Write 100 word essay

Writing a 100 words essay may sound incredibly easy as it won’t require much time on preparation and creation. At the same time, for many of us, it might be challenging to fit all the thoughts in less than a page. That is why to write a successful 100 words paper, you will have to stay concise while choosing only the most essential information. Or, you can check our essay writing tips and examples to be sure that you will easily handle such an assignment. 

How Long is a 100-Words Essay?

Often students think that 100 words are just a necessary minimum, so they write a 250 words essay or even longer, considering that the more is always better. That is not entirely true as the professor may ask you to write such a short essay specifically to see how well you can push all your ideas in the tight word limit. For this reason, try to stick to 100-150 word limit to meet the requirements; at the same time, don’t write less than 100 words as well (if that is actually possible). 

The Basic Format of a 100-Words Essay

Having no space for the long introductions, you should be straightforward and go straight to the point. The generalizations at the beginning of the essay, which could be perceived normally in longer pieces of writing (like five pages essay or ten pages paper), will only take the precious space here. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t introduce your topic or finish with the conclusion: these parts of the essay are essential even in a short story. Therefore, you can start from your thesis statement, making it an introductory one as well: you will guide your readers from the start while ensuring the flow of the writing. Basically, your 100-words essay will have a structure as below.

1. Thesis statement (Introduction)

2. Body (4-5 sentences):

  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting sentences

3. Conclusion (1 sentence).

As you don’t have enough space, you will probably not need to add a concluding sentence in your body paragraph as you will be able to present only one argument in such a short paper.

Tips for Writing an Essay for a 100 Words

If you don’t belong to those people who consider writing a 100-words paper easy, you can use some tips below to make the process of writing easier. 

1. Avoid generalization

If your sentence is evident to the majority of the audience, delete it. You are incredibly tight in the word limit, so you should leave some space to the significant point of your writing. 

2. Choose shorter synonyms

Using fewer words instead of long phrases is always a good idea: it improves the flow of your text, making it much easier to read. However, while you can be a fan of sophisticated word combination in the long papers, you should definitely look for the shorter version of your favorite phrases when you writing is limited to 100 words only.

3. Don’t forget about transitions

You might think that a short essay presupposes omitting any phrases that do not add value to the content (and that is generally true); however, this rule does not work with transitions. You will “spend” only 4-5 words out of 100 to use it, but will make your paper sound much more coherent. Therefore, don’t think about omitting transitions, even if you are a little bit over your words limit.

4. Leave the informative sentences only

Each of the sentence you use should be packed with information that is relevant to the topic of your essay. After finishing writing an essay, read once again and delete all the sentences that do not contribute much to the content. If the sentence is valuable only partially, try to combine this part with other sentence and delete the rest.

5. Avoid examples and numbers

Don’t write a long statistics even to make your point more credible: use it only if you can describe it in few sentences. Examples are absolutely unnecessary in this type of an essay as they will take much space while not adding much value. 

6. Don’t choose a complicated topic

If you have a choice, forget about tricky topics that require basic knowledge on the topic and in-depth research. You won’t be able to use all the information in the text anyway, so stick to something simple, yet original. However, in the majority of cases, the professors choose the suitable topics by themselves to be sure that the text on it is possible to write within 100 words.

7. Use active voice

Many students think that passive voice is absolutely necessary in the academic writing. That is not true: the modern standards require to use active voice when possible to increase the readability of the text. In the short essays, using active voice will also help you to save some space, making the sentences simpler and easier to read.

8. Consider you are writing a post

When we write a post in Facebook or a text message, we usually don’t use much words; instead, we try to keep it short and simple. That’s precisely what you need to do while writing a 100-words essay: imagine that you are writing another post on your wall, willing to catch the attention of your readers while staying concise.

9. Maintain the structure

If you write the essay without introduction or conclusion, you will have a freeform writing, a blog post, a comment, and any other form of writing — but definitely not an essay. Therefore, maintain the structure of the regular essay, focusing on the most essential parts: a thesis statement in the introduction, a topic sentence, and a conclusion. 

10. Edit it until you have 100 words

It’s okay to writer a longer paper in the beginning; however, after you have finished writing, read everything once more and delete the parts that are not crucial. If you still haven’t reached the Limit, do that once again. Eventually, after several attempts, you will come up with a perfect essay that fits the necessary word count. 

100-Words Essay Examples

If you still have no idea on how to write an essay within a 100-words limit, we have prepared several short texts on the various topics to prove that this is possible. You can use them as a source for inspiration while writing your own or refer to our experts to order this or any other text.

Global Warming 100-Words Essay

The problem of global warming and the possibilities of humanity in overcoming it may be seriously exaggerated. Indeed, the temperature in the world increases every year, as well as the sea level. Some activists change their lifestyle to save the planet: they use electronic transport, avoid using chemical substances, and minimize the pollution from their activities. However, such attempts, although benefit the planet, are unlikely to make significant changes as according to the United Nations Report, emissions from cows are responsible for 18% of greenhouse gases, which is more than emissions from all transport as a whole. Therefore, it would be more useful to stop eating meat or regulate big farms to minimize the risks of global warming. However, any action towards a more responsible life can make small positive changes.

Nature vs. Nurture

Discussion on the essence of human behavior are led throughout the centuries; however, modern science confirms that both nature and nurture play a vital role in shaping the human character. People are born with a set of genes, which partially presuppose the vector of their development. However, even the identical people can be different if raised in different environments: a suitable nurturing may help to minimize the effects of the genetic predisposition, while the person with the perfect genetics may be negatively affected by the surrounding individuals. Therefore, there is no point in defining what is more critical — nature or nurture — as both these factors are responsible for the development of the personality. 

Writing a 100-word essay is often not as easy a task as it sounds. Many teachers will assign short essays to test the student’s ability to write concise essays that demonstrate knowledge of the topic, without becoming too wordy. Whether you are writing a long term paper or a short response, formulating your thoughts onto paper can be tough. With a 100-word essay restriction, writing too much is not the issue. The problem in a short response essay is getting your point across while maintaining less than 100 words.

Explore this article

  • Know Your Topic and Guidelines
  • Outline the Essay
  • Write a Thesis Statement
  • Compose a Body Paragraph
  • Conclude the Essay
  • Revise Your Work

1 Know Your Topic and Guidelines

The purpose for an essay varies according to its type, so it’s important to know whether you are writing a persuasive essay, an informative essay or some other type. Carefully read the instructions to determine what type of essay is required and if your professor has established any specific guidelines that you must follow like certain margins or font size. Decide on a topic and conduct research on that topic.

2 Outline the Essay

Create an outline for the essay. Since the essay can only include 100 words, plan to only write seven to 10 sentences. Leave one or two sentences for the thesis, four to eight sentences for the body paragraph and one sentence for the conclusion.

3 Write a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the heart of an essay because it lets the reader know what the essay will be about. Write a concise thesis statement that identifies the points you will be making in the body paragraph. A thesis can also serve as an introduction in a short essay.

4 Compose a Body Paragraph

Write the body paragraph of your short essay. As you write, make sure your sentences are supporting your thesis. To make the best use of your 100-word limit, choose longer, descriptive words instead of filler words.

5 Conclude the Essay

A strong conclusion is naturally short and sweet while bringing the essay full circle by re-establishing your thesis statement. End the essay using one sentence that summarizes your topic and reinforces your thesis statement.

6 Revise Your Work

Read through your short essay and try to find a more concise way to reword a sentence. Look for grammatical errors and places you can use stronger words that take up less of the word count. If you are using a computer and writing software, use the spell-check tool, if applicable.

About the Author

Paul Lin has been writing professionally since 2010. He has written scripts for the National Science Foundation and short films that have won awards at film festivals. His knowledge of broad topics along with visual scriptwriting allows him to write articles that brings words to life. Lin holds a Bachelor of Arts in scriptwriting from the University of North Texas.

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A 100-word text usually takes about 1 page. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

A 100-word essay should include 1 to 2 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

A 100-word essay is quite a short piece. However, it should be properly planned. Your essay should contain four to five concise paragraphs. It is to consist of an introduction paragraph, two to three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

It will take you about 2 to 4 minutes to type 100 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 20 minutes for 100 words.

An average 100-word essay contains 1 to 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

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Creating A Decent 100-Word College Essay: Basic Rules

Creating a 100- word college is not a very easy approach since you have to accumulate your thought within 100 words. This can prove to be a testing period for you since you have to prove your calibre through the composition you need to write within that limited wordings. In case you don’t have the courage to form an essay, you can always find assistance online.

In order to create a decent essay on such a limited number of words, you need to follow certain rules:

  • You need to research a lot. See, how the trending topics are being presented in a precise and short format.
  • Gather ideas about the topics you need to write. Jot down the important information you have got hold of regarding them.
  • Practise writing a lot; there is no better substitute than well practised and thoroughly researched write-ups.
  • Get your draft writing checked up by your teacher. This will help you rectify the mistakes, and you can always seek for more information from your teacher in this manner, which you can later put in your article to make it a fruitful and informative one.
  • Learn the basic differences and approach to writing different kinds of treatise- narrative, argumentative, opinion or expository essay. Gain knowledge of how they are being written in different manners.

How will you create an article for college?

  • Keep in mind the differences between the varied kinds of discourses you may require writing.
  • Begin with a proper introduction for the specified format. It should not be too elaborate, as you need to maintain an average of 100-120 words. Write the introduction in a minimum of 20-25 words.
  • Move on to the body; support it with the evidence you gathered. The more information you can put in, the more valuable will your article be. This section shall be of minimum 75-80 words
  • Conclude with a small summary of about 20 words. Never introduce a new concept in this section.

These are the ways you can write a composition for your college. If you are not sure, you can always look for the essay writing services available online that caters to the college students also. Be sure to do a thorough background check of that site before you spend money to buy an essay from them. Ask for their credentials, check the site’s success rate and look at the customer feedback section to gain an idea about the site.

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McDonald’s Company: Bandwagon Technique

For instance, McDonald’s company is one of the companies that have traditionally used the approach to attract more customers. This approach is quite effective in creating a positive appeal on various products because most people […]

Methodology in Engineering Innovations

To determine the feasibility of the solution for the proposed experimentation, the researchers have reviewed the existing literature to find support for the intervention and justify its effective potential. Since engineering is a practical science, […]

Gender Images Problem in Sports Films

The research addresses three problems: the utilizing of traditional gender behavior in sports films; the reaction of the intended audience to the film: and the implication of sexuality of athletes.

Total Quality Management as Development Stimulus

TQM suggests a wide array of techniques and methods that could be used at different stages of the production process to enhance the quality of goods and attract consumers.

Abortion as a Constitutional Right of US Women

An abortion is the termination of pregnancy with the help of medicinal drugs or surgical interventions before the birth of the fetus.

Climate Change in Canada

The Harper government has done little to ensure implementation of the agreements to reduce emissions. Since governments around the globe have failed in their commitment to reduce emissions, going green remains the only option.

Inequalities in the World Today

The other inequality is in cities around the world which are thought to be well of yet there are incidences of inequality.

Racial Discrimination in Australian Society

My sincerity and conviction on the issue of racial slurs convinced him that I was a champion of human rights, especially the rights of the minorities in the society.

Transatlantic Slave Trade in the Early Modern Times

However, the end of this slave trade was a relief especially for the Africans, who were deprived of their rights to enjoy a life free from oppression and cruelty.

Global Warming as Environmental Injustice

A good example of environmental injustice is the issue of global warming. Developed nations should help developing nations deal with the negative effects of global warming.

Baroque Style and Its Relation to Absolutism

Baroque refers to the style of music, sculpture, architecture, and art that was common from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century in the continent of Europe.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla and Roman Senate

Sulla earned the secret dislike of the senate because he ordered to kill Gaius Marius a person who once spared Sulla’s life. Sulla did several things to offend the Roman people and the senate.

Cooties Tag as a Children’s Fictional Disease

In the synthesis of child conception, cooties in the modern medical world mean this is a complex disease function or a sue Samuelson. When a game of «cooties tag» commences, the disease is transferred in […]

Profit Maximization in Price-Sensitive Airline Industry

In addition, the challenge of fixed costs can be eliminated in case airlines increase the load factor and raise revenues for passengers.

Education World: Handwriting vs Typing

It is not surprising that they prefer to use tablets, laptops, and smartphones as tools of communication. Schools should not focus on handwriting because it is no longer as necessary as it used to be […]

Noble Cause Corruption and Police Misconduct

However, the phenomenon is based on a misconception about the purpose of the justice system and the role that the members of the police must play in society.

Baxter Robots and Company Performance

This technology will impact the performance of companies by reducing the time spent on repetitive duties such as packing. In case my employers buy this robot, I will not be affected personally, but the performance […]

Intuit Company’s Innovation and Competitive Position

Combined with outstanding quality of the product, the company has managed to land on the eighth spot in the list of the world’s most successful companies.

Monopoly Pricing Strategies in Case of Competition

When it comes to a monopoly, the managers should offer a pricing strategy based on establishing the highest possible price that a company can propose with no engagement in price gouging.

Early Modernist Art and Sociopolitical Climate

The political uprising of the 1900s gave the artists of the time room to experiment. For the first time, artists felt that they could break the rigid rules established by the academies without any negative […]

New Approaches for Studies of Muslim Women and Sport

The authors suggest a new approach to investigating Muslim women in sport on the basis of critical evaluation of literature. Thus, the issues of Muslim women as athletes, fans, and their representation in the media […]

Supervising and Human Resource Management

Normally, the company’s regulations with regards to mentoring and supervision are designed to prevent the personal involvement of the supervisors and avoid their bias against the new workers.

Employee Recruiting and “Fitting” the Company

To ensure organizational «fit» of an employee, his or her knowledge of the company’s culture can be determined during an interview, by proposing scenarios and inviting the employee to respond to them. The two main […]

Promotion Denial: Preventing an Employee’s Lawsuit

As the outside counsel, it is possible to suggest that the employee who was denied of promotion may sue the company for discrimination.

Discrimination Against Women and Immigrants at Work

The case of the newly hired employee, who faces discrimination against women and immigrants, is a subject to the violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Adequate Praising of Employees in Nursing

Praising employees for hard work and achievements is the right way to provide them with positive feedback and keep them motivated for the future.

Areas of High Population Growth

Child mortality rates are distributed unevenly among the population, with six out of seven million child deaths occurring in families with low income.

Professionalism in Policing and Law Enforcement

According to Thompson and Payne, the police Code of Ethics is a core of the implementation of human rights into every sphere of policing.

Wal-Mart Financial Analysis

The growth in net sales was highest between years 2008 and 2009, followed by the year 2010-2011 periods. Net profit as a percentage of sales was highest in year 2008 as a result of low […]

Loretta Perfectus Walsh: First Female Chief in Navy

According to Mosteller, born in 1896, Walsh worked at the recruiting station, when, on March 17, 1917, she was offered to join American Navy, becoming the first female to enlist in the Naval Reserve.

Patients’ Privacy and Confidential Information

Doctors are presented with an ethical dilemma as to whether the release of information is warranted considering the potential implications. Therefore, doctors must communicate the possibility of potential information leaks during emergencies for patients to […]

Theories and Hypotheses in Nursing Research

I believe a theory in the nursing field aims to improve understanding of the process of medical care to provide the best service for patients ultimately. Without theory, it would be challenging to make real […]

Reliability Criteria in Nursing Research

According to Grove, Gray, and Faan, «nursing research is a scientific process that validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new knowledge that directly and indirectly influences nursing practice».

Medical Ethics: Concealing the Truth from Patients

They include patients’ condition, family situation, and the potential implications of telling the truth. However, the decision should be based on the mental well-being of patients.

The US as a Single Superpower of the World Economy

This question relates to the things I have read in the 2015 Special Report as well, as it talks about the idea of the exceptional American position in the world economy. If so, does the […]

Principle Leadership Styles and Behaviors

Jeanne Lewis Case study is concentrated on the investigation of the principle leadership styles and behaviors; the theory to be analyzed is aimed at thorough examination of the necessary tools to meet the follower and […]

Mythology of the Mongols. A Lecture for Librarians

According to Brian, Mongolia is a Chinese province known as ‘Outer Mongolia?’ The Mongol language is one of the renowned Altaic families of languages that include Vigur, Turk Oroquen, the Ewenk, the Daur, and lastly, […]

Human Sexuality: Contraceptives, Same-Gender Behavior, Sexual Dysfunction

In order to understand adolescents and young adults’ behavior, it is crucial for people to recognize that avoiding the influence of genetic and biological factors is completely impossible.

Destination for a Business Trip: Dubai

Business travel is determined by business opportunity and the inclusion of the traveler with the organization at the destination. Most business trips prefer destinations that provide a high degree of efficiency, safety, leisure opportunities and […]

“Still Life” Painting by Luc Tuymans

Title: Still Life Year: 2014 Medium: Oil on canvas Location: The Saatachi Gallery Author: Luc Tuymans The paleness of the picture makes the viewer to intensify attention in order to examine better what is […]

“The Curve of the Bridge” Painting by Grace Cossington Smith

Title: The curve of the bridge Year: 1928-1929 Medium: Oil on cardboard Location: The Art Gallery of NSW, Australia Author: Grace Cossington Smith Grace Cossington Smith is known to be one of the first […]

“Family Home: Suburban Exterior” Painting by Arkley

The main peculiarity of his art is that he «is widely recognised as the foremost painter of Australian suburbia»2. His artwork Family home: Suburban exterior can help us to understand the main motif of his […]

The Consequences of School Cheating

Cheating also leads to corrupted morals since students begin to cheat more frequently and try to rationalize their dishonesty. Academic dishonesty also affects personal relationships since friends and family can begin to question one’s honesty […]

Breast Cancer: Crucial Issues

The textbook also notes the significant racial differences in survival rates, mainly attributed to socioeconomic and cultural factors, including lack of available specialized care. Medical professionals and local communities highly appreciate the value of early […]

Unemployment and Underemployment

This decision became a major step in relieving the social strain and allowing millions of people to survive the economic hardships caused by the imposed restrictions

The Importance of Physical Exercises for Adults

Still, according to the textbook, an adequate level of exercise is a prerequisite for reducing vulnerability to various diseases and maintaining physical and mental health.

Alzheimer’s Disease: Key Aspects

This event constitutes part of a broader campaign, which includes fundraising, information support, and promotion of specialized care for everybody suffering from the disease.

Workplace Drug Abuse

Over the past years, the issue of drug abuse in the workplace, whether the issue concerns the employees or their families, has become quite significant in the global context.

Succession Planning: the Carlson Companies

For this reason, the researchers suggest creating a detailed succession plan that would ensure the continuation of the family tradition in both values and management peculiarities.

Overreaching Products, Suffering Sales

The decision to rebrand the industry is always one of the hardest ones for the company, implying the scope of investment and the possibilities of recuperation in the near future.

James Baldwin: “White No Longer”

One of the advantages of the novel is that it strives to give one a perception of a better world. They no longer implied that everyone could access the resources they needed without fear of […]

Human Disorders. Bell’s Palsy: Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms are restricted to one side and may include eating or drinking with difficulty, drooling, drooping of the eyelid, twitching of facial muscles, headache, dry mouth or eye among other signs.

Foundation Concepts in Nursing

I think that advanced practice nurses often demonstrate their skills in critical thinking because they regularly need to assess the patients’ state, resolve complex nursing questions, decide on managing health issues and therapeutic interventions, and […]

Landscape Consciousness in Art

The landscape consciousness of the America of the 19th century was distinguished by the desire to contemplate nature in its totality. This approach changed over time, but for the 19th century, details were not typical.

How Robust Is Dubai Healthcare System?

The UAE healthcare industry experiences different challenges as discussed in this article. One of the challenges is the disparity in healthcare costs whereby different doctors have varying consultation fees.

Open Source Software: Technical Communication

An open source software is a program that has its code source available to the user for general use and modification, and at no cost.

Professional Mentoring in the Context of the Dnp

Valid professional expertise was an integral component of my research, as it provided relevant insight into the nature of the issue and possible solutions.

Issues of Overweight and Obesity

Sadly, being overweight and obese put people at high risk for severe health conditions such as diabetes, sleep disorder, and cancer.

Aspects of Sign Language

The method primarily uses facial expressions as well as gestures and body language to pass information from somebody to another or others.

Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Therapy

On the other hand, behavioral therapy relies on the assumption that «both abnormal behavior and normal behavior are learned». The two approaches are thus highly complementary, as while humanistic therapy aims at perceiving and resolving […]

“The Stillness” Painting by Ugo Rondinone

Title: The stillness, Year: 2014 Medium: Acrylic on wood and plexiglass Location: Gladstone Gallery, New York Author: Ugo Rondinone From the first point of view, it is difficult to connect this image with an […]

“Camden Park” Painting by Stephen Bush

Title: Camden Park, Year: 2014 Medium: Oil and enamel on linen Location: Private Collection, Melbourne Author: Stephen Bush Stephen Bush is famous for the series of the works, characterised by an unusual approach of […]

An Action Research Project: Effective Leadership

It is an effective tool for professional growth and effective leadership aimed to create a practical environment for future leaders. Coordination of team partners; Learning how to be an effective speaker; Learning practical/theoretical leadership nuances; […]

“The Hidden Power of Smiling” TED Talk by Gutman

Another peculiarity of the speech is the fact that the speaker does not get distracted when switching through the slides. He does not look at the screen, and it adds credibility to the information.

Plato’s “Apology” Review

In this quote, Socrates makes it clear to the audience that the accusation against him is based not on evidence but rather on the lack of understanding of philosophers by other people.

“Apprehensions” by Ted Hughes: Poem Analysis

The poem is focused on the poet’s wife’s fear that attracts and draws her to the writing-table and, at the same time, lives in it.

“Life After Death” by Ted Hughes: Poem Analysis

The poem «Life After Death» by Ted Hughes is a hymn of the sharpest grief and devastation that can only appear after losing the dearest and beloved person.

“The Addict” by Anne Sexton: Poem Analysis

In the poem «The Addict,» Anne Sexton vividly describes the experiences and feelings of an addicted person who is not understood by other people and struggles with the addiction. Thus, the poem creates a vivid […]

“Habitual” by Nate Marshall: Poem Analysis

In «Habitual» by Nate Marshall, as the title implies, the poem describes the psychological issues of habits that construct human lives. The narrator opens the poem with the expressions of controversial existence.

The Evolution of Computers and Digitalization

The evolution of computers was a long process, which started with the emergence of calculating machines. The repeated operations, which were the basis of their functioning, determined further progress.

Precis on the Superhero Smackdown by Douglas Wolk

Wolk compares Marvel and DC to settle the eternal dispute between the admirers of DC and Marvel once and for all.

Ethics of Facial-Recognition Surveillance Systems

Facial-recognition surveillance violates human rights. Facial-recognition surveillance must be banned.

The Eldorado Poem Analysis by Edgar Allan Poe

The structure of the poem is AABCCB. Edgar Allan Poe vastly uses metaphors and sight sensory in the poem.

Proverbs of Hell

Therefore, people should give in to their yearnings to gain a true understanding of the human experience, appreciate their role in the universe and see through the smokescreen created by traditional religious doctrine.

Employment Issues: Economic Progress

Despite the low unemployment rates and high wages, I do not think that today’s employees are better off compared to people who worked 30 years ago.

Cultural Tension Sources in the 1920s

After the First World War, the US received millions of immigrants who filled the streets and parts of the country. Moreover, a growing preference for leisure and glamour in the 1920s facilitated an ever-increasing interest […]

Recognizing Religious Beliefs in Health Care

Cultural peculiarities of the treatment plan. Religion as an aspect of cultural competence.

Richard Nixon and the 1968 Elections

Thus, riots within the cities, protests against the Vietnam war, and assassinations within the country assisted Richard Nixon to win in the 1968 elections.

Discussion: Google Making Us Stupid

The internet has continually affected the cognition of human beings. The internet has affected most of the operations that people do.

The Poem “Still, I Rise” by Maya Angelou

The person addressed by «you» in the poem is the oppressor of the Woman. The Woman tells her oppressor that she will rise like dirt despite the unfair treatment she receives.

The Poem “Ballad of the Landlord” by Langston Hughes

The ballad is actually a dialogue between the tenant and the landlord, although the first five stanzas represent only the tenants’ side of the dialogue.

The Poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” by Langston Hughes

This poem is a metaphor for both Hughes’ life and the life of Black people in general. The author speaks for all African Americans and their ancestors who lived hundreds and thousands of years before.

The Poem “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes

«The Weary Blues» is a jazzy musical poem that has a structure with the rhythms and form of the blues. The poem combines the voices of both the speaker and the Black singer who plays […]

Pricing: Researching Price bundling

In other words, with price bundling, several different products are offered as a package, which is lower than the prices for every product if it is bought separately.

Is Tipping a Police Officer a Bribe?

In the context of law enforcement, a gratuity is a gift to operating officers based on their occupation. However, there is a blurry line between tips, gratuity, and bribes, and it is the main argument […]

Analysis of Disney+ Value Proposition

This format manages to grasp the very essence of the 21st-century spirit and combines high-tech solutions with the familiar methods of pastime.

Current Views on Leadership: Strategies to Motivate Your Team

Being culturally sensitive Ability to hear opinions and problems of the population Remaining calm under pressure and during the crisis Great communication skills Encourage changes Resolve conflicts Increase the productivity of the team

Professional Sociological Associations

Sociological associations address the needs and problems of society, supporting specialists with information, resources, funding, and networking opportunities. This organization provides the public with research findings and data regarding families in the United States.

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