Write a word in each gap we went the cinema

Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

Ответ №1

We went (1) to the cinema when we were (2) on holiday (3) to Russia (40 in the summer. It was great! The cinema is (5) in the centre of Moscow. It’s not next (6) to the Kremlin, but it’s near it. It’s really big and beautiful!

We saw the film Run and Hide, with Lindsay Reckhom, It’s an action film and it’s very exciting. First, Lindsay’s (7) in a forest. Bad guys are chasing her and her friends rescue her by helicopter. Then she fights someone (8) on a cliff. After that, she’s in trouble (9) in a desert, then she’s (10) in a field with horses, then she goes (11) across a lake and escapes from the bad guys in a speedboat. In another scene, she’s (12) on a mountain and she has to ski down. There’s another scene where she’s (13) at a beach and people shoot at her from a plane. It’s great fun, and it was lovely to watch it (14) at a beautiful cinema (15) in beautiful city!

school. 3 Write a word in each gap. We went (1) (2) the cinema when we were holiday (3) Russia the summer. It was great! The cinema the centre of Moscow. It’s not next the Kremlin, but it’s near it. It’s really is (5) (0) big and beautiful! We saw the film Run and Hide, with Lindsay Beckham. It’s an action film and it’s very exciting. First, Lindsay’s (7)_ a forest. Bad guys are chasing her and her friends rescue her by helicopter. Then she fights someone (8) a cliff. After that, she’s in trouble (9) a desert, then she’s (10) field with horses, then she goes (11) a lake and escapes from the bad guys in a speedboat. In another scene, she’s (12) a mountain and she has to ski down. There’s another scene where she’s (13) a beach and people shoot at her from a plane. It’s great fun, and it was lovely to watch it a beautiful city! (14) a beautiful cinema (15) помогите пж буду блогодарен​

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Complete the second sentence using used to. Write two words in each gap. Contractions count as two words.

1.I went to the cinema every week when I was a student. Now I hardly ever go.
 _ to go to the cinema a lot.

2.William paints every day. He never did this before.
William _ use to paint every day.

3. I drank fizzy drinks all the time when I was younger. Now I never drink them.
I used _ fizzy drinks.

4. These days she reads a lot. In the past she read very little.
She didn’t _ read much.

5. I recognise that woman. Did she live near us?
Did _ to live near us?

6. When I was young, I played the guitar, violin, drums and flute. Now I don’t play anything.
I used _ lots of musical instruments.

7. I remember your cousins. Did they visit you regularly years ago?
_ cousins use to stay with you?

8. My father always called me ‘Princess’ when I was a child. Now he calls me by my real name.
My father _ call me ‘Princess’ when I was little.

9. I hated classical music when I was a teenager. Now I love it.
I didn’t _ like classical music.

10. When I was younger, I was a teacher. Now I am a tour guide.
I used _ a teacher.

A. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (✓). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line, including all possibilities.

 The universe is going to continue to expand for billions of years.   ……………………..

 Look out! You will hit the car in front!   ……………………..

3   I’m going to do the washing-up tonight, if you like.   ……………………..

 Do you think that, in the future, people will live to be hundreds of years old?   ……………………..

 Will I carry some of those bags for you, or can you manage?   ……………………..

 I know! I’m going to have a barbecue on my birthday!   ……………………..

 Are you going to just hold this door open for me for a minute? Thanks a lot!   ……………………..

 We’ve decided we will try that new restaurant after the play tomorrow night.   ……………………..

 We’re going to fly to Jamaica in the summer.   ……………………..

10   Shall we invite Tony and Tim round tonight?   ……………………..

11   Are we going to invite Tony and Tim round tonight?   ……………………..

12   Will you go to Jason’s party next Saturday?   ……………………..


1 ✓   2 You’re going to   3 I’ll   4

5 Shall/Can   6

7 Will/Would/Could/Can you

8 ✓/we’re going to try/we’re trying/ to try

9 ✓   10 ✓   11

12 Are you going to/Are you going to go to

B. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.

 We aren’t / We’re not going to miss the train, are we?

 I think I’m going to do / I’m doing really badly in the English test tomorrow.

 Josh is going to sing / is singing a song in the school talent contest next week.

 I’m going to buy / buying a big yacht if I can when I’m older.

 Sports Day is going to be / being held on the last day of term.

 Does / Will the concert on Thursday last more than two hours?

 Are they going to broadcast / Will they broadcast the music awards live tomorrow night?

 Do they broadcast / Are they broadcasting the music awards live tomorrow night?

 According to the timetable, the train for Oxford leaves / is leaving at 10.15.

10   Does the restaurant open / Is the restaurant opening next Sunday?


1   We aren’t/We’re not

 I’m going to do

3   is going to sing/is singing

 going to buy

 going to be/being


7   Are they going to broadcast/Will they broadcast

8   Are they broadcasting


10   Does the restaurant open/Is the restaurant opening

C. Write a word or short phrase in each gap.

At the end of this month, I’ll (1) ……………………… working on my physics project for about six weeks, but I’ve still got a lot to do before I hand it in. I’ll (2) ……………………… spending the whole day in the physics lab next Saturday doing experiments, and in fact, I (3) ……………………… playing football the weekend after either because I’ve got to go back to the lab then, too. I guess I’ll (4) ……………………… doing lots of similar projects when I’m at university, so it’s good practice. Thinking about it, when I leave university in about four years, I will (5) ……………………… studying physics for over thirteen years, so I should be quite good at it by then!


1 have been   2 be   3 will not/won’t be

4 be   5 studying

D. Complete using the future perfect simple or future perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets.

 I …………………………. (cook) dinner by the time you get home.

 In a few minutes, I …………………………. (wait) here for Craig for over two hours. Where can he be?

 We’ll be halfway through the sponsored swim in one hour so we …………………………. (swim) for forty-eight hours non-stop by then.

 They …………………………. (not / finish) painting the house by the time we get back from holiday.

 If she’s still on the phone at eight o’clock, …………………………. (Jan / talk) to Melissa for over two hours.

 At six o’clock this evening, we …………………………. (not / climb) for five hours but for seven hours!

 This time next month, you …………………………. (probably / pass) your driving test!

 …………………………. (you / do) all your homework by bedtime?

 Tomorrow …………………………. (Elaine / work) on the project for ten days.

10   We …………………………. (probably / not / leave) by the time you get home.


 I will/I’ll have cooked

 I will/I’ll have been waiting

 I will/I’ll have been swimming

 won’t have finished

5   Jan will have been talking

6   won’t have been climbing

 ‘ll/will probably have passed

 Will you have done

 Elaine will have been working

10   probably won’t have left

E. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1   We’ll get home and then we’ll have something to eat.   got

     We’ll have something to eat …………………………………………… home.

2   I’ll finish marking the exams and then I’ll tell you your results.   soon

     I’ll tell you your results …………………………………………… marking the exams.

3   You’ll be travelling across the Sahara next week so remember to wear lots of sunscreen!   while

     Remember to wear lots of sunscreen …………………………………………… across the Sahara next week!

4   They’ll show Titan at the cinema and then they’ll release the DVD.   before

      They won’t release the DVD …………………………………………… at the cinema.

5   My science exam starts at ten tomorrow morning.   taking

     At ten past ten tomorrow …………………………………………… my science exam.

6   Let’s watch the space documentary before we have supper.   watched

     Let’s have supper …………………………………………… the space documentary.

7   I’ll send out all the invitations before lunchtime.   have

     By lunchtime, …………………………………………… all the invitations.

8   Do some revision and then I’ll give you a test.   until

     I won’t give you a test …………………………………………… some revision.

9   When you visit us, we’ll have moved into our new house.   by

     We’ll have moved into our new house …………………………………………… you visit us.

10   We’ll get some more information and then we’ll make a decision.   once

        Let’s make a decision …………………………………………… got some more information.


1   when/once/after we’ve got home

2   as soon as I finish

3   while you travel/you’re travelling

4   before they show/have shown Titan

5   I will/I’ll be taking

6   after we have/we’ve watched

7   I will/I’ll have sent out

8   until you do/have done

9   by the time

10   once we’ve/we have

F. Read the information and write a question for each answer given.

Watkins Tours

Isles of Scilly Day Trip – 22nd July

5.30 am

coach departs from Plymouth Bretonside Bus Station

8.15 am

arrive Penzance

9.15 am

ferry (Scillonian III) departs

12.00 noon

arrive St Mary’s

12-1.30 pm

walk round the town

1.30-2.30 pm

picnic lunch (on Garrison overlooking harbour)

2.30-4 pm

swimming or boat trip round island

4.30 pm

ferry (Scillonian III) departs

7.15 pm

arrive Penzance

7.30 pm

coach departs

10.15 pm

arrive Plymouth Bretonside Bus Station


What time does the coach leave Plymouth?

It leaves at 5.30 am.


     He’ll be driving the coach to Penzance.


     It’ll arrive at 8.15 am.


     It’s going to set sail at 9.15 am.


     It will have been sailing for two hours.


     They will just have arrived in St Mary’s.


     They’ll be walking round the town.


     They’ll be having a picnic lunch.


     They’ll be leaving the beach at 4 pm.


     They’ll have just finished a boat trip around the island.

10   ……………………………………………….

       It’s leaving at 4.30 pm.

11   ……………………………………………….

       They get back at 10.15 pm.


1   What will the coach driver be doing between 5.30 and 8 am?/at 6.30 am/7.30 am? Etc.

2   When/What time will the coach arrive in Penzance?

 When/What time will Scillonian III/ the ferry going to set sail?

 How long will Scillonian III/the ferry have been sailing for at 11.25 am?

 What will the ferry passengers/tourists/day trippers have done at/just after 12 o’clock?

 What will they be doing between 12 o’clock and 1.30 am?/at 12.30/1pm? Etc.

 What will they be doing between 1.30 and 2.30 pm?/at 2pm? Etc.

 When/What time will the tourists who went swimming be leaving the beach?

9   What will the others have just finished?

10   When/What time is Scillonian III/ the ferry leaving?

11   When/What time do they get back to Plymouth?

G. Write on, in or at in each gap.

 I’ll be 100 years old ……………… the year 2095!

 Sasha’s not going to have a party ……………… her birthday this year.

 See you ……………… August!

 See you ……………… Tuesday!

 See you ……………… eight o’clock!

 See you ……………… the morning!

 See you ……………… a couple of hours!

 It’s difficult to sleep ……………… night ……………… the summer because of the heat.

 My grandfather left home ……………… the age of fourteen!

10   We got there just ……………… time for the movie.

11   He’s never late, and he’s never early; he always arrives right ……………… time.

12   My birthday’s ……………… April 1st.


1 in   2 on   3 in   4 on   5 at   6 in

7 in   8 at/in   9 at   10 in   11 on   12 on

H. Each of the words in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

1   My Australian cousins are coming in Greece next month!   ………………

2   Turn left on the post office, then go straight on.   ………………

3   There weren’t any chairs, so we had to sit at the floor.   ………………

4   The TV’s on the corner of the room.   ………………

5   There’s a photo of the author at the back cover of the book.   ………………

6   We should arrive at Paris at six in the morning.   ………………

7   Could you go out from the room for a moment, please?   ………………

8   Walk in the station, but turn left a couple of blocks before you get there.   ………………

9   I’ll meet you in the corner of your street.   ………………

10   There should be a broom on the back of the cupboard, somewhere.   ………………

11   They should arrive in the airport in about an hour.   ………………

12   The CD should be next from the CD player.   ………………


1 to   2 at   3 on   4 in   5 on   6 in

7 of   8 towards   9 at/on   10 at   11 at   12 to

I. Write one word in each gap.

Defining the Age

Ages, eras and wars will always be defined (1) ………………… they are over, or at least well after they (2) ………………… started. (3) ………………… the year 1914, for example, no one said: ‘Tomorrow I’m going (4) ………………… go and fight in the First World War.’ Why not? Because it wasn’t generally called the First World War until the Second World War had started. Similarly, no one ever said: ‘Next year (5) ………………… be the start of the Industrial Revolution.’ The era now known as the Industrial Revolution only started being called that once it was well under way.

(6) ………………… the time we are old, we will all (7) ………………… experienced enormous technological advances. We might even (8) ………………… walking round with computer chips implanted in our bodies, or perhaps computer chip technology will have (9) ………………… replaced by even more advanced technology. There’s talk (10) ………………… the moment that human skin itself might make an excellent electronic circuit board. We can all make predictions, but nobody knows for sure. And nobody knows what the era we will live in (11) ………………… the near future will be called by future historians. If we already live in the Computer Age or the Information Age as some people suggest, the present-day era (12) ………………… be referred to by future historians, then who knows what era we’re just (13) ………………… the beginning of right now?


1 after/when/once   2 have   3 In

4 to   5 will   6 By   7 have   8 be

9 been   10 at   11 in

12 will/may/might/could   13 at

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Exercise 1. The word and phrases in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word or phrase.
1. Every year, several prizes are giving to the best students. → given
2. When the pizza was delivering, it was cold. →delivered
3. You will be telling when you can come in. →told
4. That song doesn’t played on the radio very often, is it? →isn’t
5. Your money was stealing out of your bag? →Was your money stolen
6. We haven’t allowed to use a dictionary in the exam yesterday. →weren’t
7. That film won’t have shown in our local cinema for a long time. →be
8. I will be picked up from the station on Saturday? Will I be
Exercise 2. Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. When people (arrest) are arrested, they (take) are taken to the police station.
2. Milk (usually/keep)is usually kept in the fridge.
3. (we/tell)Will we be told what’s in next week’s test?
4. How did people communicate over long distances before the phone (invent) was invented?
5. (you/allow)Will you be allowed to come to the party next Saturday?
6. You (give)will be given your exam results next Monday.
7. (Aidan’s bike/find)Was Aidan’s bike found yesterday?
Exercise 3. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the
first one. Write between two and five words.
1. Will they send the letters first class? (sent)
→Will the letter be sent first class?
2. I’m not sure if they eat pizza in China. (is)
→I’m not sure if pizza is eaten in China.
3. Someone told me that they don’t make cars in the UK anymore. (made)
→ Someone told me that cars aren’t made in the UK anymore.
4. Do they usually feed the animals three times a day? (fed)
→Are the animals usually fed three times a day?
5. Mr Jones is ill, so he won’t give us a geography test today! (be)
→Mr Jones is ill, so we won’t be given a geography test today!
6. Did they take her to hospital in an ambulance? (she)

→Was she taken to hospital in an ambulance?
Exercise 4. Write one word in each gap.
The National Trust
There are lots of beautiful, large houses in Britain. Many of them (1.)were built hundreds of years
ago. In the past, they (2.)were owned by very rich families. Today, many of them (3.)are owned by an
organization called The National Trust, which (4.)was created to look after them. The houses (5.)are kept in
perfect condition, and visitors (6.)are allowed to look round them. It’s interesting to learn how different life
was in an old house. Milk was (7.)not/never kept in the fridge, because they didn’t have fridges! Washing
machines (8.)were only invented very recently, so washing (9.) was done by hand. In some cases, the house
(10.) is still lived in today. When this happen, visitors (11.) are only shown part of the house. The private
rooms (12.)are kept closed to the public. These houses often have beautiful gardens, too. The gardens (13.)
are looked after by professional gardeners.
You usually have to pay to look round National Trust houses. Members of the National Trust (14.)
are given a discount. This year, millions of people (15.) will be given the chance to see what life in an old
country house was like.
Exercise 5. Complete using “by” or “with”
1. That book was written by my uncle!
2. Are the best photos usually taken with digital cameras?
3. That song has been sung by lots of famous singers.
4. Is your hair cut by a professional hairdresser?
5. Should the paper be cut with a pair of scissors?
6. All the candles had been lit with the same match.
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7. The film isn’t going to be directed by Steven Spielberg after all.
— We can use “by” to emphasize who does sth: My sister’s bedroom was painted by my parents. (= My
parents painted my sister’s bedroom.)

— We can use “with” to emphasize what someone uses: Soup is usually eaten with a spoon. (= You usually
use a spoon to eat soup.)
— We don’t use “by” or “with” when we don’t need to say, or don’t know who does sth: Mrs Fisher was
taken to hospital yesterday.
Exercise 6. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write no
more than four words.
1. I think John has taken my jacket.
→I think my jacket has been taken by John.
2. You should cook the chicken for at least an hour.
→The chicken should be cooked for at least a hour.
3. They’re showing that film at the cinema in town.
→That film is being shown at the cinema in town.
4. They hadn’t invented digital cameras when we took that photo.
→Digital cameras hadn’t been invented when that photo was taken.
5. When I got there, Carly was doing the ironing, so I didn’t have to do it!
→When I got there, the ironing was being done by Carly, so I didn’t have to do it!
6. They were using hot soapy water to wash all the cars.
→All the cars were being washed with hot soapy water.
Exercise 7. Complete using the words in the box.

1. Thanks for looking after my dog for the weekend. I’m really grateful.
2. Judy is one of the most generous people I know. She’s always giving me presents!
3. I don’t want a girlfriend. I like being single.
4. It will take a while for Simon to forgive you. You’ll just have to be patient.
5. Adam’s parents are divorced, so he only sees his dad at the weekend.
6. Cats are more independent than dogs. They live their own lives and don’t need human company.
7. I’m very loyal to my best friend. I’d never talk about her behind her back.
8. Sandy’s such a loving dog. He’s always so happy to see us when we come home!
9. I’m not a very confident person. I get nervous when I have to speak in public.
10. My diary is private. No one is allowed to read it apart from me.
11. I tell my sister all my problems and secrets. We have a very close relationship.
12. My uncle’s really cool! He’s in a rock band!
13. I’m just a/an ordinary person with a normal life- but I’m quite happy!
Exercise 8. Circle the correct word.
1. I thought I could trust you! You’ve really let me off/down.
2. Do you get on/in well with your older sister?
3. As children grow off/up, they want more independence from their parents.
4. Dave has fallen off/out with Jason and they’re not talking to each other at the moment.
5. Ed was brought in/up by his aunt because his parents lived abroad.
6. I used to go out/by with Tony but we split off/up about a year ago.
7. I hate looking after/over my baby brother!
Exercise 9. Write one word in each gap.
You’ve always (1.)brought up your children to come to you when they’re in trouble. You feel it’s
your job to (2.) look after them when they’re having problems. But now, as your children are (3.)growing
up, they often don’t want to share their problems with you. That’s perfectly normal, so don’t worry! Of
course, you want to (4.) get on well with your children, but that means you have to give them some freedom.
Maybe they’ve (5.)fallen out with their best friend and feel upset and angry. Maybe they’ve just (6.)

fallen up with the boyfriend or girlfriend they’ve been (7.) going out with. Maybe they’ve been (8.) let down
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by a friend who they trusted. Teenagers go through all these problems. If they want to talk to you about it,
then that’s fine. But if they don’t, don’t force them. They’ll come to you when they’re ready.
Exercise 10. Each of the words in bold is wrong. Write the correct word.
1. Are you still on contact with any friends from university? → in
2. I’m going to split up with Dan because we’ve got nothing from common. →in
3. I don’t think I’d like to live on myself. →by
4. Would you like to live by your own? →on
5. Fiona didn’t break your MP3 player with purpose. It was an accident! →on
6. Guess what! Mike and Julie are at love with each other. →in
Exercise 11. Complete by changing the form of the word in bracket.
1. I’m asking for your forgiveness !(forgive)
2. Doug is such a liar . I never believe a word he says! (lie)
3. Be careful! I’ve just painted the walls and they’re wet. (care)
4. Lying to your dad like that was really dishonest. (honest)
5. My brother is disabled but that doesn’t stop him from doing lots of sport. (able)
6. I haven’t got the confidence to go up to a stranger at a party and introduce myself. (confident)
7. My best friend gives me lots of help with my personal problems. (person)
8. My relationship with Chris lasted for over three years. (relation)
Exercise 12. Compete the words.
1. Liz has got a really lively personality.
2. Roger is always losing things. He’s so careless.
3. I really admire you for your honesty.
4. I have a lot of admiration for Linda. She’s achieved such a lot.
5. Uncle Alan has an amazing mental ability — he can guess the number you’re thinking of.

6. In the introduction to this book, it says that moving house is extremely stressful.
7. Most of my relatives/ions live in Canada so I don’t see them very often.
Exercise 13. Write one word in each gap.
I’m very fond (1.) of my husband, William. I’ve been married (2.) to him for over sixty years. I know
he cares (3.)about me now just as much as when we first met all those years ago. I’d got lost, and I asked
him for directions. He was so kind (4.) to me. He offered to drive me wherever I wanted to go. It was love at
first sight and since then my relationship (5.) with him has always been wonderful.
William is proud (6.) of my success as an artist, and he’s never been jealous (7.) of my fame. I really
admire him (8.) for supporting me so much over the years. Every evening, we chat (9.) to each other (10.)
about the day’s events. Of course, we do sometimes argue (11.)about things. All couples do. But whenever
I have an argument (12.) with him, we soon start laughing and both apologize (13.) to each other (14.) for
getting angry. I can’t imagine life without him!
Exercise 14. Complete using the verbs in the box.
1. “Who’s that over there?” “That’s Graham Western, the actor. Let me introduce you.”
2. “Hi, Harry!” “Oh, Hi, Rita! I didn’t recognize you with your new hair style!”
3. “I’m really sorry!” “There’s no need to apologize.”
4. “I’m thinking of moving house soon.” “Do you want to buy or rent a place?”
5. “I wish I hadn’t told Rebecca some of my secrets.” “Don’t worry. You can trust Rebecca. She won’t tell
6. “Mr Parker is going to run a marathon for charity.” Yes, I really respect Mr Parker. He does such a lot of
charity work.”
7. “I’m sure Billy didn’t say that!” “Why do you always defend Billy? He’s not perfect, you know!”
Exercise 15. Write one word in each gap.

1. Could you look after our rabbit while we’re on holiday?
2. Tim was Sandy’s boyfriend, but they split up last month.
3. Kim and Katy have fallen out with each other, so Kim isn’t going to invite Katy to her party.
4. Phil was brought up by his uncle and aunt.
5. Is Gareth really going out with Liz?
Exercise 16. Complete by changing the form of the word in bracket.
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1. I’ve got so much admiration for Darren. (admire)
2. Susie is so careless. She’s always breaking things! (care)
3. Tony said his dad is a millionaire, but he’s such a liar. (lie)
4. Lots of disabled people live full and happy lives. (able)
5. Karen apologized, so I forgave her immediately. (forgive)
6. Andrea has got a great personality. You’ll really like her! (person)
7. I’m not sure I’ve got the confidence to sing in public! (confident)
8. I hate people who are dishonest. (honest)
Exercise 17. Complete each second sentence using the word give, so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence. Write between two and five words.
1. We gave my dad a surprise party on his fortieth birthday. (was)
→My dad was given surprise party on his fortieth birthday.
2. After the play, they introduced us to all the actors. (we)
→After the play, we were introduced to all the actors.
3. They’ve caught the person who stole your bike! (has)
→The person who stole your bike has been caught!
4. No one had told me that Jill was coming! (been)
→I hadn’t been told that Jill was coming!
5. Our English teacher and our German teacher are husband and wife. (married)

→Our English teacher is married to our German teacher.
6. A neighbor is feeding our dog while we’re away. (being)
→Our dog is being fed by a neighbor while we’re away.
7. Use a sharp knife to cut the cake. (should)
→The cake should be cut with a sharp knife.
8. I’m not interested in what you think! (care)
→I don’t care about what you think!
9. My parents don’t let me watch much TV at home. (allowed)
→ I am not allowed to watch much TV at home.
10. They’re going to invite over a hundred people to the wedding reception. (going)
→Over a hundred people are going to be invited to the wedding reception.
Exercise 18. Choose the correct answer.
We can choose our friends, but we can’t choose our (1.)
. That doesn’t mean, though, that
members of our family can’t also be our friends. Many children have such a good relationship (2.)
their parents that they see them as friends. Of course, when you’re a teenager, you’ll have (3.)
with your parents. There will be times when you don’t (4.)
on very well with them. That’s
only natural. There will be times when you want to be (5.)
and solve your problems (6.)
yourself. You’ll also (7.)
your parents down sometimes. After all, nobody’s perfect and we all
make mistakes. But your parents understand that. And as you grow (8.)
and become an adult,
you’ll probably realize you have lots of things in (9.)
with your mum and dad and become
even (10.)
to them.
1. A. couples

B. guests
C. strangers
D. relations
2. A. by
B. for
C. with
D. from
3. A. moods
B. arguments
C. lies
D. dishonesty
4. A. get
B. take
C. put
D. set
5. A. divorced
B. single
C. grateful
D. independent
6. A. on
B. by
C. for
D. with
7. A. let
B. make
C. take
D. fall
8. A. on
B. over
C. out

D. up
9. A. private
B. common
C. contact
D. love
10. A. fonder
B. more proud
C. closer
D. more ordinary
Exercise 19. Choose the correct word or phrase.
1. The prime minister was/has criticized for his recent actions.
2. When I walked pass the Wilson’s house, their new sofa was/has being delivered.
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3. Our teacher was/has told us to take our favorite book to school tomorrow.
4. I think my mobile was/has been stolen!
5. Jonathan was/has chosen to play the lead role in the school play.
6. I’m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom is being painted/has been painting.
7. This picture was/has probably taken during the winter.
8. Your essays must be/have handed in on Friday morning.
9. Someone was/has left their wallet on the floor.
10. Did you hear about the bank being/having robbed?
11. Treasure Island was/has written by Robert Louis Stevenson.
12. It was a real shock when my dad was/has fired from his job.
13. The Vikings had visited America before it was/has discovered by Columbus.
14. When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight was/had been delayed.
15. Was/Has your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents?

Exercise 20. Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. The Earth (hold) is held by the gravity of the Sun and orbits around it.
2. The first feature-length comedy film (create) was created by Charlie Chaplin.
3. The award for best video (present)will be presented/ is going to be presented later this evening.
4. By the time you read this, I (arrest) will have been arrested for murder.
5. I don’t know whether our tests (mark) have been marked yet or not.
6. Radio waves (discover) were discovered by Marconi.
7. You wouldn’t think it to look at him now, but Jack (bully) was bullied (ham doa, buc hai)when he was at school.
8. Your application (consider)is being considered and we will let you know as soon as we’ve made a decision.

9. The roof of the car can (lower) be lowered by pressing this button here.
10. Our tent (blow) was blown over in the night by the wind.
11. Chess (play) has been played for around two thousand years now.
12. Two men (question)are being questioned at this moment by police in connection with the burglary.
Exercise 21. Write sentences in the passive.
1. Our car/service/a mechanic/at the moment.
→Our car is being serviced by a mechanic at the moment.
2. A man/shoot/an air gun/outside the petrol station last night.
→A man was shot with an air gun outside the petrol station last night.
3. Gunpowder/invent/the Chinese.
→Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese.
4. At the surgery yesterday, I/examine/Dr Peterson/and I/give/a prescription.
→At the surgery yesterday, I was examined by Dr Peterson and I was given a prescription.
5. I went to see it because I/tell/it was a good film/all my friends.
→I went to see it because I had been told it was a good film by all my friends.
6. This photograph/take/my grandfather.
→This photograph was taken by my grandfather.
7. It looked like the window/break/a hammer/some time before.
→It looked liked the window had been broken with a hammer some time before.
8. Our dog/give/an injection/a special syringe/the vet.

→Our dog was given an injection with a special syringe by the vet.
9. The winning goal in last night’s match/score/Denatello/a brilliant free kick.
→The winning goal in last night’s match was scored by Denatello with a brilliant free kick.
10. Your cheque/send/last Friday and/should/deliver/to you tomorrow.
→Your cheque was sent last Friday and should be delivered to you tomorrow.
Exercise 22. Rewrite using the phrase given.
1. They have been building the new road for a long time now. (under construction)
→The new road has been under construction for a long time now.
2. They had been training the horse for the race for over a year. (in training)
→The horse had been in training for the race for over a year.
3. They have been discussing the issue in Parliament. (under discussion)
→The issue has been under discussion in Parliament.
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4. They had been observing the criminal for the past two weeks. (under observation)
→The criminal had been under observation for the past two weeks.
5. They have been using this plane for over 25 years now. (in use)
→This plane has been in use for over 25 years now.
6. They have been developing the Cyborg D423 robot for over ten years. (in development)
→The Cyborg D423 has been in development for over ten years.
Exercise 23. Rewrite in the passive starting with the words given.
1. People say that Bali is a beautiful island.
→It is said that Bali is a beautiful island.
2. People generally think that life won’t be found on Mars.
→It is generally thought that life won’t be found on Mars.
3. It is generally said that Christmas is too commercialized.
→Christmas is generally said to be too commercialized.

4. People often argue that prison doesn’t work.
→It is often argued that prison doesn’t work.
5. People have suggested that the school should start to produce a magazine.
→It has been suggested that the school should start to produce a magazine.
6. People say that crocodile tastes like squid.
→Crocodile is said to taste like squid.
7. It is said that Vikings discovered America before Columbus.
→The Vikings are said to have discovered American before Columbus.
8. People think that heart disease is caused by eating the wrong things.
→Heart disease is thought to be caused by eating the wrong things.
Exercise 24. Choose the correct answer
1. We
a swimming pool put in this week.
A. get
B. are having
C. have
D. have got
2. Why don’t you get a doctor
at your arm?
A. to look
B. looked
C. look
D. be looking
3. My teeth were a little yellow so I
by the dentist.
A. had cleaned them
B. have them cleaned
C. was cleaned them D. had them cleaned
4. Stuart’s thinking of having

A. shaved his head
B. his head shaving
C. his head shaved D. shaved to his head
5. My sister
her ear pierced last weekend.
A. made
B. got
C. did
D. took
6. Mum and Dad didn’t fancy cooking so we got a pizza
A. be delivered
B. to be delivered
C. delivered
D. deliver
7. You should
a professional to check your house for earthquake damage.
A. have
B. make
C. take
D. get
8. Kelly wanted to have a live band
at her wedding.
A. to be played
B. play
C. played
D. been playing
9. Can we
this summer?
A. get installed air-conditioning

B. get air-conditioning to install
C. have installed air-conditioning
D. have air-conditioning installed
10. We
while we were on holiday.
A. were burgled our house
B. had our house burgled
C. had burgled our house
D. got burgled our house
Exercise 25. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1. Someone has scratched my car on the door! (been)
→My car has been scratched on the door!
2. Tommy is having an operation right now. (being)
→Tommy is being operated on right now.
3. Has Fiona invited you to her party? (been)
→Have you been invited by Fiona to her (to Fiona’s)party?
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4. Shakespeare probably wrote this play in 1587. (written)
→This play was probably written by Shakespeare in 1587.
5. The government is considering a new law to ban smoking following new research. (considered)
→A new law to ban smoking is being considered following new research
6. My mum told me to go to Megagrocers. (sent)
→I was sent to Megagrocers by my mum.
7. I didn’t understand a word so I asked my teacher and she explained it to me. (got)
→I didn’t understand a word so I got my teacher to explain it to me.

Exercise 26. Find the extra word in each line.
Wedding disaster
My wedding had been being arranged for months. I knew exactly what I
wanted for that special day. I had the caterers to give me a menu and
have got them to provide me with samples so that I could be sure we
would have the best food. I also wanted to have us a string quarter play
classical music and I arranged that, too. My dress was been being made
specially and I had told the dressmaker put silver thread in it. Finally, the
big day got arrived. My dress was being delivered in the morning, but by
ten it still hadn’t arrived. They called me and said it had been being
damaged! I was furious! I had my best friend quickly to pop out and get
a new dress. I had got my lawyer to call to get my money back.
Exercise 27. Rewrite with the indirect object at the end of the sentence.
1. My dad got me a great computer game. →My dad got a great computer game for me.
2. Dave sent Jill a really nice letter. →Dave sent a really nice letter to Jill.
3. I threw Colin the ball. →I threw the ball to Colin.
4. The waiter offered us a menu. →The waiter offered a menu to us.
5. The hotel provides its guests with satellite television. →the hotel provides satellite television for its guests.

6. My grandma taught me this song. →My grandma taught this song to me.

Exercise 28. Write one word in each gap.
The European Diet
It’s hard for us to imagine what (1.)was included in the European diet before America (2.) was
discovered (3.) by Columbus in 1492. So many ingredients which today (4.) are grown all over the world
(5.)were unknown to medieval Europeans. Potatoes, tomatoes, maize and chocolate (6.) were all originally
imported from the New World. Until then, meals had (7.) been prepared using ingredients native to Europe,
such as root vegetables. Of course, spices such as pepper (8.) had been traded and added to food for
centuries. When the potato (9.) was first introduced, it was surprisingly unpopular. It (10.) was considered to
be poisonous and it took a long time to become common. There is a story of Parmentier, a French army
officer, who (11.) got/had potatoes planted in the royal garden and (12.) got Marie Antoinette to wear a
potato flower to make them fashionable. The poor peasants were curious about the new plants and many of
them (13.) were stolen to be planted in their own gardens. It was the start of French fries!

High School for Gifted Students — HNUE


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