Write a sentence with the word rain

Synonym: drizzle, pour, precipitate, shower, sprinkle. Similar words: brain, drain, rainy, train, strain, trainer, rainfall, raining. Meaning: [reɪn]  n. 1. water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere 2. drops of fresh water that fall as precipitation from clouds 3. anything happening rapidly or in quick successive. v. precipitate as rain. 

1, Prepare for a rain day.

2, Counsel after action is like rain after harvest. 

3, Into every life a little rain must fall. 

4, Rain before seven; fine before eleven. 

5, Rain comes after sunshine, and after a dark cloud, a clear sky. 

6, It never will rain roses. When we want to have more roses we must plant trees. 

7, If there be neither snow nor rain, then will be dear all sorts of grain. 

8, Plants of learning must be watered with the rain of tears. 

9, We’ll go out when the rain is over.

10, The rain will continue into the evening.

11, The rain has been continuous since this morning.

12, The rain was dripping from the trees.

13, Rain is spreading from the west.

14, I left my bicycle out in the rain.

15, The ground was soggy from the rain.

16, Let’s wait till the rain stops.

17, The rain continued to fall all afternoon.

18, A light rain began to fall.

19, The weather forecast says there will be rain.

20, The rain comes down in buckets.

21, At last the rain began to ease off.

22, Gosh,[http://sentencedict.com/rain.html] the rain is so heavy!

23, The rain has stopped and the sun is shining.

24, Don’t go out in the rain.

25, Heavy rain and excessive use have impoverished the soil.

26, I guess it’s going to rain.

27, The heavy rain might settle the changeable weather.

28, Life is about learning to dance in the rain.

29, Don’t have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain

30, A wanderer who is determined to reach his destination does not fear the rain

rain — перевод на русский


Today, a very stinky rain will come down on the heads of Frankie and his crew.

И сойдёт сегодня дождь зловонный на головы Френки и банды его.

What’s with the sudden shower of rain?

Откуда такой дождь полил?

You know, it’s awfully late And it’s raining.

— Знаете, уже очень поздно, и дождь идет.

Ouch, that was warm rain, you rogue.

Теплый дождь, однако.

It’s raining you’re going to come.

идёт дождь ты придёшь.

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Yeah, I’m glad it isn’t raining.

Да, я рад, что не идёт дождь.

When it rains, you are there.

Идёт дождь, ты здесь.

And if it rains, don’t go out at all.

А если идет дождь, совсем не выходи.

— Has it been raining long?

— Долго идет дождь?

Every time I come out here it rains.

Каждый раз, когда я выбираюсь сюда, идет дождь.

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— If it doesn’t rain.

— Если не пойдет дождь.

It was so damp, it really seemed itwas about to rain but it didn’t.

Было так сыро, что, казалось, и правда пойдет дождь, но… но он так и не пошел.

Well if it rains, I’ll buy an umbrella.

Ну, если пойдет дождь, я куплю себе зонтик.

Barbara will appear and down will come the rain.

Барбара появится и пойдёт дождь.

With death came rain!

Со смертью пойдёт дождь!

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In thunder, lightning, or in rain?

Под ливень, молнию и гром?

Boy, it really rained.

Там настоящий ливень.

It’s raining like the day we did the Paris job.

Ливень, он может вернуться.

How was I to know it would rain like this?

Ну разве я мог предвидеть такой ливень? Моя машина — не корабль.

Looks like we’re going to have a lot of rain, all right.

Кажется собирается настоящий ливень.

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Rain, that’s good.

Какой прекрасный дождик.

— More rain.

— Пуще, дождик, пуще! — Ты что?

It was a glorious shower of rain!

А славный был дождик!

Some rain wouldn’t hurt.

Дождик бы не помешал.

House so old. All rain coming in house.

Юрт совсем худая стал… дождик был, крыша капает…

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It’s this rain.


I remember it was curly… because it was raining out.

Я помню они были вьющимися.. потому что было дождливо.

There’s always too much rain, or not enough.

Всегда либо слишком дождливо, либо слишком сухо.

It’s raining here.

Тут дождливо.

— It’s always raining there.

— Там всегда дождливо.

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Oh, it’s raining.

Ох, как льет.

Goodness, it’s raining a lot!

А погодка-то, ну и льет!

and it’s still raining.

и все еще льет.

«If it rains in June say hello to wrack and ruin.»

Если льет в июне, голодать будем в декабре.

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The only cistern, which collects rain water… is a constant worry for the four solitary men.

Единственная посудина, служащая для сбора дождевой воды была объектом беспрестанной заботы четырех отшельников.

One more rain storm and a disaster could happen.

Один большой дождевой шторм и бедствие может случиться.

Go play with your rain stick.

Иди поиграй с дождевой палкой.

Because that’s a rain forest that could use some pruning.

Потому что этот «дождевой лесок» давно скучает по топору.

The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back… and all turns to silver glass.

Серый дождевой занавес этого мира поднимается И вокруг всё становится как из серебряного стекла.

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It’s raining.

Дождь льет.

The rain falls and thunders roar, people are born, and then die.

Дождь льет и гром гремит, люди рождаются, а затем умирают.

Today. the rain is just as heavy as that day. Looking out of the window.

Сегодня дождь льёт так же сильно, как и тогда.

It’s raining cats and dogs!

Дождь льёт! Как из ведра!

Listen to that rain.

Послушайте, как льет дождь.

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come inside, it’s raining.

Зайди внутрь. Сильный дождь.

You get yourself, not a drizzle, but some honest-to-goodness rain, and you find yourself someone really nice and drive her through the Bois de Boulogne in a taxi.

должен идти дождь, не дождичек, а самый настоящий сильный дождь. Найди себе милую спутницу и прокати её на такси по Булонскому лесу.

One evening, it had rained heavily…

Однажды вечером шёл сильный дождь…

Feeling Like I’m outside in the rain Wheeling

Будто стою я на улице в сильный дождь, и свою ищу я игру и в ней роль.

It rains a lot!

Сильный дождь!

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«Rain fell heavily all night.«
(fell, came down, poured)

«The pouring rain drenched us.«
(drenched, soaked)

«The rain hasn’t let up yet.«
(let up, stopped)

«The rain came yesterday.«
(came, started)

«The rain continued for the rest of the day.«

Used with nouns:

«The flowers are covered in raindrops.«
(drops, water)

«I have new rain boots.«
(boots, gear)

«I am wearing my rain coat.«

«I can see the rain clouds coming.«

«A rainstorm is coming.«

Used with adjectives:

«We drove in the pouring rain.«
(pouring, pounding, heavy, hard)

«We had freezing rain last night.«
(freezing, steady, intermittent, driving)

«We are expecting heavy rain tomorrow.«
(heavy, light, little)

«I can’t take the constant rain anymore.«
(constant, continuous)

Used with prepositions:

«We walked in the pouring rain.«
(in, through)

  • Dictionary
  • R
  • Rain
  • Sentences
  • I hope you didn’t get soaked standing out in the rain.
  • …the spring, when the rains came.
  • It rained the whole weekend. [it VERB]
  • The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park. [VERB noun + on]
  • Fighter aircraft rained down high explosives. [VERB PREPOSITION noun]
  • A rain of stones descended on the police.
  • A raindrop
  • A rain of abuse
  • The lid flew off and popcorn rained on everyone
  • To rain abuse on someone
  • A rain of ashes
  • It is raining
  • Bullets rained about him
  • To rain praises on someone
  • We had a light rain this afternoon.
  • We had rain most of last summer.
  • A rain of blows; a rain of vituperation.
  • It rained all night.
  • Tears rained from their eyes.
  • The lightning flashed and the sky rained on us in torrents.
  • People on rooftops rained confetti on the parade.
  • To rain favors upon a person.
  • To rain blows on someone’s head.
  • We canceled our picnic because it rained cats and dogs.

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∙ 5y ago

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The word ‘rain’ functions as both a noun and a verb. Examples:

As a noun: The rain made large puddles in the road.

As a verb: It will rain today so please remember your umbrella.

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It is a gloomy day today so I decided to revise some idioms connected with it.

It never rains but it pours!

Prov. Good (or bad) things do not just happen a few at a time, but in large numbers all at once. Fred: I can’t believe this.

e.g. First of all it was the car breaking down, then the fire in the kitchen and now Mike’s accident. It never rains but it pours!

rain pitchforks

To rain very hard and heavy.

e.g. Every time I go out to rake leaves, it rains pitchforks.

To be raining in great amounts

e.g. It was raining cats and dogs by the time I got home.

right as rain

In good order or good health, satisfactory.

e.g. He was very ill, but he’s right as rain now, or If she’d only worked on it another week everything would have beenas right as rain.

The allusion in this simile is unclear, but it originated in Britain, where rainy weather is a normal fact of life, and indeed W.L. Phelps wrote, «The expression ‘right as rain’ must have been invented by an Englishman.» It was first recorded in 1894.

rain on someone’s parade

To spoil something for someone.

e.g. I hate to rain on your parade, but your plans are all wrong.

rain or shine

No matter whether it rains or the sun shines. (See also come rain or shine.)

e.g. Don’t worry. I’ll be there rain or shine. We’ll hold the picnic — rain or shine.

Let the Rain Settle It

Do not expect to be paid for this. (A humorous answer to a question like, «Who is going to pay for this?»)

e.g. Tom: Who’s going to pay me all that money youowe? Mary: Charge it to the dust and let the rain settle it!

rain check (on something)

A promise that an unaccepted offer will be renewed in the future. This term comes from baseball, where in the 1880s it became the practice to offer paying spectators a rain check entitling them to future admission for a game that was postponed or ended early owing to bad weather. By the early 1900s the term was transferred to tickets for other kinds of entertainment, and later to a coupon entitling a customer to buy, at a later date and at the same price, a sale item temporarily out of stock.

e.g. I can’t come to dinner Tuesday but hope you’ll give me a rain check.

not know enough to come in out of the rain

Fig. to be very stupid.

e.g. Bob is so stupid he doesn’t know enough to come in out of the rain. You can’t expect very much from somebody who doesn’t know enoughto come in out of the rain.

rain something out

[for the weather] to spoil something by raining.

e.g. Oh, the weather looks awful. I hope it doesn’t rain the picnic out. It’s starting to sprinkle now. Do you think it willrain out the ball game?

Used site http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/rain

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