Write compound adjectives instead of the word combinations

Помогите пожалуйста
Translate the words. (переведи слова)

ice climbing



rock climbing



underwater hockey

Match the following words to make compound adjectives. (составь сложные прилагательные)

1. thick

a. aged

2. good

b. famous

3. world

c. made

4. self

d. humoured

5. left

e. skinned

6. middle

f. handed

7. strong

g. tempered

8. hot

h. nosed

9. hard

i. minded

10. blue

j. eyed

11. cool

k. willed

12. fair

l. headed

Fill in (вставь слова в предложения, 3 слова лишние)

strapped, addicted, technical, physical, opposing, half-time, enthusiasm, tournament,

3 words are extra

1. Jane does very well in this year’s regional tennis ________.

2. We defeated the _________ team four-nil.

3. Thousands of fans showed great ________ when “Avangard” won the match.

4. His ________ knowledge of computers helps him to analyse complex sport statistics.

5. She is in a very good _____form.

Test 10­7
1) Match the words to form compound adjectives and translate them.
1. old
2. good
3. two
4. well
5. mouth
6. grey
a) behaved
b) watering
c) haired
d) looking
e) faced
f) fashioned
7. Lora is very ________. She always talks about people behind their back.
8. They make ________ burgers at Green’s Diner.
9. John is so __________. He could easily be a model.
10. Mrs. Billins is the _________ old lady who works in the sweet shop.
2) Fill in the gaps (laugh, cast, theme, storyline, usher, orchestra)
1) Follow the __________________. He will show your seats.
2) There will be a live music played by symphony_________________.
3) This is Kate. She is also member of the_______________.
4) I find that almost all Enio Mooricone’s ________________ tunes were really catchy.
5) We watched a brilliant comedy last night. We had such a good____________.
6) I don’t like films with a predictable_________________.
3. Fill in with or by. 
1. In his childhood Tom used to be beaten ____ a stick. 
2. Molly’s bedroom wall was covered ____ posters. 
3. The house was surrounded ___ flowerbeds. 
4. Soup is eaten ___ a spoon. 
5. The new swimming pool has been just opened ___ the mayor. 
6. This story was written ___ Agatha Christie. 
4. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1. French sculptor designed the statue of Liberty.
2. He is fixing a phone.
3. Pam cooks dinner.
4. They will destroy the building.
5. They will meet students at the station.
6. Someone turned a light on.
7. Someone has stolen my dog.
5). Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.
1. Turn ______ the page and look at exercise ten.
2. We turned _____ the heater because the room was cold.
3. Sam turned ______ on the doorstep at midnight in the pouring rain.
4. Anna was offered the job, but she turned it ______.
5. I can’t hear the news. Please turn ______ the volume on the TV.
6. That music is very loud. Could you turn the volume ______, please? Раздел Чтение
Прочитайте   текст   о   видах   «сэконд­хэнд»   шопинга.   Установите   соответствие
между заголовками A­F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1­5. Запишите свои
ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть
один лишний заголовок.
A. Helping people in need
B. Specializing in antiques
C. Variety of shopping ideas
D. Exchanging things
E. Shopping at Christmas
F. Getting a refund
1. Do you love to go shopping, but seem to spend all your hard­earned cash on just one
or   two   items?   If   so,   why   not   consider   hunting   around   for   cheaper,   second­hand
options? With a little time and patience, it’s possible to find some great bargains.
2. People bring unwanted things that they dig out of their attics and garages to a car boot
sale.   There   they   sell   them   or   swap   them   with   other   traders   for   something   else.
Anything from children’s toys to sports equipment can turn up at these sales, which
are usually held at weekends.
3. Good second­hand shops can be full of surprises and are often a perfect place to pick
up a bargain! Many specialize in certain items such as rare books, designer clothes or
antique furniture. Always check things carefully before you buy them as it may be
difficult to exchange them or get a refund later.
4. People donate used clothes, shoes, toys and other things to charity shops where you
can usually buy them for next to nothing! The money often goes to help people who
are hungry, homeless or who live in poor developing countries.
5. There are wonderful places to buy handmade gifts, Christmas decorations and second­
hand items. The beauty of these bazaars is that all the money raised usually go to
charity, so you can shop till you drop knowing that it’s all for a good cause! The only
problem is that they are only held in December.
Прочитайте текст о туристических полетах в космос. Определите, какие из
приведенных   утверждений 6­9соответствуют   содержанию   текста (1­
True), какие не соответствуют (2­False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть
на   основании   текста   нельзя   дать   ни   положительного,   ни   отрицательного
ответа (3­ Not stated).
 Where would you like to go for next holiday? Perhaps you might choose to go to the beach
or go skiing in the mountains? Or how about a holiday in space? You probably think you’ll
never be able to go on holiday in space, but in fact space tourism is already here – if you are
extremely rich! If you want to go into space today, it will be very expensive. An eight­day
trip to the International Space Station costs about $20 million.
Fifty years ago only the richest people could travel by plane, but now 1.6 billion people fly
every year. So perhaps the same thing will happen with space travel. The USA, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Russia and India are all planning to build ‘space planes’. So, in the
future, space travel might be a lot cheaper and easier.
The Japanese company Shimizu Space Systems is already building a space hotel. It will have
64 rooms, each with fantastic view! As well as enjoying the view, you will be able to go for a
spacewalk, or have fun in a zero­gravity play room. So start to save money now, if one day
you want to have your birthday, or even wedding, in space.
6. Many rich people have already been on holiday in space.
1)True 2) False 3) Not stated
7. Fifty years ago no one travelled by plane.
1)True 2) False 3) Not stated
8. Many countries are building ‘space planes’ at the moment.
1)True 2) False 3) Not stated
9. You won’t be able to go outside the Japanese space hotel.
1)True 2) False 3) Not stated
2 Open the brackets using correct forms:
1 Раздел Грамматика и лексика
10. Normally this room (clean) every day but it (not clean) yesterday.
11. Thousands of new houses (build) every year.
12. This room (not use) for years.
13. When I saw the car, it (drive) at over fifty miles per hour.
14. This book much (speak) about.
15. Мне предложили очень интересную работу.
16. Об этом фильме сейчас много говорят.
           17. Эта книга была написана до того, как автор стал знаменитым.
18. Земля была покрыта снегом.
Write using the past simple active or passive voice.
One of the most famous April Fool’s Jokes of all time 19_____(play) by a TV station
many years ago. The station 20______(make) a program about Italian spaghetti trees.
In the film, Italian farmers21______( show) picking the pasta from spaghetti trees, and
the film22_____(explain) how the pasta 23______(leave) in the sun to dry before
being   packaged   and   sold.   The   film   was   a   great   success   and   millions   of
people 24________(believe) the story completely.
Fill in : practical, best, fully, ballet, special
25. _____ ­booked
26. _____ joke
27. _____ dancers
28. _____ effects
29. _____ seller
Choose the correct answer A, B or C 30. She impressed everybody ______ her acting skills.
A)about B) with C) for
31. Fashion models are quite popular _____ young girls.
A) among B) around C) for
 32. I’m terribly sorry! I mistook you _______ someone else.
A) for B) with C) over
33. Could you turn ____ the lights, please? It’s very dark here.
A) on B) off C) down Test 10­7(B)
1. Fill in the table with adjectives from the list

1) good:
 excellent
2) funny:

3) exciting:
 awful
4) sad:
5) boring:
 dreadful
6) bad:
 predictable
 brilliant
 gripping
 dull
 hilarious
 depressing

 moving 8) 2. Fill in: couch potatoes, book, predictable, unfair, exciting, superstitious, 
performance, game addicted, dull, opera glasses, stage, trembling.
2.  Indian films are quite______.
3.  You should ____ the places in advanced.
4. He was very______.
5.  The plot of this story is_____.
6. It’s awful but a lot of teenagers are_____.
7. The _____takes place on_____.
8. You can use ____to see the stage better.
9. He explained it in a ______voice.
10. The script was so ______.
9) 1. It’s _____ to claim that all teenagers are_____.
necessary. 1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday.
3) Complete the sentences with Passive Voice. Change the sentence, where it is
2. They (to receive) the telegram tomorrow. 
3. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147. 
4. The dance programme (show) on TV at 9.30 pm tonight. 
5. We (to show / already) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation. 
6. All the students (not / solve) the Maths problem yet.
7. Budapest (to divide) into two parts: Buda and Pest. 
8. He (to give) me this book next week.
9. Lomonosov (to found) Moscow University. 
10. The country house (already / sell) to a famous actor.
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.
1. That music is very loud. Could you turn the volume ______, please?
2. Turn ______ the page and look at exercise ten. 
3. Sam turned ______ on the doorstep at midnight in the pouring rain.
4. We turned _____ the heater because the room was cold.
5. I can’t hear the news. Please turn ______ the volume on the TV.
6. Anna was offered the job, but she turned it ______.
4. Write compound adjectives instead of the word combinations and complete 
sentences with them
1. a distance of three kilometers
2. a girl with a kind heart
3. a table with four legs
4. a hotel with four stars
5. a walk of thirty minutes 40)
Keys 10­7
1) Match the words 
1. old fashioned
2. good looking   
3. two faced
4. well behaved
5. mouth watering
6. grey haired
7. two faced    
8. mouth watering
9. good looking   
10. grey haired 
2) Fill in the gaps
1)  usher 
2) orchestra 
3) cast 
4) theme 
5) laugh 
6) storyline 
3. Fill in with or by. 
1. with    
2. with    
3. with 
4. with  
5. by  
6. by  
4. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1. The statue of Liberty was designed 
by French sculptor.
2. A phone is being fixing by him.
3. Dinner is cooked by Pam.
4. The building will be destroyed.
5. Students will be met at the station.
6. A light was turned on.
7. My dog has been stolen.
73) 5). Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.
1. over 
2. on   
3. up  
4. down  
5. over 
6. down 80)
Keys 10­7(B)
1.Fill in the table with adjectives from the list
funny: hilarious
1. good: excellent, brilliant, superb
3. exciting: thrilling, gripping, moving
4. sad: depressing
5. boring: dull, predictable
6. bad: tragic, awful, dreadful
2. Fill in
1. unfair couch potatoes It’s _____ to claim that all teenagers are_____.
2.  predictable Indian films are quite______.
3.  book You should ____ the places in advanced.
4. superstitious He was very______.
5.  dull The plot of this story is_____.
6. game addicted It’s awful but a lot of teenagers are_____.
7. performance stage The _____takes place on_____.
8. opera glasses You can use ____to see the stage better.
9. trembling He explained it in a ______voice.
10. exciting The script was so ______.
3) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
1. He wasn’t seen yesterday.
2. The telegram will be received tomorrow. 
3. Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruki in 1147. 
4. The dance programme is being shown on TV at 9.30 pm tonight. 
5. The historical monuments of the capital have been shown to the delegation. 
6. The Maths problem hasn’t been solved by all the students yet.
7. Budapest was divided into two parts: Buda and Pest. 
8. This book will be given me next week.
9. Moscow University was founded by Lomonosov. 
10. The country house has already been sold to a famous actor.
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.
1.  down 
2. over 
3. up 
4. on 
6. down 118)
4. Write compound adjectives instead of the word combinations and complete 
sentences with them
1. a three­kilometer distance
2. a kind­hearted girl 
3. a four­legged table 
4. a four­star hotel 
5. a thirty­minute walk

муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Мульминская средняя общеобразовательная школа Высокогорского муниципального района Республики Татарстан»


Руководитель ШМО

_______     Мингазетдинова Р.Ф.

Протокол № 1 от  «20 » августа  2020г.


Зам. директора по УР

______ Ахмитянова Ф.Р.

« 20 »  августа  2020 г.


Директор МБОУ

«Мульминская СОШ»

________ Р.В.Саляхов

Приказ № 90 / 20 от

« 20 » августа 2020 г.



ЗА 2020-2021 УЧЕБНЫЙ ГОД

Контрольная работа по модулю 1


I.Fill in : supportive, moody, selfish, patient, dedicated, loyal, trusting, mean, jealous, respected

1. When all her other ​friends ​ deserted her, Steve ​remained ………. .

2. He had always been very ………..of his brother’s good ​looks.

3. It was………. of him to make her stay late.

4. He was very hard-working and …………to his research.

5. My classmates were very helpful and……………. when I was ill.

6. You are a universally admired and …………. musician and songwriter.

7. She’s a ………. woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.

8. A …………….. child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.

9. Be …………., your time will come.

10. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you’re extremely …………..

10 Х 2 /20

II. Put the verbs in the correct present tense:

1. Friends always ……….(help) us to express ourselves.

2. They …………..(think) of going to France for a week.

3. Judy is a really caring person. I………….(know) her since we met at primary school.

4. I’am sorry that I haven’t written back sooner. I ………….(study) for exams since March.

5. Our plane……….. ( arrive) early in the morning.

5 Х 4 /20

III. Fill in: out fordown on, forward to, after, up:

1. I ​look ……………… ​hearing from you.

2. I told her to look ……… the word in the dictionary.

3. Look ………… broken glass on the floor.

4. I looked ……….. my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

5. “A lot of people look …………… us because we’re homeless,” she says.

5 х 4 /20

IV. Fill in: on, about, with, at

1. Lana keeps house well, she is good … housekeeping.

2. Be careful ….. your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds.

3. Extreme sports are my passion.I am keen …..rock climbing and paragliding.

4. Whoever is careless …… the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.(A.Einstein)

5. I am so happy to see her enthusiastic …….. reading.

5 Х 4 /20

V. Translate into English:

Попасть на фильм, следить за модой, оказывать холодный прием, сдаваться, быть сокращенным, высмеивать, ладить с кем-либо, действовать кому-либо на нервы, пустая трата времени, не выносить, разглядывать витрины, тусоваться, сходиться во взглядах, написать строчку, смеяться над, издеваться, высококвалифицированный, чувство юмора, телефон доверия, дразнить.

20 Х 1 /20

My score : / 100



  1. Loyal
  2. Jealous
  3. Mean
  4. Dedicated
  5. Supportive
  6. Respected
  7. Moody
  8. Trusting
  9. Patient
  10. Selfish


  1. Help
  2. Are thinking
  3. Have known
  4. Have been studying
  5. Arrives


  1. Forward to
  2. Up
  3. Out for
  4. After
  5. Down on


  1. At
  2. With
  3. On
  4. With
  5. About


catch a film, be into fashion, give someone the cold shoulder, give up, be made redundant, make fun of, get on well with, get on one’s nerves, waste of time, can’t stand, go window shopping, hang out, see eye to eye, bully, highly qualified, sense of humor, helpline, tease.

Контрольная работа по модулю 2

Test 2

Variant 1

1. Make phrases with the words

1) pocket

2) Household

3) Student

4) earn

5) extreme

6) credit

7) Make ends

8) splash out

9) Make up

10) Shopping

a) Spree

b) Meet

c) money

d) Funny stories

e) extra money

f) Chores

g) Loan

h) sports

i) card

j) On expensive things

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( -ing-form, to-infinitive or bare infinitive):

  1. She apologised for __________ (interrupt) the session.
  2. She is looking forward to … (get) a new mobile phone.
  3. John is afraid of __________(fly).
  4. I don’t mind __________ (lend) you the book, but you must __________(return) it to me next week.
  5. It’s cold outside. You’d better __________ (take) your coat.
  6. We saw them __________ (do) all the damage.
  7. She enjoys __________ (receive) people at home.
  8. I would like __________ (meet) that writer.
  9. I stopped __________ (play) football because of a knee injury.
  10. They couldn’t __________ (find) the way easily.
  11. The English teacher doesn’t let us __________(use) the dictionary while tests.

3. Complete the 2nd sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the 1st:

  1. I don’t really love going to basketball matches.

keen I’m ……………………….. to basketball matches.

  1. French painting is up to her liking.

fond She ………………………. French painting.

  1. My younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!

crazy My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!

  1. Lucy is pleased with her son’s achievements.

proud Lucy’s ………………………. achievements.

  1. In fact, I can’t cook at all. I burn everything.

terrible I am really …………………….

4. Fill in the correct pre»»>hello_html_2d1dd23.gif

Test 2

Variant 2

1. Make phrases with the words

1) dig deep

2) pocket

3) lend

4) can’t afford

5) save up

6) borrow

7) household

8) student

9) young

10) window

a) shopping

b) chores

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

e) consumers

f) money

g) money to your friends

h) shopping

i) loan

j) money from your friends

k) to splash out

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing formto-infinitive or infinitive without to

1) Please, remind me _____________ (return) the DVD to the video club.

2) My mother made me _______________ (clean) my room today.

3) Would you like ________________ (go) shopping tomorrow?

4) I don’t mind ______________(watch) this film again.

5) Let me __________________ (help) you with these bags.

6) Jane hates _________________(take) the car to the garage.

7) I can’t wait _________________ (hear) your news.

8) Kate must ____________________ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

9) Rick and Diane enjoy ______________ (do) extreme sports.

10) I’m looking forward to _______________ (travel) to South America next week.

11) Wendy is not keen on (cycle)

3. Circle the correct preposition.

  1. Ian has taken in/up tennis.
  2. Why don’t you take off/out tour coat?
  3. On her birthday I took my sister over/out to an expensive restaurant.
  4. Your daughter has taken off/after you. You are so alike.
  5. I think you need to take these trousers in/out; they’re very loose on you.

4. Fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

1) My mother is crazy … photography.

2) Mu teacher is fond … painting.

3) Jack is brilliant … football.

4) My parents are proud … me.

5) I am really interested … English.

Контрольная работа по модулю 3

Test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.


a. staff

2. run

b. job

3. extra- curricular

c. director

4. skilled

d. instincts

5. maternal

e. business

6. highly- qualified

f. activities

II. Fill in the correct words/ phrases.

experience ;   private ;  to participate ; to pursue;   night shifts ;   armed forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the  …..  .

2. The professor required from his students …..   in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working …..  because she got more money for them.

4. Tom  couldn’t afford to  study at ….. school.

5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a  teacher , children loved  her very much.

6. She hopes ….. a career in Marketing.

 III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to …..  classes.

a)  come        b)visit       c) attend

2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.

a)  ready         2) free        c) available

3. The workers demanded a pay….. .

a) raise         b) rise         c) increase

4. He’ll …… from the university next year.

a) graduate       b) finish        c)leave

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for (2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn’t like his classmates because they always pick ….. him.

3. Read the poem and  pick  …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child ……  whenever  he  cries.

5. He used to work ….. Smith & Co  in his youth.

6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?

7. Don’t worry! We’ll deal……  the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their  decisions.

 V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she’ll be an   …. . ( ART)

2.  ….. from different countries will take part in the  concert.  ( MUSIC)

3. The ….. advised  me to read this book.   ( LIBRARY)

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think ……  .        ( DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I ( to wait) here until  Jane comes.

2. I ( to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!

3. By the end of the month, he ( to work) for the company for ten years.

4. In twenty -four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5.  Next  week  her granny ( to be)  90 years old.

6.  When you ( to leave) for London?  — Tomorrow at 10 a.m.

7. I hope  one day I ( to return) to my native town.

8. They ( to finish) their project by June.

9.  The match ( to start) at 7 p.m.

10. They ‘ ll move  house as soon as they( to buy) new furniture.

11. What you ( to do) at the weekend?

12. By the time you get back she (to get  married).

VII. Put the adjectives into the correct form.

1. Things are as ( bad) as they can be.

2. Children these days seem to become ( rude) and ( rude).

3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much ( slim) than his wife.

5. To get promotion you must work ( hard) and be (responsible).

6. He lives a bit ( far) than his parents.

7. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

8. John is by far (sociable) person in his school.

9. (Much) you stay at home, ( bad) you ‘ll feel in the street.

10. He is twice as ( clever) as his ( old) brother.

 Key to the   test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.

1.managing    c. director

2. run    e. business

3. extra- curricular   f. activities

4. skilled    b. job

5. maternal    d. instincts

6. highly- qualified      a. staff

II. Fill in the correct words/ phrases.

1. He has always dreamed of being in the  armed forces.

 2. The professor required from his students to participate  in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working  night shifts  because she got more money for them.

4. Tom  couldn’t afford to  study at  private school.

5. Though she didn’t have any experience as a  teacher , children loved  her very much.

6. She hopes  to pursue a career in Marketing.

 III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to  attend classes.

2. I would  be available for the interview at any time.

3. The workers demanded a pay rise.

4. He’ll  graduate from the university next year.

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for (2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully  at his porridge.

2. He doesn’t like his classmates because they always pick on him.

3. Read the poem and  pick  out all the adjectives

4. Mother picks her child up  whenever  he  cries.

5. He used to work  for  Smith & Co  in his youth.

6. Who is in charge of the investigation?

7. Don’t worry! We’ll deal with  the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible for their  decisions.

 V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she’ll be an   …. . ( ARTIST)

2.  ….. from different countries will take part in the  concert.  ( MUSICIANS)

3. The ….. advised  me to read this book.   ( LIBRARIAN)

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think ……  .        ( INDEPENDENTLY)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I  am going to /will wait  here until  Jane comes.   

2. I  am going to miss the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!    

3. By the end of the month, he will have been working  for the company for ten years.  

4. In twenty -four hours  I   will be relaxing    on my yacht.  

5.  Next  week  her granny  will be 90 years old

6.  When  are you leaving  for London?  — Tomorrow at 10 a.m.    

7. I hope  one day I   will return  to my native town.    

8. They will have finished their project by June.    

9.  The match  starts at 7 p.m.    

10. They ‘ ll move  house as soon as they buy new furniture.

11. What  are you going to do at the weekend?

12. By the time you get back she  will have got  married.

VII. Put the adjective into the correct form.

1. Things are as bad as they can be.

2. Children these days seem to become  ruder and  ruder.

3. Which of these houses is  the most expensive?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much  slimmer than his wife.

5. To get promotion you must work  harder and be more responsible.

6. He lives a bit farther/ further  than his parents.

7. It’s the least  interesting  film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

8. John is by far  the most sociable person in his school.

9. The more you stay at home,  the worse you ‘ll feel in the street.

10. He is twice as  clever as his ( old) brother.

Контрольная работа по модулю 4

Module 4

  1. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1. I ran … Alex on my way to work.

A) onto                   B) into                  C) to

2. Mark … money to environmental organizations.

A) congests          B) donates         C) increases

3.Cars run … gas.                          

 A) with               B) on                C) in

4. Try to reuse things as much as possible so as to … waste.

A) save                 B) eliminate               C)protect

5. Washing machines use a large … of water            

A) amount           B) crop             C) emission

6. We are supporters … WWF.

A) about                B) at                   C) of

7. When you go shopping, make sure you … to the shopping list

A) stay                B) save                        C) keep

8. You have to cut … the amount of paper you use.

A) down on           B) out on          C) up to

9. Switch of the lights to … energy.

A) protect           B) release          C) save

10. Don’t throw this  jar away; I can use it to … different things.

A) protect                  B) eliminate        C) store

 11. Hang the cage higher to protect  the canary … the cat.

A) from               B) out of            C) under

12. What can I do to … the environment?

A) protect             B) release           C) save

13. There are still many factories that …toxic   gases into the air.

A) eliminate            B) release          C) store

14. It’s really easy  to make a compost … in  your garden.

A) home                  B) heap                 C) hill

15. We’ve run … sugar.

A) of                      B) from                   C) out of

                               II. Write   down the proper  word.

1. You look very pale. You should/can take some aspirin and go to bed.

2. You don’t have to/shouldn’t walk the dog again. John walked him an hour ago.

3. You can’t/don’t have to enter this room; it’s for staff only.

4. You ought to/have to reuse plastic and paper bags; don’t throw them away.

5. This is an old-fashioned school. All students can/must wear a uniform.

6.  I can’t meet my friends in the evening because I have to/can do my homework.

7. You can/should take all this waste paper to the recycling bin.

8. Would you like   some dessert/desert?

9. You can’t/mustn’t be loud during the lesson.

10. I’m afraid  you can’t/mustn’t park here.

11. Polar bears are under/in threat because of climate change.

12. You can’t/had better not buy this tinned food; it’s genetically

13. We mustn’t/don’t have to go swimming at this beach; sea turtles lay their eggs here.

14. When you travel, you must/should try to stay at environmentally friendly hotels.

15. I don’t think animals should be kept at/in captivity.

16. These trousers are very loose/lose on you. Get a smaller size.

17. He wastes so much energy; he ought to/has to at least switch off the lights when he leaves the room.

18. Polar bears are under/in threat because of climate change.

19. Climate change affects/effects the whole world.13. A lot of animal species are under/in danger of extinction.

20. I must/can’t do something   to help the environment but I don’t know what.

III. Circle the correct response.

  1. Did you know that more than 150 acres of rainforests are lost every minute?                                                                                                                                                      A) Maybe we can do something before it’s too late.

    B) Maybe all is not lost.

  1. I read  somewhere recently that some countries already have a water crisis.                                                                                                                                                  A) I agree.                                  B) That’s horrible!      
  1. It’s very cold today!                                                                                                                        

 A) That sounds cool!                 B) I know what you mean.    

  1. They say that polar bears may be extinct in 100 years.                                                                                  

 A) That’s really terrible!            B) I know what you mean.    

  1. Did you get caught in the rain?

         A) Yeah, I’m soaking wet!         B)  Don’t be silly!                          





































Don’t have to




Have to




Have to












Had better not










Ought to


















Контрольная работа 10 класс Модуль 5

I variant


Match texts 1-7 with headings A-H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.









A combination of accommodation and transport, a camper van is a great way to get around. You can spend your holiday at your own pace and enjoy some quality time with your family. As you are in charge of the driving, you can choose your own routes. But perhaps the best thing of all is having your own conveniences on board to make your trip easier.

If you fancy the idea of getting away from the congestion in the city and would like to experience what life used to be like in the past, then come and join us at ‘River Farm’. We are an organic farm that does more than just grow vegetables! We also educate the population about the environment. We seek gardeners who are available this summer. Benefits include a weekly salary, private housing and a beautiful, relaxing environment.

You will be met at Beijing International Airport by one of our representatives and taken to your accommodation. The following morning we will commence our journey to Simatai by luxury coach, where your adventure will begin. Please, make sure yoy have comfortable shoes as the Great Wall, like a great dragon, winds up and down!

It was an unbelievable experience – the scenery so white and yet there were varieties of white I had never seen before. The giant icebergs we sailed past were almost close enough to touch; the penguins and seals ignored our presence and continued their usual business. And in the far distance I caught sight of a whale. Amazing!

Inside the diving cage my knees began to shake. Then, as if out of nowhere, the great white shark appeared. Brought by the smell of the sardines, it circled near me, its razor-sharp teeth just centimetres away. Its powerful body shook the boat before it descended back into the depths of the ocean.

Can you imagine going on a journey and not knowing where you are going to go? Perhaps you would like to take a risk or leave the decision to someone/something else? Then all you need is a dice. Throw it and decide where to turn – odd numbers mean turn left, even turn right. You never know what surprises lie ahead!

Yoga is a journey of discovery where we learn to value ourselves and understand who we are. The practice of yoga is said to improve a person’s health and well-being. Its aim is to bring together our material, physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual levels so that we feel at peace with ourselves.

  1. Fill in the correct word from the list to form compound nouns; there is one you do not need to use.

1. Put some of this insect ………. on – there are mosquitoes around here!

2. I hate travelling by boat because I get sea ………. .

3. Did you book the tickets on the Internet or at a travel ………. ?

To book tickets online you have to give your credit ………. number.

5. It’s boiling hot today – don’t forget to put some sun ………. on!

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.

1. Jane ………. (watch) TV while I ………. (water) the plants.

2. ………….. (see) that horror film last night?

3. Who ………. (you/talk) to on the phone when I ………. (come) in?

4. Two days ago Tom ………. (return) the book I ………. (lend) her.

5. Owen ………. (type) his essay when the computer ………. (crash).

  1. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1. How are you going to get ………. in the city?

A at around C through

2. How do you get ……… your classmates?

on with up off

3. The underground is the most convenient form of ………. in the city.

transfer transport touring

4. The salary is so small that there’s no way we can get ………. .

on by around

5. Jane rang the …….. agent’s to book her flights.

tourist B travel transport

  1. Fill in: famous, beach, trekking, cruise, first class.

1.……………. ship

2……………. holiday

3……………. excursion

4……………. tickets

5…………….. landmarks

Контрольная работа 10 класс Модуль 5

II variant


Match texts 1-7 with headings A-H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.









Belgium has always had a lot more than the faceless administrative buildings that you

can see in the outskirts of its capital, Brussels. A number of beautiful historic cities

and Brussels itself offer impressive architecture, lively nightlife, first-rate restaurants

and numerous other attractions for visitors. Today, the old-fashioned idea of ‘boring

Belgium’ has been well and truly forgotten, as more and more people discover its very

individual charms for themselves.

Nature in Belgium is varied. The rivers and hills of the Ardennes in the southeast

contrast sharply with the rolling plains which make up much of the northern and

western countryside. The most notable features are the great forest near the frontier

with Germany and Luxembourg and the wide, sandy beaches of the northern coast.

It is easy both to enter and to travel around pocket-sized Belgium which is divided

into the Dutch-speaking north and the French-speaking south. Officially the Belgians

speak Dutch, French and German. Dutch is slightly more widely spoken than French,

and German is spoken the least. The Belgians, living in the north, will often prefer to

answer visitors in English rather than French, even if the visitor’s French is good.

Belgium has a wide range of hotels from 5-star luxury to small family pensions and

inns. In some regions of the country, farm holidays are available. There visitors can

(for a small cost) participate in the daily work of the farm. There are plenty of

opportunities to rent furnished villas, flats, rooms, or bungalows for a holiday period.

These holiday houses and flats are comfortable and well-equipped.

The Belgian style of cooking is similar to French, based on meat and seafood. Each

region in Belgium has its own special dish. Butter, cream, beer and wine are

generously used in cooking. The Belgians are keen on their food, and the country is

very well supplied with excellent restaurants to suit all budgets. The perfect evening out

here involves a delicious meal, and the restaurants and cafes are busy at all times of the


As well as being one of the best cities in the world for eating out (both for its high quality

and range), Brussels has a very active and varied nightlife. It has 10 theatres which

produce plays in both Dutch and French. There are also dozens of cinemas, numerous

discos and many night-time cafes in Brussels. Elsewhere, the nightlife choices depend

on the size of the town, but there is no shortage of fun to be had in any of the major


There is a good system of underground trains, trams and buses in all the major towns

and cities. In addition, Belgium’s waterways offer a pleasant way to enjoy the country.

Visitors can take a one-hour cruise around the canals of Bruges (sometimes described as

the Venice of the North) or an extended cruise along the rivers and canals linking the

major cities of Belgium and the Netherlands.

  1. Fill in the correct word from the list to form compound nouns; there is one you do not need to use.

1. I need to buy a new hair……..; the old one is broken.

2. He’s got great manners; he’s such a gentle………. .

3. I don’t travel well – I suffer from travel ………. .

4. You can pay by cash or credit ………. .

5. Can you pick up my tickets from the travel ………., please?

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.

1. Yesterday evening I ………. (not meet) my friends until after I ………. (finish) my homework.

2. James ……… (paint) the house for hours before he ………. (take) a break.

3. Dina ………. (work) on the computer for three hours before she …………. (start) getting ready to go out.

4. We ……….. (wander) around the town when we ………. (go) into Mary.

5. She ……….. (wait) for two hours before she ………. (leave).

  1. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1. I don’t get …….. Brian. I don’t like his attitude.

A on with aroundi C by

2. It’s difficult for people in wheelchairs to get ………. this part of town.

in off around

3. It’s not very far. Let’s go …….. foot.

by on in

4. I don’t know how you can get ………. on such a low salary.

off by around

5. We are going ………. holiday at the end of July.

at B to on

  1. Fill in: local, breathtaking, candlelit, freezing, guided.
  1. ………… view.
  2. ………… cold.
  3. ………… tour.
  4. ………… dishes.
  5. ………… procession.

Контрольная работа по модулю 6

Test 10-6

  1. Match the words to form phrases
  1. regular
  2. low carbohydrate
  3. sugary
  4. dry
  5. tooth
  6. sparkling
  7. bitter
  8. well-balanced
  1. drinks
  2. skin
  3. decay
  4. exercise
  5. diet
  6. meals
  7. water
  8. chocolate
  1. 2. Cross the odd word out
  2. 1. steamed, boiled, grilled, fried rice
  3. 2. grilled, raw, bitter, oily fish
  4. 3. roast, fried, scrambled, grilled chicken
  5. 4. cold, fake, sparkling, still water
  6. 5. healthy, strict, special, fresh diet
  7. 3. Choose and complete the most suitable verb forms in each sentence.
  1. Why didn’t you tell me? If you told / had told me, I had helped / would have helped you.
  2. d) Let me give you some advice. If you smoked / would smoke / had smoked less, you didn’t feel / wouldn’t feel / wouldn’t have felt so tired.
  3. Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches / caught/had caught a fish, he throws / would throw it back!
  4. What bad luck! If Alan didn’t fall / hadn’t fallen / wouldn’t fall over, he won / would win / would have won the race.
  5. If you lent / had lent us the money, we paid / would pay / had paid you back next week.
  6. If I ___________ (win) a lot of money, I ______________ (buy) a new car.
  7. When water ___________ (freeze), it ___________ (turn) into ice.
  8. If I ____________ (be) you, I _____________ (follow)your mum’s advice.
  1. 4. Use the prefixes (pre-, semi-, super-, under-, re-) to form compound words
  1. Spiderman is the most famous ________________ in the world. (hero)
  2. The ghost disappeared and ________________ after a while. (appear)
  3. ___________________ children are allowed to watch this film. (age)
  4. If Milan wins the __________________ football match today, they’ll play in the final on Wednesday. (final)
  5. You must _______________ the oven for 10 minutes before you put the cake in. (heat)
  1. 5.Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). Phrasal verbs.
  1. They have given _________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.
  2. He has decided to give __________ smoking.
  3. Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book you lent her?
  4. The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.
  5. Kerry gave ________ all her old clothes.
  1. 6.Put down the correct prepositions:
  2. 1.
  3. 2. He’s in hospital recovering ___ his operation.She suffers ___ headaches.
  4. 3. He can’t cope ___ the stress.
  5. 4. Not exercising enough can result ____ problems later in life.
  6. 5. The doctor advised me __ fatty food.
  7. Test 10-6 (2)
  8. 1. Choose the odd word out
  9. 1. cold, fake, sparkling, still water
  10. 2. steamed, boiled, grilled, fried rice
  11. 3. healthy, strict, special, fresh diet
  12. 4. grilled, raw, bitter, oily fish
  13. 5. roast, fried, scrambled, grilled chicken
  1. Fill in: keep, fight, prescription, feel, complain, pain, spices, starving, sour, carrots.
  1. 1. I’ve had this ___________ in my back since yesterday.
  2. 2. Why do you always _________ about everything? Don’t you like the food?
  3. 3. The soup is very tasty. What _________ did you use?
  4. 4. You can get this medicine only with a doctor’s ___________.
  5. 5. Is there anything to eat? My tummy is ___________.
  6. 6. I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I _________ down in the dumps too.
  7. 7. I find that natural lemonade is extremely _____________!
  8. 8. He can’t ___________ his emotions under control.
  9. 9. My favourite vegetables are cabbage and____________.
  10. 10. Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it’s the only way to ________ off infections.
  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.
  1. If I __________ (not/have) to work tonight, I would come with you to the restaurant.
  2. I _________ (enjoy) the play if the lady behind me hadn’t been talking all the time.
  3. If I __________ (know) how to cook, I would make you pasta with red sauce and tuna.
  4. If I were you, I __________ (go) to see a dentist.
  5. If you hadn’t eaten cheese and fish for dinner, you __________ (not/get) red spots all over your body.
  6. If you ___________ (work) out regularly, you _________ (keep) fit.
  7. If he ____________ (not/forget) his mobile at work, he ______________ (not/call) his boss from a phone box.
  8. If you ______________ (leave) ice in the sun, it ___________ (milt).
  1. Use the prefixes to form compound words to complete the sentences.
  1. ___________________ children are allowed to watch this film. AGE
  2. If Milan wins the __________________ football match today, they’ll play in the final on Wednesday. FINAL
  3. The ghost disappeared and ________________ after a while. APPEAR
  4. You must _______________ the oven for 10 minutes before you put the cake in. HEAT
  5. Spiderman is the most famous ________________ in the world. HERO
  1. Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). Phrasal verbs.
  1. He has decided to give __________ smoking.
  2. The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.
  3. Kerry gave ________ all her old clothes.
  4. They have given _________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.
  5. Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book you lent her?
  1. Put down the correct prepositions:
  1. 1. Not exercising enough can result ____ problems later in life.
  2. 2. She suffers __ headaches.
  3. 3. He can’t cope __ the stress.
  4. 4. The doctor advised me __ fatty food.
  5. 5. He’s in hospital recovering ___ his operation.

Контрольная работа по модулю 7

Test 10-7

1) Match the words to form compound adjectives and translate them.

1. old

2. good

3. two

4. well

5. mouth

6. grey

  1. behaved
  2. watering
  3. haired
  4. looking
  5. faced
  6. fashioned

7. Lora is very ________. She always talks about people behind their back.

8. They make ________ burgers at Green’s Diner.

9. John is so __________. He could easily be a model.

10. Mrs. Billins is the _________ old lady who works in the sweet shop.

2) Fill in the gaps (laugh, cast, theme, storyline, usher, orchestra)

1) Follow the __________________. He will show your seats.

2) There will be a live music played by symphony_________________.

3) This is Kate. She is also member of the_______________.

4) I find that almost all Enio Mooricone’s ________________ tunes were really catchy.

5) We watched a brilliant comedy last night. We had such a good____________.

6) I don’t like films with a predictable_________________.

3. Fill in with or by.

  1. In his childhood Tom used to be beaten ____ a stick.
  2. Molly’s bedroom wall was covered ____ posters.
  3. The house was surrounded ___ flowerbeds.
  4. Soup is eaten ___ a spoon.
  5. The new swimming pool has been just opened ___ the mayor.
  6. This story was written ___ Agatha Christie.

4. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

1. French sculptor designed the statue of Liberty.

2. He is fixing a phone.

3. Pam cooks dinner.

4. They will destroy the building.

5. They will meet students at the station.

6. Someone turned a light on.

7. Someone has stolen my dog.

5). Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.

1. Turn ______ the page and look at exercise ten.

2. We turned _____ the heater because the room was cold.

3. Sam turned ______ on the doorstep at midnight in the pouring rain.

4. Anna was offered the job, but she turned it ______.

5. I can’t hear the news. Please turn ______ the volume on the TV.

6. That music is very loud. Could you turn the volume ______, please?

Test 10-7(B)

  1. Fill in the table with adjectives from the list
  1. good:
  2. funny:
  3. exciting:
  4. sad:
  5. boring:
  6. bad:
  • thrilling
  • excellent
  • tragic
  • awful
  • dreadful
  • predictable
  • brilliant
  • gripping
  • dull
  • hilarious
  • depressing
  • superb
  • moving
  1. 2. Fill in: couch potatoes, book, predictable, unfair, exciting, superstitious, performance, game addicted, dull, opera glasses, stage, trembling.
  2. 1. It’s _____ to claim that all teenagers are_____.
  3. 2.  Indian films are quite______.
  4. 3.  You should ____ the places in advanced.
  5. 4. He was very______.
  6. 5.  The plot of this story is_____.
  7. 6. It’s awful but a lot of teenagers are_____.
  8. 7. The _____takes place on_____.
  9. 8. You can use ____to see the stage better.
  10. 9. He explained it in a ______voice.
  11. 10. The script was so ______.
  12. 3) Complete the sentences with Passive Voice. Change the sentence, where it is necessary. 1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday.
  13. 2. They (to receive) the telegram tomorrow.
  14. 3. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147.
  15. 4. The dance programme (show) on TV at 9.30 pm tonight.
  16. 5. We (to show / already) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation.
  17. 6. All the students (not / solve) the Maths problem yet.
  18. 7. Budapest (to divide) into two parts: Buda and Pest.
  19. 8. He (to give) me this book next week.
  20. 9. Lomonosov (to found) Moscow University.
  21. 10. The country house (already / sell) to a famous actor.
  22. 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.
  23. 1. That music is very loud. Could you turn the volume ______, please?
  24. 2. Turn ______ the page and look at exercise ten.
  25. 3. Sam turned ______ on the doorstep at midnight in the pouring rain.
  26. 4. We turned _____ the heater because the room was cold.
  27. 5. I can’t hear the news. Please turn ______ the volume on the TV.
  28. 6. Anna was offered the job, but she turned it ______.
  29. 4. Write compound adjectives instead of the word combinations and complete sentences with them
  1. a distance of three kilometers
  2. a girl with a kind heart
  3. a table with four legs
  4. a hotel with four stars
  5. a walk of thirty minutes
  1. Keys 10-7
  2. 1) Match the words
  3. 1. old fashioned
  4. 2. good looking
  5. 3. two faced
  6. 4. well behaved
  7. 5. mouth watering
  8. 6. grey haired
  9. 7. two faced
  10. 8. mouth watering
  11. 9. good looking
  12. 10. grey haired
  13. 2) Fill in the gaps
  14. 1) usher
  15. 2) orchestra
  16. 3) cast
  17. 4) theme
  18. 5) laugh
  19. 6) storyline
  20. 3. Fill in with or by.
  1. with
  2. with
  3. with
  4. with
  5. by
  6. by
  1. 4. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
  2. 1. The statue of Liberty was designed
  3. by French sculptor.
  4. 2. A phone is being fixing by him.
  5. 3. Dinner is cooked by Pam.
  6. 4. The building will be destroyed.
  7. 5. Students will be met at the station.
  8. 6. A light was turned on.
  9. 7. My dog has been stolen.
  10. 5). Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.
  11. 1. over
  12. 2. on
  13. 3. up
  14. 4. down
  15. 5. over
  16. 6. down
  1. Keys 10-7(B)
  2. 1.Fill in the table with adjectives from the list
  1. good: excellent, brilliant, superb
  2. funny: hilarious
  3. exciting: thrilling, gripping, moving
  4. sad: depressing
  5. boring: dull, predictable
  6. bad: tragic, awful, dreadful
  1. 2. Fill in
  2. 1. unfair couch potatoes It’s _____ to claim that all teenagers are_____.
  3. 2.  predictable Indian films are quite______.
  4. 3.  book You should ____ the places in advanced.
  5. 4. superstitious He was very______.
  6. 5.  dull The plot of this story is_____.
  7. 6. game addicted It’s awful but a lot of teenagers are_____.
  8. 7. performance stage The _____takes place on_____.
  9. 8. opera glasses You can use ____to see the stage better.
  10. 9. trembling He explained it in a ______voice.
  11. 10. exciting The script was so ______.
  12. 3) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
  13. 1. He wasn’t seen yesterday.
  14. 2. The telegram will be received tomorrow.
  15. 3. Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruki in 1147.
  16. 4. The dance programme is being shown on TV at 9.30 pm tonight.
  17. 5. The historical monuments of the capital have been shown to the delegation.
  18. 6. The Maths problem hasn’t been solved by all the students yet.
  19. 7. Budapest was divided into two parts: Buda and Pest.
  20. 8. This book will be given me next week.
  21. 9. Moscow University was founded by Lomonosov.
  22. 10. The country house has already been sold to a famous actor.
  23. 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.
  24. 1. down
  25. 2. over
  26. 3. up
  27. 4. on
  28. 5.up
  29. 6. down
  30. 4. Write compound adjectives instead of the word combinations and complete sentences with them
  1. a three-kilometer distance
  2. a kind-hearted girl
  3. a four-legged table
  4. a four-star hotel
  5. a thirty-minute walk

Контрольная работа по модулю 8

Spotlight 10

Test Module  8

Variant 1

1.Match the words

1. digital  2. memory  3. guarantee  4. send  5. burn  6. listen  7. fully  8. voice  9. store  10. techno

a.  songs onto a CD  b. to the news  c. recorder  d. the information  e. certificate  f. card  g. camcorderh. charged  i. a messagej. freak

2. Match the phrases in the first column to those in the second.

1. to connect to  

a) the website

2.type in

b) on a link

3. click

c) the website address

4. download

d) the internet

5. browse

e) the information

3.  Rewrite the sentences using reported  speech.

1. «It’s so chilly this evening», Jill said.

2. «Let’s meet at the train station at 7:00», Diana said.

3. «My brother is in the hospital», Kate said.

4. «What time does your plain arrive?» , he asked her.

5. Tom asked his friends, «Have you ever been in Australia?».

6. «I’d like to go to summer camp», John said.

4. Fill in: at, in, under, out of, on

1. Fiona wasn’t sure ____ first, but now she uses her new device all the time.

2. They have been thinking for a long time, and ____ the end they’ve made up the decision.

3. Our football team can’t play well ____ pressure.

4. He is always ____ the laptop these days.

5. The microwave oven is _____ order for a month.

Adjectives are used to modify nouns or pronouns in a sentence. There are many different types of adjectives; each one has a slightly different purpose. Sometimes, adjectives may even be made up of more than one word. These types of adjectives are known as compound adjectives.

Compound adjectives are a type of neologism — referring to the coining and creation of new words. They are formed by combining two or more words together.

Compound adjectives: definition

What are compound adjectives? Take a look at the definition below:

Compound adjectives are adjectives made up of more than one word (usually two, but sometimes three). They are used to modify the noun or pronoun in a sentence, so they have the same function as single-word adjectives.

Compound adjectives do not have to be made up of only adjectives; other word forms can combine to form compound adjectives (such as nouns and adjectives, adverbs and past participles, etc.).

The word «single-word» is an example of a compound adjective!

Compound Adjectives Image of snowy forest StudySmarterFig. 1 — Snow could be described as «ice-cold.» This is an example of a compound adjective.

Compound adjectives: rules

Compound adjectives are used to modify nouns or pronouns. They can be placed before the noun/pronoun in a sentence. For example:

«My long-term goal is to stay happy.»

In this sentence, the compound adjective «long-term» is used to modify the noun «goal.»

Alternatively, they can also come after the noun/pronoun. For example:

«This playground is child-safe.«

In this sentence, the compound adjective «child-safe» is used to modify the noun «playground.»

Compound adjectives: using the hyphen

Compound adjectives often use hyphens to let the reader know they should be read as one unit instead of two different words. In particular, compound adjectives are usually hyphenated when they come before a noun or pronoun in a sentence. For example:

«I’m baking a gluten-free cake.»

However, compound adjectives do not always need to be hyphenated if their meaning is still clear without one. They’re usually not hyphenated when they come after a noun or pronoun. For example:

«This cake is gluten-free» VS. «This cake is gluten free.»

Both of these sentences can be understood regardless of the use of a hyphen.

Keep in mind that when using hyphens, it is often a matter of personal preference. But, in some instances, it is easier to hyphenate compound adjectives if the meaning could be misunderstood. These misunderstandings may be more common among non-native speakers of English, as they may mistake a compound adjective for two separate words, which can change the meaning of a sentence.

Take the sentence, «I saw a fish eating bear.»

Without the hyphen, it could seem as though the fish is eating a bear.

When a hyphen is used, the meaning of the sentence is made clearer:

«I saw a fish-eating bear.»

It is clear that the sentence is referring to a bear that eats fish.

Compound adjective: examples

There are different types of compound adjectives made with words from different word classes. It is important to know that just because they are called compound adjectives, this does not mean they only contain adjectives.

Compound adjectives simply act as an adjective in a sentence, but they can consist of words from other word classes. Take a look at some examples of different types of compound adjectives below:

Adjective Noun

Example Sentence
Last-minute «I’m planning a last-minute trip to New York.»
Long-distance «The long-distance flight was tiring.»
High-quality «The TV played high-quality videos.»
Short-term «Think about your short-term plan.»

Adjective Present Participle (verb form ending in «ing»)

Example Sentence
Good-looking «He’s a good-looking guy.»
Easy-going «Some would say I’m easy-going.»
Tight-fitting «I want to buy some tight-fitting jeans.»
Long-running «Les Miserables is a long-running theatre show.»

Adjective Past Participle (verb form usually ending in «ed»)

Example Sentence
Old-fashioned «The clothes she wore were quite old-fashioned.»
Open-minded «My family is open-minded.»
Quick-witted «Her quick-witted sense of humor makes people laugh.»
Short-lived «That idea was short-lived.»

Noun Adjective

Example Sentence
Family-friendly «This resort is family-friendly.»
Child-free «Enjoy a child-free trip away.»
World-famous «The Beatles were a world-famous band.»
Sugar-free «The sugar-free brownies are surprisingly good.»

Noun Present Participle

Example Sentence
Mind-numbing «After another mind-numbing conversation, I was ready to go to sleep.»
Record-breaking «The fastest car in the world went a record-breaking 763 miles an hour.»
Time-consuming «Writing essays can be time-consuming but very rewarding.»
Thought-provoking «He asked a thought-provoking question.»

Noun Past Participle

Example Sentence
Middle-aged «A middle-aged man crossed the street.»
Sun-dried «The sun-dried tomatoes are the best.»
Wind-powered «Many boats are wind-powered.»
Tongue-tied «I was tongue-tied when I met a celebrity.»

Adverb Past Participle

Example Sentence
Well-behaved «The puppy is well-behaved.»
Brightly-lit «The brightly-lit room felt uninviting.»
Highly-respected «The highly-respected university professor has been working for many years.»
Well-known «Germany is well-known for its beer and sausages.»

Number Noun

Fifteen-minute «You need to do a fifteen-minute presentation.»
Four-story «I live in a four-story building.»
Ninety-page «She had to memorize a ninety-page monologue.»
Five-star «We were staying at a five-star hotel.»

Note that compound adjectives with numbers must only include a singular noun. For example, saying «I live in a four-story building» is grammatically correct, but «I live in a four-stories building» is not. This is because «story» is singular, and «stories» is plural.

Compound Adjectives Image of an essay StudySmarterFig. 2 — You may write a «ten-page» essay, but not a «ten-pages» essay!

Three-word compound adjectives with hyphens

Although they are not as common, some compound adjectives contain three words. In this case, the conjunctions «and» or «of» are usually used between two other words. All three words must be hyphenated to show they are one unit of meaning instead of three separate words. For example:

Three-word compound adjective Example sentence
Matter-of-fact «She spoke in a matter-of-fact way about politics.»
Salt-and-pepper «His salt-and-pepper hair was attractive.»
Happy-go-lucky «He’s a happy-go-lucky person.»

It is worth mentioning that compound adjectives are not the only type of compound word. For example, another type of compound word is a compound noun.

Compound nouns function as nouns in a sentence and are made up of two or more words. A few examples are:

  • bedroom
  • raincoat
  • toothpaste

Compound nouns are often written as one word without hyphens (but not always).

Compound Adjectives — Key takeaways

  • Compound adjectives are adjectives made up of more than one word (usually two, sometimes three).
  • Compound adjectives are used to modify the noun or pronoun in a sentence.
  • Compound adjectives can comprise different word classes. Some different types of compound adjectives are:
    • adjective + noun, adjective + present participle, adjective + past participle
    • noun + adjective, noun + present participle, noun + past participle
    • adverb + past participle
    • number + noun
  • Compound adjectives often use hyphens (especially if they come before the noun), as this lets the reader know that they are a single unit of meaning and not two separate words. Hyphens are not always needed and often aren’t used when the compound adjective comes after the noun.
  • Although not as common, compound adjectives can also consist of three words. Three-word compound adjectives always use hyphens.

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