Write a sentence using the word spring

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Spring | Spring Sentence

  • The spring was in the air.
  • Balancers mounted on a spring board.
  • In your schoolroom you can tell when spring is here.
  • Are you glad when spring comes?
  • No doubt our very variable spring is the cause of this.
  • She touched the spring in the side of the secretary.
  • They spring from a bon-mot or a retort.
  • Our spring and autumn are mild or temperate.
  • After a winter of Italian skies spring had come in a night.
  • In the spring of 1777 we are able to pick up his trail again.
  • In spring my lilies of the valley were the finest to be seen.
  • The steering wheel and the front skid have a spring suspension.
  • I loped out of the hollow by the spring and looked down toward the trail.
  • They spring from the heart, and do not require to be suggested!
  • Too late for the spring round-up and too early for the fall harvest.
  • Accordingly, in the spring of 1776, he set out for his western home.
  • There the two fleets lay like two great beasts ready to spring on each other.
  • The scene broke upon me like a mere vision of spring and youth and beauty.
  • On hearing footsteps and voices at the door, both children spring up hastily.
  • The breath of spring was over all, roving, fragrant, provocative.
  • In the spring and summer it must be as near Arcadia as one gets in this world.
  • Howdy» all around they proceeded to spring a keg of whisky on us.

How To Use Spring In A Sentence?

  • The present was so perfect that it was like the most exquisite hour of a spring afternoon.
  • A large tree grew close to the cliff, and an animal could spring into it from the cliff.
  • During the spring of 1779 the whole struggle in America was rather bare of events.
  • In the spring of 1764, when the fighting was at an end, he returned to Canajoharie Castle.
  • In the spring of 1913 prospects looked greatly improved, and there was generally increased activity.
  • Rather let us endure the wrongs which spring from those liberties, than lay the axe to the root of them ourselves!
  • Beyond this there was the open door and the glamour of the spring night, and in the night another group with its dark burden.
  • Might it not have hidden there, and been imprisoned alive in righteous retribution, by the very spring which had ministered to hate and cruelty?
  • But no sooner did he see who it was than he gave a joyful bark and attempted to spring forward to meet him, but fell from weakness.
  • This coldness blighted and drove back all the frank affection of my nature that was ready to spring forth at the least warmth of parental kindness.
  • They brought to it, from the distant mountains, a spring of living water, and the floor was decked with purple carpets.
  • Huge coleas accentuate the spring verdure with heavy masses of bronze and crimson, and magnolias exhale intoxicating odours from snowy chalices.
  • As the men passed him, three would spring from their horses and disappear in the brush, the fourth one riding on with the horses.
  • The large wide head and fearfully armed jaws are united by a strong neck to powerful shoulders, from which spring the thick and muscular fore-legs.
  • By a sudden exertion I might wrest myself from him and spring up the staircase, whither he would not dare to follow me singly.
  • Many of the children will bring to school the dainty little spring flowers, anemones, blood root, hepatica, violets and buttercups.
  • Two miles down this we came to the spring of which MacRae had spoken, a tiny stream issuing from a crevice at the foot of the bank.
  • A thrill of interest stirred his pulses while something held him there against his will and his better judgment, as if he were caught fast in the steel spring of a trap.

Definition of Spring

(intransitive) To burst forth, particularly | (transitive, of beards, archaic) To grow. | (transitive) To cause to burst forth, particularly

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence


On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Spring in a sentence

Spring sentence

sentence with Spring

Spring used in a sentence

Spring make sentence

make sentence with Spring

make sentence of Spring

Spring sentence in english

Synonym: bounce, bound, hop, hurdle, jump, leap, vault. Similar words: offspring, spring up, sprinkling, sprinkle, fingerprint, sprightly, esprit de corps, print. Meaning: [sprɪŋ]  n. 1. the season of growth 2. a natural flow of ground water 3. a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed 4. a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards 5. the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length 6. a point at which water issues forth. v. 1. move forward by leaps and bounds 2. develop into a distinctive entity 3. spring back; spring away from an impact 4. develop suddenly 5. produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly. 

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1, If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 

2, An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 

3, Rivers need a spring.

4, One spring day the school arranged a picnic.

5, In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring.

6, Normal services will be resumed in the spring.

7, Sow the seeds outdoors in spring.

8, The fields give forth an odor of spring.

9, A cicada sloughs off its old skin every spring.

10, I shall take literature and mathematics this spring.

11, We hope for an early spring.

12, In spring nature wakes from her long winter sleep.

13, A spring is a spiral.

14, We had three days of spring sunshine.

15, Spring is the best season of the year.

16, Nature is at its best in spring.

17, Housewives are busy doing Spring Festival shopping.

18, Most birds lay eggs in the spring.

19, The sow breeds piglets in the spring.

20, It is the freshneof the deep spring of life.

21, It’s due to open in the spring.

22, He was born in the spring of 1944.

23, A single flower does not make a spring.

24, With an easy spring the cat reached the branch.

25, Plant out the spring cabbage whenever opportunities arise.

26, Most fruit trees flower in the spring.

27, The flowers emerge in the spring.

28, Warm breezes index the approach of spring.

29, She wears too much; it is spring after all.

30, As soon as you have drunk,(http://sentencedict.com/spring.html) you turn your back upon the spring. 

More similar words: offspring, spring up, sprinkling, sprinkle, fingerprint, sprightly, esprit de corps, print, lingering, printed, printout, principle, principal, ringing, principles, sprawling, principality, legal principle, ring, uprising, bring, daring, during, fringe, boring, ring up, string, cringe, ring out, surprising. 

  • Dictionary
  • S
  • Spring
  • Sentences
  • We planted bulbs to flower in spring.
  • Unfortunately, as a standard mattress wears, the springs soften and so do not support your spine.
  • To the north are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan.
  • He sprang to his feet, grabbing his keys off the coffee table. [VERB preposition]
  • Sadly when the lid of the boot sprang open, it was empty. [VERB adjective]
  • When she contacted me at the beginning of August to enlist support, Sharon and I sprang into action. [VERB preposition]
  • Ethiopia’s art springs from her early Christian as well as her Muslim heritage. [VERB + from]
  • The yacht has sprung a leak in the hull. [VERB noun]
  • The two superpower leaders sprang a surprise at a ceremony in the White House yesterday by signing a trade deal. [VERB noun]
  • The bolt sprang back
  • To spring a surprise
  • The idea sprang from a chance meeting
  • He sprang from peasant stock
  • Factories springing up
  • The beam springs away from the pillar
  • spring steel
  • To spring to one’s feet
  • Curses springing to his lips
  • The plant springs from a seed
  • Towns sprang up
  • The door has sprung
  • A steeple springing high above the town
  • To spring a covey of quail
  • To spring a trap
  • To spring a surprise
  • A spring mattress
  • spring water
  • As a spring is compressed or stretched, the force it applies changes.The solenoid, being spring-loaded, snapped back into place.A spring is a device, such as a coil or strip of steel, that stores potential energy when it is compressed, stretched, or bent and releases it when the restraining force is removed.
  • To spring into the air; a tiger about to spring.
  • A trap springs. The door sprang open and in he walked.
  • Blood sprang from the wound.
  • Industries sprang up in the suburbs.
  • To spring from ancient aristocracy.
  • An objection sprang to mind.
  • The board sprang from the fence during the storm.
  • To spring a lock.
  • Moisture sprang the board from the fence.
  • The ship sprang its keel on a rock.
  • The boat sprang a leak.
  • This clip has been sprung.
  • To spring a joke.
  • There is a spring in his walk.
  • This board has spring in it.
  • Mineral springs.
  • A spring of inspiration.
  • The spring of life.
  • Signs of an economic spring.
  • The brief Seoul Spring of 1979–80; the Academic Spring’s goal of free access to published research.
  • spring flowers.

The phrases “in spring” and “in the spring” are incredibly similar, which often poses questions surrounding which is the appropriate phrase to use and if they are interchangeable with one another. Therefore, this article will thoroughly explain each phrases meaning and use, while also showcasing some examples.

The phrases “in spring” and “in the spring” are grammatically correct. There is no difference in meaning whether we use the definite article (the) in front of “spring”, or not. The only time that it’s necessary to use “in the spring”, is when it is followed by a specific year.

“In Spring” or “In The Spring”

An example of this would be:

  • Correct: We made that garden in the spring of 1987.
  • Incorrect: We made that garden in the spring of 1987.

As shown, it sounds quite nonsensical and incorrect to not use “in the spring”, when followed by a specific date or year.

It is also important to note that “spring” has multiple meanings that are applicable in this context, which is: the season and the area where groundwater exits the ground. It is crucial to consider which you are speaking or writing about, as using “in” and “in the” can change the overall meaning of the sentence.

An example of this would be:

  • I found that ball in spring.
  • I found that ball in the spring.

In this context, saying “I found the ball in spring”, would mean that the ball was discovered in the season of spring. However, saying “I found the ball in the spring” can come across as the season or the water source.

When Should I Use “In Spring”?

We should use the phrase “in spring” when we are discussing something that has occurred or will occur in the season of spring. This is considered to be both the correct and only use for “in spring”. We would not use “in spring” to describe the water source.

We will now look over some examples that highlight the use of this phrase in a sentence:

  • Preferably in spring, summer, or early autumn.
  • The temperatures in spring are much cooler than in summer.
  • Flowers and trees begin to bloom in spring.
  • His first visit to Toronto was in spring.
  • Nature is always at its best in spring.
  • You should sow the seeds outdoors in spring.
  • The next step in spring cleaning is to declutter your closet.
  • One day in spring, four people were riding horseback on our country road.
  • In spring, there is the constant smell of mud in the air.
  • It dies back in winter, yet sprouts again in spring.

When Should I Use “In The Spring”?

We should use the phrase “in the spring” when we are discussing something that generally occurred in the season of spring, something that occurred in the season of spring during a specified year or date, or when we are discussing something within or inside the water source.

We will now look over some examples that showcase the use of this phrase in a sentence:

  • The renovations to our house were completed in the spring of 2010.
  • Shelley came out to join our company in the spring of last year.
  • I’d like to start barbecuing in the spring, instead of using the oven.
  • I’ll try to pass back through again in the spring.
  • I found a lucky penny in the spring.
  • In the spring in our backyard, we often find frogs.
  • The ducklings are supposed to hatch in the spring.
  • I heard that she might come home for a visit in the spring.
  • That movie is supposed to premiere in the spring.
  • Are we able to go swimming in the spring or is it too small?

Are “In Spring” And “In The Spring” Interchangeable?

The phrases “in spring” and “in the spring” are interchangeable in a certain context. This context would be when we are speaking or writing about a generalized occurrence in the season of spring – not on a specified date or year.

These phrases are not interchangeable when we are speaking about a specific date, as the definite article we previously discussed is necessary. At the same time, we will use “in the spring” when we are discussing a water source, which is also not applicable or usable with “in spring”.

Is “In Spring” Or “In The Spring” Used The Most?

When we are looking at the data provided by Google Ngram Viewer, it is easy to see that “in the spring” is used more often than “in spring”. This is especially true from the 1800s to the mid-1900s when the use of this phrase was far more common.

“In Spring” or “In The Spring” english usage

However, the use of “in the spring” took a sharp decline in the mid-1900s, which brought the gap in use between it and “in spring” to a much more marginal distance. We can assume that “in the spring” is used more often because it does have more meanings than that of “in spring”.

As for the phrase “in spring”, the use has been quite consistent from the 1800s into the present day. There have been no real drops in popularity or steep inclinations.

Is It “In The Spring” Or “On The Spring”?

The correct phrase to use is “in the spring”, as we are discussing something that has occurred in the season of spring or something that has been discovered within or inside the water source. We would never use “on the spring” to discuss the season.

Some folks may be confused by this, as we do say “on the date” or “on the day”, however, for months, years, seasons, etc., we will always use the preposition “in”.

We could use the phrase “on the spring” if we are discussing something that sits atop or has been placed on the water source itself, however, this use would not be common at all. We could also use this phrase if it was rewritten to say “on a spring”, as we could say “on a spring” evening, night, etc.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Spring is the season that comes between winter and summer. It is the time when nature comes to life again. The temperatures begin to rise and the snow starts to melt. The sun begins to shine brighter. Flowers and fresh new buds start blooming and animals are awakening from their long winter hibernation. The wind is getting warmer, bushes and trees are turning green.

  • invigorating
  • awakening
  • rejuvenation
  • energized
  • delightful
  • rainbow
  • blooming
  • enjoyable
  • Alive
  • lush
  • blossoming
  • newborn

Spring is the most beautiful period of the year. There exist various phrases and words to describe spring joy and beauty. This is a colorful collection of spring words to help you bloom your compositions about this delightful season.

What are Words That Describe Spring? Words to Describe Spring

The following is a pleasant and enjoyable compiled list of noun words related to spring that will help you reinforce your vocabulary about the spring season and spring activities.

What Are Words that Describe Spring? Words To Describe Spring

rainbow cherry blossoms pollen sprout mud
regeneration new beginnings blossoms raindrops butterfly
spring storms seedling allergies valley warm air
robin time of change warmth cheer rites of spring
sweet spring day vale duckling vernal equinox tree
woods feeling of hope weather springtime splendor fragrance
watering can tulip colors baby animals spring equinox
sunlight memories chick-a-dee prosperity ladybug
eggs daffodil bbq rebirth daisy
hatchling time of year pansy sunshine calf
first day of spring April splendor spring garden tornado
vacation perfect temperature open windows beauty scent
petals blue sky yard duck picnic
caterpillar nature shoot bouquet of spring worm
birth smell the cycle of life smell of cut grass puple iris
sap fair weather spade daylight smiles
newness dale breeze spring fling pastel colors
raincoat greenery transition mulch field
crocus fawn spring wedding chick arrival of spring
spring cleaning nest thunderstorm puddle jumper spring flowers
renewal spring buds spring salad spring showers new life
Easter cloudless skies rain slicker chirping birds rejuvenation
seed spring fever spring April showers spring break
bulb mud puddle rain blooms apple blossom
cookouts season the end of winter sapling spring season
energy outdoors rain showers buds earth
puddles birds bunnies signs of spring Mother Nature
How do you describe spring season?

Spring Words List: Spring Words Search

Spring Words: What Are Words That Describe Spring?

What are Words That Describe Spring? List of 100 Adjectives / Words to Describe Spring

Here is a cheerful list of adjectives describing spring that will help you bloom your vocabulary.

How do you describe spring season? Spring Words

  • melting
  • new
  • newborn
  • outdoor
  • pastel
  • peaceful
  • picture perfect
  • playing
  • pleasant
  • pretty
  • pure
  • rainy
  • refreshing
  • rejeuventating
  • relaxing
  • renewing
  • romping
  • scampering
  • seasonal
  • singing
  • delightful
  • energetic
  • energized
  • enjoyable
  • fair
  • swimming
  • teeming
  • tender
  • thriving
  • unpredictable
  • verdant
  • vernal
  • fecund
  • fertile
  • floral
  • flourishing
  • fluffy
  • fragrant
  • free
  • fresh
  • green
  • growing
  • happy
  • hatching
  • healthy
  • heavenly
  • melting
  • new
  • newborn
  • outdoor
  • pastel
  • peaceful
  • picture perfect
  • playing
  • pleasant
  • pretty
  • pure
  • rainy
  • refreshing
  • rejeuventating
  • relaxing
  • renewing
  • romping
  • scampering
  • seasonal
  • singing
  • delightful
  • energetic
  • energized
  • enjoyable
  • springtime
  • sprouting
  • stunning
  • sun-drenched
  • sun-filled
  • sun-kissed
  • sunlit
  • sunny
  • sweet
  • sweet-smelling
  • fair
  • fecund
  • fertile
  • floral
  • flourishing
  • fluffy
  • fragrant
  • free
  • fresh
  • full of energy
  • abloom
  • active
  • airy
  • alive
  • anew
  • awakening
  • barefoot
  • beautiful
  • blissful
  • blooming
  • blossoming
  • blue
  • breezy
  • bright
  • bucolic
  • budding
  • buzzing
  • changing
  • cheerful
  • cheery
  • chirping
  • clean
  • cloudless
  • colorful
  • crisp
  • light
  • lively
  • lovely
  • lush
  • magnificent
  • incredible
  • inspiring
  • invigorating
  • soft
  • sparkling
  • spectacular
  • spring green
  • spring-inspired
  • gentle
  • grassy
  • vibrant
  • warm
  • warming

If you wish to take your writings to the next level, consider employing these verbs related to spring:

How do you describe spring season? Words to Describe Spring 1

  1. awaken
  2. barbecue
  3. bask
  4. bloom
  5. blossom
  6. born
  7. breathe in
  8. bud
  9. celebrate
  10. change
  11. chirp
  12. clean
  13. come alive
  14. come to life
  15. drizzle
  16. dust off
  17. emerge
  18. hop into spring
  19. learn to fly
  20. make memories
  21. melt
  22. mow the grass
  23. open the house up
  24. open the windows
  25. open up the house
  26. plant a garden
  27. play
  28. play outside
  29. rain
  30. ready the garden
  31. refresh

Words to Describe Spring 2

  1. reinvent
  2. rejuvenate
  3. renew
  4. feel free
  5. flourish
  6. flower
  7. freshen
  8. frolic
  9. garden
  10. get healthy
  11. get in shape
  12. get outdoors
  13. get outside
  14. glow
  15. go camping
  16. green up
  17. grow
  18. hatch
  19. have fun
  20. heat up
  21. romp
  22. shine
  23. shoot up
  24. shower
  25. smell the flowers
  26. smile
  27. soak up the sun
  28. spring ahead
  29. spring into
  30. sprinkle
  31. sprout
  32. take a walk
  33. teem
  34. thrive
  35. wake up
  36. warm up
  37. water the flowers

This is an essential compiled list of phrases and sentences related to the spring season that will help enrich your lexicon.

How do you describe spring season? Words to Describe Spring 1

  1. a beautiful time of year where every thing seems to come to life
  2. a blissful season
  3. a bouquet of spring
  4. a day in May
  5. a day touched by sunshine
  6. a special time of the year
  7. a spring in your step
  8. a time of gentle beauty
  9. a time of renewal & new life
  10. a wonderful/happy/invigorating time to be alive
  11. April showers bring May flowers
  12. as fresh as springtime
  13. as new life begins to grow, birds chirp and flowers grow
  14. beauty in bloom
  15. birds chirping/flowers blooming/bees buzzing indicate that spring is here
  16. birds learn to fly
  17. birds leave their nest
  18. blooming into spring
  19. bright flowers and sights that please the senses
  20. bring on spring
  21. butterflies in the garden/glade

Spring Words 2

  1. chase your winter blues away
  2. don’t forget your umbrella
  3. enchanted April
  4. everything sprouts in spring
  5. feel the sun on your face
  6. first day of spring
  7. flourishing flowers
  8. flowers are sunshine to the soul
  9. fresh [] for a beautiful spring
  10. get into the swing this spring
  11. green grass brings great fun
  12. spring ahead, fall back
  13. spring at long last approaches
  14. spring awakening
  15. spring celebration
  16. spring cleaning
  17. spring event
  18. spring fever
  19. spring fling

Spring Words List 3

  1. spring forward
  2. spring has sprung
  3. spring into []
  4. spring into savings
  5. spring into summer
  6. spring is in the air
  7. spring is when your soul is in bloom
  8. spring makes the world a happy place where you see a smile on every face
  9. spring solutions for []
  10. spring surprise
  11. spring the season of renewal and rejuvenation
  12. spring, thy name is color
  13. springtime selection
  14. springtime splendor
  15. stepping into spring
  16. sweet as can be
  17. sweet, springtime breezes
  18. swing into spring
  19. take time to smell the flowers
  20. tender blooms emerge from the earth

Spring Words 4

  1. the blossoming splendor of spring
  2. the days are getting longer & the sun is shining brighter
  3. the fertile earth gives birth to new life
  4. the first sign of spring
  5. Happy Spring!
  6. he’s no spring chicken!
  7. here comes the sun
  8. hop into spring
  9. hurray for spring
  10. I can’t come into school today, I’ve got spring fever!
  11. I see green again!
  12. in springtime, love is carried on the breeze
  13. in the merry month of May
  14. it’s finally spring!
  15. it’s not easy being green
  16. it’s raining cats and dogs
  17. just another rainy day in spring
  18. let your smile be your umbrella
  19. life is in bloom
  20. love bugs and crazy daisies

Spring Words List 5

  1. may your home/heart bloom bright this spring
  2. may your spring season full of hope, life. and new beginnings
  3. mud puddle party
  4. nature’s buds and blossoms
  5. newly turned dirt
  6. no matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow
  7. nothing is so beautiful as spring
  8. out like a lion, in like a lamb
  9. put away your winter clothes
  10. rain, rain, go away, come again some other day
  11. raindrops keep falling on my head
  12. rainy day fun
  13. scampering, young animals
  14. seasonal joys
  15. shake off the embrace of the winter months
  16. shake off those winter blues
  17. the hills are alive with color
  18. the sight of kites in the sky
  19. the sights and scents of spring
  20. the smell of rain on dry earth
  21. the sun melts the snow to reveal

Spring Words List 6

  1. the sweet and soft singing of birds
  2. the sweet buds of spring
  3. the sweet sights of spring
  4. the wait is over
  5. the winter is finally over
  6. the wonder of springtime abounds with vivid colors
  7. the world is more colorful
  8. the world is very old, but in spring it grows young again
  9. though April showers come your way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May
  10. time to begin again
  11. time to get healthy
  12. tiny buds on tree branches
  13. tiny, green buds
  14. tiptoe through the tulips
  15. touched by sunshine again
  16. transition into spring
  17. usher in the warm cheer of spring
  18. when it rains, it pours
  19. when nature is a canvas of pastel colors
  20. when the clouds part
  21. when the earth comes alive
  22. when the forest floor comes to life
  23. when the world reinvents itself
  24. when the world starts anew
  25. witness harmony in nature
  26. witness life being breathed back into the world

What Are Some Outdoor Activities People Can Do During Spring?

Spring is a season of awakening, growth, and new beginnings. After the long sleep of winter, spring is the perfect time to try and explore brand-new outdoor activities and enjoy all the green new season. Here are some great activities you can try out with the whole family members.

  • Seek out a rainbow
  • Plant a spring garden
  • See the cherry blossoms
  • Have a picnic at the park
  • Listen to the birds singing
  • Play softball
  • Seek out the first spring flowers
  • Take a hike with friends
  • Go bare-legged
  • Ride a bike
  • Visit a farm to see the baby animals
  • Walk on an empty beach
  • Enjoy the spring weather at an outdoor park or café
  • Go horseback riding
  • Listen to the rain
  • Notice the trees budding
  • Go for a run with the kids
  • Watch bumblebees at work in a garden
  • Buy your kids colorful umbrellas
  • Feel the sun on your face
  • Pet bunnies
  • See all the Oscar-winning movies
  • Send someone other than your mom a Mother’s Day card
  • Visit the zoo
  • Decorate your rooms with fresh tulips and daffodils
  • Leave your windows open to catch a spring breeze
  • Wear open-toed shoes
  • Get caught in a spring shower

Inspirational Spring Proverbs

A misty winter brings a pleasant spring, a pleasant winter a misty spring.
(Irish Proverb)

Plan your year in the spring, your day at dawn.
(Chinese Proverb)

Spring won’t come from one flower.
(Persian Proverb)

A year’s harvest counts on spring; a man’s success counts on his diligence.
(Chinese Proverb)

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.
(Guinean Proverb)

If you do not sow in the spring you will not reap in the autumn.
(Irish Proverb)

A kind word is like a Spring day.
(Russian Proverb)

A good year is determined by its spring.
(Portuguese Proverb)

A wet January, a wet spring.
(Traditional Proverb)

The blossoms in the spring are the fruit in autumn.
(Latin Proverb)

Exercise 1

It had been a grueling winter, but now spring was just around the corner. Clara decided that a garden would be just the thing to perk up everyone’s spirits. Her grandfather had a green thumb, so she asked him to help her find the perfect spot in the yard. Mr. King found a sunny area near the rear of their property. Together, they enclosed it with a short mesh fence to keep out the rabbits and squirrels. Clara prepared the soil as her grandpa instructed, planted and watered her garden. By April, the plants had begun to sprout, and in May Clara’s flowers began to bloom.


  1. Is this paragraph suspenseful, humorous, happy, serious, or a combination of moods?
  2. Why or what makes you think this?
  3. What picture came to mind as you read this paragraph?
  4. How did you feel when you read the paragraph?

Exercise 2

During this time of year, flowers bloom into bright colors. The grass grows greener, and the butterflies fly about in the light winds. Many chicks break out of their eggshells and make their way into the world. Families have picnics together in the afternoon sunshine.


  1. What season is this?
  2. Describe this season in your own words.

Exercise 3

Fly was enjoying the lovely spring day in the garden. In the morning he was out looking for something for breakfast. He buzzed around the flowers a while but then caught the scent of something sweet. Strawberries! He landed on a ripe one, had his fill, and was ready for a nap. He took off toward the wheelbarrow. He was sleepy but not sleepy enough to notice that the coast was no longer clear. Had the sun not been shining he might not have noticed that Spider had a new home.


Rewrite this paragraph from Fly’s point of view.

Exercise 3

Molting is the name given to the process an animal uses to shed its skin, feathers, hair, or body parts. In insects, as a larvae grows, the outer covering becomes too small. Snakes shed their skin for a similar reason.
This may take only a few minutes. It is really weird to watch. Many species of birds shed their feathers, but unlike insects or snakes, this process is gradual. Mammals also replace their hair or fur over a long period. Perhaps the most dramatic case of molting occurs in deer and moose. They shed their antlers every spring.


  1. Underline the sentence that gives the main idea.
  2. Cross out the sentence that gives a detail that does not belong.
  3. Write a good title.

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  • Write a sentence using the word should
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