Write down the right word he gave her a kiss

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: Аноним


Автор ответа: Astreya5





3. native language

4.wife or sister( i dont know the situation)

5.date of birth

6. country

Объяснение: тут под ситуации подгонять надо, но и так ответить можно

да, правильно, но я же сказала, что надо смотреть по ситуации, а то я ж не знаю кто чей муж или брат)

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Задумали число, умножили его на 80 , зачеркнули последнюю цифру результата, полученное число умножили на 125 , зачеркнули три последние цифры результата и получили 7 . Какое число было задумано?

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дам 20 б пжпжжпжпжпжп помогите пожалуйста​

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Умоляю помогите это важный тест , пожалуйста

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найдите значение выражения 3а( b+3) + c ( b+ 3) при a= — 0,2 ; b = 1,03 ; c = 1,6

6 лет назад

Предмет: Алгебра,
автор: dimaniskovskik3003



1) 6√10
2) 6√5
3) 6√10
4) 30

6 лет назад

1.He used … (think) that life ended at 40, but now when he’s 41, he knows it’s not true.

2…. (make) such a terrible noise!

3.It’s five in the morning. I’m not used … (get) up this early,

4.It’s impossible… (cut) with this knife. It’s blunt.

5.My father enjoys … (listen) to jazz music.

6.I’m sorry… (hear) that your mother isn’t well. 

7.Harry looked so funny that I couldn’t help … (laugh).

8.I couldn’t help them … (find) what they were looking for as I was in too much of a hurry.

9.I’d like… (cook) something special when guests come.

10.What do you feel like… (do) tonight?

11.My dad promised … (buy) me a bike if I passed my exams well.

12.I hate… (wait) in queues. It really annoys me.

13.I looked forward … (see) you again soon.

14.It’s difficult … (concentrate) when there’s loud playing on the radio.

15.We stopped for a while … (admire) the scenery.

16.He can’t afford … (hire) a taxi every day.

17.Is it worth … (run) such an awful risk?

18.Would you mind … (fetch) another chair?

19.I offered … (pay) for the meal, but she refused.

20.I’m sorry… (disturb) you, but could you tell me the time?

21.My younger sister can’t stop… (eat) sweets.

22.He dislikes… (spend) money on car repairs.

23.I remember… (go) to Venice as a child.

24…. (call) Mike

25.I suggested … (call) a taxi so we wouldn’t be late.

26.I can’t stand … (wait) in queues.

27.There used to … (be) a cinema in our village but it closed down three years ago.

28.He is Spanish so he’s used … (drive) on the right.

29.Did you remember … (send) your sister a card? It’s her birthday today.

30.Have you tried … (read) a book to help you to sleep?

31.Nowadays I’m used… (go) to bed early.

32.He’ll never forget … (see) the Grand Canyon for the first time.

33.He offered … (drive) me to the airport.

34.I’ll stop … (lend) you money if you waste it on cigarettes.

35.Maya stopped … (tie) her shoelace.

36.John suggested … (go) together in one car.

37.Will you stop … (make) so much noise, boys?

38.It’s difficult to get used … (sleep) in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.

39.Linda offered … (look after) my cat while I was out of town.

40.Could you please stop… (whistle)! I’m trying … (concentrate) on my work.​

Phrasal verb give

Study the following

  • give away – to give something to someone, rather than selling it, often because you no longer want it; reveal something secret;
  • give back — to return something to the person who gave it to you;
  • give up — to stop doing it or having it.


1. Match the words with their definitions

1.give away

a)  to stop doing it or having it.

2.give back

b) to give something to someone, rather than selling it, often because you no longer want it; reveal something secret:

3.give up

c) to return something to the person who gave it to you

2. Guess the words from their definitions

  1. to return something to the person who gave it to you
  2. to stop doing it or having it.
  3. to give something to someone, rather than selling it, often because you no longer want it; reveal something secret

3. Write down English equivalents to the words

  1. Отказываться
  2. Возвращать
  3. Отдавать, выдавать (тайну)

4. Paraphrase the sentences using the phrasal verb give in the right form

  1. He revealed __________naval secrets yesterday.
  2. I’ve decided to stop ____________ smoking.
  3. I’ll return ___________the keys to you tomorrow morning.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct particles.

  1. I gave most of my books ______ when I left college.
  2. John gave _______ boxing two years ago   because of a bad injury.
  3. This isn’t your money and you must give it _________.
  4. He gave __________ as little information as possible.

6. Translate the following sentences

  1. Будь настойчив, не расставайся с мечтой стать писателем.
  2. Отдай свою старую одежду бедным детям.
  3. Я вернула ему учебник несколько дней назад.

Phrasal verb go

Study the following
go off – to become too bad to eat; to make a noise to warn about something;
go on — to continue without stopping;
go with — to be the right size, shape, or amount for a particular space.


1. Match the words with their definitions

1. go on

a) to become too bad to eat; to make a noise to warn about something;

2. go off

b) to continue without stopping;

3. go with

c) to be the right size, shape, or amount for a particular space

2. Guess the words from their definitions

  1. to be the right size, shape, or amount for a particular space
  2. to become too bad to eat; to make a noise to warn about something;
  3. to continue without stopping

3. Write down English equivalents to the words

  1. Подходить, соответствовать
  2. Продолжаться
  3. Портиться, издавать громкий звук
  4. Paraphrase the sentences using the phrasal verb go in the right form

4. The noise continues __________ 24 hours a day.

  1.  Milk goes bad __________ so quickly in hot weather.
  2. The thieves ran away when the alarm began to sound _______.
  3. I don’t think all that clothes will match with  _______your skirt.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct particles

  1. What color shirts go  __________ brown corduroy pants?
  2. I’ve set the alarm clock to go  ________ at 7 am.
  3. He went  ___________ working until he was 91.
  4. Don’t eat that! I It’s gone ____________!

6. Translate the following sentences

  1. Когда купишь рыбу, положи ее сразу в холодильник, или она испортится.
  2. Эта рубашка не подходит к твоим брюкам. Переоденься.
  3. Том продолжал рассказывать о своих приключениях, но его никто не слушал.
  4. Когда грабители вошли в квартиру, сработала сигнализация.

1   ‘We’ll be travelling round Europe next month,’ said Jerry.   following

      Jerry said that ……………………………………………… be travelling round Europe.

2   ‘I had Evan and Christie over for dinner last night,’ said Liz.   before

      Liz said that ……………………………………………… had Evan and Christie over for dinner.

3   ‘Daz came here two days ago and then suddenly left,’ said Barry.   gone

      Barry said that Daz had ……………………………………………… and then suddenly left.

4   ‘We’re going on our yearly diet tomorrow,’ said Jessie and Sandy together.   starting

      Jessie and Sandy said together that ……………………………………………… yearly diet the next day.

5   ‘I can pick you two boys up from school this afternoon,’ said their father to George and Kevin.   that

      George and Kevin’s father told his sons ……………………………………………… up from school that afternoon.

 ‘I’ll buy these as they’re so cheap!’ said Toby.   going

      Toby said he ……………………………………………… as they were so cheap.

 ‘You must study harder, Dave,’ said Dave’s mum.   him

      Dave’s mum ……………………………………………… study harder.

 ‘I think you may be coming down with flu,’ Greg said to me.   thought

      Greg said that ……………………………………………… be coming down with flu.

 ‘I don’t know why they haven’t contacted me recently,’ said Tine.   been

      Tine said she didn’t know why ……………………………………………… recently.

10   ‘Everything was different yesterday,’ said Ben.   been

        Ben said everything ……………………………………………… before.


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

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