Clothing exercises. Упражнения по теме ОДЕЖДА
Упражнения по теме clothes помогут вам закрепить лексические единицы по теме одежда. Перед выполнением упражнений рекомендую ознакомиться со списком одежды, обуви и головных уборов по-английски.
Упражнение 1. Read and colour.
Bob’s sweater is green.
Molly’s sweater is pink.
Molly’s jacket is yellow.
Bob’s jacket is grey.
Bob’s scarf is green and blue.
Molly’s scarf is blue and white.
Bob’s boots are grey and blue.
Molly’s boots are black and white.
Molly’s trousers are red.
Bob’s trousers are brown.
Упражнение 2. Write a pair of or a with the following words:
Jeans, dress, tights, trousers, skirt, blouse, gloves, coat, trainers, sweater, scarf, socks
Упражнение 3. Put the sentences in the correct order.
- Yes, please. I’d like a blouse.
- Can I help you?
- It’s £20.
- What colour?
- Here you are.
- How much is it?
Упражнение 4. Cross the odd one out.
- Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots
- Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts
- Jeans, trousers, shorts,sweaters
- Jacket, vest, cardigan, pants
- Wellingtons, hiking boots, briefs, shoes
- Visor, cap, flip flops, hat
Упражнение 5 . Circle the correct sentence.
- A) These trousers are short. B) This trousers are short.
- A) How much is the jeans? B) How much are the jeans?
- A) He’s wearing a blue hat. B) He’s wearing blue hat.
- A) I’d like a socks. B) I’d like a pair of socks.
- A) Take this shoes, B) Take these shoes.
Упражнение 6 . Correct the sentences.
- He’s got big nose.
- She’s wearing a red skirt?
- He’s wearing a sweater red.
- I like this boots.
- It’s the most cheapest dress
- Jim wear black trousers.
Упражнение 7. Read and answer the questions.
Hi! My name’s Ellie. I‘m from Britain .It isn’t cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and trainers.
Hi! My name’s Kathy. I’m from Australia. Right now it’s hot and sunny in Australia. I wear shorts and a T-shirt.
Hello! My name’s Sasha. I’m from Belarus. It’s very cold in winter. It snows! I wear a coat, a scarf and a hat.
Hello! My name’s Tim. I’m from Texas, USA. It’s warm in winter. I wear jeans and a sweater.
1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter?
a) Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim
2. Who wears a jacket in winter?
a) Kathy b) Ellie c) Tim
3. What’s the weather like in Australia now?
a) hot b) very cold c) not cold
4. What’s the weather like in Belarus in winter?
a) warm b) very cold c) not cold
5. What does Tim wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf
6. What does Sasha wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat
Упражнение 8. Read the words in the word snake. Write your own snake.
Упражнение 9. Complete the sentences.
- It’s winter. It’s cold and windy, that’s why I’m going to put on ___________.
- It’s autumn. It’s rainy and cloudy. That’s why Kate __________________.
- It’s summer. It’s warm and sunny. _____________________________ .
Упражнение 10. Answer the questions.
What clothes would you wear:
- at a party?
- on the beach?
- in the evening at home?
- at school?
- on a cold day in winter?
Упражнение 11. What clothes and boots do adjectives in the box describe?
Short, cheap, messy, everyday, old-fashioned, striped, tidy, expensive, beautiful, dark, checked, pink, black and white, formal, fantastic, boring, long, bright, summer, smart, baggy, tight
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1 Комментарий для «Clothing exercises. Упражнения по теме ОДЕЖДА»
спасибо, задания очень интересные, разнообразные и продуманы хорошо.Дети, выполнив упражнения, будут знать лекику
Лексические упражнения по теме «Shopping for clothes»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)
Упражнения на отработку лексики по теме одежда.
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Предварительный просмотр:
“Shopping for clothes”
Umbrella sweater coat mittens hat T-shirt suit boots scarf trainers socks jeans trousers shoes cap skirt jacket shorts shirt dress
2. Составьте слова из букв, соотнесите с переводом, занесите ответы в таблицу
1.Trish — T-shirt a) шляпа
2. rdses — b) жакет
3.cosks — с) футболка
6. jasen — f)платье
8. frasc — h)носки
10.treseaw – j )джинсы
12.rinaotac l) шорты
13. oobts m)рубашка
14. krsti n)кроссовки
20. brllumea t) варежки
3. Вычеркни лишнее слово 4. Обведи слова по теме Одежда
Trainers, mittens, shoes, boots Jacketrousersweateraincoatshirtrainers
Scarf, mittens, socks, T-shirt
Jeans, trousers, shorts, sweaters
5 . Прочитай и раскрась
- Bob’s sweater is green.
- Molly’s sweater is pink.
- Molly’s jacket is yellow.
- Bob’s jacket is grey.
- Bob’s scarf is green and blue.
- Molly’s scarf is blue and white.
- Bob’s boots are grey and blue.
- Molly’s boots are black and white.
- Molly’s trousers are red.
10. Bob’s trousers are brown.
6. Дополни предложения
1.When it is hot and sunny I put on my …………………………………..
2.When it is frosty and snowy I put on my ……………………………….
3.When it is windy and rainy I put on my …………………………………
4.When it is warm and fine I put on my ………………………………….
7. Расставь предложения в правильном порядке, чтобы получился диалог между продавцом и покупателем.
- Yes, please. I’d like a blouse.
- Can I help you?
- It’s £20.
- What colour?
- Here you are.
- I’m Small.
- How much is it?
- White, please.
- What size are you?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт (далее ФГОС) знаменует переход от освоения обязательного минимума содержания образования к достижению индивидуального максимума результатов. .
В материале содержатся упражнения на знание лексики по предложенным темам.
Открытый урок по теме «Лексические нормы. Лексические ошибки и их исправление. Ошибки в употреблении фразеологических единиц и их исправление» входит в состав темы 1.2. Лексика. Фразеология ООД Русски.
Данное упражнение позволяет учащимся в игровой форме закрепить лексику по темам: «Животные», «Еда», «Одежда», «Семья», «Цвета», «Времена года».Виртуальное упражнение «Animals, Food, Clothes, Colours, .
Лексические задания по теме Одежда
Ищем педагогов в команду «Инфоурок»
Занимательные лексические задания
1) 3 things you wear on feet,
2) 3 things keep you warm,
3) 3 things that only women wear,
4) things that men and women can both wear,
5) 3 things you wear on your head.
№ 2. Замени заглавную букву, чтобы получилось новое слово:
№ 3. Составь слово по буквам:
— последняя буква слова «платье»
— вторая буква слова «20»
— четвертая буква слова «берет»
— вторая буква слова «шляпа»
— пятая буква слова «юбка»
— вторая буква слова «джинсы»
— четвертая буква слова «рубашка»
№ 4. Составь слово по буквам:
— последняя буква слова «шляпа»
— вторая буква слова «брюки»
— вторая буква слова «куртка»
— вторая буква слова «юбка»
— первая буква слова «нос»
— третья буква слова «платье»
— четвертая буква слова « рубашка»
— первая буква слова «туфли»
№ 5. Построй лесенку из слов по теме «Одежда»
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
№ 6. Разгадай кроссворд и получится слово по вертикали:
№ 7. Разгадай кроссворд и получится слово по вертикали:
№ 8. Найди рифмующиеся слова из двух столбиков:
1) shoes, boots, trainers
2) gloves, a jacket, a coat
3) a dress, a blouse, a skirt
4) socks, trainers, jeans, a T-shirt, shorts, trousers, a cap, a hat, a beret.
5) a cap, a hat, a beret.
Milk – Silk caT — caP
Cake – Take Bat – Hat
Look – Book Goat — Coat
Box- Fox Press — Dress
Boy – Toy shOrt – shIrt
Dress, twenty, beret, hat, skirt, jeans, shirt = SWEATER
Hat, trousers, jacket, skirt, nose, dress, shirt, shoes = TRAINERS
T r o u s e r s
1 – skirt, 2 – shorts, 3 –shoes, 4 – blouse, 5 – sweater, 6 – jeans. 7 – shirt, 8 – boots
1 –blouse, 2- gloves, 3 – dress, 4 – T-shirt, 5 – socks, 6 – shorts, 7- cap, 8 – hat
Night – right there — wear
Near – ear let — pet
Skirt – shirt my — eye
Big –pig wrong — long
Farm – arm thought — taught
Blouse — trousers bought – short
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Упражнения по теме clothes помогут вам закрепить лексические единицы по теме одежда. Перед выполнением упражнений рекомендую ознакомиться со списком одежды, обуви и головных уборов по-английски.
Упражнение 1. Read and colour.
Bob’s sweater is green.
Molly’s sweater is pink.
Molly’s jacket is yellow.
Bob’s jacket is grey.
Bob’s scarf is green and blue.
Molly’s scarf is blue and white.
Bob’s boots are grey and blue.
Molly’s boots are black and white.
Molly’s trousers are red.
Bob’s trousers are brown.
Упражнение 2. Write a pair of or a with the following words:
Jeans, dress, tights, trousers, skirt, blouse, gloves, coat, trainers, sweater, scarf, socks
A pair of |
a |
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ |
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ |
Упражнение 3. Put the sentences in the correct order.
- Yes, please. I’d like a blouse.
- Can I help you?
- It’s £20.
- What colour?
- Here you are.
- How much is it?
Упражнение 4. Cross the odd one out.
- Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots
- Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts
- Jeans, trousers, shorts,sweaters
- Jacket, vest, cardigan, pants
- Wellingtons, hiking boots, briefs, shoes
- Visor, cap, flip flops, hat
Упражнение 5. Circle the correct sentence.
- A) These trousers are short. B) This trousers are short.
- A) How much is the jeans? B) How much are the jeans?
- A) He’s wearing a blue hat. B) He’s wearing blue hat.
- A) I’d like a socks. B) I’d like a pair of socks.
- A) Take this shoes, B) Take these shoes.
Упражнение 6. Correct the sentences.
- He’s got big nose.
- She’s wearing a red skirt?
- He’s wearing a sweater red.
- I like this boots.
- It’s the most cheapest dress
- Jim wear black trousers.
Упражнение 7. Read and answer the questions.
Hi! My name’s Ellie. I‘m from Britain .It isn’t cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and trainers.
Hi! My name’s Kathy. I’m from Australia. Right now it’s hot and sunny in Australia. I wear shorts and a T-shirt.
Hello! My name’s Sasha. I’m from Belarus. It’s very cold in winter. It snows! I wear a coat, a scarf and a hat.
Hello! My name’s Tim. I’m from Texas, USA. It’s warm in winter. I wear jeans and a sweater.
1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter?
a) Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim
2. Who wears a jacket in winter?
a) Kathy b) Ellie c) Tim
3. What’s the weather like in Australia now?
a) hot b) very cold c) not cold
4. What’s the weather like in Belarus in winter?
a) warm b) very cold c) not cold
5. What does Tim wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf
6. What does Sasha wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat
Упражнение 8. Read the words in the word snake. Write your own snake.
Упражнение 9. Complete the sentences.
- It’s winter. It’s cold and windy, that’s why I’m going to put on ___________.
- It’s autumn. It’s rainy and cloudy. That’s why Kate __________________.
- It’s summer. It’s warm and sunny. _____________________________ .
Упражнение 10. Answer the questions.
What clothes would you wear:
- at a party?
- on the beach?
- in the evening at home?
- at school?
- on a cold day in winter?
Упражнение 11. What clothes and boots do adjectives in the box describe?
Short, cheap, messy, everyday, old-fashioned, striped, tidy, expensive, beautiful, dark, checked, pink, black and white, formal, fantastic, boring, long, bright, summer, smart, baggy, tight
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1. Write a pair of or a with the following words:
Jeans, dress, tights, trousers, skirt, blouse, gloves, coat, trainers, sweater, scarf, socks
2. Cross the odd one out.
- Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots
- Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts
- Jeans, trousers, shorts,sweaters
- Jacket, vest, cardigan, pants
- Wellingtons, hiking boots, briefs, shoes
- Visor, cap, flip flops, hat
3. Read the words in the word snake. Write your own snake.
4. Complete the sentences.
It’s winter. It’s cold and windy, that’s why I’m going to put on ___________.
It’s autumn. It’s rainy and cloudy. That’s why Kate __________________.
It’s summer. It’s warm and sunny. _____________________________ .
Упражнение 10. Answer the questions.
5. What clothes would you wear:
- at a party?
- on the beach?
- in the evening at home?
- at school?
- on a cold day in winter?
6. Make the words from the letters:
Trish — sloube —
Cosks — ite —
Jetack — jasen —
Pac — frasc —
Aht — treseaw —
Упражнение 1. Do you remember these words? Add more words on this theme.
Упражнение 2. Read and colour.
Bob’s sweater is green.
Molly’s sweater is pink.
Molly’s jacket is yellow.
Bob’s jacket is grey.
Bob’s scarf is green and blue.
Molly’s scarf is blue and white.
Bob’s boots are grey and blue.
Molly’s boots are black and white.
Molly’s trousers are red.
Bob’s trousers are brown.
Упражнение 3. Write a pair of or a with the following words:
Jeans, dress, tights, trousers, skirt, blouse, gloves, coat, trainers, sweater, scarf, socks
A pair of |
a |
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ |
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ |
Упражнение 4. Cross the odd one out.
Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots
Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts
Jeans, trousers, shorts,sweaters
Упражнение 5. Circle the correct sentence.
A) These trousers are short. B) This trousers are short.
A) How much is the jeans? B) How much are the jeans?
A) He’s wearing a blue hat. B) He’s wearing blue hat.
A) I’d like a socks. B) I’d like a pair of socks.
A) Take this shoes, B) Take these shoes.
Упражнение 6. Correct the sentences.
He’s got big nose.
She’s wearing a red skirt?
He’s wearing a sweater red.
I like this boots.
It’s the most cheapest dress
Jim wear black trousers.
Упражнение 7. Read the words in the word snake. Write your own snake.
Упражнение 8. Read and answer the questions.
Hi! My name’s Ellie. I‘m from Britain .It isn’t cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and trainers.
Hi! My name’s Kathy. I’m from Australia. Right now it’s hot and sunny in Australia. I wear shorts and a T-shirt.
Hello! My name’s Sasha. I’m from Belarus. It’s very cold in winter. It snows! I wear a coat, a scarf and a hat.
Hello! My name’s Tim. I’m from Texas, USA. It’s warm in winter. I wear jeans and a sweater.
1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter?
a) Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim
2. Who wears a jacket in winter?
a) Kathy b) Ellie c) Tim
3. What’s the weather like in Australia now?
a) hot b) very cold c) not cold
4. What’s the weather like in Belarus in winter?
a) warm b) very cold c) not cold
5. What does Tim wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf
6. What does Sasha wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat
Упражнение 9. Complete the sentences.
It’s winter. It’s cold and windy, that’s why I’m going to put on ______________________________________________________________________________.
It’s autumn. It’s rainy and cloudy. That’s why Kate ______________________________________________________________________________.
It’s summer. It’s warm and sunny. ______________________________________________________________________________ .
Упражнение 10. Answer the questions.
What clothes would you wear:
at a party?
on the beach?
in the evening at home?
at school?
on a cold day in winter?
Упражнение 11. Say what the girl is wearing.
Упражнение 12. Say what the man is wearing.
Лексический тест для 3 класса тема «Одежда»
Read and
sweater is green.
sweater is pink.
coat is yellow.
coat is grey.
scarf is blue.
scarf is white.
boots are grey and blue.
boots are black and white.
trousers are red.
trousers are brown.
Write a pair of or a with the following words:
boots, trousers, uniform, blouse, jeans, coat, shorts, sweater, skirt, hat
3. Fill in the missing letter(s)
Sw..ter, dr..s, c..t,
sh..s, sh.rts,
4. Match the words
5. Cross
the odd one out.
- A hat, a uniform,
a dress, a coat - Jeans,
trousers, shorts, sweaters - A sweater, a
skirt, a blouse, a T-shirt
What clothes do you usually
какую одежду ты надеваешь, когда идеim…
На пикник?
Смотрите образец:
When we have a picnic, I wear shorts and a T- shirt!
На день рождения?
Смотрите образец:
On my birthday I wear a beautiful dress and shoes!
На улицу?
Смотрите образец:
When I go for a walk, I put on jeans and a T- shirt!
В школу?
Смотрите образец:
When I go to school, I put on my uniform!
7. Вставьте в предложение глагол в нужной форме: is
Betty has got a lot of
clothes. Betty’s clothes __ beautiful. Her trousers __ pretty. Her jeans __ new. Betty’s blouse __ blue and nice.
8. Unscramble words and connect
with a picture
a o t c
t r k i s s s d r e t
b o s o
the brackets:
Tomorrow I (to put on) _______________ my
new coat.
Yesterday Nancy (to wear) _______________
Now she (to wear) _______________ a skirt.
Bob (not to like) _______________ to wear
Tomorrow he (not to put on)
_______________ his sweater.
Read and answer the questions.
My name’s Ellie. I‘m from Britain .It isn’t cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket
and trainers.
My name’s Kathy. I’m from Australia. Right now it’s hot and sunny in Australia.
I wear shorts and a T-shirt.
My name’s Sasha. I’m from Belarus. It’s very cold in winter. It snows! I wear a
coat, a scarf and a hat.
My name’s Tim. I’m from Texas, USA. It’s warm in winter. I wear jeans and a
Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter?
Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim
Who wears a jacket in winter?
Kathy b) Ellie c) Tim
What’s the weather like in Australia now?
hot b) very cold c) not cold
What’s the weather like in Belarus in winter?
warm b) very cold c) not cold
What does Tim wear in winter?
shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf
What does Sasha wear in winter?
shorts b) a jacket c) a coat
Вправи по темі clothes допоможуть вам закріпити лексичні одиниці по темі одяг. Перед виконанням вправ рекомендую ознайомитися зі списком одягу, взуття і головних уборів по-англійськи.
Вправа 1. Read and colour.
Bob’s sweater is green.
Molly’s sweater is pink.
Molly’s jacket is yellow.
Bob’s jacket is grey.
Bob’s scarf is green and blue.
Molly’s scarf is blue and white.
Bob’s boots are grey and blue.
Molly’s boots are black and white.
Molly’s trousers are red.
Bob’s trousers are brown.
Вправа 2. Write a pair of or a with the following words:
Jeans, dress, tights, trousers, skirt, blouse, gloves, coat, trainers, sweater, scarf, socks
A pair of
Вправа 3. Put the sentences in the correct order.
- Yes, please. I’d like a blouse.
- Can I help you?
- It’s ?20.
- What colour?
- Here you are.
- How much is it?
Вправа 4. Cross the odd one out.
Вправа 5. Circle the correct sentence.
Вправа 6. Correct the sentences.
Вправа 7. Read and answer the questions.
Hi! My name’s Ellie. I’m from Britain .It isn’t cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and trainers.
Hi! My name’s Kathy. I’m from Australia. Right now it’s hot and sunny in Australia. I wear shorts and a T-shirt.
Hello! My name’s Sasha. I’m from Belarus. It’s very cold in winter. It сніги! I wear a coat, a scarf and a hat.
Hello! My name’s Tim. I’m from Texas, USA. It’s in warm winter. I wear jeans and a sweater.
1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter?
a) Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim
2. Who wears a jacket in winter?
a) Kathy b) Ellie c) Tim
3. What’s the weather like in Australia now?
a) hot b) very cold c) not cold
4. What’s the weather like in Belarus in winter?
a) warm b) very cold c) not cold
5. What does Tim wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf
6. What does Sasha wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat
Вправа 8. Read the words in the word snake. Write your own snake.
Вправа 9. Complete the sentences.
Вправа 10. Answer the questions.
What clothes would you wear:
- at a party?
- on the beach?
- in the evening at home?
- at school?
- on a cold day in winter?
Вправа 11. What clothes and boots do adjectives in the box describe?
Short, cheap, messy, everyday, old-fashioned, striped, tidy, expensive, beautiful, dark, checked, pink, black and white, formal, fantastic, boring, long, bright, summer, smart, baggy, tight
Сподобалося? Збережіть на майбутнє і поділіться з друзями!
Упражнение 1. Read and colour.
Bob’s sweater
is green.
sweater is pink.
Molly’s jacket
is yellow.
Bob’s jacket
is grey.
Bob’s scarf is
green and blue.
Molly’s scarf
is blue and white.
Bob’s boots
are grey and blue.
Molly’s boots
are black and white.
trousers are red.
Bob’s trousers
are brown.
Упражнение 2. Write
a pair of or a with the following words:
Jeans, dress, tights, trousers, skirt, blouse, gloves, coat,
trainers, sweater, scarf, socks
A pair of |
a |
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ |
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ |
Упражнение 3. Put
the sentences in the correct order.
- Yes,
please. I’d like a blouse. - Can I help you?
- It’s £20.
- What colour?
- Here you are.
- How much is it?
Упражнение 4. Cross
the odd one out.
Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots
Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts
Jeans, trousers, shorts,sweaters
Jacket, vest, cardigan, pants
Wellingtons, hiking boots, briefs, shoes
Visor, cap, flip flops, hat
Упражнение 5.
Circle the correct sentence.
A) These trousers are short. B) This trousers are short.
A) How much is the jeans? B) How much are the jeans?
A) He’s wearing a blue hat. B) He’s wearing blue hat.
A) I’d like a socks. B) I’d like a pair of socks.
A) Take this shoes, B) Take these shoes.
Упражнение 6. Correct the sentences.
He’s got big nose.
She’s wearing a red skirt?
He’s wearing a sweater red.
I like this boots.
It’s the most cheapest dress
Jim wear black trousers.
Упражнение 7. Read
and answer the questions.
Hi! My name’s Ellie. I‘m from Britain .It isn’t cold. I wear a
sweatshirt, a jacket and trainers.
Hi! My name’s Kathy. I’m from Australia. Right now it’s hot and
sunny in Australia. I wear shorts and a T-shirt.
Hello! My name’s Sasha. I’m from Belarus. It’s very cold in
winter. It snows! I wear a coat, a scarf and a hat.
Hello! My name’s Tim. I’m from Texas, USA. It’s warm in winter. I
wear jeans and a sweater.
1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter?
a) Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim
2. Who wears a jacket in winter?
a) Kathy b) Ellie c) Tim
3. What’s the weather like in Australia now?
a) hot b) very cold c) not cold
4. What’s the weather like in Belarus in winter?
a) warm b) very cold c) not cold
5. What does Tim wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf
6. What does Sasha wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat
Упражнение 8. Read
the words in the word snake. Write your own snake.
Упражнение 9. Complete the
It’s winter. It’s cold and windy, that’s why I’m going to put on
It’s autumn. It’s rainy and cloudy. That’s why Kate
It’s summer. It’s warm and sunny. _____________________________ .
Упражнение 10. Answer the questions.
What clothes would you wear:
- at a party?
- on the beach?
- in the
evening at home? - at school?
- on a cold
day in winter?
Упражнение 11. What
clothes and boots do adjectives in the box describe?
Short, cheap, messy, everyday, old-fashioned, striped, tidy,
expensive, beautiful, dark, checked, pink, black and white, formal, fantastic,
boring, long, bright, summer, smart, baggy, tight
№ 2. What is the temperature? (отметь на
шкале, какая температура)
Проверочная работа.
№ 1. Complete the table.
№ 2. What is the temperature? (отметь на
шкале, какая температура)
It’s thirteen degrees below zero.
It’s eighteen degrees above zero.
It’s eleven degrees above zero.
It’s sixteen degrees below zero.
It’s one degree below zero.
Упражнение 1. Read and colour.
Bob’s sweater is green.
Molly’s sweater is pink.
Molly’s jacket is yellow.
Bob’s jacket is grey.
Bob’s scarf is green and blue.
Molly’s scarf is blue and white.
Bob’s boots are grey and blue.
Molly’s boots are black and white.
Molly’s trousers are red.
Bob’s trousers are brown.
Упражнение 2. Write a pair of or a with
the following words:
Jeans, dress, tights, trousers, skirt,
blouse, gloves, coat, trainers, sweater, scarf, socks
Упражнение 3. Put the sentences in the
correct order.
Yes, please. I’d like a blouse.
Can I help you?
It’s £20.
What colour?
Here you are.
How much is it?
Упражнение 4. Cross the odd one out.
Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots
Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts
Jeans, trousers, shorts,sweaters
Jacket, vest, cardigan, pants
Wellingtons, hiking boots, briefs,
shoes -
Visor, cap, flip flops, hat
Упражнение 5. Circle the correct
A) These trousers are short. B) This
trousers are short. -
A) How much is the jeans? B) How
much are the jeans? -
A) He’s wearing a blue hat. B) He’s
wearing blue hat. -
A) I’d like a socks. B) I’d like a
pair of socks. -
A) Take this shoes, B) Take these
</ Упражнение 6. Correct the
He’s got big nose.
She’s wearing a red skirt?
He’s wearing a sweater red.
I like this boots.
It’s the most cheapest dress
Jim wear black trousers.
Упражнение 7. Read and answer the
Hi! My name’s Ellie. I’m from Britain
.It isn’t cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and trainers.
Hi! My name’s Kathy. I’m from Australia.
Right now it’s hot and sunny in Australia. I wear shorts
and a T-shirt.
Hello! My name’s Sasha. I’m from
Belarus. It’s very cold in winter. It snows! I wear a coat,
a scarf and a hat.
Hello! My name’s Tim. I’m from Texas,
USA. It’s warm in winter. I wear jeans and a sweater.
1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in
a) Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim
2. Who wears a jacket in winter?
a) Kathy b) Ellie c) Tim
3. What’s the weather like in Australia
a) hot b) very cold c) not cold
4. What’s the weather like in Belarus in
a) warm b) very cold c) not cold
5. What does Tim wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf
6. What does Sasha wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat
Упражнение 8. Read the words in the word
snake. Write your own snake.
Упражнение 9. Complete the sentences.
It’s winter. It’s cold and windy,
that’s why I’m going to put on ___________. -
It’s autumn. It’s rainy and cloudy.
That’s why Kate __________________. -
It’s summer. It’s warm and sunny.
_____________________________ .
Упражнение 10. Answer the questions.
What clothes would you wear:
at a party?
on the beach?
in the evening at home?
at school?
on a cold day in winter?
Упражнение 11. What clothes and boots
do adjectives in the box describe?
Short, cheap, messy, everyday,
old-fashioned, striped, tidy, expensive, beautiful, dark,
checked, pink, black and white, formal, fantastic, boring,
long, bright, summer, smart, baggy, tight