / when they are used for the reason they adverbs (the best). exist. John was taken to hospital. BUT: His He’s the most intelligent student of all. mother went to the hospital to see him. Fill in the where necessary. Then circle the correct answer. 1 Is .. ‘f. .. Lisbon .th.e. . capital of •. ‘f… 6 What is …… capital of …… Italy? A Rome B Milan portugal? @ Yes B No 7 Is …… Arctic Ocean bigger than •..•.. 2 Is …… Malta in …•.. Caspian Sea? Indian Ocean? B No A Yes A Yes B No 8 Is …… Everest .•…. highest mountain in 3 Is …… Lake Baikal in …… Russian …… world? Federation …… world’s deepest lake? A Yes B No A Yes B No 9 Where are . . . . . . Sardinia and . . . . . Corsica? 4 Where is . . . . .. Sahara Desert? A In the Black Sea B In the Mediterranean Sea A In Asia B In Africa 5 What is …… biggest island in …… 10 Where is ..•… Mississippi River? Greece? B Crete A In the USA B In the UK A Corfu ~ 172 ~

Articles Fill in the where necessary. Did you know? 1 Rafflesia arnoldii is .. the. .. largest flower in ……….. world . It weighs 7kg and grows only in ••.•..•..•. Sumatra, Indonesia. 2 •.•••..•••• Johann Vaaler invented …••••••.. paperclip in 1899. 3 ……•..•. Badminton became an Olympic sport in 1992. 4 It took ••••……. Egyptians 20 years to build ……….. Great Pyramids. 5 ………. most important river entering ……….. Black Sea is ……….. Danube. 6 ……….. bass is ……….. largest of ……….. string instruments. Fill in a or the where necessary. John: Do you want to come to 1) .• the( .. theatre with me tonight? Ann : Sorry, I can’t. I’m going to 2) ……•. restaurant with my cousin from 3) …….. America. John: What part of 4) .•••…. USA does he come from? Ann : He lives in 5) …..••. Colorado, near 6) …….• Rocky Mountains. He’s quite 7) ……•. famous musician. He plays 8) .•…•.. guitar in 9) ….•… rock band. In fact he’s giving a concert at 10) …….. Odeon in 11) •.••..•. Regent Street tomorrow evening. Fill in a, an or the where necessary. A: Can you tell me the way to •. th~ .. 5 A: What shall we do tonight? B: Let’s go to …… Odeon. There’s a nearest bank, please? comedy on with Jim Carrey. B: Sure. Turn left here and you ‘ll find it in 6 A: I’m going to make …..••• pie for tonight. …… Green Street. B: Great! 2 A: Is this …… Ahmed ‘s motorbike? 7 A: I saw …… amazing film last night. B: No, …… blue motorbike over there is I B: Really? What was it about? his. 8 A: Brad is going to . . . . •. London on 3 A: Where are .•••.. Wilsons going on …… business trip. holiday? B: Is he going to stay at • . •. .. Mandeville B: They’re going to …… Bahamas. Hotel again? 4 A: What do you know about …… 9 A: Would you like some ice cream? Bermuda Islands? B: No, thanks. I’d prefer .•..•. sandwich. B: They’re in ….•. North Atlantic Ocean. ~ 173 ~

~ Articles Lisa recently went on holiday to Spain. While she was there, she visited three different places, tried the local food and bought some souvenirs. Look at the pictures and the words given and say what Lisa did using a, an, some or the, where necessary. go / Barcelona ….. ~ lf?~. Wot<lJt. tp. ~~r~.~(p.f’J~ ….. eat / paella buy / Spanish fan for herself visit / Prado Museum take photos of / Lake Sanabria buy / flamenco dolls for her friends Complete the questions with a, an or the, where necessary, using the words in the list. Ask your partner to answer the questions. • Mont Blanc • breakfast • UK • African safari • viGIiA • restaurant • aeroplane • basketball 1 A: Can you play •. th.~ .vJ9jin .. ? B: .N.a,.l c,q(1:t ./{I)t.i .4Ci1n p.(~ .t.r;~. piCiln.a………………………………. . 2 What do you usually have for••••.•.•……•…………•••••••••…•.•.•..•….•… ? 3 Have you ever been to •••••••.•.•••……………….•••••••…•..•…•.••.••••.. ? 4 Would you like to climb •……………..•..•……..•.•••••••.•……………•.. ? 5 Do you like . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?I •••••••• I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Would you ever go on ………….•………••.•••….•..•.•••….•…………•.? 7 Are you going to eat at •………•.••.•.•.•….•••••.•..•.•••••••..••..•.•.. tonight? 8 Have you ever flown in . . . . . . . . . ?I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I •• I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ 174

Articles Speaking Activity Talking about a place In pairs, ask and answer questions about where you and your family went on holiday last summer, which places you visited, what local dishes you tried and what souvenirs you bought for your friends. A: Where did you go on holiday last summer? B: We went to Venice in Italy, etc. You are writing a letter to your English pen friend. You are telling him what you and your family did on your summer holiday. Write about: what places / visit, what / eat and what / buy. Dear ………………….. » I’ve just come back from .•.••.••.••.••.••••••• . We had a fabulous time there. My family and I went to ••••.••.••…•……. » which was fantastic. We .••.•..•••••• I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • What about you? What did you do on your summer holiday? Write back, ~ 175 ~

Progress Check 9 (Units 17-1BJ Fill in: next to, beside, between, behind, against, across, in, over (x2), along, on or under. Tai and his father are fishing 1) … •b~p.idt{ …. the river. Tai ‘s dog is lying 2) ..•..•…••••.• him. His sister Lin is leaning 3) •..••••..••••.• a tree. There is a boat 4) …•••..•.•••.• the bridge and a man 5) .••.•…•..••.. the boat. He is fishing, too. There is a man riding his motorbike 6) …………… the road. A man is driving ~1 ~=!!M~~f:i~=~!.;~J~ ~, his car 7) …………… the bridge. There is a man 8) …………… the motorbike. He is walking 9) •..••…….••. the road. There are some birds flying 10) ..•…..•..•••• the river and there is a girl lying 11) …………… the grass 12) …………… two trees. Fill in: at, on, under (x2), in, behind, out of, opposite, in front of. 1 The cat is .. ..uJJd~r. … 2 They are sitting 3 Pedro is walking the table. . •••.••.•••.• each other. . …•.•••.•.• Juan. 4 Rosa is .. .. .. .. • .. .. …. home. She is 5 The woman is sitting . . . • . . . . . . . . . .. the watching TV. She is sitting …………. . sunshade. The man is sitting ……•….. the armchair. The TV is ………….•… the deckchair. The boys are coming her. . ……………. the sea. 176

Progress Check 9 Fill in at, in or on . 4 ..•…•• noon 7 …….• the weekend 5 …….. 2005 8 …….. spring . . .in … the afternoon 6 …….. September 12th 2 ……•• August 3 ….••.• Wednesday Fill in the where necessary. ~~iiir.=ii~!!!~===~==:::;;» 1) … -;-.•..• Cyprus is 2) ……… third largest island in 3) . . . . . . . .• Mediterranean Sea. It is located west of 4) ……… Lebanon , south of 5) …….. Turkey and north of 6) …..•… Egypt. 7) …. . . . .. people who live there speak both 8) …….•. Greek and 9) …….. . -~….- II!!!) Turkish. Cyprus is one of 10) …•….. most popular tourist destinations. Millions of tourists visit Cyprus every year. Fill in a, an or the where necessary. A: Do you know where …tb~… 5 A: Which is faster, ……… tiger or ……… gl.raffe?. Mississipi River is? B: Yes, It is in .•..•••.. North America. B: I think ….•…. tigers are faster than . …..•.. giraffes but cheetahs are 2 A: Have you ever been to . . . . . . . •• New ……… fastest of all. York? 6 A: Did you know my cousin is …….. . B: No, but I’ve been to ..•…… actor? Washington, D.C. and I met …•… President when I was there. B: Really? I had no idea. 3 A: Would you like to go to ……… 7 A: Is ……… Mum busy at the moment? cinema tonight? B: Yes, she is. She’s making …….. . dinner. B: I’d love to. There’s ……… great film on at . . . . . . . .. Plaza. 8 A: Who is going to open the new hospital? B: I think ……… Queen is going to do I 4 A: We’re planning to go to Spain this it. summer. B: I’m sure you ‘ll enjoy yourselves. . . . . • .. Spanish are wonderful people. 177

Progress Check 9 Underline the correct form. Browns / The Browns live in a beautiful 7 We have dinner / the dinner at 7 o’clock. house. 8 Coliseum / The Coliseum is in Rome / the 2 China is in Asia / the Asia. 3 Jimmy usually watches TV in evenings / the Rome. evenings. 9 Let’s play volleyball / the volleyball. 4 Do you know how to play guitar / th’e 10 The Earth / Earth goes around Sun / the guitar? 5 This is my best friend , Pamela / the Pamela. Sun . 6 Sahara / The Sahara Desert is in Africa / 11 We ‘re going to Canary Islands / the the Africa. Canary Islands for our summer holidays. 12 Austria is in Europe / the Europe. QI You will hear a man asking for information about buying a bus ticket. Listen and complete questions 1-5. You will hear the conversation twice. notes 0 S ~.— «.’11 ‘1·] ;, BUS LINES To: Amsterdam —,—… ….~……-…. . Date of journey: 11 1………………………….. 1 Bus leaves at: c Return ticket costs: 121 ··· ……………………….. 1 Bus Ticket Office 131€ .. ·…. ······ …. ·.. ······ .. ·· 1 opening hours: Address: 141 ……………….. to 11:00 pm 15 1108 ………………….. Road 1 178

Revision 1 (Units 1-2J • Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Dear Akim, I 1) •••••••••••••••• (write) to tell you aboutthe greattime I 2) •••••••••••••••• (have) with my grandpa in the countryside. Every day, we 3) ••••••••••••••••• (wake up) early and we 4) •••••••••••••••••• (start) our day with a big healthy breakfast. Then we 5) ••••••••••••••••••• (go) for a long walk by the lake. I really 6) •••••••••••••••••• (enjoy) it because there 7) •••••••••••••••••• (be) so many birds and animals here that you 8) ••••••••••••••••••• (not/see) in the city. Tomorrow, my grandpa and I 9) ••••••••••••.• (go) fishing. He 10) •••••••••••••• (have) a small boat. I hope it doesn’t rain. See you when I get back, Tom Points : — ) ( 10×2 20 Use the verbs to complete the sentences. Use the present simple or the present continuous. see belong taste have not believe cost appear think 1 This jacket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. a lot. 5 I ……………….. George after It’s very expensive. work today. 2 She ••• lunch now.I ••••••••••• I •••• 3 The food . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. … delicious. 6 This isn’t Nick’s laptop. It …………… . 4 I ……………….. of going to the to John. cinema tonight. 7 I ……………….. what he’s saying. Underline the correct item. 8 The band …… .. .. .. .. .. …. at the youth centre tonight. Points: — ) ( 8×2 16 Beth goes / is going shopping every Saturday morning. Points: — ) 2 Mr Taylor teaches / is teaching Maths at Blair High School. ( 8×1 3 What do you do / are you doing tonight? 8 4 Do Bob and Ann play / Are Bob and Ann playing in the garden right now? 5 Does water freeze / Is water freezing at DOC? 6 We look / are looking for some new furniture for our living room. 7 The Parkers live / are living in Manchester. 8 They fly / are flying to Rome tomorrow evening. ~ 179 ~

• Revision 1 Put the adverbs of frequency in brackets in the correct position in the sentences. I see my aunt and uncle because they live 4 Sue spends her Saturdays with her friends. far away. (rarely) ……………….. .. (usually) ……………………… . 2 Oliver is at school on time. (never) ……. . 5 Do you travel abroad? (often) ………. . 3 Fiona watches TV in the evening. (always) 6 Jane plays in the park. (sometimes) ….. Fill in: has — have been in / to, has — have gone to. Points: — ) ( 6×1 6 Belinda isn’t here at the moment. She …. 4 The Browns ….••….•…………..• Vienna on holiday. I’m sure they’re having a the bank to take out some money. good time. 2 Nigel and Layla .. .. .. … .. ……… 5 Mrs Bowes .•…•••••……… Munich . . . .. Mexico. They came back last week. on business. She’s coming back tomorrow. 3 He …………………………… . 6 Aya’s sister ………••••••••…•.••.. the garage for hours! What is he doing? …•…•••••• hospital since Wednesday. Points: — ) ( 6×1 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple. Ann: I don’t know where to go on holiday this year. Have you got any Betty: ideas? 1) ………. …… .. …… . (you/ever/go) to Spain? I Ann: 2) ………. …….. ……. (go) to Barcelona last year and I really 3) ……………………. (enjoy) myself. Betty: Well, I 4) ……………………. (spend) two years in Ann: Spain while I 5) ……………………. (be) at University. 16) .••.•…••.••.•••.••.••.• (never/visit) South America, though. A friend of mine 7) ……………………. (work) in Brazil before. I think you 8) . . . . . • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• (already/meet) her. Do you remember Kate from my party? Oh, yes. 19) • • • • . • • . • • . . • . . • • • • • • • . •. (speak) to her. She’s really nice. Maybe I can talk to her about it. Points: — ) ( 9×1 9 ~ 180 ~

•Revision 1 Use the present simple, the present continuous or the present perfect to Hello, Annie! How are you? I’m so sorry I 1) ………………………. (not/write) for so long but I 2) ………………… (have) a lot of exams lately. I 3) ………………… (sit) for three final exams so far this week and next week I 4) ………………… (take) a Maths and History test! Mr Jones, our Maths teacher 5) ………•…………… (always/give) us lots of homework — it 6) …………………. (be) very annoying but I know he only 7) …………………. (want) to help us! Anyway, how about you? When 8) .•..•………………•. (you/sit) your final exams? 9) ……………………. (you/study) hard these days, too? Well, I have to go now because Mum 10) ……………………. Gust/call) me for dinner. Please keep in touch! Love, Laura Choose the correct item. Points: — ) ( 10×2 20 1 Helen ….. a fax at the moment. 9 I haven’t been to Portsmouth ….. three A is sending B sends C has sent years. 2 They haven’t seen each other ….. they left A since B for C just camp. 10 They left the house an hour . . . .. . A before B for C since A last B before C ago 3 My mother ….. in a hospital. She’s a nurse. 11 I’ve ….. tidied my bedroom. A works B is working A already B lately C yet C has worked 12 He’s ….. late for school. He can’t wake 4 Have you called a taxi ….. ? up in the morning. A rarely B yet C just A never B always C rarely 5 He …•. in Italy before. 13 Yesterday, we …•. dinner at an excellent A lives B is living C has lived Chinese restaurant. 6 He .•… his leg, so he can’t play football. A have had B are having Chad A has broken B breaks C is breaking 14 Janet •…. very pretty today. 7 Paul ….. Paris for two years now. A is looking B looks C look A has been to B has gone to 15 Carla ….. two brothers and a sister. C has been in A has B is having C have 8 Costas ….. a bath at the moment. A is having B has C has had Points: — ) ( 15×1 15 ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _—I ( Total: -10-0 ) ~ 181 ~

• Revision 2 (Units 1-4J Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple. • A: How long 1) ………………………….. (you/work) for this company? B: 12) ………………………….. (start) working here six years ago. • A: Is this a new bicycle? B: Yes, my parents 3) ………………………….. (give) it to me last week. • A: When 4) ……..••••••…•………..•.. (you/meet) Alison? B: We 5) ………………………….. (know) each other since we 6) …•.•.••.•••.•…..•…•.••…. (be) ten years old. • A: Can you help me with the washing-up, please? B: I’m sorry, I can’t. 17) ………………………….. (not/finish) my homework yet. Points: — ) ( 7×3 21 Fill in: have — has gone to, have — has been to / in. • A: Can I talk to Mr Harris, please? • A: Are Sue and Ann at home? B: I’m sorry but Mr Harris 1) ………… . B: No, they aren’t. They 3) ………… .. .•……•••..•.•…••.•…… Paris. . . . . . . • • • • • • • . • • . •• the supermarket. • A: Have you visited the National Museum? you ever• A: 4) •…•••• I ••••••••••••••• B: No, not yet. I 2) ……………….. . ••••••…….•••……… New York? only ………… Athens for two days. B: Yes and I had a great time. Points: — ) ( 4×1 4 Underline the correct item. Markus and Emma are listening to music 7 Don’t go into the kitchen. I am cleaning / every day / at the moment. have just cleaned the floor. 2 He bought / has bought a new computer last week. 8 Look! The Sun is riSing / rises. 3 I’ve lived here since / for 1987. 9 Lan hasn’t called / didn’t call us yet. 4 She usually is visiting / visits her 10 Will you be going / Do you go to the grandparents on Sundays. 5 This time tomorrow, I fly / will be flying to chemist’s this afternoon? I need some Moscow. vitamins. 6 Dad hasn’t come home from work already / 11 This jacket costs / is costing a lot of money. yet. I can’t afford it. 12 Have you ever / never tried paella? ( pOints: — ) 12×1 12 ~ 182 ~

Revision 2 • Rewrite the sentences in the correct order. plays / piano / she / the / beautifully •……•..•••••••..••.•.•………..••….••.••.• 2 small / she / a(n) / antique / wooden / table / has ..••…•••.•••••••.•.••.•••••.••••••.• 3 gave / me / he / beautiful/ring / a / gold •••••••.•••.•.•••.•.••.••.•.•••.•••••••••.••• 4 never / arrives / he / before / at work / 10 o’clock …….••….•••••.•..••.••.•••••••••• 5 goes / she / every / morning / jogging ••…•..••.•….••.•..•••••.•••••.•….•……. 6 by bus / to school/comes / usually / he .•.•••••.•..•…..•••••••.••••..•….•.••••.• Points: — ) ( 6×2 12 Fill in: than, of or in and the correct comparative or superlative form. Martin Hamble is a member of one of the 1) …………………….. (famous) basketball teams ••…•••••••• the USA. He is 2) ••••••••••••••••••• (tall) and 3) …………………….. (young) player ……. . the team. Martin is a very good player but his friend, Jim, is 4) ………. «……. «. (good) . «.. «». «»»»»»».. » he is. Matthew Bodine is 5) ………….. (old) . .. .. .. … Jim and Martin and he’s also 6) ………… (fast) …….. .. both of them. He is 7) •••••••••••••••••••••• (exciting) player to watch and also 8) «»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» (popular) member «»»…… «….. the team. Points: — ) ( 8×2 16 Complete the exchanges with too or enough and the adjectives in brackets. 1 A: Would you like to go for a walk? 4 A: Does your daughter stay at home alone? B: No, I’m ………………… (tired). B: No, she’s …………….. (young). 2 A: Can he do the puzzle? 5 A: Did they fly their kites on Saturday? B: Yes, he is ..•…..•••.••…..••…. B: Yes, it was …………….. (windy) . (clever). 6 A: Did you have fun at the party? 3 A: It’s ………………. (hot) in here. B: No, it was B: Why don’t you open the window? (boring). Points: — ) ( 6×2 12 ~ 183 ~

• Revision 2 Fill in: will/won’t, shall or be going to . •. . •. • •. • •. •. . • . • •.• we go to the theatre I 6 I’m afraid I ..•.••..•………••.•.•.•.. this evening? ………. be able to come to your party. 2 She ……………….. probably pass 7 ….•••.•……•….•••••••……..•• her exams. we go to Spain for our holiday this year? 3 Now that he has the money, he ………. » 8 She ……………………… travel ……………….. buy a car. around the world. She’s leaving on Friday. 4 Be careful! Otherwise you . . . . •.. . . . . . . .. I 9 I’ve just enrolled for the language course. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. hurt yourself. 5 Look! Tim . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. …. win! start it in September. He’s much faster than the other runners. Points : — ) ( 9×1 9 Choose the correct item. He’s …… person I’ve ever met. 8 Mike is ….•• funnier than I am. A the friendlier B friendly A very Bless C much C the friendliest 9 He …•.. a new car last week. 2 The Moon ••••.. around the Earth. I A bought B buys C is buying I A is moving B moves C has moved : 10 This is . . . . .. time I’ve spent away from home. • 3 They haven’t seen each other …••. they I A longer B long I I left school. I C the longest I I A after B for C since : 11 This time tomorrow, Kofi •. . . .. for the I 4 I think Holland •••… win the World Cup. airport. A is going to B will C shall A leaves B has left 5 My brother …… to the gym. He’ll be back C will be leaving in two hours. 12 My bag is …•.. than hers. A goes B is going A the heavier B heavier C heaviest C has gone I 13 I’m tired. I •..•.. to bed early. 6 I haven’t been to Portsmouth …..• three I A go B ‘II go C went years. 14 She …… goes to the opera. She doesn’t A since B for C after like it. 7 You put too …… sugar in my tea. I can ‘t I A never B always C usually drink it now. B many C enough Points : — ) A much ( 14×1 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-i ( Total: -10-0 ) 184 ~

Revision 3 (Units 1-6) • Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Dear Bobby, I 1) •••.•..•.•…… (have) great news! We 2) …..•………. (plan) to visit your country! We 3) .•.•……… (not/buy) our plane tickets yet but we 4) …•••.••…. (think) of coming at the end of the month. I’m so excited! We 5) ……………. (want) to visit all those places we’ve talked about. Well, that’s all for now. Talk to you soon! Best wishes, Points : — Mike ( 5×2 10 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use be going to, was/were going to, the present simple or will. Lea: What are your plans for the weekend? Robert: We’ve just changed them. We 1) …..••……….•…… (go) camping but the weather forecast warned that it 2) ..•…..•….•..•.•.. (rain) , so we 3) .••……….•.••.••• (stay) indoors and watch some DVDs. Terry: Do you have a few minutes, sir? I need to talk to you. Mr Gear: I don’t have time right now, Terry. I 4) ………………. (be) late for a meeting. I 5) ……………….. (see) you when 16) ……………….. (come) back. Terry: OK, sir. Thank you. Paula: Are you busy this evening? Wendy: Yes, 17) •••••••••••••••••••• (watch) a film with my friend , Sarah. Why do you ask? Paula: I 8) …….•……..•.•. (ask) you to have dinner. Wendy: Oh. Well , I don’t have anything planned for tomorrow. Paula: OK! I 9) ….•.••..•.•……. (see) you at 7 at Pierre’s. Points: — ) ( 9×2 18 Underline the correct item. Mitsuko is the best student of / in our class. 7 The older she gets, the more / most 2 Their house is bigger from / than ours. beautiful she becomes. 3 It’s much / more hotter today than yesterday. 8 The armchair is much / more comfortable 4 Ann is the shortest in / of Mary’s friends. than the chair. 5 The diamond ring is the more / most ,, 9 This is a / the best film I’ve ever seen. expensive of all. : 10 The Russian Federation is the largest 6 Ivan is as tall so / as James. country of / in the world . ( points: — ) 10x 1 10 ~ 185 ~

• Revision 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the present perfect continuous. Don’t walk in there! I ….•………………………………… Oust/clean) the floor. 2 Jane’s hungry. She ………•…………………………. (not/eat) since breakfast. 3 He is tired. He ………………………………………… (study) for four hours. 4 I don’t want to see that film again. I ……………….••….•….. (already/see) it twice. 5 Sandy .•.•..•……….•………………….•…•….. (teach) English for ten years. 6 Bruno •.•…………..•………………………….. (not/do) the washing-up yet. 7 He ………………………………•••••••……•.•…•….. (work) all morning. 8 They ……..•………………•.•…••..•….•… (play) in the garden for two hours. Points: — ) ( 8×2 16 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. My friend , Jill and 11) •.••.•..•..••..•.••• (walk) home from school last week when we 2) …. • …. … …. …. (see) a little boy who 3) ……. … …… . .. • (cry). He 4) . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . • •. .. (be) lost and he 5) …•….. . . . . . . . . . .. (look) for someone to help him. Jill and I 6) .•… . •. • •. . . . . . . . .. (walk) him back to our school and the headmaster 7) ……..•……. . . . . (call) his parents to pick him up. His mother and father 8) .. •. • . . . . . . . • •. . . . .• (be) very happy and 9) • • •. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .. (thank) us for our help. Points: — ) ( 9×2 18 Fill in: used to or didn’t use to. When I was very little, 11) …………. spend a lot of time in my bedroom. 12) …………. play with my toys and watch cartoons. In the afternoons, I 3) .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. … go to the park with my mum. In the evenings, I 4) .••••.•….•…… stay up late but now I do. Points: — ) ( 4×2 8 ~ 186 ~

Revision 3 • Underline the correct item. His clothes are dirty. He has been painting / : 4 I was going to call / called you but I couldn’t was painting the house. find your phone number. 2 The Millers watched / were watching lV when : 5 Hilda has been reading / has read four the lights went out. books this month. 3 This time next week, I tour / will be touring 6 Dad used to / didn’t use to work on Saturdays Rome with my family. but he doesn’t any more. Paints: — ) ( 6×1 6 Choose the correct item. John …… down the road when he fell. 8 Don’t worry. You will soon …… to A walked B was walking wearing glasses. C has walked A are used B get used C used 2 Jane is the …… person I know. , 9 •.•••. breakfast every morning? A cleverest B cleverer A Do you have B Are you having C more clever C Did you have 3 She doesn’t mind walking to work. She 10 John …•.. rugby when he hurt his arm. ….•. to it. A play B played A isn’t used B is used C used C was playing 4 There are too …..• books in this bag. It’s 11 I’ll tell Luigi about the meeting. I …..• him very heavy. at work anyway. A much B many C enough A have seen B will be seeing 5 Janet ….•• the hairdresser’s; she’ll be C see back at 3 o’clock. 12 Tom sings …… . A has gone to B has been to A beautiful B beautifully C good C has been in 13 Frank is tired because he •.•••. all day. 6 It’s the .•••.. coat she has ever seen. A studied B has studied A most expensive B more expensive C has been studying C expensive 14 Cathy .••.•. move to LA but she decided 7 The weather is •. . •. . today than it was to stay in Boston. yesterday. A will B is going to A good B better C best C was going to Paints: — ) ( 14×1 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _—-i ( Total: -10-0 ) ~ 187 ~

• Revision 4 (Units 1-BJ Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. She got up / suddenly / the room / and left 2 They’ve bought a / two-storey / lovely / in London / old-fashioned / house 3 He walked / in the rain / up the hill / slowly 4 Every Monday / to the gym / by car / they go 5 He’s built a / wooden / beautiful/bookcase ( POints: — ) 5×2 10 Choose the correct item. 1 «Have you ever .•…. Helsinki?» «Yes, 7 Bruno and Carla are playing with two once, in 1999.» …… children. A gone to B been to A another B the other C other C been in 8 They …..• have a barbecue but it started 2 I . . . . .. to driving on the left now but it was to rain. hard at the beginning. A will B were going to A ‘m used B ‘m not used C are going to C used 9 The black dress …… Kim perfectly. 3 While she was chopping onions, she A fits B fitting C is fitting accidentally …… her finger. 10 …… you seen Nathan lately? A cut B has cut A Have B Did C Do C was cutting 11 They . . . . .. house next week. 4 . .. .. your invitation to the wedding yet? A move B are moving C moved A Don’t you get B Haven’t you got 12 Ralph is .•…. on time for work. He’s C Didn’t you get never late. 5 He …… live in London but now he lives in A often B sometimes C always a small town. 13 Maria is …… than her sister. A uses B used to A short B shorter C shortest C was used to 14 The soup is ..•… hot to eat. 6 She . . . . .• in this house for 25 years. A much B enough C too A has been living B lives C is living ( points: — ) 14×1 14 ~ 188 ~

Revision 4 • Fill in the appropriate reflexive or emphatic pronouns. 1 Help …•………•.. to some more cake, 3 Nobody helped her with this exercise. She please. did it •…..•…..•… . 2 The children enjoyed …•.•……•.•. at the party. 4 Jack burnt •……..•…… while trying to make an omelette. Points: — ) ( 4×2 8 Fill in the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives. My aunt and uncle live in Paris. 1) …………..•• house is very big. They do most of the work 2) … . . . . . . . . . . . .. . My aunt enjoys gardening and 3) …………… friends say it is the prettiest garden in the world! At the moment, my uncle is painting the house 4) ..•.•…..•…. » and 5) ……………. friend, Mr Brown, is helping 6) …. ……. . ( POints: — ) 6×2 12 Fill in: any, anything, no, nothing, some, somebody, somewhere or anywhere. Would you like …………… chocolate? : 5 Let’s go! There’s ……………•… time I 2 I’m afraid there isn’t ……………….. : to waste.I juice left. Can you buy some? I 6 Are you going .•…..•…………….. 3 Mei and I went shopping but we didn’t buy : nice for your holidays? 7 I’m thirsty; I’ve had …•.•…•.•.•.••••.. 4 There is ………………. waiting for .. .. … to drink all day. you outside. 8 I left my glasses ………………. .. in the house. Points: — ) ( 8×1 Fill in the gaps with both, all, neither or none. 8 A: Was the test difficult? 5 A: Why didn’t you buy any of those trousers? B: Not really. I’m sure we …………. .. B: Because …………… of them fit me. passed. 6 A: What do your parents do? 2 A: How are Lin and Kim doing at school? B: They are …………… teachers. B: Great. …………… of them are very good students. 7 A: Mum, where did you put my books? B: They’re …………… on the table 3 A: Are Tina and Kate at home? over there. B: Yes. They are …………… doing 8 A: I’m looking for Camila and Sarah but their homework. ……..•….•. of them is here. 4 A: Why didn’t you and Maggie come to the B: Yes. They’ve gone shopping. cinema last night? B: …………… of us felt like going out. : Points: — ) ( 8×2 16 ~ 189 ~

• Revision 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, the past continuous or the past perfect. 1 What ………………………….. : 5 The children were doing their homework I while their mother ..•••……•…•…… . . . . . . . . .. (you/do) at 8 o’clock last night? : 2 They .••…………•.•………….. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (prepare) dinner. I (move) into their new flat two weeks ago. : 6 He couldn’t pay the bill because he I 3 We ……………••••………….. :I (finish) tidying the flat by the time our guests : (leave) his wallet at home. I 7 When Dad ……•……•….•••..•..•. arrived. 4 Tim ………….. (turn) 14 last Sunday. 1 (come) home, we had dinner. Points: — ) ( 7×2 14 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. After Mike ……….. .. 2 Oh no! I …………. .. 3 The children are exhausted. (pack) his suitcase, he (lose) They …………….. . called for a taxi. . . . . .. (play) all morning. my wallet! 4 Helen …••……••.••• I 5 Mitsuko’s eyes hurt. She 6 He was happy because he . ……… (win) the race. I (cook) dinner before Tony : ……….••……•.•. came back from work. . ……. (read) for hours. Points: — ) ( 6×3 18 ….._____________1__————~ (Total: -10-0 ) 190 ~

Revision 5 (Units 1-10) • Rewrite the sentences in the correct order. 1 always / writes / neatly / she (P4oxi2nts:-8 ) 2 owns / she / lovely / a / house / old 3 I / TV / every evening / watch 4 by bus / to school / goes / usually / she Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form, adding any necessary words. 1 Are there any ……………•…•••………………………… (many) questions? 2 My brother is …………………………………..•…………•. . .. (old) me. 3 Is this dress . ………………………•……………… (expensive) that one? 4 Tina is ……..•……………•……………………… .. (tall) girl in her class. 5 That rock concert was …………….•…………………. (good) I’ve ever been to. 6 Trains are …•.•………………………….•……•……………. (fast) cars. 7 What is ……………………………………•…… (high) mountain in Europe? 8 The Coliseum is one of …………………… (famous) monuments …….. the world. (~~~ts: -8- ) Answer the questions using too or enough. «Can he have a shower?» 2 «Can he jump?» I 3 «Can he go to school? «No, ……….•……. …………… .» (cold) I «No, …………….. . «No , . . . . . . . 1 ••••• 1 •••• : I . .. . .. . .. .» (frightened) : .» (well) 4 «Can he make people 5 «Can he lift it?» 6 «Can Bob win? » laugh? » «Yes, …………….. . «N0 , …..•…. I ••••••• I «No, …………….. . : I …………. .» (strong) : ………….. .» (slow) …………. .» (funny) : ( ~~i;tS: ~) ~ 191 ~

• Revision 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the _cor~re:c:t~t:e~ns:e:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _d… Dear Brenda, How are you? I 1) ……•..••…•….•••. (write) to tell you my exciting news! You 2) …..•..•.••••• (know) how much 13) •••••••.•.•••••.••.•• (always/want) to be an actor. Well, my dream 4) •. . . •. • •. . • . . . . . . . . . . .• (finally/come) true! Last week, I 5) ..•….•••.•..••••.•• .. (try out) for a small part in a film. And guess what! I 6) ..•……… . .. (get) the part. To tell you the truth, I 7) ••••.•…..••.. (be) a little nervous about the whole thing but I do have a great acting coach. Filming 8) .•••.•….•…. (start) in the next few weeks. Wish me luck, Points: — ) Ted ( 8×2 16 Fill in: both (of), neither (of), none (of) or all (of). Deborah and Carla are friends. They 1) …….•..•……… like skiing and mountain- climbing but 2) .•………..•.•.•.. them likes water sports, so they often go on winter holidays together. Last winter, they went to Switzerland with 3) •…..••.•.•…•..•. their friends who like skiing and they 4) …………..••.. had a wonderful time. Unfortunately, 5) ..•…….•……. their friends could stay for more than a week but 6) • • • • •. . . . . . •. •. .. Deborah and Carla are planning to go again this year. 7) ……..•..••.•. them would miss it for the world! Points: — ) ( 7×1 7 • Circle the correct item. You should / can put your 2 You can’t / don’t have to 3 He must / can’t be rich. litter in the bin. eat your lunch now. You can eat it later. 4 Will / Shall I help 5 May / Must I use 6 You must / can obey the you with your suitcase? your phone, please? school rules. ~ 192 ~ Points: — ) ( 6×2 12

Revision 5 • Complete the dialogue. A: Hi, Sam. S: Yes, it goes very fast. S: Hello, Ali. That’s my new bike over there. A: 4) ……………………………. ? A: 1) ……………………………? S: It’s a gift from my parents. S: My bike’s the red one. A: 5) …………………………… ? A: 2) …………………………… ? S: Yes, I ride it to school every day. S: I got it last week. A: 6) ……………………… I ?••••• A: 3) ………….. ?I ••••••••••••••••••• S: Yes, of course you can ride it. Points: — ) ( 6×2 12 Add question tags and short answers. 1 I’ve met you before, •……………………………..•. ? Yes, •………….•.• . • 2 I’m in the same class as you, ….•….••………………. ? Yes, …………….. . 3 Her father’s my Chemistry teacher, ……………………. ? Yes, ……………. . 4 He works hard, ……………………………………? No, …………….. . 5 You know about the bank robbery, ……………………. ? No, …………….. . 6 You ‘ve read the newspaper, …………………………. ? No, ….. 1 ••••••••••• • 7 He lives next door, .•..••.••.•……………••.•……… ? Yes, …………….. . 8 She didn’t pass her grammar test last week, ……••…..•… ? No, Points: — ) ( 8×2 16 Choose the correct item. Can I use •..•• mobile phone, please? 6 I’m hungry. I . . •. •. a sandwich. A you B your C yours A ‘m having B have C ‘II have 2 Penny use to live in Ireland? 7 Elena made the cake A Is B Does C Did A herself B himself C myself 3 May I have …•.. cup of tea, please? 8 -We’re going to the cinema. Do you want to J.O.in •••••• ?. A other B another C the other 4 Pablo speaks English very . • • . •• . A we B us C our A well B better C best 9 «I’m going to the bus station. » 5 Does .••••. know where Pierre is? «••.•.• am I. I’ll give you a lift.» A anyone B no one C someone A Neither B Nor C So Points: — ) ( 9×1 9 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 ( Total: -10-0 ) ~ 193

• Revision 6 (Units 1-12J Answer the questions using too or enough. 1 «Can he eat his lunch?» 2 «Can you buy this 3 Can Tim win the race? «No, •..•………•…. necklace? » Yes, …………….. . «No, …………….. . ……….. .» (hungry) …….. .» (expensi.ve) . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .» (fast) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. ( ~~~ts: —;-) Last week, Pedro 1) ……..•………… (start) a new job in a computer company. He 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . •. (work) there for five days now and he really enjoys the work. He 3) ………..•……… (find) the first day difficult as he 4) ………………… (not/do) this type of job before. At the moment, he 5) …..•………•….. (look for) a house near his office. He 6) ………………… (hope) he 7) ………………… (find) one soon. Choose the correct item. Points: — ) ( 7×2 14 » Have you seen •••••• glasses? I can’t find 7 This cake …… delicious! them anywhere. A taste B tastes C is tasting A your B my C mine 8 Cathy .••.•• to school when it started to rain. 2 The …..• bicycles are in the garden. A is walking B was walking A girls B girl C girls’ C walked 3 Silvio is a very clever boy, …… ? 9 That isn’t ..•••• football. It’s Tim ‘s. A isn’t he B doesn’t he C didn’t he A my B mine C me 4 …•.. , we heard a loud noise. 10 Did you •….. to play in the park when you A Sudden B Suddenly were little? C More suddenly A used B use C uses 5 This time next week, I …••. on a sandy 11 When I got home, there wasn’t •••••• there. beach. A someone B no one C anyone A am sunbathing B sunbathe 12 Sue …… with her aunt this week. C will be sunbathing A is staying B stays C stayed 6 Ian has lived in Rome .•..•. 2005. Points: — ) ( 12×1 12 A when B for C since ~ 194 ~

•Revision 6 Circle the correct item. You can / should buy a 2 Shall / Will we go to the 3 You mustn’t / don’t have new car. cinema? to talk during an exam . • 4 You can’t / needn’t take 5 She can’t / must be his 6 Shall / May I sit here, an umbrella with you. The grandmother; she looks please? weather’s fine! very young. Points: — ) ( 6×3 18 Complete the dialogue. J: Hello Mike. 1) •..•..•……..•••••••.. J: 4) …………………………… ? …………………….. ? M: Yes, I like pop music very much. M: I’m going shopping. J: 5) ………………………….. ? J: 2) …….. . ………………….. ? , M: Yes, I do have Britney Spears’ latest CD. M: I’m going with my friend , Melek. J: 6) •.•• ••••••.•••••.•••• • . ? J: 3) …………………………… ? M: I bought it two weeks ago, when it was M: We’re going to buy some CDs. number 1 in the charts. Points: — ) ( 6×3 18 ~ 195 ~

• Revision 6 Fill in the question tags in the dialogue. Points: — ) ( 4×2 8 Eric: Let’s go for lunch, 1) •••••.•.•…… ? Lucy: Sounds great. Where would you like to go? Eric: You like Mediterranean food, 2) •••••••••••••.• ? Lucy: Yeah, I love it. Eric: Then why don’t we go to the Italian restaurant nearby? Lucy: Good idea. It’s right around the corner, 3) ….•……… ? Eric: Yes. Hey, you’ve got Jane’s number, 4) .•.•…•..•.••. ? Lucy: Of course, why? Eric: Let’s invite her. Lucy: OK. I’ll call her right now. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form. Georgia wants 1) ••••••••.••.••.••.• (become) a teacher. She is a very good student who likes to spend time 2) ••………….•• (read) interesting books. During summer, she prefers 3) …••••.•••••.•••• (work) at a camp. She enjoys 4) •.•.•.••.••.•..•.•. (plan) fun activities for the children. She is looking forward to 5) • • • • • • • •• •• •. . • .. (get) her diploma next year. She can’t wait 6) •••••••••••…••• (start) teaching. Points: — ) ( 6×2 12 Turn from active into passive. 1) A farmer dug up a very old statue last week. 2) Somebody had buried it hundreds of years ago. 3) The farmer took the statue to a museum. 4) Experts are repairing it. 5) The museum will put the statue on display. 6) The museum has given the farmer a reward. Points: — ) ( 6×2 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ ( Total: -10-0 ) ~ 196 ~

Revision 7 (Units 1-14J • Fill in the gaps using the appropriate tense. Sally 1) •.••..••..•….•.•….. (live) in California. She 2) …………………… (live) there for five years. She 3) …………………… (move) there when she was seven years old. It was hard for her to leave her old school but since then she 4) ….•.•.•••………….. (make) plenty of new friends. One morning, while she 5) ………………………. (wait) for the school bell to ring, she 6) .. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . . . . . .. (see) a new student. The girl 7) …………………… (stand) in a corner and she 8) …………………… (listen) to some music on her MP3 player. Sally 9) ………….••••••…… (walk over) to say hello and the two girls started talking. Since then they 10) .••…………………. (become) great friends. Choose the correct item. ( ~g~~ts: ~) Your garden is larger than . » 6 It’s cold to go out. • A us B our C ours A too B enough C more 2 He’s tired. He ….. since 9 o’clock. 7 When my older sister passed her driving A studies B has been studying test, she was pleased with ….. . C has studied A her B herself C hers 3 I want to go ….. hot on holiday. I think I’ll 8 I wish the neighbour’s dog would stop ….. ! travel to Spain. A barking B to bark C bark A nowhere B anywhere 9 What ….. Pam doing yesterday at C somewhere 3 o’clock? 4 She’s at the bus station. She ….. travel by A was B were Care bus. 10 May has four children but ….. of them are A is going to B will C shall tall. 5 I often drive my ….. car. A both B neither C none A fathers B father’s C fathers’ Points: — ) ( 10×1 10 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or the -ing form. 1 I don’t like .•…..•.••.•.•.•.•••.•…….•.•.••.•.••.•…..•…..• by plane. (travel) 2 He left without …….•••••..••••••…………•……………•..••• goodbye. (say) 3 She managed …………………………………………. a lot of weight. (lose) 4 . . . .•..•.•..••.•.•••••………•…•.•….•.••..•.•.••. helps you keep fit. (swim) 5 They asked him ……………………………………………. the truth . (tell) 6 Veena went to the library ……………………………….. some books. (borrow) Points: — ) ( 6×2 12

Помогите пожалуйста!)
Complete the letter.
Write ONE word for each space.

Would you like to come on a camping ….26…. weekend? We are going to …..27….. to the forest in the school bus and shop and you …..31….. rent bicycles there. The trip …..32….. £25. It is very cold there …..33….. night, so you should take warm clothes and you will …34… to wear strong shoes.
…..35….. You want to come, tell me today


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Сочинение-рассуждение. прочитайте текст. есть у меня внучка. однажды она говорит: — у веры в субботу день рождения. она

Наумова Надя

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Л.н. толстой. как боролся русский богатырь как сказал иван о своей силе? найдите ответ в тексте. запишите.

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История — 2 года назад

Кто такой мильтиад и какова его роль в победе над персами?

Тетерина Татьяна

История — 2 года назад

Какие примеры н. м. карамзин использует для разъяснения пользы новой системы престолонаследия? согласны ли вы с позицией

Попова Полина

География — 2 года назад

Дополните схему. она поможет вам лучше усвоить содержание §1.: 1 что изучает география 2 с помощью чего 3 зачем изучают


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complete these emails. write one word for each space

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Светило науки — 9 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1. Popular
2. Explorer
3. Her
4. Different
5. Better
6. Does not (doesn’t) want
7. Exciting 
8. Wonderful


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Choose the right preposition from the box. about / at / from / to / of / by / out / of / of / with / of / of / to / of / at / in / of / for / w …

ПОДАЖУЙСТА С МОДАЛЬНЫМИ СЛОВАМИ You (1) … (rent) a car in New York as there is a good subway system but if you do, you (2) … (be able) to …

ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ДАЮ 100 БАЛЛОВ Change the following sentences from active to passive 1. They kill elephants for ivory. Elephants 2. …

3 завдання, вставити артикль де потрібно, a, an, the, срочнооо плиз



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