Wrap the text in excel

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Microsoft Excel can wrap text so it appears on multiple lines in a cell. You can format the cell so the text wraps automatically, or enter a manual line break.

Wrap text automatically

  1. In a worksheet, select the cells that you want to format.

  2. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click Wrap Text. (On Excel for desktop, you can also select the cell, and then press Alt + H + W.)

    The Wrap Text button in the Alignment group


    • Data in the cell wraps to fit the column width, so if you change the column width, data wrapping adjusts automatically.

    • If all wrapped text is not visible, it may be because the row is set to a specific height or that the text is in a range of cells that has been merged.

Adjust the row height to make all wrapped text visible

  1. Select the cell or range for which you want to adjust the row height.

  2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format.

  3. Under Cell Size, do one of the following:

    • To automatically adjust the row height, click AutoFit Row Height.

    • To specify a row height, click Row Height, and then type the row height that you want in the Row height box.

      Tip: You can also drag the bottom border of the row to the height that shows all wrapped text.

Enter a line break

To start a new line of text at any specific point in a cell:

  1. Double-click the cell in which you want to enter a line break.

    Tip: You can also select the cell, and then press F2.

  2. In the cell, click the location where you want to break the line, and press Alt + Enter.

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When you enter a text string in Excel which exceeds the width of the cell, you can see the text overflowing to the adjacent cell(s).

Below is an example where I have some address in column A and these address overflow to the adjacent cells as well.

And in case you have some text in the adjacent cell, the otherwise overflowing text would disappear and you will only see the text that can fit the cell column width.

In both cases, it doesn’t look good and you may want to wrap the text so that the text remains within a cell and not spill over to others.

This can be done using the wrap text feature in Excel.

In this tutorial, I will show you various ways of wrapping text in Excel (including doing it automatically with a single click, using a formula and doing it manually)

So let’s get started!

Wrap text with a Click

Since this is something you may need to do quite often, there is easy access to quickly wrap the text with a click on a button.

Suppose you have the dataset as shown below where you want to wrap text in column A.

Address in cells that needs to be wrapped

Below are the steps to do this:

  1. Select the entire dataset (column A in this example)
  2. Click the Home TabClick the home tab
  3. In the Alignment group, click on the ‘Wrap text’ button.Click on Wrap Text option in the ribbon

That’s It!

All it takes it two-click to quickly wrap the text.

You will get the final result as shown below.

Resulting Address when wrap text format is applied

You can further bring down the effort from two to one-click by adding the Wrap text option to the Quick Access Toolbar. To do this. right-click on the Wrap text option and click on ‘Add to Quick Access Toolbar’

Add wrap text to quick access toolbar

This adds an icon to the QAT and when you want to wrap text in any cell, just select it and click this icon in the QAT.

Wrap text with a Keyboard Shortcut

If you’re like me, leaving the keyboard and using a mouse to click even a single button could feel like a waste of time.

Good news is that you can use the below keyboard shortcut to quickly wrap text in all the selected cells.

ALT + H + W (ALY key followed by the H and W keys)

Wrap text with the Format Dialog box

This is my least preferred method, but there is a reason I am including this one in this tutorial (as it can be useful in one specific scenario).

Below are the steps to wrap the text using the Format dialog box:

  1. Select the cells for which you want to apply the wrap text formatting
  2. Click the Home tab
  3. In the Alignment group, click on the Alignment Setting dialog box launcher (it’s a small ’tilted arrow in a box’ icon at the bottom right of the group).Click the Alignment Dialog box launcher
  4. In the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box that opens, select ‘Alignment’ tab (if not selected already)
  5. Select the Wrap text optionIn the Alignment Tab, check the Wrap Text option
  6. Click OK.

The above steps would wrap the text in the selected cells.

Now if you’re thinking why to use this twisted long method when you can use a keyboard shortcut or a single click on the ‘Wrap Text’ button in the ribbon.

In most cases, you should not be using this method, but it can be useful when you want to change a couple of formatting settings. Since the Format Dialog box gives you access to all the formatting options, this may end up saving you some time.

NOTE: You can also use the keyboard shortcut Control + 1 to open the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box.

How Does Excel Decide How Much text to Wrap

When you use the above method, Excel uses the column width to decide how many lines you get after wrapping.

Doing this makes sure that anything that you have in the cell is confined within the cell itself and doesn’t overflow.

In case you change the column width, the text will also adjust to ensure it fits the column width automatically.

Inserting Line Break (Manually, Using Formula, or Find and Replace)

When you apply ‘Wrap Text’ to any cell, Excel determines the line breaks based on the width of the column.

So if there is text which can fit in the existing column width, it will not be wrapped, but in case it can not, Excel will insert the line breaks by first fitting the content in the first line and then moving the rest to the second line (and so on).

By entering a line break manually, you force Excel to move the text to the next line (in the same cell) right after the line break is inserted.

To enter the line break manually, follow the below steps:

  • Double-click on the cell in which you want to insert the line break (or press F2). This will get you into the edit mode in the cell
  • Place the cursor where you want the line break.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut – ALT + ENTER (hold the ALT key and then press Enter).

Insert a Line Break using ALT Enter

Note: For this to work, you need to have Wrap Text enabled on the cell. If Wrap Text is not enabled, you will see all the text in one single line, even if you have inserted the line break.

You can also use a CHAR formula to insert a line break (as well as a cool Find and Replace trick to replace any character with a line break).

Both of these methods are covered in this short tutorial on inserting line breaks in Excel.

And in case you want to remove line breaks from cells in Excel, here is a detailed tutorial about it.

Handling Wrapping Too Much Text

Sometimes you may have a lot of text in a cell and when you wrap the text, it may end up making your row height large.

Something as shown below (the text is taken for bookbrowse.com):

Too much text in a cell

In such a case, you may want to adjust the row height and make it consistent. The downside of this is that not all the text in the cell will be visible, but it makes your worksheet a lot more usable.

Below are the steps to set the row height of the cells:

  1. Select the cells for which you want to change the row height
  2. Click the ‘Home’ tab
  3. In the Cells group, click on the ‘Format’ optionClick on Format option in the Home tab
  4. Click on Row HeightClick on Row Height
  5. In the ‘Row Height’ dialog box, enter the value. I am using the value 40 in this example.Specify the row height value in the dialog box
  6. Click OK

The above steps would change the row height and make it all consistent. In case any of the selected cells have text which can not be fit in a cell with the specified height, it will be cut from the bottom.

Don’t worry, the text would still be in the cell. It just won’t be visible.

Excel Text Wrap Not Working – Possible Solutions

In case you find that the Wrap text option is not working as expected and you still see the text as a single line in the cell (or with some missing text), there could be a few possible reasons:

Wrap Text is not enabled

Since it works as a toggle, quickly check whether it’s enabled or not.

If it’s enabled, you will see that this option is highlighted in the Home tab

Cell height needs to be adjusted

When Wrap Text is applied, it moves the extra lines below the first line in the cell. In case your cell row height is less, you may not see the entire wrapped text.

In that case, you need to adjust the cell height.

You change the row height manually by dragging the bottom edge of the row.

Alternatively, you can use the ‘AutoFit Row Height’. This option is available in the ‘Home’ tab in ‘Format’ options.

Autofit Row Height

To use the AutoFit option, select all the cells that you want to auto-fit and click on the AutoFit Row Height option.

The Column Width is Already Wide enough

And sometimes there is nothing wrong.

When your column width is wide enough, there is no reason for Excel to wrap the text as it already fits the cell in a single line.

In case you still want the text to split into multiple lines (despite having enough column width), you need to insert the line break manually.

Hope you found this tutorial useful.

You may also like the following Excel tutorials:

  • How to Find Merged Cells in Excel
  • How to Merge Cells in Excel
  • Excel Text to Columns
  • Insert Bullet Points in Excel
  • How to Insert a Check Mark (Tick Mark) Symbol in Excel

A normal Excel sheet has cells that are 8.43 points in width and 15 points in height. This is usually about 64 pixels wide and 20 pixels tall.

If your text data is long, you can increase the cell width to fit the data length.

A better option might be to wrap the text to increase the row height so the data fits in the cell instead!

In this post you’ll learn 3 ways to wrap your text data to fit it inside the cell.

What is Text Wrap?

This means that if text is too long to fit inside its cell, it will automatically adjust to appear on multiple lines within the cell.

The data inside the cell will not change and no line break characters will be inserted. It will only appear to be formatted on multiple lines.

The above example you can see the text inside cell B2 extends well past the width of the cell and spills over cell to the right.

After the cell has had wrap text applied, you can see the row height has been adjusted to fit all the text.

Wrap Text from Ribbon

This is a very common action, so it can be found in the Home tab of the ribbon commands.

Wrap your text.

  1. Select the cell or range of cells to which you want to apply the wrap text formatting.
  2. Go to the Home tab.
  3. Press the Wrap Text command found in the Alignment section.

This will apply the formatting to your cells!

It’s a good idea to adjust the width of your cells to the desired size first as the height of the rows will be adjusted so all the text fits inside the cell.

Wrap Text Keyboard Shortcut

There is no dedicated keyboard shortcut for the wrap text formatting, but you can still use the Alt hotkeys for this.

Select the cells to which you want to apply wrap text then press AltHW.

Certainly a quick and easy way to apply the formatting.

Wrap Text in the Format Cells Dialog Box

The format cells dialog box contains all the formatting options you can apply to a cell in your spreadsheet, including the wrap text option.

You can open this menu with a right click on the cells then choose Format Cells or by using the Ctrl + 1 keyboard shortcut.

Go to the Alignment tab in the menu ➜ Check the Wrap text option in the Text control section ➜ then press the OK button.

This is a great option when you want to apply wrap text and other formatting options at the same time.

Automatically Adjust Row Height to Fit Text

If your row height does not properly adjust to fit all the text and is either too small or too big, then you will need to adjust it.

You can do this manually by clicking and dragging the row but there is an easy option to auto-adjust the height.

Go to the Home tab ➜ select the Format options ➜ then select AutoFit Row Height from the menu. You can also do this by double clicking on the edge of the row heading.

The row height will adjust to the exact height needed to show all the text.

Manually Add Line Breaks to Wrap Your Text

The wrap text option will automatically format your text with line breaks based on the available width of the cell.

If you want to choose where the line breaks appear, then you can do this by manually adding line break characters to your text data.

Place the cursor in the text at the point where you want to add a line break then hold the Alt key and press Enter.

This will add a line break character into your text data and the data will appear on multiple lines in the sheet.

Remove Wrap Text

It’s just as easy to remove wrap text formatting as it is to apply it in the first place.

Remove Formatting

Select the cells from which you want to remove the formatting and then perform any of these methods.

  • Go to the Home tab and press the Wrap Text command.
  • Open the Format Cells menu and uncheck the Wrap text option in the Alignment tab.
  • Use the AltHW keyboard shortcut.

The exact same commands used to apply the formatting can be used to remove the formatting as well!

Remove Manually Added Line Breaks

If you’ve manually added line break characters to your text to achieve a wrapping effect, then you will need to remove them using a find and replace method.

Press Ctrl + H to open the find and replace dialog box.

Place the cursor in the Find what section and press Ctrl + J to add a line break character. Leave the Replace with section empty and then press the Replace All button.

This will replace all the line break character that you manually added by nothing thereby removing them.


Wrapping text is a great option for styling your spreadsheets and making them more readable.

It’s great too, because it’s very easy to do.

What’s your favourite method? Let me know in the comments!

About the Author

John MacDougall

John is a Microsoft MVP and qualified actuary with over 15 years of experience. He has worked in a variety of industries, including insurance, ad tech, and most recently Power Platform consulting. He is a keen problem solver and has a passion for using technology to make businesses more efficient.

What is Wrap Text in Excel?

The wrap text feature in excel allows displaying lengthy text strings of a cell in multiple lines. This enhances the readability of the worksheet and ensures that the entire cell data is visible at all times. After wrapping text, the row height increases automatically though the column width stays the same. If one changes the column width, the cell content adjusts itself to fit the new width.

For example, in the following image, wrap text has been applied to the string in cell B2. At the same time, column B has been widened.

The purpose of wrapping text is to prevent the cell data from spilling to the cells on the right. Moreover, it ensures that a text string is not cut by the border of the adjacent cell. Wrapping text is extremely helpful in worksheets that have a lot of content to display at a time.

Table of contents
  • What is Wrap Text in Excel?
    • How to Wrap the Text in Excel?
      • Method #1–Using the Home tab
      • Method #2–Using the “Format Cells” Window
      • Method #3–Using the Keyboard Shortcut
      • Method #4–Using Line Breaks
    • The Reasons “Wrap Text” Feature may not Work in Excel
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Recommended Articles

How to Wrap the Text in Excel?

Wrap text is a formatting feature of Excel, which changes the appearance of a string without changing the string itself. The methods of wrapping text are listed as follows:

  • Method #1–Wrap text using the Home tab
  • Method #2–Wrap text using the “format cells” window
  • Method #3–Wrap text using the keyboard shortcut
  • Method #4–Wrap text using line breaks

Note that methods #1 to #3 wrap text automatically, while method #4 wraps text manually. In method #4, line breaks are inserted at the desired place in a cell. A line break serves as a substitute for the wrap text feature of Excel.

Let us discuss the four methods with the help of examples.

You can download this Wrap Text Excel Template here – Wrap Text Excel Template

Method #1–Using the Home tab

The succeeding image shows a long text string in cell A2. We want to wrap this text in cell A2. Use the “wrap text” option of the Home tab.

The steps to wrap text in excel by using the stated method are listed as follows:

Step 1: Select cell A2 whose text string needs to be wrapped.

Step 2: From the “alignment” group of the Home tab, click “wrap text.” The text string of cell A2 is displayed in multiple lines, as shown in the succeeding image.

Notice that even after wrapping text, the width of column A stays the same as that of the other columns. However, the height of row 2 increases when this feature is turned on.

Note 1: “Wrap text” is a toggle button that can be turned on and off to wrap and unwrap the text.

Note 2: To wrap the text of multiple cells simultaneously, select all such cells and press the “wrap text” toggle button.

Wrap Text method 1

Method #2–Using the “Format Cells” Window

Working on the text string of method #1, we want to wrap the text in cell A2. Use the “format cells” window of Excel.

The steps to wrap text in excel by using “Format Cells” are listed as follows:

  1. Select cell A2 containing the string to be wrapped. Right-click the selection and choose “format cells” from the context menu.
    Alternatively, press the shortcut “Ctrl+1” after selecting the cell.

    Wrap Text method 2

  2. The “format cells” window opens, as shown in the following image. Click the “alignment” tab. Then, from “text control,” choose the “wrap text” option and click “Ok.”

    Wrap Text method 2-1

  3. The wrap text feature has been applied to cell A2, as shown in the following image. This time also, the width of column A has not changed, but the height of row 2 has increased.

    Example 2 - Step 3

Method #3–Using the Keyboard Shortcut

The succeeding image shows a text string in cell A1. We want to wrap this string of cell A1. Use the keyboard shortcutAn Excel shortcut is a technique of performing a manual task in a quicker way.read more for wrapping text.

The steps to wrap text in excel by using keyboard shortcut are listed as follows:

Step 1: Select cell A1 that consists of the string to be wrapped.

Step 2: Press the shortcut keys “Alt+H+W.” For this shortcut to work, first press the “Alt” key and release it. Next, press and release the “H” key followed by the “W” key.

Wrap Text Shortcut

Step 3: Once the “W” key is released, the “wrap text” feature is applied to the cell selected in step 1. The output is shown in the following image.

method 3-1

Method #4–Using Line Breaks

Working on the text string of method #1, we want to perform the following tasks:

  • Apply the wrap text feature in cell A1.
  • Insert line breaks manually after the strings “enter,” “large,” and “a” in cell A2.
  • Compare the results of applying wrap text with inserting line breaks.

Use the keyboard shortcut for inserting line breaks. Note that both cells A1 and A2 should contain the text string of method #1.

The steps to perform the given tasks are listed as follows:

Step 1: Wrap the text in cell A1 by selecting the cell and choosing “wrap text” from the Home tab. The output is shown in cell A1 of the succeeding image.

Step 2: To insert line breaks, place the cursor in that part of the cell where line breaks are to be inserted. Next, press the keys “Alt+Enter” together.

So, first, place the cursor after the string “enter” and press the given shortcut. The line break is inserted at the end of this string. Likewise, insert line breaks after the strings “large” and “a.”

The result is shown in cell A2 of the following image.

method 4

Comparison between applying wrap text and inserting line breaks: It must be noted that when a line break is inserted, the “wrap text” feature is automatically turned on in Excel.

Therefore, when “wrap text” is applied, it is applied alone. However, when a line break is added, it is added in combination with “wrap text.”

The line breaks entered in cell A2 will stay in place even if column A is made wider. Moreover, if “wrap text” is turned off but the line breaks are retained, the string of cell A2 appears in a single line. However, the line breaks inserted in step 2 are visible in the formula bar.

In contrast, when the “wrap text” of cell A1 is disabled, the string appears as a single line, in this cell and the formula bar. So, with wrap text in excel, the cell content can regain its initial appearance with a single click of the toggle button.

The Reasons “Wrap Text” Feature may not Work in Excel

The reasons due to which the wrap text feature may not work in Excel are listed as follows:

  • It does not work on merged cells. So, cells need to be unmerged before the wrap text feature can be applied to them.
  • It does not work if the cell is already wide enough to display the entire text string. In this case, one can insert line breaks to display the cell content in multiple lines.
  • It may not be visible if the height of the row has been set at a very low value. To avoid this, make sure that the height of the row adjusts automatically with the application of the wrap text feature in excel.

Note: To ensure that wrapped text is visible at all times, follow either of the listed techniques in Excel:

  • Set the row height to adjust automatically. For this, click the “format” drop-down from the “cells” group of the Home tab. Next, choose “AutoFit row height” from the “cell size” option.
  • Enlarge the height of the row manually. For this, place the cursor on the lower border of the row label. The row labels are displayed on the left side of the worksheet. Once the “resizing” mouse pointer appears, drag the lower border of the row downwards to increase the row height.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the wrap text feature and where is it in Excel?

The wrap text feature in excel helps display the content of a cell in multiple lines. With wrap text, the text is wrapped in such a way that the row height increases, but the column width stays the same. Further, the column width can be increased or decreased by the user. The text string adjusts itself automatically with a change in the column width.

However, even after applying the wrap text feature, one can maintain a consistent column width throughout the worksheet. The “wrap text” is a toggle button of Excel, which is available in the “alignment” group of the Home tab.

Note: For more details on the working of the wrap text feature, refer to the examples of this article.

2. List the reasons and state the shortcut of using the wrap text feature in Excel.

The wrap text feature is used in Excel for the following reasons:

• To prevent text strings from being truncated by the adjacent cell
• To avoid overlapping of text strings
• To ensure that the entire cell content is visible
• To improve the readability of large datasets
• To make the worksheet neat, organized, and fit for printing

In Excel, the shortcut of wrapping text is “Alt+H+W.” All the keys must be pressed one after the other in the given sequence. Prior to using this shortcut, ensure that the cell, whose text is to be wrapped, is selected.

3. How to wrap text without expanding the size of the cell in Excel?

After applying the wrap text feature, one can keep either the row height or the column width constant but not both simultaneously. If both (row height and column width) are held constant, the wrapped text will not be visible.

The steps to keep the row height constant are listed as follows:

• Select the cell in which the text is to be wrapped.
• Click the “format” drop-down from the “cells” group of the Home tab.
• From “cell size,” select “row height.”
• In the “row height” window, do not enter any value. Simply click “Ok.”

Now, when the wrap text feature is applied to the selected cell, the row height will remain the same as that of the other rows. On the other hand, the column width already stays constant even after applying the wrap text feature.

However, when the text of a cell is wrapped, it is recommended that one should not prevent a cell from expanding. This is because the basic purpose of wrap text will not be served if the cell is not permitted to enlarge.

Recommended Articles

This has been a guide to wrap text in Excel. Here we discuss how to wrap text in Excel by using the top 4 methods along with shortcuts and examples. You may also look at these useful functions in Excel–

  • Format Text in ExcelText formatting in Excel include changing the colour, font name, font size, alignment, font appearance in bold, underlining, italic, background colour of the font cell, and so on.read more
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  • Add Text in Excel FormulaText in Excel Formula allows us to add text values to using the CONCATENATE function or the ampersand (&) symbol.read more
  • Change Case in ExcelPROPER, UPPER, and LOWER are the three Excel functions that help in converting the text to proper case, upper case and lower case respectively.read more
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How to Wrap Text in Excel – 4 Quick Methods [2023]

How to Wrap Text in Excel – 4 Quick Methods [2023]

By default, a cell in Excel is 15 points tall and 8.43 points wide. The said size is perfect to fit in numbers.

However, you might find yourself in situations where you would want to fit text in a spreadsheet. Particularly, if those are long sentences, it might be difficult for you to neatly fit them into a cell. 🤫

That is where you need the Wrap Text feature of Excel. To learn all about it – continue reading the article it follows.

Download our free sample workbook here to tag along with the guide.

What is the Wrap Text feature in Excel?

There are two ways how the data in a cell that’s large enough to fit in might appear in Microsoft Excel.

1. The text exceeds the boundaries of a cell, and the adjacent cell is empty. In such a case Excel lets the text string exceed the boundaries of the cell.

Long text string

2. The text exceeds the boundaries of a cell, and the adjacent cell is not empty. In such a case Excel cuts off the text at the cell boundary.

Long text string

The Wrap Text feature of Excel is meant to save you from situations like these.

The sentence in the above image is too large to fit in a default-sized cell. To fit it in the cell, you may resort to dragging and dropping the column and the row.

But what if you have many such cells in Excel with texts of varying lengths?

Texts of varying lengths

You don’t waste a whole evening resizing each column and row to perfectly fit the text in each. To do this in one go, Excel offers the Wrap Text feature.

Where hitting a single button would align it all for you!

Wrapped text / Wrapping text in Excel

How to wrap text in Excel? There are four quick ways how you can wrap text automatically and manually in Microsoft Excel.

It’s time we see them one by one.

1) Wrap Text from the Ribbon

Excel Ribbon offers a ready button to wrap text in Excel.

Take the cells in the image below.

Long text string in Excel

1. Select the cell/cells where you want the Wrap Text formatting applied.

Selecting the cells

This will be the cell that contains the text.

2. Go to Home Tab > Alignment Group > Click Wrap Text

Wrap text button on Ribbon
wrapping text / wrapped text in Excel

Wrapping text in Excel is a piece of cake!😀

2) Wrap Text using Hotkeys

Sometimes, you might be working in the ‘keyboard mode’ and simply don’t want to switch to a mouse or a joystick.

That’s alright. You can still wrap text automatically in Excel using hotkeys.

1. Select the cell/cells where you want the Wrap Text formatting applied.

Selecting the cells

Press Alt. This will activate the hotkey buttons on the Ribbon.

The hotkey buttons in Excel

2. Next press ‘H’ to go to the Home Tab.

3. Press ‘W’ for Wrap Text.

Hotkey for Wrap text
Wrap text in Excel

3) Wrap Text from the Format Cells Dialog Box

Another way to wrap text automatically in Excel is through the Format Cell Dialog box.

1. Select the cell/cells where you want the Wrap Text formatting applied.

Selecting the cells

2. Go to Home Tab > Alignment Group > Click the arrow button to the bottom right

 launching the format cells dialog box

Here’s a keyboard shortcut for you! Hit ‘Ctrl + 1’ to launch the ‘Format Cells’ dialogue box.

Kasper Langmann, Microsoft Office Specialist

3. From the Format Cells popup menu:

Go to Alignment Tab > Text Control > Wrap Text

Wrap Text from the Format Cells dialog box
Wrapped text/wrapping text

All of the methods above automatically adjust the row height/column width to fit in the contents of a cell.

You might also choose to do this manually.

4) Wrap Text manually

There are two ways how you may manually fit the text into a single cell in Excel.

i. By adjusting the rows/columns

1. Select the column header where the text resides.

2. Hover your cursor over the boundary of the header to see a double-headed arrow.

The double-headed arrow

3. Hold it and drag it to change the cell size till you have reached the desired column width.

Desired column width

Or, if you do not want to resize the cell in terms of width but height, you may do the same for rows.

However, if you merely resize the row as above, it won’t work.

not wrapped text in Excel

To fit the text in the cell, you not only need to resize the row but apply Wrap Text too.

Desired row height

ii. By adding line breaks

Line breaks in cells in Excel are just like ordinary line breaks that you’d add to any text of yours.

You can fit text in a cell in Excel by adding a manual line break.

1. To add a new line in a cell, double click the cell. This will activate the cell for writing to it.

Pro Tip!

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut of pressing F2 to activate a cell for editing. Or you can edit it from the formula bar. ✌️

Activate a cell for writing

2. Take the cursor to the position where the text exceeds the boundaries of the cell.

3. Press Alt + Enter to go to add a line break.

Adding a line break to a cell

This breaks the line into two to help it fit in the cell.

This is not a very handy way to fit text in a cell in Excel because it leads to distortion every time a slight change is made.

iii. By applying AutoFit to Columns / Rows

Another way to fit text in a cell in Excel could be by applying the AutoFit settings to a cell.

1. Select the subject cell.

2. Go to Home Tab > Cells > Format > Auto Fit Row Height.

AutoFit Row Height Box.

This is applicable if you want the height of the cell to be adjusted for fitting the contents.

3. Or Go to Home Tab > Cells > Format > Auto Fit Column Width.

Auto Fit Column Width Box

This should help you if you want the width of the cell to be adjusted for fitting the cell contents and not the height.

How to remove Wrap text from Excel?

Unwrapping text in Excel is as easy as it is to wrap text in Excel.

Simply select the cells where you no longer want the wrap text feature applied.

1. Go to Home Tab > Alignment Tab > Click Wrap Text.

2. Or use the hotkeys by pressing Alt + H + W.

3. The Wrap text settings (if already applied) will be removed.

The same steps used to apply the wrap text can be reapplied to remove the wrap text formatting.

Kasper Langmann, Microsoft Office Specialist

That’s it – Now what?

In the article above, we came across different methods on how to wrap text in Excel. Starting from the Wrap text button on Excel Ribbon, to hotkeys, to Format cells.

Not only these, but we also saw how you can manually adjust the size of a cell to fit its contents.

The Wrap text feature of Excel is going to save your spreadsheet from taking a terrible shape. However, Excel is not only about formatting but manipulating numbers.

The three most used functions of Excel include the VLOOKUP, SUMIF, and IF functions. Click here to sign up for my free 30-minute email course that is designed to teach you these functions (and more!).

Kasper Langmann2023-01-19T12:16:50+00:00

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