Write a single word synonym for each of these words phrases given the sack

Вопрос по английскому языку:

Write a synonym for each of these phrases.

1) sack someone = ….dismiss….. someone

2) out of work =………………………………………………….

3) leave a company =…………………………………………….

4) be given a better position in a company = be…………………

5) future possibilities in a job =………………………………….

6) stop working often at 60 or 65 =………………………………

7) take control of a company =…………………………………..

7. Complete these sentences with a suitable word.

1. She’s not happy in her own country. She wants to work….


2. I don’t want a full-time job. I prefer to work………………….

3. He wants to go on another training…………………………….

4. I’m bored in my job. I need a fresh……………………………

5. At the end of this year we’ll get a good pay…………………..

6. She’s got more than a hundred workers under………………..

7. I didn’t know he was the new manager. When did he take


8. I know it’s not a great job. How much does he………………?



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the sack

of work

the company

given a better position in the company

possibilities in a job

working forever

in a company

  1. Find the logical
    answer on the right for each of the questions on the left.

did they sack him?

Because he was nearly 65.

did they promote him?

Because he was late for work every day.

did he apply for the job?

did he retire?

did he resign?

did he go on the course?

Because he needed more training.

Because he was out of work.

  1. E.
    Because he was the best person in the department.

  2. F.
    Because he didn’t like his boss.

  1. Complete these sentences with a suitable word or phrase.

  1. I
    don’t want a full-time job. I prefer to work …………………….

  2. She’d
    like to go on another training …………………………….. .

  3. I’m
    bored in my job. I need a fresh ……………………………….

  4. He
    works on a stall in the …………………………….. ……………..

  5. At
    the end of this year we should get a good pay …………………..…………………………….

  6. She’s
    got more than a hundred workers under ………………………..

  7. I
    didn’t know he was a new manager. When did he take ………………………

  8. It’s
    a boring job and the pay is awful. Why did he ……………………..

  1. Complete this word-building table.

General noun
Personal noun (s)






  1. Have you got a job in a company? If so, answer these questions as quickly as you can.

  1. What
    does your job involve?

  2. Are
    you responsible for anything or anyone?

  3. Have
    you had much training from your company?

  4. Have
    the company sent you on any training courses?

  5. Have
    you been promoted since you started in the company?

  6. Do
    you normally get a good pay rise at the end of each year?

  7. How
    do you feel about your future prospects in the company?

  8. Are
    you happy in the job or do you feel it is time for a fresh challenge
    in another company?


the sentences using the following words:

do get down to give go into go out of
set up in

big core

card class cycle ethics hours
leaders partners plan school trip

  1. English
    language teaching is ……………….. business in this town.
    Thousands of students come here every year.

  2. There’s
    such a lot of bureaucracy, so many regulations, so much red tape,
    it’s almost impossible to ………………………… business

  3. I
    travel business ……………… because it’s comfortable, and I
    arrive relaxed and ready to …………….. business straight

  4. Look,
    I told you, we have to invite him for dinner because I think he’s
    going to …………….. me a lot f business.

  5. She
    has such good ideas she really ought to …………….. business.

  6. She’s
    over in Hong Kong looking for new business …………….. .

  7. That’s
    the last time I go on a business …………….. to Canada in
    January: I waited two days in the airport for the snow to stop.

  8. The
    bank refused to lend me any money because they weren’t convinced
    by the business ……………….. I showed them.

  9. The
    opposition spokesman claimed that the government had clearly lost
    the confidence of business …………….. .

  10. He
    …………….. business just three days after leaving business
    …………….. .

  11. The
    trouble with this job is that I deal with Japanese and Latin
    American customers who phone me at home at night, because they’re
    in bed during our business …………….. .

  12. Wait
    a second, let me give you my e=mail address; I don’t think it’s
    on my business …………….. .

  13. We’re
    going to divest the subsidiaries we bought in the 1980s and
    concentrate on our …………….. business.

  14. Well,
    if there isn’t an upturn in the business …………….. soon,
    about a quarter of the firms in this town are going to ……………..

  15. We
    seem to have different conceptions of business …………….. .
    I’m talking about our responsibilities to our employees; you’re
    talking about maximizing profits.

the collocations into Russian.


  1. Choose
    the most suitable form in the sentences.

  1. I
    suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

  2. While
    Diana watched/was watching her favourite TV programme, there was a

  3. Tom
    used to live/would live in the house at the end of the street. Who
    was driving/drove the car at the time of the accident?

  4. By
    the time Sheila got back, Chris went/had gone.

  5. David
    ate/had eaten Japanese food before, so he knew what to order.

  6. I
    did/was doing some shopping yesterday, when I saw that Dutch friend
    of yours.

  7. I
    used to like/was liking sweets much more than I do now.

  8. What
    exactly were you doing/did you do when I came into your office

  9. Laura
    missed the party because no-one was telling/had told her about it.

  10. Tanya
    would/used to be a doctor.

  11. Who
    was driving/drove the car at the time of the accident?

  1. Put
    the verb in brackets into a suitable past form.

  1. While
    I (try) ……………… to get my car started, a passing car
    (stop) ……………….. and the driver (offer) ………………..
    to help me.

  2. The
    police (pay) …………….. no attention to Claire’s complaint
    because she (phone) ……………….. them so many times before.

  3. Mary
    (not wear) ……………….. her glasses at the time, so she
    (not notice) …………….. what kind of car the man (drive)
    ……………….. .

  4. Nick
    (lie) ………………..down on the grass for a while , next to
    some tourists who (feed) ……………….. the ducks.

  5. Tony
    (admit) ……………….. that he (hit) ……………… the
    other car, but said that he (not damage) ……………….. it.

  6. Sorry
    I (not listen) ………………. To you. I (think) ……………….
    About something else.

  7. Helen
    (feel) ……………….. very tired, and when she (finish)
    ………………. Her work, she (fall) ………………..

  8. The
    police (get) ……………… to Claire’s house as fast as they
    could, but the burglars (disappear) ……………….. .

  9. I
    (phone) ………………. You last night but you (not answer)
    ………………. . What you (do) …………….. ?

  10. We
    (not go) ……………….. out yesterday because it (rain)
    ………………. .

  1. Put
    the verbs in brackets into a suitable past verb form.

Professor Mallory, the famous archaeologist, ………………..
(invite) me to take part in his expedition to find the Lost City of
the Himalayas, I ……………….. (not hesitate) to accept his
invitation. Mallory ………………… (discover) an ancient map
showing the position of the City, although no European ………………..
(ever go) to the area before. In fact, most of Mallory’s colleagues
either ……………. (believe) that the City ……………..
(never exist) or …………….. (feel) that it ………………..
(vanish) long ago and ……………….. (become) simply a legend.
According to the Professor, the builders of the City ……………..
(hide) it among the mountains in order to protect its immense riches.
He ……………… (believe) that the descendants of these ancient
people …………….. (still keep) themselves apart from the rest
of mankind for the very same reasons. So when we ………………..
(set off) on a cool May morning towards the distant mountains, each
of us ……………. (look forward) to exciting discoveries. For a
week or more we ……………… (climb) higher and higher,
following the map, which Mallory ……………… (study) from time
to time. Then one afternoon, while we …………….. (rest) at the
top of a valley, we ………………(notice) that a rider on a
horse …………….. (wave) at

from the other side of the valley. A rider whose clothes ……………..
(shine) like gold!

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Write a synonym for each of these phrases.

1) sack someone = ….dismiss….. someone

2) out of work =………………………………………………….

3) leave a company =…………………………………………….

4) be given a better position in a company = be…………………

5) future possibilities in a job =………………………………….

6) stop working often at 60 or 65 =………………………………

7) take control of a company =…………………………………..

7. Complete these sentences with a suitable word.

1. She’s not happy in her own country. She wants to work….


2. I don’t want a full-time job. I prefer to work………………….

3. He wants to go on another training…………………………….

4. I’m bored in my job. I need a fresh……………………………

5. At the end of this year we’ll get a good pay…………………..

6. She’s got more than a hundred workers under………………..

7. I didn’t know he was the new manager. When did he take


8. I know it’s not a great job. How much does he………………?

How does the verb sack contrast with its synonyms?

Some common synonyms of sack are despoil, devastate, pillage, ravage, and waste. While all these words mean «to lay waste by plundering or destroying,» sack implies carrying off all valuable possessions from a place.

barbarians sacked ancient Rome

Where would despoil be a reasonable alternative to sack?

The synonyms despoil and sack are sometimes interchangeable, but despoil applies to looting or robbing without suggesting accompanying destruction.

the Nazis despoiled the art museums

When could devastate be used to replace sack?

The words devastate and sack can be used in similar contexts, but devastate implies the complete ruin and desolation of a wide area.

an earthquake devastated the city

How are the words pillage and sack related?

Pillage implies ruthless plundering at will but without the completeness suggested by sack.

settlements pillaged by Vikings

When can ravage be used instead of sack?

While the synonyms ravage and sack are close in meaning, ravage implies violent often cumulative depredation and destruction.

a hurricane ravaged the coast

When might waste be a better fit than sack?

While in some cases nearly identical to sack, waste may imply producing the same result by a slow process rather than sudden and violent action.

years of drought had wasted the area

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