Write a 300 word essay

Writing a 300 word essay might seem like an impossible task as there is only a limited amount of time to put across all the information that needs to be put across.

Being able to make a 300 word essay is something that most students have to learn at some point in their academic careers. There are many different tips and tricks on how to write a good essay in under 300 words but there is nothing better than choosing the right medium for your assignment. The term ‘medium’ refers to the type of task set: whether it be written, oral or artistic; by choosing the appropriate method you will get familiarity with writing an essay within such limits which will help you greatly when dealing with completed assignments. While this might not seem like much, remember that if you write more than what is required then chances are your teacher will deduct marks from your final piece as this would mean that he/she has to read more than is necessary. The best way to ensure a good score on your paper is by taking the time to read through what you have written and making sure that it flows smoothly and there are no unnecessary sentences or ideas added.

There are several techniques and tips which can help you write a good 300 word essay in no time at all. Here they are:

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  • ‘The essence’ method

First off, let us look at ‘the essence’ method used by very many professional writers around the world. This tip involves writing down everything that comes to mind with regards to your topic. Do not worry about grammar or spelling; just type everything out in one go. Then you will have a general overview of what you need to include in your essay. If it helps, number each point so that it is easier for you to refer back to the individual points you have made.

  • ‘The three points’ method

Another very useful tip is ‘the three points’ which involves making a list of all the main topics that need to be included in your essay. Once this is done, each category should be expanded on and broken down into at least 3 sub-categories or whatever works best for it. Then you can choose at least 3 from the list of sub-topics that will support your topic well. You should start writing only after deciding what your conclusion will be about so make sure you have already written this. This way there will be no time wasted as everything has been planned out beforehand; plus, some ideas might pop up while writing and these can be added to your essay.

  • ‘The 3 + 1’ method

Yet another tip that is guaranteed to help you with writing a 300 word essay involves ‘the 3 + 1’ technique which includes 4 steps: choosing the topic, introducing it, expanding on it and finishing off the essay. The last step should be taken care of first in order for the rest of your ideas to flow naturally from there. Remember that 300 words are not much so try leaving some space between each paragraph for easier reading and better understanding of what you have written. You might also choose to end each paragraph with an assertion or a question, either of which will make readers want to continue reading through your arguments and avoid losing interest halfway through. When using this technique, make sure that you have also included the introduction and conclusions as these are very important parts of your essay.

  • ‘The divide’ method

Lastly but certainly not least, we have ‘the divide’ technique which involves writing your opening paragraph first before proceeding with anything else. Most writers find this approach easier because it provides them with a guideline for what is to come next in their essay. Remember to keep things simple when writing a 300 word essay so do not try including too many points or you will get confused easily while trying to avoid repetition. You should also leave some time between finishing one paragraph and starting another so that you can re-read what you have already written and adjust anything that does not look right. Go over it again once you have written down the first paragraph as this will make you see any mistakes you might have made.

  • ‘The simple’ method

Now that we have looked at some more detailed techniques, let us take a look at ‘the simple’ tip which is suitable for very short essays like those in which the writer has to include only 300 words. The main idea behind this tip involves using few words and making sure that each of them is used effectively; it involves choosing the right words and aiming for precision. This technique can be applied in two ways: either by writing 300 words about one topic or by describing something with 12 distinct points (i.e., 3 groups of 4 sentences which describe, explain, compare or contrast). As long as these points do not overlap, you will easily be able to create a 300 word essay for college.

Learn how to write a short essay.

300 word essay length

To understand the length of a 300 words paper, review the article on how long should an essay be.

How many paragraphs is a 300 words essay?

The length of a 300 word essay depends on how long you want the essay to be. For example, if you are writing a business report that has a word limit of 300 words, then your essay should not exceed one page in length. However, if your essay is 300 words long and it is intended for children, then it should be about two to three paragraphs.

How long is a 300 word essay double spaced?

When double spaced the length of a 300 words essay will be about one and half pages. A standard double spaced page for academic essay is 250 to 275 words.

What does a 300 word essay look like?

A 300 word essay is a page of text where a clear argument or topic is outlined and explored with examples, evidence, and details. A 300 word essay can be formal or informal, depending on how it is written.

A 300 word essay is one page of 12 point size text. A double spaced essay takes up 1 and 1/2 sheets of paper in the printer tray or file folder. If you click on the link below, it will take you to an online tool that converts text from one type size to another. You can see what your typed text will look like when printed out as a 12 point document, and how many pages it would take up as well. If multiple type sizes are available, you can pick and choose those that appeal to you most before printing.

300 word paragraph structure

Writing a 300 word essay can be challenging.

A paragraph is the best way to organize your thoughts for writing an essay, so here are some tips on how to write paragraphs in a 300-word essay.

First, you should lay out three points that will make up your argument and set up the discussion you will have about them in subsequent paragraphs. You should also indicate what each point means and why it matters for the discussion. This may seem obvious, but many people forget these steps when they’re writing an introduction paragraph or when they try to introduce one of their points later on in the paper. You must always remember that this is not just a list of facts; rather, you are trying to argue something through your evidence.

To finish off your introduction, you should summarize what will be discussed in the paper and how your evidence will support these points. Your conclusion paragraph is an important part of the essay as well, so make sure to not just restate your points or put forth a weak argument. You want to remind readers of why they should care about 3(a), then connect that thought back to the original point (2) and link to it with a statement like “we see this idea exemplified in x” or something like that. Finally, you want to conclude by outlining what you hope people take away from reading this essay.

300 word essay outline example

Here is a simple 300 word essay outline to be used for both high school and college level students.

1. Introduce the topic

2. Provide a brief overview of what the essay will cover

3. Outline 3 points that will be addressed in more detail later on in the essay

4. Conclude with a summary of what has been discussed and provide some final thoughts or takeaways for readers to consider

How to make a 300 words essay look longer?

You can make your 300 words essays appear longer by:

  • Giving more examples (don’t forget quotes);
  • Adding visuals such as graphs and illustrations;
  • Make the text bigger.
  • Learn how to make an essay longer

Sample of 300 words Essay on “Save Water”:

It’s been said that the problem related to water is our biggest today. The consumption from municipal water sources has increased significantly since it was first measured in 1960s. Irrigated land also accounts for 11% of global agricultural land area and utilizes about 70% of total freshwater withdrawals worldwide, but no other irrigated crop produces as much food per unit of water.

The average American family uses about 300 gallons of water every day for personal, domestic activities such as washing machines, toilets, showers and watering the garden. However, there is no standard amount of water people in your country use daily for these purposes since it depends on the scale of civilization’s development and lifestyle that they follow.

There are some simple ways to prevent wasting too much water. For example, if you have 2 or more shower heads in your bathroom then get down to the job and find a way to reduce their flow rate so that you can save a lot of time and money while still having fun with them during bathing. You should also try not overusing the toilet flush every time after using it but only when you need to.

What is the best topic for a 300 words essay?

During your studies at high school or university you might sometimes be given short essays as an assignment in one of your courses. For such papers it’s important that you use very specific and familiar information so that class members will be able to understand what are the arguments based on the material they learned previously in class (in this case it can be something similar to exam review). The rule here is simple: find specific information related to current study course and think how to use that information in new way.

300 word essay example

Here is a series of 300 word essay example that you can follow to write your 300 word paragraph essay for high school or college. If you need help writing a 300 word essay example paper, you can hire someone to write an essay for you cheap.

A 300 words essay about friendship – Example

Many people do not believe in the idea of “Friendship” and instead feel that it just a word that children use. However, this is not true and many people could not live without their friends. Friends are important to people because they provide you with emotional stability that others cannot provide. Friends are there when everything goes badly and helps you get through the tough times. They can cheer you up when your down or calm you down when you are angry or panicked. All this is done without any kind of pressure or obligation which is what makes friendships so amazing.

A good friend always has your back no matter what situation arises, they are there for advice, comfort and company to help deal with the difficulties in life, and life’s inevitable ups and downs.

There are people in everyone’s life who change your outlook on life or give you the strength to move forward when difficult situations arise, they may be friends or family members, but what really matters is that you have these connections with others. All friendships do not last forever though, some end because people grow apart or due to problems within the friendship itself, but when this happens it may sadden us at first but eventually we realize that we had a good run and it was for the best. When you have a true friend there will always be something to laugh about or smile about no matter what situation arises because a good friend can turn every situation into an opportunity to make someone happy even if they themselves are not feeling well inside.

The point is to keep your friends close and always be there for them whenever they need you. True friendships are hard to find, but when you do find one, it is something that can never be replaced or forgotten. Having a friend in life may not make everything perfect all the time, but it will definitely help make the best of any situation.

Note: This sample essay provides 300 words on topic “300 word essay example”: friendship – learn how to write an academic essay.

A 300-word essay about breakfast – example

It’s common knowledge that most people love breakfast. Unfortunately, we have a lot of different types of breakfasts available , which makes choosing difficult task for many people no matter where they live in this world. For example, some people prefer eating hot and sausages for breakfast every morning while others like to try something new and exciting. . We can say that the variety of available breakfasts is truly amazing and it’s nearly impossible to find two same breakfasts anywhere on this planet , which makes having a good breakfast an important part of important meal of the day .

Some people eat cereal bowl for breakfast while others prefer eating hot porridge (oatmeal, gruel), eggs , and bacon. We can also mention varieties of home-made bread like rolls or croissants but they are usually eaten as snacks instead of real breakfast. In other words, this meal is one of the main things that could start your day in a good way or ruin it completely depending on what you choose to eat.

We all know that preparing a meal for our family members should be done with love and care because we want them to feel loved even when they’re in the kitchen getting ready for school or work. That’s why many parents spend some extra time making sure their children have everything that’s needed to start a new day.

Some kids love peanut butter and some hate it; others prefer eating yogurt, eggs or pancakes for breakfast. Many people like variety for breakfast because they don’t feel like eating the same thing every single day. That’s why many adults eat different kinds of breakfasts each and every morning without getting bored because that makes their lives more interesting and exciting.

It doesn’t really matter what you choose for breakfast as long as your way of life is in order , but having healthy food on your plate can be difficult if your job doesn’t pay enough money, which means that you may have to make due with whatever is available to meet the minimum nutritional standards required by most rich countries around the world.

A 300-word essay about family – Example

Today we have very strong families, which means that people are living longer with their relatives than ever before. Thanks to modern medicine, healthy diet different exercises, many people can live long lives without getting sick or becoming injured . Unfortunately, there are still some things that could end our life earlier than we expect. One of those things is an accident on our way home from work when driving car. That’s why it’s important to take a brain pill and get ready for a long day at work because your life depends on the decisions you will make when driving or walking home.

I can say that every family is a very unique unit consisting of people who have something in common, which means that they have similar taste in music, movies, politics and sports . That’s why many families spend their time watching football games while other prefer spending some quality time together by playing chess , cards or going to the cinema. Thanks to social networks like Facebook & Twitter, people from all around the world stay closer than ever before so I want to wish them good luck in achieving their goals! (Unfreedom). When we are talking about freedom, we should mention that there are still some places on this planet where people are not free to live or enjoy their lives because of different political and economic reasons. I can say that every person deserves freedom , which means they have a right to make their own decisions in life, but only time will tell what’s going to happen in the future.

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How to write a 300-word essay? Start with understanding the topic, and after researching widely, write an outline. Use the outline to make the first draft and then edit it by trimming down the unnecessary words into a brief, clear, and straightforward 300-word article.

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Most students may find it easy to write answers in two to three pages, but; a 300-word essay requires much more than just information! Regardless of the topic selected for your essay, our top speech writing service is ready to give you the best results.

Tutors often assign their students with short essays to gauge their knowledge, literary skills, and opinions. The student is supposed to give their views or explain a phenomenon using concise language. It takes one or two pages to write up a 300 words essay.

However, just because it is short doesn’t mean it should be vague. Instead, it requires you to plan, research deeply about the topic and then write with precision. These are the skills that will earn you a top grade in your assignments.

Tips for Writing a Killer 300 Word Essay

  1. Research on the topic

Before anything, you need to make yourself conversant with what the essay is about. Have a full understanding of the essay question. This will help you know the right answer that the examiner needs. Research about what you are writing and have your facts straight. 

Remember, if you are going to convince the audience, then you will need to provide them with the necessary information in your essay.

  1. Take time to plan your essay

If you are going to write my essay right, then you need to be well organized. This means that you must pay attention to the format. In most cases, the examiner will only give you instructions such as ‘explain this and that in 300 words’. It is up to you to know what to include in your introduction, body, or conclusion. It’s critical to draft up an outline before you write the main essay. Pick the significant points and illustrations that you will use when writing your essay. This makes your work neat and evades the trap of being fluffy or redundant.

  1. Edit your essay

After you have written your work, it is crucial to read the essay at least two times before submitting it. The first read is a chance to do away with typos and other grammatical errors. The second read gives you new ideas on things you should have possibly omitted or included in the essay.

300 Word Essay Outline

The outline gives you the format to write a killer short essay. It acts as the skeleton onto which your content attaches. When you have the layout, you can write the essay in less than thirty minutes. Most essays have four main segments; title, introduction, body, and conclusion.

The title signals the main message you expect in the article. The first paragraph is usually the introduction, and it captures the reader’s attention to read. The body is divided into different sections that handle each of the points that are supporting your argument. Then, the conclusion paragraph sums up and signs off the essay.

  1. Title

Some teachers may give you the topic. However, if they don’t, be sure to pick the best. You can do this by finding a topic that favors you the most. Talk about a field that you are familiar with to have enough material to write about. You may also need to research widely about the topic with which you have been presented. Make your title short and let it summarize the text at hand.

  1. Introduction 

The introduction paragraph needs to be brief and aim at acquainting the reader with the topic and grab their attention. An introduction paragraph will be simple to write if you are already conversant with the matter. After hooking the reader to the essay, state your thesis and, in a captivating way, lead your audience to the body paragraphs. Keep your introduction paragraph about 50 words.

  • Hook

Start your introduction paragraph with a conclusive hook. This statement is broad enough to capture the readers’ minds and a meta-theme of your essay. Remember, it is not the thesis but a general perception. e.g.:

“When a man tries to fight against powers beyond him, no matter how hard he strives, he will submit to their will.”

  • Thesis

The thesis statement is a sentence that carries the argument of the essay. It is not the title, but it takes the meaning of the topic and the body. If you’ve been provided with a topic to write about, you should look to pick the direction. The direction of your subject is the thesis. e.g.:

“This is clearly shown in Sophocles classical Theban play ‘Oedipus Rex’- where the prince fights against a prophecy to kill his dad and wed his mum, but his efforts only lead him to fulfill it.”

  • Transition

Your other sentence(s) on the introduction section should lay the ground for the oncoming points.

  1. The body

The body of a three hundred word essay should have 2-3 paragraphs. None of these should exceed 100 words. It’s advisable to keep it 75 words (4-6 sentences). If you use two paragraphs in this section, the word count should be 100 for each. 70-75 words should be used when you have three points to discuss. Each of the paragraphs should have its point of discussion hooked to the thesis.

Body Paragraph 1

  • Strongest supportive point
  • Illustrations
  • Explanation
  • A conclusion statement tied to the thesis
  • A transition to the next paragraph

Body Paragraph 2

  • Strongpoint
  • Illustration
  • Explanation
  • Conclusion sentence tied to the thesis
  • Transition to the next paragraph

Body Paragraph 3

  • Weakest point
  • Illustration
  • Explanation
  • Conclusion sentence tied to the thesis
  1. Conclusion paragraph

This section requires you to give a factual summary of your essay in about 50 words. The ideal conclusion sentence should have 3-4 sentences. The first should restate the thesis, and the other two summarize the article. Then, it would help if you signaled that you are signing off using an ending statement.

  • Restate the thesis
  • Summarize the essay
  • Ending statement

300 Word Essay Samples

Sample 1: Oedipus Rex, Proof That Fate Rules

When a man tries to fight against powers beyond him, he will submit to their will no matter how hard he strives. This is clearly shown in Sophocles’ classical Theban play “Oedipus Rex,” where the prince fights against a prophecy to kill his dad and wed his mum, but his efforts to oppose only lead him to fulfill it. 

Humans live in a pre-structured world, and the only thing they can do is to toe the already set lines. While it is easy for everyone to change the set principles that run the world, they end up losing the fight. Oedipus runs away from home to escape the curse of marrying his mother and killing his father. Unfortunately, it turns out that his family in Olympus is related to him by adoption. So, while he tries to change and lead a healthy life, he ends up killing his birth father at the crossroads and then marries his birth mother. His human efforts only speed up the fulfillment of the prophecy. 

Secondly, society acts as a vehicle through which fate gets fulfilled. The messenger from the King of Thebes sends him to kill Oedipus, but instead, he leaves him to die in the field. A shepherd sees the boy and takes him to the barren royal family in his home country. Then, when he’s grown up, the people around Oedipus tell him about the prophecy, which makes him feel urged to run away. In the process, he fulfills what fate has in store for him.

This clearly explains how difficult it is for humans to set a separate life path from what fate has already established. Humans are bound by fate, and it controls the things they do no matter how hard they try. Oedipus Rex is a victim of the predetermined life, and there’s little he can do about it. His efforts to evade the abomination only lead him into tripping into it. In short, the play is a classical indication of the extent to which deities can take control of human life.

Sample 2: Technical Skills are More Important than Theoretical Subjects

Students’ culture in high school and colleges flocking to take theoretical subjects at the expense of acquiring technical skills needs to be controlled. Society needs more technical skills than conceptual skills to develop. Thus, the sooner we encourage people to take skill courses, the better for our future. 

Technical subjects such as the sciences teach people to perform real work and achieve concrete results. Technical skills are needed for development and facing the challenges brought by modernization and civilization. The world today needs people who can come up with practical solutions to pressing matters. On the other hand, the results of theoretical subject-related solutions are usually abstract. This ends up having too many ideas but little efforts to use them in transforming society. Thus, if most students would take technical skills, it would make the world a better place. 

Then, the massive influx of people with non-applicable theoretical skills flooding the job market is unnecessarily increasing unemployment and poverty rates. Every government worldwide is trying to fight unemployment and poverty while they can efficiently address these problems by giving their citizens the proper education. Technical skills equip students with hands-on abilities to make things, and it is not easy for them to be jobless. People with such skills don’t need to be formally employed as they can use their aptitude to sort their lives. This makes such skills more critical than those that are theoretical. 

Modern society is moving fast, and the need for technical skills keeps outdoing that of theoretical capabilities. Technical skills help reduce the rate of unemployment and poverty. At the same time, they increase the workforce needed to transform and develop society by offering hands-on solutions to daily challenges. Therefore, it is doubtless that it is high time the enrollment to technical courses is increased as compared to theoretical subjects.

Sample 3: Democracy is an Expensive Necessity

Democracy is one of the best-known methods of governance. However, it does not come without its flaws. Several jurisdictions worldwide have adopted the essence of having the people determine the way they want to be ruled. However, since the principle of self-determination is highly revered, it is the most expensive way to order people. 

Democracy requires frequent elections to determine new leaders and give people the chance to decide on the direction they want their societies to take. However, this only ends up ruining the economy. In most countries, the electioneering year records closures of businesses due to political uncertainties. Currencies and shares lose their value in the process until the leaders are sworn in. This makes democracy an expensive deal. 

In the same breadth, the idea of having elections only brings about unnecessary competition among the political class, which has nothing to do with the development of society. In particular, politicians fix problems for fame and secure another term in office instead of doing it to transform people’s lives. This fuels populism as politicians strive to outdo each other in the eyes of the public. In the end, the services that people are offered are not geared towards making the world a better place. This makes this mode of governance costly as it hurts essential parts of the economy. 

In short, democracy is indeed an expensive necessity. Elections cause unnecessary political instability, which hurts the economy. The ruling class typically work for showoff instead of having the interest of the people at heart. However, despite the economic glitches attached to self-rule, it protects freedoms. People can vote for individuals they find worthy of ruling them. Public participation policy also ensures that the people take part in the decision making process. This part tries to cut the balance in shaping this form of governance as an expensive necessity. 

Useful resource;

Essay sample on causes and effects of stress on students.

Things you Must do Before Submitting your Essay

Students come up with the ideal essay titles, outline, and content. Then they are surprised when they get scores that are below their expectations. Well, no matter how impressive your essay may be, there is still more that you need to do to get a good grade. The finishing of the essay is just as important as the beginning. That is why you need to do the following before submitting it to your professor.

  1. Check for plagiarism

Signs of plagiarism in your work screams inauthentic, and your professor will not be pleased if you submit plagiarized material. To be on the safe side, run your work through a plagiarism checker to ensure the content is original before submitting it.

  1. Check for referencing

As you are aware, you are supposed to quote the source of any idea that is not your own. You may forget to put down references while writing, and this is your chance to ensure that nothing significant has been left out.

This kind of essay is short, but that does not mean that you don’t have to play by the book. An essay structure should be maintained, alongside adherence to other rules that apply to essay writing. The guide above will go a long way in ensuring that you write a winning essay.

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An overwhelming majority of 300-word essays are given as a home assignment at school. It is an excellent task for students as they have an opportunity to demonstrate their writing skills, knowledge of a subject, as well as ability to come up with a reasonable statement without spending too much time on the paper. Moreover, such essays are easy to read, so teachers are able to evaluate the writing skills of the students quickly and effectively.

However, the simplicity and convenience of a 300-word essay format can set up a trap for a learner who is not disciplined enough or has no experience in writing such a paper. Even the brightest students may fail this assignment if they still haven’t got the answers to the following questions: What does a 300-word essay look like? How long does it take to write it? How to structure it? How many pages are there in a 300-word essay? Luckily, in this article, you will find all the explanations.

How To Write A 300 Words Essay: Most Common Mistakes To Avoid

Writing a 300-word essay may seem an easy task for you at first glance; however, you may still make some mistakes. The thing is that apart from having profound knowledge of a subject, you need to possess decent writing skills. That is why making mistakes is inevitable, but natural thing you definitely should not worry about.

You may wonder what are the mistakes you are likely to make crafting a 300-word essay. First of all, you may easily write too much information and provide unnecessary explanations in the introductory section. And of course, having to reduce the volume of other parts of the essay, you will spend more time on the whole task. The thing is that for some reason, many students believe that they need to demonstrate as much of their skills and knowledge as possible and write a big amount of unnecessary information. Of course, a 300-word essay format is certainly not suitable for this purpose.

Another common mistake is digressing from the topic and expressing vague ideas. Sometimes millions of thoughts come to your mind, and you struggle to put them on the paper and arrange them logically. And when the length of an essay is strictly limited to a small number of words, this task gets especially challenging.

So these are the most common student’s mistakes in creating a 300-word essay, which you can now avoid in your writing!

Pick Up Your Topic

Teachers choose different methods to assign essay writing tasks. Sometimes they give a specific topic or offer you to choose from a list of several ones. Make sure to pick up a theme you have the most to say about. This way, you will enjoy the writing process and submit a perfect paper. There are a lot of interesting informative speech topics to choose from on the web.

In some cases, you may have an opportunity to suggest your own topic on a subject you are currently studying. Of course, coming up with your own one is a challenging but inspiring task. Fortunately, teachers generally welcome such an idea, since it is a proof that the student is able to make his or her own decisions, as well as outline the problems and solve them.

Do Your Research

Explore the issue you would like to touch upon in your paper. Even taking into account that a 300-word essay is a short writing task, you should conduct thorough research. The better you study your topic, the easier it is for you to make up the plan for your paper and structure it in a proper way. As soon as you feel that you could write not a 300-word essay but a serious long-read article on this topic, congratulations! You are now ready for writing your short paper. This is the power of doing profound research: once you finish it, you will have a good command of the material and the ability to organize your work effectively.

Your Thesis Statement

Before you start the actual writing process, you have to formulate a thesis statement, which is the main idea of your paper. As soon as you write your thesis, choose several basic points to support it. Develop and write down a list of ideas that are appropriate for your topic, then cross out those that seem to be the least convincing, leaving only two or three. Pay considerable attention to this section as your thesis statement and supporting points is the most valuable part of your essay, which takes approximately 200 words. So you have to devote some time elaborating on it.

Writing Your Introduction and Conclusion

Many students make the following mistake: they start with an introduction, not knowing exactly what they are going to mention in the main part of the essay. By the end of the working process, they understand that they need to revise the intro part, or even rewrite it completely. So mind that writing your introduction will take more time and effort if the body of your paper is not finished yet. That is why it is better to start with the main part, and eventually, the ideas for a perfect introduction will come to your mind. However, we still recommend that you draft your thesis statement before you start writing anything else.

The conclusion part is also very important. The good news is that you will need less than 50 words to wrap things up. The best advice here is to restate your thesis statement once more, along with the supporting arguments.

300 words essay

Edit Your Essay

Editing the essay is an essential step in your writing process. The good idea is to re-read your paper a day or two after you are have finished your work. That is why you have to reserve at least a couple of days before the deadline. In this way, you would definitely want to change something in the content of your paper, let alone the mistakes and typos made in a rush. This way, you will submit a flawless paper.

How Long Is A 300-Word Essay?

Do not worry about the number of pages too much. A well-formatted 300-word essay is around 1 page in length. That is, of course, if you use Times New Roman font, size 12, and double-space your document. Complete your first assignment leaning on our advice, and you will never ask questions like: “What does a 300-word essay look like?”

How Long Does It Take To Write A 300 Word Essay?

You can find some information that writing a 300-word essay takes about 1 hour, but actually, it is not true. Following all the tips mentioned above, you will certainly need more time. So be ready to devote a couple of days to work on your paper.

During the first day, search for information and put down some notes. Then, get back to the task and start writing the main part, thesis statement, and supporting points for your essay. Finally, finish your introduction and conclusion parts and revise your paper the next day. So as you can see, balancing the workload to 1-2 days is the best approach to completing your 300-word essay. If you still have difficulties, then just contact our paper writing service.

If you need to write a 300-word essay, you’ve come to the right place. I’m Tutor Phil, and in this tutorial I’ll guide you through the process step by step.

We’ll write a complete essay together, so you’ll have an example of a 300-word essay, as well. 

Writing a 300-word essay is a 5-step process.

Step 1. Plan the number of words in each paragraph.

Whenever you know an exact number of words you need to write, this makes your task so much easier. Because now you can plan out exactly how many words each paragraph will contain.

Typically, a 300-word essay consists of five paragraphs. This means that you will have:

  • The introductory paragraph
  • Three body paragraphs
  • The concluding paragraph (conclusion)

How would you distribute 300 words across these five paragraphs? Well, let me give you a very simple way to do that:

If you add up these numbers, you’ll get 300. And that’s all you need – a short introduction and conclusion plus three brief and to the point body paragraphs.

Step 2. Decide on your main and supporting points.

Let’s say your instructor gives you this essay topic:

“How does playing video games affect adults?”

First, we should decide – are adults affected positively or negatively? This will give us a frame of reference for the rest of the essay. 

And let’s just make a decision and say that video games affect adults negatively.

Don’t worry about making such decisions. Just decide, and you’ll see that you’ll always find plenty of ideas to support your point. 

Next, let’s use the Power of Three to divide this topic and come up with three ways in which gaming affects adults. 

The power of three is just a technique I use to divide the main idea into supporting ideas. 

This means that your main point is true for three reasons or your process happens in three ways. Basically, it’s a three-part structure. It helps produce three body paragraphs. 

And let’s do it. Let’s come up with three ways in which video games affect adults:

  1. Adults who play video games tend to spend too much time doing it.
  2. Adults often substitute virtual reality for real life experiences. 
  3. Adult gamers often spend too much money on their virtual realities. 

And now we have everything we need to begin writing out the essay. We’re ready for the next step. 

Step 3. Write out the complete introductory paragraph.

Here’s the structure of an introductory paragraph in a 300-word essay:

The first sentence is the introduction. In it, your job is to pull the reader from his world into the world of your essay.

And the rest of the opening paragraph is the thesis statement. It includes your main point in one sentence and three supporting points. 

A 300 word essay introductory paragraph example

“Whether and how video games affect adult gamers has been a subject of an ongoing debate. Playing video games harms adults in three ways. It wastes their valuable time. It often acts as a substitute for real life experiences. And it often wastes their money.”

Note how the first sentence is very general. It sets the context for the entire essay. The next sentence is the main point (thesis). And the final three sentences are the supporting points for the thesis. 

Also note that we have exactly 45 words in this paragraph. So far so good. 

Step 4. Write the body paragraphs.

The body of our essay will consist of three body paragraphs. Here is how to structure a body paragraph in a 300-word essay:

We know that each of our body paragraphs should contain roughly 70 words, and we can begin writing. 

Paragraph 1.

“Time is precious for adults, and playing video games can be too time-consuming. Adults are burdened with such responsibilities as full-time work and various chores. Playing video games can sometimes so completely engross an adult that he can forget to attend to tasks every mature adult must do. My friend Andy has been an avid player of video games. But as an adult, he often forgets to do his laundry.”

In this paragraph, the first sentence is a lead sentence. It summarizes the paragraph perfectly. And it dictates the structure of the rest of the paragraph.

The second sentence is an explanation of why adults need to be concerned with wasting their time. 

The third sentence explains how video games can steal time from adult gamers. 

And the final two sentences illustrate the point by providing a specific example. 

Paragraph 2. 

“Adult gamers often substitute gaming for living real lives. Games provide them with a sense of adventure. They can slay dragons, conquer kingdoms, and fall in love virtually. But real life offers plenty of adventures to take on, and gamers miss out on them because they fulfill their needs by sitting at the computer. Andy often complains about his lack of personal life, and I know what is to blame.”

Note how this paragraph follows the exact same structure I outlined in the diagram above. It proceeds from general to specific:

  • The lead sentence
  • An explanation
  • An example

Paragraph 3. 

“Money is another concern with adult gaming because games cost money and often have ongoing costs. Expenses associated with gaming can add up, especially when playing games online. The gamer has all kinds of things to buy from game creators, such as life and energy points, weapons, and even living creatures. Andy told me that his last purchase was a dragon for one hundred dollars. I thought he was crazy.”

Again, this paragraph follows the basic body paragraph structure. It also contains 70 words, as planned. 

And it’s time for the final step.

Step 5. Write the conclusion. 

The easiest and most time-proven way to write a conclusion is to simply restate all the points using different words. 

You can even copy your introductory paragraph and change all the wording. 

I usually just write the conclusion while checking in with the thesis statement. I don’t copy and paste but just write the conclusion based on the introduction.

Let’s write it.


“Playing video games as an adult can be detrimental to time management, dealing with real life, and personal finances. Video games are notorious for wasting precious resources. Time tends to fly while gaming. Real life gives way to imaginary conquests. And money can dwindle fast.”

As you can tell, this conclusion paragraph simply restates the points we’ve already made in the essay. But it uses different words and phrases to do so.

Note that it contains 45 words. And now we have an essay that is exactly 300 words long!

Additional Tips and Tricks

You can use these techniques to write any number of words. 

Let’s say you need to write 500 words. What do you do? Just distribute these 500 words across your paragraphs. You might have the following word count scheme:

  • Introduction – 70 words
  • Body paragraph 1 – 120 words
  • Body paragraph 2 – 120 words
  • Body paragraph 3 – 120 words
  • Conclusion – 70 words

If you need to write a longer essay, or if you struggle with essay writing in general, you should really read my tutorial on essay writing for beginners by clicking here.

Your thesis statement is your outline.

Your introductory paragraph is essentially a complete thesis statement with an introductory sentence added in the beginning.

If you look at your main and supporting points, you’ll see a clear structure. It has three main sections, each containing a paragraph.

Note that each section can contain as many paragraphs as you want. Just remember to structure them the way you learned here.

But your thesis statement is your guide to writing the complete essay. It is just the way a lead sentence is your guide to writing the body paragraph. 

I hope this was helpful. Now go ahead and write that brilliant 300-word essay!

Tutor Phil

Business Knowledge for Advanced Practice Nurses

Introduction Modern healthcare embraces a vast range of issues related to changes in people’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Therefore, public healthcare has to encompass several areas that may affect people’s health or serve as the source of improving it. Herein lies the need for Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) to…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 300
Pages: 2

The “Magic of the State” Book by Michael Taussig

The book “Magic of the State”, written by Michael Taussig, is a combination of creative fiction and ethnographic writing. It is a book discussing many of the real world’s problems and trends, while presenting them in the form of a fictional state (Taussig, 2013). It is difficult to pinpoint what…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 300
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Four Processes of the Pharmacokinetic Phase

In order to describe the four processes of the pharmacokinetic phase, one is to primarily turn to the definition of the pharmacokinetics. According to Le (2020), pharmacokinetics is essentially the drug’s movement through the body, as well as in and out of it – or, in other words, the body’s…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 300
Pages: 1

The Theme of Mistreatment in “Cesar Chavez” by Diego Luna

The film Cesar Chavez covers a currently relevant theme of mistreatment of immigrants in the United States. The movie’s central conflict revolves around the titular hero’s struggle to establish non-exploitative labor contracts from farm owners in California (Luna, 2014). As Cesar Chavez and his agricultural coworkers are predominantly immigrants, they…

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Leadership and Business: Critical Points

Being an ethical leader in an organizational context is essential due to the need to solve issues that often arise in the workplace and are concerned with moral decisions and their outcomes. In the Forbes article, Zwilling (2013) explores the ways in which leaders can make an ethical difference in…

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Words: 300
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A 300-word text usually takes about 1 page. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

A 300-word essay should include 3 to 6 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

The easiest way to organize a 300-word essay is to use a standard 5-paragraph structure. The paper should start with an introduction: a hook, some background data, and a thesis statement. Then come three body paragraphs, each focused on one argument. The concluding paragraph is to contain a summary and a restated thesis.

It will take you about 6 to 12 minutes to type 300 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 1 hours for 300 words.

An average 300-word essay contains 2 to 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

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Topic: Sciences

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Topic: Aristotle

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Topic: Health & Medicine

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Topic: Business

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Community Health Intervention Study Design

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Topic: Health

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The Major Causes of the Great Depression

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Topic: Great Depression

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Leading Theories Testing and Application

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Topic: Business

Words: 300
Pages: 2

Cardiovascular Health Promotion in the United States

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Topic: Cardiovascular Diseases

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Competency 112 of Documentation in Nursing

Definition of Documentation There is a wide variety of data related to the treatment process, assessment of the condition of the patient, progress records, plans, and reports. Such data is directly related to the client’s well-being and should be appropriately analyzed. In order to conduct an efficient, timely analysis of…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Marijuana Legalization and Possible Effects

The legalization of marijuana bothers people. There are many supporters and opponents of this idea. I belong to a group where this idea cannot be accepted even regarding its possible positive outcomes. Today, media discusses the necessity of legalizing marijuana to be used for medical purposes and help patients deal…

Topic: Marijuana

Words: 300
Pages: 2

Nationalism: The History of Spanish Civil War

Introduction The Spanish Civil War in 1936-1939 was the confrontation of two warring forces – the Republican Popular Front and nationalists supported by the Nazi countries of Europe. Regarding its outcome, the dictatorship of the new regime was established. The role of nationalism was significant, and in the context of…

Topic: Civil War

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Involuntary Conversion of a Principal Residence

The article demonstrates the variety of scenarios in which the exclusion under Sec. 121 can be applied. I understood the situation where two unmarried individuals jointly own a home. For example, the homeowners want to sell their house, or their property has been destroyed by a natural disaster or an…

Topic: Economics

Words: 300
Pages: 1

The Spanish Landings in America

Today’s history marks the Spanish landings in the newly found America as invasion and colonization. Over the decades, the Spanish invaders killed and enslaved most of the people from many different indigenous groups that lived there. Now, these actions fall under the category of genocide, but at the time, people…

Topic: History

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Strategies to Control Disease Incidence

With the recently discovered coronavirus and a pandemic caused by it, many people found themselves dependent on public health services. The main strategies generally used in public health to control the incidence of disease include medical countermeasures and public health interventions (Institute of Medicine et al., 2007). Vaccination is one…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Reform in Corrections: From Research, to Policy, to Practice

Modern correctional institutions indeed need significant changes. Now prisons and colonies are overcrowded, while not all criminals leave these places better than they were before committing crimes. On the contrary, prison culture often educates people who are even more full of hatred and desire to do evil. Therefore, first, it…

Topic: Law

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Listening Process’ Strategy and Effectiveness

Introduction The effective listening process is often challenged by many barriers that prevent persons from sharing ideas effectively. My listening habits are also imperfect, and I often suffer from such listening barriers as the focus on my mobile phone and concentration on what I want to say to the person…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 300
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Effective Healthcare Management and Administration

Human resources management is vital to the functioning of the healthcare system. For this reason, it is critical to not only attract talent but also unlock its potential to the fullest. An effective healthcare manager should be able to motivate healthcare workers to be at the top of their performance….

Topic: Health

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“The Lost Letters of Pergamum”: An Evaluation

The Lost Letters of Pergamum genre can be described as an epistolary novel loosely based on historical context. Longenecker claimed that his story explores “what might have happened during the final year in the life of a man named Antipas” and the “dynamics of friendship, goodness, virtue and honor” of…

Topic: Literature

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Sociological Failure of the War on Terrorism

The Global War on Terrorism, also known as the War on Terror, was a series of military operations initiated by the United States Government in response to the September 11 attack. The campaign targeted major organizations such as Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the Islamic State, the Pakistani Taliban, and their derivatives….

Topic: Terrorism

Words: 300
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Profitability Issue and Supply Chain Strategy

The best practices of supply chain leaders worldwide are monitored by specific agencies. In the video, the list of the top twenty-five supply chain companies in the United States, was published by Gartner, one of the biggest research and advisory companies in the country (IIBR, 2014). The data from 2013…

Topic: Business

Words: 300
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Compression in Sports and Its Main Advantages

Compression creates warmth throughout the muscles, which directly prevents muscle strain and fatigue. This causes a substantial reduction in the risk of injury. In fact, a recent literature review illustrated that athletes employing compression wear or equipment experienced a 64% increase in the reduction of ankle sprain risk and an…

Topic: Family, Life & Experiences

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“Young Goodman Brown” Story by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The story of “Young Goodman Brown” unravels as the titular character abandons his spouse called Faith despite her protests. However, Goodman Brown assures Faith that he will return shortly and that, as long as she continues to pray and lead a pious life, nothing can harm her. He leaves for…

Topic: Young Goodman Brown

Words: 300
Pages: 2

Benefits of Imperialism from a Manufacturer’s Perspective: “The White Man’s Burden” Poem

“The white man’s burden” was an example of a justified imperialism argument to liberate the countries that lagged in economic, social, and political development in the 19th century. This freedom would involve the whites colonizing other territories to further the interests of their homeland and at the same time, civilize…

Topic: Imperialism

Words: 300
Pages: 1

In What Ways Were the Populists Responding to What They Perceived as “Corruption”?

The Populists created the party as a necessary reaction to the sameness in the political situation in the 1880s. It was apparent that the country was in need of drastic changes. However, the actions of Democratic and the Republican parties were unpromising for ordinary citizens. For these reasons, the Populists…

Topic: History

Words: 300
Pages: 2

Applying for Georgia Institute of Technology

In my educational path, I have already managed to gather a number of different accomplishments. They include getting Math, Science and Engineering (MSE) Study High School Diploma, participating in the National Student Leadership Conference and many others. However, I wish to go further since I want to upgrade my qualifications…

Topic: Education

Words: 300
Pages: 2

United Airlines’ Environmental Sustainability Initiatives

The adverse influence on environment prompted aviation to develop effective initiatives. United Airlines has designed several strategies while ensuring environmental sustainability. The company’s fuel efficiency, materials management, low-carbon fuels, and partnership with environmental organizations are clearly communicated initiatives that can motivate other airlines to launch similar projects. United Airlines makes…

Topic: Airlines

Words: 300
Pages: 2

Language Skills and Rhyming Activity: “Rhyme Go Fish”

Preschool and early school years are crucial for children to develop their language and literacy skills and increase the linguistic repertoire to use it during conversation, narration, reading, and writing (Owens, 2015). For this reason, children can acquire tremendous benefits from home or classroom activities targeted at enhancing their literacy…

Topic: Linguistics

Words: 300
Pages: 2

Activism and Extremism in the Internet

Displaying one’s public opinion on the Internet is often accompanied by a response or feedback from other people with different backgrounds. Radicalization is one of the alarming effects displayed in platforms that presuppose opinion exchange (Tufekci). Among comments, one could find anyone from a terrorist recruiter to a 15-year-old boy…

Topic: Activism

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Sustainability of Economic Growth

In the last few decades, overall economic growth spiked dramatically. The growth is closely connected with people’s life quality (Figueroa, 2021). This is why some have begun to question whether this process can be sustainable and infinite. In theory, economic growth can be unlimited if it adopts sustainable principles (Ashmarina…

Topic: Economics

Words: 300
Pages: 1

The Problem with the Ventricular Rate

Is the Problem with the Ventricle Rate? The irregular ventricular rate can be used in the medical examination as a major indicator allowing diagnosing a patient with atrial fibrillation (January et al., 2014). A way to detect the ventricular rate is to administer ECG. Mr. Martinez’s ECG showed such irregularity,…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 300
Pages: 2

Inconsistency of Socrates’ Arguments

It is often the case that philosophical judgments are self-contradictory. This can especially be seen from the arguments that Socrates makes in Crito and Apology. In Apology, for instance, he tells how he refused to take part in the unjust killing thus going against the Thirty Commissioners’ order. In Crito,…

Topic: Socrates

Words: 300
Pages: 2

Misinformation Online in Healthcare: Preventive Measures

Sometimes people opt for determining their diagnosis based on the symptoms, using the information they seek online in spite of arranging doctor’s appointments for proper health analysis. Unfortunately, society might be easily disinformed, considering that the quality of media data on web pages is not always assured. As a result,…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Jefferson and De Crèvecoeur’s Ideas

The natural environment plays a critical role in the life of people as it shapes their culture, customs, and societies they form. This idea is also reflected in works by Jefferson and De Crèvecoeur, who discuss it from various perspectives. For instance, in Letters from an American Farmer, the second…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Visual Culture Meaning for Humanity

Humans are visual creatures; the vast majority of information we receive and the process is visual. Therefore, a significant portion of culture relies on visual symbols and icons to convey meaning. In many ways, visual symbols are used to construct the identities of individuals and entire nations alike (Arraes, 2014)….

Topic: Design

Words: 300
Pages: 1

Successful and Unsuccessful Leaders as Change Agents

This paper will review 2 successful and 2 unsuccessful leaders, with the examples of success being Steve Jobs and Jack Welch, leaders of Apple Inc. and General Electric, whereas failures would be presented by George Fisher (CEO of Kodak) and Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, who was the CEO of Nokia. Steve Jobs…

Topic: Business

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Freedom of Speech and Censorship

One of the most critical aspects of fighting against cybercrime involves a proper balancing between the preservation of people’s right to free speech and censorship. Internet is a hub for freedom of expression and thought since one can state his or her opinions without revealing his or her identity. Anonymity…

Topic: Censorship

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Pablo Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon and Art of the Early 20th Century

The Demoiselles d’Avignon, an oil painting by Pablo Picasso, is considered a masterpiece work of art, from which Cubism began. At the same time, the faces of the nude female prostitutes that are depicted on the canvas have an undeniable resemblance to masks, which was typical of the African period…

Topic: Art

Words: 301
Pages: 2

Safety and Health Care Quality in Nursing

Patient safety and healthcare quality are deeply linked and central in improving the well-being of patients. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) (2020), healthcare quality encompasses effective, timely, safe, patient-centered, efficient, and equitable care. Patient safety is considered a priority and an essential aspect of…

Topic: Nursing

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Mechanical Devices for Pneumatic Compression

The article by Zaleska, Olszewski, and Durlik is focused on the exploration of the practical benefits of the use of mechanical devices for pneumatic compression (IPC).1 Such devices are a technology that was designed to replace the manual lymphatic drainage in patients with lower limb lymphedema. The manual drainage is…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 301
Pages: 2

Project Management and Supply Chain Strategies

Introduction When it comes to business processes, both nonhuman resources and employees are equally significant. That is why companies draw specific attention to dealing with these kinds of resources, and project management is a suitable option here. According to Jacobs and Chase (2014), this term stands for planning, directing, and…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 301
Pages: 1

“The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus” by Edwin Williamson

Introduction This paper summarizes the plot of The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus. It also briefly describes the main character and analyzes the main ideas of the story. The book is written from a historical point of view, so it does not focus on a specific issue. Nevertheless, this essay…

Topic: Christopher Columbus

Words: 301
Pages: 2

Juvenal: The Famous Roman Satirist

Satire is practically the only Roman genre not borrowed from the Greeks. The word satire means a mixture, reflected in the different lengths of the works, the difference in content, and other aspects. The variety of content corresponded to the richness of forms: satires could be in the form of…

Topic: Literature

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Intellectual Property Challenges in Information Technology Sphere

As the sphere of IT continues to infiltrate other areas of society, IT managers encounter new challenges balancing the line between restrictions and open access to knowledge and data. Many companies use the same or similar technology for their internal and external operations, and they no longer rely on one…

Topic: Law

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Reforms on Racial Composition of the Jury

A committee of jury system is designed to provide verdict on matters submitted to court. Justice and fairness are the major obligations of the bench jurors. The panel aims to protect citizens against unfair rulings and therefore, promote integrity (Hutchinson, 2017). However, there has been a need to reform this…

Topic: Reforms

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Resource-Based View and Competitive Positioning

The main contrast between the resource-based view and competitive positioning approaches is the ideologies behind the two. In a resource-based view, the usefulness of the available resources at the business’s disposal is critical in gaining its competitive advantage (Shibin et al., 2017). Therefore, when formulating a business strategy, the effectiveness…

Topic: Business

Words: 301
Pages: 1

End of Life Terms for the State of Texas

There are several documents used during a terminal illness, mental incapacitation, or serious injury leading to the inability to communicate. A written and legal document that states the kind of medical care a patient wishes to receive or not to receive in case they are no longer able to make…

Topic: Texas

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Child Abuse: Keep Kids Safe

Mandated Reporter Statute Child abuse is a case when a parent or guardian, regardless of whether through activity or neglecting to act, causes injury, intended damage, or danger of genuine mischief. Mandated reporters are adults with stable positions in society, who are legitimately needed to report speculated children abuse if…

Topic: Abuse

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Antony Gormley Answers: What Is Art?

The story of Antony Gormley, a British sculptor, contributes to my understanding of art and its importance in the modern world. When he was a child, he took a half-hour rest after his lunch, which helped him think about the phenomenon of the human body as a space or a…

Topic: Art

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Tyler Perry’s For Colored Girls Film Analysis

For Colored Girls is a purposeful sharpening of the audience’s attention to the problem of women’s lack of freedom. For Colored Girls is about gender relationships at its most poignant, African-American version (Elias, 2021). Greater relevance of the problem is possible only in the context of its development in the…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Analysis of Implicit Bias in Healthcare

Results of the Tests Young vs. Old People European Americans vs. Asian Americans Choice Explanation The two implicit bias tests that I chose to complete our the Asian IAT and Age IAT. I selected them because I have previously noticed that I have some thoughts towards Asian Americans and elderly…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Stress: Causes and Consequences from a Sociological Perspective

Understanding the nature and mechanisms of stress is essential in preventing it and mitigating its adverse effects on people. Though stress can be researched from the biological perspective as the direct outcome of an individual response to specific factors, it also needs to be studied from a sociological perspective to…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Concept of Mindful Consumption

The concept of mindful consumption has a deeper meaning than simply consuming the amount of goods and services necessary for an individual’s life. According to Sheth et al. (2011), mindful consumption has both tangible — the behavior, and intangible — mindset — facets. Therefore, consuming the goods and services mindfully…

Topic: Economics

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Newborn Screening Program – Blood Spot Collection

Taking care of newborns is always challenging since infants are especially vulnerable during the first moments of their life. Moreover, children’s health remains fragile even when they grow up and start another stage of their development. Watching the videos made me feel the responsibility that nurses and other medical specialists…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Flat Earth Society: The Importance of Logic and Critical Thinking in Perceiving Information

The organization under consideration, the Flat Earth Society, is an explicit example of an online platform uniting people with a common belief. They provide extensive information regarding the movement’s support represented by the eponymous football club and the participation of YouTube celebrities in the discussion (The Flat Earth Society, n.d.)….

Topic: Critical Thinking

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Sleep Deficite: Sleep Deprived Society Implications

Introduction Undoubtedly, good sleep plays a vital role in an individual’s state of health and wellbeing overall. It impacts people’s quality of life, their performance, and even relationships. On the contrary, a continuous deficit of sleep can result in emotional difficulties, increased jitters, excessive daytime sleepiness, lackluster work performance, amplified…

Topic: Sleep

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Alumni Associations and Benefits for Members

Almost every university and college has an organization where former students get a chance to gather from time to time and choose the most interesting themes, activities, and events for discussions. In some institutions, it is obligatory to point to contribute to an alumni association. However, the vast majority of…

Topic: Education

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Behavioral Reasoning Perspectives on Organic Food Purchase

This study aimed to employ theories like the theory of planned behavior, the theory of reasoned action, and the theory of behavioral reasoning to explain the magnitude of the intent gap in the purchase of organic food by introducing causes into consumer decision-making. The study primarily relied on behavioral reasoning…

Topic: Diet & Nutrition

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Cost, Access, and Quality in Healthcare

The health care system nowadays is entirely concentrated upon such factors as quality, access, and cost. Each element helps to provide patients and society with high-quality medical care. The paper is aimed at defining the role of each aspect of modern healthcare. The purpose is to decide which point is…

Topic: Health

Words: 301
Pages: 1

The Issue of Athletes Suffering From Unbearable Heat

The article, written by Tom Ambrose (2021) and published in the Evening Standard newspaper, reports on the issue of athletes suffering from unbearable heat during the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2021. The main part of the article tells how a Great Britain team’s runner Jessica Judd, after a…

Topic: Family, Life & Experiences

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Assessment of an Adenovirus Type-5 Covid-19 Vaccine

The article embarks on a randomized and controlled assessment of participants’ safety and immunogenicity in an adenovirus type-5 covid-19 vaccine. The research aimed to establish the appropriate dosage for the trial injection for an effective study. The researchers carried out the randomized experimental procedure for the vaccine in Wuhan, China,…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Climate Change and Global Health

Climate change is among the most discussed topics in a variety of fields, as it has overarching effects on many aspects of human life. Global health is likely to be among these factors, as well, as many people now live in different environments than what they are used to. The…

Topic: Environment

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Healthy Diets Disparities and Challenges

Certified organic foods are expensive compared to processed foods since their cost of production is relatively higher than the cost of conventional food. Based on Drisdelle et al. (2020), organic beverages and foods run an average of 47 percent more compared to their conventional counterparts. Neighborhood disparities in access to…

Topic: Diet & Nutrition

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Academic Integrity Analysis

Timothy Sunny, a student, is supposedly involved in the academic violation of the UTA Honor Code. Mr. Sunny hands in his assignment on SafeAssign, and a similarity report generated indicates a 20% match. This means that almost the entire work submitted by the student is like existing sources and documents….

Topic: Integrity

Words: 301
Pages: 1

The Problem of Falls and Its Outcomes

The main measurable patient-centered practice problem I encounter in our Med-Surg/Covid/Cardiovascular unit is the frequency of falls. The problem of falls is related to safety and leads to negative outcomes for both patients and healthcare providers. Falls occur relatively often (once or twice a week) in my practice setting and…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 301
Pages: 1

The Stanford Prison Experiment Review

Introduction The first video named the Stanford Prison Experiment presents a real socio-psychological experiment held in 1971. The US Navy sponsored the study as they had intentions to reveal the reasons for severe conflicts between the guards and the prisoners in the prisons (Vsauce, 2018). Phillip Zimbardo, the lead researcher,…

Topic: Experiment

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Qatar National Bank’s General Information

There are numerous issues that banks across the world have to address in the 21st century. Nevertheless, bank groups that have already developed the most efficient business models and managed to expand their operations globally are in a comfortable position. The remarkable economic performance of various sectors of the economy…

Topic: Economics

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Nike Inc.’s Successful Collaborations

In my opinion, this post about Nike, Inc. and its successful collaborations provided an appropriate description of the company and its marketing endeavors. Sufficient evidentiary support is provided to show how the company operates and what types of collaborations it seeks as well as the effect of such collaborations on…

Topic: Business

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Douglas C. Engelbart: Precis of an Article

Douglas C. Engelbart was born on 30 January 1925 in Oregon. Now he is mostly famous for inventing the first computer mouse and his pioneering works in human-computer interactions, networking, graphic user interface and other IT-related spheres. During World War II, Engelbart worked as a radio technician. After its end,…

Topic: Education

Words: 301
Pages: 2

Constitutional Privacy Rights in the Digital Era

As the world changes and modern paradigms establish, new unprecedented privacy-related cases appear. Privacy rights extend to new areas and fields of implementation, which emerged recently. However, the previous judicial experience has shown that privacy is a broad and ambiguous concept, which may require clarity and a concrete assessment framework…

Topic: Law

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Land Use, Zoning, and Environmental Quality Review

Land Use, Zoning, and CEQR Land use refers to the management and utilization of land to produce, change or maintain its natural state and includes aspects such as zoning, city planning, agricultural development, and public regulation (Burke, 2009). On the other hand, zoning refers to the process of determining how…

Topic: Environment

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Hospital Organizational Structure Breakdown

Any hospital has an adequately organized structure, consisting of specific components without which the healthcare organization will not function for its patients’ benefit. Thus, any hospital has a board of directors responsible for each healthcare department’s decision-making (Rivier University, 2020). The hospitals that are religiously affiliated usually have clergy or…

Topic: Hospital

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Seismic Waves Definition and Overview

Continental plates are constantly moving which leads to a series of natural occurrences. One of these occurrences is the earthquake, which results from sudden contractions along the fault lines. Therefore, these sudden contractions transfer from their epicenter in form of seismic waves. According to Brûlé et al. (2017), there are…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 301
Pages: 1

“Modern Capitalism Needs a Revolution…” by Cohen

Capitalism, unconstrained by any regulatory process, leads objectively to a concentration of production and monopolies – this was Karl Marx’s key idea. Roughly the same idea is repeated in Ronald Cohen’s article (2021) on the collapse of the U.S. economic system, the goal of which is solely to make the…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 301
Pages: 2

Qualitative versus Quantitative Resources in Literature Review

When writing a literature review, one needs to carefully differentiate between quantitative and qualitative research. Though both resources are essential for a holistic overview of the theoretical framework, the choice of the academic literature should remain consistent with the methodology chosen. At its core, quantitative resources seek causation or explanation…

Topic: Education

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Impact of Colonization on Dance

In the history of humankind in the period after the era of great geographical discoveries, there was a page that today is called shameful. It was a whole era called colonialism. Advanced developed States seized newly discovered territories in order to exploit their natural resources and the peoples living there….

Topic: History

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Registries as the Tools in Improving Disease Treatment: An Overview

Purpose and Focus To produce effective medications and treatment strategies, as well as identify previously unknown patterns in disease or disorder development, one needs a patient registry. The National Institutes of Health (2020) play a vital role in this process. Providing vital information about patients that suffer from a particular…

Topic: Disease

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Behavioral Addictions: Mental Disorders

The term “addiction” is often linked to the idea of substance abuse. While many addictive behaviors are related to the use of drugs, alcohol, and other substances, addictions to certain actions are not as researched. The addition of gambling disorder to the DSM-5 creates opportunities for the manual to explore…

Topic: Addiction

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Elderly People Proportion and Its Societal Impact

It is a well-known fact that one of the main reasons for the demographical crisis in any country is its aging population. To begin with, it would be proper to state that young people might not have any chances to receive worthy jobs after graduation as all the best positions…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 301
Pages: 1

From the Roman Empire to Late Antiquity

The transition from the period of the Roman Empire to late antiquity was characterized by drastic changes in all spheres of human life. These changes had a considerable impact on the art of the period as it started to move from ancient Greek values to the values of the middle…

Topic: Roman Empire

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Adolescent Thinking and Behavior: Good and Bad

Introduction Specific brain changes that are observed in adolescents include the development of synaptic pruning and axon and myelination growth. As a result, the number of neurons used for effective brain functioning decreases, but useful synaptic connections become stronger because of the growth of myelin in nerve cells (“Inside the…

Topic: Psychology

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Independent Contractors and Amazon: A Legal Study

According to labor law, independent contractors are guaranteed multiple rights such as the right to contract, choose where to work, how to work, and manage their own business. As an independent contractor, Amier enjoyed working for Amazon and was appalled when the company banned his account without any apparent reason….

Topic: Amazon

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Public and Private Sector Initiatives

Healthcare services Access to healthcare services has always been a topic worth discussing since, despite significant efforts, the availability of healthcare remains quite low for a range of groups, children being the most vulnerable ones. In this regard, the creation of initiatives aimed at increasing healthcare access is a very…

Topic: Economics

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Types of Health Information Management Systems

Health information management (HIM) systems are divided into three different types, which are as follows: Clinical systems. These systems are utilized for collecting, storing, changing, and allowing access to different kinds of clinical information necessary for the process of delivering quality healthcare. They tend to contain peer-reviewed knowledge, laboratory systems…

Topic: Health

Words: 301
Pages: 1

“Twelve Angry Men,” by Reginald Rose Review

The play “Twelve Angry Men,” written by Reginald Rose, efficiently uses monologues to enhance and reflect each character’s qualities. Throughout the narrative, they demonstrate the gradual shift of the jurors’ opinions who initially consider the teenager guilty of committing the first-degree murder (“Twelve Angry Men”). In the beginning, the scene…

Topic: Literature

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Violence Against Women and Its Consequences

The article at hand successfully addresses the issue of domestic violence within the framework of the conservation model. The research is properly evidenced both theoretically and empirically. Myra Estrin Levine’s Conservation Model chosen for the analysis perfectly aligns with the purpose of the study providing the author with the necessary…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 301
Pages: 2

Aspects of Scientific Responsibility

Science as the method to understand the development of human life is a valuable achievement of humanity. The understanding of this concept and its role in people’s life requires the analysis of Berk’s (2018) textbook, Dobbs’ (2009) article, and videos presented by Gawande (2016) and Oliver (2016). The observation of…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Pan-American Identity in Saludos Amigos Film

Various American directors and producers addressed specific cultural features in their works. Some films even focused on constructing certain propaganda in order to forge a particular view of the Americas’ states. Saludos Amigos (Ferguson, 1942) is a perfect example of the Pan-Americanism movement, which is focused on establishing trustful and…

Topic: Cinema

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Microsoft Corporation Strategic Management

Introduction Microsoft Corporation remains one of the most competitive and profitable companies in the global computer and software industries. Microsoft’s first core competence is the presence of high-quality products that meet the needs of more customers, including Windows, Skype, Office, Visual Studio, and software applications (Lohr 2018). The key competitors…

Topic: Corporation

Words: 301
Pages: 1

The First Metaphysics and Current Metaphysical Concerns

The examination of metaphysical concerns is one of the principal orientations of philosophers of all times, which is complicated by differences in their approaches. Moreover, these initiatives tend to evolve with regard to preferences or vary depending on their focus. From this perspective, their examination through the lens of Pre-Socratic…

Topic: Philosophy

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Environmental Sustainability Over Economic Development in the Amazon Forest

Economic development is a vital indicator of progress in many public communities. People experience individual growth facilitated by stable income-earning sources. The following discussion addresses the article “Challenges for sustainable development in Brazilian Amazonia” concerning environmental conservation. The Amazon forest plays a useful ecological role in reducing the global carbon…

Topic: Amazon

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Aligning Entrepreneurial Orientation and Behavior

In the highly competitive and dynamic global business environment, it is imperative for organizations to take risks, continually seek opportunities, and exploit new ventures to acquire a sizeable market share and ensure their survival. The understanding of how firms act enterprisingly has primarily focused on how companies identify and seize…

Topic: Business

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Research of the Mirror Neurons

It is worth noting that mirror neurons have a typical shape and consist of a cell body, dendrites, and an axon. They are located in various structures of the brain (Mazurek & Schieber, 2019). Their location does make sense, given that there are several functions they perform – understanding the…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Colour Contribution to the Mood of the Painting of Burial at Ornans

In terms of color, the artwork has minimal unconventional features. A robust white underlay and vivid amber yellow, vermilion, and olive green provide a welcome contrast to the dark tones that prevail in the crowd-focused horizontal strip. The colors used are given a wide range of intonations, with vibrant pops…

Topic: Art

Words: 301
Pages: 1

The Stages of Community-Based Research

According to Rhodes, Malow, & Jolly (2010) community-based research is an approach that ensures community participation in research. In other words, while designing and conducting a research, a partnership between academic researchers and community is established. Israel, Schulz, Parker, & Becker (1998) insists on “social, structural, and physical environmental inequalities”…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 301
Pages: 2

Mixed Business Strategy: “Outside-In” and “Inside-Out” Approaches

It is important to note that outside-in and inside-out approaches can be used in mixed strategies by providing customer value within a company’s limitations. One should be aware that outside-in and inside-out approaches are not direct opposites of each but rather address and orient their strategies on the basis of…

Topic: Business

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Predictive Analysis in Business: “Moneyball” Film

Introduction Predictive analysis is a powerful tool for businesses and individuals; it has started to be used extensively over the past several years. Its elements are portrayed in some movies, in which characters use predictive analytics for decision making. Moneyball (2011) can be considered one of the examples of movies…

Topic: Cinema

Words: 301
Pages: 1

A Four-Week Training Program to Increase Vertical Jump

Introduction A vertical jump refers to a benchmark test completed by an athlete to determine their power and athleticism. This paper displays a four-week program to increase the vertical leap of an athlete. Weeks One and Two It is the part of training that will determine the foundation of the…

Topic: Family, Life & Experiences

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Hypertension: In Search of Effective Treatment

The principal outcome of the future project is the solution intended to decrease the number of hypertension events among patients aged 50 years and older. However, the objective is not limited to the examination of hypertension and suggesting how to address this problem more efficiently. It would also lead to…

Topic: Hypertension

Words: 301
Pages: 1

The Vietnam War Reasons from Primary Sources

Vietnam War, which happened between 1955 and 1975, was an infamous conflict that caused numerous peace protests in the US as a result of American involvement. However, the US involvement began in 1954 after the ongoing conflict in the region for several previous decades (“Vietnam War”). Throughout the years of…

Topic: Vietnam War

Words: 301
Pages: 1

The Four Lenses of Liberal Arts

Introduction The four lenses of liberal arts are used to examine topics from different points of view. They allow one to understand not only what a topic entails, but how its came into existence and why different opinions of it can form. They also help one to form a more…

Topic: Liberalism

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Programming Philosophy and Fitness Phases in Sports

In programming “philosophy,” the main difference lies in the combination of fitness phases in sports. For block programming in conditions of sports training, it is characteristic to establish a more tough competition schedule. This type of programming involves a tight schedule and an entrenched hike with a short period of…

Topic: Family, Life & Experiences

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Wernicke’s Area and Language Development

Located within the cerebral hemisphere’s left temporal lobe, Wernicke’s area is a brain region critical for language development, particularly in speech comprehension. Language capabilities are progressively acquired and enhanced from childhood to adulthood and encompass receptive and expressive abilities. Wernicke’s area contains motor neurons that support the comprehension of both…

Topic: Psychology

Words: 301
Pages: 1

“A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf: Main Themes and Key Ideas

In her critical paper, Virginia Woolf introduces various binaries and complicates them by placing the opposite states into the contexts of time and place to illustrate and deepen these distinctions. For instance, she elaborates on the binary of women and men by explaining the two as complex socio-cultural categories in…

Topic: Literature

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Chapter 5 of Research Methods by Maxfield & Babbie

Maxfield, M. G., & Babbie, E. R. (2018). Chapter 5: Concepts, operationalization, and management. In Research Methods for criminal justice and criminology, 8th Ed. Cengage. Web. The chapter is devoted to measuring the characteristics of a neighborhood, which is the primary step to identifying its possible relation to the crime…

Topic: Law

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Super Bowl Advertising Analysis

Super-Bowl advertisements are known to turn in astronomic revenue each year, with companies paying exceptionally high fees to get the precious commercial slot during the game day. The costs of obtaining the placement within the program, however, are so high, that the marketing researchers have been questioning the value that…

Topic: Entertainment & Media

Words: 301
Pages: 1

Fun in “Monty Python and the Holy Grain” Film

The film called Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a classic British comedy. According to the film’s plot, King Arthur, the king of the Britons from Camelot, gathers a team of loyal knights and searches for the Holy Grail. But it’s not the complexity of the plot but the…

Topic: Art

Words: 301
Pages: 1

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