Write a sentence using the word many

Unit 87- Part A

galka.jpgWe use much and little with uncountable nouns:
        much time        much luck       little energy        little money

We use many and few with plural nouns:

        many friends       many people       few cars       few countries

Unit 87- Part B

galka.jpgWe use a lot of / lots of / plenty of with both uncountable and plural nouns:

     a lot of luck            lots of time           plenty of money
     a lot of friends       lots of people       plenty of ideas

= more than enough:
   •    There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got plenty of time.

Unit 87- Part C

galka.jpgMuch is unusual in positive sentences (especially in spoken English). Compare:

   •    We didn’t spend much money.

but   We spent a lot of money.  (not We spent much money)
   •    Do you see David much?
but   I see David a lot (not I see David much)

We use many and a lot of in all kinds of sentences:

   •    Many people drive too fast.    or    A lot of people drive too fast.
   •    Do you know many people?  
  or    Do you know a lot of people?
   •    There aren’t many tourists here.   
or    There aren’t a lot of tourists here.

Note that we say many years / many weeks / many days
(not a lot of …):
   •    We’ve lived here for many years.  (not a lot of years)

Unit 87- Part D

galka.jpgLittle and few (without a) are negative ideas (= not much / not many):

   •    Gary is very busy with his job. He has little time for other things. (= not much time, less time than he would like)
   •    Vicky doesn’t like living in London. She has few friends there.  ( = not many, not as many as she would like)

You can say very little and very few:

   •    Gary has very little time for other things.
   •    Vicky has very few friends in London.

Unit 87- Part E

galka.jpgA little and a few have a more positive meaning.
A little = some, a small amount:
   •    Let’s go and have a coffee. We have a little time before the train leaves.

       (a little time = some time, enough time to have a coffee)
   •    ‘Do you speak English?’    ‘A little.’  (so we can talk a bit)

A few = some, a small number:
   •    I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite often.
       (a few friends = not many but enough to have a good time)
   •    ‘When was the last time you saw Clare?’    ‘A few days ago.’  (= some days ago)

   •    He spoke little English, so it was difficult to communicate with him.
         He spoke a little English, so we were able to communicate with him.
   •    She’s lucky. She has few problems. 
(= not many problems)
         Things are not going so well for her. She has a few problems. 
(= some problems)

You can say only a little and only a few:

   •    Hurry! We only have a little time.  (not only little time)
   •    The village was very small. There were only a few houses.  (not only few houses)


{slide=1 In some of these sentences much is incorrect or unnatural.}flag.jpgIn some of these sentences much is incorrect or unnatural. Change much to many or a lot (of) where necessary. Write ‘OK’ if the sentence is correct.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}3    a lot of salt
4    OK
5    It cost a lot
6    OK
7    many people    or    a lot of people
8    I use the phone a lot
9    OK
10  a lot of money{end-tooltip}

1    We didn’t spend much money. 
2    Sue drinks much tea.
3    Joe always puts much salt on his food.       
4    We’ll have to hurry. We haven’t got much time.
5    It cost much to repair the car.       
6    Did it cost much to repair the car?       
7    I don’t know much people in this town.       
8    I use the phone much at work.       
9    There wasn’t much traffic this morning.       
10  You need much money to travel round the world.
a lot of tea            


{/slide} {slide=2 Complete the sentences using plenty (of).}flag.jpgComplete the sentences using plenty (of) + the following:
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    He’s got plenty of money.
3    There’s plenty of room.
4    … she still has plenty to learn.
5    There are plenty of things to see.
6    There are plenty of hotels.{end-tooltip}

{xtypo_rounded3}hotels     money     room     things to see       time     to learn{/xtypo_rounded3}

1    There’s no need to hurry. There’s    plenty of time.   
2    He’s got no financial problems. He’s got ________________
3    Come and sit with us. There’s ________________
4    She knows a lot, but she still has ________________
5    It’s an interesting town to visit. There ________________
6    I’m sure we’ll find somewhere to stay.  ________________ {/slide} {slide=3 Put in much/many/few/little.}flag.jpgPut in much/many/few/little (one word only).
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    little
3    many
4    much
5    few
6    little
7    many{end-tooltip}

1    She isn’t very popular. She has    few    friends.
2    Ann is very busy these days. She has _______ free time.
3    Did you take _______ photographs when you were on holiday?
4    I’m not very busy today. I haven’t got _______ to do.
5    This is a very modern city. There are _______ old buildings.
6    The weather has been very dry recently. We’ve had _______ rain.
7    ‘Do you know Rome?’    «No. I haven’t been there for _______ years.’ {/slide} {slide=4 Put in a where necessary.}flag.jpgPut in a where necessary. Write ‘OK’ if the sentence is already complete.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}3    a few dollars
4    OK
5    a little time
6    OK
7    only a few words
8    a few months{end-tooltip}

1    She’s lucky. She has few problems.
2    Things are not going so well for her. She has few problems.
3    Can you lend me few dollars?       
4    There was little traffic, so the journey didn’t take very long.
5    I can’t give you a decision yet. I need little time to think. 
6    It was a surprise that he won the match. Few people
      expected him to win.
7    I don’t know much Spanish – only few words.       
8    I wonder how Sam is. I haven’t seen him for few months.  
a few problems   



{/slide} {slide=5 Put in little / a little / few / a few.}flag.jpgPut in little / a little / few / a few.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    a little
3    a few
4    few
5    little
6    a little
7    little
8    a few{end-tooltip}

1    Gary is very busy with his job. He has   little   time for other things.
2    Listen carefully. I’m going to give you _______ advice.
3    Do you mind if I ask you _______ questions?
4    It’s not a very interesting place to visit, so _______ tourists come here.
5    I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got    patience.
6    ‘Would you like milk in your coffee?’    ‘Yes, _______.’
7    This is a very boring place to live. There’s _______ to do.
8    ‘Have you ever been to Paris?’    ‘Yes, I’ve been there _______ times.’ {/slide}

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Complete each second sentence using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1. Not many people came to the party. (Only)
There…………………………..people at the party.
2. The witness described the mugger to the police. (a)
The witness………………………..of the mugger.
3. There isn’t much sugar left. (a)
There…………………….sugar left.
4. I am thinking of becoming a firefighter when I leave school. (brigade)
I am thinking of……………………..when I leave school.
5. We were shocked by the news and I didn’t know what to do. (shocking)
The news………………………….didn’t know what to do.
6. There aren’t many good films out at the moment. (only)
There………………………………good films out at the moment.
7. I didn’t eat much dessert because I’m on a diet. (only)
I……………………………..dessert because I’m on a diet.
8. You have lots of hats! (lot)
What…………………………………………….you have!

1) Write How much or How many.
9………………………………………………………………..people are coming to the party?
10………………………………………………………………..milk do you want in your coffee?
11 ……………………………………………………………bread did you buy?
12………………………………………………………………..players are there in a football team?

2 ) Complete the sentences. Use much or many with these words:
books countries luggage people time times
1 I don’t read very much. I don’t have many.books
2 Hurry up! We don’t have………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3 Do you travel a lot? Have you been to …………………………………………………………………………………………….
4 Tina hasn’t lived here very long, so she doesn’t know …………………………………………………………………
5 ‘Do you have…………………………………………………………………………………………………?’ ‘No, only this bag.’
6 I know Tokyo well. I’ve been there………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3 )Complete the sentences. Use a lot of + these words:
accidents books fun interesting things traffic
1 I like reading. I have a Jot of books…………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 We enjoyed our visit to the museum. We saw ……………………………………………………………………………..
3 This road is very dangerous. There are……………………………………………………………………………………………..
4 We enjoyed our holiday. We had……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5 It took me a long time to drive here. There w as…………………………………………………………………………..

4) In some of these sentences much is not natural. Change the sentences or write OK.
1 Do you drink much coffee? OK…………………………………………………………
2 I drink much tea. a Jot of te a ………………………………………..
3 It was a cold winter. We had much snow………………….. ………………………………………………………………
4 There wasn’t much snow last winter. ……………………………………………………………….
5 It costs much money to travel around the world……………………………………………………………………..
6 We had a cheap holiday. It didn’t cost much. ……………………………………………………………….
7 Do you know much about computers? ……………………………………………………………….
8 ‘Do you have any luggage?’ ‘Yes, much.’ ……………………………………………………………….

5 ) Write sentences about these people. Use much and a lot.
1 James loves films, (go to the cinema) He.goes.to the cmema a lot,..
2 Nicola thinks TV is boring, (watch TV ) doesn ‘t wateh.Ty.much,..
3 Tina is a good tennis player, (play tennis) She………………………………………………………
4 Mark doesn’t like driving, (use his car) H e ……………………………………………………….
5 Paul spends most of the time at home, (go out) ……………………………………………………………….
6 Sue has been all over the world, (travel) ……………………………………………………………….

Write a sentence about each problem using / wish and the words in brackets. More than one answer is possible.
0)   I have very short hair that’s why I can’t wear headbands, which are extremely popular this season, (to have long hair)
I wish I had long hair._
I wish could wear headbands, which are extremely popular this season.
1)  Shoulder-padded shirts are in fashion again! They are horrible! (not to come into
2) Unfortunately, embroidered kaftans are not popular this summer. They look so cool on me! (to be popular)
3) It is winter. On sale my Mum bought me a funky summer pinafore dress, (summer) (to put … on right now)
4) My elder sister did not make a good impression at the interview because of her extravagant clothes, (to make a good impression next time) (to put on something less extravagant next time)
5) I want to change my wardrobe but I don’t have enough money, (to have money) (to give a wardrobe a makeover — обновить гардероб)
6) My parents do not allow me to have piercings, (to allow)
7) Celebrities spend loads of money on glamorous parties! (to spend more money on charity)

Task 1

Match the words with their opposites. Then write a sentence with each word combination.

1. huge

A. patiently

2. unimportant

B. ability

3. impatiently

C. valuable

4. excluded

D. significant

5. inability

E. ugly

6. beautiful

F. private

7. responsible

G. included

8. public

H. irresponsible

9. worthless

I. tiny

Task 3

Complete the text with the given words.

landscapes, watercolours, exhibition, skilled, drawings, still lifes, portraits, oils, display, techniques

Last weekend, my friend Larry and I went to an art 1. _______________. There were a variety of paintings and 2. _______________ on 3. _______________. There were true-to-life 4. _______________ of famous people, beautiful 5. _______________ of waterfalls and valleys, and also 6. _______________. For landscapes, most artists used 7. _______________, but some of them worked in 8. _______________. 9. _______________ artists use interesting 10. _______________ to show the shadows.

Task 4

Fill in the gaps with comparatives and superlatives.

By far, this drawing is _________________ (valuable) in my collection.
This gallery is _________________ (busy) one I’ve ever been to!
The colours on this painting are _________________ (warm) than on that one.
That was the _________________ (bad) technique I’ve ever seen.
Lorna is _________________ (talented) sculptor I’ve seen. She makes sculptures out of clay.
The lines in Picasso’s pictures were drawn much _________________ (accurately) than I expected.
Which of these two vases do you find _________________ (good)?
I think that painting with watercolours must be _________________ (difficult) than painting with oils.
You should study _________________ (carefully) to improve your skills.
This picture is _______________ (great) I’ve ever seen.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Write a sentence using the word given
  • Write a form of the word in capitals in each gap to complete the text
  • Write a sentence using the word first
  • Write a form of the word in capitals in each gap to complete the phrases
  • Write a sentence using the word find