Write one to hundred in word

Number names 1 to 100 means writing numbers 1 to 100 in words. When students learn counting 1 to 100, it also helps them learn one to hundred spellings in English. A few examples of number names 1 to 100 are given as follows. For example, 98 is written as Ninety-eight, 57 is written as Fifty-seven, 45 is written as Forty-five, and so on. In this article, we have simplified all the rules that are to be followed while writing 1 to 100 number names.

1. Number Names 1 to 100 Chart
2. Numbers in Words 1 to 100
3. Rules to Write 1 to 100 Number Names
4. Numbers in Words 1 to 100 Examples
5. FAQs on Number Names 1 to 100

Number Names 1 to 100 Chart

The following figure shows a printable number names 1 to 100 chart to help kids with 1 to 100 spellings in English. To make the students learn this easily, they can be prompted to call out numbers in their day-to-day life referring to the objects that they see around them. This chart helps the students memorize one to hundred in words.

Number Names 1 to 100 Chart and 1 to 100 Spelling in Words

Numbers in Words 1 to 100

The number names chart from 1 to 100 can help kids learn how to write any number from 1 to 100 in words if its numeric form is given. Learning numbers one to hundred in English requires a little practice, but once the students recite one to hundred spellings on a regular basis, they never forget them. The following table has 1 to 100 spellings in English and learning these is beneficial for students in higher grades.

List of Number Names from 1 to 100

Observe the following table which shows numbers one to hundred in English.

1 = One 2 = Two
3 = Three 4 = Four
5 = Five 6 = Six
7 = Seven 8 = Eight
9 = Nine 10 = Ten
11 = Eleven 12 = Twelve
13 = Thirteen 14 = Fourteen
15 = Fifteen 16 = Sixteen
17 = Seventeen 18 = Eighteen
19 = Nineteen 20 = Twenty
21 = Twenty-one 22 = Twenty-two
23 = Twenty-three 24 = Twenty-four
25 = Twenty-five 26 = Twenty-six
27 = Twenty-seven 28 = Twenty-eight
29 = Twenty-nine 30 = Thirty
31 = Thirty-one 32 = Thirty-two
33 = Thirty-three 34 = Thirty-four
35 = Thirty-five 36 = Thirty-six
37 = Thirty-seven 38 = Thirty-eight
39 = Thirty-nine 40 = Forty
41 = Forty-one 42 = Forty-two
43 = Forty-three 44 = Forty-four
45 = Forty-five 46 = Forty-six
47 = Forty-seven 48 = Forty-eight
49 = Forty-nine 50 = Fifty
51 = Fifty-one 52 = Fifty-two
53 = Fifty-three 54 = Fifty-four
55 = Fifty-five 56 = Fifty-six
57 = Fifty-seven 58 = Fifty-eight
59 = Fifty-nine 60 = Sixty
61 = Sixty-one 62 = Sixty-two
63 = Sixty-three 64 = Sixty-four
65 = Sixty-five 66 = Sixty-six
67 = Sixty-seven 68 = Sixty-eight
69 = Sixty-nine 70 = Seventy
71 = Seventy-one 72 = Seventy-two
73 = Seventy-three 74 = Seventy-four
75 = Seventy-five 76 = Seventy-six
77 = Seventy-seven 78 = Seventy-eight
79 = Seventy-nine 80 = Eighty
81 = Eighty-one 82 = Eighty-two
83 = Eighty-three 84 = Eighty-four
85 = Eighty-five 86 = Eighty-six
87 = Eighty-seven 88 = Eighty-eight
89 = Eighty-nine 90 = Ninety
91 = Ninety-one 92 = Ninety-two
93 = Ninety-three 94 = Ninety-four
95 = Ninety-five 96 = Ninety-six
97 = Ninety-seven 98 = Ninety-eight
99 = Ninety-nine 100 = One hundred

☛ Download Number Names 1 to 100 Chart

We have provided a downloadable reference sheet with the above information in an easy-to-print format. Students can practice 1 to 100 spellings for a better understanding of the decimal number system.

Rules to Write 1 to 100 Number Names

There are certain rules that can be followed while writing one to hundred spellings. These rules are explained here in detail.

Rule 1: For numbers 1-20, we can directly refer to the chart of number names 1 to 100 given above because these numbers from 1 to 20 have unique number names and spellings. For example, the number name of 4 is Four, the number name of 11 is Eleven, the number name of 18 is Eighteen, and so on.

Rule 2: After the number name of 20, we should understand the pattern that is followed. Once we understand the pattern in which the number names are written it becomes easy for us to teach the students. For example, if we count the twenty series, we have twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, and so on. Similarly, when we start with the thirty series, we have thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, and so on. This rule applies up to 99 and then we reach 100 — Hundred.

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Numbers in Words 1 to 100 Examples

  1. Example 1: Write the number name for 78.


    Referring to the 1 to 100 spellings, we know that 78 is written and read as seventy-eight.

  2. Example 2: What is the number name for 97?


    According to the chart of 1 to 100 number names, 97 is written as ‘ninety-seven’ in words.

  3. Example 3: How to Write 19 in Words?


    The chart of 1 to 100 in words says that 19 is written as ‘nineteen’ in words.

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FAQs on Number Names 1 to 100

What do Number Names 1 to 100 Mean?

Number names 1 to 100 are the cardinal numbers from 1 to 100 written in their word form. To write 1 to 100 in words, we use the place value ones, tens, and hundreds. For example, 39 is written as ‘Thirty-nine’.

How to Write Numbers in Words 1 to 100?

To write number names from 1 to 100, we follow certain rules. The given number is written in the expanded form, i.e., 89 = 80 + 9. Then, write and combine the respective names of all the addends using the general rules, as shown below, 80 + 9 = Eighty-nine. Referring to the chart of number names 1 to 100, the students can start reciting and revising them on a regular basis. This will help them learn all one to hundred spellings easily.

How to Teach One to Hundred in Words?

One to hundred in words can be taught to students using the following techniques:

  • Download or make a chart of the number names from 1 to 100. Paste this chart at a place where the child can see it frequently, or, perhaps where he usually studies. This will help him/her go through the spellings on a regular basis and help him learn one to hundred spellings.
  • Split each spelling into 2 parts. For example, 18 is written as eighteen. This can be split as EIGHT and TEEN. Similarly, 30 is written as thirty. This can be split as THIR and after a pause, TY.
  • The child can be made to read it aloud and then write the spelling to learn it.
  • Another way in which we can teach students is to create a game of ‘fill in the blanks’ for the spellings. For example, 30 — TH _RT_ . Similarly, for 15 — FI_TE_N.
  • Try to go according to the learning capacity of the students. Let them learn 2 number names in a day, then, gradually shift to 3 numbers in a day.

How to Write the Number Names from 44 to 49?

Referring to the chart of number names 1 to 100, the numbers in words from 44 to 49 can be written as follows:

  • 44 — Forty-four
  • 45 — Forty-five
  • 46 — Forty-six
  • 47 — Forty-seven
  • 48 — Forty-eight
  • 49 — Forty-nine

How to Write 1 to 100 Spellings in English?

To make the children write 1 to 100 spellings in English, the following tips can be used:

  • Let the children speak aloud and write each number along with its number name at least twice. For example, as you make them write 3 — three, ask them to speak it loudly using the letters T — H — R — E — E
  • Understand the grasping and learning capability of the student and make them learn 2 number names in one day and then increase the number gradually.
  • Make or download a number names chart of 1 to 100 and stick it in a place where it is always visible to the child. This will help the students frequently glance at the spellings even at times when they are not studying. A downloadable and printable chart of number names from 1 to 100 is given above on this page for reference.

What are One to Hundred Spellings in English?

One to hundred spellings are the number names of numbers from 1 to 100. When the numbers from 1 to 100 are expressed in words, they are written as follows:

1 — One, 2 — Two, 3 — Three, 4 — Four, 5 — Five, 6 — Six, 7 — Seven, 8 — Eight, 9 — Nine, 10 — Ten, 11 — Eleven, 12 — Twelve, 13 — Thirteen, 14 — Fourteen, 15 — Fifteen, 16 — Sixteen, 17 — Seventeen, 18 — Eighteen, 19 — Nineteen, 20 — Twenty, and so on. A complete list of 1 to 100 spellings in English are given above on this page for reference.

How to Teach Counting 1 to 100?

Counting 1 to 100 becomes easy if the correct techniques are followed. Students can also learn one to hundred spellings with the help of a few simple methods given below:

  • As we start from number names 1 to 20, we know that this particular set has unique number names. So, these spellings can be taught to students by asking them to split each spelling into 2 parts. For example, we know that 16 is written as sixteen. So, we can split and make the kids learn it as SIX and TEEN.
  • After the number name of 20, make the students understand the pattern that is followed, and then it becomes easier for them to learn. For example, the series of twenty has twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, and so on, then the series of thirty comes as thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, and so on.
  • Ask the child to read the spellings aloud at least twice and then write the spelling to learn it.
  • Let the child prepare a colorful chart on his own and write the 1 to 100 spellings in it. Paste this chart near his study area, so that he gets motivated to see it and eventually as he looks at the spellings frequently, he will be able to memorize it easily.

Numbers in words are composed normally with the assistance of the English alphabet. For instance, 10,00,000 or 1,000,000 in words is read as 10 Lakhs or One million. In the early stage, numbers were used using Roman numbers and this was invented by the Romans. For example, the number 1 was represented as I, the number 2 was represented as II, the number 3 was represented as III, the number 4 was represented as IV, and many more roman numbers like M, L, and C were used. Here we will figure out how to compose the numbers from 1 to 100 using words. With the help of this article, kids can start spelling out from numbers 1 — 1000 in words.

Around the world, English is the most well-known language and it is used extensively to educate students. Therefore, in this article, we will be learning the numbers or numerals in English. Aside from English, these numbers could be written in different dialects too — like Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Gujarati, French, German, etc.

Numbers are the foundation of Mathematics. Every single idea and concept we learn in Mathematics has numbers included in them. They are utilized for different sorts of calculations. There are additionally various kinds of numbers, which are taught in the Number system chapter. These numbers can be spoken to as words, in standard structure, and using their place value form and face value form.

How to Write Numbers in Words?

Before we jump into advanced readings, let’s first learn the basics. Understand and learn the table below:


In Words





















To compose any number as words, we need to check the place value and understand it. Let us learn bit by bit.

The “ones” place value can hold only one digit. The digits are zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.

Next, the ten’s place. It can hold numbers from 10 — 19. In words, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen. The Last number here would be twenty.

After twenty, the number develops from so that they are written in words as thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety.

The former numbers are connected with these words and referenced from one to nine. For instance, twenty-one, twenty-two, and so on.

Let us discover how to compose any given number in words with an example.

Example: Write 42 in words.

The number in one’s place is two. Hence, there are 2 ones.

The number in ten’s place is four. Hence, there are 4 tens.

Therefore, 4 tens and 2 ones = 42. This can be read as forty — two.

Converting Numbers From 1 — 100 into Words.

The Table Below will Help you Learn How to Spell Numbers in Words.




Twenty One


Forty One


Sixty One








Sixty Two




Twenty Three


Forty Three


Sixty Three




Twenty Four


Forty Four


Sixty Four




Twenty Five


Forty Five


Sixty Five




Twenty Six


Forty Six


Sixty Six




Twenty Seven


Forty Seven


Sixty Seven




Twenty Eight


Forty Eight


Sixty Eight




Twenty Nine


Forty Nine


Sixty Nine












Thirty One


Fifty One


Seventy One




Thirty Two


Fifty Two


Seventy Two




Thirty Three




Seventy Three




Thirty Four


Fifty Four


Seventy Four




Thirty Five


Fifty Five


Seventy Five




Thirty Six


Fifty Six


Seventy Six




Thirty Seven


Fifty Seven


Seventy Seven




Thirty Eight


Fifty Eight


Seventy Eight




Thirty Nine


Fifty Nine


Seventy Nine










Eighty One


Eighty Two


Eighty Three


Eighty Four


Eighty Five


Eighty Six


Eighty Seven


Eighty Eight


Eighty Nine




Ninety One


Ninety Two


Ninety Three


Ninety Four


Ninety Five


Ninety Six


Ninety Seven


Ninety Eight


Ninety Nine


One Hundred

One to Hundred in Words

One to Hundred in Words

Previously, we learned how to spell from one to one hundred. Now, to write to one thousand, you need to repeat the terms of every hundredth number. Like 201 is read as two hundred and one and till 299 which is read as two hundred and ninety nine and this continues till nine hundred and ninety nine. Now, after nine hundred and ninety nine comes in 1000. 1000 in words is spelled as one thousand. The table that is given below is a reference table which helps you spell till one thousand.


In Words




Two Hundred


Three Hundred


Four Hundred


Five Hundred


Six Hundred


Seven Hundred


Eight Hundred


Nine Hundred


One Thousand or Thousand


Question 1: Write 66 in words.

Solution: The number in one’s place is six. Hence, there are 6 ones.

The number in ten’s place is six. Hence, there are 6 tens.

Therefore, 6 tens and 6 ones = 66. This can be read as sixty — six.

Question 2: Write 87 in words.

Solution: The number in one’s place is seven. Hence, there are 7 ones.

The number in ten’s place is eight. Hence, there are 8 tens.

Therefore, 8 tens and 7 ones = 87. This can be read as eighty-seven.

Practice Questions

Q 1. What is the numerical form of “Seven hundred seventy-eight”

Ans: 778

Q 2. Give the Number Name for 562

Ans: Five hundred sixty-two

Q3. Write the expanded form and then name the number 908

Ans: 900 + 8. Nine Hundred Eight.


Numbers in words are written using the English alphabet. Numbers can be expressed both in words and figures. Numbers in words can be written for all the natural numbers, based on the place value of digits, such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. A few, examples are 88 written as Eighty-eight, 56 written as Fifty-six, and so on. In this article, we have simplified all the rules that are to be followed when writing numbers in words.

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Using words to write short numbers makes your writing look clean and classy. In handwriting, words are easy to read and hard to mistake for each other. While you may not need to write longer numbers as words that much, it’s still helpful practice. This wikiHow will explain how you can write numbers as words.

  1. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 1


    Learn to write numbers from 1 to 9. This is where it all starts. Learn these, and the rest gets much easier:

    • 1 = one
    • 2 = two
    • 3 = three
    • 4 = four
    • 5 = five
    • 6 = six
    • 7 = seven
    • 8 = eight
    • 9 = nine
  2. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 2


    Write numbers from 10 to 19. Do you see how many of them look just like the numbers above, plus «teen» at the end? «Sixteen» (16) just means «six and ten» (6 + 10).

    • 10 = ten
    • 11 = eleven
    • 12 = twelve
    • 13 = thirteen
    • 14 = fourteen
    • 15 = fifteen
    • 16 = sixteen
    • 17 = seventeen
    • 18 = eighteen
    • 19 = nineteen


  3. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 3


    Count in tens from 20 to 90. Here’s how to write 20, 30, 40, and so on all the way to 100. You can recognize these numbers because they end in «ty» except 100).

    • 20 = twenty
    • 30 = thirty
    • 40 = forty
    • 50 = fifty
    • 60 = sixty
    • 70 = seventy
    • 80 = eighty
    • 90 = ninety
  4. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 4


    Combine words to write more numbers. Now you can write any number from 1 to 100. Let’s see how it works for the number 42:

    • 42 is written with two numbers: 4 2.
    • 2 is in the ones place, so this just equals 2. Write this as two.
    • 4 is in the tens place, so this is actually 40. Write this as forty.
    • Write the two parts together: forty-two. Don’t forget the — sign between them.
  5. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 5


    Count by hundreds. This part’s easy if you remember the basics. Just write the number as usual and add «hundred:»

    • 100 = one hundred
    • 200 = two hundred
    • 300 = three hundred (and so on)
  6. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 6


    Write any number from 100 to 999. Just write the hundreds place, then the rest of the number. You don’t need to write «and» or anything else between them. Here are some examples:

    • 120 = one hundred twenty
    • 405 = four hundred five
    • 556 = five hundred fifty-six
    • 999 = nine hundred ninety-nine
  7. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 7


    Test yourself. Try writing a few numbers as words. Work on these, then highlight the space after the = sign to see if you’re right:

    • 21 = twenty-one
    • 37 = thirty-seven
    • 49 = forty-nine
    • 255 = two hundred fifty-five
    • 876 = eight hundred seventy-six
  8. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 8


    Understand place values. We can tell what each digit in a number means based on where it is. Here’s what the first 9 place values are called:[1]

    • 1 → the ones place.
    • 10 → the tens place.
    • 100 → the hundreds place.
    • 1,000 → the thousands place.
    • 10,000 → the ten thousands place.
    • 100,000 → the hundred thousands place.
    • 1000,000 → the millions place.
    • 10,000,000 → the ten millions place.
    • 100,000,000 → the hundred millions place.
  2. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 9


    Add commas to long numbers. Start from the right side of the number, at the ones place. Count three digits to the left, then add a comma. Keep separating the number in groups of three.

    • For example, turn 458735 into 458,735.
    • Write 1510800 as 1,510,800.
    • You can use a period instead if that’s how people in your country write numbers.
  3. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 10


    Write the last two digits. Look at the two digits at the end of the number. This part is just like writing a normal two-digit number.

    • 5,467,350 looks hard, but don’t worry. Start with just the 50 at the end. Write this as fifty.
  4. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 11


    Write the hundreds place. The next digit is the hundreds place. This is an easy one. Just write the number in that place, then add the word «hundred.» Write this in front of your number.

    • In 5,467,350, the 3 is the hundreds place. Write this as ‘three hundred.
    • Now we have ‘three hundred fifty.
  5. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 12


    Look at the next chunk of three. You just wrote the hundreds, tens, and ones place. The next three numbers are the thousands «chunk.» These are the hundred thousands, ten thousands, and one thousands. Write these the same way, then add the word «thousand.»

    • In 5,467,350, the 467 is the thousands chunk.
    • Write the 4 as four hundred.
    • Write the 67 as sixty-seven.
    • Write the whole chunk as four hundred sixty-seven thousand.
    • Now we have four hundred sixty-seven thousand, three hundred fifty.
  6. Image titled Write Numbers in Words Step 13


    Do the same for the millions. The next chunk of three numbers are the millions. These are the hundred millions, ten millions, and one millions. This is just the same as before, but with millions at the end.

    • In 5,467,350, we only have a 5 in the millions place.
    • Write this as five million.
    • Finish writing the number: five million, four hundred sixty-seven thousand, three hundred fifty.
  7. Advertisement

Writing Numbers Practice and Answers

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  • Question

    Am I correct if I write 350 as three hundred and fifty.

    Community Answer

    Yes, that form is easily understood. However, as the above article explains, it can also be written as «three hundred fifty.»

  • Question

    How do I write a number with a decimal in words?


    For example, you might express 10.3 as «ten point three» or «ten and three-tenths.»

  • Question

    How do I write 1,105,000?


    One-million, one-hundred-five thousand.

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  • If the commas are confusing, you can write the number with gaps instead.[2]
    For instance, turn 20000000 as 20 000 000.

  • You don’t need to write «and» in the middle of the number. Write «one hundred three,» not «one hundred and three.»

  • It is standard practice to always write numbers under 11, such as three and seven, in words in essays, articles, correspondence etc and use figures for higher number such as 35 and 14,500.

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Article SummaryX

To write numbers in words, start by learning to write the numbers one through nine. Once you know those words, learn the words for the numbers ten through nineteen. Then, count in tens from twenty to ninety. From there, you can write any number from one to one hundred by combining the words you’ve learned! To count by hundreds, write the number as usual, add the word «hundred,» then write the rest of the number. For tips on writing numbers in the thousands and higher, read on!

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Using words to write numbers when writing something in English makes your work look classy and clean. More importantly, it makes your writing readable and eliminates the hurdle of reading numbers and words together. In handwriting, words are not just easy to write but also difficult to mistake for each other. Even though longer numbers that have a lot of zeros at the end are not as useful as writing shorter numbers, it is still an important skill to learn for a student.

English is the most common, if not the universal, language used in institutes specifically for teaching purposes. Therefore, a student must learn how to convert numbers to words in English when writing something that involves the use of numbers. If you struggle to write numbers in words on a daily basis, then you may need to hire a private tutor online to help you out. In the beginning, roman numerals were used to represent mathematical numbers when writing, such as 1-I, 2-II, 3-III, and 4-IV, etc. However, now the preferred way of representing numbers is to write them in English words.

Before you learn how to spell numbers in words or you start using them in English, you must get familiar with the basics. The precondition to learning how to spell numbers in words is to know how to count to ninety-nine.

Counting From One to Ninety Nine

Let’s start with one to nine because that is where it all starts. These few numbers make up the whole empire of maths. So, it is important to know how to write them in English before you learn something else. Once, your grasp on them is strong, learning the rest of the numbers feels like a piece of cake:

Number  Word 
1 One 
2 Two 
3 Three 
4 Four 
5 Five 
6 Six 
7 Seven
8 Eight 
9 Nine 

Now that you know how to write the first nine numbers in words, for example, how do you write 1 or 7 in words, it is time for you to move on to learning how to write numbers from ten to nineteen.

The key to learning and remembering this set of numbers is to keep one simple observation in mind that most of the numbers (except ten, eleven, and twelve) are just their basic spelling (from one to nine) with the word “teen” at their end.

For instance, “Fourteen” (14) is just a combination of four and ten and means “four plus ten” (4 + 10). So, if you are worried about how to write 13 or 12 in words, this small and simple hack has got your back.

Moreover, learning all the words from one to twenty will enable you to spell higher numbers in words. Another reason to learn every number from one to twenty in English is that every number word’s spelling (from one to twenty) is different from other numbers.

Numbers  Words 
10 Ten 
11 Eleven 
12 Twelve 
13 Thirteen 
14 Fourteen 
15 Fifteen 
16 Sixteen 
17 Seventeen 
18 Eighteen 
19 Nineteen 

Once you know how to write from one to twenty in words, you can then proceed to learn about the rest of the numbers because your base is now strong. You can, at this point, learn to write any number you want in English whether it is how to write 50 in words, how to write 20 in words, or how to write 100.

The next step for you is to count from twenty to ninety in tens. Here is a demonstration of how to spell 20, 30, 40, 50, and so on all the way up to 100 in English.

One little hack for you here is that all these numbers, spelled in ten, end in the letters ‘ty’ except for 100.

Numbers  Words 
20 Twenty 
30 Thirty 
40 Forty 
50 Fifty 
60 Sixty 
70 Seventy 
80 Eighty 
90 Ninety 

Combining Words to Write More Numbers

You can write any number from one to hundred if your basics are strong. Let’s see an example of the number 56:

  • 56 is written with two numbers: 5 and 6
  • 6 is in the ones place and it is written as it is.
  • 5 is in the tens place and so it is written as fifty.
  • Write fifty and six together and add a hyphen between them.
  • So, 56 = fifty-six

Then you have the hundreds which are easy to write if you remember the basic numbers and their spellings. All you need to do is add the word ‘hundred’ after each number.

Numbers (Hundreds) Words
100 One Hundred
200 Two Hundred
300 Three Hundred
400 Four Hundred
500 Five Hundred
600 Six Hundred
700 Seven Hundred
800 Eight Hundred
900 Nine Hundred

With the knowledge to write from one to hundred, any student can write any number higher than hundred. You just have to write the hundreds place, and then the rest of the numerical.

For example:

  • 130 will be one hundred thirty
  • 405 will be four hundred five
  • 666 will be six hundred sixty-six
  • 809 will be eight hundred eighty-nine 

Writing Long Numbers

Before you start writing longer numbers, it is important for you to understand place values. Based on where a digit is situated in a number it can mean something different, so you can’t mess up the place of the digit if you want to get the number right. Here are the first nine place values:

Numbers  Place Values
1 the ones place
10 the tens place
100 the hundreds place
1,000 the thousands place
10,000 the ten thousands place
100,000 the hundred thousands place
1,000,000 the millions place
10,000,000 the ten millions place
100,000,000 the hundred millions place

When writing higher numbers, you’ve to add commas. To add a comma, count three digits, starting from the right and add a comma. Repeat this to separate the number in groups of three.

For instance, 

1200567 will be 1,200,567. 

You can also add a period instead of a comma; if that is how the numbering system works where you live.

Writing Fractions in Words

If the denominator is the number 2, then such fractions are written as halves. So, 12is written as “one-half“, 23 is “two-halves“ and 192 is “nineteen-halves“, etc.

For the number 3 as denominator, the fractions are written as “third-thirds“. For 4, the fractions are “fourth/fourths“. And for 27, the fractions are “twenty-sevenths“, etc.

Writing Mixed Numbers in Words

Mixed numbers are numbers that have a whole number and a fraction together. Let’s look at an example to see how you can write a mixed number:

Consider 745 as the sample number. When writing it in words, it will be “seven and four-fifths“.


There you have it. A comprehensive guide to working out how to spell numbers in words. Follow our guide and you will become the best at writing numbers in words in your class.

Best of luck!

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December 4, 2020
Numbers in English


Writing numbers in English language is relatively easy.

Numbers from 1 to 100 spelling is where you should start if you want to learn counting numbers in English with no mistakes.

In fact, from one to hundred spelling rules are not that complicated. You will only need to learn and practice 30 words plus the coordination conjunction “and”.

Obviously, a basic understanding of the English numbers spelling rules will be important.
It will be easy. Let’s begin.

Writing numbers 1 to 20

Here are the main cardinal numbers in English from 1 to 20. They will allow you to know how to form the other numbers up to 1000.
Once you understand the logic for writing numbers from 1 to 10, you will learn to write and count numbers in a short time. So, our goal in the first place should be to learn the numbers from 1 to 2 in English. In a second step, you will be able to easily learn the numbers from 10 to 100.

Spelling numbers from 1 to 12

Unfortunately, there are no rules for counting and writing numbers from 1 to 12. So, you have to memorize and learn them by heart one by one.

  • 1 :  one
  • 2 : two
  • 3 : three
  • 4 : four
  • 5 : five
  • 6 : six
  • 7 : seven
  • 8 : eight
  • 9 : nine
  • 10  ten
  • 11 : eleven
  • 12 : twelve

1 to 100 Spelling Chart

English numbers from 13 to 20

Learning numbers from 13 to 19 is very easy. These numbers are formed from the digits 3 to 9. To learn them, you only need to apply a simple rule. You write the number and then add the suffix -teen at the end.

  • 13 : thirteen
  • 14 : fourteen
  • 15 : fifteen
  • 16 : sixteen
  • 17 : seventeen
  • 18 : eighteen
  • 19 : nineteen

Numbers in English 1 to 100 spelling

When you are learning a new language, practice and learn counting by ones to 100 is an absolute must. So, let’s have a look at numbers from 1 to 100 in English.

Spelling tens 10 to 100

To write the tens from one to a hundred in English, it’s really very basic. Just add the suffix “-ty” to the numbers from 1 to 9.

  • 10 : ten
  • 20 : twenty
  • 30 : thirty
  • 40 : forty
  • 50 : fifty
  • 60 : sixty
  • 70 : seventy
  • 80 : eighty
  • 90 : ninety
  • 100 : hundred

Please pay attention to FORTY which has no U, unlike FOUR. And also, to EIGHTY which has only one T.

The pronunciation of some numbers in English is very close but very different and very meaningful.

So be careful, don’t confuse 13 and 30, 14 and 40, 15 and 50, 16 and 60, 17 and 70, 18 and 80, 19 and 90

Compound numbers 21 to 100

To write compound numbers to a hundred, add the tens + a digit from 1-10 and separate them with a hyphen.

  • 21 : twentyone
  • 37 : thirtyseven
  • 44 : fortyfour
  • 52 : fiftytwo
  • 67 : sixtyseven
  • 75 : seventyfive
  • 83 : eightythree
  • 99 : ninetynine

Spelling Chart : One to Hundred Counting in English

0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four
5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine
10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen
15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen
20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twentytwo 23 twentythree 24 twentyfour
25 twentyfive 26 twentysix 27 twentyseven 28 twentyeight 29 twentynine
30 thirty 31 thirtyone 32 thirtytwo 33 thirtythree 34 thirtyfour
35 thirtyfive 36 thirtysix 37 thirtyseven 38 thirtyeight 39 thirtynine
40 forty 41 fortyone 42 fortytwo 43 fortythree 44 fortyfour
45 fortyfive 46 fortysix 47 fortyseven 48 fortyeight 49 fortynine
50 fifty 51 fiftyone 52 fiftytwo 53 fiftythree 54 fiftyfour
55 fiftyfive 56 fiftysix 57 fiftyseven 58 fiftyeight 59 fiftynine
60 sixty 61 sixtyone 62 sixtytwo 63 sixtythree 64 sixtyfour
65 sixtyfive 66 sixtysix 67 sixtyseven 68 sixtyeight 69 sixtynine
70 seventy 71 seventyone 72 seventytwo 73 seventythree 74 seventyfour
75 seventyfive 76 seventysix 77 seventyseven 78 seventyeight 79 seventynine
80 eighty 81 eightyone 82 eightytwo 83 eightythree 84 eightyfour
85 eightyfive 86 eightysix 87 eightyseven 88 eightyeight 89 eightynine
90 ninety 91 ninetyone 92 ninetytwo 93 ninetythree 94 ninetyfour
95 ninetyfive 96 ninetysix 97 ninetyseven 98 ninetyeight 99 ninetynine
100 one hundred 1000 one thousand 10000 ten thousand 100000 one hundred thousand 1000000 one million

Writing numbers worksheets and charts

Here are some English teacher resources. You can download and print these charts and worksheets for free and use them in the classroom or at home with your child.

You can download as images and it will print on an A4 sheet (Click the image then save it to your PC). Also, all these printable charts are available as a 1 to 100 numbers in English words PDF.

100 Counting Chart
100 Counting Chart
1 to 100 Spelling Chart
1 to 100 Spelling Chart
Trace the Numbers and Words1 to 10
Trace the Numbers and Words1 to 10
Trace The Dashed Numbers
Trace The Dashed Numbers
Number Matching 1-12
Number Matching 1-12

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