Write a word how it sounds

Test. Phonetic transcription and phonetic analysis

как сделать транскрипцию слова
Be careful! You have 10 minutes to complete the test. The grading system is 5 points. Scoring of the test — 3,4,5 points, depending on the complexity of the question. The order of tasks and answer options in the test is random. You will be able to familiarize yourself with the mistakes and correct answers after passing the test. Good luck!

Indicate where is true and where is false.

Answer options

  • when transcribing, stress must be indicated
  • during phonetic analysis, the ratio of letters and sounds is indicated
  • for phonetic parsing, we use capital letters, but for transcription, we do not
  • transcription is a recording of speech using letters

Select the character that is used in phonetic transcription.

Word transcription. Phonetic parsing of a word

как сделать транскрипцию слова

The ability to analyze a word from the point of view of its pronunciation will help the student understand cases of inconsistency between what we hear and what we write, help systematize knowledge about phonetics and spelling (in particular, about the principles of spelling), teach to pronounce and write words correctly. The most common type of such analysis is phonetic analysis, which requires information about the sounds of speech.

Phonetic analysis begins with the correct spelling of a word, dividing it into syllables, and stressing.

Then you need to write the word as it sounds, that is, make its transcription.

In order not to be mistaken, you need to pronounce the word out loud, paying attention to how it is and remember the basic rules:

For example, the word FROST:

mo-roz, the stress falls on the second syllable.

It remains to count the number of sounds and letters.

In this word, it is the same: letters 5 and sounds 5.

Phonetic parsing plan

Thus, phonetic analysis is done according to the following plan:

  1. Writing a word, dividing into syllables, stressing.
  2. Transcription.
  3. Characteristics of sounds.
  4. Explanation of cases of mismatch of sounds and letters, changes in sounds.
  5. Counting the number of letters and sounds, explanation in case of mismatch.

Correspondence tables of letters and sounds for phonetic parsing

With the help of phonetic analysis, one can illustrate cases of stunning and voicing of consonants, explain the need to check unstressed vowels by placing them in a strong position (under stress), consider examples of mismatch in the number of sounds and letters, etc.

Phonetic parsing examples

Police — mi-li-qi-i

7 letters, 8 sounds; the letter I denotes 2 sounds, since it is located after the vowel.

As if

5 letters, 4 sounds; sounds D and T merge into a long [t¯], sound D is deafened.

Examples of tasks with elements of phonetic analysis

Possible entertaining tasks that help to awaken the interest of schoolchildren in phonetics and spelling, attentiveness to spelling.

For example: determine what words will turn out if you pronounce the sounds of which they are composed in reverse order? Code, arab, spruce, paradise, ice.

(Answers: current, steam, lei, yar, roofing paper).

To complete the assignment, children need to write down the transcription of the word and then read it in reverse: paradise — [paradise] — [yar] — yar.

Or a task of this type: determine how many times soft consonants are found in the sentence “Don’t work — you won’t get bread”.

(Answer 5: [n ‘] — 2 times, [d’] [l ‘] [b’] — 1 time).

To complete this task, students need to write down a transcription of the entire sentence. It must be remembered that in the flow of speech, sounds affect each other, change. For example, HOW would [kagby] sound, that is, the sound [k] becomes voiced under the influence of the subsequent voiced [b]. Similar tasks can be found in the Russian language Olympiads.

Text transcription rules

Correct division into syllables helps to wrap words from one line to another, but it must be remembered that division into syllables does not always coincide with dividing a word into parts for hyphenation. The transfer rules are presented in the table:

Word wrap rules

Source: http://olgadyachenko.ru/foneticheskij-razbor-slova-transkripciya.html

How to make a transcription of English words, sentences and whole texts

как сделать транскрипцию слова
Modern robots (programs) read English words very well

I recently added transcriptions to the 500 and 3000 common English dictionaries, spending a lot of time on it. I want to tell you exactly how I did it without spending an eternity on it. If you suddenly need to make a transcription of English words, texts, this advice will help you.

We make transcription using online dictionaries

In «Lingvo» you can not only see the transcription and meanings, but also listen to the word

When composing a transcription on a computer, and not by hand, the problem is that phonetic characters that are not on the keyboard need to be found somewhere and somehow typed.

If you need to transcribe several words, the easiest way is to find them in an online dictionary, for example, Lingvo Online, and copy / paste the transcription from there. It is much faster and easier than searching for symbols in a text editor or copying them from somewhere one by one.

But difficulties arise when there are tens, hundreds or even thousands of such words, as it was in my case. You can’t do without a special program.

Lingorado — transcription of English words and texts in a few clicks

There are quite a few online tools where you can copy English words, click OK and get the transcription, I’ve tried a few and my favorite is lingorado.com.

It works like this:

  • Add words or text to the window (there is only one).
  • Select transcription settings such as British or American, output only transcription or text with transcription, etc.
  • Click the Show Transcription button.
  • You can also listen to the pronunciation of the text (the robot reads well).

Depending on the selected settings, the program will issue a transcription, text + transcription, or even “transcription in Russian letters” (may name from Vitya).

But these are all small things, what I liked the most about this program is that it can cope with the main difficulty of transcribing: in English, the same spelling word can be pronounced differently, its meaning depends on it.

For example, the word progress can be read with stress on the first syllable [ˈPrəʊgrəs], and maybe with an emphasis on the last [prəʊˈgrɛs]… In the first case it is the noun «progress», in the second — the verb «to progress». Word wind can be pronounced like [wɪnd] — the wind, or maybe how [waɪnd] — twist. And there are quite a few such nuances.

Most sites that convert text into transcription ignore these nuances. That is, if you hammer in the words progress and wind, they are transcribed in one way, and you will not even know that there is another option. Lingorado has taken this nuance into account. If there are words with different pronunciation options, their transcription will be highlighted in blue.

The word «progress» can be pronounced in two ways — and they will be two different words.

Hovering over the blue word, you will see a hint where it will be written, what are the options for its pronunciation and how they differ. If you click on the blue word, the transcription will change to another version.

Words can also be highlighted in red — this means that the given word is absent in the dictionary base of the program. Here you will have to look for it manually in the online dictionary, but from my own experience I will say that this rarely happens.

The only drawback I see is that the parentheses in the transcription are either added to each word, or not added at all. That is, the phrase “be afraid of” is transcribed either like this:

biː əˈfreɪd ɒv

either like this:

[biː] [əˈfreɪd] [ɒv]

And if you need it like this:

[biː əˈfreɪd ɒv]

will have to dig deeper manually, removing unnecessary parentheses.

How to quickly watch the transcription of English words in the browser

In conclusion, I will give one more little advice. If you often read English in a browser, the easiest way to see the transcription and translation of an unfamiliar word is with a dedicated translator plugin. My favorite is “LeoTranslator” (works with Chrome browser).

It works like this:

  • We click on the word with the mouse.
  • A window appears with translation, transcription and pronunciation.
  • Words can be added to the personal vocabulary layer to repeat later.

Click on the picture to learn more about the plugin

The LeoTranslator plugin works in conjunction with the Lingualeo service. Words saved with it are saved in your Lingualeo account (if you have one, of course).

Source: https://langformula.ru/transkripciya-anglijskih-slov/

Polish language. Pronunciation and transcription

Pronunciation and transcription (notes on the phrasebook)

Note. When writing, we replace special Polish characters with combinations of a Latin letter and a stroke or comma. And in the transcription, wherever a comma should be in the Polish text, we put a semicolon.

Thus, we write: 
  — A, — C ‘- E, — L’ — N ‘- O’ — S ‘ 
The letters zet and zet are written in the same way:, — Z ‘.


    We only present here the basic rules that are designed to help those who do not know Polish to start speaking. In fact, the Polish pronunciation is much more difficult, and without hearing live speech it is impossible to learn how to pronounce hissing and nasal sounds correctly.


The vowel «A» is always pronounced like the Russian semi-stressed A

The vowel «O» is always pronounced as the Russian syllable O.

The vowel «U» has a double letter image: «U» — «O ‘» and is pronounced like the Russian U.

The vowel «E» is pronounced like a Russian stressed E.
at the beginning of the word — «ie». in the middle of the word — “ie”. The vowel «I» is pronounced like the Russian I.

The vowel «I» at the beginning of the word does not change, in contrast to the Russian language, its quality, ie. not pronounced as Ы after words ending in solid consonants; in the middle of a word softens the previous consonant.

The vowel «Y» is always pronounced like the Russian Y. , in transcription after w, w, u we write I.

Nasal vowels: «A,», «E,».

There are nasal vowels in Polish. These sounds are absent in Russian. The vowels «A,», «E,» (nasal) in transcription are denoted according to pronunciation, namely: (nasal) 

o «, e» before g, k, ch, w, f, z, s, z ‘, s’

he, en — before d, t, dz, c, dz ‘, cz

ohm, uh — before b, p

on, en — before dz, s’.

The vowel «A,» sounds like an average between «OU» and «OH» («YOU» and «YON») (while H is not read, as in English endings -ing). After soft consonants it is read as «YON» (with a nasal «H»), after hard consonants — «OH» (with a nasal «N.» It retains its nasal character at the end of words.

The vowel «E,» sounds like an average between «EU» and «EN» («EU» and «EN») (the rules are the same as for A,). In colloquial speech, «E,» at the end of words is pronounced as pure E.


The consonants «B», «P», «D», «T», «G», «K», «W», «F», «M», «N» are pronounced simply like Russian B, P, D , T, G, K, V, F, M, N.

The consonant «G» is always pronounced (also in the ending of the genitive case of adjectives and pronouns) as G (eg dobrego [dobego], and not softened, as in Russian [dobevo].

The consonants «C», «Z», «S» before the vowels a a, e e, o o ‘uy and before the consonants are pronounced as Russian Ts, Z, S.

The consonant «N» = «CH», which has a double written image, is always pronounced like the Russian H.

The consonant «L ‘» (L with an apostrophe) sounds like a cross between B and Y (very similar to the pronunciation of English W). Does not match vowel I.

The consonant «L» corresponds to the Russian ЛЬ and does not combine with the vowel Y. (The pure sound Л in Polish does not occur — either В-У or ЛЬ.)

The consonant «Z ‘» (Z with a dot), «RZ» (g), which has a double written image, corresponds to the Russian J. This sound is not combined with I.

The consonant «SZ» is pronounced like the Russian Ш and does not combine with the vowel I.

The consonant «DZ» (ДЗ) is a voiced correspondence of the consonant «C» and is pronounced together.

The consonant «СZ» (Ч) differs from the Russian Ch in that this sound is always solid and does not combine with I. Therefore, in the transcription of Ch it should be read approximately like Ch in the Russian word «is better, and not as in the words» often, person «And others. (For the Russian language, it is rather difficult to imagine how» CH «can be solid. ;-) )

The consonant «DZ ‘» (Z with a dot), in the DZ transcription, is a voiced correspondence of the consonant «CZ», pronounced together and does not combine with I.

In the Polish language there is often a combination of the consonant «SZ» — with the consonant «CZ» — «SZCZ» in the transcription of Sh. They do not merge into one sound and are pronounced firmly (eg Deszcz — [deshch]). The combination «Z’DZ ‘» (both Z with a dot) is a voiced match of the combination «SZCZ». The sound «J» corresponds to the Russian J.

In the transcription, after the vowels, we write И, and at the beginning of the word, as in Russian, e, e, yu, i. In the transcription of words such as, for example, racja, kolizja, komisja,

«Cja» is designated as qya [ratsya]

«Zja» — zya [coliseum]

«Sja» — sya [komisya].

The softness of consonants

The consonants «B», «P», «G», «K», «W», «F», «CH», «M», just like in Russian, can be soft and hard. These consonants can only be soft before vowels. They cannot be soft at the end of a word or syllable:

Before the vowels A, O, E, U (O ‘), the softness of the consonants is indicated by the letter «I», which in this case is only a sign of the softness of the consonant. These letter combinations are transcribed as: E, Yo, Yu, Z

The consonant «N ‘» (N with an apostrophe) is pronounced like the Russian Hb (dzien’ [dzhen]).

The consonant «S ‘» (S with an apostrophe), in the transcription of u, is softer (as far as possible) than the Russian U, almost as approximately the same as the first midrange in the word «happiness». The consonant «Z» (Z with an apostrophe) (ЗЬ) is a voiced correspondence of the consonant «S ‘».

The consonant «C ‘» (C with an apostrophe) (CH) is pronounced a little softer than the Russian TH
(pisac [pisach]).

This consonant is pronounced approximately the same way as the Russian consonant Ч in the words «often, person», etc. 

The consonant «DZ ‘» (Z with an apostrophe) is a voiced correspondence of the consonant «C» and is pronounced together. In the Polish language, there is a combination of consonants «S ‘» and «C'» — «S’C ‘». In this combination, both consonants are pronounced clearly and do not merge.

(In fact, this is the easiest combination to pronounce: ЩЧ (czes’c ‘- [cheschch]).

) The softness of consonants at the end of words and before consonants is denoted in Polish by N ‘, S’, Z ‘, C’, DZ ‘, in transcription we write nn, sch, zh, h, dj, and before vowels to soften in Polish we write i (ia, ie, io, iu), in transcription I, e, e, y.

At the end of words, voiced ones are pronounced dully.


This is the only thing with which you will never have problems — in Polish, the stress is always on the penultimate syllable. (Exceptions are complex reflexive verbs, which are almost absent in our phrasebook).

Phrasebook notes

We tried to make the transcription as close as possible to real pronunciation. Connoisseurs may find some inaccuracies, but we have done everything that can be written in Russian letters.

For a person who wants to learn basic phrases in a short time, our phrasebook is completely suitable. Those who seriously study Polish should make certain adjustments to the transcription.

Source: http://www.polska.ru/jezyk/wymowa.html

How to pronounce the sound th, or The devil is not so terrible as he is painted

Readers of our constant phonetic column have repeatedly asked in the comments to make out the interdental sound th. This is not at all surprising: th is one of the most common sounds in the English language, while in Russian (and in many others) this sound simply does not exist.

How to pronounce it? How to fix common mistakes? How to “train your mouth” to pronounce correctly? Today we will answer these questions with videos, exercises, tongue twisters, words and examples from songs.

What sound do the letters th

Let’s just make a reservation right away that th is not a sound. This is a combination of letters that can be read as two sounds: voiceless / θ /, as in a word thanks, and voiced / ð /, as in the word that. It is with these signs that the interdental “th sounds” are denoted in transcription. But in the article I will sometimes write “th sound” for convenience.

Both sounds, both ringing and deaf, articulated the same (lips and tongue are in the same position). Therefore, we will build the work as follows:

  1. First, let’s learn the correct position of the mouth for both sounds;
  2. Then we will analyze possible mistakes and find out how to fix them;
  3. Then we will work out each sound separately on tongue twisters and words.

How to pronounce th in english

Yes, we do not have these sounds. But we have the concept of lisping. Do you remember the sloth Sid from the Ice Age: “No, I фwhetherфwho is young фto die! ”. In the English explanatory dictionary, the word «lisp» (to lisp) is interpreted as «a speech defect in which s and z sound like th in think and this, respectively.»

This video is just talking about the lisp. I recommend for viewing: simple and humorous.

That is, it turns out that we need to pronounce Russian / s / lisp for a deaf / θ / and Russian / z / — for a voiced / ð /. How is it «lisping»? Say the word «composition» right now. When pronouncing the sound / c /, your tongue is behind your teeth. Now put your tongue between teeth (th sound — interdental) and say “composition” again. You will get a semblance of a voiceless th, as in the word thick.

Now do the same, but with the word «gap». As a result, you will get a semblance of a voiced th, as in the word then.

Why do I say «likeness»? Because the Russians / s — z / are not identical to the English ones / s — z /, which means that their lisp will be slightly different. Therefore, let’s still dwell in more detail on the position of the articulatory apparatus.

How to pronounce th sound in english

Language sprawled and tense, and its tip is between the upper and lower teeth, forming a narrow flat gap between incisal edge of upper teeth and the surface of the anterior edge of the tongue.

To learn the ideal setting of the articulation apparatus, I suggest you watch the video. It shows three life hacks:

2:08 — how to put the articulation apparatus in the ideal position: open your mouth, put your tongue on top of your lower teeth so that the tip is directly behind your lower lip and slowly lower your upper teeth onto your tongue — try to pronounce the voiceless variant th, as in think.

2:52 — how to feel the necessary tension of the tongue: we take a straw and put it between the tongue and upper teeth — this way you will feel how strong the tension should be on the tongue.

3:36 — how far to stick your tongue forward: put your finger perpendicular to your lips (as when we ask you to be quieter) and stick your tongue out. The tongue should lightly touch the finger — this is the limit.

And do not forget to repeat the sentences and words after the leader! This sound takes practice and more practice.

Interdental sound pronunciation th: video.

How to pronounce th sound in russian

Now that you have figured out what position the articulation apparatus should be in, let’s laugh together at the typical mistakes of Russian speakers in order to avoid them in practice (which, by the way, will go right after this point).

Possible mistakes: How to fix:
Replacing the voiceless / θ / with / s / (think we pronounce “sync”); Replacing the voiced / ð / with / z / (then we pronounce it like “zen”). Do not bend the front back of your tongue up. + The tip of the tongue should be between the teeth, and not at the base of the lower front teeth (and not at the alveoli, as for English sz) .Consider exercises for the contrast of words, for example: mouth / maʊθ / — mouse / maʊs /, thing / θɪŋ / — sing / sɪŋ /, with / wɪð / — whizz / wɪz /.
Replacing the voiceless / θ / with / f / (pronounce three like “fri”); Replacing the voiced / ð / with / in / (pronounce breathe like “brive”). Expose your teeth, especially the lower ones, as when brushing them, so that the lower lip does not come into contact with the upper teeth and does not come close to them. /.
Replacing the voiceless / θ / with the sound / t / (pronounced thick as “tick”); Replacing the voiced / ð / with / d / (pronounce this as “diz”). Do not press the front of the tongue against the upper teeth: it is lowered down, and the tip is between the teeth. Read the exercises for the contrast of words, for example: thick / θɪk / — tick / tɪk /.
Stunning the voiced variant of th / ð / ⇒ replacement with the voiceless variant / θ / at the end of a word. It can happen out of habit, because in Russian, voiced consonants at the end of a word are pronounced dull. Remember that in English, voiced sounds at the end of a word are not stunned! Rebuke exercises for contrast of words, for example: teeth / tiːθ / — teethe / tiːð /.

See, it’s not all that difficult.

Source: https://corp.lingualeo.com/ru/2017/02/02/kak-proiznositsya-zvuk-th/

English transcription translation and pronunciation

›Language learning› Translation and reading ›English transcription, translation and pronunciation of frequently used words

We come across a discrepancy in the spelling and pronunciation of English words already in the first lessons, when we independently begin to read small texts and translate them. Therefore, along with the alphabet and the simplest vocabulary, novice students need to get acquainted with such a concept as English transcription.

It is this multi-character system that helps to convey the pronunciation of the sounds that make up the word in writing. In today’s lesson, we will analyze the work of these symbols in practice, i.e. we will learn how the English transcription should sound correctly, the translation and pronunciation of the most useful words.

At the same time, examples of correct sounding will be presented in both English and Russian. But first, let’s take a look at a few useful rules.

The principle of working with transcription

Recording. Make it a rule that the transcription of English words is always written using square brackets: book — [bʊk] — book.

Stress. To indicate stress, use an apostrophe or, more simply, a stroke icon that precedes the stressed syllable: dictionary — [ˈDɪkʃənrɪ]— dictionary.

Special signs. Dots, colons, parentheses, and resized letters may appear in transcriptional notation.

  • Period — English uses this transcriptional character as a syllable separator: undisputed — [ˈɅndɪsˈpjuːtɪd] — undeniable.
  • Colon — indicator of a long drawn out sound: water — [‘wɔ: tə] — water.
  • Parentheses are an indicator that the sound enclosed in them is not pronounced or pronounced very weakly: happen — [‘hæp(ə) n] — to happen, to happen.
  • Changed letter size — not always pronounced sound. You can often find the r sound written in superscript format. It is an indicator that the pronunciation of a word depends on the dialect or other circumstances, for example, the following word: car — [kɑːr] — a car. By the way, the British pronunciation of words is indicated by the abbreviation UK, and the American — US.

Repeated symbols. Depending on the studied dialect, the recording of transcription signs may also differ. However, only their spelling is excellent, these sounds are pronounced in the same way. Here are pairs of such identical symbols: [ɒ] = [ɔ], [e] = [ɛ], [ʊ] = [u], [əʊ] = [ɔu], [h:] = [ə:], [eə] = [ɛə].

Armed with these rules, let’s begin our acquaintance with the transcription and pronunciation of the English language.

English transcription translation and pronunciation of popular words

It is not a novelty for a Russian person that words are not spoken the way they are written. But the sometimes very large-scale discrepancy that occurs in the English language will amaze even the most unimpressive native speakers of the Russian language.

In the following tables, we will study all the transcriptional signs of the English language, working out their correct sound with the help of popular words. Since we still have an initial level of knowledge, we will work with pronunciation in an easy mode, i.e.

additionally decoding English words with Russian letters. In addition, every word will be presented с translationohm into Russian.

So by the end of the study of tables, we will significantly expand our vocabulary and, working with entry-level texts, we can already do without dictionaries and online translators.

Let’s start with practicing vowel sounds, as they are the most «capricious» in pronunciation. Stretch out a short sound a little — and that’s it, you have already said not a ship, but a sheep. Therefore, be careful and monitor the quality of the pronunciation of each sound.

Vowel sounds
Sound Word and transcription Russian pronunciation Transfer
[ɑː] Lingering a, approximately like a shock a in Russian. fellаand

Source: https://speakenglishwell.ru/anglijskaya-transkriptsiya-perevod-i-proiznoshenie/

We translate English text into transcription

You can immediately get a transcription of your English text here.

Recently I needed a transcription of not a single word, but a complete text. This is about the poem «The Chaos», which I wrote about earlier. Trying to read it without transcription is a dead number. Even native speakers of English are not overwhelmed by this or that word.

I’ve watched a dozen videos, and each has at least one word incorrectly pronounced. By the way, adult educated Englishmen confessed to me that it is a common thing for them to see a new word and do not know how to pronounce it.

What can we say about us studying.

Automatic online transcription

The benefits of parsing the entire poem with transcription are obvious — you may not remember all the readings, but you will get an idea of ​​all the diversity. With this in mind, I went to the Internet, looking for an online service that would help me quickly transcribe all the text. It turned out to be not so easy, since there are many transcription systems, and we need the IPA we are used to.

Or some services process the entire text, but give out a transcription of the American pronunciation, but I would like to see the British one. And the machine translation of a text into transcription itself is quite difficult, since the pronunciation of a word can change depending on the context and adjacent words. For example, «read» can read both [riːd] and [red].

Or the «r» at the end of a word will only sound if it is followed by a vowel (in British English). Well, and so on.

(Added on 25.03.2013/XNUMX/XNUMX: Since this article was published, this site has its own transcriptor of the English text, which is in many ways more convenient than the service, which is discussed below.)

I ended up stumbling across a website like this: photransedit.com/Online/Text2Phonetics.aspx. True, it only allows you to translate up to 300 characters at a time. But otherwise, he copes with the task.

To get what we usually see in our dictionaries, I turned off the «Syllabic Consonants» and «Intrusive / r /» checkboxes in the settings. The pronunciation that most textbooks in our country are guided by is Received Pronunciation (RP), a kind of British standard. We leave him. However, the site can also show you the American version if that’s what you are targeting or want to compare both pronunciations with each other.

Pronunciation of words in a weak and shock position

The first thing that caught my eye when I saw the result of the transcription was the unusual representation of service verbs, pronouns, etc.:

“You” and “your” look like [ju] and [jə]. “Does” look like [dəz], “has” like [həz], and “will” like [wəl]. “But” — [bət] , “As” — [əz], “and” — [ənd], “just” — [dʒəst].

And «is» and «are» are transformed in places into [z] and [ə].

The site follows the following rule here, which, with reservations, corresponds to English colloquial speech: a word is in the stressed position — and accordingly pronounced without reduction — if it is not a pronoun and at the same time is at the end of the phrase. For example,

I found some. => [aɪ faʊnd sʌm]
I found some coins. => [aɪ faʊnd səm kɔɪnz]

Pronunciation of the words «the», «to» and «is» usually follows its own rules.

  • “The” sounds like [ðə] before consonants (the boy, the house) and [ði] before vowels (the egg, the hour).
  • «To» sounds [tə] before consonants and [tu] before vowels.
  • «Is» sounds [ɪz] after words ending in [s], [z], [ʃ], [ʒ], [ʧ], [ʤ]. The weak form [s] is used after words ending in [p], [t], [k], [f], [θ], and the form [z] is used after words ending in a vowel or sounds [b], [d] , [g], [v], [ð], [m], [n], [ŋ], [l], and in American English also [r].

As you can see, this is just a natural process of facilitating pronunciation, like our stunning-voicing of consonants. Therefore, I would not begin to memorize these «rules» in order to specifically speak in accordance with them. Where it is helpful to have an idea of ​​them is when communicating with native speakers, then the number of surprises and listening difficulties caused by «incorrect» pronunciation will not be so discouraging.

It is clear that the stressed or weak form is determined by the semantic stress, intonation and context, so the computer does not always succeed in choosing the right form. For example, I had to correct the pronunciation of the word «some» in the poem «The Chaos» for a percussive one, since it is part of the enumeration here. And the word «does» occurs in both versions. I also took the liberty of correcting «is» here and there for the full form, because otherwise the size of the verse would break.

The complete phonetic transcription of the poem can be seen alongside the original text on the updated English reading rules page.

Source: http://lingorado.com/english-text-phonetic-transcription/

Five translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences. Five translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences English 5 translation with transcription

Learn how the English numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 30, 50, 100, 1000, 1000000 are written in words and learn to count in English.

The VoxBook audio course contains many examples of the use of numbers and numbers. So in the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson «Treasure Island» from the famous song:

Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest [fifteen people on the dead man’s chest]
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum [yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum]!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

Below are the numbers in English with transcription and translation. Further, the methods of forming cardinal numbers (Cardinal Numerals) and English counting are discussed in detail.

Table: Numbers in English with transcription from 1 to 1000. Digit Title in Russian Title in English Trans-script

1 one one
2 two Two [ˈTuː]
3 three three [θriː]
4 four four
5 five five
6 six six
7 seven seven [ˈSevn̩]
8 eight eight
9 nine nine
10 ten th
11 eleven eleven [ɪˈlevn̩]
12 twelve twelve
20 twenty Twenty [ˈTwenti]
30 thirty thirty [ˈΘɜːti]
40 forty forty [ˈFɔːti]
50 fifty fifty [ˈFɪfti]
60 sixty sixty [ˈSɪksti]
70 seventy seventy [ˈSevnti]
80 eighty eighty [ˈEɪti]
90 ninety ninety [ˈNaɪnti]
100 one hundred a (one) hundred [əwʌnˈhʌndrəd]
1000 one thousand a (one) thousand [ə wʌn ˈθaʊzn̩d]
1000000 million million / a (one) million [ə (wʌn)ˈmɪlɪən]
1000000000 billion milliard / a (one) milliard (BrE) billion / a (one) billion (AmE) [ə (wʌn) ˈmɪlɪɑːd] [ə (wʌn) ˈbɪlɪəŋ]

BrE-British English, AmE-American English

Numbers in English 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

The numbers in English from 1 to 12 are i.e. denote the number of items and consist of one word (see table). The spelling of the English numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 must be remembered. All other English numbers are formed on the basis of their top ten.

Numbers in English from 13 to 19

In English, the numbers 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 are.
To form them, the suffix -teen is added to the English digit from 1 to 10 from the third column of the table. As a result, we get the figure needed to count from 13 to 19:

13 thirteen — thirteen [ˌΘɜːˈtiːn]
14 fourteen — fourteen [ˌFɔːˈtiːn]
15 fifteen — fifteen [ˌFɪfˈtiːn]
16 sixteen — sixteen
17 seventeen — seventeen [ˌSevnˈtiːn]
18 eighteen — eighteen [ˌEɪˈtiːn]
19 nineteen — nineteen [ˌNaɪnˈtiːn]

Note that in English numbers 13 and 15, the root 3 three and 5 five are mutated:
3 — 13

Accent of numbers with the -teen suffix.In English, numbers ending in the suffix -teen have two stresses, on the first and on the second syllable (ˌ weak secondary (secondary) stress and ˈ primary stress). Take a look at the transcription in order not to miss the pronunciation:

13 — thirteen [ˌθɜːˈtiːn] 14 — fourteen [ˌfɔːˈtiːn] 15 — fifteen [ˌfɪfˈtiːn]

If a numeral with a -teen suffix is ​​not followed by a noun, then during pronunciation the main stress falls on the -teen suffix: fifteen sixteen

When a numeral with the -teen suffix is ​​the definition of a noun (i.e. it is followed by a noun), then the stress in it falls not on the suffix, but only on its first syllable:
fifteen pencils [ˈfɪftiːn ˈpensl̩z] sixteen boxes [ˈsɪkstiːn ˈbɒksɪz]

In the VoxBook audio course in the tale «The Fish and the Ring» from the English Fairy Tales collection, in which you can hear such an accent (to do this, install the audio course on your computer and listen for yourself):

English numbers 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90

English numbers denoting whole tens of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, are derivatives of cardinal numbers. To form them, the suffix -ty is added to the tens digit from the third column of the table.

As a result, the required number of tens is obtained:

20 twenty — twenty [ˈTwenti]
30 thirty — thirty [ˈΘɜːti]
40 forty — forty [ˈFɔːti]
50 fifty — fifty [ˈFɪfti]
60 sixty — sixty [ˈSɪksti]
70 seventy — seventy [ˈSevnti]
80 eighty — eighty [ˈEɪti]
90 ninety — ninety [ˈNaɪnti]

Please note that in English numbers 20, 30, 40 and 50, the root of 2 two, 3 three, 4 four and 5 five is modified, and in the number 80 the repetition of the letter t disappears:

2 two — 20 ty [ˈtwenti] 3 three — 30 ty [ˈθɜːti] 4 four — 40 ty [ˈfɔːti] 5 five — 50 ty [ˈfɪfti]

8 eight — 80 ty [ˈeɪti]

Accent of numbers with the -ty suffix.In English numbers ending with the suffix -ty, the stress is only on the first syllable. Check out the transcription and pronunciation:

40 — forty [ˈfɔːti] 50 — fifty [ˈfɪfti]

60 — sixty [ˈsɪksti]

English numbers 100, 1000, 1000000

English numbers from 100 to 1000 and 1000000 are presented at the end of the table (see above).

In English, before 100 hundred, 1000 thousand, 1000000 million, either the indefinite article a (which has the value one — one) is put, or the word one is put:

100 one hundred — a (one) hundred [ə wʌn ˈhʌndrəd] (ie a hundred or one hundred)
1000 thousand — a (one) thousand

Please note that the article is not used with other cardinal numbers: Three pencils. Three pencils.

Two girls. Two girls.

In 100 hundred, 1000 thousand and 1000000 million, the endings -s are not put, including when they are preceded by another number other than one, for example:
100 one hundred (one hundred) — one hundred or a hundred 200 two hundred — two hundred 300 three hundred — three hundred 400 four hundred — four hundred 500 five hundred — five hundred 600 six hundred — six hundred 700 seven hundred — seven hundred 800 eight hundred — eight hundred 900 nine hundred — Nine hundred further 1000 thousand (one thousand) — one thousand or a thousand 2000 two thousand — two thousand 3000 three thousand — three thousand 4000 four thousand — four thousand 5000 five thousand — five thousand, etc. 1000000 million (one million) — one million or a million 2000000 two million — two million 3000000 three million — three million 4000000 four million — four million 5000000 five million — five million 6000000 six million — six million, etc.

Thus, the numeral is never given the ending -s, however

However: the word signifying number can refer not only to a numeral (which does not need to have the ending -s), but also to a noun that may already have an ending -s.

For example, 100 hundred, 1000 thousand, and 1000000 million end up with -s when they express an indefinite number of hundreds, thousands, or millions.

In this case, they are nouns, and the following noun (if any) is used with the preposition of:
Three millions of tons of coal. Three Million Tons of Coal. Hundreds of learning ideas.

Source: https://dprvrn.ru/five-perevod-i-transkripciya-proiznoshenie-frazy-i-predlozheniya/

«How to insert English sounds in a Word (in MS Word)?» — English sounds in writing are indicated by transcription signs.
To use transcription characters in programs such as Word, download a special font to your computer PhoneticTM

Using the PhoneticTM font

When the required font is installed, i.e. added to the fonts folder, in MS Word you need to select this font from the list of fonts and enter transcription characters from the keyboard:

Phonetic symbols in PhoteticTM font

another way is to insert Unicode characters

Unicode transcription characters

Vowel sounds
short: ʌ, ə, æ, i, e, o, u
long: ɑ :, ə :, i :, ɔ :, u:
diphthongs: ɑɪ, ​​au, eɪ, əu, ɛə, ɪə, ɔɪ, uə

Consonant sounds: f, h, k, p, s, ʃ, t, θ, ʧ b, d, g, ʒ, ʤ, ð, v, z,

l, m, n, ŋ, r, j, w

You can even insert chess pieces this way!

 ♞ — black horse

(see Phonetic and other characters in the Unicode character table)

  1. Virtual keyboard
  2. Special layout
  3. Text converter
  4. Screen keyboard
  5. Macros

The site has added a page with a virtual keyboard that allows you to type transcription characters used for teaching English.

You can also save the page with the keyboard to your computer and use it as an independent program. You can go into the source code and tweak it for yourself, the code is very simple. Or write in the comments if you need another option.


There is another way to use the icon keyboard, even better, but here you have to install. This is a special keyboard layout that is installed on your computer system. Download this file: anglofon.zip (295 kB), unpack the archive, run setup.exe.

After the usual (very brief, however) installation, the language EN English (Great Britain) is immediately added to the language panel. The old EN English (USA) can be removed, since here it does not differ in anything except the added function. The layout was created in the official Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.

4, and the development-creation of the layout is your own, so if you need options, write in the comments.

It works like this: the whole keyboard is exactly the same as a regular English keyboard, except for the key where the Russian letter is. This key was selected because the backtick, which is also found on the English keyboard, is practically not used. This key is used here as the so-called dead key. This means this. Click sequentially first on ё (ie, strictly speaking, on «grave accent»), then on 7, you get æ.

ё t — θ ё 6 — ʌ ё 8 — ɛ ё e — ə ё i — ı ё o — ɔё a — ɑ ё s — ʃ ё d — ð ё j — ʒ ё n — ŋ ё z — ʤ ё c — ʧё 7 — æ ё 0 — ɒ ё y — ɪ ё u — ʊ ё 3 — ɜ ё, — ˌ ё ‘- ˈё; — ː

Such is the e-layout turns out. Under Windows XP, select the Lucida Sans Unicode font for text, other fonts draw half of the characters as rectangles. Any regular font can be used under Windows 7.

Since it is now English (UK), spellcheck will by default check the spelling in UK (ie theater will be underlined in red instead of theater, etc.). However, if anyone needs it, it is now easy to change the settings of the language panel, put the American version as a sign and assign a layout with transcription to it.


There are now sites on the Internet that provide such a useful tool: enter text in English, normal spelling, and you get the same text written in transcription. Perhaps nothing else is needed now. The correct site for this topic:

http://www.photransedit.com Там есть и преобразователь текста, и редактор с виртуальной клавиатурой. Сайт англоязычный. Ещё там есть страничка ссылок на разные полезные материалы по теме.


There are on-screen keyboards that work like the normal system on-screen keyboard, but unlike it, they can be configured to enter any Unicode characters. Perhaps the unique is the domestic development «Type it easy».

A free open source program that works fine, and not only as an on-screen keyboard, but you can assign keyboard shortcuts, that is, in fact, use an extended layout of the physical keyboard, which is considered by many as the main mode of operation. The official page of the project, from where you can download it, and watch the discussion, and instructions: http: //myasnick.com/soft/typeiteasy/ (eh, it seems the link does not work, well, it may still work.

Look, maybe it is somewhere else. — 2018) We used it for a long time, everything works. (Works where transcription icons are in principle supported, that is, in Windows XP, you must again use the Lucida Sans Unicode font.)

You can download our preset file: English with phonetics.kbd. (Right-click on the link and select “Save Target As.” — Actually, this is just a small text file with the extension .kbd) You need to put it in the program presets folder, and for this there is a special command in the program menu — “Open folder of presets «. The «English with phonetics» preset immediately appears in the menu, you need to select it, and it will look like this:

The control key (Alt, Win, Ctrl) for input from the physical keyboard is selected in the program settings.


There was also a method that we have been using for a long time, since the beginning of the two thousandth, — creating macros in OpenOffice Writer (you can do the same in Word) and assigning keyboard shortcuts to these macros. It’s pretty straightforward.

The command «record macro» is selected in the menu, then the function of inserting a special character is performed, stopping the recording of the macro. So for every icon. Then, in the settings, a keyboard shortcut is assigned to each macro. I set it up once — and everything worked fine until some kind of system crash.

Everything is also quite convenient. And so, there were no other options.

If instead of transcription signs you see «crocozyabry», then you do not have a special font installed. For correct display of phonetic symbols, you need to install the PhoneticTM font on the system (on your computer).

Installing a phonetic font is very easy. Here’s a quick guide:

Installing the transcription font on Windows 7, 8, 10

Download the font file to your computer, remember the save folder. Go to this folder, unzip the file and copy it to the WindowsFonts folder on the C drive. Find it in this folder and double-click on it with the left mouse button. In the window that opens, click the button Install… Restart (close and open) your browser (web browser). Everything!

Installing the transcription font on Windows XP

You can go the same way as on Windows 10, or you can take a longer one:

Download and unpack the font file. In the lower left corner of the screen, press the button Start, choose Settingsgo to Control Panel and open the folder Fonts.

In the upper left corner of the screen, press the button File and in the drop-down menu select Install New Font… In the installation window, find the save folder and select the unpacked font file. Click OK. For check restart your browser.

Try this:

After correctly installing the font, all the transcription characters at the top should look the same as in the picture below:

Words: {{searchInputInfo.wordsQuantity}} / {{searchInputInfo.wordsLimit}} | Characters: {{searchInputInfo.charsQuantity}} / {{searchInputInfo.charsLimit}}

  • {{ wordData.word}} / {{wordData.transl_data.tString}} {{wordData.googleTranslString}}

    Source: http://word-office.ru/kak-sdelat-transkripciyu-slova-na-angliyskom-v-word.html

    Pronunciation and transcription of Russian words: online translator

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    Phonetic transcription of Russian words

    Mastering phonetics of the Russian language can be challenging even for native Russian speakers, not to mention foreigners. Let’s start with the fact that in dictionaries phonetic transcription of Russian words not specified. In addition, the Russian language has rather complex reading rules with a large number of exceptions.

    The pronunciation of Russian letters varies depending on the accent is the given letter or not (in case vowels), as well as on what consonants surround the given letter. The letter «a», for example, can have 5 pronunciation options!

    With this online translator you can get phonetic transcription Russian text written either Cyrillic letters, or symbols International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

    Phonetic parsing of a word online

    The translator can be used to phonetic parsing of a word online… To produce phonetic parsing of a word, you need:

    1. write down the word.
    2. put stress on a word (the translator knows how to do this).
    3. split the word into syllables.
    4. write down the phonetic transcription of the word (here you will also need a translator).
    5. write down all the letters of the word in a column.
    6. write down to the right of each letter the sound that this letter stands for.
    7. describe the sound: for vowels — stressed or unstressed, for consonants — hard or soft (paired / unpaired), voiceless or voiced (paired / unpaired).
    8. count letters and sounds in a word.

    Let’s make, for example, phonetic analysis of the word «sun»:

    с́-лнце [с́нцые]

    с с consonant, solid paired, voiceless paired
    о о vowel, stressed
    л not readable
    н н consonant, solid paired, voiced unpaired
    ц ц consonant, solid unpaired, voiceless unpaired
    е ue vowel, unstressed

    6 letters, 5 sounds.

    Pay attention to the last sound of the word — in school practice it would have been written as «e». Professional linguists refer to it as «ye», tk. this unstressed vowel is pronounced as a cross between the sounds «y» and «e».

    Phonetic transcription will help foreigners learn the pronunciation of Russian words

    Quickly memorize everything rules for reading the Russian language it is quite difficult for foreigners. The translator will help people who are starting the study of the «great and mighty», while they have not yet mastered rules of pronunciation of Russian words.

    When used regularly along with educational audio and video materials, phonetic transcription will allow them to improve their pronunciation and listening skills in Russian.

    Additional information about the translator

    In Russian, there are words that are spelled the same, but are read differently depending on where the stress in the word falls (compare: castle — castle). These words are called «homographs». The transcription of such words is highlighted in green, for example:

    Source: https://easypronunciation.com/ru/russian-phonetic-transcription-converter

    How to spell words correctly using transcription. Phonetic transcription of Russian words

    The transcription reflects the sounding speech in writing and allows you to show the pronunciation norms. One and the same letter denotes several sounds, consequently the phonetic writing is strongly different from the orthographic one. There are several transcription rules that students and their parents can master.

    You will need


    1. Conclude the transcribed word or a phrase in square brackets. When transcribing text to indicate a short pause, use one vertical line, at the end of a phrase and during a long pause — two vertical lines. In words that are larger than one syllable, put stress.

    2. For vowel sounds, use the letters [a], [o], [y], [and], [e], [s]. Often the question arises of how to do transcription words with unstressed sound [o]. Write in transcription the unstressed letter «o» with the sound [a], say, beard — [barad’a].

    3. Letters e, e, yu, i in transcription denote as,,, if they stand at the beginning of a word, later than a soft or hard sign, or later a vowel, as in the word anchor -. Remember that consonants before these vowels are softened, as well as before the vowel sound [and]. In this case, the sound [j] disappears — the transcription of the word «gloss» looks like this: [gl»an’ec]. To indicate the softness of consonants, use the apostrophe, the one that write to the right of the soft letter.

    4. Consider the fact that consonants in words can be voiced or stunned, depending on the further sound, say, tub — [katka], but tub — [kad`ushka]. Remember that loud consonants are invariably deafened at the end of words, therefore, in the words mushroom and tooth, write the final sound as [n].

    5. Designate a long consonant with a horizontal bar above a letter or a colon ([k`a a], [k`ac: a]). Designate the letter u in the transcription as follows: [w ‘:].

    6. If a preposition, particle or conjunction is pronounced with word m together, then in the transcription indicate the phonetic word entirely: downhill [padg’oru], from school [isshk’oly].

    7. Knowing to do and understand transcription may be useful for you when reading encyclopedias and dictionaries, only if there are doubts about the positive pronunciation of words in the Russian language.

    Genuine animations and weird graphic results can spice up your artwork and give originality to your artwork, which can grace a website, blog, or banner ad.

    Animated results that use a glossy result look great and elite.

    Achieving such a result in Adobe Photoshop is not as difficult as it seems, and in the future you will be able to practice creating a glossy result in a wide variety of colors, combining it with a variety of drawings and photographs.

    Transcription and reading rules in English

    Transcription Is a recording of the sound of a letter or word in the form of a sequence of special phonetic symbols.

    The transcription may not be interesting to everyone, but it is undoubtedly useful. Knowing the transcription, you will correctly read the unfamiliar word without assistance. In the classroom, you yourself can read the transcription of a word (for example, from the blackboard) without asking others, thereby facilitating the process of assimilating lexical material, etc.

    At first, there will be errors in the correct reading, tk. there are always some subtleties in pronunciation. But this is just a matter of practice. A little later, if necessary, you can transcribe the words yourself.

    Transcription is directly related to reading rules… In English, not everything that is seen (letter combinations) is read (as in Russian and Spanish, for example).

    When textbooks (mostly Russian) tell about the rules of reading, much attention is paid to the type of syllable. Usually about five of these types are described. But such a detailed theoretical presentation of the rules of reading does not greatly facilitate the fate of a beginner, and may even mislead him. It must be remembered that a good knowledge of the rules of reading is a great merit of practice, not theory.

    Your attention will be presented the basic rules for reading individual letters and letter combinations. «Behind the scenes» will remain some phonetic moments that are difficult to convey in writing.

    A little patience! Both transcription and reading rules are easy to learn in a short time… Then you will be surprised: «How easy it has become to read and write!»

    However, do not forget that, despite its widespread distribution, the English language does not cease to be a LANGUAGE, full of exceptions, stylistic and other delights. And at any stage of language learning, and especially at the initial stage, often look into the dictionary.

    Consonant Sounds
    Sound pronunciation
    (similar Russian)
    Vowel sounds
    Sound pronunciation
    (similar Russian)
    [b] [b] Single sounds
    [d] [d] [Λ] [a] — short
    [f] [f] [a:] [a] — deep
    [3] [f] [i] [and] — short
    [d3] [j] [i:] [and] — long
    [g] [ G ] [o] 1 [o] — short
    [h] [ NS ] [o:] [o] — deep
    [k] [ To ] [u] [y] — short
    [l] [l] [u:] [y] — long
    [m] [m] [e] as in the word «plaid»
    [n] [n] [ε:] as in the word «honey»
    [p] [ NS ] Diphthongs2
    [s] [ with ] [əu] 3 [ OU ]
    [t] [ T ] [au] [ay]
    [v] [ v ] [ei] [ Hey ]
    [z] [h] [oi] [ Oh ]
    [t∫] [h] [ai] [ay]
    [∫] [ NS ]
    [r] Soft [r] as in the word Russian
    [ O The sign of softness as in the Russian letter Ё (Christmas tree)
    Sounds without analogies in Russian
    [θ] [æ]
    [ŋ] Nasal, in French style, sound [n] [ə] 4 [neutral sound]


    1. In many school textbooks and in some Russian dictionaries, this sound is designated as [o]. But, in modern English dictionaries, this sound is usually denoted as shown in the table.

    2. Diphthong Is a complex sound with two sounds. In most cases, a diphthong can be «split» into two sounds, but not in writing.

      Since in many cases one of the constituent sounds of the diphthong, if used separately, will have a different designation. For example diphthong [au]: there is no transcriptional mark like [a] separately.

      Therefore, most diphthongs are indicated not by a set of different transcription symbols, but by their own sign.

    3. In many school textbooks and in some Russian dictionaries, this sound is designated as [ou], which is more descriptive. But, in modern English dictionaries, this sound is usually denoted as shown in the table.

    4. This sign often denotes unstressed vowel sounds in transcription, regardless of the letters (combinations) that this sound give.

    English words have several types of syllables. However, to understand the whole system, it is necessary to remember and distinguish between the following two types: open and closed.

    Open syllable ends in a vowel: game,, stone — a vowel in a word is read in the same way as in the alphabet.

    Closed syllable ends in a consonant: pen, cat, bus — a vowel in a syllable gives a different sound.

    Stress in transcription and words is indicated by a vertical bar before the stressed syllable.

    Single vowel sounds

    Sound Rules
    [e] usually gives the letter e in a closed syllable: get [get], vet [vet] as well as the combination of letters ea: dead [ded], pleasure [´ple3ə]

    Note: the same combination of letters often gives the sound [i:] (see below)

    [i] usually gives the letter i in the closed syllable: hit [hit], kill [kil] and also the letter y in the closed syllable: gym [d3im], cylinder [´silində]

    Note: the same letters in an open syllable give the sound [ai] (see below)

    [i:] occurs in the following letter combinations: e + e (always): meet [mi: t], deep [di: p]; letter e in an open syllable: tree [tri:], Steve [sti: v]; in letter combination e + a : meat [mi: t], beam [bi: m]

    Note: the same letter combination (ea) often gives the sound [e] (see above)

    [o] usually gives the letter o in a closed syllable: pot [pot], lottery [´lotəri],
    and also the letter a in a closed syllable after w: wasp [wosp], swan [swon]
    [o:] occurs in the following letter combinations:

    1. o + r: corn [ko: n], fortress [´fo: trəs]; more [mo:]
    2. almost always in a + u: fauna [´fo: nə], taunt [to: nt]; the exception is only a few words, for example, aunt
    3. Consonant (except w) + a + w: dawn [do: n], hawk [ho: k].
    4. always in the combination of letters a + ll: tall [to: l], small [smo: l]
    5. The letter combination a + ld (lk) also gives this sound: bald [bo: ld], talk [to: k]
    6. Not often, but you can find the combination of letters ou + r, giving this sound: pour [po:], mourn [mo: n].
    [æ] usually gives the letter a in a closed syllable: flag [flæg], married [´mærid]
    [Λ] usually gives the letter u in a closed syllable: dust [dΛst], Sunday [´sΛndei]. Also: ouble: double [dΛbl], trouble [trΛbl] ove: glove [glΛv], dove [dΛv] Note: there are also exceptions : move [mu: v] — (see below);

    flood [flΛd], blood [blΛd] — (see above)

    [a:] occurs in the following letter combinations:

    1. a + r: dark [da: k], farm [fa: m] (see note)
    2. regularly the letter a in a closed syllable: last [la: st], father [fa: ðə] — therefore it is necessary to check with the dictionary, because a closed syllable traditionally gives the sound [æ] as in cat [kæt];
    3. consonant + alm also gives this sound stably: palm [pa: m], calm [ka: m] + note

    Note: 1. very rarely a + r gives the sound [o:] warm [wo: m];
    3. Rarely: salmon [sæmən]

    the length of this sound in most cases varies for historical reasons rather than spelling. That is, for each word, it is determined individually. This difference in longitude does not carry a huge meaningful load, as in other sounds. And in oral speech, it does not need to be specially emphasized.
    This sound occurs in the following cases:

    1. always o + o: foot [fut], boot [bu: t], took [tuk], moon [mu: n]

    Source: https://www.study.ru/article/fonetika-angliyskogo/transkripciya-i-pravila-chteniya

Bad spelling can be dangerous.

Let’s take the commonly misspelled words  – your and you’re.

Some folks might write – “Your going to die,” when they meant to write, “You’re going to die.”

@_ryanpm_Bad grammar is scary #inverted #SometimesIRun #grammarlesson #tiktokteacher♬ Sometimes – Britney Spears

Okay, this might be an extreme example.  

Whether you are writing an essay for school, an important email, or a resume for a new job, the spelling of the words you use matter a lot. After all, an email with a bunch of spelling errors can make you look lazy or unprofessional.  

However, the English language is drawn from multiple sources, like Latin and Greek. Add in the nuances between American English and British English. And, it is easy to see how people get confused about all of the different spelling rules.

Luckily, it is easy to fix. Our phones and computers now come with built-in spell checkers, so we don’t have to turn to Merriam Webster, dictionary.com, or, heaven forbid, memorize all of the ways to spell words like our grandfathers and grandmothers had to do back in the old days pre-computers, Internet, and smartphones.  

However, the best spellers – you know the ones who participated in the National Spelling Bee as kids – know autocorrect won’t always have your back and can sometimes feel like it’s actively working against you. For example, every time your phone autocorrects a certain word to “duck” or “ducking” in your texts.

In this post, we’ll share the basics of spelling, tips for improving your skills, and a few of the most commonly misspelled English words.

What does spelling mean?

Essentially, spelling is the forming of words or letters in the correct, accepted order. It boils down to a series of letters that make up a word.

Being able to spell words correctly is not this magical force or superpower. Anyone can learn to be a better speller if you learn these basic rules to guide English spelling. 

Without diving into the specifics of each, here are 5 of the categories that most spelling rules apply to in English:  

• Prefixes and suffixes

• Doubling letters

• Dropping and adding letters

• Verb forms

• Plurals

The dictionary uses both American and British spellings of words. For instance, “color” is the American form of the word “colour” in British spelling. Though neither spelling is incorrect, the spelling you’ll use will likely depend on where you live.

British and American spellings of words often follow different spelling rules, so you’ll need to be sure to follow the rules of whichever you use.

How to spell words correctly

There are many rules to follow when it comes to spelling, and so many of these rules aren’t set in stone. The rules aren’t always applied the same way to different words.

This is a recipe for confusion.

But don’t worry! By keeping a few hints in mind, you can improve your spelling without having to memorize a ton of rules.

• Start by sounding out the words. Not every word is spelled how it sounds, but the phonetic respelling will give you a good start.

• Remember the old saying, “I before E except after C.”

• Know that adding a prefix doesn’t change the spelling of a word.

• Look for smaller words within a larger, more complex word. If you can spell the smaller words, it can get you closer to the bigger picture.

• Know that the second vowel is silent when two vowels are next to each other.

• Make a list of your most commonly misspelled words and practice spelling them correctly.

• Use a memory trick! For example, this one to help you remember the spelling of island: an island is land in the ocean.

• When in doubt, use thesaurus.com as a shortcut to find synonyms of the words that are easier for you to spell.

Commonly misspelled words

Spelling is a fundamental skill, but it takes time and practice to get the rules right. Even then, some words are just trickier than others and are often misspelled.

People often have the same natural tendencies toward making similar spelling mistakes. Here are a few of the most common reasons that people misspell words:

• Not understanding patterns or blending

• Inability to apply phonetic rules

• Reversing certain letters

• Misunderstanding of the relationship between letter sounds

• Inability to put spelling rules into action

• Not adding an apostrophe in the right place – or even at all. 

Not everyone struggles with the spelling of the same words or even makes the same type of spelling mistakes. However, some words in general are just more difficult for people to spell.

For example, this epic middle school teacher shares a bunch of commonly spelled words in this fun TikTok.

@queenbc84##inverted ##MyRoutine ##grammarcheck ##teachersoftiktok ##ela ##middleschoolenglish♬ original sound – Shuba

In addition, here are 20 more frequently misspelled words in the English language:


Correct spelling: separate

Common misspelling(s): seperate


Correct spelling: definitely

Common misspelling(s): definitly, definately


Correct spelling: accommodate

Common misspelling(s): accomodate, acommodate


Correct spelling: separate

Common misspelling(s): publically, pubically 


Correct spelling: government

Common misspelling(s): goverment


Correct spelling: receive

Common misspelling(s): recieve


Correct spelling: independent

Common misspelling(s): independant


Correct spelling: acceptable

Common misspelling(s): acceptible


Correct spelling: piece

Common misspelling(s): peice 


Correct spelling: grateful

Common misspelling(s): greatful


Correct spelling: gauge

Common misspelling(s): guage


Correct spelling: aluminium

Common misspelling(s): alluminnum, alluminum 


Correct spelling: possession

Common misspelling(s): posession, possesion


Correct spelling: perseverance

Common misspelling(s): perserverance, perseverence


Correct spelling: questionnaire

Common misspelling(s): questionaire, questionnaire


Correct spelling: rhythm

Common misspelling(s): rhytm, rythm


Correct spelling: maintenance

Common misspelling(s): maintanence, maintenence, maintnence


Correct spelling: exceed

Common misspelling(s): excede


Correct spelling: entrepreneur 

Common misspelling(s): entepreneur 


Correct spelling: misspell

Common misspelling(s): mispell


In sum, the best way to improve your spelling? Practice, read, and write often. You could also try Writer! Start a free trial today and keep your spelling game sharp with the power of an AI writing platform.

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Phonetics is the study of the sounds used in speech. With a system of phonetic writing, like the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), you can represent speech sounds visually with symbols.[1]
You can easily find IPA spellings of most words in a dictionary or with a web search. In order to interpret IPA spellings, you will need to get familiar with phonetic writing. You can use phonetic writing to record the pronunciation of words you aren’t familiar with, like words from foreign languages. But before you do, you’ll have to master the symbols for the major classes of common sounds: plosives, nasals, fricatives, approximants, taps, flaps, and vowels.

  1. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 1


    Figure out vowel features. All vowels are voiced. Vowels are defined by the height of the tongue in the mouth (high, mid, low) and its position with regard to the lips (front is towards the lips, back is away). The tension in muscles when the sound is made (tense or lax) and rounding of the lips (rounded or spread) are also significant when distinguishing one vowel from another.

    • In the Received Pronunciation accent of English, there are 12 pure vowels and 8 diphthongs (also called gliding vowels).[2]
    • Vowels are spoken with an unobstructed vocal tract. When making a vowel sound, your tongue should not touch your lips, teeth, or roof of the mouth.
  2. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 2


    Tackle front vowels. Front vowels are generally described as “bright” because their tone is often brighter than those farther back in the mouth. The IPA lists over 12 potential front and near-front vowels. The four most common American English front vowels follow:[3]

    • [ɪ]: “bit” [bɪt], “ship” [ʃɪp], “grip” [grɪp]
    • [i]: “sheep” [ʃip], “treat” [trit], and “reap” [rip]
    • [ɛ]: “bed” [bɛd], “head” [hɛd], “instead” [ɪnstɛd]
    • [æ]: “cat” [kæt], “bat” [bæt], “sand” [sænd][4]


  3. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 3


    Master central position vowels. The IPA distinguishes three central position vowels in General American English. Each central vowel requires the tongue to be approximately halfway between a front or back vowel. Use the following symbols for central vowels:[5]

    • [ɜ:]: “curve” [kɜ:rv], “bird” [bɜ:rd], “stir” [stɜ:r]
    • [ə]: “syllable” [sɪləbəl], “moment” [momənt], “felony” [fɛləni]
    • [ʌ]: “cut” [kʌt], “glove” [glʌv], “gun” [gʌn][6]
  4. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 4


    Learn the back vowels. When making a back vowel, the tongue is positioned as far back in the mouth as possible without significantly impacting airflow. Opposite of front vowels, these are frequently called “dark vowels” because of their darker sounding tone. American English has the following four back vowels:[7]

    • [uː]: “you” [ju:], “chew” [tʃu:], “tool” [tu:l]
    • [ʊ]: “put” [pʊt], “could” [kʊd], “full” [fʊl]
    • [ɔ]: “saw” [sɔ], “dawn” [dɔn], “wall” [wɔl]
    • [ɑ]: “bra” [bra], “calm” [faðər], “dark” [dark][8]
  5. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 5


    Commit diphthongs to memory. Diphthongs combine 2 different vowel sounds in the same syllable. Separate vowels frequently get absorbed into a single diphthongized sound when people speak quickly. American English uses the following diphthongs:[9]

    • [eɪ]: “wait” [weɪt], “pray” [preɪ], “say” [sei]
    • [aɪ]: “like” [laɪk], “sight” [saɪt], “pie” [paɪ]
    • [ɔɪ]: “coin” [kɔɪn], “oil” [ɔɪl], “voice” [vɔɪs]
    • [aʊ]: “mouth” [maʊθ], “found” [faʊnd], “count” [kaʊnt]
    • [oʊ]: “show” [ʃoʊ], “boat” [boʊt], “coat” [koʊt][10]
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  1. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 6


    Identify the features of plosives. Also known as a stop or an oral occlusive, a plosive is a consonant that blocks and cuts off airflow when making its sound. This blockage is sometimes done by the tongue, though this may also happen in a part of the throat called the glottis.[11]

    • Plosive sounds, and many other classes as well, like fricatives, are usually divided into pairs of voiced (v+) and unvoiced (v-) sounds. The only difference between the 2 is that voiced sounds, like [b], cause the throat to vibrate, whereas unvoiced sounds, like [p], do not.[12]
  2. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 7


    Learn the usage for the plosives [p] and [b]. These sounds are bilabial, which means they’re made with the lips. The [p] sound is unvoiced, and [b] is voiced.[13]

    • Examples of [p] include the words “pet” [pɛt], “pea” [pi], and “lip” [lɪp].
    • Examples of [b] include “boat” [boʊt], “bet” [bɛt], and “trouble” [trʌbəl].[14]
  3. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 8


    Commit the [t] and [d] sounds to memory. These sounds occur along the sloping region of the roof of your mouth behind your teeth. [t] is unvoiced and [d] is voiced.[15]

    • The [t] sound occurs in words like “tree” [tri], “ten” [tɛn], and “lot” [lɑt].
    • Words that use the [d] sound include “den” [dɛn], “dog” [dɔg], and “dint” [dɪnt].[16]
  4. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 9


    Master the plosives [k] and [g]. The soft tissue at the back of the throat, called the soft palate or the velar region, is where these sounds happen. The unvoiced sound in this pair is [k], while [g] is voiced.

    • Words that use [k] sounds include “kit” [kɪt], “coin” [kɔɪn], and “cuckoo” [kuku].
    • Words that exemplify [g] include “go” [goʊ], “give” [gɪv], and “toggle” [tɑgəl].[17]
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  1. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 10


    Determine the features of nasals. Nasal sounds show up a lot in Hindi, Portuguese, and French. Nasal sounds are those made where the soft tissue (vellum) at the back of the throat lowers. This allows air to move through the nose as sound is made, nasalizing the tone of the sound. All nasals described in this section are voiced, though some could potentially be unvoiced.[18]

    • Some languages have nasalized vowels or consonants. These are usually marked by a special symbol called a diacritic. Nasalized sounds are marked with a tilde (~) above the sound symbol, as in [ẽ].[19]
    • Some languages may not have a large pool of nasal sounds. For example, the sound used to represent «-ing,» [ŋ], is relatively uncommon when compared to other nasal sounds, like [m] or [n].
  2. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 11


    Familiarize yourself with the [m] sound. The [m] nasal occurs at the lips, so it is bilabial. The soft tissue at the back of the throat lowers and air passes through the nasal cavity when this sound is made.

    • Some examples of the [m] sound include “mouse” [maʊs], “me” [mi], and “minimal” [mɪnəməl].[20]
  3. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 12


    Gain proficiency with [n] sound. The [n] sound is similar to the [m] sound, but unlike [m], which is bilabial, [n] requires the tongue to be positioned on the sloping ridge behind the teeth.[21]

    • Words using [n] include “now” [naʊ], “neat” [nit], and “tint” [tɪnt].
  4. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 13


    Collapse «-ing» clusters into the [ŋ] symbol. The [ŋ] sound, also called eng or engma, occurs in the soft tissue in the back of the throat (vellum). This sound is relatively rare among language families.

    • Examples of [ŋ] include “thing” [θɪŋ], “hung” [hʌŋ], and “bringing” [brɪŋɪŋ].[22]
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  1. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 14


    Note the features of fricatives. Fricatives make up the largest class of sounds. Fricatives restrict airflow when making a sound without completely blocking it. They are generally divided into 2 main types: sibilants and non-sibilants. Lateral fricatives, though related to normal fricatives, are distinguished from them and usually called by the term «affricate.»[23]

    • In some situations, the terms “spirant” and “strident” may be used as a synonym for the word “fricative.”
  2. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 15


    Memorize the sounds [f] and [v]. These sounds occur in the front of the mouth. Air is interrupted by the lips and teeth, which is why these are referred to as labiodental. The voiced member of this pair is [v].

    • Some examples of [f] include “free” [fri], “briefly” [brifli], and «affluent» [æfluənt].
    • Examples of [v] can be found in words like “vine” [vajn], “revere” [rɪvɪr] and “relieve” [rəliv].[24]
  3. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 16


    Get the knack for the fricatives [θ] and [ð]. These sounds are made with the teeth, so they’re referred to as dental. [θ], frequently called theta, is unvoiced. [ð], referred to as eth, is voiced, though in normal English writing, both sounds are usually represented by the letters “th.” Some examples follow:

    • [θ]: “think” [θɪŋk], “thing” [θɪŋ], “math” [mæθ]
    • [ð]: “this” [ðɪs], “father” [faðər], “then” [ðɛn]
  4. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 17


    Learn the [s] and [z] sounds. This pair of sounds is one of the most common in human languages. [s] is unvoiced and [z] is voiced. Both sounds are made with the tongue pressed to the sloping ridge on the roof of your mouth behind your teeth.[25]

    • The [s] sound can be found in words like “tense” [tɛns], “lace” [les], and “steel” [stil].
    • Look for [z] in words like “zoo” [zu], “zigzag” [zɪgzæg], and “zone” [zon].[26]
  5. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 18


    Distinguish the sounds [ʃ] and [ʒ]. These two sounds occur at the rear of the ridge on the roof of your mouth behind your teeth. [ʃ] is unvoiced and [ʒ] is voiced.[27]
    [ʃ] can be found in such words as “sheet” [ʃit], “sheep” [ʃip], and “establish” [əstæblɪʃ].

    • Voiced examples of [ʒ] can be found in words like “azure” [æʒər], “television” [tɛləvɪʒən], and “revision” [rivɪʒən].
  6. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 19


    Use [ʧ] and [ʤ] to represent lateral fricatives. These sounds, much like [s] and [z], also occur at the sloping ridge on the roof of the mouth with [ʧ] being the unvoiced of the two.[28]

    • For examples of [tʃ], look to to words like “chill” [tʃɪl], “leech” [litʃ], and “inch” [ɪntʃ].
    • For examples of [ʤ], take a look at “jet” [dʒɛt], “judges” [dʒədʒəz], and “enjoy” [ɛnʤɔɪ].[29]
    • It is common for sounds in this class to be called “affricates.” The key feature of affricate sounds is a brief stop followed by the release of that stop.[30]
  7. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 20


    Remember the symbols for rare fricatives. There are many other kinds of fricatives, some of which might only exist in a few specific languages. The sound [h], as in “hat” [hæt], is considered a pseudo fricative, though it is listed with common fricatives. Some other fricative symbols you might see include:[31]

    • [ɸ], a voiceless bilabial fricative.
    • [β], a voiced bilabial fricative.
    • [x], a voiceless velar fricative.
    • [ɣ], a voiced velar fricative.
    • [χ], a voiceless uvular fricative.
    • [ħ], a voiceless pharyngeal fricative.[32]
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  1. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 21


    Distinguish the features of approximants. Approximants transition between articulators like the lips, tongue, and teeth. This creates air turbulence when making the sound. 2 common sound classes, retroflex [r] and lateral [l], only exist in English as approximants. [33]

    • In some situations, you may hear [r] and [l] described as “liquids” and [w] and [y] sounds described as “glides.”[34]
    • Instances where the [r] or [l] sound are made by a tap of the tongue on the roof of the mouth are sometimes called taps or flaps, like in the words “pity” and “water.”[35]
    • Some languages utilize trills where an articulator, like the tongue, vibrates when producing sound. Trills are considered distinct from taps and flaps.
  2. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 22


    Recognize retroflex. Sometimes retroflex is written as [r] and other times as [ɹ]. The English retroflex approximant is made when the tip of the tongue curls backward toward the sloping region on the roof of the mouth.

    • Some words that use this sound include “read” [rid], “arrival” [ərajvəl], and “deer” [dɪr].
  3. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 23


    Learn about laterals. Any sound that is made when air passes on the side of tongue is a lateral. There is only 1 lateral in English, which is also an approximant: [l].[36]

    • Some words that employ this lateral include “leaf” [lif], “relax” [rəlæks], and “curl” [kərl].
  4. Image titled Write Phonetically Step 24


    Close out approximants with [w] and [j]. These sounds can also be called semivowels or glides. Both [w] and [j] are voiced. [w] requires lip rounding and a raising of the soft tissue at the back of the throat. When making the [j] sound, the tongue approaches the hard, smooth portion of the roof of your mouth.[37]

    • For examples of [w], look at “will” [wɪl], “towel” [tawəl], “owl” [awl].
    • For examples of [j], look at “yes” [jɛs], “toy” [tɔj], and “envoy” [ɛnvɔj].
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    What is the phonetic spelling of loyalty?

    Catherine Palomino, MS

    Catherine Palomino is a former Childcare Center Director in New York. She received her MS in Elementary Education from CUNY Brooklyn College in 2010.

    Catherine Palomino, MS

    Master’s Degree, Elementary Education, CUNY Brooklyn College

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  • Question

    How do I phonetically spell crane?

    Catherine Palomino, MS

    Catherine Palomino is a former Childcare Center Director in New York. She received her MS in Elementary Education from CUNY Brooklyn College in 2010.

    Catherine Palomino, MS

    Master’s Degree, Elementary Education, CUNY Brooklyn College

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    What is the phonetic spelling of «I will»?

    Community Answer

    The international phonetic alphabet spells it as aj wɪl, while the American phonetic alphabet spells it as ay wɪl.

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  • Check your phonetic writing with phonetics software and online IPA converters. These can frequently be found for free online.

  • Try websites like tophonetics.com to do simple word searches and phonetic conversions.

  • Sounds natural in certain languages, like the «clicks» in the language of the South African San people, may be rare. These symbols can be found under the «non-pulmonic consonants» or «other symbols» sections of full IPA charts.



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Article SummaryX

To write phonetically, you’ll need to learn the symbols associated with each sound. Begin by mastering the 12 pure vowel sounds as well as the 8 dipthongs used in English. A short «a» like the one used in «cat,» for example, would be written «æ.» Once you have mastered these, start learning plosives like the consonants «b» and «p,» and nasals, like «ing.» Then, you can learn fricatives, the most common class of sounds, that occur in consonants s and z. For more examples of phonetic vocabulary from our reviewer, scroll down!

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English sounds for children: how to learn them simply and easily

Did you know that the English alphabet consists of 26 letters and 46 different sounds? The same letter can convey several sounds at the same time. Just don’t panic! We will tell you how easy it is to remember English sounds without boring tables and cramming.

As a rule, in English lessons, the child keeps a separate dictionary, in which the pages are divided into three columns: “word”, “transcription”, “translation”. New words are written there, which then need to be learned. And if everything is clear with the “word” and “translation” columns, then there are often difficulties with “transcription”.

What is transcription?

This is a kind of instruction on how to read the word. Usually it is written in square brackets. For example: [pen]. The characters that are inside the square brackets are the sounds of the English language. One character = one sound. Only these symbols are not always similar to the letters of the alphabet.

Let’s look at the English sounds that are most difficult for a child and how to learn them:

We select associations

It’s no secret that complex things are easier to remember by association. This rule works especially well for children.


— short [y] — very similar to

the horseshoe icon


— wide [e] — open your mouth wide and say «e». We call this symbol

«bug icon»


— [n] — a funny sound that is similar to how the Baby Elephant spoke in the cartoon «38 Parrots». You need to say «n», but a little «on the nose»,

as if you have a runny nose

. Try pinching your nose with your fingers, open your mouth and say «n». Happened?


– interdental [z]


– interdental [s]

To remember this pair of sounds, a child can be told a whole

fairy tale:

“There was a little bunny (our tongue). But he was very shy, so he sat in a mink all the time (in his mouth). But one day he dared to stick the very tip of his nose out of the mink (we put the tip of the tongue between the teeth). At first he said quietly [θ], and then loudly [ð].

s, d, n, t

— [s], [d], [n], [t] — remember the Yeralash series about English pronunciation? “You need to talk like you have a hot potato in your mouth,” is the best explanation for the baby. When you pronounce these sounds,

the tongue touches the hard palate and alveoli

, a little further than in Russian.


— [r] — the English «r» is not like ours. In Russian, the tongue seems to tremble in the mouth. In English, the tongue


with its tip back toward the soft palate.


— [y] / [v] — there is no such sound in Russian either. First, we stretch our lips, trying to say “y”, but then the lips should seem to


, without closing and returning to a smile. Remember how you say «Wow!».


— narrow [e] — similar to the Russian «e» without «th». When pronunciation, open your mouth quite a bit.


— deaf [e] — a deaf, slightly “stifled” sound, very short and almost indistinguishable. When you say the word «m


loko», then you pronounce this sound in place of the first «o». The symbol is called




— middle [e] — reads like the letter ё in the word «ice».


— [th] — it is very important

not to confuse

with the letter Jj («jay»)! In transcription, this symbol does not mean at all what the letter does.

To make things even easier,

we’ve drawn the basic English transcription characters with the appropriate Russian sounds.

Tell your child that they can handle sounds brilliantly. Indeed, at this stage, the baby should feel relaxed and not be shy to experiment. Otherwise, the child will think it looks funny and will refuse to continue.

If lessons at home do not bring the desired results, come to us. AllRight.com teachers will always find an easy way to even the most difficult knowledge. Free trial lesson!

Funny men English sound

On this page you will find materials on the following topics: Early Development: English (manual). Early development: English (a manual for preschoolers). English transcription for children (visual aid for children). English: transcription for children (allowance). English transcription sounds for children (visual aid). Learning English for Children with Transcription (Visual Aid for Preschoolers). Sounds in English transcription for children (a visual aid for preschoolers).

How to explain transcription to a child (visual aid). English lessons in kindergarten (allowance). English sounds for children. How to teach a child English sounds. Early development: English. Early development: English. Explaining English sounds to children. English sounds for kids video. English sounds transcription for children. Table of English sounds for children. Sounds of English for children. Sounds of the English alphabet for children. Sounds of English letters for children. English sound cards for kids. Pronunciation of English sounds for children. Learning the sounds of the English language in a playful way. An interesting approach to teaching children the sounds of English.


Which comes first, reading or speaking?

How to teach a child English sounds

For some reason, very often, when English teachers decide to dedicate one or another stage of the lesson in a preschool institution to teaching children the phonetic structure of the English language (at an elementary level, of course), many of them consider it their duty to teach children the English alphabet. The knowledge that the child has mastered the English alphabet gives the teacher confidence that he has done a very important part of the work of teaching the basics of phonetics. But let’s think about whether children really need the alphabet at the very early stage of learning a foreign language? Is it of paramount importance for children to learn the letters of the English alphabet and their corresponding sounds? My answer to this question is no.

Why? Yes, everything is very simple. To begin with, remember yourself in early childhood (as far as your memory allows). What did you learn earlier, being in the mind of a two-three-four-five-year-old baby — letters or sounds? That’s right, sounds (meaning mainly the sounds made by people). Move on. What kind of sounds did you learn in natural conditions during your development before your parents began to buy you alphabets in pictures? Were these only the sounds of the letters of the Russian alphabet?

Not really. You unconsciously memorized ALL SOUNDS of the Russian language, and, of course, there are more of them than the sounds corresponding to the letters of the Russian alphabet. Russian has 33 letters and 42 sounds. Six vowels — [a], [i], [o], [y], [s], [e] and thirty-six consonants — [b], [b], [c], [v], [g ], [g], [d], [d], [g], [d], [s], [s], [k], [k], [l], [l], [m], [m], [n], [n], [n], [p], [p], [p], [s], [s], [t], [t], [f], [f], [x], [x], [c], [ch], [w ], [SCH]. (Note that if Russian sounds often differ only in hardness-softness, and memorizing such paired sounds does not present any particular problems, then in English there are 23 sounds that are not even close in the English alphabet — [θ], [ð], [ʃ], [ʒ], [ɪə], [ʊə], [ɪ], [ə], [ʊ], [g], [ɔɪ], [ɜ:], [ɔ], [ŋ], [ r], [j], [h], [eə], [aʊ], [ɒ], [ɑ:], [ʌ], [æ].) As many as twenty-three (!) Sounds that you DO NOT TEACH children if you’re just teaching them the alphabet!

Without a doubt, a child unconsciously learns to pronounce all the sounds of any language long before he learns about the existence of the alphabet, that is, letters (we will consider the cases of very early learning of the alphabet from the cradle as an exception). So, the child, before moving on to the study of the Russian alphabet, FIRST learns SOUNDS, not letters. Why is he doing this? He is learning to SPEAK! Therefore, it would be more logical to start teaching children to SPEAK in a foreign language from SOUNDS.

And why, then, you ask, are children generally taught the alphabet, the alphabet? Perhaps so that they could learn to READ in a foreign language? “Well, yes, when we teach children to speak, we introduce them to sounds, but when teaching children to read, we teach them letters, not sounds,” you say and you will not be entirely right. Remember the problem that often arises among your friends and familiar acquaintances (“The child knows all the letters, but cannot read, cannot combine letters into words!”).

This problem is precisely connected with an attempt to teach letters without sounds. How will the baby read the word «squirrel» knowing only the names of the letters? That’s right — «be-e-el-ka-a».) You yourself teach him this, forcing him to remember how the letters are pronounced. And what needs to be done so that the baby correctly read the word «squirrel»? Someone has already guessed — read this word aloud to him and ask him to repeat it, looking at the letter designation of this word.

You will teach him to read the word the way it “sounds”, hard [l] is noticeably different from the “alphabetic” version of this sound ([el]), soft [b ‘] is also a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT sound, not at all [be], even though they are similar. You will not remind the child about the letter “beee” (which actually contains a solid sound [b] that you do not need in this situation), if you do not want to confuse him and slow down the process of learning to read in his native language.

In other words, reading also needs to be taught from sounds. Without sounds — nowhere. Why, then, do many (including authors of preschool textbooks) believe that in order to teach a child to read in a foreign language, it is so necessary first of all to know the names and sequence of letters in the alphabet? My answer is that it’s all about the stereotype they follow: «Everyone has been doing this all their lives, and I will.»

Indeed, at the later stages of teaching children a native or foreign language, the development of conversational skills will already be based on the ability to read, but do we really need the alphabet, the letters themselves, their names for this? As you can see, my answer is again no. Well, what’s the use of a child to know that a letter is called a «double» if he cannot read it correctly in a word? The alphabet (the alphabet means the names of the letters in the language, arranged in a certain sequence), of course, can be learned, but the successful teaching of the child to read, knowledge of the names of the letters does not primarily affect, especially when teaching Russian-speaking children the English language (only when teaching reading consonants in a word, this knowledge is useful if their pronunciation is close to alphabetic). Here is a video from Youtube about

These children may not know the correct names of the letters of the English alphabet, but they will soon be able to read perfectly even without this “valuable” knowledge. While they are learning to read words, they are studying the correspondence of the sounds of the language and letters as signs in the word, and they can learn the names of the letters themselves later, even if they already know how to read perfectly. By the way, they can easily learn the names of the letters of the alphabet, already knowing how to read and knowing the letter-sound correspondences.

Thus, until children have learned to SPEAK English, there is no point in teaching them to READ in this language. So, at the very early stage of learning English, it makes no sense to study the English alphabet. True, when teaching children to read in English at school, nothing prevents the teacher from teaching children letters and sounds at the same time, because the school curriculum provides for the simultaneous mastery of the sound system and the alphabet. But it’s still a school…

In preschool institutions, teaching English, in my opinion, should be a simulation of the simplest situations of COMMUNICATION, allowing children to learn to SAY simple communicative phrases in English. Before moving on to learning to read, it is important that children go through the same stage of mastering the sound system of the language in an abbreviated form, which they went through when they intuitively mastered their native language. We all understand that these simulated situations are “not real”, that half an hour of classes two or three times a week is very little for a child to be able to “speak” English as a native. But, understanding this, we also recognize that learning a foreign language is useful for training brain activity, that it will make it easier for a child to master not only a foreign language at school, but also other subjects, and, finally, it is simply INTERESTING. Maybe,

But we digress a little. What have we come to in our reasoning? Oh yes, to the fact that you need to start introducing children to the English language with SOUNDS, not letters, learning a foreign language should start with speaking, not reading. How to start teaching children the sounds of English?

As you know, the English language, based on the Latin alphabet, has 26 letters, which correspond to 44 sounds (not counting more three-element vowel combinations). We know that the hallmark of the English language is the presence of a large number of sounds, which does not correspond to the number of letters in the English alphabet. But this information is not interesting for children, so I strongly do not recommend starting learning sounds from it. What to do? Here the funny little men of English sound come to our aid. English sound is the surname of forty-four little men-sounds of the English language, and their names are the sounds of the English language themselves. Each little man has his own character, his own habits that make him (or her, since there are girls among the little men) unique. Children love to get into the details

«So it was a promotional article?» You ask, and you might not be entirely right. It was an OPINION ARTICLE, and little people-sounds do not need advertising. It’s just that now you have learned about the existence of a set of didactic materials for teaching English to preschoolers «MAN-SOUNDS» and didactic cards «Man-sounds» (they can only be purchased from me as the author so far) and you can use these materials in your English classes in educational institutions of preschool education.

English transcription marks denoting the sounds of the English language

Description of the human sounds


When the English sound people are having fun, this little man puts on a hedgehog mask and runs around, snorting [f]–[f]–[f].

This sound is very diffuse. His name is Voldemar, but sometimes he even forgets his name. When asked what his name is, he tries to remember his own name, while saying [v]–[v]–[v] and everyone thinks that this is his name.

This little man got himself a pet — a dragonfly, walks with her, and when it’s time to go home, he calls her [θ] — [θ] — [θ] So he was nicknamed — [θ].

4 [ð]
This little man loves … bees, for a holiday he always puts on a bee costume and buzzes like a bee — [ð] — [ð] — [ð] So he was nicknamed — [ð].

This little man is very quiet, does not like noise when other little men play around, he walks quietly and quietly — [s] — [s] — [s].

This little man is buzzing like a fly.

This little man loves snakes, even hisses like them.

This little man buzzes like a bumblebee.

This little man in winter often breathes on the window pane [h] — [h] — [h] and draws letters on it with his finger. He was nicknamed [h], his name is just a light exhalation.

This little man is called [p] because he puffs all the time [p]–[p]–[p], all the time he is dissatisfied with something.

This little man is freezing all the time — [b] — [b] — [b].

This man’s name is [t], he likes to play around in the morning (still in pajamas), jump on the bed [t]–t]–[t].

The name of this little man is [d], because he often plays with a toy car and says [d] — [d] — [d].

This English sound often catches colds and coughs [k]–[k]–[k], which is how it was called – [k].

This little man has a white dove, the little man coos[g]–[g]–[g] when talking to his pet.

16 [tʃ]
This English sound is strict, tells everyone not to make noise, to be quieter [tʃ]–[tʃ]–[tʃ].

17 [dʒ]
This man loves to play with toy airplanes.

This little man loves the sound [m], he even eats only food that starts with this sound and says [mmmmm] with pleasure.

This little man loves to dance, often dances and sings [n] — [n] — [n] — [n].

This little man loves to have fun, but does not always like to make the bed in the morning. His mother asks him about it, and he: “nope”, [ ŋ ] — [ ŋ ].

And this English sound likes to scare everyone. He dresses up as a tiger and roars [r ]–[ r]–[ r]–[ r].

A friend of the little man [r], dresses up as a lion and tries to growl like [r] too, but he can’t pronounce the sound [r], instead he gets [l].

When English sound people are having fun, this one jumps and croaks like a frog [w]–[w]–[w].

This man jumps like a monkey and makes friends with the monkeys.


This little man loves to squeal [i:]–[i:]–[i:] merrily.

This one often hiccups [ɪ] — [ɪ] — [ɪ], so they called him — [ɪ].

This little man is a little mischievous and mocking, he laughs like this: [e] — [e] — [e].

Does this little man keep asking everyone [æ]? [æ]? (especially when he doesn’t feel like doing what he was asked to do).

29 [ɑ:]
This little man is inquisitive, asks a lot of questions, and when he gets an answer, he says [ɑ:].

30 [ɒ]
This little man constantly teases everyone [ɒ] — [ɒ] — [ɒ].

31 [ʌ]
This is the funniest English sound, he laughs like this: [ʌ] — [ʌ] — [ʌ].

32 [ʊ]
This little man is an athlete, loves to run, jump.

33 [u:]
This little man often puts on a mask and depicts a wolf.

34 [ə:]
This little man is small, but he wants to appear big and strong, so he roars like a bear in the forest.

35 [ə]
This little man often groans like an old man, [ə] — [ə] — [ə] — [ə].

36 [ɔ:]
This little man is often dissatisfied, it seems to him that everything around is bad, often groans [ɔ:] — [ɔ:] — [ɔ:].

Diphthongs and triphthongs

37 [eɪ]
This little man constantly comes up with new games and convenes other little men, so they called him — [eɪ].

38 [aɪ]
This English sound is afraid of everything. The door creaks or the dog barks, the man shouts [aɪ] — [aɪ] — [aɪ].

39 [aʊ]
This man loves dogs (and puppies).

40 [ɔɪ]
This man is ticklish.

41 [ɜʊ]
This little man is surprised all the time, everything seems interesting to him: [ɜʊ] — [ɜʊ] — [ɜʊ].

42 [ɪə]
When English sound people are having fun, this one crawls under the table and shouts [ɪə].

43 [ɛə]
When English sound people are having fun, this one swings and shouts [ɛə]–[ɛə]–[ɛə]–[ɛə].

44 [ʊə]
This one loves to jump rope.

When the little men [aɪ] and [ə] play together, they shout [aɪə] in unison.

When the little men [aʊ] and [ə] play together, they shout [aʊə] in unison.

When the little men [ɔɪ] and [ə] play together, they shout [ɔɪə] in unison.

English transcription | English 4 Kids: English for kids

How to read a combination of letters th in English? Reading a combination of letters th in English is very simple. These letters always give the same interdental sound, which can be pronounced: 1) as voiced (voiced), then in the phonetic alphabet we denote it with the symbol [ð] this sound can be heard in the words: then, this, there, other, smooth 2)…

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We continue to publish materials on the topic “English transcription for children“. Surely you liked our Most complete guide to English sounds, you can use it to clarify the pronunciation of individual phonemes of the English language, to feel the difference in pronouncing sounds similar to our ear. For working with children, I prefer a special English transcription for children, on the basis of which I made cards …

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Today we have an online transcription of the English language, created specifically for children. And although we have already got acquainted with the best and most detailed online guide “Transcription of English sounds”, where, under the guidance of a British teacher, we learned to pronounce and differentiate the sounds of English speech, which were indicated in writing by intricate icons called transcription, I think that for children “children’s transcription…

Continue Reading » English transcription for children: in pictures and exercises Good-good-good morning planet!

I don’t know about you, of course, but on my planet of English (called Liza’s English) it’s morning. And I decided to write an important informational and practical article about English transcription on a peppy morning head. I don’t think you mind.) Then we will begin the analysis of this simple, but often questionable topic.


  1. Is transcription required?
  2. Why was it invented?
  3. Vowel sounds.
  4. consonant sounds.
  5. Diphthongs (double sounds).
  6. A little practice.

And I’ll start with a question:

Do you need an English transcription at all?

What do you say to that? If in the school curriculum in English it is passed and forced to learn, then of course you can’t get out! Speaking globally, then its absence when studying English will not affect the results and knowledge in any way.


Since our children are still learning English, it is a matter of honor to know what transcription is in it. This is about the same as it is important to know that there are 6 cases in Russian (and this, by the way, differs from English and many others). But after all, we can learn to speak and write words without thinking about what case to use in them …




Girl …


, you understand me, I think.

Therefore, my verdict — we will study! But quickly and without any stretching for a year! Lesson or two — and



will become the most pleasant phrase in the world …

In addition, having the ability to decipher English transcription, any student and adult will be able to read and pronounce any, even the most “terribly incomprehensible” word in the English dictionary !!!

Why was it invented? They came up with it a very, very long time ago, while the British themselves, for themselves — when they realized that they themselves could not always understand how this or that word was read.

The fact is that in English there are reading rules according to which you can read words correctly. For example, such a rule: “In a closed syllable, the English letter “a” will be read like this (words

bag, laptop

)”. But at the same time, there are so many exceptions to these rules that sometimes it’s impossible to remember them (for example, let’s take an exception to this rule with a word with a closed syllable


, in which the letter “a” is already read differently).

Well, they came up with such a thing as transcription, so that every English word can be read correctly, even without knowing the rules, but simply by owning a set of transcription icons.

Sometimes you may see two versions of the same icon, this is normal. Both of them have their place. My analogies with Russian letters are very conditional. The main thing here is to hear the sound and imitate it as accurately as possible.

Transcription icons for vowels




sound similar to «and», but more abrupt and firm.


sound similar to «e», but more abrupt and hard.


sound similar to «e», but wider.




sound similar to «o», but more abrupt and open.

[ ∧ ]

sound similar to «a», but more abrupt.




sound similar to «y», but more abrupt.


sound like a long «and».

[ ɔ: ]

a sound similar to a long «o».

[ ɑ: ]

a sound similar to a long and deep «a».

[ ɑ: ]

a sound similar to a long and deep «a».




a sound resembling something between «o» and «yo».

In English, there is one single transcription icon that denotes an unstressed vowel —


It is pronounced very short and indistinct. Often we hear it at the end of words ending in unstressed vowels.

Teacher, computer…

Transcription icons for consonants


sound similar to «p».


sound similar to «b».


sound similar to «t».


sound similar to «d».


sound similar to «k».

[ g ]

sound similar to «g».


a sound similar to «f».

[ v ]

sound similar to «in».


sound similar to «s».


sound similar to «z».

[ m ]

sound similar to «m».


sound similar to «n».


sound similar to «l».

[ h ]

sound similar to the air «x».


sound similar to «u».


a sound similar to «h».


sound similar to «zh».


sound similar to «zh».


sound similar to «r».

[ j ]

sound similar to «y». Softens vowels, eg.

[jɒ] [je] [ju:]

[ w ]

a sound pronounced by the lips.

[ ŋ ]

a sound similar to «n» pronounced through the nose.


voiceless interdental sound.


voiced interdental sound.

Transcription icons for diphthongs (double sounds)




a sound similar to «ai».




sound similar to «hey».




a sound similar to «oh».




sound similar to «au».




sound similar to «ou».




a sound similar to «ie».




sound similar to «ue».




a sound similar to «ea».

Practice time

Well, here we have examined with you all the signs of English transcription. Most of them, children and adults remember quite easily. Difficulties sometimes arise with icons denoting diphthongs or some sounds that are not at all like Russian. But this is quickly corrected if you immediately fix everything with good practice and exercises, which we will now do.

I recommend buying and taking an online

English course from scratch

(from the notorious


service ). It deals with the letters and sounds of the English language in detail. Transcription works well too.


and try the course for free. If you like it, go ahead!

Exercise 1

The first thing to do is to repeat several times the sound corresponding to a certain sign of the English transcription. Go in order (according to the list that I gave). Repeat one sound 3-5 times, while trying to associate a complex icon with an image. For example, while repeating the sound


, imagine a cat [ kӕt], a hat [hӕt] or any other image, but only let this image correspond to a word that is pronounced with this sound in English. For example, an image of a bag [bӕg] with such a brand icon appeared in my head.))

Well, how? Difficult? If yes, then I will share with you my ideas regarding the most «intractable» signs of transcription. Please do not judge strictly my clumsy pictures. I swear, in my imagination they look much prettier)).

The icon

[ ʋ ] is

the image of the foot-heel.

The word foot [fʋt].

The icon

[ ɜ: ] is

the image of a bird.

The word bird [



The icon

[ ʃ ]

is the image of a shoe.

The word shoe [ʃu:] .

The icon

[ tʃ ]

is the image of a chicken.

The word is chick [tʃık].

The icon

[ dʒ ]

is an image of a page in a textbook.

The word page [peıdʒ] .


[ j ]

— an image of a check mark, the correct answer.

The word yes [jes].

The icon

[ ŋ ]

is an image of a long and rough road.

The word is long [lɒŋ].

The icon

[ θ ]

is the image of the number three.

The word three [θri:].

The icon


is an image of a mother with a baby.

The word mother [m∧ðə].

The word mother [m∧ðə].

Exercise 2

  • Now we will read with you simple words with different sounds. Your task is to look at the word, listen to its pronunciation, repeat it, and then guess which transcription icon from the ones below corresponds to the sound in the word (the necessary vowels or combinations will be underlined).






























  • Now you will see other words that you will also need to listen to and repeat, and then select the required transcription sign from the ones below, which corresponds to a particular sound (the desired consonants or combinations will be underlined in the words).

[ p ] [ b ] [ t ] [ d ] [ k ] [ g ] [ f ] [ v ] [ s ] [ z ] [ m ] [ n ]

[l] [h] [ʃ] [tʃ] [ʒ] [dʒ] [r] [j] [w] [ŋ] [θ] [ð]






























  • The following words contain diphthongs. We listen, repeat and select the desired transcription sign for underlined letters and letter combinations.
































  • The final exercise in this section is to choose the correct transcription for a word from the two proposed. The scheme of work is the same: we listen, repeat, and then choose.


[kʌp] or [kӕp]


[tvelv] or [twelv]


[mɑ:nθ] or [mʌnθ]


[raın] or [reın]


[fɜ:m] or [fɑːm]


[lɑːʒ] or [lɑːdʒ]


[spuːn] or [spɔ:n]


[feə] or [fıə]


[seɪ] or [seə]


[seɪ] or [seə]


[tʃ uːn] or [dʒuːn]

Exercise 3

Well, it’s time to write the transcription of the words ourselves. I think you will succeed! A day or two — and the topic of English transcription will become as easy for you as you never even dreamed of)). Let me remind you once again that unstressed syllables are often denoted as


after, box, write, with, open,

season, shut, round,

tall, number,

shirt, plus, jam, song, yogurt, hate

Exercise 4

This exercise is to practice reading a lot of English words by transcription. For children, the best option here would be cards with English words and transcriptions for them. Some authors (for example, Nosova, Epanova) specially develop such cards — after all, they help not only to consolidate the learned signs of transcription, but also to easily replenish their vocabulary. These are interesting cards I found in the


store . Here are the most basic topics and words:

Set «Wild Animals»

Set «Fruits»

Set «Man»

Set «Professions»

Set «School»

Set «House»

Well, I did it, friends!

And you? Did you manage? If you have any questions, be sure to ask me. I will try to answer them.

I would be grateful if you share these materials in your favorite social networks. This will be the so-called small contribution to the further development of my resource.

And yet — on the right in the sidebar of my site you can find a convenient service

«Online Transcription»

— enter any English word in the field and get its transcription. Enjoy!

In addition, I invite you to my tasty newsletter (you can subscribe to it at the end of this article — after the tutor selection form)! The most useful and interesting about English and not only …

Answers to the exercises:

exercise 2



d [ɜ:]


mily [ɕ]


l [ u: ]


g [ ı ]


tter [ ∧ ]


st [ɜ:]


ll [ɔ:]


t [i:]


t [ ı ]


st [ɑ:]


d [e]


bet ween [



very [ v







[v] [dʒ]

treet [s


zoo [ z



in [θ]


en [ð]










e [ f ] [ v ]


must [




[ t ]
midle [


nu mber [



present [ p



lack [b]


itten [ k ]


ive [g]



orse [ h


rooom [ r

pink [


sponge [







y [ r ]


ou [ j ]




me [eı]


nd [aı]


be [əʋ]



to ne

[əʋ ]


[ ʋə ]


ke [eı]


[ aʋ ]




[ ʋə ]


n [ɔı ]


n [aʋ ]


se [əʋ]




[ aı ]


[ ɔı ]


ble [eı ]


sers [aʋ]




ke [aı]


[eə ]


[ ıə ]


[ əʋ ]


pple [ӕ]



ck [ɒ]



n [ e ]






t [ʋ]



n [i:]

doctor [

ɒ ]



t [u:]



tchen [ı]


[ ɑ :]



l [ɜ:]

dinner [



door [





s [ ∧ ]



p [ӕ]



t [ʋ]



k [ʋ]



ll [ɔ:]












exercise 3

[ˈɑːftə], [bɒks], [raɪt], [wɪð], [ˈəʊpən],

[ˈsiːzn], [ʃʌt], [raʊnd], [tɔːl], [ˈnʌmbə],

[ʃɜːt], [plʌs], [dʒæm], [sɒŋ], [ˈjɒɡət], [heɪt]

We are looking for an English tutor and not only …

English alphabet for kids — sounds and letters

Linguistic and psychological studies show that teaching a child a foreign language is one of the best ways of his intellectual development. Learning a foreign language will serve as a solid foundation for the future achievements of the child. And the beginning of this business is, of course, the study of the English alphabet.

Why is it easier for kids to learn a language?

Children are born with a special genetic mechanism that allows them to quickly absorb a new language, even without the help of teachers or educators. Therefore, usually for children, the English alphabet is not difficult. If an adult has to turn on logical analysis when learning a new language system, then the child practically “absorbs” the new alphabet. This is due to the fact that babies have not yet developed that part of the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for logical perception. According to scientists, if children did not have this special “linguistic” mechanism, it would take them about a century to master their native language.

When to start learning the alphabet?

Many parents note that as early as 2-3 years old, a child may begin to be interested in letters. At this age, it is useful to tell the baby about what a certain letter means, but for now, you should not overload him with unnecessary information. If one of the letters caught his attention, do not immediately tell him about all the sounds and letters of the English alphabet


You can simply repeat the pronunciation of this letter with him, name some word that begins with it. To read words correctly, an adult can use the transcription of English sounds.

One of the difficulties of English is that a large number of letters have different sounds. At an early age, one should limit oneself to the simplest explanations, choosing those words in which the sound is most like the very letter of the alphabet. For example, the word «Book» («book») is suitable for the letter «B» as the simplest.

Videos for learning English

When the baby starts learning the alphabet of the English language


it is much easier for him to do it effortlessly. There are many ways to motivate a child. After all, if you just put a four-five-year-old at a desk and force them to learn English letters and sounds


nothing good will come of it. Therefore, it is good for children to learn the English alphabet from songs, watch videos about the English alphabet


Now you can find a large number of videos — fortunately, the authors of various schools and teachers do not skimp on materials. It will be very interesting for the kid to sing the sounds of the English alphabet, repeating them after the leader of the video. Also, the parent can sing these simple songs with the baby. It is always important for children that mom and dad support them.

In the following video, the letters of the alphabet are compared with the names of animals


Some time after the toddler has watched the video about the English alphabet, it is helpful to ask him about the letters. For example, draw or show the child a letter and ask if he remembers what it is called, what are the words that begin with it. At the same time, it is better to praise the baby for the correct answer. Don’t take your child’s success for granted. Indeed, otherwise the child’s self-esteem will suffer, and interest in classes will come to naught.

Preparation for school

If it is necessary to prepare for schoolwork, it is useful for the baby to start learning the written English alphabet


At this time, you should also not overload the child very much. After all, a lot of time must pass before the baby «fills his hand.» Remember how hard it is to write written letters for a first-grader. Therefore, at this stage, short lessons with prescriptions will be quite enough.

Learn the English alphabet: educational games

What games will make learning the alphabet more interesting for a child? Learn the English alphabet for kids in a fun and effective way with games:

  • The little ones will love the game called Letter Soup. To carry it out, you will need any pot or bowl, as well as cards with letters and the corresponding words. Well, if in addition to the standard «Apple» and «Book» there will be something entertaining like «Snail» or «Frog». The kid must get any card at random, name the letter, as well as the word, the first letter of which corresponds to the name of the letter of the alphabet. This will be his «lunch» for today. For small children, it is especially fun to extract snails, toads, and spiders for lunch. Here is the yummy!
  • Schoolchildren will do an exercise called «ABC». To complete it, you first need to ask the child to tell the entire English alphabet. Then ask him to do this, starting with the letter «C», then — with the letter «D», and so on. The exercise should be completed to the very end of the alphabet. This is quite a long lesson — it will take about half an hour. However, the result will be very good.
  • The most banal (but at the same time the most effective) method of learning English with a child is the use of special cards. You can buy them or make your own. To do this, small squares are taken, cut out of paper or cardboard, a letter and an image of the desired object are drawn or pasted on them. For example, a card with the letter «C» may contain a picture of a cloud — «Cloud». Kids really like bright pictures, so in this regard it’s better not to “reinvent the wheel” and use the grandfather’s proven method.
  • Compilation of the alphabet. And this method is well suited for working with the sounds of the English alphabet


    To complete it, you will also need all the cards with the names of the letters. An adult turns on a recording with a song of the English alphabet, and stops it at any point. The kid needs to lay out the alphabet from the cards to the place where the stop occurred.
  • For the smallest, learning the alphabet with the help of creativity is suitable. For example, you can make a drawing with the letters of the alphabet in the form of animals or funny fairy-tale creatures. Or draw your own dictionary. You can sculpt the letters of the alphabet from plasticine.

Do adults need an alphabet?

And finally, most importantly, the parent himself must know the alphabet. After all, we can only pass on the knowledge that we ourselves possess. Therefore, do not be shy to use the same methods with which we teach children. Here, the English alphabet with transcription and Russian pronunciation will be a good help. Having mastered it, you can safely proceed to classes with the child. In addition, the adult himself may be interested in learning a foreign language, and, in particular, the alphabet. Indeed, in everyday life, sometimes you have to deal with the process of spelling — spelling words in transliteration. Transcription of Russian words into English will help here. With the help of this transcription, you can correctly sign the student’s notebook in English.

English alphabet with transcription and pronunciation

When starting to learn English, the first thing a student is almost always introduced to is the English alphabet. Without proper knowledge of its letters and pronunciation

of English sounds

, it is almost impossible to fully study and use teaching materials. Mastering the alphabet and the basic principles of pronunciation is the foundation for learning not only English, but also any other foreign language.

The English alphabet consists of 26 letters, which in writing represent 44 sounds. Its modern basis is the Latin alphabet, which, with the beginning of the spread of Christianity in Britain, gradually replaced the Anglo-Saxon runes.

English alphabet with transcription and pronunciation:

  • according to statistics, the most common letter of the English alphabet is the letter


    , the rarest is the letter

  • letters












    in various combinations in writing can represent 20 vowels (12 monophthongs and 8 diphthongs)
  • letters










































    in writing can represent 24 consonants
  • the letter


    , depending on the context, can represent both a vowel and a consonant, for example:
myth [


] — vowel sound [


yes [


] — consonant sound [



Capital letters of the English alphabet

Letters written in cursive have their own style and are used mainly when writing texts by hand:

English alphabet for children

To make it easier for a child to remember the English alphabet, try turning on an animated video song about English letters:

You can also use a specially prepared image with the English alphabet, containing examples of the names of animals and objects starting with the corresponding letters:

My first words: English words for kids

How to raise a polyglot child? The answer is simple: start learning languages with him as early as possible. Basic English will be an excellent foundation for the future knowledge of the baby and will help develop learning skills, because the brain of children at an early age absorbs an almost endless amount of information like a sponge. The main thing is to present it correctly.

In this article you will find not only simple first English words for children, but also recommendations for learning them. Open the fascinating world of English to your kid!

At what age do we start learning?

The opinions of experts and parents themselves about the age at which it is worth starting to learn English with a child differ. Of course, you can start singing lullabies to your baby in English even from infancy, but your strength will be almost wasted.

Most agree that the most optimal age from which the average child begins to adequately learn English as a foreign language is 2.5-3 years. It is believed that at this age the process of formation of native speech is already ending. That is, the child must be able to clearly pronounce Russian sounds and words, as well as build sentences and have a coherent speech.

The exceptions here are cases when the child grows up in a multicultural environment. For example, if the mother is Russian and the father is English, then it is possible to communicate with the child in two languages from the very beginning. True, then your child will be funny to form sentences, and questions like: “Mom, can I have an apple” will constantly sound in the house.

This approach is good when the family lives abroad, where the main language is a foreign one. As a child gets older and starts attending kindergarten, the child will understand the difference between the languages of his parents and begin to use words in the correct context. This applies, by the way, not only to English, but also to any foreign language.

If you want your child to speak only English from the very beginning, you can create a multicultural environment artificially. For example, at home talking with the baby only in a foreign language.

Is it possible to send the child to a language nursery or a kindergarten with an English bias? Then do it without any hesitation. So the multicultural environment will be natural for the child: in the nursery they will communicate with him mainly in English, and at home you will be able to talk with the baby in Russian. In specialized language kindergartens, teachers will help your child learn English in a natural environment, and at home you can consolidate knowledge with him through various games and riddles.

If it is not possible to send a child to a language kindergarten, start learning English at home using the same methods that you studied your native language with him.

How to learn English with a child?

At a young age, of course, there is no question of grammar or the spelling of English words. To begin with, the child needs to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly, remember letters and form a basic vocabulary. By the way, it will be much easier for a baby than for an adult to remember the correct pronunciation of English sounds, which are so different from Russian ones. They will not have to rebuild their articulation apparatus as much as we, adults, who have been speaking their native language for many years.

Here is a list of skills to develop in a preschooler first:

— listening comprehension

— speaking

— reading

To ensure that learning English does not become a burden for a child, add an element of the game to the learning process.

Get a bright glove doll and make it a kind of «teacher» for the child. Introduce your baby to a new toy and say that it only understands English, which means that in order to play with it, the child needs to learn an interesting new language. So this toy will become the main intermediary between you and your child in learning English.

First of all, learn the alphabet with your child and the correct pronunciation of letters and basic sounds. Do it better with the popular ABC Song. This is how the English alphabet is taught all over the world, not only by foreigners, but also by native speakers themselves.

Next — form basic English for children: words and simple phrases. For example, make cards for basic words that the child already knows in their native language. These can be household items, animals, body parts, etc. It is better that the cards are bright, with the spelling of a word and a picture symbolizing a particular subject. You can stick these cards on household items so that the child constantly sees the names of objects in English and memorizes them automatically.

Incorporate English words into your regular vocabulary when communicating with your child. In the context of what is happening around the baby, it will be much easier to understand and learn the language. Whether playing at home or outside, use the phrases and words you have already learned. If a child tells you: “Mom, look, a kitty!” Then answer: “Yes, it’s true, it’s a cat. How would it be in English? A cat. This is a cat.»

By the way, it is better to start learning not just individual words, but whole phrases at once, as in the example above. That is, to acquaint with the very, very basic grammar. After all, if you tell your child only words, he will only know the translation, and if you start using whole sentences, then he will memorize in sentences.

For learning English with a child, visibility and variety are important. Children may enjoy books in English with colorful pictures that can be read together at bedtime instead of the usual Russian fairy tales. Also, do not forget about special educational cartoons in English, where bright characters tell the child about the basics of the language or teach him the alphabet.

Start fun games with a learning element with your baby so that he is not bored with learning English. It can be cards, pantomimes, drawings and much more.

Basic set of words with transcription and translation

The first English words for children to start learning the language with are those that surround the child every day. Below you will find a list of such words by topic.

Family [ˈfæmɪli] — family

Mother [ˈmʌðə] — mother

Father [ˈfɑːðə] — father

Brother [ˈbrʌðə] — brother

Sister [ˈsɪstə] — sister

Grandmother [ˈgrænˌmʌðə] — grandmother

Grandfather [ˈgrændˌfɑːðə] — grandfather

Body [


] — body

Head [hed] — head

Hair [heə] — hair

Eyes [aɪz] — eyes

Nose [nəʊz] — nose

Teeth [tiːθ] — teeth

Lips [lɪps] — lips

Ears [ɪəz] — ears

Neck [nek] — neck

Shoulders [ ˈʃəʊldəz] — shoulders

Leg [leg] — leg

Feet [fiːt] — feet

Pets [


] — pets

Dog [dɒg] — dog

Cat [kæt] — cat

Kitten [ˈkɪtn] — kitten

Puppy [ˈpʌpi] — puppy

Rabbit [ˈræbɪt] — rabbit

Parrot [ˈpærət] — parrot

Fish [fɪʃ] — fish

Hamster [ˈhæmstə] — hamster

Snake [ sneɪk] — snake

Turtle [ˈtɜːtl] — turtle

Animals [


] — animals

Goat [gəʊt] — goat

Pig [pɪg] — pig

Sheep [ʃiːp] — sheep

Horse [hɔːs] — horse

Cow [kaʊ] — cow

Goose [guːs] — goose

Chicken [ˈʧɪkɪn] — chicken

Duck [dʌk] — duck

Cockerel [ ˈkɒkərəl] — rooster

Fox [fɒks] — fox

Wolf [wʊlf] — wolf

Bear [beə] — bear

Hare [heə] — hare

Elephant [ˈelɪfənt] — elephant

Tiger [ˈtaɪgə] — tiger

Lion [ˈlaɪən] — lion

Crocodile [ˈkrɒkədaɪl] — crocodile

Giraffe [ʤɪˈrɑːf] — giraffe

Colors [


] — colors

Red [red] — red

Green [griːn] — green

Blue [bluː] — blue

Orange [ˈɒrɪnʤ] — orange

Yellow [ˈjeləʊ] — yellow

Pink [pɪŋk] — pink

Gray [greɪ] — gray

Black [blæk] — black

White [ waɪt] — white

Purple [ˈpɜːpl] — purple

Brown [braʊn] — brown

Food [


] — food

Water [ˈwɔːtə] — water

Tea [tiː] — tea

Juice [ʤuːs] — juice

Sugar [ˈʃʊgə] — sugar

Salt [sɒlt] — salt

Yogurt [ˈjɒgət] — yogurt

Bread [bred] — bread

Milk [mɪlk] — milk

Cheese [ ʧiːz] — cheese

Eggs [egz] — eggs

Butter [ˈbʌtə] — butter

Meat [miːt] — meat

Cookies [ˈkʊkiz] — cookies

Chocolate [ˈʧɒkəlɪt] — chocolate

Fruits [


] — fruits

Apple [ˈæpl] — apple

Pear [peər] — pear

Orange [ˈɒrɪnʤ] — orange

Banana [bəˈnɑːnə] — banana

Lemon [ˈlemən] — lemon

Pineapple [ˈpaɪnˌæpl] — pineapple

Grapes [greɪps] — grapes

Kiwi [ˈkiːwi:] — kiwi

Tangerine [tæn(d)ʒəˈriːn] — tangerine

Melon [ˈmelən] — melon

Watermelon [ˈwɔːtəˌmelən] — watermelon

Peach [piːʧ] — peach

Vegetables [


] — vegetables

Carrot [ˈkærət] — carrot

Onion [ˈʌnjən] — onion

Garlic [ˈgɑːlɪk] — garlic

Tomato [təˈmɑːtəʊ] — tomato

Cabbage [ˈkæbɪʤ] — cabbage

Pepper [ˈpepər] — pepper

Potato [pəˈteɪtəʌ] -kjumber


House [haʊs] — house

Bedroom [ˈbedruːm] — bedroom

Living room [ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm] — living room

Kitchen [ˈkɪʧɪn] — kitchen

Bathroom [ˈbɑːθruːm] — bathroom

Fridge [frɪʤ] — refrigerator

Cooker [ˈkʊkə] — stove

Table [ˈteɪbl] — table

Chair [ʧeə] — chair

Sofa [ˈsəʊfə] — sofa

Bed [bed] — bed

Window [ˈwɪndəʊ] — window

Mirror [ˈmɪrə] — mirror

Towel [ˈtaʊəl] — towel

Toothbrush [ˈtuːθbrʌʃ] — toothbrush

Toothpaste [ˈtuːθpeɪst] — toothpaste

Wardrobe [ˈwɔːbdr] — wardrobe

Cup [kʌp] — mug

Plate [pleɪt] — plate

Bowl [bəʊl] — bowl

Fork [fɔːk] — fork

Spoon [spuːn] — spoon

Knife [naɪf] — knife

Clock [klɒk] — hours

Clothes [


] — clothes

Dress [dres] — dress

Skirt [skɜːt] — skirt

Shirt [ʃɜːt] — shirt

T-shirt [ˈtiːʃɜːt] — T-shirt

Jeans [ʤiːnz] — jeans

Trousers [ˈtraʊzəz] — pants

Shorts [ʃɔːts] — shorts

Jumper [ˈʤʌmpə] — sweater

Suit [suːt] — suit

Coat [kəʊt] — coat

Hat [hæt] — hat

Socks [sɒks] — socks

Months [


] — months

January [ˈʤænjʊəri] — January

February [ˈfebrʊəri] — February

March [mɑːʧ] — March

April [ˈeɪprəl] — April

May [meɪ] — May

June [ʤuːn] — June

July [ʤu (ː)ˈlaɪ] — July

August [ˈɔːgəst] — August

September [sepˈtɛmbər] — September

October [ɒkˈtəʊbə] — October

November [nəʊˈvembə] — November

December [dɪˈsembə] — December

Weather [


] — weather

Sun [sʌn] — sun

Rain [reɪn] — rain

Cloud [klaʊd] — cloud

Wind [wɪnd] — wind

Snow [snəʊ] — snow

Fog [fɒg] — fog

Cold [kəʊld] — cold

Hot [hɒt] — hot

Winter [ ˈwɪntə] — winter

Spring [sprɪŋ] — spring

Summer [ˈsʌmər] — summer

Autumn [ˈɔːtəm] — autumn

This list of first English words for children is far from complete. Include in it those words that the child encounters daily.

And most importantly, do not forget: in order to teach your baby English from an early age, you need to be confident in your knowledge. You can check your level of English before you start learning the language with your child here.

18 Pronunciation Sites and Apps for Language Learners — Lexical Press Blog of the American TESOL Institute in Florida

Pronunciation is very important for understanding. To learn how to pronounce words correctly, you need to train a lot and constantly practice. Students should know how words are pronounced and how to pronounce them. Below is a list of 18 web tools and sites we recommend for language learners to improve their pronunciation. More learning tips can be found on the American TESOL Youtube video channel with over 100 videos!

To learn more about technology integration to support English learners, visit our free webinars on Fridays.

Recommended Tools and Applications

  • Speech Sounds is an interactive site with various sounds and videos of people making those sounds. Find it also in German and Spanish.
  • Text2Phonetics is a web application that converts small English texts into wide phonetic transcriptions of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
  • Sounds is a free app based on the work of Adrian Underhill. Language learners learn, practice and play with pronunciation.
  • Pronunciation Power is another free app to learn all 52 sounds.
  • The Speech Flip Book is a free iOS app that can be used for phonological awareness, apraxia, and articulation. It’s interactive and visual.
  • Fun Easy English contains videos of characters showing mouth movements.
  • English Central offers a variety of sound and pronunciation courses.
  • HowJSay is a free online English pronunciation dictionary.
  • Forvo is a pronunciation dictionary.
  • BBC Voices is no longer updated but contains many authentic voices using real English.

Children’s Pronunciation Resources

    • Starfall is one of the best websites with games, stories, songs and exercises for kids to practice pronunciation.
    • Dream English is a site with videos, songs, mp3 audio lessons, related worksheets and flashcards that are free to download.
    • Phonics Studio is a free iOS app that contains 2500 visual flashcards with sounds.
    • M&M Lite is a free iOS app for creating audio mixing and matching exercises for young learners.
    • English Raven by Jason Renshaw offers a free download of starter kits for kids.
    • ABC Fast Phonics contains phonetics tutorials and cartoons for kids.


  • Neo K12 has several songs, games and quizzes.
  • Reading Bear is a free website with videos, quizzes and reviews for kids to help them learn phonetics.

If you enjoyed the resources in this post, check out our online training course, Learning with Certification Technology.

Live TESOL webinars are held every Friday at 4:00 pm EST or NY time with Shelley Terrell. TESOL lectures are open to the public, so feel free to invite a friend. To join the TESOL webinar, click here https://americantesol.adobeconnect.com/terrell/. Then click «Login as Guest», enter your name and click «Enter Room».

8 fun activities to help with pronunciation!

8 fun activities to help with pronunciation!

Here are

8 fun activities you can try with your little one to help her improve her pronunciation!

  1. Play Bingo!

    Prepare several bingo sheets with sample words for each of the sounds you want to practice, such as ‘Toy’ for ‘T’, ‘Red’ for ‘R’, etc. Then prepare flashcards with sounds only. When you pull out a card, say a sound and your little one and her friends have to find the word that matches that sound on their bingo table.

  2. Practice in minimal pairs!

    Practicing words that sound almost the same but with slight differences in pronunciation can help your toddler become aware of these different sounds. Some examples of these words are: low/throw, bat/bad, sheep/ship, etc. To make this more fun and also help your child listen more closely to their own voice, record your own voices while you practice as well then listen to the recordings to see how you’re doing!

  3. Try tongue twisters!

    Because they use alliteration (the repetition of a single sound), they are great for practicing sounds and improving your pronunciation and fluency skills. Here’s a simple example to practice the /th/ sound: «I can think of six thin things and six thick things.» .

  4. Play guessing game!

    Have your child guess what word you are saying by looking into your mouth while you whisper it from a distance. She will have to focus on the shape of your mouth while making this sound. Then it’s your baby’s turn to whisper that word too!

  5. Draw a character!

    If your little one is imaginative and imaginative, she will definitely love this activity. Create a character along with a name that starts with the sound you want to practice, such as: «Sam». Draw Sam, and then think of different things Sam would like his name to start with, such as «singing», «soup», or «sea» and draw your character’s image with them.

  6. Play a mobile game!

    If your child is very active, then this is a fun activity for her. To play this game, assign a movement to each sound. For example, jump on «L» and clap on «R». Your child will have to do these movements every time she hears the corresponding sound! You can try to say just the sound or, to make it a little more difficult, say the words with these sounds.

  7. Throw the dice!

    Create your own dice with different sounds on each side. You can play with your little one and her friends. When each player rolls the dice, they will have to say a word or several words with the sound they got!

  8. Do motor exercises for the oral cavity!

    Play funny faces with your baby and try these moves: a.

    Make the biggest smile possible, then relax.

    d. Puff out your cheeks without closing your lips. Try both cheeks, then one by one, and then the upper and lower lips!

    d. Press your lips together to kiss and move them apart.

    d. Press the tongue against the palate and then push it out.

    e. Circle the perimeter of the lips with your tongue without moving your jaw! Do this in both directions.

    For more fun, you can use a mirror to see all your funny faces! These movements will help your child strengthen the muscles of the lips, cheeks, tongue and jaw. Other fun activities associated with oral movement exercises include blowing bubbles, balloons or whistles and drinking through a straw. These exercises will not only help strengthen your oral muscles, but will also help your little one get enough air to make sounds, words, and eventually sentences!

If you need more ideas, check out these links:

• 12 pronunciation games and exercises for ESL students

• Simple oral motor exercises to try today!

• 6 exercises to improve pronunciation

‘Children’ pronunciation — Stack Exchange for English learners

There is no contrast between /s/ and /z/ in this position (word-end or syllable-end after a difficult consonant). But the word «kids» is usually transcribed with the phoneme /z/. * Please note that in English, the typical pronunciation of the words «adze», «adds» and «advertising» sounds the same.

«Resonant» obstacles in English can be cleared or partially cleared

Keep in mind that the phoneme /z/ is not always pronounced as a fully voiced [z]. At the end of a word, /z/ may be less phonetically voiced (or maybe even completely devoid), but it is still distinct from /s/ because syllables ending in /s/ have shortened (or «truncated») vowels, but syllables ending in /z/ are not necessary. The following words have a cut vowel:

kit, kits, kiss.

The following words do not have a clipped vowel:

kid, kids, fizz.

I don’t know much about the exact phonetic nature of the chant or partial voicing. Here’s a related article (which I haven’t read) that I found with a quick search: «Variation in the implementation of voicing in obstructive American English» by Lisa Davidson.

I don’t know much about the exact phonetic nature of the chant or partial voicing. Here’s a related article (which I haven’t read) that I found with a quick search: «Variation in the implementation of voicing in obstructive American English» by Lisa Davidson.

See the following ELU questions:

Reasons why «children» are analyzed as having /dz/ and not /ds/

I think it’s rather difficult to definitively establish that


ends in /z/, but there are several arguments that can be accepted.

The plural/genitive suffix contains /z/ instead of /s/ in contrast environments

In all environments where the contrast a /z/ versus /s/ is phonologically possible in English (after a vowel or after an approximate), the plural and genitive suffixes (as well as the third person singular suffix) contain /z/. The following minimal or near-minimal pairs demonstrate this:

  • bays



    ) /beız/ versus base /beıs/

  • bar



    ) /bɑɹz/ vs.



  • bells



    ) / bɛlz / vs.



  • tens



    ) /tɛnz/ against



Based on this, it can be argued that /z/ is the main form of suffixes, and /s/ (as well as /ɨz/) is a less basic form, the use of which requires some explanation. The use of /s/ after /ptk/ and after /f θ/ when not alternating with voiced /v ð/ in the plural can be explained as assimilation on the phonemic level of the silence of the previous segment. Since the segment /d/ is not voiceless on the phonemic level, it is not expected to cause silence assimilation, so this analysis predicts that words like


should appear with the /z/ unchanged.

*/dz/ and /ds/ may contrast before a vowel, although functional load is low

The strongest argument I can think of for analyzing


(etc.) as ending in /dz/ is that there is a contrast between /dz/ as in


and /ds. /, as in


and the cluster at the end of the word


(as in


) does not sound like /ds/ when followed by a vowel. The contrast between /dz/ and /ds/ is not particularly sharp: it doesn’t shock me when a native English speaker pronounces «Hudson» in a way that sounds like «Hu /dz/ on» with progressive assimilation, or as «Khu / c / on», with regressive assimilation. However, I wouldn’t consider either of these as a standard phonemic realization of the consonant sequence in the middle of a name: on a phonemic level, I’d say that /ds/ is a possible sequence that contrasts with both /dz/ and /ц/.

A possible weakness in my argument in the previous paragraph is the issue of syllabic text. Some linguists believe that empty beginnings are not welcome in syllabic forms: the application of this principle would lead to syllabic changes

su [dz] y


Hu [ds] on.

In this case, the contrast is quite clear (although there may still be a question of whether the final syllable of


has a different level of stress than the final syllable

of sudsy

). But other linguists believe that empty syllable onsets are more common in English phonology, raising the possibility that that




can be syllabic differently:



Hud son.

If we accept the suds.y


and consider syllabification in general as a possible factor in creating minimum pairs for pronunciation, then I don’t think it can be established by this kind of argument that the consonant after /d/ is /z/ and not /s/.

Acoustics assignments, Acoustics online games, Acoustics videos, Kindergarten to Grade 2

Introduction to the section — Alphabet and Phonetics Resources.

  • Goal:

    Learn the letters of the alphabet

Section 1 — Greetings — Hello

  • Purpose:

    To teach basic greetings — Hello, hello, goodbye.

Block 2 — What is your name?

  • Purpose:

    To teach children to pronounce their names.

Block 3 — How old are you?

  • Purpose:

    To teach children to say their age and memorize the numbers from 1 to 5.

Block 4 — Numbers — How much?

  • Purpose:

    To teach children to count from 1 to 10.

Block 5 A — Colors — What color?

  • Purpose:

    To teach children to describe objects using colors.

Section 5 B — Color Dictionary

  • Purpose:

    To teach the vocabulary of flowers

Unit 5 C — Green Monster Flowers Lesson

  • goal

    : teach colors through color songs

Block 6 — Fruits — I love apples.

  • Purpose:

    To teach children the names of fruits and the expression of likes.

Block 7 — Body — I have a head.

  • Purpose:

    To teach children about parts of the body.

Block 8 — Actions — I can’t.

  • Purpose:

    To teach children to express abilities using simple action verbs.

Video lessons of the course level 2

Block 1 — Animals — Animals on farms.

  • Objective:

    To teach students to express preferences using vocabulary related to farm animals.

Block 2 — Family members

  • Purpose:

    To teach words and expressions used in describing a family.

Block 3 — School backpack

  • Purpose:

    To teach words and expressions related to objects in the classroom.

Block 4 — Actions — Do’s and Don’ts

  • Purpose:

    To teach action verbs

Block 5 — Shapes and sizes

  • Purpose:

    To teach different shapes and adjectives to describe size.

Chapter 6 — Demonstrative Pronouns — This / That / These / Those

  • Goal:

    Learn nouns and demonstrative pronouns, singular and plural.

Block 7 — Numbers — from 10 to 100

  • Purpose:

    To teach the numbers from 10 to 100 and the difference between the pronunciation of long and short vowels.

Block 8 — Toys — Where is it?

  • Purpose:

    To teach words and expressions related to toys and ask where objects are.

Block 9 — Days of the week and weekly events

  • Purpose:

    To teach the days of the week and some of the things we do on a weekly basis.

Unit 10 — Weather — What’s the weather like?

  • Objective:

    To teach students to ask about the weather and describe it.

Block 11 — Food — What do you want to eat

  • Purpose:

    To explain to students what we eat and express desire.

Video lessons of the course 3 levels

Block 1 — Pets: Why do you like dogs?

  • Objective:

    Learn the names of pets and give a brief description of pets using personal adjectives.

Block 2a — Time — What time is it?

  • Objective:

    To teach students to tell the time, as well as to talk about everyday affairs.

Block 2b — Time — What time is it?

  • Objective:

    To teach students to tell time using a quarter / past / half past, etc.

Block 3 — Months and days of birth — When is your birthday?

  • Objective:

    To teach students the months of the year and how to determine dates using months and ordinal numbers.

Section 4 — Work — What people do.

  • Purpose:

    To teach children to describe work using action verbs.

Block 5 — Actions — What are you doing?

  • Objective:

    Students will learn to describe actions they perform using progressive progress.

Block 6 — Transport — How do you get to school?

  • Purpose:

    To teach students about different modes of transport and how to get around.

Block 7 — Clothing — What are you wearing today?

  • Goal:

    Learn to describe what someone wears.

Block 8 — Where is it? — Houses

  • Purpose:

    To teach children the prepositions of places, rooms and things in the house.

Block 9a — Vegetables — How much do carrots cost?

  • Purpose:

    To teach children the vocabulary of vegetables and how to buy vegetables.

Section 9b — Vegetables — Lesson with additional vegetable vocabulary — Cauliflower, broccoli, etc.

  • Purpose:

    To teach schoolchildren additional vegetable vocabulary.

Block 10 — Weather and clothing — Wear sunglasses.

  • Purpose:

    To teach children to talk about clothes depending on the weather.

Block 11 — Zoo — What does a panda look like?

  • Objective:

    To teach students to describe zoo animals in terms of how they eat and how they look.

10 Simple Strategies for Mastering English Pronunciation

When you study English, you don’t always see what you hear.

These past years have been wonderful. The world is constantly becoming more interconnected, so more and more people are learning new languages.

English is one of the most popular and in-demand languages in the world, and its proximity to other languages such as French and German makes it fairly easy to learn.

There’s only one thing: English isn’t as easy as one might think, and for that we have its strange pronunciation rules.

Unlike, for example, Spanish, in which words are read and pronounced exactly as they are written, many words in English are pronounced differently than their written forms. Some words sound completely different even though they are spelled the same. For example, the words tough,(“tuff”) and, although (“thoh”) differ in only one letter, they sound completely different.

Like any other language, English is full of exceptions and oddities, even in pronunciation, and mastering these difficult parts can feel like a nightmare, but it is both a necessary and interesting aspect of learning.


This blog post is available as a handy and portable PDF file that you can take anywhere. Click here for a copy. (Download)

Why should you practice English pronunciation?

The reasons for practicing pronunciation are numerous and significant:

  • Improving pronunciation helps in reading, writing and communication.
  • A better understanding of pronunciation leads to less confusion, especially when speaking.
  • Most importantly, it’s a sign of progress and you feel more comfortable and confident speaking English.

Mastering English pronunciation can be a goal, but that doesn’t mean there’s only one way to achieve it. As with everything else in life, everyone has their own path to achieve their goals. Whatever your needs and desires, these strategies will help you get there.

1. Know how you want to sound

The English language uses a wide variety of sounds. English pronunciation can vary greatly from region to region. For example, the United Kingdom may be relatively small in size, but it is rich in different accents that carry their personality, as seen in this video.

Depending on where you are going and how long you are going to be there, the first step is to

understand how the locals sound.

Practice sounding like them. This will help you fully understand what they are talking about.

If you don’t know anyone who speaks with the accent you want, keep watching videos like the one above. You can also visit websites such as this guide to American pronunciation.

If you know you want to sound like an American, you should consider the Creativa Mastering North American English Pronunciation course


Creativa provides high-quality, high-quality videos for learning English and business communication skills. Creativa provides entertaining videos, helpful yet unexpected tips, and is not limited to just English to teach you body language and intonation. Creativa is a new product from the FluentU team.

Here is an example video from the Creativa Mastering Business Video Calling in English course, which has tips for effective self-expression:

2. Focus on the words that give you trouble and break them down

Did you stumble upon a long, confusing mass of letters? Do you forget when you need to say a few words differently?

em>Any time you hit a wall and don’t know how to pronounce a strange word, just stop, take a break, and

pay close attention to the features of that word.

Features include its spelling, syllables, and meaning.

What you need is to take this long and complicated word and break it down into parts. Then slowly put it back together.

For example: one of the most commonly mispronounced words in English is


People continue to pronounce it as fev-yu-airi. If you look closely, you’ll notice the


in the middle, and if you break it down, it turns out that it’s actually pronounced Feb-ru-airi.

You should also look at #1 for these words. Americans never say


in February. The regional pronunciation may not necessarily be he correct English pronunciation.

However, using this method will help you understand how words should actually be pronounced.

However, keep in mind that words in English are not always pronounced the way they are spelled, so practice these words slowly and keep a dictionary handy just in case. If you’re still having trouble breaking up words, this guide will help.

3. Read aloud and write yourself down

The best way to make progress on any task is to keep track of your improvements. For practicing English pronunciation, the best way to do this is to write down how you read and speak loudly and clearly, which gives yourself a great benchmark for progress.

Once you go overboard with the sound of your own voice (we all hate the way we sound when we record), you’ll find yourself making more progress than you otherwise would. If you record yourself speaking English for months or years in future, you will really hear how much you have improved.

4. Listen carefully to the music of the words

Everything in life follows a certain form of organization. Life has a strong rhythm. Otherwise, everything would be random and disorganized.

Just as we memorize and understand songs and other pieces of music by listening carefully to lyrics and other features, we can also

master complex words by listening carefully to their rhythm and the way certain syllables sound.

Words change with emotion, and listening to how words are pronounced will also tell you more than just their meaning.

The intonation or tone of words affects their meaning. Depending on which part of the word is



where it is placed in the sentence

, it can be a noun or a verb.

Understanding this can even make the pronunciation of the word clearer. For example, words refuse, and refuse. If it is heard as REH-fuse , then we are talking about garbage (noun), but if it is heard as re-FUZ, then it means to say “no” or to reject something (verb).

The key here is to listen carefully to how the words are used. Break them up as you practice until you feel comfortable enough to use them in conversation.

5. Subscribe to English websites, podcasts and Youtube channels

When it comes to learning languages, the Internet is your best friend. It contains an extremely wide range of resources to help you master English, even if you are just starting to learn English for beginners.


is a great place to start.


takes real videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news, and inspirational speeches—and turns them into personalized language lessons.

And it’s not just about passively watching videos — it’s about actively learning and practicing English.

Active learning tools are probably the best part. Click on any word with subtitles to see an on-screen definition and audio clip showing native pronunciation. You can then learn and reinforce new language lessons with multimedia flashcards and vocabulary lists based on the vocabulary and grammar you encounter as you browse videos of your choice.

If you love that sound, I have even better news for you—you can practice FluentU anywhere with the iOS or Android mobile apps.

There are also a number of websites and social media groups that help people become fluent in English and other languages. While we are talking about it…

It has never been easier to turn YouTube time into English learning time. It’s all about changing your browsing habits.

If you’re a movie fan, why not make the most of that passion by subscribing to a YouTube channel dedicated to making the most of native content? The FluentU English YouTube channel takes its own content, such as Enola Holmes’ hilarious and addictive film, and turns it into an active learning lesson.

You can imitate British actress Millie Bobby Brown’s stunning accent or learn all the unique adjectives she uses in the movie. Be sure to subscribe to the FluentU YouTube channel for more great content for English learners.

6. Communication is the key to success: always practice with someone

The best way to speak English like a native speaker is to speak to them. When you are in class or walking in the park, make sure you only speak English.

If you don’t know native speakers near you, don’t let that hinder your progress. As I mentioned earlier, there are many great forums and other websites that allow language learners to connect and teach each other.

Google+ is a perfect example of this: people from all over the world come together in a global classroom as students and teachers alike. This creates a comfortable and fun environment for improving your pronunciation as well as making new friends from all over the world.

7. Follow the news

You may not like to watch the news all the time, but you can use it as a great tool to improve your pronunciation. Announcers usually speak slowly and clearly to get their messages across. If there are subtitles, that’s even better. Watching the news helps you understand English words in their normal context and lets you hear how they sound in real life. In addition, news broadcasts use many images and videos to make their messages more compelling and easier to understand.

A good website to use is the BBC (British English) or CNN (American English).

8. Forget everything you know about reading and pronunciation

As I mentioned earlier, English is known for having words that look different from how they are pronounced. If your native language is similar to Spanish, where what you read is what you hear, then learning to pronounce some words in English can be a daunting puzzle (remember,




That’s why you shouldn’t transfer what you know about one language to another. Reading English like Spanish will only confuse you.

9. Dictionaries are your friends

When things go wrong, dictionaries are always ready to help. It’s always a good idea to keep it handy, especially if you have a smartphone. The Merriam-Webster dictionary app is a great example that includes a simple yet very effective pronunciation guide for each word.

While they are helpful and will tell you what you need to know, learning the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) will tell you exactly how to pronounce words. It won’t be easy, but once you master the IPA, no English word is too difficult.

10. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

It’s easy to get flustered and start talking quickly once you’ve learned how to pronounce a word, but it’s best to be patient and slowly practice the word until you’re able to pronounce it perfectly. Your friends and teachers understand this, so don’t worry about sounding funny or speaking too slowly. Learning a language is a journey, not just an end, so take your time and enjoy the ride!

Other Great Resources

Guide to British Accent and Dialect

BBC English Pronunciation Guide

Macmillan Online Dictionary (with British and American pronunciations)

Simple Pronunciation Guide (Wikipedia)


This blog post is available as a handy and portable PDF file that you can take anywhere. Click here for a copy. (Download)

And one more thing …

And one more thing …

If you’d like to watch it, it might be on the FluentU app.

The FluentU app and website make it very easy to watch videos in English. There are interactive captions. This means you can click on any word to see an image, definition, and helpful examples.

The FluentU app and website make it very easy to watch videos in English. There are interactive captions. This means you can click on any word to see an image, definition, and helpful examples.

For example, by clicking on the word «search», you will see the following:

FluentU lets you tap to find any word.

Learn vocabulary from any video with quizzes. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.

FluentU helps you learn quickly with helpful questions and lots of examples. To learn more.

The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary you learn. This gives you an extra opportunity to practice difficult words and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You really have an individual experience.

Start using FluentU on your website from your computer or tablet, or better yet, download the FluentU app from iTunes or the Google Play store.

If you

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FluentU, the best way to learn English through real videos.

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Articulation (Pronunciation and Conversation) — Developing a Child’s Senses

What is articulation (pronunciation and speaking)?

Articulation (pronunciation and speaking) is the ability to physically move the tongue, lips, teeth, and jaw to produce the sequence of speech sounds that make up words and sentences.

Why is articulation (pronunciation and speaking) so important?

Articulation is important in order to be able to produce sounds, words and sentences that are clear and can be easily understood and interpreted by others, to be able to express basic needs and desires, up to being able to engage in complex conversations.

Depending on the degree of difficulty, slurred speech can significantly affect how well a child can interact with adults and their peers, and can also affect the development of language and social skills. A child who is difficult to understand may become frustrated and angry, which can lead to behavioral problems. Articulation is also important for literacy skills such as reading and writing words.

What building blocks are needed to develop articulation (pronunciation and speaking)?

  • Attention and Concentration:

    Sustained effort, listening and doing things without distraction, and the ability to sustain that effort long enough to complete a task (e.g., the ability to pay attention to speech and sounds long enough to be able to process information).

  • Hearing:

    To detect speech sounds.

  • Good functioning of the middle ear

    most of the time (for example, a child with chronic ear infections, tick-ears, or a cold that blocks the ears may have fluctuating hearing levels, which can affect speech).

  • Process speech sounds

    , identify and hear differences between sounds.

  • Muscular Coordination:

    The ability to move and coordinate the muscles involved in sound production (eg, diaphragm, lips, tongue, vocal cords, jaw, and palate).

  • Understanding

    that sounds convey meaning.
How do I know if my child has problems with articulation (pronunciation and speaking)?

If a child has problems with articulation, he may:

  • Get very upset when interacting with other people.
  • Producing speech that is difficult to understand even for familiar listeners.
  • It is difficult to link together more than one or two sounds.
  • Usually only vowels are used (very open mouth noises).
  • Produce slurred speech along with ball dribbling and messy eating skills.
  • Speech is less clear than other children of the same age.
  • To produce an interdental lisp (for example, the tongue protrudes between the teeth when pronouncing the sound / s / or / z /) over the age of 3.5 — 4 years.
  • Being a schoolboy and still having a hard time making a few sounds.
What other problems can arise if a child has difficulty with articulation (pronunciation and speaking)?
What other problems can arise if a child has difficulty with articulation (pronunciation and speaking)?

  • Social Skills:

    Fuzzy articulation can affect the ability to engage in mutual interaction with others (verbally or non-verbally), to compromise with others, and to recognize and follow social norms.

  • Expressive (using) language:

    The use of language through speech, signs, or alternative forms of communication to communicate desires, needs, thoughts, and ideas. The child may shorten their sentences or use familiar words to help them understand better.

  • Self-confidence:

    The child’s belief in his ability to complete the task.

  • Fluency: The fluidity

    or fluidity with which sounds, syllables, words, and phrases are produced when speaking.

  • Independence:

    The child may be «intrusive» or always wants a parent/guardian around to translate or help with their communication.

  • Behavior:

    The child may become very upset at being misunderstood.

  • Reading and spelling

    , which are based on the pronunciation of words.

What can be done to improve articulation (pronunciation and speaking)?

  • Play:

    For young children, play where you model and use many different sounds while playing (e.g. saying ‘hhh’ when the train passes by, ‘baa’ is a sheep).

  • Talk

    to your child frequently throughout the day to model the correct pronunciation of words.

  • Reducing background noise:

    Turn off background noise in the house (eg TV, radio, music) when you are interacting with your child to minimize distractions.

  • Look

    at your child when he speaks and encourage him to look at you so he can imitate how to pronounce words or sounds correctly.

  • Read

    to a child.

  • Listen

    to the child’s message and respond to it (not the exact pronunciation of the words).

  • Repeat

    the child’s sentences if the speech is slurred (for example, child: «Dat my deen tar.» Adult: «Yes, that’s your green car»). By repeating what your child said, you create a good language model and also show that you were listening to what the child said.

  • Show:

    Ask the child to show you what he is talking about if you do not understand what he has said. Ask for ONE repetition and try to guess. Don’t be afraid to say that you don’t understand what the child said.
What activities can help improve articulation (pronunciation and speaking)?

  • Naming

    objects while doing tasks such as looking at a book, in the car, looking outside, while playing, and while shopping.

  • Copying

    facial expressions in a mirror (for example, smiling, kissing, licking lips).

  • Play together at

    something the child really enjoys, and throughout the game, model words that the child has difficulty with.

  • Modeling

    and using different sounds during interaction and during play (for example, “s” is the sound of a snake, “sh” is the sound of a child sleeping).

  • Listening

    and identifying sounds in words (for example, «shoe» begins with the sound «sh»).

  • Correction:

    If the child does not pronounce the word correctly, return the correct word to him, but there is no need to make him repeat it again (for example, Gram. child: «Look at tat.» adult: «Yes, it’s


    at» and continue the conversation). This helps to provide subtle, positive correction by modeling the correct answer rather than emphasizing that the child said it wrong.
Why should I seek therapy if I notice articulation (pronunciation and speaking) difficulties?

Therapeutic intervention to help a child with articulation disorders is important for:

  • Enhance your child’s ability to speak more clearly.
  • Increase your child’s ability to be understood by others.
  • Increase your child’s ability to interact positively with other children and adults.
  • Facilitate the child’s interactions with acquaintances (eg, family members, peers) and strangers.
  • Reduce frustration in a child who is trying to get his point across to an audience.
  • Improve spelling and/or writing.
What can articulation (pronunciation and speaking) difficulties lead to if left untreated?

When children have difficulty articulating, they may also have difficulty with:

  • Establishing friendships and engaging in positive social interactions with peers.
  • Fulfillment of educational tasks of the highest level.
  • Be understood during interactions, such as meeting new people, playing with friends, or talking to a teacher.
  • Developing literacy skills such as reading and writing.
What type of therapy is recommended for articulation (pronunciation and speech) difficulties?

If your child has problems with articulation, it is recommended to consult with a speech therapist.

Child mispronounces words | figured out

When children first learn to speak, they often make mistakes in their speech. They replace sounds, such as saying


when they mean


. They also do not consider sounds, such as asking for a spoon when they really need a spoon.

Sometimes children shorten words to make them easier to pronounce. Many of my younger students ask to play on my computer

when they need time at the computer. This is how they communicate their needs while they are still learning to imitate the sounds they hear.

As children get older, they usually stop making these mistakes. By the age of 8, they are expected to speak correctly. And they should be understandable to a wide range of people.

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In general, sounds in fiction are formatted using italics. If the context requires the sound to stand alone for emphasis, it is usually recommended the author use the sound on its own line. If someone is describing sound in first person narrative, there are instances where italics might include dashes.


  • 1 How do you express sounds in words?
  • 2 How do you spell thinking sounds?
  • 3 How do you spell surprise sounds?
  • 4 How do you write sleep sounds?
  • 5 What are some sound words?
  • 6 How do you describe sound?
  • 7 What does Ohhh mean from a girl?
  • 8 What does D Aww mean?
  • 9 Is Woohoo a word?
  • 10 How do you spell the gag sound?
  • 11 How do you spell a sigh sound?
  • 12 How do you write dialogue in sound?
  • 13 What is a word that sounds like a sound?
  • 14 What words sound like their meaning?
  • 15 What are the 44 English sounds?
  • 16 What are common sounds?
  • 17 How do you write a loud sound?
  • 18 How do you write sound effects in a script?
  • 19 How do you describe a moan?
  • 20 What does mean from a girl?

How do you express sounds in words?

The formation of a word from a sound associated with the thing it describes is known as onomatopoeia; the related adjective is onomatopoeic.

How do you spell thinking sounds?

/ɜː/ in Exclamations
/ɜː/ is the sound used to think in English, and it’s often spelt ER for that purpose.

How do you spell surprise sounds?

Yow, or yowza, is an exclamation of surprise or conveys being impressed. Yuck (also spelled yech or yecch) signals disgust.

How do you write sleep sounds?

A Series of Letters that Mimic a Raw Sound
Sometimes onomatopoeia involves no words at all, as in examples like “Zzzzzz” to represent the sound of sleeping or snoring, “hachoo” for a sneezing sound, or “tsk-tsk” or “tut-tut” to convey the scolding sound we make to express disapproval.

What are some sound words?

Sound words, also known as onomatopoeia, can make a poem or piece of writing appeal to the sense of hearing. Words like bam, whoosh or slap sound just like the thing they refer to.
Examples of these sound words include:

  • bam.
  • bang.
  • clang.
  • clank.
  • clap.
  • clatter.
  • click.
  • clink.

How do you describe sound?

Sounds are often described as loud or soft; high-pitched or low-pitched.Scientists, on the other hand, describe sounds with characteristics that can be measured using instruments. Scientists measure intensity and amplitude, which can be related to the common words loud and soft.

What does Ohhh mean from a girl?

pleading or begging someone to do something.

What does D Aww mean?

New Word Suggestion. cute or sweet. interjection, mostly used by girls to describe someone or something cute or sweet..

Is Woohoo a word?

Woohoo is an exclamation of excitement or joy. Woohoo is typically used alone as an interjection preceding or following a sentence that explains what the excitement is about. It is also seen as woo-hoo, woo hoo, and whoo-hoo. Example: Woohoo!

How do you spell the gag sound?

Break ‘gagging’ down into sounds: [GAG] + [ING] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

How do you spell a sigh sound?

How Do You Spell Sigh?

  1. Spelling of sigh: sigh is spelled s-i-g-h.
  2. Definition of sigh: Sigh is a verb meaning to take a large, audible breath, often to express relief or frustration.
  3. Pronunciation of sigh: sigh is pronounced si with a long I sound.

How do you write dialogue in sound?

Making Character Dialogue Sound Natural

  1. Use the “rule of three” for important info.
  2. Characters shouldn’t, you know, talk perfectly.
  3. Avoid using clichés in dialogue.
  4. Don’t overuse character names in dialogue.
  5. The beginning of a line shouldn’t echo the end of the prior line.
  6. Avoid dialogue that’s really speechifying.

What is a word that sounds like a sound?

Onomatopoeia (also onomatopeia in American English), is the process of creating a word that phonetically imitates, resembles, or suggests the sound that it describes. Such a word itself is also called an onomatopoeia. Common onomatopoeias include animal noises such as oink, meow (or miaow), roar, and chirp.

What words sound like their meaning?

Onomatopoeia is used to describe words that look like the sound they are describing.

What are the 44 English sounds?

44 Phoneme Sounds List with Examples in English

  • Five short vowel sounds: short a, short e, short i, short o, short u.
  • Five long vowel sounds: long a, long e, long i, long o, long u.
  • Two other vowel sounds: oo, ōō
  • Five r-controlled vowel sounds: ar, ār, ir, or, ur.

What are common sounds?

Are you missing these everyday sounds?

  • Crackling of pine needles as you walk through the woods.
  • Leaves rustling in the wind.
  • Birds chirping outside your window.
  • Ocean waves crashing against the shore.
  • Rainfall, or raindrops pattering on your umbrella.
  • Babbling streams as the water cascades down rocks.

How do you write a loud sound?

Describing Noisy Sounds

  1. at full blast – as loudly as possible.
  2. almighty – used for emphasising how loud something is.
  3. brassy – a sound that is loud and unpleasant.
  4. deafening – a sound so loud you cannot hear anything else.
  5. ear-splitting – extremely loud.
  6. explosive – a sound that is loud and unexpected.

How do you write sound effects in a script?

You write sound effects in a screenplay by capitalizing the sound you’re making in the action line of the script. For example “Jackie SLAMS the door shut.” or “The tires SCREECHES across the street.”

How do you describe a moan?

a prolonged, low, inarticulate sound uttered from or as if from physical or mental suffering. any similar sound: the moan of the wind. complaint or lamentation.

What does mean from a girl?

4. Smiling emoticon– This one means she might be interested in you but she is too busy right not to be chatting with you. This is another way of ending a conversation because for the time being though.

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