Write down the right words write down the right word

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: Аноним


Автор ответа: Astreya5





3. native language

4.wife or sister( i dont know the situation)

5.date of birth

6. country

Объяснение: тут под ситуации подгонять надо, но и так ответить можно

да, правильно, но я же сказала, что надо смотреть по ситуации, а то я ж не знаю кто чей муж или брат)

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Задумали число, умножили его на 80 , зачеркнули последнюю цифру результата, полученное число умножили на 125 , зачеркнули три последние цифры результата и получили 7 . Какое число было задумано?

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дам 20 б пжпжжпжпжпжп помогите пожалуйста​

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Предмет: Алгебра,
автор: dimaniskovskik3003



1) 6√10
2) 6√5
3) 6√10
4) 30

6 лет назад

Fill in the words.

the conflict.

at school.




the problem.


Show up





Write down the right word.

She is the conflict now.

He is always his sister .

I felt very at the lesson yesterday. I couldn’t understand anything the teacher was saying.

Jill is a very person. She is always ready to change the bad situation.

I usually my younger sister for taking my clothes without asking.







Choose the correct answer.

He was
of stealing the money.
the conflict successfully.
of making a was amazing.
I feel very
with his behavior.
The kid was very
during his lesson.

Choose the correct answer.

He always manages situations. He is so
My brother is always
Sarah was very
after passing exams unsuccessfully.
Resolving conflict is a very hard
him of committing a crime.

Choose the correct answer.

I don’t feel good. I feel
him! He didn’t do it on purpose.
He didn’t
at school yesterday.
They are
their conflict right now.
Jane was so
because her vase was broken.

Match the words with their definitions.

To tell someone what to do

Someone who easily gets used to different situations

Choose the correct answer.

Kate was very
because she got a bad mark at school.
I am very
with my little brother.
Bill is a
person. He finds the ways of solving different situations.
Maria was very
during the lecture. She didn’t understand a thing.
I think you should
this problem together.

Английский язык,

вопрос задал balbeska38,

7 месяцев назад

Ответы на вопрос

Ответил Aminaadzalilowa14



1) very good

2)was not





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Русский язык,
15 дней назад

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Русский язык,
15 дней назад

Напишите пожалуйста мини поучение.ответ отмечу как лучший!:)помогите пожалуйстаа…

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Каким образом определяются размеры листа бумаги документа?

Put the word enough in the right places in these sentences and write them down.
1) My story is long, so prepare yourselves.
2) In many countries people don’t have drinking water.
3) These children have free time to do sport and to play games.
4) If this apple is not good, take another one.
5) I hope they have money to go away on holiday.
6) The girl was quick to understand the new rule.
7) There’s food in the house not to go hungry.
8) The meal was big and tasty.


ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 6. Step 1. Номер №9


Перевод задания
Вставь слово enough – достаточно в правильные места в этих предложениях и запиши их.
1) Моя история длинная, поэтому приготовьтесь.
2) Во многих странах у людей нет питьевой воды.
3) У этих детей есть свободное время для занятий спортом и игр.
4) Если это яблоко нехорошее, возьмите другое.
5) Я надеюсь, что у них есть деньги, чтобы поехать в отпуск.
6) Девушка быстро поняла новое правило.
7) В доме есть еда, чтобы не быть голодным.
8) Блюдо было большое и вкусное.

1) My story is long enough, so prepare yourselves.
2) In many countries people don’t have enough drinking water.
3) These children have enough free time to do sport and to play games.
4) If this apple is not good enough, take another one.
5) I hope they have enough money to go away on holiday.
6) The girl was quick enough to understand the new rule.
7) There’s enough food in the house not to go hungry.
8) The meal was big and tasty enough.

Перевод ответа
1) Моя история достаточно длинная, так что готовьтесь.
2) Во многих странах людям не хватает питьевой воды.
3) У этих детей достаточно свободного времени, чтобы заниматься спортом и играть в игры.
4) Если это яблоко недостаточно хорошее, возьмите другое.
5) Я надеюсь, что у них достаточно денег, чтобы поехать в отпуск.
6) Девушка была достаточно быстрой, чтобы понять новое правило.
7) В доме достаточно еды, чтобы не быть голодным.
8) Еда была большой и достаточно вкусной.

Разработка комплекта тестовых материалов для оценки знаний школьников по английскому языку за курс 7 класса (УМК -Афанасьева, Михеева)

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Данная работа предназначена для внутришкольного контроля знаний обучающихся 7-х классов в течение учебного года. Контрольно-измерительные материалы составлены на основе обязательного минимума содержания образования по английскому языку .

При выполнении заданий нельзя пользоваться телефонами, словарем и  справочной литературой.

В тесте содержатся задания различного типа:

  1. задания с выбором варианта ответа, где к каждому заданию дается несколько вариантов ответа, из которых только один верный. При выполнении этих заданий обведите кружком номер выбранного ответа и занесите его в поле «Answer _________»;
  2. задание с выбором нескольких вариантов ответа, где к заданию даются варианты ответа, из которых несколько верных. При выполнении задания обведите кружком номера выбранных ответов и занесите их в поле «Answer _________»;  
  3. с кратким ответом, который записывается в рабочем поле тетради и заносится в поле

«Answer _________»;

  1. с восстановлением соответствия между элементами двух списков, где в таблицу ответов необходимо записать соответствующие буквы.


  1. если в заданиях с выбором варианта ответа, Вы выбрали неверный, то зачеркните этот обведенный номер крестиком, а затем обведите номер правильного ответа. В поле «Answer __________» также номер неверного ответа зачеркивается крестиком и рядом записывается номер правильного ответа;
  2. в случае неправильного ответа в задании с кратким ответом, зачеркните его и запишите рядом новый;
  3. в заданиях с восстановлением соответствия, в таблице ответов зачеркиваются неверные ответы и рядом записывается верный.


 Listen to the dialogue and set correspondence between the statements of the speaker 1-5 and claims data in the list A-E. Use each letter only once. Write in the answer table letters  A-E



2. Sports.

 Find indoor sports.  Circle the letters corresponding to the right answer

a.  Aikido

b. Climbing

c.  Diving

d.  Sailing

e.  Gymnastics

f.   Basketball


3. Theatre and Cinema, Museum.

Complete the sentence with the appropriate word. Write down only the right word.

1.… is a type of music and the only art form that was created in the USA.

2.Theatre was born in ancient … .

3.Drama developed from hymn sung to Dionysius, the god of … and good life.

4. Cinema was born at the end of the 19th century in … .

Answer 1._____________, 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4._________

4. Theatre and Cinema, Museum.

Read the text and circle the letter corresponding to the right answer

The British Museum

The British Museum has one of the largest libraries in the world. It has a copy of every book that is printed in the English language, so that there are more than six million books there. They receive nearly two thousand books and papers daily.
The British Museum Library has a very big collection of printed books and manuscripts, both old and new. You can see beautifully illustrated old manuscripts which they keep in glass cases.
You can also find there some of the first English books printed by Caxton. Caxton was a printer who lived in the fifteenth century. He made the first printing-press in England.
In the reading-room of the British Museum many famous men have read and studied.
Charles Dickens, a very popular English writer and the author of ‘David Copperfield’, ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘Dombey and Son’ and other books, spent a lot of time in the British Museum Library.

1.  The British Museum is …

   a.  a museum    b. a library   c. a museum which has a library

2.  The British Museum Library has a very big collection of …

   a. only old books   b. new  papers  c. old and new printed manuscripts

3. What  was Caxton?

   a. first printer in the world  b. made the first printing-press in the world c. first printer in England  

4. In the British Museum you can …

   a. read and study        b. meet Charles Dickens          c. study

5. Perfect tense.

Present Perfect tense. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper form. Write down only the right form.

1. John _____(write) his name.

2. I________ (draw) a picture yet.

3. George ______ (never , be) in Australia.

4. John and Richard _______ (just ,go) away.

Answers 1. ______________, 2. _______________, 3. _____________, 4. _____________.

6. Perfect tense.

 Past Perfect tense. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper form. Write down only the right form.

1.By the end of the year she  … (learn)to cook.

2. After the boss … (leave), the employees began to talk

3. He …  (never, be) kind to me until that day.

4. I got to know that Mary and Jacob …( not, meet)  since our wedding.

Answers 1. ______________, 2. _______________, 3. _____________, 4. _____________.

7. Perfect tense.

Past Simple or Present Perfect. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper form. Write down only the right form.

1. I (see, not) ______   Steve this morning yet.

2. I  (go) ______  to Paris in 2003 and 2006.

3. A car came round the corner and I (jump) ______   out of the way.

4. I (be) ______   never to Italy.

Answers 1. ______________, 2. _______________, 3. _____________, 4. _____________.

8. Tenses and form to describe future.

Choose the right form. Circle the letter corresponding to the right answer.

1. When …   our classes start tomorrow?

   a.   do        b.  will      c.  –

2. We ….  to St. Petersburg some time soon.

   a. go    b. are going   c. will

3. Before you  to cross the park, you  …  to a square.
  a. will come     b. come      c. are going to cross
4. If she …  properly, her boss … her.
  a. don’t work, will fire    b. doesn’t work, will fire c. won’t work, will fire

9. The noun.

Write down the extra word.


Love, beauty, meat, horror


Lamp, cat, cheese, cockatoo


Snow, family, team, group


Bread, politics, water, lemonade

10. The noun.

Make the nouns in bold singular. Write down only the signal form

1. The wives of the sailors came to the shore.
2. I have hurt my
feet and hands.                Answers 1. _______,      _________       2. _________,      __________

11. Articles.

Choose the correct variant. Circle the letter corresponding to the right answer.

I. …Smiths have a dog and a cat.
  a. —      b. The    c. A
2. He knows how to work on … computer.
  a. a      b. an      c. —
3. She was the first woman to swim across … English Channel.
  a. a      b. —        c. the
4. Go down … Kingston Street and turn left into Oxford Street.
  a. the   b. a        c.-

12. Articles.

Fill in the correct article if necessary. Write down the right article. If the article is not needed  write “-”

1. “Is this your … friend?”

2. I have no … car.

3. They have  two … cats.

4. Would you like … apple?

Answers 1. ______________, 2. _______________, 3. _____________, 4. _____________.

13. Subjunctive mood.

Match the two parts of the sentences to get logical phrases.Write in the answer table letters  from column2

Column 1

Column 2

1 .If I were you

a. he would be answering well now.

2. If I went to New York City

b.I shouldn’t go to the party before an exam

3. If I meet her

c.I would join in carol singing at Washington Square

4. If he hadn’t missed the lesson

d.I’ll tell her the news.

14. Subjunctive mood.

 Choose the right answer, Write down only the right form.

1. If I (had had/ had) more time, I (would go/ would have gone) there myself.

2. If Tom (buy/bought) a ticket to London He (will see/would see) the Tower of London.

Answers 1. _______     ,        _______,              2. _______            ,________,

15. Phrasal verbs. To run

Complete the sentences using the missing prepositions. Write down only the right preposition.

1. Run … and see me this evening.

2. The clock has run … and will stop if not wound.

3. My patience has run … .

4. I forgot to turn off the tap and the water ran … (the sink).

Answers 1. ______________, 2. _______________, 3. _____________, 4. _____________.

16. Phrasal verbs. To take

Translate into Russia.  Write down only the translation of phrasal verbs(according to the text).

1. Take this bag back to the shop and change it.

2. She took down the picture from the wall.

3. The plane took off  in time.

4. Jane is very short – she takes after her grandmother

Answers 1. ______________, 2. _______________, 3. _____________, 4. _____________.

17. Phrasal verbs. To take, to make, to look, to give.

Choose the right verb. Circle the letter corresponding to the right answer

1. Tom was carefully … down what the teacher was saying.

   a. take    b. make    c. look d. give

2. Who is going to … after your cat when you are away.

   a. take    b. make    c. look d. give

3. Is it a true story or have you … it up.

   a. take    b. make    c. look d. give

4. I know the task is difficult but don’t … up.

   a. take    b. make    c. look d. give

18. Passive voice.

Match the two parts of the sentences to get logical phrases.Write in the answer table letters  from column2

Column 1

Column 2

1. Laura was told

a. where he will be on Friday

2.David has been sent

b. they were leaving tomorrow

3.Tom will be asked

c. and he will be rich in a minute

4.Peter is being paid

d.to hospital to see his doctor






19. Passive voice.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper form. Write down only the right form.

1. Grapes _____________ (not,grow) in the North.

2. The letters ____________ (post) yesterday.

3. Many new schools _____________ (construct) this year.

4. The factory doesn’t work. The toys __________ (not, make) at the moment.

Answers 1. ______________, 2. _______________, 3. _____________, 4. _____________.

20. Complex object.

Use “to”where necessary to complete the sentences. If “to” is not needed  write “-”

1. Have you ever seen fish … jump?

2. We all want you … be happy.

3. I’ll let you … go to the cinema.

4. In the dark the boy felt his father … take him by the hand.

Answers 1. ______________, 2. _______________, 3. _____________, 4. _____________.

21. Complex object.

Translate into Russia.

1. Я хочу, чтобы Том закрыл окно.

2. Она никогда не видела, как он танцует.

3. Мама ожидает, что мы придем рано.

4. Детей заставили убрать комнату.






22. Russia, my Homeland.

Complete the sentences  with the appropriate words.

Moscow, the capital of Russia was founded in(1) … by(2) …  … . It stands on the (3)… River in the centre of the vast plain of  European Russia. The city is very beautiful. (4) …. … is the heart of our capital.

Answer  1. _________ 2. ___________________________  3. __________ 4. _______________

23. Russia, my Homeland.

Match these dates in the history of Russia with the events. Write in the answer table letters from column 2

Column 1

Column 2

1. 1147

a. The October Revolution takes place

2. 1703

b.Alexander II writes the decree abolishing  serfdom


c.Peter the Great founds St. Petersburg


d. Yuri Dolgoruky founds Moscow






24. Great Britain –a country of traditions.

Say whether the statements are Right or Wrong and circle the right  letter

1. In spring the Walsh celebrate St. David’s Day.                                                                R         W

2. The Trooping the Colour is the traditional game in Scotland.                                           R         W

3. Up-Helly-Aa is celebrated in Winter in Scotland.                                                  R         W

4. Guy Fawkes was a minister of King James I.                                                  R         W

25. Great Britain –a country of traditions.

Match these pictures  of holidays  with the names. Write in the answer table letters from column 2.

Column 1

Column 2


a. Swan upping


b. Carol singing


c. The State Opening of the Parliament

4. 130508queenspeech.jpg

d. May Day






Технологическая матрица отбора содержания образования

по английскому языку  в 7-ом классе

            Представленная технологическая матрица охватывает более 80% учебного материала по английскому языку в рамках программы для учащихся 7-х классов.


Количество заданий в тестах

Процент заданий в тестах

Общее число баллов за выполнение всех заданий





Theatre and Cinema, Museum




Perfect tense




Tenses and form to describe future




The noun








Subjunctive mood




Phrasal verbs




Passive voice




Complex object




Russia, my Homeland




Great Britain –a country of traditions







100 баллов



Правильный ответ

№ 1

1С 2E 3B 4A 5D        

№ 2

a e f

№ 3

1Jazz  2Greece  3wine 4Paris/France

№ 4

1c 2c 3c 4a

№ 5

1 has written 2 haven’t/have not drawn

3 has never been 4 have just went

№ 6

1 had learned 2 had left  3 had never been  4 had not met

№ 7

1 haven’t/have not  seen 2 went3 jumped 4 have never been

№ 8

1a 2b 3a  4b

№ 9

1 meat   2 cheese 3 snow  4 politics

№ 10

1 wife, sailor  2 foot, hand

№ 11

1b 2a 3c  4c

№ 12

1 – 2 – 3 —  4 an

№ 13

1b 2c  3d  4a

№ 14

1had, would go   2 bought, would see

№ 15

1 in    2 down  3 out  4 over

№ 16

1 отнеси (назад)/ верни  2 сняла   3 взлетел        4 пошла/ похожа

№ 17

1a  2c 3b 4d

№ 18

1b 2d  3a  4c

№ 19

1 are not grown,  2 were posted  3 have been constructed,  4 are not being  made

№ 20

1 — 2to 3-  4-

№ 21

1. I want Tom to close the window.

2. She has never seen her dance/dancing.

3. Mother expects us to come early.

4. The children were made to clean the room.

№ 22

1 1147       2 Yuri Dolgoruky    3 Moskva  4 Red Square

№ 23

1d  2c 3b  4a

№ 24

1R 2W 3R 4W

№ 25

1d  2a  3b  4c

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