World word search puzzles

10000+ результатов для ‘wordsearch’

Вы ищете страницу профиля Wordsearch ?


Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78



Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78



Угадай буквы

от Planetenglish74


Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78


Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78



Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78

oxford phonics-2


Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78


Поиск слов

от Tanyabardass



Поиск слов

от Bazilini



от Mensagens

Christmas wordsearch

Christmas wordsearch

от Tiredelephant

wordsearch England

wordsearch England
Поиск слов

от Huggingbears

словарик wordsearch

словарик wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78

Wordsearch Food

Wordsearch Food
Совпадающие пары

от Bcstaff

 Fruits wordsearch

Fruits wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Gorobets

1-й класс
2-й класс
3 класс

wordsearch ai/ay

wordsearch ai/ay
Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78


animals and pets_starters wordsearch

animals and pets_starters wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78


Wordsearch friendship

Wordsearch friendship

от Risnasty

animals wordsearch

animals wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78

Halloween wordsearch

Halloween wordsearch

от Katerinakarazanova

wordsearch house

wordsearch house
Поиск слов

от Huggingbears

go getter 2

wordsearch animals

wordsearch animals
Поиск слов

от Olenka43

4-й класс
Начальная школа / начальная
Spotlight 4

clothes wordsearch

clothes wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78

F2_U6_L1 Wordsearch

F2_U6_L1 Wordsearch
Найди пару

от Langco

Halloween wordsearch

Halloween wordsearch

от Katerinakarazanova

Halloween wordsearch

Halloween wordsearch
Найди пару

от Katerinakarazanova

 seasons wordsearch

seasons wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Oksana12

Furniture wordsearch

Furniture wordsearch

от Katarios

Colours wordsearch

Colours wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Nastyaneronova

3 класс
rainbow 3

Easter Wordsearch

Easter Wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Nina180

christmas wordsearch

christmas wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Olya21

3 класс
4-й класс
5-й класс
6 класс
7-й класс
8 класс
Английский язык

 wordsearch colours

wordsearch colours

от Sanity713

Wordsearch 2

Wordsearch 2
Поиск слов

от Katerinastashev

Islnds 1

Halloween wordsearch

Halloween wordsearch
Откройте поле

от Katerinakarazanova

wordsearch match

wordsearch match
Найди пару

от Zichrini

Starbucks Wordsearch

Starbucks Wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Xiotur56

Furniture Wordsearch

Furniture Wordsearch

от Querinut

an wordsearch

an wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78

oxford phonics-2

wordsearch -o-

wordsearch -o-
Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78

oxford phonics-2


Поиск слов

от Msksenia1998

AS1. U10 food wordsearch

AS1. U10 food wordsearch
Совпадающие пары

от Lubsasky

Начальная школа / начальная
Academy stars1

 Numbers 11-19 (Wordsearch)

Numbers 11-19 (Wordsearch)
Поиск слов

от Oksana12

Wordsearch GG1/1.1

Wordsearch GG1/1.1
Поиск слов

от Morozhenka0901

YCT 2 Lesson 3 Wordsearch

YCT 2 Lesson 3 Wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Shanghaichinese

BE-SPREAD wordsearch

BE-SPREAD wordsearch
Случайные карты

от Freedom

Farm animals wordsearch

Farm animals wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Cheremukhina14

1-й класс
2-й класс
3 класс
4-й класс

Tiere - Eng wordsearch

Tiere — Eng wordsearch
Угадай буквы

от Abramovaalena78

wordsearch for groups  Beach

wordsearch for groups Beach
Найди пару

от Ayagovdik

Family and Friends

Actions wordsearch Islands 1 Welcome

Actions wordsearch Islands 1 Welcome
Найди пару

от Turmaria1979

Wordsearch Spotlight 2 10a Toys

Wordsearch Spotlight 2 10a Toys
Поиск слов

от Milateacher

KET лексика wordsearch

KET лексика wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78

Wordsearch Rainbow 4

Wordsearch Rainbow 4
Поиск слов

от Yfnf85

Copy of wordsearch

Copy of wordsearch
Случайное колесо

от Kojsheva16

verben 1-20 wordsearch

verben 1-20 wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Abramovaalena78

Places in a town - wordsearch

Places in a town — wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Yuvs16

Your Space 3

PlayWay 2 Unit 9 Wordsearch

PlayWay 2 Unit 9 Wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Yuvs16

Play Way 2

Selena Gomez (wordsearch)

Selena Gomez (wordsearch)
Поиск слов

от Arinatsymbal

Wordsearch clothes weather

Wordsearch clothes weather
Поиск слов

от Sinokos96

FOOD part 2 wordsearch

FOOD part 2 wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Katerinastashev

Islnds 1

Geschirr 3 Wordsearch A2

Geschirr 3 Wordsearch A2
Поиск слов

от Istomina1

The Spruce / Hilary Allison

These printable word searches will be sure to challenge even the most advanced puzzler. You’ll find three different levels of hard word searches below, each growing in difficulty based on the number of words you need to find.

There are the hard word searches with 30-39 hidden words, the very hard word searches with 40-49 words you’ll need to find, and the extremely hard word searches with 50 or more hidden words. I suggest starting with the first section and then moving on to the other puzzles after you feel confident that you can tackle them.

If these puzzles aren’t challenging enough for you, you can also consider making your own hard word search. Trade with a friend and see who can complete theirs the quickest.

Many other free word searches are available for just about every holiday and season as well as daily word searches, online puzzles, and word searches just for kids. Both adults and kids will love the challenge and fun these puzzles bring.

  • Printable Hard Word Searches

    Westend61 / Getty Images 

    These word searches are considered hard because they have 30-39 hidden words to find. Can you find them all?

    • Famous Artists: There are 30 names of famous artists hidden in this hard word search puzzle.
    • Healthy Foods: You’ll need to find 31 hidden healthy food words in this word search puzzle.
    • Famous Cars: This hard word search has 32 famous cars that need to be found.
    • Arguments: A tough word search puzzle with 33 hidden words.
    • Here Comes the Bride: A 33-word puzzle all about weddings.
    • The Beach: There are 34 beach words in this word search puzzle.
    • Music Artists: Find the names of 34 music artists.
    • Busy Schedule: Can you find all 35 words in this word search printable?
    • Movie Night: There are 36 movie titles hidden in this word search.
    • Lots of Words: A generally hard word search with 38 non-related words.
    • Famous American Football Players: Find 38 famous American football players in this puzzle.
    • Dogs: Find 38 breeds of dogs in this hard word puzzle.
    • Have Fun: A general word search with 38 words to find.
    • Your Body: You’ll need to find 39 words to solve this science word search puzzle all about the body.
    • United States of America: There are 39 hidden words in this hard word search over the USA.
  • Printable Very Hard Word Searches

    Kohei Hara / Getty Images 

    40-49 words that you’ll need to find.

    • World Capitals: This is a very hard word search puzzle with 40 world capitals to find.
    • The Great Lakes Basin: Find 40 things you might discover in the Great Lakes basin.
    • Baseball Players: Find 42 names of famous baseball players in this word search.
    • Health Issues: Find 42 health issues in this very hard word search puzzle printable.
    • Les Miserables: Here’s a 42 word hidden word search puzzle that’s all about everyone’s favorite musical.
    • The Great Lakes: There are 45 hidden words in this word search puzzle.
    • Horse Breeds: 46 names of horse breeds are hidden in this difficult word search puzzle.
    • Pearl Harbor: Print out this very hard word search puzzle and find all 48 words.
    • What’s the Point: Here’s a fun word search printable where you’ll need to find 48 words or phrases that all have points associated with them.
    • Hilarious Movies: If you like funny movies, you’re going to love this word search! There are 48 titles of some of the best comedies out there all hidden within this tough word search puzzle.
    • Relationships: This printable word search puzzle has 49 words hiding in it.
  • Printable Extremely Hard Word Searches

    Hero Images / Getty Images 

    Watch out for these extremely hard word search puzzles with 50 or more hidden words. Pick one with unfamiliar words you to increase the difficulty and make it your own personal hardest word search.

    • Strange Words: Can you find all 50 strange words in this word search puzzle?
    • European Countries: Find the 50 countries in Europe in this extremely hard word search puzzle.
    • Fifty States: You’ll need to find all 50 states to complete this word search puzzle.
    • Fifty State Capitals: Another extremely hard word search puzzle where you’ll need to find 50 state capitals.
    • Camping: You’ll have to find 50 camping words in this puzzle.
    • Popular Girls Names: Find 50 of the most popular names for girls.
    • Popular Boys Names: There are 50 names of boys in this word search.
    • Harry Potter Word Search: Find 50 Harry Potter-related words to solve this word search.
    • Our Family: There are 50 family words to find in this word search printable.
    • Self Help: You’ll need to find 50 words to solve this puzzle.
    • Gardening: There are 50 hidden words that all have to do with gardening in this hard word search printable. Make it more of a challenge by finding the Lady Bird Johnson quote with the remaining letters. 
    • Flowers of the 50 States: Can you find the name of each state flower? There are 50 to find!
    • Golden Age of Hollywood: Find 50 actors and actresses’ names in this difficult word search puzzle.
    • Box Office Hits: Relive your favorite movies with this free hard word search puzzle that asks you to find 50 box office hits.
    • Bio-mechanics: There are 50 bio-mechanics words to find in this very difficult word search puzzle.
    • ’80’s Cartoons: This is an extra difficult puzzle because the titles of the ’80’s cartoons are so long. Good luck finding all 50 of them!
    • Accounting: Find 55 accounting terms in what’s one of the more difficult word search puzzles. If you enjoy this puzzle you may also enjoy free math word puzzles.
    • Deserts of the World: There are 60 deserts hidden within this tough word search puzzle. The remaining letters spell out a secret message.
    • Around the House: There are an unbelievable 100 words to find in this extra-tough word search puzzle. Can you find all the words that you can find around the house?
    • Harry Potter: In this hard word search printable, you’ll need to find a whopping 180 words that all have to do with the Harry Potter universe.

Make your own word search puzzles with the Word Search Maker! This easy-to-use tool allows you to provide your own word list and create custom word searches in minutes. You can then download and print them instantly, or play online the pre-made puzzles right away. So get creative and have some fun!

How do you create custom Word Search Puzzles?

It’s easy! Just provide your word list and the Word Search Maker will create a puzzle for you.

  • Enter your words into the text box provided. Make sure to add no more than 30 words.
  • Select the theme or topics of your word search.
  • Words should only include letters from a-z – uppercase or lowercase. You can use space and dash but these will be omitted while searching for your word search.
  • Make sure not to use any personal information if you want your puzzles added to our database.
  • When you are ready, click on “Regenerate” and the word search will be generated for you.
  • If you want to download and print your word search puzzle, just click on “Download PDF.” The word search will be downloaded as a PDF file which you can then print.

NOTE: These are randomly generated words so be sure to proofread carefully before using. You can also regenerate the puzzle with new array of words.

Puzzle Creator: (example: Mrs. Jones)

Enter your word list in the box below.

  • Use a comma or press enter between words.
  • Minimum word length: 3 letters
  • Maximum word length: 16 letters
  • Recommended number of words: 20

Level — Intermediate

· 18 x 12 grid
· Words hidden across, down, and diagonally
· No backwards words
· Medium font size
· Recommended for grades 2 — 4

Please note:

  • There may be a limit to the number and lengths of words hidden. If you have too many words or your words are too long, they may be left out of the puzzle. Please check your puzzle carefully to make sure all of your words are there.
  • Our word search generator uses a basic word filter to prevent the accidental, random creation of offensive words. When you create your puzzle, please check it over it carefully to be sure unintended words were not added by our random letter generator.

STW members are able to save their worksheets. You are not currently logged in and will not be able to save this file.

Sample Word Search Puzzle Generator Images

Below are two examples of beginner and intermediate Word Searches! The Word Search Maker creates the puzzle page as well as a solution page.

Word Search Maker

Word Search Maker Solution

Word Search Puzzle Generator

Word Search Puzzle Generator Solution

We have a large collection of word search puzzles online, with new ones being added regularly. They are fun to play, but also educational as they help to reinforce spelling.

The Benefits of Word Search Puzzles

  • First of all, our word search puzzles are 100% free to play and you can even go old school and print them off to enjoy offline later.
  • In addition, these puzzles are great for consolidating spelling, you can use this resource as an opening to other independent writing activities.
  • Above all, the more words you encounter and understand, the broader your day-to-day vocabulary will become, so they are a great way to increase your exposure to old and new words.

To get started playing, just select a level from below. Best of luck.

Word Search Puzzles for Basic English Learners

Pre A1 Beginner Level

Here are word search puzzles for students at a beginner level of English or Pre-A1 on the  CEFR scale.

A1 Elementary Level

For these puzzles, they are for students at an elementary level of English or A1 on the CEFR scale.

A2 Pre-Intermediate Level

In this section the puzzles are for students at a pre-intermediate level of English or A2 on the CEFR scale.

Word Search Puzzles for Independent English Learners

B1 Intermediate Level

For these puzzles, they are for students at an intermediate level of English or B1 on the CEFR scale.

B2 Upper Intermediate Level

In this section the puzzles are for students at an upper-intermediate level of English or B2 on the CEFR scale.

Word Search Puzzles for Proficient English Learners

C1 Advanced Level

For this last section, these puzzles are for students at an advanced level of English or C1 on the CEFR scale.

More puzzles, activities and games available:

First of all, why not try our match-up games to help you build up your vocabulary to dizzy heights.

In addition, our word puzzles are especially helpful as you try to retain new words in a different language.

Finally, our crossword puzzles help you to spell linked words correctly to be able to complete the task.

More activities available:

In addition, learning English requires not just a good vocabulary, but a strong foundation of English grammar to communicate effectively and our grammar exercises provide the practice for this purpose.

When learning vocabulary, especially helpful are our vocabulary exercises that are focussed on a theme or topic as these provide word retention practice, so you can be confident to read, write, speak and listen successfully.

Most importantly, once you are at a good level of English, you should combine your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar to understand and produce well-written pieces of text. We provide model text types for you to read and practice.

Check out our free online word search and word puzzle games. Find words forward, backward, diagonally, vertically or horizontally.

No Annoying Apps, No Software Downloads!

All games are browser-based. Our catalog is rendered in mobile-friendly HTML5, offering cross-device gameplay. You can play on mobile devices like Apple iPhones, Google Android powered cell phones from manufactures like Samsung, tablets like the iPad or Kindle Fire, laptops, and Windows-powered desktop computers. All game files are stored locally in your web browser cache. These games work in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and other modern web browsers.

2 Player Word Search

2 Player Word Search.

This is a multiplayer timed word search puzzle game. Customize your puzzle by choosing from among 8 topics (or all of them at once). Play by yourself or against a friend. published this game in 2 Player Word Search


2 Player Word Search.

This is a multiplayer timed word search puzzle game. Customize your puzzle by choosing from among 8 topics (or all of them at once). Play by yourself or against a friend. published this game in 2 Player Word Search


9 Words Search

9 Words Search game.

This is a simple word finding game. Choose from 3 different word themes and find all 9 words shown at the bottom center of the screen as fast as you can. published this game in Word Search


9 Words Search game.

This is a simple word finding game. Choose from 3 different word themes and find all 9 words shown at the bottom center of the screen as fast as you can. published this game in Word Search


Amazing World of Gumball Word Search

Amazing World of Gumball Word Search.

This is a word finding game themed for the hit Cartoon Network series. published this game in Gumball Word Search

/ One Comment

Amazing World of Gumball Word Search.

This is a word finding game themed for the hit Cartoon Network series. published this game in Gumball Word Search

/ One Comment

Be Cool Scooby Doo Word Search Game: Forward & Reverse

Be Cool Scooby Doo Word Search.

This is a word search game which uses words from the animated series and has players find them. The game offers two difficulty levels with many words being backward and diagonal on hard mode. See how long it takes you to complete the puzzle and how many stars you earn. published this game in Scooby Doo Word Search

/ One Comment

Be Cool Scooby Doo Word Search.

This is a word search game which uses words from the animated series and has players find them. The game offers two difficulty levels with many words being backward and diagonal on hard mode. See how long it takes you to complete the puzzle and how many stars you earn. published this game in Scooby Doo Word Search

/ One Comment

Christmas Word Search

Christmas Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Christmas Word Search


Christmas Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Christmas Word Search


Daily Word Search

Daily Word Search.

This is a word finding game that provides puzzles in 3 difficulty levels and puzzle sizes for each day of the year. published this game in Word Search

/ One Comment

Daily Word Search.

This is a word finding game that provides puzzles in 3 difficulty levels and puzzle sizes for each day of the year. published this game in Word Search

/ One Comment

Earth Day Word Search

Earth Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after natural conservation and protecting mother Earth. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Environmental Word Search


Earth Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after natural conservation and protecting mother Earth. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Environmental Word Search


Easter Word Search

Easter Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Easter Word Search


Easter Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Easter Word Search


Halloween Word Search Game

Halloween Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game where you find seasonally themed words in either a small or large puzzle. published this game in Halloween Word Search


Halloween Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game where you find seasonally themed words in either a small or large puzzle. published this game in Halloween Word Search


Happy New Year Word Search

Happy New Year Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in New Years Word Search


Happy New Year Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in New Years Word Search


Independence Day Word Search

Independence Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Independence Day Word Search


Independence Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Independence Day Word Search


Looking For The Words

Looking For The Words game.

This is a 3-category word search game for suitable for young learners. Find 9 fruit, animal, or food related words in a 10×10 letter grid. published this game in Word Search


Looking For The Words game.

This is a 3-category word search game for suitable for young learners. Find 9 fruit, animal, or food related words in a 10×10 letter grid. published this game in Word Search


Martin Luther King Day Word Search

Martin Luther King Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Holiday Word Search


Martin Luther King Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Holiday Word Search


Math Search

Math Search game.

In this game you must find the answers to the operators on the left side of the screen, word search style. Find all the hidden numbers before the timer runs out. Play through 8 stages with a 10-minute timer on each. Start with adding 3-digit numbers & as you advance move up to numbers as long as 5 digits while adding it subtraction, multiplication, & division. published this game in Math Word Search


Math Search game.

In this game you must find the answers to the operators on the left side of the screen, word search style. Find all the hidden numbers before the timer runs out. Play through 8 stages with a 10-minute timer on each. Start with adding 3-digit numbers & as you advance move up to numbers as long as 5 digits while adding it subtraction, multiplication, & division. published this game in Math Word Search


Math Word Search: Math Solving & Word Seeking Game for Students

Math Word Search.

This is a unique math solving and word searching game for students and kids. Players must solve the equations on the left side of the game. Then they must find the word of the answer across the word puzzle. Complete the game on easy or hard mode. published this game in Division Math Multiplication Word Search

/ One Comment

Math Word Search.

This is a unique math solving and word searching game for students and kids. Players must solve the equations on the left side of the game. Then they must find the word of the answer across the word puzzle. Complete the game on easy or hard mode. published this game in Division Math Multiplication Word Search

/ One Comment

Memorial Day Word Search

Memorial Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Holiday Word Search


Memorial Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Holiday Word Search


OMG Word Genius

OMG Word Genius game.

This is a hidden word puzzle game with 108 levels. Connect all the letters in the proper order to find them in the jumble. All the letters in a jumble form part of a word. published this game in Spelling Word Search


OMG Word Genius game.

This is a hidden word puzzle game with 108 levels. Connect all the letters in the proper order to find them in the jumble. All the letters in a jumble form part of a word. published this game in Spelling Word Search


Presidents’ Day Word Search

Presidents' Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Holiday Word Search


Presidents' Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Holiday Word Search


Saint Patrick’s Day Word Search

Saint Patrick's Day Word Search game.

This is a simple luck of the Irish word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in St Patrick’s Day Word Search


Saint Patrick's Day Word Search game.

This is a simple luck of the Irish word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in St Patrick’s Day Word Search


Thanksgiving Word Search

Thanksgiving Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Thanksgiving Word Search


Thanksgiving Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can. published this game in Thanksgiving Word Search


TRZ Word Search

TRZ Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game with 20 word categories ranging from animals, colors, drinks, foods, fruits, house, human body, professions and the United States. This game automatically highlights all instances of a selected letter, which can help you find the words. published this game in Word Search


TRZ Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game with 20 word categories ranging from animals, colors, drinks, foods, fruits, house, human body, professions and the United States. This game automatically highlights all instances of a selected letter, which can help you find the words. published this game in Word Search


Waffle Word Finder Game


Waffle is a free online word search game where players can find words in any order.

Spell words by drawing lines through the letter tiles. Spelling may be forward or backward with tiles being used vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or any combination in conjunction so long as you can draw line segments directly connecting the tiles in sequence. published this game in Word Search



Waffle is a free online word search game where players can find words in any order.

Spell words by drawing lines through the letter tiles. Spelling may be forward or backward with tiles being used vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or any combination in conjunction so long as you can draw line segments directly connecting the tiles in sequence. published this game in Word Search


WF Revolution

WF Revolution.

This is a hidden word search game inspired by Boggle. Use hints to identify what words to look for. Connect the letters in the right order to find all the words in the jumble. published this game in Word Search


WF Revolution.

This is a hidden word search game inspired by Boggle. Use hints to identify what words to look for. Connect the letters in the right order to find all the words in the jumble. published this game in Word Search


Word Finder

Word Finder.

This is a simple word search game comprising words from 10 different categories. Play through 3 difficulty levels as fast as you can. published this game in Word Search


Word Finder.

This is a simple word search game comprising words from 10 different categories. Play through 3 difficulty levels as fast as you can. published this game in Word Search


Word Play: Disney Word Finding Game

Disney Word Play Game.

This is a word finding puzzle where players must use all letters from each puzzle as parts of words to move on to the next word. Play novice, intermediate, or pro puzzles themed after Descendants 3, The Owl House, Raven’s Home, Big City Greens, or Bunk’d. published this game in Word Search


Disney Word Play Game.

This is a word finding puzzle where players must use all letters from each puzzle as parts of words to move on to the next word. Play novice, intermediate, or pro puzzles themed after Descendants 3, The Owl House, Raven’s Home, Big City Greens, or Bunk’d. published this game in Word Search


Word Search

Word Search game.

This is a simple word clearing game for young children. Link the letters together to form words. Keep forming words until all of the letters on the grid are gone. published this game in Word Search

/ One Comment

Word Search game.

This is a simple word clearing game for young children. Link the letters together to form words. Keep forming words until all of the letters on the grid are gone. published this game in Word Search

/ One Comment

Word Search Creator

Word Search Creator.

This game lets you make your own word search puzzles that you can play online or save and print to share with others. List down up to 15 search items to look for and let the game do the rest. published this game in Word Search


Word Search Creator.

This game lets you make your own word search puzzles that you can play online or save and print to share with others. List down up to 15 search items to look for and let the game do the rest. published this game in Word Search


Word Search Game

Word Search Game.

This is a simple customizable word finding game. Choose from 6 categories including animals, computer, countries, fruits, music, and vegetables. Find words in 6 playable languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. published this game in Word Search


Word Search Game.

This is a simple customizable word finding game. Choose from 6 categories including animals, computer, countries, fruits, music, and vegetables. Find words in 6 playable languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. published this game in Word Search


Word Search Premium

Word Search Premium.

This is a challenging word search game where you must find a set of words in a 20 x 30 grid. published this game in Word Search


Word Search Premium.

This is a challenging word search game where you must find a set of words in a 20 x 30 grid. published this game in Word Search


Word Search Pro

Word Search Pro.

This is a simple timed word finding game with a customizable background. Choose from 10 themes and find all the words listed. published this game in Word Search


Word Search Pro.

This is a simple timed word finding game with a customizable background. Choose from 10 themes and find all the words listed. published this game in Word Search


Word Search Puzzle

Word Search Puzzle.

This is a simple geography-themed word search game. Find all the answers to the hints on the right side of the screen before you lose all your points. published this game in Word Search


Word Search Puzzle.

This is a simple geography-themed word search game. Find all the answers to the hints on the right side of the screen before you lose all your points. published this game in Word Search


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