Write a sentence with the word great

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

This may include planning a further move to housing offering a greater degree of shelter, or even greater reliance on families.

Thus, the spending of the new pesticide tax proceeds, to a great extent, would redistribute money from conventional to organic farming.

Specifically, the younger children might be expected to show greater phonetic sensitivity to the input than older children.

Seventy-eight per cent admitted that they would be more empathetic towards patients, with greater sensitivity to their psychological distress, in the future.

Both of these subscales are scored so that high scores indicate greater psychological well-being and vitality.

Correspondingly, men and women with the greatest burden of childcare responsibilities had increased risk of psychological distress, but this risk was significantly greater for men.

Work factors had a greater impact on class differences in psychological distress in men.

This strengthens the case for work factors having a greater impact on socioeconomic inequalities in psychological distress among men.

Questionnaire on priority assessment of patients referred to orthopedic surgeons showed great differences between reviewers.

Both maps illustrate in great detail the most modern, developed areas and iconic buildings, while the less densely inhabited areas were reduced in size.

Compared with the region’s previous combustible qualities, this was a great achievement.

It was most significant from the reported participation from over 25 countries worldwide that there is a great interest in the development of such methodologies.

This may indeed represent one of the events that triggered the great development of the dorsal pallium and associated structures in the mammalian radiation.

They will only be removed if growers appreciate the significance of compaction and exercise greater patience in organizing their planting schedule.

In this functional approach, the roles of language use and frequency receive greater emphasis.

Rather, he stressed that the more people, the greater the energy for socialist revolution and construction.

In the past, authors stressed the greater variability of the disease’s prognosis, clinical findings and cell morphology.

Also, heterogeneity within the riparian zone was as great as differences between the riparian zone and surrounding areas.

The great technical problem of such a system is the critical mass of a fission chain reaction, making it difficult to miniaturize a fission explosion.

A great deal of technical information is disseminated, but the tone of the book remains relaxed.

Here, language standardization achieved great success in a less developed country with less advanced technical equipment in a fairly short period.

The same was not true, and was not supposed to be true, in urban areas where the need for employer housing was greater.

Scores range from 0 to 63, and higher values represent greater depressive symptoms.

A greater number of previous depressive episodes was also associated with a greater percentage of time spent with subsyndromal depressive symptoms.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Task 1

Match the words with their opposites. Then write a sentence with each word combination.

1. huge

A. patiently

2. unimportant

B. ability

3. impatiently

C. valuable

4. excluded

D. significant

5. inability

E. ugly

6. beautiful

F. private

7. responsible

G. included

8. public

H. irresponsible

9. worthless

I. tiny

Task 3

Complete the text with the given words.

landscapes, watercolours, exhibition, skilled, drawings, still lifes, portraits, oils, display, techniques

Last weekend, my friend Larry and I went to an art 1. _______________. There were a variety of paintings and 2. _______________ on 3. _______________. There were true-to-life 4. _______________ of famous people, beautiful 5. _______________ of waterfalls and valleys, and also 6. _______________. For landscapes, most artists used 7. _______________, but some of them worked in 8. _______________. 9. _______________ artists use interesting 10. _______________ to show the shadows.

Task 4

Fill in the gaps with comparatives and superlatives.

By far, this drawing is _________________ (valuable) in my collection.
This gallery is _________________ (busy) one I’ve ever been to!
The colours on this painting are _________________ (warm) than on that one.
That was the _________________ (bad) technique I’ve ever seen.
Lorna is _________________ (talented) sculptor I’ve seen. She makes sculptures out of clay.
The lines in Picasso’s pictures were drawn much _________________ (accurately) than I expected.
Which of these two vases do you find _________________ (good)?
I think that painting with watercolours must be _________________ (difficult) than painting with oils.
You should study _________________ (carefully) to improve your skills.
This picture is _______________ (great) I’ve ever seen.

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    1. I am going to visit Great Britain.
    2. My friends are going to visit Great Britain too.
    3. Our Head Teacher is going to thank them for the invitation.
    4. Mr Wooding is writing an invitation letter.
    5. Mr Wooding is inviting a group of students. 
    6. We are going to miss lessons at school.
    7. A group of students is going to stay with English families.

  2. I am going to visit Great Britain. 
    My friends are going to miss lessons at school.
    Our Head Teacher is thanking them for the invitation. 
    Mr Wooding is inviting ( или going to invite) a group of students. 
    We are going to write an invitation letter.  
    A group of students is going to stay with English families. 

    вот так можно 


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Synonym: a good deal, a lot, much, often, very much. Similar words: a great many, great, greatly, beat down, agree, dealer, deal in, deal out. Meaning: adv. 1. to a very great degree or extent 2. frequently or in great quantities. 

Random good picture Not show

1. There is a great deal of difference between the eager man who wants to read a book, and the tired man who wants a book to read. 

2. The tool matters a great deal to him.

3. A great deal of whiskey is made in Scotland.

4. Lawrence Durrell wrote a great deal of poetry.

5. The report contains a great deal of statistical information.

6. A motorcar costs a great deal of money.

7. That car matters a great deal to him.

8. He was a great deal interested in music.

9. France produces a great deal of wine for export.

10. They give their children a great deal of liberty.

11. This book requires a great deal of concentration.

12. Wood blocks compress a great deal under pressure.

13. Emma, I trust your opinion a great deal.

14. The British drink a great deal of milk.

15. I must say that bad news disquiet me a great deal.

16. The place changed a great deal and was almost unrecognisable.

17. Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed.

18. There was a great deal of opposition to the war.

19. The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes.

20. Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain.

21. Children learn a great deal by playing about with sand and water.

22. His bad behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.

23. We have derived a great deal of benefit from her advice.

24. It has cost them a great deal of money and time to develop this software.

25. You can learn a great deal just from watching other players.

26. There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance.

27. It’s a great deal.

28. We’ve put a great deal of time effort into this project.

29. The place changed a great deal and was almost unrecognizable.

30. To explain this,[Sentencedict] they hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected.

More similar words: a great many, great, greatly, beat down, agree, dealer, deal in, deal out, agree on, agree to, death, disagree, a big deal, deal with, agreeable, agree with, a good deal, a good deal of, real, really, realm, realize, the death penalty, create, treaty, threat, realistic, retreat, entreat, creating. 

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Контрольная работа Unit 3


Write this in English.

Трогательная история, важная идея, великие достижения, быстро расти.

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

1.Jane bought the (latest/last) copy of today’s paper. There were no more in the Shop.

2.I’ve just known that Kate’s (older/elder) sister is a teacher.

3.His (last/latest) words before he died were: “Forgive me”.

Report the following sentences.

1) Ken: I will see a great film at the weekend.

2) Sue: I will go to the cinema at night.

3) John: Kate will buy tickets for The Ballet.

Choose the right forms to complete the sentences.

-Does he know the name of his (nearest/next)-door neighbor?

— Excuse me, where is the (nearest/next) telephone box?

-What is your (nearest/next) question?

-Jane lives (nearest/next) to the school of all of us.

Choose suitable prepositions (at, by, from, in, for, with, around, off, through, to) where necessary.

1.Matilda borrowed several books ____ the Library.

2. He knew her well enough to see ___ her behaviour

3..Have you read any novels___ Ivan Turgenev?

4. Will you see ___my daughter while I ’m away?

5.What’s the matter ___ her?

Translate these sentences into English.

Этот фильм оставил глубокое впечатление.

Фильм «Матильда» пользуется успехом у молодой аудитории.

Аудитория аплодировала актерам очень громко.

Make your own sentences with the words from ex.1

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: Arlan5784


Автор ответа: Naukebayeva


1. Collect

2. Museums

3.listen to music


5. Compact



8. Favorite

9. Programmes

10. News

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Предмет: Қазақ тiлi,
автор: aselsovetovnaboramba

5. Оқылым мәтінінен ілгерінді ықпалға мысалдар келтіріңдер. ​

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: renatavere

На день рождения в Андрею пришли Вася, глеб Даша Митя Петя Соня и Тимур. Млжно ли всех восьмерых ребят рассадить за круглый стол так, чтобы у любых двух рядом сидящих, в именах встречались одинаковые буквы??

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Предмет: Русский язык,
автор: krivonosovaanna

Укажите ряд, в котором все слова с не пишутся слитно.
Выберите один ответ:
(не)жданный; (не)простое решение; (не)доверять
вовсе (не)интересный; (не)написанное учеником сочинение; (не)дожидаясь
(не)верное, а ошибочное суждение; (не)проверив; (невесомость
(не)ряшливо; (не)знакомка; (не)брежная

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Предмет: Химия,
автор: Krot969

Na2O2+CO2= …

напишите, пожалуйста, овр

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