Write a word in each gap to complete the email hi ben

2 OKET Write a word in each gap to complete
the email.
To: Ben Smith
Subject: Liam’s present
Hi, Ben!
Thanks (1)
your email. I was
thinking (2)
an adventure
book for Liam’s birthday. It’s called lost
Treasure. I was looking (3)
yesterday. I laughed (4)
of the stories in it. Let’s talk
it when we see each othen
tomorrow. We can go to the bookshop
Fran. She knows many good
books. She can tell us what book to buy
Liam. Oh, and don’t worry
I asked my mum (8)
drive us to
the party

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To: [email protected]

Subject: Concert at school.

     Hi, Andreas!

     How are you? I’m so tired!!! Last week my class organized a concert at school. Everyone wanted to have the concert outdoors but our teachers were worried about the rain, so finally we decided to have ir indoors. There’s a band in our town that is very popular. They played and everybody liked them. We also sold tickets to the concert, but they were very cheap so a lot of people brought their friends from other schools. We had a little cafe too where people could order refreshments. The concert finished at midnight and then we had to tidy up. It took forever! I didn’t arrive home until two in the morning! Hey — did you get a … idea game? I haven’t had a reply… (далее текста не видно, последнее для вставки слово reply).


Кому: Андреас[email protected]андреас.ком

Тема: Концерт в школе

     Привет, Андреас!

     Как у тебя дела? Я так устал!!! На прошлой неделе мой класс организовал концерт в школе. Все хотели провести этот концерт на улице, но наша учительница боялась, что может пойти дождь и потому, мы решили провести его в стенах школы. В нашем городе есть очень популярная группа. Так вот, они играли у нас и всем очень понравились. А ещё мы продали билеты на этот концерт, но так как они были очень дешёвыми, народ привёл с собой друзей из других школ. Также у нас было там маленькое кафе, где народу была предоставлена возможность заказать прохладительные напитки. Концерт закончился около полуночи, а потом нам пришлось всё это убирать. Это заняло целую вечность! Я вернулся домой только в два часа утра! Кстати, ты … идею по игре? Я до сих пор не получил ответ… (далее текста не видно).

20 Questions


By Natalia_gulyaeva | Updated: Mar 21, 2022

| Attempts: 427




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Reading Quizzes & Trivia


  • 1. 

    Hi Ben, I’m writing this from sunny Spain! We’re on holiday and we (1) ……………………… staying in a lovely house. There is a park (2) ……………………… front of the house and it is near the beach. We go swimming every day. There (3) ……………………… only two bedrooms, so I’m sleeping in the same room as Brad, my brother. He’s so untidy! I make the bed and tidy (4) ……………………… every morning, but he does nothing! We don’t eat here because (5) ……………………… isn’t a cooker. We can make breakfast, but for dinner we go to a nice restaurant next (6) ……………………… our house. I love Spanish food. And I like watching TV here. I (7) ……………………… learning some words in Spanish! How’s school? (8) ……………………… you working hard? See you soon. Love, Angela

  • 2. 

    Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.  So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’  Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’  

  • 3. 

    Complete the email with one word in each gap. 

     Hi Ben, I’m writing this from sunny Spain! We’re on holiday and we ……………………… staying in a lovely house.

  • 4. 

    There is a park ………………… front of the house and it is near the beach. We go swimming every day.

  • 5. 

    There ……………………… only two bedrooms, so I’m sleeping in the same room as Brad, my brother. He’s so untidy!

  • 6. 

    I make the bed and tidy ……………………… every morning, but he does nothing!

  • 7. 

    We don’t eat here because ……………………… isn’t a cooker.

  • 8. 

    We can make breakfast, but for dinner we go to a nice restaurant next ……………………… our house. I love Spanish food.

  • 9. 

    And I like watching TV here. I ……………………… learning some words in Spanish!

  • 10. 

    How’s school? ……………………… you working hard? See you soon. Love, Angela

  • 11. 

    Jason’s home is unusual. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      Not mentioned

  • 12. 

    Jason has got a small family. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      Not mentioned

  • 13. 

    There is one window in his room. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      Not mentioned

  • 14. 

    He can see his friends’ houses from his room. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      Not mentioned

  • 15. 

    He doesn’t like the hotel food. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      Not mentioned

  • 16. 

    Jason likes watching scary films. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      Not mentioned

  • 17. 

     Read the article again and choose the best answers.

    Barnaby is a town which is ……………………… . 

    • A. 

      Very big

    • B. 

      Very quiet

    • C. 

      By the sea

  • 18. 

    The hotel is very popular ……………………… .      

    • A. 

      In summer

    • B. 

      In winter

    • C. 

      Every holiday

  • 19. 

    Jason and his family live ……………………… .      

    • A. 

      In one of the hotel bedrooms

    • B. 

      In a flat in the hotel

    • C. 

      Near the hotel

  • 20. 

    Jason sometimes does ……………………… to help his parents. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


  • 21. 

     His friends like the ……………………… and the bedrooms  at the hotel.

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      Swimming pool

  • 22. 

    In winter Jason is sometimes frightened at night  when ……………………… .

    • A. 

      There are no people staying

    • B. 

      His parents go out

    • C. 

      He watches films

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Hi Steve,
I’m sure you must have heard about John’s problems.
I wonder why he dropped out of university like that.
He 1) can’t have found it too difficult — he’s much too clever. Something 2) must have happened but what? Do you think he might 3) have money problems? He might have 4) spent all his money on books and had nothing left for food. Or I suppose he might have 5) been lonely there. He’s quite shy. I’ll have to ring his parents. They must 6) know what has happened.
Let me know if you hear anything.
Привет, Стив,
Я уверен, что ты, должно быть, слышал о проблемах Джона.
Интересно, почему его выгнали из университета.
Для него это не могло быть слишком сложно — он слишком умен. Что-то должно было произойти, но что? Как ты думаешь, у него могли быть проблемы с деньгами? Возможно, он потратил все свои деньги на книги и ничего не оставил на еду. Или я полагаю, что он мог быть одинок там. Он довольно застенчив. Мне придется позвонить родителям. Они должны знать, что произошло.
Дай мне знать, если ты что-нибудь услышишь.

7 Complete the email with one word in each gap.

Hi Britt,
How are you? (1) ……………………… you working hard for your exams? (2) ……………………… are lots of books on my desk at the moment but I’m having a break. I’ve got maths (3) ……………………… the morning and then English. I love English, but I (4) ……………………… study all evening! I want to be an English teacher, but I think maths is important too. What do you think?
We’ve got a new English teacher. She’s English, but she (5) ……………………… here in Poland. She’s really nice, but she doesn’t speak Polish very (6) ……………………… . We have to do a lot of homework for her class.
I haven’t got time to write a long email now. I (7) ……………………… do my homework and look at my maths for tomorrow’s exam. No TV tonight!
(8) ……………………… you come to the cinema on Saturday? I want to have fun after all this work!
Write soon.

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