Write each word with ing use the double consonant rules


1 Write each word with ing. Use the double consonant rules. 1 walk walking 2 sit 4 get 5 draw 7 shout 8 shop 3 read 6 swim 9 listen​

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To write a verb ending in -ING you need to know the correct spelling.

General Rule

In general you just add -ING to the end of a verb.

Infinitive ING form
to eat eating
to go going
to look looking
to read reading
  • I am eating
  • They are going to the beach.
  • He is looking at the painting
  • She is reading a book.

BUT there are some exceptions!

-ING Spelling Exceptions

Verbs ending in Consonant + E

When a word ends in consonant + E, we remove the E from the end and add ING.

Infinitive ING form
to dance dancing
to make making
to ride riding
to write writing
  • She is dancing.
  • I am making a sandwich.
  • He is riding his bike.
  • Susan is writing a letter.

Verbs ending in IE

But when a word ends in I + E, we remove the IE from the end and add YING.

Infinitive ING form
to die dying
to lie lying
to tie tying
  • Many people are dying from the virus.
  • I know you are lying to me.
  • He is tying his laces.

Verbs with one syllable ending in consonant + vowel + consonant

When a verb with one syllable ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, we double (make two of) the final consonant and add ING.

Infinitive ING form
to cut cutting
to run running
to sit sitting
to stop stopping
to swim swimming
  • He is cutting an onion.
  • They are running in the park.
  • We are sitting on our chairs.
  • The policeman is stopping the traffic.
  • She is swimming in the pool.

Verbs ending in W or X or Y

When a word ends in a W, X or Y, we do NOT double that final letter before add ING. Notice how there is a vowel before each letter.

Infinitive ING form
to enjoy enjoying
to fix fixing
to follow following
to play playing
to snow snowing
  • Are you enjoying the party?
  • The mechanic is fixing the car.
  • I think someone is following
  • He is playing with his marbles.
  • It is snowing right now.

Last syllable NOT stressed

When a verb has two or more syllables and the last syllable is NOT stressed, we do NOT double the final letter before adding ING.

The verb OPEN has two syllables…. O + PEN.

Since the first syllable is stressed (O-pen) and not the last syllable (we do not say o-PEN), we do not double the final N.
So we just add ING to the end and it now becomes OPENING.

Here are some more examples. Listen to how the last syllable of each verb is NOT stressed. Usually the first syllable is stressed.

Infinitive ING form
to happen happening
to listen listening
to offer offering
to open opening
to visit visiting
to whisper whispering
  • What is happening right now?
  • I am listening to the radio.
  • My boss is offering me a new position.
  • They are opening their presents.
  • They are visiting the museum.
  • They are whispering because the baby is asleep.

The verb kidnap is an exception to this rule. The first syllable has the stress (KID-nap) we for this word we do double the final P.

  • Kidnap -> kidnapping

C+V+C Last syllable IS stressed

When a verb has two or more syllables and ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant and the last syllable IS stressed, we double the final consonant before adding ING

The verb BEGIN has two syllables…. BE + GIN.

Since the last syllable is stressed (be-GIN) and not the first syllable (we do not say BE-gin), we double the final N.

So we just add an extra N before ING and it now becomes BEGINNING.

Here are some more examples. Listen to how the last syllable of each verb IS stressed.

Infinitive ING form
to admit admitting
to begin beginning
to forget forgetting
to refer referring
to submit submitting
to upset upsetting
  • Admitting your mistake was a brave thing to do.
  • She’s beginning to feel tired.
  • I’m sure I am forgetting
  • Are you referring to this one or that one?
  • He is submitting a new proposal.
  • I’m sorry for upsetting

You can see we only double consonants in stressed syllables.

Verbs ending in consonant + vowel + L

There are two ways of spelling a verb ending in a consonant + vowel + L.

In BRITISH English, you double the final L.
In AMERICAN English, you do NOT double the final L unless it is stressed.

The first syllable of the verb travel is stressed (TRA-vel)
The last syllable of the verb control is stressed (con-TROL)

Infinitive ING form
(British English)
ING form
(American English)
to equal equalling equaling
to travel travelling traveling
to control controlling controlling *

* Notice how there is a double L in controlling in American English. That is because the last syllable of the verb control is stressed (con-TROL)

  • Sales are currently equalling those the same time last year.
  • There were travelling around Europe until the virus stopped everything.
  • They are now controlling the company.

Summary Chart

ING spelling rules in English

Lesson tags: British vs American, Continuous Tense, ING, Present Continuous, Spelling, Verbs
Back to: English Course > Doing Things

Asked by: Sonia Deckow

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When adding certain endings such as -ed, -ing, -er, and -est to words, we sometimes double consonants. These endings represent the past tense, progressive tense, comparative, and superlative respectively.

How do you know when to double the consonant before adding ing?

The spelling rule is: if the word has 1 syllable (a word with one vowel sound), 1 vowel and it ends in 1 consonant, you double the final consonant before you add ‘ing’, ‘ed’, ‘er’, ‘est’ (also known as a suffixal vowel). You don’t double the consonant if the word ends in ‘tion’ (also known as a suffixal consonant).

Why are some consonants doubled?

Doubling to Protect the Vowel

Now for the second part: consonants are double to “protect” the short vowel for words ending in consonant+le or consonant+y. Think of words like “apple” and “happy”. Double letters are added in these cases because consonant+le and consonant+y endings are syllables on their own.

What is the rule for double consonants?

In a word with 1 syllable, double the final consonant ONLY if the word ends in 1 vowel + 1 consonant. In a word with 2 or more syllables, double the final consonant ONLY if the word ends in 1 vowel + 1 consonant AND the final syllable is stressed.

When adding ING What is the rule?

when a one-syllable verb ends in vowel + consonant, double the final consonant and add «-ing». For example: «hit + ing = hitting». When a verb ends in vowel + consonant with stress on the final syllable, double the consonant and add «-ing». For example: «begin + ing = beginning».

35 related questions found

How do you teach ing endings?

Rules of Adding -ING

  1. Double Final Consonant – When a verb ends in the consonant, vowel, consonant combination, double the last consonant. …
  2. Remove the -E – When a verb ends in a consonant followed by -e, remove the last -e of the word.

How do you add ing to a lie?

Lie is a verb which means ‘to be in or put yourself into a flat position’. It is an irregular verb and it doesn’t take an object. The -ing form is lying and the past simple is lay.

What is a double consonant example?

A double consonant is a consonant letter occurring twice in succession in a word. For example the ‘nn’ in tunnel is a double consonant. … When adding certain suffixes to the endings of words such as -ed, -ing, -er, and -est to words, we sometimes use double consonants.

What is a double consonant called?

Double consonant or doubled consonant may refer to: Gemination, the doubling or lengthening of the pronunciation of a consonant sound. A digraph consisting of a repeated consonant.

What does a double consonant mean?

1 : a consonant letter occurring twice in succession in a word (as nn in tunnel)

Does English have double consonants?

Double consonants are frequently found in words that have a suffix added to them. I dropped the heavy bags to the floor. Even though there’s only one syllable “dropt,” the word is written as if it had two syllables. When adding certain endings such as -ed, -ing, -er, and -est to words, we sometimes double consonants.

Why do you double the N in beginning?

1 Answer. The difference between planned, penned, beginning which have double n’s, and happening with a single n is the stressed syllable. When the syllable that ends in n is stressed, we double the n if another syllable starting with a vowel sound follows it.

What is a final consonant?

Double final consonants are an English phonics spelling rule that teaches us that usually, when a word has one syllable with one short vowel and ends in /s/, /l/, /f/, or /z/, the final consonant will be doubled. … Notice that all of these words have one syllable, which means one vowel sound.

How do you teach double consonant endings?

The doubling rule states that if a one syllable word ends with a vowel and a consonant, double the consonant before adding the ending (e.g. -ed, -ing).

What are double ending words?

So, let’s review what we have learned about these double letter endings for English words:

  • These guidelines apply for one- and two-syllable words in English that end with single vowel and then the double letter.
  • These double letters are: -ll, -ff, -ss, and -zz.
  • The -ll and -ss endings are very common.

Is Blossom a double consonant?

Blossom is also a double consonant (ss) word. View the double consonant words list. Blossom is set as a grade six word that starts with b, ends with m, 2 syllables, 2 vowels and 7 letters.

What is the difference between double consonants and different consonants?

Lesson Summary

The consonants are the rest of the letters in the alphabet. Double consonant rules tell you whether or not you will double the last consonant of a word before adding a suffix beginning with a vowel. A suffix is an ending you add on to a word that changes its meaning.

Are double consonants digraphs?

Digraphs may consist of two different characters (heterogeneous digraphs) or two instances of the same character (homogeneous digraphs). In the latter case, they are generally called double (or doubled) letters. … Doubled consonant letters can also be used to indicate a long or geminated consonant sound.

Is lying in bed correct?

Hi! Mary Lying in bed is correct. Both “laying” and “lying” are the present participles of the verbs “lay” and “lie.” “Lay” is a transitive verb that refers to putting something in a horizontal position, while“lie” is an intransitive verb that refers to being in a flat position.

Is lay past present or future?

The principal parts (most-common verb forms) of lie are: lie (present,) lay (past) and lain (past participle).

What is difference between lay and lie?

Lay is a verb that commonly means “to put or set (something) down.” Lie is a verb that commonly means “to be in or to assume a horizontal position” (or “to make an untrue statement,” but we’ll focus on the first definition).

How do you explain ing ending?

Purpose of the -ING Suffix When you add -ING to the end of a word, you change its tense to the present participle. This suffix can be used to change a standard verb into a verbal adjective to describe the present action of the noun. Words with the -ING suffix can also be used as adjectives.

How do you teach ing?

Model the correct “-ing” form of the verb for each one. As you continue to do this, your child should begin to include the “-ing” on some of them by herself. Once she can label the cards using an “-ing” ending, start asking her the same question about other pictures or real people.

In this session, we would be working to understand the double consonant rule that is frequently found in the words which have the suffix words added to those words. For instance, let’s see the example which will help to gain a better understanding.

  • She was not able to hold the bags and dropped them on the floor. 

Now, you can see that the word has only one syllable as “dropt” but it is written in the form of two syllables. 

Examples of Double Consonant Words

But there is one thing which you need to ensure is that these consonants are not always doubled by adding the suffixes. It is very important to get insights into all the spelling rules with double consonants. 
Let’s have a look at some examples of double consonant words along with sentences where they are used.

Word Examples
Attic I have many photographs and old possessions in my attic. 
Address What is your new home address? 
Beginning My hair is beginning to go grey. 
Collect Some people like to collect things, for example, football stickers.  
Happen The future is things that are yet to happen. 
Brilliant I have a brilliant driving instructor. 
Bitter Lemons have a bitter taste. 
Difficult The conversion from Dollars to Yen was difficult to make. 
Aggressive She had been aggressive in the argument. 
Necessary I will be happier with this project when I have finished all the necessary modifications. 
Successfully The challenge was completed successfully. 
Annoyed You will be annoyed if the pancake gets scorched. 
Apparatus Do you have the correct apparatus for this experiment? 
Brilliant I have a brilliant driving instructor. 
Collection A record is a collection of related information. 
Traffic The police started to divert the traffic. 
Channel The rainwater was passed through an underground channel. 

Double Consonant Spelling Rules for Suffix -ing, -ed.

As you see the double consonants are frequently been used or found in words that have a suffix added to the end of the words. For example:

  • She dropped the heavy bag in the car.
  • He cropped all the pictures that she would upload on social media.
  • It occurred to me that you should work on weekends as well.

As you can see that there is only one syllable “drop” but the word is written as if it had two syllables and hence it becomes “dropped” and not “droped”. Similarly, the words “crop”, “occur” also have one syllable but it is written as “cropped”, “occurred”.

When you are adding certain endings to the words such as -ed, -ing, – er, and -est, then the words tend to have double consonants. These ending will represent the past tense, progressive tense, comparative and superlative respectively. But this is not necessary, the consonants are not always being doubled when you add thee suffixes. Therefore, it is essential to learn the rules of spelling words with double consonants.

Tip: Want to make sure your writing always looks great? These 5 Pro Writing Tips can save you from misspellings, grammatical and punctuation mistakes, and other writing issues.

1. Add Suffix in Single-Syllable Words

Suppose you are trying to add the suffix to just one-syllable words, then you need to follow the “Consonant-Vowel-Consonant” Rule. 

If you check the last three letters of the one-syllable word then the last consonant should be doubled by adding the ending. 

Consider the examples below:

  • The word “drop” becomes dropped or dropping.
  • The word “big” becomes bigger or biggest.
  • Drop – Dropped- Dropping
  • Big-Bigger-Biggest
  • Crop-Cropped-Cropping
  • Occur-Occurred-Occurring

When the last three letters of the word don’t follow the CVC pattern, don’t double the last consonant: The word “rest” becomes rested, not restted.

2. Adding Suffix to Multi Syllable Words

If you are trying to add a suffix to a word with more than just one syllable. Then the issue is not with the consonants or vowels. But you need to focus on the syllables which are stressed or emphasized. 

If you are stressing are on the first syllable, you need not double the consonant. Let’s check the example given below. 

  • The word “begin” becomes beginning.

In the above example, you can see that the double consonants are used because the emphasis is placed on the second syllable of “begin.”

  • The word “visit” becomes visiting or visited.

Here, in this sentence, you can see that the double consonants are not necessary because the emphasis is placed on the first syllable of “visit.”

In case you are in doubt, it may be helpful to pronounce these two-syllable words out loud to determine which syllable is stressed. This will help you decide whether to use double consonants.

We bring some examples of the words on which we have applied suffixes -ing, -ed, -y, -est, -er.

  • Whir – Whirring
  • Occur – Occurring
  • Commit – Committed
  • Ship – Shipped
  • Mud – Muddy
  • Fit – Fittest
  • Big – Bigger
  • Sad – Saddest
  • Stop – Stopped

Note: You can see that there are words that can have certain endings such as -ed, -ing, -er,  and also -est. Here you can easily use the double consonant rule. These word endings might also represent the past tense, progressive tense, comparative sense or superlative respectively. 


You can see that these are the ground rules that you need to remember while you are writing more than speaking. It will help you to carefully notice the difference and identify the double consonants which are being used more quickly. So, we hope that you actually enjoyed the double consonant. You can share your views through comments in the section below. Englishbix will always help you to take a few minutes to explore all the grammar stuff. 

Form ing formation. Ending ing in english

when the consonant doubles before ing

The verb in the form of an infinitive or gerund is very common in English and at first gives beginners a lot of difficulties. Gerund mistaken for present continuous, although the gerund looks like a verb with ing and is never used with be. For example, in the sentence «I go swimming to the lake in summer», swimming is a gerund. We will translate it as “I walk to swim to the lake in summer. «

Infinitive with the to particle causes a lot of translation difficulties. Very often in Russian, you need to use additional words or a subordinate clause. For example, a simple sentence «He stood up to say something» as soon as they do not translate, until they guess that the correct option would be «He stood up, (tosomething say».

English verb forms

In total, there are 5 options for what an English verb might look like:

— the initial form of the verb (infinitive) — the verb with the ending -s (es) — We use for the present simple — the verb with the ending ing — we use it for the tenses continuous, as a gerund, participle or adjective. — the verb with the ending –ed (2 and 3 the form)

— irregular verbs (2 and 3 forms)

The most common are 2 forms of the verb — infinitiveи verb ending ing… These 2 forms are included in different tenses, are used in conjunction with modal verbs, and often I convey only an additional action, without reference to the time. We will talk about the latter case in our article.

Remember an important rule:

An infinitive or gerund is a verb that is not part of the predicate and does not carry tense.

Other names you may come across: Complex object, to-infinitive and verb -ing.

So, we already know that verbs are not always predicate, it does not always convey tense. In Russian, you can often find a verb in an indefinite form (initial form):

He wanted help.
«Help» is the initial form of the verb, it is free of tense. In English grammar, this topic is called “Infinitive and gerund «.

Infinitive (infinitive) is a verb in its initial form, a verb unchanged. The infinitive is usually preceded by the particle to.

Gerund (gerund, ing-clause, participle with -ing) is a verb with the ending ing that is not part of the continuous. It is never preceded by the to particle.

When there are several verbs in a row in an English sentence, the first is a predicate (responsible for the tense), and the next verb, free of tense, is in the form of an infinitive / gerund. There can be several such verbs in one sentence.

The infinitive and gerund are usually found in the second half of a sentence. But you may encounter situations where to-infinitive or ing-verb begin a sentence. The infinitive / gerund will not always appear in the second half of the sentence. But in most cases, you will find them in this position.

When in a Russian sentence you see a verb in its initial form («to do», «to play», «to worry»), then in English, most likely, it will be translated by an infinitive («to do», «worry»), less often — by a gerund. There is practically no difference when translating the infinitive and the gerund.

The infinitive and the gerund are translated in several ways: — the initial form of the verb («to do») — the participle («doing») — the subordinate clause («to do»).

— gerund can also be translated by a noun

Unfortunately, there are no clear rules for the use of these two forms. Native speakers often use these 2 forms on a whim or because it is so common in the area. But still, there are general guidelines for choosing the right form of the verb, let’s study them.

Usually the infinitive or gerund is chosen based on what it costs in front of him:— verb — verb + object — adjective

— preposition

There is a list of verbs, after which the next going verb is usually put in the form of an infinitive or in the form of a gerund. The list of such verbs must be memorized.

Now let’s look at the basic rules that the infinitive or gerund obeys.


English has verbs followed by the to-infinitive to indicate an additional action.

List of verbs followed by the to infinitive

want — wantneed — needplan — plandecide — decide, make a decisionoffer — offerhope — hopepromise — promise try — tryforget — forget learn — learn

Link would — would like

I promised to call you later. — I promise to call you later.
He forgot tocall me. — He forgot to call me.

The infinitive usually follows the verb. But often they can be separated by the object to which the predicate action is directed.

I Asked Mike to call me… — I AM asked Singlet call.
Between the verb asked and the infinitive to come there is an object (Mike) to which the action is directed.

Very often we indicate the object after the following verbs:ask — asktell — talkadvice — adviseexpect — expectpersuade — persuade

teach — teach

Specifics of using the infinitive after make, let and help

After verbs make and let alwayswe use the infinitive, but without the to particle.

The let verb conveys the meaning of «allow».
let me go… — Let me go. (Let me go).

In the imperative mood, we went through the conjunction let’s, which in its full version looks like the verb let with the object us.
let’s = let us — let us (literally)

When there is another verb after make, which in this case the verb make means «to force (someone to do)». After make, we indicate who the action is directed at (we indicate the object).
Make John work… — Make John work.

After the verb helpwe can specify the infinitive with or without the to particle. This does not change the meaning.
Help me finish my work. = Help me finish my work. — Help me finish the job.

Infinitive after adjectives in English

If you need to put a verb after a verb link to be + adjective, then use the infinitive with the to particle. Please note that we translate the to be + adjective into Russian with an adverb.

It is difficult to understand English. — It’s hard to understand English.
difficult — difficult (adjective), but we translate it into Russian with the adverb “difficult”.

Popular phrases: It’s good to — It’s nice (of you) to — It’s nice I’m sorry to — Sorry for

I’m happy to — I’m happy

Infinitive for indicating the reason for the action

If an English speaking person wants to indicate reason for action (the purpose for which it is performed), then it will use the infinitive with the to particle. When translating into Russian, you need to use a subordinate clause, which begins with the words: «in order to» or a shorter version «to».
I saw Make and stop tosay Hello. — I saw Mike and stopped, to say hello.


Gerund is a cross between a verb and a noun. Because of this, it is translated in different ways — with a noun, and a verb, and a participle, although the gerund is always formed from verbs. In English, the gerund is grammatically closer to a noun than to a verb.

Gerund after prepositions

If after the first verb (predicate) there is a preposition, then we always use the second verb with the ending –ing. This is one of the «reinforced» rules that you should know well.

General scheme:
predicate + preposition + gerund
Keep on working… — Continue work.

Verbs followed by a gerund

List of popular verbs, after which it is customary to use gerund.

Verbs that indicate the beginning, duration or end of a process: start *, begin * — start stop — stop finish — finish give up (= stop) — stop continue * — continue carry on / go on / keep (on) (= continue) — continue

* after these verbs, you can use not only the gerund, but the infinitive. This does not change the meaning.

Source: https://ortait.ru/obrazovanie-ing-formy-okonchanie-ing-v-angliiskom-yazyke/

Present Continuous in English: Education and Use

when the consonant doubles before ing

The tenses of the English language Present Simple and Present Continuous are the most used ways to express actions in the present. However, everything is not so simple with Present Continuous time as it might seem at first glance.

Never become an expert who has stopped learning. Consider your life as a long educational process.

~ Denis Waitley

Present Continuous / Progressive describes events that are reliable at the time of the conversation, but which can change at any time. Moreover, Present Continuous can also convey future actions.

In this article we will tell you how Present Continuous is used, how it differs from other times and when it should be used.

Present Continuous tense in English

Everything that is happening now or is related to the present, which is relevant, but which can change, is transmitted using Present Continuous time.

Present continuous tense, or as it is often called Present Progressive Tense, is translated into Russian as the present long or present continuous tense of the verb. As it is already clear from the name itself, this time shows the duration, the process of action that occurs at the moment of speech.

The formation of the Present Long-term action takes place according to completely different rules than the formation of the Present Simple time.

Formation of the affirmative form Present Continuous

Present Long Tense Formation Support Table in English

Let’s first get acquainted with the fact how Present Continuous Tense is formed… It refers to compound tenses, since even in affirmative sentences it consists of an auxiliary and a main verb.

An auxiliary verb for the present for a long time is the verb to be in the present tense, or rather its forms am, is, are. The ending -ing is added to the main verb, which will denote the action being performed.

To form an affirmative sentence in Present Continuous, use one of the verb forms be (am / is / are) and the main verb with the ending -ing.

It is important to remember that the auxiliary verb to be always agrees with the subject, that is, its form am / is / are must correspond to the number and person of the subject. Let’s consider in more detail in examples:

  • I am reading a book (Rus. I am reading a book): I — subject, am — auxiliary verb (consistent with the subject), reading — the main verb (inconsistent with the subject, frozen form).
  • He is working as a secretary now (Russian. He is now working as a secretary): he is the subject, is is an auxiliary verb (agrees with the subject), working is the main verb (does not agree with the subject, the frozen form)
  • Hey, you are eating my ice-cream (Russian Hey, you eat my ice cream): you — subject, are — auxiliary verb (consistent with the subject), eating — main verb (inconsistent with the subject, frozen form)

Examples of affirmative sentences in Present Continuous with translation:

Sample sentencesRussian translation

He’s still doing his homework in the classroom. He is still doing his homework in class.
They’re sleeping at the moment. They are already (now) asleep.
We are working right now. We are working now.
look! Children are playing and laughing. Look! Children play games and laugh.
We’re going to the country in summer. We will go out of town in the summer.
The sun is shining in the sky. The sun is shining in the sky. (= It’s sunny now)

In colloquial speech, are often used abbreviated forms of the linking verb to be: I’m, You’re, He’s / She’s / It’s, etc.

If there are homogeneous predicates in a sentence, then the linking verb to be is usually omitted, for example:

James and Sally are spending the evening together, watching a new video.

Rules for adding the ending -ing to Present Continuous

Reference table adding the ending -ing to form a Present Continuous.

When forming Present Continuous Tense, as a general rule, we add the ending — ing to the verb. However, there are a number of verbs that require a little transformation when adding such an ending.

Consider basic rules for adding the ending -ing for Present Continuous education.

Rule № 1

If the verb ends in ththen this final vowel is omitted:

make — making, drive — driving

Rule № 2

If the verb consists of 1 syllable and ends with 1 vowel and 1 consonant, then the consonant is doubled:

Source: https://ienglish.ru/blog/grammatika-angliiskogo-iazika/vremena-angliiskogo-glagola/904-present-continuous-v-angliiskom

Gerund in English

when the consonant doubles before ing

Gerund Is an impersonal form of an English verb with a suffix -ing, which combines the features of a noun and a verb and carries a connotation of the meaning of a certain process.

For example: painting — drawing reading — reading

playing — game

In Russian, there is no such form as a gerund. Verbal nouns and verbs in an indefinite form will be close in meaning:

waiting — waiting, waiting
singing — singing, singing

Gerund formations

Gerund is formed from any verbs except modal. Simply adding «-ing» is the formation of a gerund. However, you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  1. If the end of the verb is «-e», then when adding «-ing» it disappears:
    to bake — baking;
    to reservee — reserving.
  2. If the verb ends in a consonant preceded by a stressed short vowel, it is necessary to double the final vowel and only then add «-ing»:

to begin — beginning;
to run — runaccession.

3. Verbs with the last stressed syllable and ending in «-r»Also need a doubled last consonant. However, the stressed syllable should not contain diphthongs (sounds, the articulation of which implies the transition from one vowel sound type to another):

to star — starring;
to wear — wearing.

4. If at the end of a word there is a letter «-l«, Then it doubles in any case:

to tell — telling;
to sell — selling.

5. If the infinitive ends with «-ie«, Then there is a replacement for» —y«:

to lie — lying;
I’m sorryie — dying.

Negative gerund form formed by a particle Notewhich is placed before the gerund form:

for coming in time — for coming on time

for Note coming in time — for not coming on time

However, not all so simple.

The present participle has the same «-ing» ending. How not to confuse? Remember that the gerund — although it comes from a verb, but acts as a noun. And the participle does not behave like a noun, but describes another word.

At the same time, the gerund never has an article and a plural form, and this is how it differs from a noun. Difference between a noun with an ending -ing and the gerund is that the noun with -ing denotes an object, and a gerund conveys a process (-nation, -nation).

The gerund functions in the sentence

Gerund can serve in a sentence:

1) subject:

Travelling is a very pleasant and useful thing.— Traveling (travel) is very pleasant and useful.

2) the nominal part of the predicate:

His hobby is collecting

Source: https://vk.com/@sf_eng-gerundii-v-angliiskom-yazyke

What does the ending ing mean in english

Long (progressive) times do not indicate an action or state, as it happens in tailored tensions, but the process of performing this action. Below we will consider the features of the construction of verbs and when to use the ending ing.

Formation of verbs with the ending ‑ing

The ending ing have three parts of speech:

  • Verbal nouns (nouns derived from a verb);
  • Present participles or type I participles (that is, they are translated into Russian as a verb with the suffix -yusch, -asch, -usch, for example “doing”; or gerunds, for example “doing”);
  • Gerund (denotes an action, a process).

The ending ing forms forms with both regular and irregular verbs and is pronounced like a sound [ŋ].

When forming verb forms with the ending ing keep in mind the following features:

If a verb ends in a vowel e… then it goes down:

If the verb ends in a consonant, and before it a stressed short vowel sound, then the last consonant is doubled (so that the stressed sound remains closed and its pronunciation does not change):

Also ending ing not added after verbs expressing feelings and thoughts (state verbs):

  • (like),
  • love (be in love),
  • smell (smell),
  • hear (hear) and others.

Modal verbs also cannot form verb forms with this ending. But depending on the context of the sentence, some verbs in one case cannot have an end ing… and in another they can:

  • It smells terrible. — It smells awful.
  • A perfumer is smelling new fragrants. — The perfumer smells new scents.

The first sentence says that some object smells awful. And here we are talking about the state of the object, and it cannot be expressed by the process ing.

But in the second example, just the process of a perfumer’s work on checking aromas is shown, so in the second sentence the verb «smell» is considered as a long process in the present tense (present continuous), which we’ll talk about next.

And another example for consolidation:

  • I think we won’t dress this clothes. — I think we will not wear these clothes (here the verb «think» expresses the state in which the person is).
  • I am thinking how I can decide this question. — I think how can I solve this issue (and here the verb “think” expresses the process of a person thinking about a problem).

That is, if feelings and thoughts express some kind of process, then the ending can be added to them ing.

Ending ing — spelling rules

The letter «y»Remains

If the verb ends with the letter «y «, Then it does not change when adding an ending —ing… as opposed to adding an ending -ed .

  • to carry → carrying
  • to studyy → studying
  • to play → playing
  • to try → trying
  • to knowy → saying
  • to worky → worrying

Doubling consonants

Doubling occurs when adding —ing… if the verb ends with one consonant, before which there is a stressed vowel sound .

  • to get → ge tt ing
  • to hit → hi tt ing
  • to run → ru nn ing
  • to occ ur → occu rr ing
  • to ref er → refe rr ing
  • to beg in → begi nn ing
  • to st op → sto pp ing
  • to forg et → forge tt ing

When adding —ing doubling of consonants does not occur if the stress is not on the forthcoming vowel, or the forthcoming one is a long vowel (digraph).

The final letter «x «Does not double, because this letter transmits two sounds at once [ks ] or [gz ]. Also, the final letter «w».

Doubling -l in british english

  • According to British rules grammar when adding an ending —ing the final letter to the verbs «l »Is always doubled, even if the stress is not on the last syllable.
  • But, according to American rules doubling the consonant letter «l »No, if the stress is not on the forthcoming vowel sound, or if the forthcoming sound is a long vowel sound.
  • If the verb ends with one consonant «l », Before which there is a short stressed vowel sound, doubling occurs in any case.

Ending -ic

If the verb ends with a combination of letters «ic «, Then when adding —ing… suffix —ic changes to —ick .

Reading rules

End / suffix ing always pronounced as a nasal sound [-ıŋ ] in which the sound [g] should not be heard.

What do the ‑ing and ‑ed adjectives mean

Adjectives ending in —ing describe the qualities and characteristics of an object or person, report a property. They are translated into Russian most often by adjectives.

  • This book is very interesting… — This book is very interesting.
  • She finds her job exhausting… — She considers her work exhausting .
  • it was an exciting experience for her. — It was amusing experience for her.

Adjectives ending in —ed show the feelings, emotions or state of a person. We usually translate such an adjective into Russian with a verb or participle, sometimes a noun, adverb or other parts of speech.

  • I’m interested in landscape design. — I AM interested in landscape design.
  • At the end of the day she is often finished… — Often at the end of the working day she tired .
  • She is excited about going to Portugal.– She excited from a trip to Portugal.

For an even better understanding of the material, be sure to watch the video.

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Source: https://englandlearn.com/grammatika/okonchanie-ing

Gerund formation

Gerund is an impersonal form of the verb that combines the features of a noun and a verb. It carries the meaning of a certain process. If we compare it with the Russian language, then the gerund in some moments is similar to verbal nouns with the suffixes -nie (swimming), -tie (drinking tea), -ka (washing), -stuff (self-indulgence). Most often, the gerund in the Russian translation is a noun, verb or participle.

Swimming is really good for your back. — Swimming very good for the back.
I enjoy reading non-fiction books. — I really like reading popular science books.
We ran 7 kilometers without stopping… — We ran 7 km without stops.

To form a gerund, you must add the ending -ing to the verb in an indefinite form. For example:

to think — thinking to sing — singing to find — finding

to marry (to marry) — marrying (to marry)

Features of gerund spelling:

  • If the verb has the ending -e, then it is omitted before -ing. To write (write) — writing (writing) to smile (smile) — smiling (smile)
  • If a verb ends in one consonant with a stressed vowel in front of it, the consonant at the end is doubled. To sit — sitting to run — running regret — regretting )
  • If the verb ends with -ie, it changes to -y. To lie (lie) — lying (lie) to die (die) — dying (death)

The negative form of the gerund is formed with the particle not. We put it in front of the gerund.

I love not having to get up early in the morning. — I really like that I not necessary get up early in the morning.
Not lying is the best thing to do. — Dont lie Is the best thing to do.

Gerund forms in English

In English, there are two forms of gerund — simple (Simple) and perfect (Perfect). The simple form of the gerund is used for an action that occurs simultaneously with the action of the predicate verb. The perfect form of the gerund is used for the action that precedes the predicate verb.

In addition, the gerund can be used in both the active and passive voice. Active voice — the action takes place with the subject. Passive voice — the action takes place over the subject.

Forms Active voice Passive voice

Simple gerund doing being done
Excuse me for disturbing you. — Sorry what disturb you. I hate being disturbed… — I hate it when I disturb.
Perfect gerund having done having been done
He apologized for having disturbed them. — He apologized for the fact that disturbed their. I regret having been disturbed during the conference. — I’m sorry that me disturbed during the conference.

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When is gerund used

  1. There are verbs, after which only the gerund is used. There are a lot of them, to make it easier to remember these verbs, we have combined them into several semantic groups:
    • Talking about what we like / disliken’tmind meeting with him. — I AM do not mind with ny meet up… She diss being interrupted… — She does not love, when interruptedAfter the verbs to (to like), to love (to love) and to hate (to hate), you can use both the gerund and the infinitive.
    • When expressing an opinion, suggesting ideas admission stealing the money. — He confessed to theft of money. I cannot imagine keeping such a secret from everyone. — I can not imagine, how to save such a secret from everyone.
    • We talk about an action that begins, continues or ends commenced bombing at midday. — Aircraft started bombing

Source: https://englex.ru/gerund/

Functions and forms of gerund in English

Gerund is one of the English parts of speech that is absent in Russian.

A gerund in English is a form of a verb called impersonal (non-finite), which expresses an action, but has the characteristics and properties of not only a verb, but also has the features of a noun.

Gerund is also called the verbal part of speech. Answers the question: doing what?

What is the gerund for in English

We use this part of speech, as a rule, after the verbs:

  • Indicating the beginning, duration and end of the action:
    • to start, to continue, to stop, to finish
  • Expressing an attitude towards action: dislike, preference, etc. For example:
    • to, to enjoy, to love, to hate, to prefer, etc.

Good to know about the English gerund:

  • Can have a direct addition without any pretexts: Reading stories, growing flowers
  • It can be preceded by a possessive pronoun (his, her, their) or a possessive noun (friend’s, mother’s), but not an article.

Possible gerund functions in a sentence

Due to the fact that the gerund is something between an English verb and a noun, it can take on various functions in sentences. It can be an addition, a circumstance subject, a definition, unless the position of a simple predicate is beyond his powers. Let’s consider sequentially what functions the gerund can perform in sentences:

Functions subject:

  • Running is very useful. — Running is very rewarding

This kind of sentence can be easily rephrased without changing the meaning. The gerund is replaced by an infinitive, such repression is especially common in colloquial speech:

  • It’s very useful to run. — It is very useful to run

Functions prepositional addition:

  • He is fond of swimming. — He loves bathing

Functions direct addition:

  • I mind your smoking here. — I object to your smoking here

Functions circumstances of the time:

  • On coming home he drank a cup of tea. — Upon returning home, he drank a cup of tea

Functions circumstances of the course of action:

  • Instead of going school she watched TV-shows. — Instead of going to school, she watched TV shows

May be part of compound predicate:

  • My mother’s hobby is making cakes. — My mother’s hobby is making cakes

By definition:

  • I her manner of speaking. — I like her way of speaking

In view of so many functions performed in sentences, this fickle part of speech undoubtedly deserves due attention.

The subtleties of gerund shaping

Gerund is formed by the formula:

verb + ing

The general rule of forming a simple gerund does not cause any difficulties: we take the particle to from the verb in the infinitive, then add the ending to it –Ing:

  • To cook — cooking
  • To listen — listening

However, there are several cases where there are some deviations from the above rule:

  1. If the verb ends in -Ethen -E dropped and added —ing: To make — making

    To serve — serving

  2. Verbs that end in a consonant, while this consonant is preceded by a stressed short vowel, require doubling of the final consonant, and then — ing: To swim — swimmingTo begin — beginning

    To run — running

  3. Verbs that have the last stressed syllable and end in –R, double it, however, the stressed syllable should not contain diphthongs, since their presence excludes the doubling of the final –R:
    To star [stɑ:] — starring (–R becomes pronounced after doubling)
    To wear — wearing (there is a diphthong, therefore doubling –R unacceptable)
  4. According to British rules, the final It always doubles, despite the fact that the last syllable is stressed or unstressed.
    To travel — traveling
  5. If the infinitive has finite —ie, they are replaced by -Y:
    To lie — lying

End –Ing, which helps to form the verbal part of speech and is pronounced like a nasal [in], –G do not pronounce.

About translating gerund into Russian

The gerund is translated into Russian as a noun or as a verb:

  1. We translate them as Russian verbal nouns (transmitting the process), which usually end in -anie, -enie: To smoke (smoking) — smoking (smoking)

    To swim — swimming

  2. Sometimes we translate them into Russian, like verbs.

Forms that a gerund can take

Due to its affinity with the verb, the gerund can take the forms of active and passive voice, and it can also be of two types: indefinite and perfect. We have 4 forms, one of which is only simple, the other three are complex, for clarity, we will place them in a table.

 View Active (active) voice(active voice) Passive voice

Source: https://englishfull.ru/grammatika/gerundiy-v-angliyskom.html

The ending -ing in English — where is it used and how is it added?

End -ing in English, this is a question that can be dealt with with varying degrees of scholarship, seriousness and tediousness. In this article I will analyze it from a purely practical point of view. If you are writing a thesis — do not read this article, if you are learning English, just to communicate in it — welcome!

The ending -ing turns the verb into a “long verb”

End -ing can be added to any verb, regular or irregular, as a result, we get a word with a long-lasting meaning. It is noteworthy that this word is no longer a verb, but one of these parts of speech:

  • Present participle,
  • Adjective,
  • Gerund.

The -ing ending in the present participle

The present participle is a cross between a verb and an adjective, a part of speech that answers the questions “what? what is he doing? » For example: to fly — fly, flying — flying (during flight), to play — play, playing — playing, to jump — jump, jumping — jumping.

Using the verb to be and present participles are formed at all Continuous tenses:

That bird is flying above my house. — This bird flies over my house (lit. “is flying«)

I was playing was playing chess when you gave me a call. — I was playing chess when you called me (lit. “appeared playing«)

Adjectives ending in -ing

Verb ending -ing is often not a verb, but an adjective — when used before a noun, naming its sign.

We don’t have any playing cards at home. — We don’t have a home playing kart.

Have you ever seen a flying saucer? — Have you ever seen flying a plate?

The -ing ending in a gerund

End -ing also has a gerund. A gerund is something in between a noun and a verb, a part of speech that denotes a process, an occupation. In this, the gerund is similar to verbal nouns in Russian, such as «running», «swimming», «drawing», etc.:

Swimming is good for your health. Swimming is good for your health.

I don’t drawing… — I don’t like drawing.

How is the ending -ing added?

Usually ending -ing

Source: https://langformula.ru/ing-verbs/

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In this article, we will analyze one of the aspects of word formation in the English language, namely, words with the ending ing. Ingenious ending in English plays an important role in grammar. We will tell you when the ending ing is added, what it means, and also give specific examples.

The ending ing in English can have four parts of speech:

-verbal nouns
-verbs of the temporary group Continuous
— participles of the first type

Let us examine all the cases sequentially.

Ending ing verbal nouns

As the name implies, we will focus on nouns formed from verbs. The Russian language also has such examples. Running (from the verb to run), reading (from the verb to read), singing (from the verb to sing).

Examples of verbal nouns with the ending ing:

reading — reading (from to read — to read)
smoking — smoking (from to smoke — smoking)
singing — singing (from to sing — to sing)
meeting — meeting (from to meet — to meet, to meet)

In a sentence, nouns formed from verbs act as subjects or additions.

Examples of sentences with verbal nouns:

My hobby is reading. Reading is my hobby.

Smoking is prohibited in our office. Smoking is prohibited in our office.

Singing is interesting but difficult for me. Singing is interesting for me, but difficult.

She will never forget their first meeting. She will never forget their first meeting.

How is the ending ing attached?

Before moving on to the second use of ing in English, let’s dwell on the rules for adding the ending ing to words.

The ending ing is added to both regular and irregular verbs, and in all cases is pronounced as the syllable [iŋ].

  1. If the verb ends in a dumb vowel e, then this letter is removed.

For example:

write — writing

close — closing

Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/ing-ending

Gerund education rules

Gerund is an impersonal form of the verb with the ending -ing, which combines the features of a noun and a verb. If we compare it with the Russian language, then it corresponds to verbal nouns with the suffixes -nie (singing), -tie (occupation), -ka (washing), -stvo (construction).

To form a gerund, add the ending -ing to the verb in an indefinite form:

to look — looking
to fish — fishing

Living in the city is much more exciting than in the country. — Life the city is much more interesting than the countryside.

To form a negative form, place the particle not in front of the gerund.

I forgive you for not telling me the truth. — I forgive you for being didn’t say the truth to me.

Pay attention to the peculiarities of the gerund spelling:

  • The end of the verb -e is omitted before -ing: to drive — driving.
  • The ending -ie changes to -y: to lie (lie) — lying (lie).
  • When a verb ends in one consonant with a stressed vowel in front of it, the consonant is doubled at the end: to run — running.

Using a gerund

Usage of the gerund in English:

  1. As a noun (subject or object).

    Parking lot is not allowed here. — It is prohibited here parking.

    my husband loves Singing in the shower. — My husband adores sing in the shower.

  2. After a preposition or a verb with a preposition:

    to feel — want to accuse of — to accuse of — to adjust to — to adapt to apologize for — to apologize to carry on — to continue to believe in — to believe in to blame for — to blame for to care for — to take care of to complain of — to complain about to depend on — to depend on to dream of — to dream O to hear of — to hear about to insist on — to insist on to keep from — to refrain from to look — to look like to praise for — to praise for to prevent from — to prevent to succeed in — to succeed to suspect of — to suspect to take up — to start doing to thank for — to thank forto think of — to think about

    There are many ways of pronouncing this word. — There are many options pronunciations this word.

    He apologized for talking so loudly. — He apologized for saying so loud.

  3. After certain verbs as an object:

    to admit to appreciate to appreciate to appreciate to be grateful to avoid to consider to consider to consider to delay to delay to deny to deny to discuss to discuss to — to like to dis — not to love to enjoy — to enjoy to love — to love to hate — to hate to fancy — to want to imagine — to imagine — to imagine to involve — include to begin — to start — to start — to keep (on) — to continue to continue — to continue

    Source: https://engblog.ru/gerund

    Present Continuous Tense (present continuous)

    Present continuous tense is used to express a specific action lasting at the present moment or period.

    Present Continuous is formed using the form of the auxiliary verb to be in the present tense and a semantic verb with the ending -ing.

    When adding the ending -ing, the following spelling rules are followed:

    -If the word ends with -ie, then before the ending -ing it is replaced by -y: to lie- lying;

    -the final consonant in a closed syllable is doubled before the ending -ing: to sit- sitting

    Pointer words

    Temporary pointers such as now, at this moment are used.

    I am sitting now. ay em s’itin: n’au I’m sitting now.
    You are sitting now. yu a: s’itin: n’au You are sitting now.
    He is sitting at this moment. hee of s’itin: et zis m’eumant He is sitting at this moment.
    She is sitting at this moment. cabbage soup from s’itin: et zis m’eumant She is sitting at this moment.
    It is sitting. it from s’itin: He (she, it) sits.
    We are sitting. ui a: s’itin: We are sitting.
    You are sitting. yu a: s’itin: You sit.
    They are sitting. Zey a: s’itin: They are sitting.
    I am sitting. I’m sitting.
    You are sitting. You’re sitting.
    He is sitting. He’s sitting.
    She is sitting. She’s sitting.
    It is sitting. It’s sitting.
    We are sitting. We’re sitting.
    You are sitting. You’re sitting.
    They are sitting. They’re sitting.

    negative form

    Formed by adding the particle not after the form of the verb to be.

    I am not sitting. ay em not s’itin: I am not sitting.
    You are not sitting. yu a: not s’itin: You are not sitting.
    He is not sitting. hee from the notes of s’itin: He doesn’t sit.
    She is not sitting. cabbage soup from s’itin notes: She doesn’t sit.
    It is not sitting. it from the notes of s’itin: He (she, it) does not sit.
    We are not sitting. u’i: a: note s’itin: We are not sitting.
    You are not sitting. yu: a: note s’itin: You are not sitting.
    They are not sitting. Zey a: not s’itin: They don’t sit.

    Interrogative form

    For an educational general question, the form of the verb to be is put in the first place, the rest of the word order remains the same.

    Am I sitting? uh ah s’itin: I am sitting? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
    Are you sitting? a: u: s’itin: You’re sitting? Yes, I you are. No, you are not.
    Is he sitting? from hi s’itin: He’s sitting?

    Source: http://www.english-thebest.ru/theory/prc.php

    What does the –ing ending in English do? — we learn English ourselves


    Words ending in -ing are constantly found not only in English, but also in Russian: diving, training, marketing and dozens of other borrowings, which are more and more every year. What is it? What words does it join? When is it used?

    In this article, I will discuss the use of this ending and the varied life of –ing words in the English language. 

    Rules for adding the ending -ing in English

    In English, you will often notice that the mysterious -ing appears at the end of a word. It can be part of various structures, but they all have one thing in common: the ending -ing is attached only to words denoting an action (run, jump, walk, etc.).

    In most cases, we just add -ing at the end of the word:

    play («play») + ing = playing
    talk («to talk») + ing = talking

    But there are a couple of exceptions to the rule.

    1. If suddenly our action ends in -e, then -ing «eats» this -e:

    Bite + ing = biting.

    Hide + ing = hiding.

    2. There are two words in -ie where the following change occurs:

    Lie («lie» or «lie») + ing = lying.

    Die + ing = dying.

    When does this happen and, most importantly, why? There are three main cases when we need -ing. Let’s consider them in order.

    3 uses of the -ing ending in English

    So, we use this ending in the following cases:

    1) -ing as part of extended times

    Among English times, there is a whole group of those who have the word «continuous» in their name. They are called «continued» because they deal with a process, that is, rather long actions.

    These are exactly the times that are formed with be («to be») in different forms and actions in -ing.

    Let’s take a look at the most commonly used ones:

    • Present continuous (present continous)

    It means an action that is happening right now, at the time of speech. In order to form it, we use: am / is / are + ___ing.

    I amwatching TV.
    Я look television.

    Are you listening is it me?
    You me listen?

    I told you in detail about Present Continuous here.

    Source: https://valente-shop.ru/individualnoe-obuchenie/chto-delaet-okonchanie-ing-v-anglijskom-yazyke-uchim-anglijskij-sami.html

    RAW or JPEG, which is better?

    »Rafter system» When adding the ending ing. Ingoing form of the verb in English: rules, exceptions, examples

    The verb in the form of an infinitive or gerund is very common in English and at first gives beginners a lot of difficulties.

    Gerund mistaken for present continuous, although the gerund looks like a verb with ing and is never used with be. For example, in the sentence «I go swimming to the lake in summer», swimming is a gerund.

    We will translate it as “I walk to swim to the lake in summer. «

    Infinitive with the to particle causes a lot of translation difficulties. Very often in Russian, you need to use additional words or a subordinate clause. For example, a simple sentence «He stood up to say something» as soon as they do not translate, until they guess that the correct option would be «He stood up, (tosomething say».

    Endings in English

    Reading time: ~ 8 min.

    People who have just started learning English can easily get confused among the large flow of information, rules and exceptions. A well-chosen ending is like the icing on the cake that will brighten your speech and demonstrate your language skills.

    From the point of view of grammar, the ending connects a word in a phrase or sentence, and also indicates the characteristics of the word: gender, number or case.

    In order to «finally» deal with the topic of endings and not get confused, we propose to consider each case in more detail. 

    Ending -s

    The same letter «s» can be seen at the end of both the noun and the verb. Let’s see when and how the -s ending is used.

    Plural of nouns

    Perhaps the first «s» that we meet when meeting with the English language is the ending in the plural noun.

    If we have a noun in the singular (singular noun), then to form the plural (plural noun) we need to add the ending -s.

    Most nouns are plural according to the scheme: singular noun + s = plural noun.

    For example: a banana — bananas, a book — books. 

    And it seems that everything is simple, but there are no rules without exceptions. If the noun ends with the letter «s» itself and sibilant consonants, we add the ending -es. This is done to make the word easier to pronounce.

    Thus, the plural is formed according to the scheme: singular noun + es = plural noun.

    So, the rule is: after consonants -s, -x, -sh, -ch, -tch we put the ending «es».

    a kiss a box a wish a church a witch  kisses boxes wishes churches witches 

    The ending «es» is also placed after the vowel -o:

    A hero exceptions: piano photo heroes exceptions: pianosphotos

    Nouns ending in -y are a special case.

    If there is a vowel before the -y at the end of the noun, then we simply add the ending -s: a monkey — monkeys (monkey — monkeys). 

    But if there is a consonant before -y at the end of the noun, then we add the ending -es, and the letter «y» is replaced by «i». To make it easier to understand, let’s look at the diagram: singular noun + y i + es = plural noun. 

    And then an example: a country — countries.

    Now for the tricky part: special rules and exceptions.

    If a noun ends in -f, then in the plural it takes the ending -es, and «f» is changed to «v». If at the end of the noun there is already -e (-fe), then we simply add the ending -s, while «f» still changes to «v». 

    After -f -v+es a leaf a wolf exception: a roof a chief leaves wolves roofs chiefs
    -ve+s a knife wife exception: safe

    Source: https://blog.appewa.com/okonchaniya-v-angliyskom-yazyke/

    Ingoing form of the verb in English: rules and their exceptions, examples of word construction


    In the process of studying impersonal verb constructions in English, a rather difficult topic, many students are faced with a rather logical problem: which construct to use Infinitive form or ing form? In other words, when to use common verbs in their basic form, and when to use gerund or participle? Answers to these and other similar questions, for example, when it is permissible to use two forms to choose from, will be presented below.

    Similarities and differences between the infinitive and the –ing form

    When choosing which verb core to use — verb -ing or Infinitive verb — it is important to remember that in addition to differences, they also have similarities.

    Temporary forms

    For example, an infinitive can have several temporary and passive structures; the gerund and participles also have them, albeit in smaller quantities. To study all the main time frames of these grammatical units, a special table will help, where all possible variants of the infinitive or –ing verb constructions are displayed.

    Use in special designs

    As you know, the infinitive with the particle to (or without it) can be a part of some grammatical constructions, in particular, Complex Object, or complex addition, Complex Subject, as well as for-to-Infinitive construction. However, these structures can also include the –ing form. For example:

    Suddenly I heard him open the door — Suddenly I heard him open the door
    Suddenly I heard him slowly coming downstairs — Suddenly I heard him slowly coming down the stairs

    Both of these examples are similar, but as you can see, they use different verb structures. The explanation here is very simple: in the event that a complex addition is about a short-term action that happened once, the infinitive is used.

    But if duration and process are meant, then the form of the verb will have a specific ending, that is, the use of Participle I will be relevant.

    The situation looks similar with a participle when it is included in the construction of a compound verb predicate:

    Source: https://tutorblog.ru/vremena/ingovaya-forma-glagola-v-anglijskom-yazyke-pravila-i-ih-isklyucheniya-primery-postroeniya-slov.html

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