Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part перевод

Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. перевод - Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. русский как сказать

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Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Напишите слово, что аналогичные по смыслу к подчеркнутая часть.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Написать слово, похожее по смыслу к подчеркнутой частью.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


написать слово, что аналогичное по смыслу к подчеркнул роль.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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10 месяцев назад

Английский язык

10 — 11 классы

Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

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3 завдання, вставити артикль де потрібно, a, an, the, срочнооо плиз


Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

Упражнения для проверки (20-ти новых слов)

Exercise 1. Part A. Check two words that are related.


 a. laboratory, b. experiment

 c. shout, d. smell

 d. smell, a. laboratory

 b. experiment, c. shout


 a. shout, c. create

  b. carefully, c. create

 a. shout, d. laugh

 b. carefully, a. shout


 a. nervous, b. terrible

 b. terrible, c. approach

 d. worse, a. nervous

 b. terrible, d. worse


 c. loud, d. noise

 b. secret, d. noise

 a. chemical, c. loud

 d. noise, a. chemical


 b. adventure, d. scare

 c. project, a. nervous

 b. adventure, a. nervous

 a. nervous, d. scare

Part B. Check a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

1. William wanted to make a new thing.




2. I’m not having fun, so let’s go on an exciting trip.




3. Mrs. O’Malley asked me to get close to the desk and write my name.




4. Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone your thing that other people don’t know.




I have to finish my special job before I can go home.




Exercise 2. Check the one that suits the blank naturally.

1. When the jar hit the floor,__________ .

 ___ a. it made a very loud sound

 ___ b. it shouted on the ground

2. When the sun went down, __________ .

 ___ a. it was scared

 ___ b. the woods looked evil

3. To test his idea, the scientist __________ .

 ___ a. went on an adventure

 ___ b. did an experiment

4. Your phone will not work __________ .

 ___ a. someone kills the window

 ___ b. if you don’t carefully pay attention to your power supply

5. The dog seemed unhappy when __________ . 

 ___ a. I approached it

 ___ b. it created me

6. Alex likes his class because he gets to __________ .

 ___ a. do fun projects

 ___ b. be a laboratory

7. What is wrong with your hair? __________ !

 ___ a. It is a chemical

 ___ b. It looks terrible

8. She’s quite funny. We always __________ .

 ___ a. laugh at her jokes

 ___ b. don’t tell me your secret

9. Did you hear that? __________ .

 ___ a. I just made it worse

 ___ b. There was a noise

10. I have a very important test tomorrow. __________ . 

 ___ a. I am nervous

 ___ b. I will smell it

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    Одним из видов работы на занятиях по
    английскому языку в системе среднего
    профессионального образования является работа с
    лексическим материалом. При этом, кроме
    тематической лексики, которая позволяет
    понимать тексты для чтения и аудирования и
    создавать собственные письменные и устные
    тексты, отобранный лексический материал должен
    включать слова и выражения, отражающие сферу
    профессиональной деятельности студентов.

    Рассмотрим виды работы с профессиональной
    лексикой на занятиях по английскому языку в
    группах студентов, обучающихся по специальности 10.02.01
    “Организация и технология защиты информации”
    Данная специальность относится к укрупнённой
    группе специальностей 230000 Информатика и
    вычислительная техника.

    Основная цель изучения лексики – умение
    узнавать и употреблять в речи новые лексические
    единицы в ситуациях профессионального общения.

    Большая часть профессиональной лексики,
    предназначенной для изучения, связана с
    информационными технологиями, компьютерной
    терминологией, компьютерными сетями,
    источниками хранения и передачи информации,
    системами защиты информации, правовыми
    аспектами защиты информации.

    Рассмотрим как традиционные, так и игровые
    методы работы с профессиональной лексикой.

    Некоторые английские слова студенты могут
    понимать по догадке и схожему звучанию с русским
    словом, которое было заимствовано из английского
    языка. Например, compiler – компилятор; monitor – монитор
    и др.

    Способом подачи новой профессиональной
    лексики служат иллюстрации, приведенные к
    каждому уроку в учебном пособии В. Эванс Information
    , при этом студентам необязательно
    искать перевод слова в англо-русском словаре. В
    каждом уроке данного учебного пособия
    приводится по 5 – 7 фотографий с новыми словами.

    Часть слов студенты изучают, читая их
    определения в глоссарии, и тем самым могут
    догадаться о переводе незнакомого слова.
    Например: an attachment is a file that is sent with an e-mail.

    Серия упражнений, развивающих лексические
    навыки студентов, включает в себя заполнение
    пропусков в предложениях; выбор правильного
    варианта употребления слова в предложении,
    подбор слов-синонимов.

    Приведем некоторые примеры.

    Пример 1. Упражнение на подстановку ответа:

    Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases from the word bank.


    dedicated system document sharing echo-cancellation monitor
    videoconference video bridge

    1. My computer isn’t working. No images are showing on the _____________.
    2. Let’s purchase a ______________. It comes with everything we need for
    3. Only I can edit the report. The videoconferencing system does not allow
    4. You can’t hold a multipoint videoconference without a ______________________.
    5. The ____________________ feature eliminates unwanted sound during a videoconference.
    6. I want a face-to-face meeting. Let’s hold a _________________.


    1) monitor;

    2) dedicated system;

    3) document sharing;

    4) video bridge;

    5) echo-cancellation;

    6) videoconference

    Пример 2. Упражнение на подбор слова-синонима:

    Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1. The style you use for this document makes it hard to read.

    A. macro

    B. formatting

    C. compatibility

    2. To write a business letter, use the appropriate document pattern.

    A.word processing

    B. compatibility

    C. template

    3. She did not think that her typing command was saving her any time.

    A. formatting

    B. macro

    C. template

    Ключ: 1 B; 2 C; 3 B

    Пример 3. Упражнение на выбор правильного
    варианта ответа:

    Check (+) the sentence that uses the underlined part correctly.

    1 _______ A. Linkers allow programmers to control computers.

    _______ B. CPU was the first programming language.

    2. _____ A. A new Java can make your computer run faster.

    ______ B. Machine code makes programming possible.

    3. ____ A. Added memory allows computers to multi-thread.

    _____ B. I’m learning compiler, a new programming language.

    Ключ: 1 A; 2 B; 3 A

    Пример 4. Задание на аудирование. Во время
    прослушивания записи на диске студенты
    заполняют пропуски словами и выражениями.

    Listen again and complete the conversation.

    SR: Clear Water Technologies. How can I help you?

    P: I want to purchase a 1______________ system for 2 ________. What
    are my options?

    SR: Well, we have systems with one or two TV 3 _____________ .

    P: What’s the difference?

    SR: The system with two TV monitors lets you hold 4 ___________.

    P: I need 5 ________________ TV monitors then. Does it come with a video

    SR: No, you order that separately.

    P: Okay, then I need to order one 6 _______________ as well, please.


    1) dedicated

    2) videoconferencing

    3) monitors

    4) multipoint videoconferences

    5) two

    6) video bridge

    Огромный потенциал несут в себе игровые
    технологии на уроках иностранного языка.

    К игровым технологиям работы с
    профессиональной лексикой относятся игры на
    расшифровки слов, игра “Шляпа с дефинициями”,
    анаграммы. Можно также использовать конкурсы на
    расшифровку аббревиатур.

    В качестве лексической игры на расшифровку
    слов, студенты должны восстановить слова,
    используя определение и несколько подсказанных


    Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

    1.A high amount of information that a network sends and receives helps images
    load quickly on the Internet.

    b _ n _ _ i _ _ h

    2. To set up a videoconference system, first connect the equipment that codes and
    reads signals.

    c _ d _ _

    3. John attached a camera that broadcasts sound and video on the Internet.

    w _ _ c _ m

    4. Our offices can hold a videoconference among people in different locations.

    m _ _ t _ _ o _ n _ v _ _ e _ _ _ n _ _ r _ _ _ _


    1) bandwidth;

    2) codec;

    3) webcam;

    4) multipoint videoconference

    Игра “Шляпа с дефинициями” проводится
    следующим образом: студенты достают из одной
    “шляпы” одну карточку со словами, а из другой
    “шляпы” — карточку с дефинициями. Они пытаются
    достать пару: слово – дефиниция. В “шляпе”
    содержится одна лишняя дефиниция. Задачей
    студентов будет догадаться, о каком слове в
    лишней дефиниции идет речь. Игру целесообразно
    проводить по группам или парам.

    Примеры слов и дефиниций для игры:

    Вариант 1.

    motherboard programs/instructions added to a computer
    router program language
    3) software c) a networking device
    4) password d) a slotted board with circuits and ports
    5) to surf e) letters/numbers that let a person access something
      f) to look for information in the Internet

    Вариант 2.

    keyboard the physical part of a computer
    RAM the act of protecting information
    hard drive a quick memory source
    information security stores your file in this icon
    hardware a device that enters information into a computer
    folder a part used to store large amounts of data
      a device that reads images and sends them to a computer


    • Вариант 1. 1 — D 2-C 3-A 4-E 5-F
    • Вариант 2. 1- E 2-C 3-F 4-B 5-A 6 — D

    Примеры для конкурса по расшифровке

    1. WLAN
    2. HTTP
    3. DHCP
    4. RAM
    5. GPRS

    Примеры для игры “Анаграммы”:

    Расшифруйте данные слова:

    1. r o s a p s w d
    2. r i v a t n i s u
    3. s i r w r s e l e
    4. r a o b b a n d d


    1) password;

    2) antivirus;

    3) wireless;

    4) broadband

    Считаем, что данные виды заданий будут
    способствовать лучшему усвоению
    профессиональной лексики на английском языке.

    Список литературы

    1. Information technology. В. Эванс и др. Издательство
      “Экспресс Паблишинг”, 2011.

    Word List

    • anniversary [ˌænəˈvəːrsərɪ] n.

      An anniversary is a day that celebrates something from the past.

      My parents went out to eat for their wedding anniversary.

    • arithmetic [əˈrɪθmətɪk] n.

      Arithmetic is math.

      I like to study arithmetic at school.

    • ashamed [əˈʃeɪmd] adj.

      To be ashamed is to feel upset because you did something wrong or bad.

      He was ashamed when he found out that I knew about his past.

    • burst [bəːrst] v.

      To burst is to suddenly break open or apart.

      The bomb burst over the city.

    • carpenter [ˈkɑːrpəntər] n.

      A carpenter is a person who builds things with wood.

      We hired a carpenter to make a cupboard.

    • coal [koul] n.

      Coal is a hard black rock that you burn for heat.

      Many power stations burn coal to produce energy.

    • couch [kaʊtʃ] n.

      A couch is a long, soft seat that many people can sit on.

      Kim and M artin’s new couch was very expensive.

    • drip [drɪp] v.

      When a liquid drips, just a little bit falls at a time.

      I heard water dripping from the faucet.

    • elegant [ˈelɪgənt] adj.

      If something is elegant, it is very fancy and pleasing.

      In Japan, women wear elegant kimonos on special occasions.

    • fabric [ˈfæbrɪk] n.

      Fabric is cloth used to make clothes, furniture, etc.

      The towels were made from a soft fabric.

    • highlands [ˈhaɪlənd] n.

      The highlands are high areas of land, usually with mountains.

      The man had a small home in the highlands.

    • ivory [ˈaɪvərɪ] n.

      Ivory is a white, hard substance that comes from elephants.

      The elephant’s long ivory tusks looked very impressive.

    • mill [mil] n.

      A mill is a building where flour is made.

      The farmer took his wheat to the mill to make it into flour.

    • needle [ˈniːdl] n.

      A needle is a small, sharp piece of metal that you use to make or fix clothes.

      I used a needle to fix the hole in my pants.

    • polish [ˈpɒlɪʃ] v.

      To polish something is to rub it in order to make it shiny.

      Mark spent all morning polishing his shoes for the wedding.

    • sew [sou] v.

      To sew means to put pieces of cloth together using string.

      I learned to sew when I was a little girl.

    • shed [ʃed] n.

      A shed is a small building where you store things like tools.

      We have a small shed in the backyard for storage.

    • thread [θred] n.

      A thread is a thin piece of string.

      I have many different colors of thread at home.

    • trim [trim] v.

      To trim something is to cut it a little bit.

      I had my hair trimmed this afternoon.

    • upwards [ˈʌpwərdz] adv.

      If something goes upwards, it moves vertically higher.

      The kite went upwards further and further.

    The Anniversary Gift

    Joe was a carpenter. He built houses in the highlands. Joe’s wife Stella used a needle and thread to sew elegant clothing. She only used beautiful fabric to make clothes.

    Since they didn’t have a lot of money, they lived in an old shed. Water dripped in when it rained. They had broken chairs instead of a couch. But they had coal for heat, and flour from the mill for bread. Together, they trimmed the bushes to make their house look nice. Joe and Stella were poor, but not ashamed. They were happy.

    Sometimes in the evening, they walked downtown. They looked in store windows and dreamed. Stella wanted a hairbrush with an ivory handle. She pulled her hair upwards every day because she didn’t have a brush to make it nice. Joe wanted to fix his grandfather’s watch.

    For their anniversary, Stella wanted to get Joe what he wanted. But then she did the arithmetic. It would take at least six months to save enough money. Then she had an idea. She cut off all of her hair and sold it.

    Meanwhile, Joe knew that he could never fix his watch. So he polished it and sold it. He made enough to buy the brush.

    On their anniversary, the door burst open. Joe was excited to give Stella his gift. But first, Stella gave him the money to fix the watch. When he saw his wife without any hair, he smiled. “ I sold my watch to buy you something,” Joe said. He gave her the brush, and she laughed. They were both willing to give up something very special to make each other happy.

    Reading Comprehension

    Part A: Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false statements to make them true.

    1. _____ Stella and Joe were ashamed of themselves.

      • _____________________________________________________
    2. _____ Joe was a carpenter.

      • _____________________________________________________
    3. _____ Stella and Joe were too poor to heat their shed with coal.

      • _____________________________________________________
    4. _____ Joe asked Stella to trim the bushes.

      • _____________________________________________________
    5. _____ Stella used a needle and thread to sew elegant things with beautiful fabric.

      • _____________________________________________________
    6. _____ Water dripped into their house.

      • _____________________________________________________

    Part B: Answer the questions.

    1. Where were the houses that Joe worked on?

      • a. Near the mill
      • b. In the shed
      • c. On an elegant street
      • d. In the highlands
    2. What did Joe do with his watch?

      • a. Hit it with his hammer
      • b. Lifted it upward to see it
      • c. Left it in the shed
      • d. Polished it and sold it
    3. What did Stella make?

      • a. Elegant clothing
      • b. Ivory hairbrushes
      • c. Couches
      • d. Anything for herself
    4. What did Stella do for Joe on their anniversary?

      • a. Sold her hair
      • b. Combed her hair
      • c. Made him a shirt
      • d. Bought him a gold watch

    Answer Key

    Answer Key

    Reading Comprehension

    Part A

    1. F / Joe and Stella were poor, but not ashamed.
    2. T
    3. F / They used coal to heat their home.
    4. F / Together, they trimmed the bushes outside to look nice.
    5. T
    6. T

    Part B

    1. d
    2. d
    3. a
    4. a

    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 1: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

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    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 2: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

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    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 4: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

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    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 5: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

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    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 6: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

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  • Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part the designer
  • Write a word or short phrase in each gap at the end of this month
  • Write a word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the underlined part
  • Write a word or phrase from the box in each gap you will
  • Write a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete the sentences