Write a report in 250 word

Общая структура доклада

Доклад состоит из трёх частей: вступление, основная часть и заключение. Основная часть делится, в свою очередь, еще на несколько частей (как правило, 2–3). При этом и сам доклад, и все его части должны иметь заголовки. Также можно включить дату, расположив её под заголовком доклада. Например:

Subject: Changing Compliment Patterns in Disney Movies

Date: 18th January 2017


(под этим заголовком располагается вступление)

Changes (вместо слова ‘changes’ нужно подставить свой заголовок)

(под этим заголовком располагается первая половина основной части)

Reasons (вместо слова ‘reasons’ нужно подставить свой заголовок)

(под этим заголовком располагается вторая половина основной части)


(под этим заголовком располагается заключение)

Примечания: вместо слова ‘purpose’ можно писать ‘introduction’. Вместо слова ‘conclusion’ можно писать ‘recommendation’, если вы пишете доклад-рекомендацию. На олимпиадах писать дату обычно не требуется. Можно переходить ко вступлению сразу после строки, на которой написана тема. Также не обязательно писать в теме слово Subject. Можно просто написать саму тему.


Главная задача вступления в докладе — дать читателю понять, о чём будет доклад и с какой целью он написан. Если вы собираетесь описывать какие-нибудь меняющиеся показатели и объяснять причины изменений, то так и говорите во вступлении: «Цель доклада — обозначить изменения и объяснить их причины». Говорить нужно максимально по делу, без абстрактных рассуждений.

Разберем пример. Вам дали табличку, в которой представлены результаты некоего опроса о местном ресторане, и нужно написать по ней доклад. Неправильное вступление в формате report будет звучать так: 

  • Eating out is a very popular way of spending free time. Many people in our district often visit a local restaurant — the Ivy, which provides them with both food and pleasant atmosphere.

Это вступление является неподходящим, потому что мы уходим в абстрактные рассуждения (они годятся для эссе) и описания (они годятся для статей). Подходящее для формата report вступление будет звучать так:

  • The aim of this report is to analyse the results of a survey in which 250 residents were questioned about the local Ivy restaurant. Basing on this analysis, the report provides recommendations on how to improve the service at the restaurant.

В этом вступлении мы сразу переходим к делу и явным образом указываем, о чем будет доклад. 

Основная часть

В основной части вы выполняете изложенные в задании требования. Если нужно сравнить данные двух таблиц — сравниваете, если нужно объяснить причины изменений — объясняете, если нужно проанализировать диаграммы — анализируете. При этом необходимо не просто перечислять факты один за другим, а структурировать, группировать информацию. Структурирование и группирование делает информацию проще для восприятия и благотворно влияет на баллы как за содержательную, так и за организационную часть. 

Информация без группирования и анализа (просто перечислили цифры из табличек с заданием, потеряли баллы за организацию и содержание):

  • In 2000 60% of schoolchildren traveled for tourist purposes, 25% did that to attend summer language courses, and only 15% had higher education among their travelling goals. In 2014 about 28% became interested in higher education, 38% wanted to attend summer language courses and only 34% travelled for pleasure.

Группированная информация с анализом (не просто перечислили цифры, а подумали, как связаны между собой 2000 и 2014 год, что и обобщили в тексте): 

  • While in 2000 the principal reason for going abroad was tourism (at 60%), its role plummeted to only 34% in 2014. In contrast, educational purposes significance rose by approximately 10%, reaching 28% for higher education and 38% for summer language courses. 


Задача заключения — подвести итоги, суммировать всю изложенную информацию. В зависимости от того, какой у вас доклад, может также потребоваться выразить своё мнение или дать рекомендацию. Не пишите одно и то же шаблонное заключение к разным докладам — оно во многих случаях просто не выполнит своей функции. Как и в случае со вступлением, нужно писать по делу, не уходя в отвлеченные рассуждения.

Такое заключение не подойдет по формату (потому что содержит не относящиеся к делу общие рассуждения):

  • To sum it all up, restaurants are an integral part of our life and the Ivy restaurant is not an exception. Although not everyone is satisfied with it, it still remains an attractive way to spend an evening with a friend.

А такое подойдет (потому что в нем все по делу): 

  • All points considered, some improvements evidently need to be made if clients are to be fully satisfied with the service provided by the restaurant.


Доклад пишется в формальном стиле. Следует заменять простые структуры более сложными, использовать продвинутую лексику, страдательный залог, подходящие средства логической связи. Не должно быть разговорных выражений и сокращений.

  • The service there is so cool! The waiters are very polite. 
  • The majority of those surveyed find the service at the restaurant excellent and note the politeness of the waiters. 

Пример работы в формате report

Напишем ответ на такое задание:

Imagine that you are a linguist doing research into the dialogues in children’s animated films. You have collected some data on the ways female characters are complimented (see the charts below). Write a brief report describing the changes you have noticed comparing Disney movies over the years.

Write 220–250 words.

Use the following plan:

  • make an opening statement;
  • give some general information outlining the trend, analyze the information given in the charts;
  • suggest possible reasons for the changes happening;
  • make a conclusion.

Report 1

Первое, что необходимо сделать — внимательно рассмотреть графики. Как только мы это сделаем, так сразу поймём, что есть две четко прослеживающиеся тенденции: комплиментов о внешности становится всё меньше, комплиментов о навыках и умениях — всё больше.

Уловив общее направление, найдем заметные, отличающиеся от остальных точки. Например, Snow White — ни одного комплимента, касающегося умений, зато 83% — о внешности. Pocahontas — первый женский персонаж в истории Диснея, у которого комплиментов о внешности меньше, чем комплиментов о талантах. Brave — максимальное количество комплиментов об умениях и навыках за всю историю. В общем, отмечаем для себя всё то, что сразу бросается в глаза. Причём отмечаем не в голове, а на бумаге:

Дальше мы видим, что временная шкала разделена на три периода: Classic Era, Renaissance, New Age. Эти периоды помогут в структурировании информации о комплиментах, так что берем их на заметку.

Проведя таким образом первичный анализ графиков, мы переходим к составлению плана (подробно о составлении плана можно почитать в статье «Как составить план?»). Для составления плана нам нужно понять, как группировать информацию. Разумеется, в отдельные абзацы выйдут вступление и заключение. Также отдельным абзацем будут причины изменений. Что касается описания самих изменений, тут единственно верного варианта нет, организовывать можно по-разному. Например, разбить описание на два абзаца: skills compliments, appearance compliments. Можно разбить на три, в соответствии с периодами: Classic Era, Renaissance, New Age. Можно вообще не разбивать.

Выбирая способ группировки, нужно помнить о лимите на количество слов. В данном задании мы ограничены 250 словами. Из них около 80 уйдёт на вступление с заключением. Останется примерно 170 слов на основную часть. Если мы выберем вариант описания по периодам, то абзацев в основной части будет четыре: три для периодов и один для описания причин изменений. То есть, в одном абзаце получится всего лишь около 40 слов. Писать такие короткие, но при этом логически безупречные и информативные абзацы весьма непросто. Поэтому целесообразнее будет не дробить на мелкие кусочки, а остановиться на более крупных частях.

Я выберу вариант разделения основной части всего на два абзаца: изменения и их причины. Плюс такого способа я вижу в том, что расположение всех изменений в одном абзаце даст мне возможность активно сравнивать их между собой.

Отражаем все наши мысли в базовом плане:

Когда базовый план готов, можно писать черновик, если на это хватает времени. Если времени мало, лучше детализировать план и, используя этот план, писать работу сразу начисто.

Напишем вступление. Во вступлении нужно обозначить цели и содержание доклада. Также нужно обозначить, откуда взялись данные, которые мы будем описывать.

The linguistic analysis of the dialogues from 12 Disney movies appearing over the period 1937–2013 has revealed certain alterations in the nature of the compliments paid to female characters. This report aims at outlining the discovered changes and explaining the reasons behind them.

Теперь напишем об изменениях. Для этого будем действовать по схеме обобщения и детализации. Как написано у нас в плане, в классических мультфильмах большинство комплиментов относится ко внешности. Примером служит Sleeping Beauty. Так и пишем:

In classic Disney animated films female characters receive several times the amount of praise for their appearance as for their skills and abilities. For instance, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty have respectively 83% and 58% compliments related to the way they look.

Проделываем аналогичную операцию со следующим периодом. Сначала обобщенно говорим о тенденции, потом даём пример:

The same trend generally remains during the renaissance Disney period, although it must be noted that it is then that a character appears (namely Pocahontas, 1995), who is given credit for her skills rather than attractiveness.

С последним периодом поступаем точно так же.

In most recent films the role of beauty-related compliments is noticeably lower — 20% on average, while showing respect for competence has risen in frequency, making up almost half of the total compliments in every film since 2009.

Обратите внимание, что хотя общая схема одинакова, при описании мы используем разные языковые структуры: several times the amount, respectively, the same trend remains, noticeably lower, on average, has risen in frequency. Чем они разнообразнее, тем выше будет оценена работа.

Также необходимо всеми силами избегать повторов. Например, чтобы не писать всё время ‘compliments on appearance’, мы используем синонимы: praise for their appearance, compliments related to the way they look, given credit, attractiveness, beauty-related compliments.

Следующий пункт — описание причин изменений. Это принципиально другой по своей сути текст. В отличие от предыдущего абзаца, он не просто передаёт объективные факты, взятые из графиков, а отражает личное мнение автора. Однако несмотря на это, он должен быть максимально обезличен в соответствии с особенностями формата report.

Differing compliment patterns might have been caused by the changing perception of women’s role in society. When a woman was primarily regarded as wife and mother, her value was mostly based on appearance. A shift towards engagement in activities other than household and motherhood was, in its turn, naturally followed by the increase in ability-related compliments.

Пассивные конструкции ‘might have been caused’, ‘was naturally followed’ позволяют добиться этого обезличивания.

Осталось написать заключение. Подведем итоги всему вышесказанному, кратко обозначив, что изменилось и почему.

To conclude, the quality of the compliments given to female characters in Disney movies has significantly altered, reflecting the ways the societal values have transformed over the past 76 years.

Наш report готов. Не забываем писать заголовки к каждому абзацу, а также к самому докладу.

Subject: Changing Compliments Patterns in Disney Movies


The linguistic analysis of the dialogues from 12 Disney movies appearing over the period 1937–2013 has revealed certain alterations in the nature of the compliments paid to female characters. This report aims at outlining the discovered changes and explaining the reasons behind them.


In classic Disney animated films female characters receive several times the amount of praise for their appearance as for their skills and abilities. For instance, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty have respectively 83% and 58% compliments related to the way they look. The same trend generally remains during the renaissance Disney period, although it must be noted that it is then that a character appears (namely Pocahontas, 1995), who is given credit for her skills rather than attractiveness. In most recent films the role of beauty-related compliments is noticeably lower — 20% on average, while showing respect for competence has risen in frequency, making up almost half of the total compliments in every film since 2009.


Differing compliment patterns might have been caused by the changing perception of women’s role in society. When a woman was primarily regarded as wife and mother, her value was mostly based on appearance. A shift towards engagement in activities other than household and motherhood was, in its turn, naturally followed by the increase in ability-related compliments.


To conclude, the quality of the compliments given to female characters in Disney movies has significantly altered, reflecting the ways the societal values have transformed over the past 76 years.

Подводные камни

Очень распространённая ошибка при написании доклада — несоответствие стиля. Использование личных местоимений (I think, I consider), сокращений (it’s, hasn’t), слишком простых предложений и разговорной лексики пагубно отражается на качестве доклада и на количестве получаемых за него баллов.

Report writing. Как написать доклад на английском языке

how to write a report in english

С помощью доклада мы описываем, анализируем, критикуем исследование или просто какие-то данные. Умение грамотно оформить информацию в таком формате очень ценно по двум причинам:

В этой статье речь пойдет о том, чем доклад отличается от эссе (essay), а также из каких частей он состоит.

Peculiarities of report. Особенности доклада на английском

Report structure. Структура доклада на английском языке

Секрет успешного написания хорошего доклада – работа по плану. Report имеет свою стандартную структуру, которую нужно взять за основу. Итак, в любом докладе должно быть 5 элементов:

В полноценном докладе также должен быть список использованной литературы. Могут присутствовать и другие части, это зависит от предмета и цели доклада. Соответственно, если мы имеем дело с кратким докладом, например, на международном экзамене, необходимо продемонстрировать не столько знание выбранной темы, сколько в целом понимание того, что такое доклад и из каких частей он состоит. Так, описанные выше части доклада на экзамене немного упрощаются, и выглядят так:

Чтобы еще лучше понимать, как писать доклад на английском, можете посмотреть это короткое, но познавательное видео:

Доклад на английском языке отличается от других видов письменных работ. Возьмите на вооружение те основы и советы, которые вы нашли в этой статье, и у вас обязательно получится написать хороший доклад! А также не забудьте скачать список слов, которые пригодятся вам при написании доклада.

Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.


Review, report, proposal и letter в CAE Writing

Review, report, proposal и letter в CAE Writing

Если эссе — обязательный вариант первой части CAE Writing, то во второй можно сделать выбор из трех. В идеале нужно знать требования к четырем заявленным в CAE текстам: report, proposal, review и letter. Но достаточно выбрать два-три и работать над ними вместо гонки за всеми зайцами.
Все критерии Cambridge официально поместил в шкалу оценивания и показал, как анализируют работы письменные экзаменаторы.

CAE Writing assessment criteria Из «Cambridge English Advanced. Handbook for Teachers» от 2016 года

Самостоятельно пробираться по этим терминам и описаниям — тот ещё квест. Такая таблица в чистом виде больше парализует, чем сдвинет с места. Поэтому своим студентам я выдаю базовые моменты, от которых мы отталкиваемся, чтобы написать самый первый текст:

Тaк называемые samples на 17-20 баллов создают прекрасный ориентир на высший Pass A именно за письмо, когда за эссе и вторую часть выходит 34-40 баллов. Но у меня был случай, когда мы со студенткой добирали баллы на Pass за счет Speaking и довольствовались средним результатом 12-14 баллов за каждый письменный текст. Вдруг у вас тоже такой случай. Поэтому я публикую здесь самые разные примеры.

Мне нравятся подробные задания в CAE Writing. Если к ним присмотреться, выделить ключевые слова в предложениях, то проблем с начальными идеями для текста быть не должно. Остается только их развить по правилам жанра, которые я здесь привожу вместе с образцами. К сожалению, я не могу по пунктам расписать языковые и логические требования к письменной работе на Pass, Pass B или Pass A. Предпочитаю делать подробные рекомендации, отталкиваясь от самого первого текста студента.

Пример на 16 баллов из 20. Ключевые слова выделены.
You have just finished a three-week study and work programme in an English-speaking country. You have studied English in the mornings and worked for a local company in the afternoons. The programme organizer has asked you to write a report about your experience. In your report, you should evaluate the programme, explaining which part of the program was more useful, and suggest changes you would recommend for next year’s programme.

cae report sample16 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 4, Organisation 4, Language 3


Пример ниже на 12 баллов. Адрес писать не нужно, как в примере. Так proposal становится похож на formal letter.
There are plans to demolish an old and unused building in the town where you are a student. You feel that the building should be saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council explaining why you think the building should be preserved, suggesting what could be done to modernize it and saying how the building could benefit the local people.

cae proposal sample12 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 2, Organisation 3, Language 2


Пример на 14 баллов.
You see the following announcement on a website, «Great Lives»:

Send us a review of a book or a film that focuses on somebody who has made an important contribution to society. Did you learn anything new about the person’s life the book or film? Did the book or film help you understand why this person made their important contribution?

cae review sample14 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 3, Organisation 3, Language 3

Letter/ email

Письма бывают самые разные. В результате, приходится готовить много видов с разными целями, а не один, как в предыдущих заданиях. Книга «Successful Writing. Proficiency» by Virginia Evans дает исчерпывающие материалы. Вот основные виды писем в CAE, которые стоит из нее взять:

Здесь пример письма другу на 17 баллов. Задача — посоветовать.
My new job is great, and next month I get to travel on business. Guess what — I’m actually coming to your town for a week!
I’ll be free some evenings and one weekend. I want to make the most of this opportunity, so I’d like your advice please: where to go, what to do, and why?

cae informal letter17 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 4, Organisation 4, Language 4

Фото — Cambridge English: Advanced. Handbook for Teachers и Pixabay.


Как писать News Report (новостная статья)?

Формат news report или news article сложно назвать популярным, однако он всё же встречается в некоторых олимпиадах. Например, «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» уже несколько лет даёт новостные статьи на отборочных турах во всех классах.

Цель любой новостной статьи — рассказать читателю о каком-либо событии, предоставить ему фактическую информацию. Дальнейшие детали отличаются в зависимости от конкретных требований, указанных в задании.

В данной статье мы рассмотрим свойства, которыми обладает любой news report.

Общая структура новостной статьи



Основная часть

В основной части излагаются подробности кратко описанных во вступлении событий. Например, если во вступлении вы сообщили, что 1–го сентября в Хогвартсе прошла ежегодная церемония начала учебного года, то в основной части можно рассказать, как именно она прошла: о чём говорили, чем угощали и т.д.

Кроме того, в основной части может содержаться любая другая информация, относящаяся к событию: объяснение причин и результатов события, цитаты участников и очевидцев.


В отличие от заключений большинства других форматов, в заключениях news reports не нужно дублировать информацию из вступления или подытоживать сказанное в основной части. Вместо этого следует оценить значимость события, рассказать о дальнейших планирующихся событиях или описать реакцию людей на событие.

Примечание. Вышеизложенные правила — общие, стандартные для формата новостной статьи. К заданиям на олимпиадах часто прилагается определённый план, который может не во всём совпадать с общими правилами. Разумеется, при выполнении задания нужно всегда опираться на тот план, который в нём предложен.


Пример работы в формате news report

The newspaper you work for has asked you to cover the recent arrival of an alien ship. Write a news report in about 200–250 words.

Your news report should:

Make sure that all your descriptions match the picture below.

news report picture 0b5c8dac

Сначала внимательно рассмотрим картинку, поскольку она в данном случае — единственный ограничитель нашей фантазии. На картинке мы видим большой город, космический корабль и вертолет. Следовательно, мы не можем написать, например, что событие произошло в селе Коньково, что оно прошло незамеченным, что инопланетяне появились из-под земли — это не будет соответствовать картинке. Зато остальные детали — на наше усмотрение. Мы можем сами решить, приземлился этот корабль или улетел, вышли из него инопланетяне или он оказался управляемым автоматически, дружественный был визит или враждебный.

Составим приблизительный план нашей новостной статьи, отталкиваясь от предложенного плана (подробно почитать о составлении плана можно в статье «Как составить план?»).

news report plan 7c12340f

Нам нужно будет разбить статью минимум на три абзаца:

Пишем первый абзац, в котором излагаем всю основную информацию: что, где, когда, кто участвовал. Отвлечённых вступлений и заходов издалека следует избегать.

bad 95138ac0

The question of the existence of aliens has interested scientists for centuries. Are we the only intelligent creatures in the Universe or are there others? Now all the doubts are finally resolved — a spaceship that arrived yesterday above Seattle has proved that extraterrestrials are real.

good aa795133

A large alien spaceship appeared in the sky above Seattle, Washington, yesterday evening. After remaining stationary for several hours, it flew away, leaving no traces behind. More than 300,000 people witnessed the event.

Mr Cruncher, one of the first witnesses, reported having seen the spacecraft at about 6:15 p.m.: «It was an unusual shadow that caught my attention. I looked up — and here it was, enormous and intimidating!». The object, a grayish-white disc, about 200 meters in diameter, hung still in the air for nearly 5 hours. It was monitored constantly by 9 helicopters, sent by the local government.

Обратите внимание, что необязательно повторять структуру вступления и снова писать ‘the spaceship arrived’. Вместо этого можно использовать прямую речь какого-нибудь свидетеля. Это оживит и разнообразит статью, а также сделает её более правдоподобной.

Рассказывая о корабле, не стоит вдаваться в детали слишком глубоко, ведь мы ограничены всего 200–250 словами. Но подробности упомянуть, тем не менее, необходимо. Конкретные факты предпочтительнее размытых описаний. Например, ‘200 meters in diameter’ — более подходящее для новостной статьи описание, чем ‘extraordinarily big’, ‘presumably, an alloy of steel and nickel’ — лучше, чем ‘we do not really know what it is made of’.

In spite of close surveillance, very little information was gathered, since the interior of the ship was impenetrable. Neither was it possible to take samples of the materials composing the vessel (presumably, they are an alloy of steel and nickel). The ship showed no signs of working engines, so it remains unclear what kind of power it used to travel throughout space. Another grey area is whether the spaceship was manned or controlled automatically.

bad 95138ac0

To sum up, the spacecraft appeared in Seattle yesterday evening and was seen by the majority of the citizens. It spent about 5 hours above the city and disappeared afterwards. This is the first extraterrestrial visit to Earth.

good aa795133

The event received worldwide attention both in scientific communities and among ordinary people. This is the first time that the existence of aliens has been publicly witnessed and carefully documented. Scientists predict further visits which will throw new light on the event. «We finally know that we’re not alone in the Universe, and further contacts are bound to be established», commented Mr. Daniel Flumpengo, a paranormal research expert in Stanford University.


Статья полностью готова, займёмся заголовком. Придумывать его можно, конечно, в любой момент, но я предпочитаю делать это именно в конце, когда тело новости уже сложилось и точно не будет меняться. Заголовок должен отражать суть статьи и, в идеале, привлекать внимание. В нашем случае внимание привлекает сама тема, поэтому можно обойтись без дополнительных ухищрений.

Seattle receives extraterrestrial guests

Seattle receives extraterrestrial guests

A large alien spaceship appeared in the sky above Seattle, Washington, yesterday evening. After remaining stationary for several hours, it flew away, leaving no trace behind. More than 300,000 people witnessed the event.

Mr Cruncher, one of the first witnesses, reported having seen the spacecraft at about 6:15 p.m.: «It was an unusual shadow that caught my attention. I looked up — and there it was, enormous and intimidating!». The object, a grayish-white disc, about 200 meters in diameter, hung still in the air for nearly 5 hours. It was monitored constantly by 9 helicopters, sent by the local government.

In spite of close surveillance, very little information was gathered, since the interior of the ship was impenetrable. Neither was it possible to take samples of the materials composing the vessel (presumably, they are an alloy of steel and nickel). The ship showed no signs of working engines, therefore it remains unclear what kind of power it uses to travel throughout space. Another grey area is whether the spaceship was manned or controlled automatically.

The event received worldwide attention both in scientific communities and among ordinary people. This is the first time that the existence of aliens has been publicly witnessed and carefully documented. Scientists predict further visits which will throw new light on the event. «We finally know that we’re not alone in the Universe, and further contacts are bound to be established», commented Mr. Daniel Flumpengo, a paranormal research expert in Stanford University.

Подводные камни

Стараясь нарисовать яркий образ, некоторые авторы применяют стратегии, уместные в повествовании, но неуместные в новостной статье.

bad 95138ac0

It was a cloudy September evening, when the people of Seattle suddenly noticed a large spaceship soaring high above them in the sky. It was huge, intimidating and overwhelming, and stayed there motionless for several hours. Then, when it must have completed what it had come for, the alien vessel flew away.

good aa795133

A large alien spaceship appeared in the sky above Seattle, Washington, yesterday evening. After remaining stationary for several hours, it took off and went away, leaving no traces behind.

Описания погоды и местности, не относящиеся к событию непосредственно (cloudy September evening), оценочные прилагательные (intimidating, overwhelming), рассуждения (when it must have completed what it had come for) — всё это подойдёт для формата short story, но не годится для новостной статьи.

Основное отличие review от news report в том, что в рецензии автор делится своим личным мнением, в то время как в новостной статье он излагает сухие факты, удерживая личные впечатления и эмоции при себе.

bad 95138ac0

Today I went to the start-of-term banquet in Hogwarts. I can swear it is the best event I have ever visited.

good aa795133

Today, a traditional start-of-term banquet took place in Hogwarts Hall. The event was, as usual, impressive and magnificent.

Поскольку цель новостной статьи — сообщать что-нибудь новое, присутствующие в ней описания должны быть максимально динамичными и непосредственно связанными с излагаемыми событиями.

bad 95138ac0

The Great Hall is the main gathering area in the Old Hogwarts Castle where young students have their meals and receive magic owl post. Also, special events are organised there.

good aa795133

The event took place in the Great Hall of Hogwarts — a traditional place used for holding the start-of-term feasts. Four tables were laid for the students, and one for the staff, with an eye-catching throne-like chair for the Headmaster.

Вступление должно содержать основную информацию о событии, а не общие рассуждения.

bad 95138ac0

The start-of-term feast is a traditional event in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is a really important night for every student of this School.

good aa795133

Yesterday, a banquet took place in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, marking the beginning of a school year.

Даже если автор новостной статьи находится под сильным впечатлением от события, он должен излагать факты нейтрально и обезличенно.

bad 95138ac0

The tables were covered with all types of meals you could ever imagine.

good aa795133

The food on the tables was plentiful and diverse.


Как писать report (доклад)?

Общие факты

Report (доклад) часто встречается на международных экзаменах, а также на некоторых олимпиадах. Особенно любят этот формат на Всероссийской олимпиаде: с 2012 по 2016 год он успел побывать на всех этапах, кроме школьного, и во всех классах, кроме 5–6. Олимпиада «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» регулярно выбирает report для своих финалов. Элементы этого формата присутствуют также на Ведомственной олимпиаде, да и не только на ней.

Суть любого доклада — предоставление читателю чётко организованной фактической информации. Дальнейшие детали отличаются в зависимости от типа доклада и конкретных требований, указанных в задании.

В данной статье мы рассмотрим свойства, которыми обладает любой report. Обратите внимание, что в каждой отдельно взятой олимпиаде помимо этих свойств могут потребоваться и другие, прописанные в самом задании.

Общая структура доклада

Доклад состоит из трёх частей: вступление, основная часть и заключение. Основная часть делится, в свою очередь, еще на несколько частей (как правило, 2–3). При этом и сам доклад, и все его части должны иметь заголовки. Также можно включить дату, расположив её под заголовком доклада. Например:

Subject: Changing Compliment Patterns in Disney Movies

Date: 18th January 2017


(под этим заголовком располагается вступление)

Changes (вместо слова ‘changes’ нужно подставить свой заголовок)

(под этим заголовком располагается первая половина основной части)

Reasons (вместо слова ‘reasons’ нужно подставить свой заголовок)

(под этим заголовком располагается вторая половина основной части)


(под этим заголовком располагается заключение)

Примечания: вместо слова ‘purpose’ можно писать ‘introduction’. Вместо слова ‘conclusion’ можно писать ‘recommendation’, если вы пишете доклад-рекомендацию. На олимпиадах писать дату обычно не требуется. Можно переходить ко вступлению сразу после строки, на которой написана тема. Также не обязательно писать в теме слово Subject. Можно просто написать саму тему.


Главная задача вступления в докладе — дать читателю понять, о чём будет доклад и с какой целью он написан. Если вы собираетесь описывать какие-нибудь меняющиеся показатели и объяснять причины изменений, то так и говорите во вступлении: «Цель доклада — обозначить изменения и объяснить их причины». Говорить нужно максимально по делу, без абстрактных рассуждений.

Разберем пример. Вам дали табличку, в которой представлены результаты некоего опроса о местном ресторане, и нужно написать по ней доклад. Неправильное вступление в формате report будет звучать так:

Это вступление является неподходящим, потому что мы уходим в абстрактные рассуждения (они годятся для эссе) и описания (они годятся для статей). Подходящее для формата report вступление будет звучать так:

В этом вступлении мы сразу переходим к делу и явным образом указываем, о чем будет доклад.

Основная часть

В основной части вы выполняете изложенные в задании требования. Если нужно сравнить данные двух таблиц — сравниваете, если нужно объяснить причины изменений — объясняете, если нужно проанализировать диаграммы — анализируете. При этом необходимо не просто перечислять факты один за другим, а структурировать, группировать информацию. Структурирование и группирование делает информацию проще для восприятия и благотворно влияет на баллы как за содержательную, так и за организационную часть.

Информация без группирования и анализа (просто перечислили цифры из табличек с заданием, потеряли баллы за организацию и содержание):

Группированная информация с анализом (не просто перечислили цифры, а подумали, как связаны между собой 2000 и 2014 год, что и обобщили в тексте):


Задача заключения — подвести итоги, суммировать всю изложенную информацию. В зависимости от того, какой у вас доклад, может также потребоваться выразить своё мнение или дать рекомендацию. Не пишите одно и то же шаблонное заключение к разным докладам — оно во многих случаях просто не выполнит своей функции. Как и в случае со вступлением, нужно писать по делу, не уходя в отвлеченные рассуждения.

Такое заключение не подойдет по формату (потому что содержит не относящиеся к делу общие рассуждения):

А такое подойдет (потому что в нем все по делу):


Доклад пишется в формальном стиле. Следует заменять простые структуры более сложными, использовать продвинутую лексику, страдательный залог, подходящие средства логической связи. Не должно быть разговорных выражений и сокращений.

Пример работы в формате report

Imagine that you are a linguist doing research into the dialogues in children’s animated films. You have collected some data on the ways female characters are complimented (see the charts below). Write a brief report describing the changes you have noticed comparing Disney movies over the years.

Write 220–250 words.

Use the following plan:

report 1 ceb918d0134465c7d6cc56c8f81b3540

Первое, что необходимо сделать — внимательно рассмотреть графики. Как только мы это сделаем, так сразу поймём, что есть две четко прослеживающиеся тенденции: комплиментов о внешности становится всё меньше, комплиментов о навыках и умениях — всё больше.

Уловив общее направление, найдем заметные, отличающиеся от остальных точки. Например, Snow White — ни одного комплимента, касающегося умений, зато 83% — о внешности. Pocahontas — первый женский персонаж в истории Диснея, у которого комплиментов о внешности меньше, чем комплиментов о талантах. Brave — максимальное количество комплиментов об умениях и навыках за всю историю. В общем, отмечаем для себя всё то, что сразу бросается в глаза. Причём отмечаем не в голове, а на бумаге:

report ideas 79cd3e6a

Дальше мы видим, что временная шкала разделена на три периода: Classic Era, Renaissance, New Age. Эти периоды помогут в структурировании информации о комплиментах, так что берем их на заметку.

Проведя таким образом первичный анализ графиков, мы переходим к составлению плана (подробно о составлении плана можно почитать в статье «Как составить план?»). Для составления плана нам нужно понять, как группировать информацию. Разумеется, в отдельные абзацы выйдут вступление и заключение. Также отдельным абзацем будут причины изменений. Что касается описания самих изменений, тут единственно верного варианта нет, организовывать можно по-разному. Например, разбить описание на два абзаца: skills compliments, appearance compliments. Можно разбить на три, в соответствии с периодами: Classic Era, Renaissance, New Age. Можно вообще не разбивать.

Выбирая способ группировки, нужно помнить о лимите на количество слов. В данном задании мы ограничены 250 словами. Из них около 80 уйдёт на вступление с заключением. Останется примерно 170 слов на основную часть. Если мы выберем вариант описания по периодам, то абзацев в основной части будет четыре: три для периодов и один для описания причин изменений. То есть, в одном абзаце получится всего лишь около 40 слов. Писать такие короткие, но при этом логически безупречные и информативные абзацы весьма непросто. Поэтому целесообразнее будет не дробить на мелкие кусочки, а остановиться на более крупных частях.

Я выберу вариант разделения основной части всего на два абзаца: изменения и их причины. Плюс такого способа я вижу в том, что расположение всех изменений в одном абзаце даст мне возможность активно сравнивать их между собой.

Отражаем все наши мысли в базовом плане:

report plan cfcb5e48

Когда базовый план готов, можно писать черновик, если на это хватает времени. Если времени мало, лучше детализировать план и, используя этот план, писать работу сразу начисто.

Напишем вступление. Во вступлении нужно обозначить цели и содержание доклада. Также нужно обозначить, откуда взялись данные, которые мы будем описывать.

The linguistic analysis of the dialogues from 12 Disney movies appearing over the period 1937–2013 has revealed certain alterations in the nature of the compliments paid to female characters. This report aims at outlining the discovered changes and explaining the reasons behind them.

Теперь напишем об изменениях. Для этого будем действовать по схеме обобщения и детализации. Как написано у нас в плане, в классических мультфильмах большинство комплиментов относится ко внешности. Примером служит Sleeping Beauty. Так и пишем:

In classic Disney animated films female characters receive several times the amount of praise for their appearance as for their skills and abilities. For instance, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty have respectively 83% and 58% compliments related to the way they look.

Проделываем аналогичную операцию со следующим периодом. Сначала обобщенно говорим о тенденции, потом даём пример:

The same trend generally remains during the renaissance Disney period, although it must be noted that it is then that a character appears (namely Pocahontas, 1995), who is given credit for her skills rather than attractiveness.

С последним периодом поступаем точно так же.

In most recent films the role of beauty-related compliments is noticeably lower — 20% on average, while showing respect for competence has risen in frequency, making up almost half of the total compliments in every film since 2009.

Обратите внимание, что хотя общая схема одинакова, при описании мы используем разные языковые структуры: several times the amount, respectively, the same trend remains, noticeably lower, on average, has risen in frequency. Чем они разнообразнее, тем выше будет оценена работа.

Также необходимо всеми силами избегать повторов. Например, чтобы не писать всё время ‘compliments on appearance’, мы используем синонимы: praise for their appearance, compliments related to the way they look, given credit, attractiveness, beauty-related compliments.

Следующий пункт — описание причин изменений. Это принципиально другой по своей сути текст. В отличие от предыдущего абзаца, он не просто передаёт объективные факты, взятые из графиков, а отражает личное мнение автора. Однако несмотря на это, он должен быть максимально обезличен в соответствии с особенностями формата report.

Differing compliment patterns might have been caused by the changing perception of women’s role in society. When a woman was primarily regarded as wife and mother, her value was mostly based on appearance. A shift towards engagement in activities other than household and motherhood was, in its turn, naturally followed by the increase in ability-related compliments.

Пассивные конструкции ‘might have been caused’, ‘was naturally followed’ позволяют добиться этого обезличивания.

Осталось написать заключение. Подведем итоги всему вышесказанному, кратко обозначив, что изменилось и почему.

To conclude, the quality of the compliments given to female characters in Disney movies has significantly altered, reflecting the ways the societal values have transformed over the past 76 years.

Наш report готов. Не забываем писать заголовки к каждому абзацу, а также к самому докладу.

Subject: Changing Compliments Patterns in Disney Movies

The linguistic analysis of the dialogues from 12 Disney movies appearing over the period 1937–2013 has revealed certain alterations in the nature of the compliments paid to female characters. This report aims at outlining the discovered changes and explaining the reasons behind them.

In classic Disney animated films female characters receive several times the amount of praise for their appearance as for their skills and abilities. For instance, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty have respectively 83% and 58% compliments related to the way they look. The same trend generally remains during the renaissance Disney period, although it must be noted that it is then that a character appears (namely Pocahontas, 1995), who is given credit for her skills rather than attractiveness. In most recent films the role of beauty-related compliments is noticeably lower — 20% on average, while showing respect for competence has risen in frequency, making up almost half of the total compliments in every film since 2009.

Differing compliment patterns might have been caused by the changing perception of women’s role in society. When a woman was primarily regarded as wife and mother, her value was mostly based on appearance. A shift towards engagement in activities other than household and motherhood was, in its turn, naturally followed by the increase in ability-related compliments.

To conclude, the quality of the compliments given to female characters in Disney movies has significantly altered, reflecting the ways the societal values have transformed over the past 76 years.

Подводные камни

bad 95138ac0

I have collected the necessary data and made diagrams to represent the pattern of change.

good aa795133

The data collected during the research is used in the diagrams representing the pattern of change.

bad 95138ac0

In this era characters on average received 40–45% of compliments to their skills. It’s more than ever.

good aa795133

The number of skill-related compliments rises to its historical maximum of 40–45% during this period.

bad 95138ac0

It’s hard not to see a bad-ass like Mulan as an improvement over a movie like Sleeping Beauty, in which the titular character is literally passed out for a large portion of the film.

good aa795133

Such uncompromising and aggressive characters like Mulan are viewed as an improvement over passive ones, incapable of controlling their own fate, Snow White serving an example.

bad 95138ac0

. Cinderella had 18% of compliments, Sleeping Beauty 8% whereas Snow White didn’t receive any compliments related to her skill. However, Snow White is the most complimented on her appearance character in the whole Disney’s history (83%).

. Nevertheless the character of «Aladdin» didn’t receive any compliments as Snow White. The most flattered princess of her appearance in that era is female from «Beauty and the Beast». She receives 67% of compliments.

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Snow White, who received more compliments on her beauty than any other Disney female character (83%), did not get any praise for her skills, while Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella belonging to the same era have 8% and 18% ability-related compliments respectively.


Look at this task:

An English friend of yours is working on a series of articles called “Young and Old Around the World” which looks at different towns and cities through the eyes of teenagers and senior citizens. She has written asking for your help and this is an extract from her letter.

What I want is some first-hand information about what it’s like to live in your town from the point of view of the two different age groups. You would need to interview, say, ten people in each category on the main topics of public transport, entertainment, and shopping and write me a brief report. Could you also include a short introduction about your town and give a little summing up at the end?

Write your report in about 250 words.

A report is a formal document prepared by one person or a group of people who have been studying a particular subject. There are two basic kinds of reports:

  • The first simply provides information on a topic and gives a brief conclusion or summary at the end. Example: a report on the educational system in a particular country, written to help someone research the subject.
  • The second sets out to identify strengths and weaknesses in a particular situation and make recommendations for improvement. Example: a report on the library facilities in a college written at the request of the principal.

Language and register

Reports are the most impersonal kind of writing and it is usually best to avoid expressing personal opinions or feelings, except, perhaps, in the conclusion. Instead of I think that … or I found that … for example, you can use the impersonal “It” construction and a passive, e.g. It seems that … It was found that …

It is also advisable to avoid making very definite statements unless you’re absolutely sure they’re true. Instead of saying It is for example, you can use a modal verb e.g. It could / may / might be or a more tentative expression such as It seems to be or It tends to be.

Layout and organisation

Reports should have a clear factual heading and may also have subheadings which divide the writing into shorter sections. The information should be organised and presented as clearly and logically as possible, with a short introduction explaining the aims of the report and how the information was obtained and a suitable conclusion, summing up the information and making recommendations if necessary.

Useful language


The aim of this report is to …. It is based on …

This report is intended to… It draws on …

This report looks at / describes… It uses …

Reporting an observation:

It seems / appears that … It was found that …

The majority / minority of … It was felt that …


According to …

As X said …

In the words of …


It may / could / might (well) be that …


In general, …

On the whole, …

In the main, …


Interestingly, …

Curiously, …

Oddly, …

Strangely, …

Surprisingly, …

Predictably, …

As might be (have been) expected, …

It is interesting that, …

Making a recommendation:

It is recommended that …

(Perhaps) it would be advisable for X to (do) …

(Perhaps) X might /should consider …

Summing up:

To sum up / To summarise, …

On balance, …

In short, …

Study the following example carefully:

Leisure Facilities in Grimthorpe


The aim of this report is to describe and assess the leisure facilities available in Grimthorpe. It is based on information made available by the Grimthorpe Tourist Office, and on views expressed by local people who were interviewed.


Grimthorpe has a wide range of sports facilities, both public and private. There is a large modern leisure centre in the High Street and facilities include a swimming pool, a sports hall for judo, fencing and other activities, and tennis courts. The centre runs courses in all these sports and these tend to be very popular. Membership costs £150 a year, which was felt to be rather expensive, but a special temporary membership is available to visitors. The public swimming pool on the outskirts of the town is older, less attractive and often overcrowded, but entry is only £1.50.


There are two theatres in town, the Kings Theatre in Bee Street, which offers mainly “serious” drama and has a good reputation for its productions of Shakespeare, and the Little Theatre in Sea Street which specialises in lighter entertainment and the occasional pop concert. In general, it seems that the Kings Theatre is more popular with the older members of the community while the Little appeals more to people in their teens and twenties.

Museums and Art Galleries

The City Museum has an extensive collection of maps, pottery and other articles connected with Grimthorpe’s history. The attendants are said to be very friendly and helpful, and there is also a small café with reasonably priced home-made snacks. Interestingly, few of the local people interviewed had ever been to the museum but it was recommended highly by several tourists.


Grimthorpe is well provided with leisure facilities for a town of its size and these are well used by the townspeople on the whole. Sport seems to be the most popular leisure activity, while cultural activities like visiting the museum or art gallery appeared to be the least popular among the Grimthorpians who were interviewed. Perhaps the City Council should consider launching a publicity campaign to show how much these facilities have to offer.

Now use these tips to help you write your answer to the task above.

When you write a report here are the top things you need to think about:

  • You need to write 4 or 5 paragraphs, including an introduction and recommendation.
  • The first paragraph should state the “aim of the report”+ where you got the information
  • Use headings to make it easier to read.
  • Use points under each heading with “bullet points” or numbers.
  • Avoid your personal opinion and “I”, “my”, “We” etc. Use the passive voice.
  • Use formal language and generalising functions.
  • Sum up the report’s possible recommendations and suggest the best one(s).

Here is a typical task:

Write a report suggesting improvements to classes at Today School.

Look at a student’s answer to the question. Appropriate language is highlighted in red.


The aim of this report is to compare different ideas to make classes in Today School more enjoyable for students while learning at the same time. A large number of students were interviewed to find out differing opinions. 

Classroom Activities

Some of the students suggested using more videos and songs during the classes and some even mentioned that parties with alcohol would be a good idea. A few of them gave reasons why they preferred these activities:

  • Pop music and films are  interesting and topical
  • Alcohol makes people relax and talk more.

Outside Class

The majority of students mentioned that homework should be reduced drastically whereas others expressed a preference for doing excursions in English, giving the following reasons:

  • Too much homework makes students stressed.
  • Excursions are a fun way of putting into practice what is learnt.


Some of the ideas have benefits; however, suggestions to allow alcohol and reduce homework should be immediately discarded. On the other hand, it is felt the majority of students would take advantage of more pop videos and excursions and so these suggestions are recommendable.

Other useful language for a report:

  • This report is intended to …
  • Many of those interviewed stated that …
  • Others pointed out that …
  • Several people thought that …
  • Whilst, …
  • Another option that was mentioned was …
  • Both/All the ideas seemed interesting but …
  • Taking all the points into consideration …
  • On balance then, I feel that …
  • Without a doubt the first option was …

How to write a report for New FCE exam

How to write a report for the New FCE exam? Here’s a sample topic that has been divided into paragraphs and each of the sections explained.

Part 2

You must answer this question.

Your college has been asked to accept a group of 50 students from another country for two weeks. You have been asked by your principal to find out what the advantages and disadvantages would be of accepting this group.  Is it a good idea?

Write your report to the principal in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet.

Sample answer:

Report on Proposed Visit by 50 Overseas Students


The purpose of this report is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of accepting a large group of students from overseas for two weeks. I have discussed the issue with all the senior members of college staff.  

You start with Paragraph 1- Introduction

In the introduction you:

— use headings – this makes it easier to find the main info

— state the aim of the report and where you got/ collected the information

— don’t begin with Dear Sir/ Madam – it’s not a letter

Phrases you can use in the introduction:

* This report is intended to show / discuss / outline …

* The aim / purpose of this report is to …

* In this report I will

REMEMBER: It’s a formal piece of writing that means:  use a formal, neutral style: no contractions, no colloquial language, no direct questions, no informal punctuation such as exclamation marks.


All those I interviewed believe that for students this would be an exciting opportunity to explore a foreign culture, both in the classroom and socially. Overall, they thought the visit would be stimulating for the college at a quiet time of the year.

 In the 2nd Paragraph you:

— balance the positive and negative points fairly

— you can use numbering or bullet points to highlight main points

— use a range of specific vocabulary or set phrases e.g. Some thought this was …../ other students said they preferred…

— don’t use a lot of adjectives and dramatic language. A report gives factual information

Phrases you can use to in the 2nd and 3rd paragraph:

Suggesting additional ideas

Another option would be to …

I would also suggest …

Another point to consider is hat …

Alternatively…. Moreover. / Furthermore.

Apart from this / In addition to this

Making recommendations

I would strongly / highly recommend …

My first / second recommendation would be to ..

It would be (highly) advisable to …

If my recommendations are followed, then …

The best solution / ideas would seem to be …

Listing ideas

I would suggest the following: … might like to consider the following:

The following are highly recommended: 1….. OR 2. ……….

They gave/ suggested the following reasons:

They made the following points: 1….2…

Reporting findings 

It appears that the majority of …

The only problem is that … .

Most … (students seem) … .

Not surprisingly, …

According to …


Some members of staff are concerned that:

1 there would be insufficient seating in the library at bus times;

2 the visitors might be more interested in enjoying themselves than studying;

3 the restaurant queue would be very slow at lunchtime.

In the 3rd Paragraph you:

— balance the positive and negative points fairly

— you can use numbering or bullet points to highlight main points

— use a range of specific vocabulary or set phrases e.g. Some thought this was …../ other students said they preferred…

Conclusion and recommendation

Clearly, the group might cause some practical difficulties but on the whole everyone thought that the visit should be seen as an opportunity not to be missed.

In the last paragraph you:

— give the recommendations

— generalise

— express opinions impersonally

Phrases you can use to end the letter

Concluding and making recommendations

All things considered, …

We have no hesitation in recommending… .

Over to you:

A group of students from Australia are going to visit your town or city next month as part of an exchange visit. Their teacher has asked you to write a report about shopping in your town / city, including the following information:

• local specialities which the students could buy as souvenirs

• the best places for teenagers to go shopping

• cheap cafes or restaurants where the students could eat.

Write your report in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet.

Here’s the next task you can do:

Your teacher wants to recommend a television programme for students who are learning your language.

Write a report on a television programme which you know well, saying why you think it would be helpful and interesting for foreign learners.

Write your report in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet.

Points to remember:

Organise your ideas into a clear report: either rely on paragraphing or use subheadings (or both).

Briefly introduce the programme, include its title and say what it is about.

Mention a few things about the programme that supports your recommendation from the foreign learner’s point of view.


When writing the answer to any task, check that you have paid attention to the following points. Make sure you:

— think about who your reader is and what they want to know

— begin with an introduction explaining the purpose of the report

— address all of the points in the instructions

— organise your ideas clearly, with headings if appropriate

— include a personal recommendation if you are asked for one.

— use a variety of formal expressions and structures

— use the correct number of words

— check your work for accuracy

Ethical Decision Making is vital to the organization due to the following reasons…

  • Ethics and Code of Business conduct go hand in hand and it provides the guidelines related to what employees must do.
  • It covers inputs viz., all employees have a responsibility to hold themselves and others to a high level of conduct.
  • It lays Policies and Guidelines related to self-positioning and reporting in the organization, how to deal with confidential and anonymous reporting, Treatment-related to reports and complaints, Retaliation related issues, Disciplinary process etc.,
  • Develop the code of Ethics applicable to the company: Any organizations develop their code of Business Conduct and Ethics guidelines based on one or many of the following. General Ethic’s guidelines cover the following…

The critical steps involved in Ethical decision-making are as mentioned below:

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Policies & Guidelines:

  • Organizational Commitment – The CEO of the organization provides the commitment that all employees have towards the organization. This segment widely covers the Integrity and Trust Principles.
  • Purpose & Values – Clarifying the Purpose of organizations existence which is likely to cover tangible and intangible components viz., Innovation and Performance principles, Trust and Collaboration principles respectively.
  • To whom the code applies to
  • What Employees must do – do’s & don’ts
  • What Leaders of the organization must do

Using Assets and Information Properly:

  • Appropriate usage of Organization tangible resources
  • Proper utilization of Computers and Communication devices
  • Taking care of Confidential data and Information
  • Maintaining Data Privacy
  • Sustaining IP – Intellectual Property Rights
  • Security Law and Insider Trading
  • Handling Media and Public Inquiries

Promoting Respect, Safety, and Security in the Workplace:

  • Equal Employment Opportunities
  • Preventing Discrimination and Harassment
  • Employee Health, Safety, Security, and Environment
  • Prevention of Drugs and Alcohol

Working with Customers and Other Third Parties:

  • Fair Competition, Antitrust and Competitive Intelligence among employees
  • Policy around giving or receiving Payments, Benefits or Gifts to customers, suppliers, vendors etc.,
  • Contractual Authorization and Process
  • Political and Charitable Conduct and Contributions

Recognizing and Avoiding Conflicts:

  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Working for Other Companies and on Board

Are you taking an IELTS exam soon? Feeling nervous about the writing paper? Read this article for some top tips and useful language to help you with Part 1 of the writing paper.

Exam Requirements

Both the Academic and General English writing papers require you to write two texts in 60 minutes.

In the Academic Paper, you base your answer to Part 1 on an infographic, such as a chart or table, and use language to summarise and report on key information like the similarities and differences in data.

IELTS: Writing part 1 - how to write a descriptive report | Oxford House Barcelona
Sample question based on a graph, taken from ieltsonlinepractice.com
See the sample answer for this task here

You should write at least 150 words in this part. While there’s no word limit, try to complete Part 1 in 20 minutes.

Part 2 requires you to write at least 250 words, so you’ll need to allow a little extra time for this.

Three tips to get a great mark in Part 1

1. Read the question carefully

Underline the key points and look at what the question is asking you to do:

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

To get a great score, you need to do all these things, so remember to read the introduction to the infographic as well and make sure you understand what the data shows.

2. Plan

Before you start writing, think about the main point for each of your paragraphs. Look at the outline below with some useful phrases and linkers because a well-structured text, which uses a range of language, will impress the examiner.

3. Use a variety of language

To get top marks, you need to show a range of grammar and vocabulary which is appropriate for the task. Look at the table later in the article to see some examples of language you usually find in reports and practise using it when you’re writing from now on.

Structuring your answer

In the first paragraph, you should briefly explain what is happening in the infographic. You can get this information from the introduction to the task, but remember to paraphrase what it says:

IELTS: Writing part 1 - how to write a descriptive report | Oxford House Barcelona

In the second paragraph, identify the main trend in the infographic and any similarities in the data:

IELTS: Writing part 1 - how to write a descriptive report | Oxford House Barcelona

In the third paragraph, explain the differences:

IELTS: Writing part 1 - how to write a descriptive report | Oxford House Barcelona

Finally, give a clear conclusion:

IELTS: Writing part 1 - how to write a descriptive report | Oxford House Barcelona

Useful language

You need to use a variety of words and phrases to analyse the data. A lot of this language is quite specific to talking about numbers, so might be new for you. Look for any words you don’t know in your dictionary.

IELTS: Writing part 1 - how to write a descriptive report | Oxford House Barcelona

Remember to use appropriate adjectives or adverbs to describe differences, using synonyms of big and small. Keep a list of useful chunks of language so you use the correct collocations, e.g. you can say a sharp increase but not a sharp majority.

Describing a process

You may also be asked to write a report describing a process in this part of the test. You are given a picture and some key points which you then need to write into a report.

IELTS: Writing part 1 - how to write a descriptive report | Oxford House Barcelona
Sample question based on a process diagram, taken from ieltsonlinepractice.com
You can read the sample answer for this question here

The structure for this text is different because it has fewer paragraphs and you don’t need to include a conclusion. You still describe the main idea of the infographic in the first paragraph, again paraphrasing the information given:

IELTS: Writing part 1 - how to write a descriptive report | Oxford House Barcelona

Then, in the next paragraph, use linkers to order the process and explain it in more detail:

IELTS: Writing part 1 - how to write a descriptive report | Oxford House Barcelona

To see more sample questions and answers, go to IELTS Online Practice. The site has lots of answers for Part 1 (Academic and General) and Part 2, and they’ve been marked by an IELTS teacher so you can see the score they would receive.

A few final reminders

Look at the dates for the data in the infographic – is it only talking about the past? About current trends? Or providing predictions for the future? This will affect the tense you use in your report.

  • Use a variety of active and passive structures in your report.
  • Remember, it’s a formal text so don’t use contractions.
  • Leave yourself enough time to check your work at the end.


Good luck!

Not sure if IELTS is the right exam for you? Read this article about the benefits of taking an IELTS exam.

Glossary for Language Learners

Find the following words in the article and then write down any new ones you didn’t know.

Infographic (n): information presented in a visual way, e.g. a chart or table.

Summarise (v): to give a short explanation of the main points.

Outline (n): plan, structure.

Briefly (adv): quickly, in a few words.

Paraphrase (v): to explain an idea in your own words.

Trend (n): tendency, what is generally happening.

Chunk of language (exp): a series of words.

Collocation (n): words which go together, e.g. the vast majority, a tiny percentage.

Contraction (n): linking two words with an apostrophe, e.g. it’s, don’t, they’d.


adv = adverb

n = noun

v = verb

exp = expression

The term “report” refers to a nonfiction work that presents and/or paraphrases the facts on a specific occasion, subject, or problem. The notion is that a good report will contain all the information that someone who is not familiar with the subject needs to know. Reports make it simple to bring someone up to speed on a subject, but actually writing a report is far from simple. This blog will walk you through the fundamentals of report writing, including the structure and practice themes.

This Blog Includes:
  1. What is a Report?
  2. Reporting formats
  3. Major Types of Reports
    1. Newspaper or Magazine Reports
    2. Business Reports
    3. Technical Reports
  4. What is Report Writing?
  5. Report Writing: Things to Keep in Mind
  6. Structure of Report Writing
  7. Report Writing Formats
    1. Magazine vs Newspaper Report Writing Format
  8. Report Writing Format for Class 10th to 12th
  9. Report Writing Example
  10. Report Writing for School Students: Practice Questions
  11. Report Writing Slideshare
  12. Report Writing in 7 steps
  13. FAQs

Also Read: Message Writing

What is a Report?

A report is a short document written for a particular purpose or audience. It usually sets out and analyses a problem often recommended for future purposes. Requirements for the precise form of the report depend on the department and organization. Technically, a report is defined as “any account, verbal or written, of the matters pertaining to a given topic.” This could be used to describe anything, from a witness’s evidence in court to a student’s book report.

Actually, when people use the word “report,” they usually mean official documents that lay out the details of a subject. These documents are typically written by an authority on the subject or someone who has been tasked with conducting research on it. Although there are other forms of reports, which are discussed in the following section, they primarily fulfil this definition.

What information does reporting contain? All facts are appreciated, but reports, in particular, frequently contain the following kinds of information:

  • Information about a circumstance or event
  • The aftereffects or ongoing impact of an incident or occurrence
  • Analytical or statistical data evaluation
  • Interpretations based on the report’s data
  • Based on the report’s information, make predictions or suggestions
  • Relationships between the information and other reports or events

Although there are some fundamental differences, producing reports and essays share many similarities. Both rely on facts, but essays also include the authors’ personal viewpoints and justifications. Reports normally stick to the facts only, however they could include some of the author’s interpretation in the conclusion.

Reports are also quite well ordered, frequently with tables of contents of headers and subheadings. This makes it simpler for readers to quickly scan reports for the data they need. Essays, on the other hand, should be read from beginning to end rather than being perused for particular information.

Reporting formats

Depending on the objective and audience for your report, there are a few distinct types of reports. The most typical report types are listed briefly below:

  • Academic report: Examines a student’s knowledge of the subject; examples include book reports, historical event reports, and biographies.
  • Identifies data from company reports, such as marketing reports, internal memoranda, SWOT analyses, and feasibility reports, that is useful in corporate planning.
  • Shares research findings in the form of case studies and research articles, usually in scientific publications.

Depending on how they are written, reports can be further categorised. A report, for instance, could be professional or casual, brief or lengthy, and internal or external. A lateral report is for persons on the author’s level but in separate departments, whereas a vertical report is for those on the author’s level but with different levels of the hierarchy (i.e., people who work above you and below you).

Report formats can be as varied as writing styles, but in this manual, we’ll concentrate on academic reports, which are often formal and informational.

Major Types of Reports

While the most common type of reports corresponds to the ones we read in newspapers and magazines, there are other kinds of reports that are curated for business or research purposes. Here are the major forms of report writing which you must know about:

Newspaper or Magazine Reports

The main purpose of newspaper or magazine reports is to cover a particular event or happening. They generally elaborate upon the 4Ws and 1H, i.e. What, Where, When, Why, and How. The key elements of newspaper or magazine report writing are as follows:

  • Headline (Title)
  • Report’s Name, Place, and Date
  • Body
  • Conclusion (Citation of sources)

Here is an example of a news report:

Non-Fiction Newspaper or Magazine "Book" Report (Teaching With a Mountain  View) | Middle school reading, Teaching writing, Reading classroom

Credit: Pinterest

Business Reports

Business reports aim to analyze a situation or case study by implementing business theories and suggest improvements accordingly. In business report writing, you must adhere to a formal style of writing and these reports are usually lengthier than news reports since they aim to assess a particular issue in detail and provide solutions. The basic structure of business reports include:

  • Table of Contents
  • Executive summary
  • Body
  • Findings/Recommendations
  • Conclusion

Technical Reports

The main purpose of the technical report is to provide an empirical explanation of research-based material. Technical report writing is generally carried out by a researcher for scientific journals or product development and presentation, etc. A technical report mainly contains 

  • Title Page
  • Introduction
  • Summary
  • Experimental details
  • Results and discussions
  • Body (elaborating upon the findings)
  • Conclusion

Must Read: IELTS Writing Tips

What is Report Writing?

A report is a written record of what you’ve seen, heard, done, or looked into. It is a well-organized and methodical presentation of facts and results from an event that has already occurred. Reports are a sort of written assessment that is used to determine what you have learned through your reading, study, or experience, as well as to provide you hands-on experience with a crucial skill that is often used in the business.

Report Writing: Things to Keep in Mind

Before writing a report, there are certain things you must know to ensure that you draft a precise and structured report, and these points to remember are listed below:

  • Write a concise and clear title of the report.
  • Always use the past tense.
  • Don’t explain the issue in the first person, i.e. ‘I’ or ‘Me’. Always write in the third person.
  • Put the date, name of the place as well as the reporter’s name after the heading.
  • Structure the report by dividing it into paragraphs.
  • Stick to the facts and keep it descriptive.

Must Read: IELTS Sample Letters

Structure of Report Writing

The format of a report is determined by the kind of report it is and the assignment’s requirements. While reports can have their own particular format, the majority use the following general framework:

  • Executive summary: A stand-alone section that highlights the findings in your report so that readers will know what to expect, much like an abstract in an academic paper. These are more frequently used for official reports than for academic ones.
  • Introduction: Your introduction introduces the main subject you’re going to explore in the report, along with your thesis statement and any previous knowledge that is necessary before you get into your own results.
  • Body: Using headings and subheadings, the report’s body discusses all of your significant findings. The majority of the report is made up of the body; in contrast to the introduction and conclusion, which are each only a few paragraphs long, the body can span many pages.
  • In the conclusion, you should summarize all the data in your report and offer a clear interpretation or conclusion. Usually, the author inserts their own personal judgments or inferences here.

Report Writing Formats

It is quintessential to follow a proper format in report writing to provide it with a compact structure. Business reports and technical reports don’t have a uniform structure and are generally based on the topic or content they are elaborating on. Let’s have a look at the proper format of report writing generally for news and magazines and the key elements you must add in a news report:

Title/Heading (Use a proper and creative and catchy heading related to the story)
Reported by (in newspaper terminology, this is known as a byline)PlaceDate
Introduction(Must be factual, crisp, and concise; It should generally cover the 4W and 1H of the topic, i.e. what, when, where, who, why & how)
Body of Content Explain, WHY the particular event or incident took place. Conduct meticulous research and gather all factual information related to the story. Here, the readers would want to know more about the event in detail.
ConclusionIn the conclusion part, the background information of the story is mentioned. If you are covering any event, you have the liberty to add the list of participants or attendees who thronged the event. 

Magazine vs Newspaper Report Writing Format

Magazine Report Newspaper Report
Heading Headline
Byline By Line (Along With The Designation)
Opening Paragraph Date And Place
Account Of The Event Opening Paragraph
Conclusion Account Of The Event And Witness Remarks

To Read: How to Learn Spoken English?

Report Writing Format for Class 10th to 12th

The report writing structure for students in grades 10 and 12 is as follows.

  • Heading:  A title that expresses the contents of the report in a descriptive manner.
  • Byline: The name of the person who is responsible for drafting the report. It’s usually included in the query. Remember that you are not allowed to include any personal information in your response.
  •  (introduction): It The ‘5 Ws,’ or WHAT, WHY, WHEN, and WHERE, as well as WHO was invited as the main guest, might be included.
  • The account of the event in detail: The order in which events occurred, as well as their descriptions. It is the primary paragraph, and if necessary, it can be divided into two smaller paragraphs.
  • Conclusion: This will give a summary of the event’s conclusion. It might include quotes from the Chief Guest’s address or a summary of the event’s outcome.

Report Writing Example

FREE 34+ Sample Report Writing Format Templates in PDF

Credit: sampletemplates.com

Technical report writing

Credit: SlideShare

Report Writing for School Students: Practice Questions

Now that you are familiar with all the formats of report writing, here are some questions that you can practice to understand the structure and style of writing a report.

  • You are a student of Delhi Public School Srinagar handling a campus magazine in an editorial role. On the increasing level of global warming, write a report on the event for your school magazine. 
  • On the Jammu-Srinagar highway, a mishap took place, where a driver lost his control and skidded off in a deep gorge. Write a report on it and include all the necessary details and eyewitness accounts. 
  • As a reporter of Delhi times, you are assigned to report on the influx of migrants coming from other states of the country. Take an official statement to justify your report.
  • There is a cultural program in Central park Rajiv Chowk New Delhi. The home minister of India is supposed to attend the event apart from other delegates. Report the event within the 150-200 word limit. 
  • Write today’s trend of Covid 19 cases in India. As per the official statement. include all the necessary details and factual information. Mention the state with a higher number of cases so far.
  • In Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium New Delhi, a table tennis tournament was held between Delhi public school New Delhi and DPS Punjab. Report the event in 250-300 words.

Also Read: Formal Letter Format, Types & Samples

Credits: Slideshare

Report Writing in 7 steps

  1. Choose a topic based on the assignment
  2. Conduct research
  3. Write a thesis statement
  4. Prepare an outline
  5. Write a rough draft
  6. Revise and edit your report
  7. Proofread and check for mistakes

Make sure that every piece of information you have supplied is pertinent. Remember to double-check your grammar, spelling, tenses, and the person you are writing in. A final inspection against any structural criteria is also important. You have appropriately and completely referenced for an academic work. Check to make sure you haven’t unintentionally, purposefully, or both duplicated something without giving credit.


How should a business report be written?

Any business professional’s toolkit must include business reports. Therefore, how can you create a thorough business report? You must first confirm that you are familiar with the responses to the following three questions.

Guidelines for writing a report’s introduction

Every company report starts with an issue that needs to be fixed. This could be something straightforward, like figuring out a better way to organise procuring office supplies, or it could be a more challenging issue, like putting in place a brand-new, multimillion-dollar computer system.

How to conduct research for a report

You must therefore compile the data you intend to include in your report. How do you do this? If you’ve never conducted in-depth research before, it can be quite a daunting task, so discovering the most efficient techniques is a real plus.

Hopefully, this blog has helped you with a comprehensive understanding of report writing and its essential components. Aiming to pursue a degree in Writing? Sign up for an e-meeting with our experts at Leverage Edu and we will help you in selecting the best course and university as well as sorting the admission process to ensure that you get successfully shortlisted.

Writing a book report can be an engaging assignment as it requires good writing and reading skills. Sometimes students find this task challenging, but if you know how to write a good one. Then you will find this assignment interesting.

One of the first steps to writing a book report is deciding what type of book you are reading. You must read the entire book before beginning your report so that it will be easier for you to write about it.

You can use our step-by-step guide on how to write a good-quality report and get an A+ grade.

Thus, continue reading this blog and get to know everything about it.

What is a Book Report?

A book report is a creative and interesting way to analyze the contents of any given book. It analyzes and discusses different aspects such as author, title, plot, setting, and characters to show what students have learned while reading the text.

The main purpose of writing a report is to:

  • Provide a short glance at the book to increase its readability.
  • Give enough information, so the reader easily understands the book.
  • Present the style and tone of the book.
  • Help the reader or buyer to read and buy that book.
  • Discuss the main sections of the book.
  • Give a summary and critique of a work of fiction.

Moreover, it is a common assignment at both elementary and high school levels. However, some students get confused between a book report and a book review. They both look similar, but one requires in-depth analysis while the other is more descriptive and subjective.

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Further, writing a report improves the student’s analytical and communication skills. They get the opportunity to express themselves through creative or critical thought about books they are reading.

Elements of Book Report

Here are some basic elements of the book report are:

Elements Description
Title and Author It must include the title and author of the book. Sometimes, it also includes the publication date of the book.
Characters The characters are the backbone of the story. It can be people or animals in the story. However, only choose the important ones.
Setting It tells when and where the story takes place.
Plot It is the center point of the story on which the entire book revolves.
Conflict The obstacles that a protagonist faces.
Resolution The solution to a problem

How to Start a Book Report?

When you start writing it, you should know the basic steps. However, if you don’t know, no need to take tension. Instead, take a look at the below-mentioned steps that help you in writing a perfect report.

1. Pick the Book Carefully

Choosing the right book is an important part of your writing process. Some teachers assign you books, and there’s nothing you can do about it. However, if you choose to pick out any type of novel for yourself, make sure to pick that one that suits your interests.

2. Properly Read the Book

Reading is an important part of writing a good report because it allows you to get into the depth of the story. Unfortunately, many students think they can get away with just the summary, notes, and details, but this isn’t the right way to do it if you want an A-grade.

3. List Down the Main Points

Every time you read a good book, make sure to write down the most important points and incidents in your notebook. This ensures that no matter where or when inspiration strikes next, all of these gems are just one page away.

4. Create a Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the main important part of your report. It should be a claim that you believe to be true. In addition, it can be supported with strong examples from the book, which will make your writing piece a strong one.

5. Create the Book Report Outline

It is important to have a good and strong outline for writing the best report. When creating the outline, make sure that you add all of your ideas and thoughts to it. It helps writers stay organized so they can focus on what needs to be done next.

How to Write a Book Report?

A well-written report will allow the reader to get an idea about what is going on in the story and make them want to keep reading. However, knowing the writing steps will make it easier for you to write a good one.

Here are some steps that you should follow after creating the outline.

1. Write the Introduction

The introduction is the most important part of your report because you introduce and present what will be discussed in more detail. Therefore, the intro paragraph should include an attention-grabbing hook statement as well as a thesis statement that summarizes everything.

2. Write the Body Paragraphs

The body of the report describes three main things:

  • Characters
  • Plot
  • Main purpose

You should also analyze the theme or motif of the book and discuss the character’s experience with another.

3. Write the Conclusion

The conclusion is the place where you mention three main things:

  • Wrap up the entire report.
  • Mention what you learned from the book
  • State whether or not you would recommend it
  • Express your point of view about the book

Also, this part should be brief, no more than one paragraph. However, make sure it says everything that needs to be said before ending with an appropriate sentenc

4. Proofreading

Once you finish writing it, start the proofreading step. First, remove all grammatical, punctuation, and vocabulary mistakes. Also, change the complex and difficult words or sentences. Finally, try to make it error-free and readable for the audience.

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The following are the professionally written examples for your ease.

Now, you get a complete and detailed guide about it. However, if you are still unsure and confused about writing a good report, consult FreeEssayWriter.net. In addition, we assigned an experienced essay writer that helps you in your writing phase.

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Nova A.

Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

Article navigation:
B2 First (FCE) Report: Structure
B2 First (FCE) Report: Writing Guide
B2 First (FCE) Report: Example Answers
B2 First (FCE) Report: Writing Topics
B2 First (FCE) Report: Writing Checklist
B2 First (FCE) Report: Tips
B2 First (FCE) Report: Grading
B2 First (FCE) Report: Useful Language & Phrases


Many people believe that reports are boring and dry, but reports give you a great opportunity to score really high marks easily!

If you are not a creative person
(and that’s okay) then a report is a great choice for you in part two of the B2 First writing exam.

What is a report?

A report is a formal piece of writing similar in tone to an essay. You always write reports in B2 First (FCE) to a superior, this could be a teacher a director or anyone who you should be respectful.

A report

  • analyses a present situation and often has recommendations
  • is divided into sections and contains factual information 
  • is written in a formal style
  • uses headings for each section

Check our Writing Guide in this article below to see how to write an FCE report.

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B2 First (FCE) Report: Structure

The purpose of this report is to….
Subheading + Paragraph 
Give the relevant facts
Subheading + Paragraph 
Give the relevant facts
Make your recommendations

B2 First (FCE) Report: Writing Guide

We will use the example FCE report topic below:

Last year a new sport and leisure centre opened in your home town. You have recently received the following letter from the manager of the centre:

I am writing to all members of the Active Leisure Club tgo thank you for your custom over the last year. We want to make the facilities even better this year! Please send a short report to us, telling us what you think are the best and worst aspects of the club. We also want to hear your suggestions for new facilities…

Write your report to the manager of the club (between 140-190 words).

Step 1: Find – key points, topic and target reader

You need to start writing your report by finding the key points/information, the subject and the person to whom you are writing

Last year a new sport and leisure centre opened in your home town. You have recently received the following letter from the manager of the centre:

I am writing to all members of the Active Leisure Club to thank you for your custom over the last year. We want to make the facilities even better this year! Please send a short report to us, telling us the best and worst aspects of the club. We also want to hear your suggestions for new facilities

Topic: Active Leisure Club wants to improve their facilities

Main key points:

  1. describe the best aspects of the club
  2. describe the worst aspects of the club
  3. suggest new facilities

Target reader: manager of the centre:

As soon as we’ve analyzed the task and extracted all the information that we need we can start building the report structure and writing it.

Step 2: Title

Although the title is not obligatory, it is certainly an attractive addition and could be something like:

  • Report on …….  + Topic
  • Topic + : a report

If you remember in the previous step (Step 1) we found the topic.

Topic: Active Leisure Club wants to improve their facilities

Let’s use it now:

 Title: Report on Active Leisure Club facilities
Title: Active Leisure Club facilities: a report

Step 3: Introduction

A good and equivalent introduction should contain two things:

Firstly, you have to state the purpose of the report as clearly as possible – this gives the reader a clear idea of what to expect and sets the tone for the rest of the report.

The purpose of the report is nothing more than three points you found (in step 1)

  1. describe the best aspects of the club
  2. describe the worst aspects of the club
  3. suggest new facilities

Let’s use them now:

The purpose of this report is to outline the best (point 1) and worst parts (point 2) of our club, as well as to recommend improvements to the facilities. (point 3)

Finally, you mention how you collected the data for your report this is not something that you have to do but it can help your report stand out a little bit.

The purpose of this report is to outline the best and worst parts of our club, as well as to recommend improvements to the facilities. The data for the report was collected based on the opinions of club members (source)

Complete and finished introduction with title:

Title: Report on Active Leisure Club facilities

The purpose of this report is to outline the best (point 1) and worst parts of (point 2) our club, as well as to recommend improvements to the facilities. (point 3) The data for the report was collected based on the opinions of club members. (source)

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Step 4: The body paragraphs (main content) 

When we have a ready title and introduction to our report, we can move on to writing the proper content.

In the main content, you should answer the main key points that you discovered in the task (see step 1) under suitable subheadings, and each is placed in a separate section/paragraph.

Main key points  (see step 1):

  1. describe the best aspects of the club
  2. describe the worst aspects of the club
  3. suggest new facilities

See the example main content below, with additional annotations you may find useful:

The best aspects of the club –  add a heading 
Most members seem to enjoy the swimming pool with its daily water exercise classes and the opportunity to swim in 50-metre lanes. It also appears that offering a child care programme is appreciated by the majority of our members since many of them have families, but still would like to use the facilities of the club.

[first key point answered -best aspects]

The worst aspects of the club – add heading 
According to most of the members I have spoken to, the café does not meet their expectations with below-average food and slow service. Another problem is the state of the gymnasium which, in general, is avoided by many because of broken equipment and a lack of staff during peak times.

[second key point answered – worse aspects]


[…… here you can add one more paragraph and give suggestions, OR include them in the conclusion]

                   – formal/indirect language – official

                   – transitional words, expressions and conjunctions, which link the sentences and make the text more fluid

 TIP: Headings are very important!

When you write a report every paragraph must have a title but don’t worry, these do not need to be creative titles. This is not an article!

Headings must be factual. They must only let the reader know what information will be contained in the paragraph.

So what is a very boring and factual title?

Introduction… , Positive aspects of… , Negative aspects of…, Improvements…, Recommendations…, Suggestions…

Step 5: Conclusion

After writing the entire content, we only have a summary where we can also include our suggestions or recommendations – to do this we can use some specific language that is there to persuade the manager of the centre to take up our idea and implement it.

Suggestions & conclusions add a heading 
In the final analysis, the best solutions seem to be to improve the quality of the menu and the service at the café as well as the maintenance schedule and number of staff at the gymnasium. If manager is decided to follow recommendations, the experience of members would improved
               – persuasive language (recommendations)

               – suggestions

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Report on Active Leisure Club facilities

The purpose of this report is to outline the best and worst parts of our club, as well as to recommend improvements to the facilities. The data for the report was collected based on the opinions of club members

The best aspects of the club
Most members seem to enjoy the swimming pool with it’s daily water exercise classes and the opportunity to swim in 50-metre lanes. It also appears that offering a child care programme is appreciated by the majority of our members since many of them have families, but still would like to use the facilities of the club.

The worst aspects of the club
According to most of the members I have spoken to, the café does not meet their expectations with below-average food and slow service. Another problem is the state of the gymnasium which, in general, is avoided by many because of broken equipment and a lack of staff during peak times.

Suggestions & conclusions
In the final analysis, the best solutions seem to be to improve the quality of the menu and the service at the café as well as the maintenance schedule and number of staff at the gymnasium. If manager is decided to follow recommendations, the experience of members would improved

To sum up….

 A report is a formal paper, it has to be concise, well-organized, which makes it recommended to use bullet points and headings so that the reader can quickly find the information they are looking for in your text.

The language of a report is expected to be formal and objective. For this reason, you should avoid including yourself or your views in most of your sentences.

B2 First (FCE) Report: Example Answers


Your college has just published the first issue of the new college magazine. The organisers are interested in knowing what students thought about it, so they have asked you to write a report. In your report, you should talk about what the students liked and disliked about the articles, the sports section and the news section. Then, you should make suggestions on how to improve the magazine.

Write a report.

Student’s FCE Report Answer:

The New College Magazine

The purpose of this report is to outline students’ opinions about the new college magazine, and to make recommendations based on their views.

The articles
Most students thought the articles were interesting and well written. However, they did not talk about modern topics, so some students found this part of the magazine a little boring.

The sports section
It is thought that the sports section is good, but most articles were about football or basketball. This is not a good thing because most of our sporty students play rugby, not football or basketball.

The news section
Many students complained about the news section, because it only focused on news about the college. These students were expecting to read some news about the city, too.

In order to solve the problems above, I recommend taking some measures. Firstly, article writers should focus more on technology and other modern issues. Secondly, we should consider writing more about rugby and less about other sports. Finally, we should include some news about our city. If we do these things, the magazine will be more interesting to our students.

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The gym you work for has been losing members recently and would like to know why they are leaving. The gym manager has asked you to write a report about why these customers are leaving. In your report you should specify what the problems are and should give recommendations for improvement.

Student’s FCE Report Answer:

Improving Our Gym


The aim of this report is to explain the main reasons why members are leaving the gym. After interviewing some clients, we have identified some serious problems.

Limited opening hours
Some members have complained that the gym opens a little late for them. For this reason, workers cannot exercise before going to work. If the gym opened at 7 a.m., clients could exercise easily before going to work.

The changing rooms
Many of the lockers are broken so customers cannot leave their belongings in a safe place. Also, some of the showers are not working properly so members have to queue before having a shower. In order to solve this, I suggest replacing all lockers and showers immediately.

Lack of parking spaces
Some previous members have joined gyms which have a parking lot. Although we cannot build a parking lot, we can offer a parking area for bicycles. As a result, this might encourage members to use their bikes to come to the gym.

To sum up, I believe that if we take care of these problems, members will be happier and will decide to stay with us.

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B2 First (FCE) Report: Writing Topics

A group of students from Britain would like to visit your home town as part of an exchange programme. Their leader has asked you to write a report describing what there is to see and do in the town, and to describe some of the other services and facilities that would be available to them.

Write your report.

You have just come back from a visit to a local museum organised by your school the principal has asked you to write a report about the museum and what you saw there, saying whether it is of interest for all age groups in the school.

Write a report for the Principal

You have just come back from a two-day study trip to a historic town. Your teacher has asked you to write a report about your visit, saying what you saw during the two days and whether you would recommend a similar visit for other students.

Write your report

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B2 First (FCE) Report: Writing Checklist

After writing your text, you can check it yourself using the writing checklist below.

How to do that? Simply check your text/email by answering the questions one by one:


  • Have I covered all the key information required by the task?
  • Have I written only information which is relevant to the task?
  • Have I developed the basic points in the task with my own ideas?

Communicative Achievement

  • Have I achieved the main purpose(s) of the text (for example, explaining, persuading, suggesting, apologising, comparing, etc.)?
  • Have I communicated a balance of straightforward and more complex ideas?
  • Have I used a suitable style and register (formal or informal) for the task?


  • Have I used paragraphs appropriately to organise my ideas?
  • Have I used other organisational features appropriately for the genre of the text (for example, titles, headings, openings, closings, etc.)?
  • Is the connection between my ideas clear and easy for the reader to follow? (For example, have I used appropriate linking words, pronouns, etc. to refer to different things within the text?)
  • Are the ideas balanced appropriately, with suitable attention and space given to each one?


  • Have I used a wide range of vocabulary?
  • Have I avoided repeating the same words and phrases?
  • Have I used a range of simple and more complex grammatical structures?
  • Have I correctly used any common phrases which are relevant to the specific task or topic?
  • Is my use of grammar accurate?
  • Is my spelling accurate?

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B2 First (FCE) Report: Tips

  • Begin by stating the purpose of your report.
  • You may use invented statistics to provide a succinct summary of your results.
  • Use headings. They will make it clear that your report is not an essay or review.
  • Use lists of numbered points or bullets where appropriate.
  • Divide your report into sections according to the input.
  •  Develop the ideas in the task input.
  • Include a sentence summarising your opinion at the beginning of the final section of your report.
  • Use an impersonal, formal style.

B2 First (FCE) Report: Grading


It might seem that it’s difficult to use advanced language in a Report. After all, the topics are usually so dry —what can you write to show your creativity?

This is why being specific so important. The more specific your ideas, the more specific the language you have to use, and therefore the more advanced your language will seem. Don’t stop with ‘computer’ – think of ‘interactive whiteboard’, ‘webcam’ and so on.


It’s not always easy to show links between paragraphs in a Report — especially since each paragraph addresses a single point.

However, you can make sure to link your ideas in each paragraph, so that the sentences build up to a complete, fully-formed idea.

Try to use different sentence patterns. For example, use an adverbial clause at the start of the sentence to introduce your idea— ‘It’s highly likely that…” for


Reports should be written in  formal register.

It’s a good idea to use the passive voice (eg ‘This report has been written ….”) but not in every sentence – you will send the Target Reader to sleep if you rely on it too much.

Introduce complex ideas as well as simple ones. Saying that there is a computer in every classroom is a simple one — but
saying that the webcam can be used to communicate with people online is an example of a more complex idea.


 It’s important that you consider all of the content points.

Everything you write must be relevant to the task. Don’t get distracted by something you think is more interesting.

Add as much specific details as you can — this will make the Target Reader feel fully informed.

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B2 First (FCE) Report: Useful Language & Phrases

We will finish it with some useful vocabulary mostly used to organize information. Although it is taking a shortcut, if you learn several expressions for each paragraph in each type of text that could be on your exam, you will certainly be able to create a very consistent and well-organized text.

Introduction (the goal of the report)

The aim of this report is to
As requested, I am writing this report to
This report aims to outline/assess
The purpose behind this report is to


The first observation to make concerns…
It has to been stressed that…
According to (the majority of respondents)…
In spite of (the fact that)…
Despite (the fact that)…
The outlook for …… is (far from) bright/optimistic/depressing/daunting
The future looks bleak/remains uncertain/is promising
This seems unlikely in the near/foreseeable future


I suggest/recommend
I would like to suggest/recommend
I therefore suggest
I advise you (not) to
I believe it would be beneficial
It would be advisable to
You may wish/want to consider
If you wish to…, you should
If we wish to…, we ought to


Provided that these recommendations are taken into consideration,…
In conclusion,…
From the research one can conclude that…


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